FLASHES West Florida Electric, Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative
Restoring Power Safely and Efficiently Pages 8-9
Read Online
72, NO 5
Minimizing the Impact of Increasing Power Costs
...pgs. 3-4
Prioritize Safety Year-Round
...pgs. 5-6
Have an EV? Get this Rebate.
...pgs. 10-11
Local Classifieds
...pgs. 13-14
USPS: 702-990 | ISSN: 1042-7767 | VOL 72, NO 5
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TakeTake the STRIKE out ofout lightening! the STRIKE of lightning! Experience peace of mind knowing that your home & appliances are protected from power surges. Lease for just $4.25/ month!
Current Light Flashes is the official voice of West Florida Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., a member-owned Touchstone Energy® cooperative serving Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson, and Washington counties. It is published as a service to the Co-op’s members. Periodicals postage is paid at Graceville, Florida.
Just say, “Add it to my bill!”
WFEC Board of Trustees
District 1
District 2
“If You’ve Called the Rest • Now Call The B BE
HALL Roofing, Siding & Building, LLC Residential • Commercial
District 4 / Secretary-Treasurer
District 3
George Clayton
District 5
District 6
New Construction, Re-Roof, Additions & Repairs Shingle • Metal & More!
Andy Hall 850.557.3368
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Serving Northwest Florida!
Free Pool Water teSting!
Deck Kits!
Joe E.
District 7 / Vice President
District 8 / President
Frank E.
Pole Barn Kits Available Several to choose from.
Pool Supplies
District 9
Case Knives on Sale! Ty
Executive VP/CEO
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*Prices subject to change. Call to confirm.*
Minimizing The Impact Of Increasing Power Costs
s Executive Vice President & CEO of West Florida Electric Cooperative (WFEC), a not-for-profit, member-owned cooperative, my staff and I strive every day to keep the best interest of every co-op member at the heart of all the decisions we make. This is also true for your member-elected Board of Trustees. We work very hard to hold down costs while still meeting our mission of providing safe, reliable and affordable electric service to our members in Calhoun, Holmes, Ty Peel, Executive VP & CEO Jackson and Washington Counties. At this time, the cooperative’s Board of Trustees and myself would like to notify WFEC members that the decision to remove the Hurricane Michael Recovery Fee has been made. The cooperative is still waiting for the reimbursement of additional funds from FEMA, but the interest payments due on the Hurricane Michael line of credit are now manageable within the co-op’s operating budget. However, after conducting a cost-of-service study with an independent rate consultant and looking over the costs associated with providing service to each member of the cooperative, the decision to adjust the cooperative’s rate structure has been made. The members of WFEC have not seen a rate adjustment since November 2013 - that’s nearly 9 years, and in that time period, as you all know, inflation and the costs of goods and services has steadily increased. WFEC does not take implementing these changes lightly and has done everything possible to minimize the impact on you, our members. The Board of Trustees has made the decision to adjust the co-op’s rate structure by implementing an increase to the base rate and an adjustment to the per kilowatt-hour charge, which will take effect in May 2022. All rate classes will be affected by these adjustments. Even with this increase, WFEC’s rates remain comparable with the rates of other utilities serving the area. The primary reasons your Board of Trustees has decided this change is necessary are due to inflation (an increase in the costs of goods and services); increased right-of-way (ROW) maintenance costs; increases in wholesale power costs, supplies and other items associated with the delivery of electricity to members, and ongoing supply chain issues. On average, a WFEC residential member uses approximately 1,500 kilowatt hours (kWh) each month. When these changes are implemented, continued on page 4
ROW Update: West Florida Electric Right of Way Clearing Crews will be cutting & trimming right of ways in the following area(s) during the month of
Bascom & Grand Ridge When right-of-way (ROW) crews are trimming in your area, there may be several days between ROW cutting & clean-up crews due to inclement weather, equipment failure or other unforeseen circumstances.
TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)
1001 USES Portable Buildings, Carports & Garages Mobile Home & RV Supplies
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the average residential member will notice about a 4.5 percent (4.5%) increase from previous rates. The base rate will change from $24.95 to $35. The per kWh rate will change from 0.11069 for the first 1,000 kWh and 0.13023 for everything over that, to a consistent rate of 0.11637, no matter how many kilowatt hours are consumed. As your cooperative, we are committed to minimizing the impact of increasing power costs on your household. Contact us to learn how to save energy throughout your home and to learn about our energy efficiency programs, which we will be sharing more about in the coming months in our monthly newsletter.
Davis and Son’s Plumbing & Septic Tank Service • New Installation • Drainfield Repair/Replacement • Septic Tank Pumping & Service • Free Estimates
Bonifay: 956-4329 • Chipley: 638-5406 State Certified CFC1425994
Jamie’s weLding fabricatiOn repair GOLF CART SALES 5301 Duncan Ridge Road Marianna, Florida 32448
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Free Estimates
5 Year Workmanship Warranty Licensed & Insured #CCC1330359
Prioritize Safety Year-Round
t West Florida Electric Cooperative (WFEC), we recognize Electrical Safety Month every May, but we also know the importance of practicing safety year-round. From our co-op crews to you, the members we serve, we recognize that everyone has a part to play in prioritizing safety. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International, thousands of people in the U.S. are critically injured or electrocuted as a result of electrical fires and accidents in their own homes. Many of these accidents are preventable. Electricity is a necessity, and it powers our daily lives, but we know first-hand how dangerous electricity can be because we work with it 365 days a year. To us, safety is more than a catchphrase. It’s our responsibility to keep co-op employees safe. Additionally, we want to help keep you and all members of our community safe. That’s why you’ll see WFEC hosting safety demonstrations at community events and in schools throughout the year, to demonstrate the dangers of electricity. We discuss emergency scenarios, such as what to do in a car accident involving a utility pole
and downed power lines. We caution students on the dangers of pad-mounted transformers and overloading circuits with too many electronic devices. Electricity is an integral part of modern life. Given the prevalence of electrical devices, tools and appliances, here are a few practical electrical safety tips. Frayed wires pose a serious safety hazard. Power cords can become damaged or frayed from age, heavy use or excessive current flow through the wiring. If cords become frayed or cut, replace them, as they could cause a shock when handled. continued on page 6
TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)
Avoid overloading circuits. Circuits can only cope with a limited amount of electricity. Overload happens when you draw more electricity than a circuit can safely handle––by having too many devices running on one circuit. Label circuit breakers to understand the circuits in your home. Contact a qualified electrician if your home is more than 40 years old and you need to install multiple large appliances that consume large amounts of electricity. Use extension cords properly. Never plug an extension cord into another extension cord. If you “daisy chain” them together, it could lead to overheating, creating a potential fire hazard. Don’t exceed the wattage of the cord. Doing so also creates a risk of overloading the cord and creating a fire hazard. Extension cords should not be used as permanent solutions. If you need additional outlets, contact a licensed electrician to help. Talk with your kids about playing it safe and smart around electricity. Help them be aware of overhead power lines near where they play outdoors. Our top priority is providing an uninterrupted energy supply 24/7, 365 days per year. But equally important is keeping our community safe around electricity. Contact WFEC for additional electrical safety tips or if you would like us to provide a safety demonstration at your school or upcoming community event.
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Poppy Seed Cake
OLEN BARFIELD Have Sawmill, Will Travel
Submitted by: Connie Riley
1 cake mix, white or yellow 1 to 1/2 cup poppy seeds
Efficient & portable bandsaw can cut your trees into lumber on your site with minimal sawdust waste.
For Rent Open Spaces
Bake cake mix according to package directions, add poppy seeds and mix well. When the cake is cool, spread with the frosting.
Located Hwy. 231 & I-10 Park Campers, Boats or Trailers
1 cup sugar 4 egg yolks 1 teaspoon almond flavoring pinch of salt 2 tablespoons corn starch or flour 2 cups milk 1/2 tablespoon margarine or butter 1 cup chopped nuts Cook all ingredients above (except nuts) until thick. Spread on cake and top with the nuts. Best to keep refrigerated in warm weather. Note: This was the recipe of Mrs. Riley's grandmother, Adelia Hutchinson's recipe and has been enjoyed by many.
