2022 February Dixie Bill Stuffer

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Maximize your heating system's performance by inspecting, cleaning or replacing air filters once a month or as needed to reduce energy costs and prevent potential damage to your system. Make sure radiators, baseboard heaters and warm-air registers aren't blocked so air can flow freely. Source: Energy.gov

Creamy Brussels Sprouts

Ingredients: Salt and Pepper, to taste 2 tsp. garlic, minced 2 tbsp. butter 2 tbsp. flour

12 oz. bacon, thick cut, cut into pieces 1 ½ cups heavy cream, or half and half 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese, shredded 2 lbs. Brussels Sprouts, halved

Directions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cook bacon in skillet until crisp. Remove bacon and discard all but 3 tbsp. of grease. Add Brussels sprouts to pan. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook on medium-high, about 6 minutes. Add garlic, cook until fragrant. Move sprouts to baking dish. Melt butter in pan on medium and then whisk in flour. Gradually whisk in heavy cream. Stir in Parmesan, cook until melted. Pour mixture over sprouts and bacon and stir to coat. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.

Co-opcurrents For Dixie Electric Cooperative Member-Owners February 2022

Call Before You Dig

811 is the number you should call before you begin any digging project. They mark the location of buried utilities with paint or flags so that you will not unintentionally dig into an underground utility line. Once all of your utilities have been located, you can safely start your digging project. Whether you are a homeowner or a professional excavator, one call to 811 gets your underground utility lines marked for free.

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Co-op Energy Efficiency Program Dixie's Energy Efficiency Program is designed with you and your home in mind! It consists of a rebate program, a loan program, and a free home energy audit. Our rebate and loan programs help manage the cost of installing energy efficient home improvements. The home energy audit will identify specific upgrades that could improve the efficiency of your home, which can save money and energy.

Home Energy Audit An energy audit is the first step to determining how you can get the most efficiency out of your home. An audit can also help determine the source of any inconsistencies in your usage. If you are interested in taking advantage of this free service, simply give us a call or contact us at rebates@dixie.coop for more details.

Energy Efficiency Loan The Energy Efficiency Loan Program is designed to help members improve efficiency and comfort in their homes. We have a low-interest loan option for financing energy-efficient home improvements. This loan is financed through an agreement with Regions Bank. Financing is dependent upon credit approval.

Rebate Program The Rebate Program offers rebates for installing high-efficiency dual-fuel or mini-split heat pumps and for manufactured homes. Members can qualify for rebates up to $350 per ton depending on the efficiency of the heat pump. Purchasing a manufactured home? We can help make your residence more energy efficient and reduce your heating costs by an average of $550 per year. Think of this savings as a way of treating yourself to an additional refund! Already in a manufactured home? There are rebates available for upgrades to your existing electric furnace! You can get a rebate of up to $400 per ton for replacing an electric furnace with a high-efficiency heat pump. In addition, you may qualify for low-interest financing. Plus, you’ll enjoy comfort and lower heating costs for years to come. The Co-op Energy Efficiency Program was created by your co-op for you, your home, and your life. Adding small or large upgrades to your home can make a big impact on your energy use and your monthly bill. For more information, please contact our energy auditor, Amy Calhoun, at 1-888-349-4332 or email her at rebates@dixie.coop.

Source: CDC, Energy.gov

Post Office Box 242189 | Montgomery, AL 36124 Customer Service Outage Reporting Automated Account Info

1.888.349.4332 1.800.239.1367 1.866.285.2359

www.dixie.coop | pr@dixie.coop

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