1 minute read
Decatur County REMC is a not-for-profit electric cooperative governed by a board of directors made up of Decatur County REMC members. As a member, YOU are an owner.
Capital Credits
One benefit of cooperative membership is the allocation of capital credits. As a not-for-profit cooperative, any margins that Decatur County REMC generates which exceed expenses are allocated back to our members in the form of capital credits. Decatur County REMC retires, or pays capital credits on a 30 year cycle. Capital credits represent a significant source of equity for the cooperative and reflect each member’s ownership in, and contribution to, the cooperative.
Members are invited and encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting each year. The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to conduct any cooperative business, announce elected directors, and celebrate you. Information about the Annual Meeting and Voting will be sent to each member by mail, along with all outlets of member communication.
Member Communication
Stay up to date on what is going on at your cooperative.
INDIANA CONNECTIONSMonthly statewide publication mailed to each member.
EMAILRegister for SmartHub and receive updates straight to your inbox.
BILL INSERTSReceived in your monthly bill statement.
WEBSITE Visit www.dcremc.com