2022 Dixie Electric Bill Stuffer

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Some manufacturers set water heater thermostats at 140 degrees, but most households usually only require them to be set at 120 degrees. Consider lowering your water heater's temperature to save energy and slow mineral buildup in the heater and pipes. Source: Energy.gov

Banana Oatmeal Pancakes Ingredients: 2 ripe bananas 2 eggs 1 cup of oats Mix-ins and toppings of your choice Directions: Mix the bananas, eggs and oats together in a blender on low speed. Grease your skillet and preheat on low. Pour batter into skillet (about 1/6 of batter for each pancake). Allow the pancakes to cook through on one side before flipping. If using mix-ins, like vanilla, cinnamon, berries, nuts, etc, you can add them on the uncooked side of the pancakes before flipping. Flip and cook on the other side until done; repeat for remainder of the batter. Serve with your favorite pancake toppings.

Co-opcurrents For Dixie Electric Cooperative Member-Owners March 2022

Protect Your Devices with Surge Suppression Equipment A power surge is typically caused by lightning, changes in electrical loads, faulty wiring or damaged power lines. Consider all the expensive electronics you have in your house. You will probably be surprised by the financial investment you have in these items. It's important to protect your investments, so why not use quality surge suppression devices to protect these expensive electronics? Your cooperative offers a variety of surge devices to meet your home's needs. To learn more about quality surge suppression equipment, give us a call and we can help you select the devices that are best for you.

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The newness of spring is an exciting time of year! However, sunnier days can mean heat buildup around your home. Heat from the sun absorbs through windows and roofs which increases home cooling costs. Thoughtfully placed plants can shade your home, blocking excess heat. When planning your next planting project, consider what type of trees or plants might be best for you!

Evergreen Trees Low Shrubs

Deciduous Trees

• DECIDUOUS TREES: To block sunlight in the summer but let it in during the winter, use deciduous trees with high spreading crowns (i.e. leaves and branches). These trees have lush leaves in the spring and summer that will fall when the seasons change. • EVERGREEN TREES: To provide continuous shade or to block heavy winds, use dense evergreen trees or shrubs. • SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVER PLANTS: These can shade the ground around your home, reducing heat radiation and cooling the air before it even reaches your home's walls and windows.

REMEMBER: Always call 811 before starting any digging project! Plant trees far enough away from your home so that when they mature, their roots will not damage your foundation. Avoid planting near underground transformers or overhead power lines as this can potentially create hazards for you and our linemen. A slow-growing tree may require years of growth before it can shade your roof, but they will typically live longer than a fast-growing tree. Also, slow-growing trees often have deeper roots and stronger branches, so they are less prone to breakage by storms. Source: Energy.gov Source: CDC, Energy.gov

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