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TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)
Restoring Power Safely and Efficiently
e do our best to avoid them, but there’s no way around it: power outages occasionally happen. For most West Florida Electric Cooperative (WFEC) members, outages are rare and only last a few hours. But when major storms, like hurricanes, tornadoes or straight-line winds impact our area, extended outages are unavoidable. When the power goes out, how do WFEC crews know where to start working? How do you know if your outage has been reported? We’ve got answers to these questions and more, and it all starts with a safe, efficient plan for power restoration. When the lights go out and it’s safe for our crews to begin the restoration process, they start by repairing power lines and equipment that will restore power to the greatest number of people in the shortest time possible. This process typically begins with repairs to the larger main distribution lines that service a great number of homes and businesses. After those repairs are made, crews work on tap lines, which deliver power to transformers, either mounted on utility poles (for aboveground service) or placed on pads (for underground service). Finally, individual service lines that run between the transformer and the home are repaired. We can’t control the weather, but we can prepare for it. WFEC keeps
a supply of extra utility poles and other equipment on hand so we can quickly get to work in the event of an outage. When widespread outages occur, multiple crews will be out in the field simultaneously working to repair damage at multiple locations. We also coordinate with nearby co-ops to bring in additional crews when necessary. A proactive approach to maintenance helps minimize the chance of prolonged outages; this is why you see crews periodically trimming trees and clearing vegetation near rights-of-way. We love trees too, but it only takes one overgrown limb to knock out power for an entire neighborhood. Trimming improves power reliability for our entire
We can’t control the weather, but as a member of WFEC, you can feel confident knowing we’re standing by, ready to restore power as quickly and safely as possible..
Photo by Terry McGraw
community. In addition to managing vegetation, we regularly inspect utility poles, power lines and other critical equipment to maintain a more reliable system. If you experience a power outage, don’t assume a neighbor reported it. It’s best to report the outage yourself, and we make it easy to do. The quickest way to report an outage is through our app, which can be downloaded for IOS or Android devices or on our website: www.westflorida. coop/outages; you can also call our outage reporting number at (844) 688-2431. If you have a medical condition that requires electrical equipment, please let us know, and always have a backup plan in place. This plan could include a portable generator, extra medical supplies or moving to an alternate location until power is restored. If you plan to use a generator for backup power, read all safety information and instructions before use. Mother Nature can be unpredictable, but as a member of WFEC, you can feel confident knowing we’re standing by, ready to restore power as quickly and safely as possible.
Powering Up After an Outage
When the power goes out, we expect it to be restored within a few hours. But when a major storm or natural disaster causes widespread damage, extended outages may result. Our line crews work long, hard hours to restore service safely to the greatest number of consumers in the shortest time possible. Here’s what’s going on if you find yourself in the dark:
1. High-Voltage Transmission Lines:
Transmission towers and cables that supply power to transmission substations (and thousands of members) rarely fail. But when damaged, these facilities must be repaired before other parts of the system can operate.
2. Distribution Substation:
A substation can serve hundreds or thousands of consumers. When a major outage occurs, line crews inspect substations to determine if problems stem from transmission lines feeding into the substation, the substation itself or if problems exist further down the line.
3. Main Distribution Lines:
If the problem cannot be isolated at a distribution substation, distribution lines are checked. These lines carry power to large groups of consumers in communities or housing developments.
4. Tap Lines:
If local outages persist, supply lines (also known as tap lines) are inspected. These lines deliver power to transformers, either mounted on poles or placed on pads for underground service, outside businesses, schools and homes.
5. Individual Homes:
If your home remains without power, the service line between a transformer and your residence may need to be repaired. Always call to report an outage to help line crews isolate local issue.
Now opeN! Tuesday - Saturday: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.
