Bartholomew County REMC 2021 Annual Report

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Bartholomew County REMC

2021 Annual Report

table of

contents COOP E R ATIVE P RO F I L E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 EXECU TIVE R E P O RT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 S TATEME NTS OF O P ER AT I O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 BA L ANCE S HE E TS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 YEA R S IN CO M PAR I SO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 COMM ITM E NT TO C O M M U N I T Y. . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 2021 ACCO M P LIS H M EN T S & ACHI E VE ME NTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 PAYM E NT OP TION S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 PROD U CTS & S E R V I C E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 BCREMC B OARD O F D I R EC TO R S . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

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profile Bartholomew County Rural Electric Membership Corporation (BCREMC), headquartered in Columbus, Indiana, is a member-owned electric cooperative that has supplied electric power to member-owners in Bartholomew County since its incorporation on May 19, 1937. Bartholomew County REMC also serves portions of Jennings, Jackson and Decatur counties. The cooperative is wholly-owned by the members it serves and is governed by a board of directors elected by memberowners in each of the 7 voting districts. There is a staff of 35 employees to serve the many residential, small farm, business and industrial accounts. Bartholomew County REMC has 1,235 miles of line, serving its member-owners and 11,925 active metered services as of 12-31-21. Bartholomew County REMC remains committed to the cooperative spirit and continually strives to go beyond the members’ expectations to provide the best electric service possible.




Dear Cooperative Members: At Bartholomew County REMC we believe in the power of possibility within our cooperative. In 2021, we pursued opportunities to strengthen our reliability measures, while our employees achieved personal growth and development. As the pandemic continued to provide challenges in 2021, we showed the willingness to push through the limitations and find ways to achieve our goals. Because we missed seeing you in person in 2020, we brought back our member appreciation event. In the fall of 2021, we held our first ever drive through event where members safely interacted with our employees. We had 575 cars visit us, with 1,100 Chick-Fil-A gift cards and bags of kettle corn handed out. It was so good to see all of you! Our employees made great strides this year, some received promotions, 40% participated in continuing education, and others returned to school for personal growth. We had seven employees enroll in lineman or meter training school. You may see a few 2

new faces here at the coop too, as we welcomed three new employees to our team in 2021. See pages 12-13 for more of our 2021 accomplishments and achievements. We had a solid year financially in 2021, with 44.3 million in sales revenue and 1.4 million in margins, our profit for the year. We stayed under budget in both capital and controllable expenses, maintaining equity at 61.6%. The Balanced Scorecard is a trusted tool electric cooperatives use to measure performance and overall execution in member satisfaction, safety, reliability, and cost control. We continued with our exemplary service to our members, achieving our highest ever ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index) score at 91. In 2021, we maintained consistent reliability numbers. Our average outage duration per customer was 67 minutes (excluding major events). More than a third of our members did not experience an outage within the year, as our average number of outages per member was .6.

Our average outage duration, also known as our average restoration time, was 121 minutes. We continue to invest in tree trimming and system grid upgrades (work plan) to maintain a high level of reliability for our members. On the safety front, we met our days away and restricted duty goal. The safety and well-being of our employees and members remains our highest priority. Your board of directors approved a capital credit retirement of $743,000 from 1995 and 1996. Hoosier Energy, our wholesale power provider, also retired $323,940 from 1993. As a member-owner, you are entitled to your share of the cooperative margins (profit). When these margins are returned as capital credits, you are seeing the return on your investment. This is one of the benefits of being served by a nonprofit utility. For active members of the co-op, capital credits were returned in the form of a bill credit for the first time in December to save on administrative costs and postage, while previous members received their capital credits in the standard fashion.

Giving back to the community continues to be a primary focus for BCREMC and its directors and employees. BCREMC contributed to programs and efforts, giving more than $27,200 in Operation Round Up grants and $20,000 to the United Way in payroll deduction and corporate gifts. See pages 10-11 for more details. We understand how important energy efficiency is to our members and continue to offer an incentive program to help members understand their energy usage and lower their electric bills. In 2021, we rebated over $72,800 to our residential members and $29,990 to our industrial customers through our incentive program, provided by Hoosier Energy. At Bartholomew County REMC, we continue to push past the boundaries and build on new possibilities. We are devoted to safe, reliable, and affordable energy because of the powerful impact it has on our members. It is our privilege to serve you now and into the future.

