Canoochee EMC Foundation Scholarships Awarded
TThe Canoochee EMC Foundation has announced this year’s recipients of the Canoochee EMC Foundation Scholarship. The top scholarship, named after Canoochee EMC’s first employee Mary Shuptrine Tootle and valued at $4,000, was awarded to Christopher Austin Wynns at Liberty County High School.
The following students each earned a $3,000 Canoochee EMC Foundation Scholarship:
Eben Michael Banks
Aniston June Callanan
Pearce A. Dutton
Jena Hales
Kate Adeline Jarriel
Caiden Leigh Kirby
Mollie Lane
Carson Lanier
Charlotte Korinne Mathis
Tristan Mcneal
Kathleen Richey
Landon Joshua Runyon
Ah’mere Sharpe
Brannen Cole Thompson
Addison Olivia Waters

Ways to Cool Off Your Kitchen This Summer
sing large appliances on hot summer days can counteract the job your air-conditioning system is trying to do. As the A/C pumps cool air into your house, your oven is busy heating up your kitchen.
Turn the oven off. Instead, cook food in the microwave, a crockpot, an Instant Pot, an outdoor grill or an air fryer. None of these appliances heats up your kitchen like an oven does.
And while you’re swearing off large appliances during the summer,
be aware that your dishwasher, washing machine and dryer also send heat into the indoor air and prevent your A/C from keeping your house cool unless you turn the thermostat way down.
An easy solution? Wait until after dark, when the outdoor air cools off a bit, to wash your dishes and clothes. Evenings are usually cooler than days, so as the outdoor air calms down, your air conditioner doesn’t have to work so hard.

Skip Installing A/C in Your Hot Garage
t doesn’t make sense to install an air-conditioning system in a garage, because the cool air will leak right through the door, ceiling and walls. But you can keep the space a bit more comfortable this summer by adding insulation.
Insulated walls, ceilings and doors can block the heat so it doesn’t
penetrate the inside of the garage, and this can keep the cool, conditioned air indoors where it belongs. In the winter, it can help keep the cold air out.
If you need a new garage door, choose an energy-efficient model, which can reduce energy loss through the garage door by up to 71%, according to manufacturer Clopay.

Canoochee EMC Nominating Committee
Members of the 2024 Canoochee EMC Nominating Committee listed below will meet at Canoochee EMC’s main office to make nominations for the three director positions that will be voted on during the 2024 Annual Meeting of Members on Oct. 8, 2024. The committee’s report will be posted in the main office in Reidsville following the committee meeting.
Nominations by petition will be accepted until Aug. 18, 2024. Nominations by petition must be signed by at least 25 active members and submitted in writing to Secretary of the Board of Directors LaNell Oliver or her designee, Chief Executive Officer Michael Wasson, on or before Aug. 18, 2024.
Directors whose terms expire in 2024 include:
Lavanda Lynn–District 2
Ed Bradley–District 5
Robert Dasher–District 8
Only one director from each district may serve on the board at one time, and nominees for a district must reside in that district.
2024 Nominating Committee Members
District 1–Jessie Rhodes
District 2–Ronnie Holland
Distract 3–Tina Eason
District 4–Noah Covington
District 5–Mike Dollar
District 6–Don Martin
District 7–Carroll Anderson
District 8–Shane Brannen
District 9–Barry Miller 2024
Meeting of Members
The Transformer
Official Publication of Canoochee EMC
P.O. Box 487
Reidsville, GA 30453
(800) 342-0134
Joseph A. Sikes, Editor
Connie Thrift .................... District 3
Bob Floyd District 4
Vice President
Kim Blocker District 9
LaNell M. Oliver District 6
Ed Bradley Jr. District 5
Robert Dasher District 8
Kenneth L. Durrence District 7
Lavanda Lynn District 2
Bernard Purvis District 1
Michael Wasson, Chief Executive Officer
Andy Whiten, Chief Operations Officer
Mat Olson, Chief Financial Officer
Patrick Burkhalter, Chief Administration Officer
Kyle E. Durrence, Member Services Manager
1. Check your fuses or breakers.
2. Check with your neighbors.
3. Call (800) 342-0134 or (912) 557-4391. There is a dispatcher on call 24 hours a day for your convenience.
Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Saturday, Sunday and holidays
Branch offices Highway 196 West Hinesville, GA 31313
Highway 280 East Pembroke, GA 31321
C C Canoochee EMC Earns ACSI® 2023 Customer Satisfaction Award
anoochee EMC is honored to have earned a 2023 Customer Satisfaction Award* from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®) based on member survey results.
Members were asked to rate their overall satisfaction with Canoochee EMC, how well we lived up to their expectations and how well we measured up to their ideal co-op experience. While these were not the only questions in the survey, we included these specifically because they are the core components of the proprietary ACSI methodology.
Canoochee EMC’s ACSI score of 84 substantially outperforms the industry average score of 75 earned by publicly measured utilities reported in the 2023 ACSI Energy Utility Study. This award is a testament to Canoochee EMC’s ongoing efforts to provide the best possible member experience.
The 2023 Customer Satisfaction Award affirms that Canoochee EMC’s hard work has been noticed by its members. We are grateful for our members and will continue to strive for excellence with our constant dedication to improvement.
*Award criteria are determined by the ACSI® and based on customers rating their satisfaction in a survey independent of the syndicated ACSI Energy Utility Study. To learn more, visit ACSI and its logo are registered trademarks of the American Customer Satisfaction Index LLC.
Congratulations to Shirley Grooms of Glennville for being selected as the July 2024 Touchstone Energy Senior Citizen of the Month.