(850) 593-0062 8110 Hwy. 90 • Suite 100 • SneadS, FL ISSUE MAY 2022
TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)
Have an EV? Get this rebate!
ere’s some exciting news for residential members who drive fully electric, battery-powered EVs: You may qualify for our $100 EV rebate. Applying for your rebate is easy at And by registering your vehicle, you’ll help us better understand how members, like you, are using power. This information will guide planning for our power delivery system, as well as additional EV programs and rebates that benefit you. While on the webpage, check out helpful information on the benefits of driving electric, from home and public charging to available offers and incentives, such as tax credits. EV ownership continues to grow in our state. The U.S. Dept. of Energy reported more than 58,000 registered EVs on Florida roads at the end of 2020. With interest growing and EVs here to stay, drivers will need convenient access to charging stations. That will be a growing piece of infrastructure nationwide and for your cooperative. As part of a national plan to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding invests the largest amount ever
in EV charging infrastructure. Funding will boost the build-out of 500,000 public charging stations by 2030. These stations — equipped with similar plug types, hardware hookups and payment options — will help fill gaps in rural locations. Auto manufacturers are ramping up production of more attractive and affordable EV models to keep pace with demand. This competition is driving down vehicle prices and giving consumers more choices than ever — including compact cars, SUVs, and even electric pickup trucks that Ford, Chevy and other manufacturers plan to bring to market this year. Many drivers enjoy the
Panhandle Pump Repair & Filtration Service What’s in YOUR Water? John White Owner
3024 Firefly Lane Vernon, FL 32462 PAGE 10
Over 40 Years Experience License #2252
Home: (850) 535-1121 Cell: (850) 260-2204
Stay away from downed power lines. They can still be energized. Never attempt to move or drive over them. Instead, call 911 to report fallen power lines. CURRENT LIGHT FLASHES
quiet, smooth ride and stronger acceleration they get with an EV. Most like the convenience of controlling the vehicle’s features from an app on their phone. With no tailpipe emissions, EVs contribute to a clean, sustainable energy future. Automakers’ shift toward increased EV production and the expansion of charging infrastructure may also help create good-paying jobs and benefit our local economy. Whether you’re already behind the wheel of an EV or considering one for your future ride, we’re here with a roadmap of resources to help. Visit electric-vehicles or contact us at (800) 342-7400. EV owners, remember to apply for your $100 rebate today! Complete the online form and receive your rebate via a mailed check.
Have an
Check out our $100 rebate.
If you’re a residential member who drives a fully electric, battery-powered EV:
Go to the cooperative’s website:
Visit the “Choose EV” section.
Lynn & Steve’s Helping Hands, LLC DBA
Tri-CounTy TraCTor Work
• Bucket work • Bush Hogging • Chainsaw/Pruning Work • Light Clearing Servicing Holmes, Jackson & Washington Counties
386-748-9035 850-547-1676
Click on the Tax Credits & Rebates tab and complete the rebate form.
Mr. Fence
Receive your rebate via mailed check.
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Outboard & Small Engine Grand Ridge
We buy boats & motors! (800) 342-7400
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TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)
Touchton’s Barns & Sheds • Pole Barns • Equipment Sheds • Enclosed Sheds, Etc.
Over 20 years experience
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Land Clearing & Forestry Services
Private Rural Road Maintenance
Family Dentistry of Chipley 415-1411 Family Dentistry of Bonifay 547-9290 Most Insurances Accepted New Chipley Location Cosmetic, General & Family Dentistry
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1410-A 410-A Brickyard Rd, Chipley ...................................... 415-1411 110 E. North Ave, Bonifay ............................................ 547-9290 Greg A. Varner Owner
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SOUTHERN ROOFING, INC. All Types Licensed • Bonded • Insured
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Instant Orchard Packages
Citrus Apples Nuts Peaches Figs Plums Pears Avocados Berry Patches Olives Bananas Tropicals and many more Florida grown trees Let us help you eat fresh picked fruit from your yard all year long! We will design and install your backyard fruit tree orchard. Very affordable, call for appointment! 15 tree minimum.
Clarksville (850) 451-6222
Licensed family owned and operated since Hurricane Michael Schuckelberry Farms Retail Nursery and Edible Landscaping
Clarity telephone with volume booster and separate answering machine, very good condition, $35; 850-209-6581 or 850-5922628.