Curt Burbrink President, Board of Directors

Courtney Metzger Chief Executive Officer


statements of



Operating Revenues Operating Expenses Purchased Power Operation & Maintenance Customer, Administrative & General Depreciation Taxes Interest & Other Deductions

Total Operating Expenses Total Operating Margins Non-Operating Income Interest Income & Other Margins Patronage Capital from Associated Organizations


2021 income

by rate class Residential $21,150,141 Lighting $343,271 Commercial $5,326,458 Industrial $16,151,152 EDR (Economic Development Rate)




















$42,948,944 $1,354,617

$41,782,799 $2,370,138







2021 expenses

by category

Purchase Power $31,550,351 Operations/Maintenance $3,391,101 Taxes $628,725 Interest $886,459 Customer Service $870,957 Depreciation $2,708,874 Administrative & General $2,912,477 5


sheets DECEMBER 31

Assets Utility Plant Construction Work in Progress Accumulated Depreciation

Net Plant


Other Assets Capital Credit Certificates From Other Associations Current & Accrued Assets

Total Assets


Equities & Liabilities Membership Patronage Capital Other Equities Total Equities Long Term Debt Total Current Liabilities Deferred Credits

Total Liabilities & Member Equity





































years in

comparison NET ASSETS shown in millions of dollars

21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

47.9 47.4 47.1 46.3 45.9 44.9 42.3 38.9 36.2 35.6

EQUITY shown in millions of dollars

21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

45.6 44.6 44.0 40.9 38.6 38.0 36.8 35.6 33.5 31.0

OPERATING MARGINS shown in thousands of dollars

21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 8


-648 272 442


1,022 1,278 1,197

2,370 2,502

OPERATING REVENUES shown in millions of dollars

21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

44.3 44.2 45.9 45.9 40.7 41.8 41.7 42.0 39.6 38.5

PURCHASED POWER shown in millions of dollars

21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

31.6 30.0 31.6 32.4 30.1 31.4 31.5 32.1 29.8 28.8

KWH SALES shown in millions of kWh

21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

412 388 412 430 404 410 406 416 398 392 9

commitment to

community Operation Round Up

Operation Round Up® grants awarded — from Bartholomew County REMC members rounding up electric bills to the next highest dollar — reached a grand total of $902,350 given to our community since the program started in 1997. Round Up donations are awarded through a grant process to worthy community causes. From January through December 2021, Trustees awarded $27,200 that aided 10 organizations.

2021 Operation Round Up Board of Trustees Gary Dismore, Chair Tammy Hege, Vice-Chair Kim Speaker, Secretary/Treasurer Brett Ferry

Jill Forster Jason Schroer Leighton Turner

2021 Operation Round Up Grants Awarded Bartholomew County Humane Society Bartholomew County School Supply Assistance Program Geneva Recreation Center Reins to Recovery Ivy Tech Community College Foundation Hope Food Bank Jennings County Coordinating Council Love Chapel Columbus East and North Food Banks Salvation Army Total


Recycling Dumpster Fencing 2021 Program Assistance Playground Equipment Horse Arena Entrance Improvements Games for Incentive Program Food Bank Donation

$1,000 $5,000 $2,000 $1,200 $3,000 $2,000

Food Basket Donation


Food Bank Donation


Food Bank Donation


Food Bank Donation

$4,000 $27,200

local giving United Way Campaign Contribution Bartholomew County REMC employees and directors have been United Way supporters for many years. The total contribution in 2021 to the United Way of Bartholomew County campaign, including payroll deductions and other contributions was $20,000.

Cooperative Community Day Project at Anderson Falls Bartholomew County REMC employees cleaned and worked to remove graffiti on rocks and structures at Anderson Falls. BCREMC also installed security cameras to prevent future vandalism. Giving back to our community has, and will continue to be a priority at BCREMC.

Wreaths Across Bartholomew County Bartholomew County REMC proudly supports “Wreaths Across Bartholomew County” organized by the Sons of the American Legion, Post 24. This initiative strives to cover all veterans’ grave markers with a Christmas wreath. The “Wreaths Across America” mission is to remember our fallen heroes and honor those who serve and teach our children about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families.


