A Publication for North Arkansas Electric Cooperative Members
Members elect Knight Loftis to NAEC Board

North Arkansas Electric Cooperative members elected Heather Knight Loftis of Mountain Home to a six-year systemat-large position on the NAEC Board of Directors.

Survey & Ballot Systems of Minnesota conducted the election on NAEC’s behalf. They mailed each member a ballot, candidate biography and 2022 Annual Report in May. Ballots received by Survey & Ballot Systems by June 16 were considered valid.
Attorney Roger Morgan announced the election results during the 83rd Annual Meeting at NAEC’s Salem office June 20. Knight Loftis was nominated by the nominating committee. No petitions were received, so she ran unopposed. Survey & Ballot Systems received 2,448 ballots from NAEC members with 2,412 voting for Knight Loftis.
CEO Mel Coleman and co-op senior staff also shared updates on their respective areas.
A recording of the meeting is posted at
Future leaders
North Arkansas Electric Cooperative Youth Tour delegates, from left, David Williams, Briley Hickman, Jude Everett and Kaden Wendfeldt visit the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. They joined a group of teenagers from across the state on the all-expenses-paid trip that explored museums, monuments and memorials June 16-22. Everett and Williams attend Izard County Consolidated School District. Hickman attends the Mountain Home School District, and Wendfeldt attends Mountain Home Christian Academy. See more photos on the Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas Youth Tour Facebook page.

PLEASE DON’T STAPLE — NAEC requests that members not use staples when mailing their check alongside the coupon included in the bottom portion of the statement. We appreciate you helping us process your payment efficiently. You also might consider automatic bank draft for paying your electric bill each month. The free service will save you postage and time and avoid the hassle of providing credit or debit card information again if the card is compromised or expired. Stop by an NAEC office or call 870-895-3221 to enroll in automatic bank draft or for more information.
Summer is a prime opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. To reduce home energy use, avoid using your oven and use a grill instead. Not only will cooking outdoors eliminate the electricity used to power the stove, but it also will avoid raising the temperature inside your home, reducing the need for air conditioning or cooling. You can also avoid using the oven with tasty no-bake recipes. —