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Ways to Cool Off Your Kitchen This Summer
Using large appliances on hot summer days can counteract the job your air-conditioning system is trying to do. As the A/C pumps cool air into your house, your oven is busy heating up your kitchen.
Turn the oven off. Instead, cook food in the microwave, a crockpot, an Instant Pot, an outdoor grill or an air fryer. None of these appliances heats up your kitchen like an oven does.
And while you’re swearing off large appliances during the summer, be aware that your dishwasher, washing machine and dryer also send heat into the indoor air and prevent your A/C from keeping your house cool unless you turn the thermostat way down.
An easy solution? Wait until after dark, when the outdoor air cools off a bit, to wash your dishes and clothes. Evenings are usually cooler than days, so as the outdoor air calms down, your air conditioner doesn’t have to work so hard.