Reorganization with 8 promotions

Conducted a assessment thr Purdue Execu MBA progra Two employees earned Journeyman Lineman status

Added load growth with a new industrial member and neighbor

Joined the county-wide broadband initiative

First drive thro Member Appreci Day held 40% of our employees participated in continuing education

Highest ACSI (American Customer Service Index) score ever at 91 More than a third of our members did not experience an outage

2021 showed us the power of what is possible when we had to adjust, once again, to the “new normal”. Our cooperative continues to overcome obstacles and focus on the betterment of our employees and membership. Throughout the year, we were reminded of how our efforts could be accelerated and amplified by working together. Reflecting on the year, here is how BCREMC turned possibilities into accomplishments and achievements in 2021. 12

5 state-wide or local leadership certificates achieved

nducted a risk ssment through due Executive BA program

One employee retired after 40 years of service

drive through er Appreciation Day held

2 employees working on finishing degrees

Hired 3 new employees

7 employees enrolled in lineman or meter training school

accomplishments & Achievements

2021 13


options Recurring Monthly Payments Upon establishing a login with SmartHub, we can deduct your monthly bill from your credit card, checking or savings account. Login with your account information or register at bcremc.

Online or SmartHub App Simply go to to pay your bill without registering. You can pay on our website directly using your credit/debit card, checking or savings account. Payments can also be made through our SmartHub app. Download our app by searching SmartHub in your app store.

Office – Stop by our office to pay You may stop by our office anytime Monday through Friday during the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to make your payment at 1697 W. Deaver Road. There is also a drop box at this location to drop off payments at any time.

Over the Phone – Call 1-844-344-4369 Call our automated payment number anytime 24/7 to pay over the phone. We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express and bank account information over the secure phone line. Automatic payments may also be set up with these methods.

Downtown Location – Drop off at Horizon Bank You may drop your payment off at Horizon Bank located at 655 Third St. A drop box is located on the far right-lane of the drive through, specifically for BCREMC payments.

USPS – Mail your payment via U.S. Postal Service Mail your payment with your remittance to our lock-box service located on your bill remittance or mail to P.O. Box 467, Columbus, IN 47202. Please allow time for payment to be received before the due date to avoid a late fee.

Payment Arrangements If you are not able to pay your bill, a short-term arrangement may be set up. This must be done on our website or in the office prior to the disconnect date on your bill. $50 or 10% of your total bill (whichever is more) is due when signing an arrangement. If an arrangement is broken, you will not be allowed to set-up another for 12 months.


products and


Mobile Apps for Phones/Tablets

Notifications and Reminders

Get on-the-go access to your account information, pay your bill, see your usage, or report an outage through our mobile app for iPhone®, iPad®, and Android™ phones and tablets. Search SmartHub in your app store.

Register or login with SmartHub to receive a variety of notifications that provide information about your account and payment activity.

Rate Options BCREMC offers a number of options to help members manage electric bills. Consider the timeof-use rate, levelized billing, or pre-pay option.

Life Support Let us know if you have specific life-support equipment powered by electricity at your residence. Written and signed documentation from the doctor is required stating that loss of power would be a serious and immediate threat to the health or safety of the designated person.

Incentive Program We offer cash incentives for heat pumps, geothermal systems, heat pump water heaters, HVAC TuneUps, and electric lawn equipment. See our website or incentive program brochure for complete details.

Co-op Connections Card Show your card at any of the participating businesses or pharmacies and receive the discount. It’s that easy! And it’s FREE! Cards are available at the BCREMC office.

Surge Protection Meter base surge protection is available to protect surges from entering your home through power lines.

GenerLink™ Connect your generator at the meter base with this connector and control your backup power through your breaker box. No need for a transfer switch or additional wiring.

My Solar Bartholomew County REMC is excited to offer My Solar, a cooperative solar program. Invest in solar energy by buying a panel for $500 and receive the credit for what the panel produces or pay an extra 1¢ per kWh for a green energy option.


board of directors


DISTRICT 1 Larry Hoeltke

DISTRICT 5 Ron Arnholt

DISTRICT 2 Dr. John D. Harker, Vice President

DISTRICT 6 Curt Burbrink, President

DISTRICT 3 Dan Fleming, Treasurer

DISTRICT 7 Janet Anthony, Secretary

DISTRICT 4 Brett Glick




vision our


Achieve the highest level of electric cooperative standards across the country. Measured by satisfaction, safety, reliability & cost.

To enrich the well-being of our membership and community.

1697 W. Deaver Rd. Columbus, IN 47201 (812) 372-2546 - Office (800) 927-5672 - Outage (844) 344-4369 - Account info

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