Antiques/Collectibles 5 Emmett Kelly clown figurines, Certificate of Authenticity, original boxes, excellent condition, all for $500 firm; 321-431-3127, call or text. Winchester rifle (collectible) Model 1873, caliber 38-40, year 1912, in good condition, serious inquiries only; 850-592-4798.
Old farm plows, cedar barrel, corn sheller, a lot more; 850-5352337.
16 ft. hay trailer, 2 horse trailer; 2 grain wagons, barrel, pleasure, roping saddles; tack; coon dog; hay fork; 850-592-2494 or 850209-8532
Homemade/handmade quilts, lap quilts, baby quilts, twin, full or queen; two used bathtubs, great price; 547-3649.
Tifton 9 and Argentine Bahia seed & hay, 718-7779, Pat or 592-2647, Dan.
Electric stove, black in color, used two months; 850-263-0250.
Hinson Land CLearing
Stump & Debris Removal Bulldozer & Excavator Work Tractor Services Including Bush Hogging, Discing & Spraying Heavy Forestry Mowing 30 Years Experience • Owned & Operated by Francis Hinson
(850) 481-2960
CLF Free Ad Policy (Limited to one ad per household) WFEC publishes free classified ads in the Current Light Flashes as a service to its members. The following limitations apply: 1) Ads must be 20 words or less and must be legible, with an active electric account number at the top. 2) Ads exceeding 20 words are subject to elimination. 3) Submit ads to the Graceville office by the 5th of the month to appear in the following month’s issue. (Example: An ad arriving by Jan. 5 will appear in the Feb. CLF) 4) Ads for services & businesses are not free. Service businesses include, but are not limited to, pet or livestock breeders or stud services, rentals, baby-sitting, etc. 5) Any buying or selling on a regular basis will be considered a business. On-going garage sales & the sale of similar items on a repeated basis do not qualify for free advertising. 6) WFEC may refuse to publish any ad. 7) You may submit your ad online at WFEC will not accept ads over the phone.
12x16 cooler box, 5x5 rolls grass hay, square bales peanut hay, grain fed beef; 850-263-3427.
92 inch dark solid wood dining table with 8 chairs and China cabinet, very good condition, $,1700; 850-352-4730. Office file cabinet, 36" width x 19.6" depth x 52.5" height Letter/Legal/A4, 4 drawers, ball bearing suspension, steel, light gray, good condition, $225 OBO; 850-638-8166. LocaL TeLephone prefixes Alford 579 Altha 762 Bascom/Malone 569 Blountstown 674, 237 Bonifay 547 Caryville 548 Chipley 638, 415 Cottondale 352 Graceville 263
Grand Ridge Greenwood Marianna Ponce de Leon Sneads Sunny Hills Vernon Westville
592 594 482, 526 836 593 773 535 956
CLF Free Ad Form Please Type or Print Neatly. Name St. Address/P.O. Box City
Acct. #
Phone #
For Sale • Wanted • Free • Thank You • Lost (circle one)
TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE1 (844.688.2431)
Miscellaneous (cont.)
Twenty-two acres, hobby farm, Horses; ponies; mules; donkeys; 3BR/2BA, needs work, 2 ponds, round pen panels; 850-592-2494 2 wells, old barn, $179,000; or 850-209-8532. Mayhaw trees, banana trees, wild 850-547-0157 or 850-768-3608. blueberries, cedar trees; 850-956Domestic pigeon companion for 2067. our solo Rock Pigeon in a fly pen, good home for tame bird; 703Vehicles 839-399. Multiple Listings Parcel lockbox, Clevermade S100, new, $40; Air Vent automatic foundation vents, 6 available, $10 each; large quantity 6x6 Red Quarry tile, $.25 each; 850-547-1519. 2 Huffy beach cruiser bikes, $50 each; 2 dog feeders, $20 each; blue couch, $150; 1 Everlast body bag, $50, new; 1 snare drum, $30; 850-768-1650. Boat & Trailer Electrical Repair, Modifications & Installations
Sharpening Service Handyman Service
850-768-0454 or 850-768-0383 Notification Statement
Notice is hereby given that the West Florida Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Board of Trustees regularly meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, unless special circumstances warrant a change. Main Business and Publications Offices 5282 Peanut Road Graceville, Florida 32440-0127 (850) 263-3231 or 1-800-342-7400
2015 Kawasaki KLR650 motorcycle, adult driven, 40k miles, runs 150-500 acres of pasture land, in great, 60 mpg, $4,250; 850-543- Holmes or Washington Counties; 850-234-7070. 6043.
