2021 August Dixie Bill Stuffer

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ENERGY EFFICIENCY TI P OF T H E MO NT H The average household owns 24 electronic products, which account for roughly 12% of home energy use. When shopping for electronics, consider purchasing ENERGY STAR®-certified products, which can be 70% more efficient than conventional models. Source: Energystar.gov

Ravioli Lasagna Ingredients: 1 pound ground beef Minced fresh basil, optional 1 jar (28 ounces) spaghetti sauce 1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 1 package (25 ounces) frozen sausage or cheese ravioli Directions: In a large skillet, cook beef over medium heat until no longer pink; drain. In a greased 2 1/2 quart baking dish, layer a third of the spaghetti sauce, half of the ravioli and beef, and 1/2 cup cheese; repeat layers. Top with remaining sauce and cheese. Cover and bake at 400° until heated through, 40-45 minutes. If desired, top with basil to serve.

Co-opcurrents For Dixie Electric Cooperative Member-Owners August 2021

Move Over Law

At Dixie, safety is one of our highest priorities. While our crews do everything they can to stay safe, busy roadsides are one of the most dangerous places they can work. If you see utility or emergency vehicles on the side of the road, remember the Move Over Law and: Drive cautiously - always look out and ahead for vehicles on the side of the road Safely change lanes - use your signal to move over when it is clear to change lanes Slow down - decrease speed and remember to stay at a reasonable pace for traffic flow

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At the end of July 2021, we mailed packets to our member-owners that included information regarding trustee elections, a ballot, and a business reply envelope. Samples of the packet contents are shown below, and details can be found in your August issue of Alabama Living. We encourage everyone to take the time to review the packet when it is received, and, most importantly, take the time to vote. Ballots must be received at the office of the independent auditor by close of business on Aug. 31, 2021 in order to be counted. By completing your ballot and returning it to our independent auditor, you can earn a $5 credit on your October power bill. Just mark your ballot to cast your vote on the trustee elections. Then mail it to our independent auditor in the self-addressed postage paid envelope provided. It is that simple.

Trustee Election Information Dear Member-Owner:

August 2021

We are conducting our annual trustee elections through the mail balloting process permitted under the bylaws previously approved by the members. Information regarding the trustees who have been nominated for election and the election process is also included in this booklet. To facilitate a vote on the election of trustees, the board of trustees has scheduled our annual meeting in accordance with our bylaws for Sept. 16, 2021. Subject to the notice below as to not permitting an inperson presence at the meeting, registration and voting, for those who do not vote by mail, will be open from 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. at the cooperative’s office located at 9100 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, Ala. The meeting will begin promptly at 6 p.m. with the results of the election votes being announced during the meeting. Although the annual meeting is intended to be held in person, the cooperative hereby reserves the right to hold the annual meeting solely by mail balloting, virtually or other permissible means without any members physically present other than trustees and officers present, if necessary in order to comply with applicable public health guidance at the time of the decision including after taking into consideration any applicable health measures and their respective costs, such as social distancing, mask requirements, prohibitions on size of gatherings, or otherwise or if the board of trustees otherwise determines, in its sole discretion, that permitting in person presence of members in a large gathering is not in the best interests of the health, safety, or welfare of the cooperative’s employees or members, in which case matters will be approved solely by mail balloting. If the cooperative determines to hold the meeting through means other than an in person meeting at which the members may be present, the cooperative shall notify the membership of such decision and details of the change by posting to the cooperative’s website or through email or other method of notice as determined by the cooperative. Please make sure to submit your ballots. Very sincerely yours, The Board of Trustees of Dixie Electric Cooperative

Source: CDC, Energy.gov

Post Office Box 242189 | Montgomery, AL 36124 Customer Service 1.888.349.4332 Outage Reporting 1.800.239.1367 Automated Account Info 1.866.285.2359 www.dixie.coop | pr@dixie.coop

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