WANTED Donated building supplies for non-profit rescue, (2) 36" exterior doors with window, 8'-10' sheet metal siding, and windows; 850-579-2011.
Bush Paint & Supply
Carpet • Paint • Feed & Seed Vinyl Flooring • Ceramic Tile Free Estimates
263-4744 • 971 6th Ave., Graceville
Penny through dollar coins, loose, in jars, collections and estates, will buy, trade and sell; 850-326-3437. License plates from any state, mainly Florida, prior to 1980; old motorcycles or parts prior to 1960; 850-557-7030, Greg. Debbie Roney Smith (850) 209-8039 Full Time Realtor since 1996 4420 Lafayette Street, Marianna, FL 32446 Property Searches • Follow my blog @
Forestry Mulching
with our equipment, we simply grind the bush or trees to the ground into a mulch. The mulch will decay & put nutrients back into the soil, food plots, fence runs or cut over timber.
Hinson Land Clearing (850) 481-2960 Free Estimates
Subscription Rate Cooperative members, $2.50 per year Non-members, $6.00 per year Change of Address Notices POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Current Light Flashes P. O. Box 127 Graceville, Florida 32440-0127 DISCLAIMER: Although paid advertisements may appear in West Florida Electric (WFEC) publications in print, online, or in other electronic formats, WFEC does not endorse the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. WFEC reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any advertisement, article or information.
This Institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
1240 South Blvd. • Chipley, FL 32428
F R E E E S T I M AT E S !
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HWY. 77 BINGO, INC. (850) 263-7788
Paper Only Bingo. Located across the street from Graceville High School.
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Together We Can Stay Safe
24 Hour Emergency Response CBC1255149, CCC1330340, MRSR9
A perfectly cut lawn. Now for a perfectly matched offer. Digging too close to a pad-mounted transformer like the one above can damage underground cables, leading to electrical shock or interruptions in service. Use caution when landscaping. Call 811 before you dig and stay safe. ISSUE MAY 2022
Together we do more.®
Gas powered
Get a fast, professional-level cut with precise, effortless control. And legendary Kubota quality. Demo the Z200 today.
$0 DOWN 0% APR 36 MONTHS Panhandle Tractor • (850) 526-2257 5003 Highway 90 • Marianna, Florida 32446
© Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2022. $0 Down, 0% A.P.R. financing for 36 months available on purchases of new Kubota Z200 series equipment from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory is available to qualified purchasers through Kubota Credit Corporation USA; subject to credit approval. Example: 36 monthly payments of $27.78 per $1,000 financed. Some exceptions apply. Offers expire 6/30/22. Terms subject to change. This material is for descriptive purposes only. Kubota disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, or any liability from the use of this material. For complete warranty, disclaimer, safety, incentive offer and product information, consult your Dealer or
TOLL FREE OUTAGE HOTLINE: 1.844.OUTAGE! (1.844.688.2431) PAGE 15
P.O. Box 127 Graceville, FL 32440-0127
Make a Change that Pays! UPGRADE & SAVE
Dumpster Rental
(850) 676-1802
7 day rentals: 10 yard • $325 • 20 yard • $400 Graceville, Florida
We offer both roll off containers & dumpster trailers to better service your needs.
WFEC wants to help you lower your energy costs and increase your savings by making your home’s heating and cooling system more efficient.
You could be eligible for a rebate of up to $350 PER TON when you upgrade to a highefficiency dual-fuel heat pump or mini-split system.* *limitations apply
Providing quality printing and service to the Florida panhandle and south Alabama since 1961. 955 Tate Drive Dothan, Alabama 334-792-8408 •