INSIDE Hazel Grove & High Lane issue 73

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inside Issue 73

september - october 2019

ha zel grove


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The local magazine our readers love to keep One of six magazines delivered to over 45,000 homes



ha zel grove


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We’re already more than halfway through 2019! Where does the time go? It’s an exciting year for me – one daughter is getting married in September so there’s lots of shopping, planning and general anticipation in the air. Meanwhile, other daughter graduated in July and has moved to London to start her teaching career. So, we are now officially empty nesters, contemplating a house move and deciding what to do with the next phase of our lives! I can be as guilty as the next person of drifting along without much focus, but, as my youngest said recently – YOLO (you only live once!) So true and a handy reminder to make the most of every minute, seize every opportunity you can and make things happen! Don’t miss the chance to get a road-side view of the Tour of Britain Cycle event on Saturday 14 September, see page 9. And don’t forget, if you want to get on your bike yourself, Sunday 15 September is the HSBC UK Let’s Ride Manchester event. It’s free, fun and the perfect activity for the whole family. Find out more at:

What’s INSIDE this month 4 simply books book club choice 7 Diary of a Geeky Knitter 8 NGS Gardens 11 In Touch 16 Harvest time 19 Recipe 19 20 some like it hot 24 The Walk 26 Rembrandt at chatsworth house 29 Puzzles 30 caribbean inspiration 30 33 INSIDE Guide 38 INSIDE People 41 Children’s Activities 42 Just 4 Kids 44 Puzzle Solutions 45 Useful Numbers 46 Classified Index


Editor: Claire Hawker

Tel: 01625 879611


Inside Magazines, 352a Park Lane, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1RL. email: The canal at High Lane

Copy deadline for the next issue: thurs 10 october



Inside Hazel Grove & High Lane is produced by Inside Magazines Ltd. We cannot be held responsible for views expressed by contributors or any advert content, including errors or omissions, or endorse companies, products or services that appear in this magazine. We endeavour to ensure that all local information given in this magazine is accurate, but we cannot always guarantee this. © Copyright Inside Magazines Ltd 2019. Material from this magazine may not be reproduced without prior written permission from Inside Magazines Ltd.

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simply books book club choice We’re often asked in the shop to recommend ‘something funny’ – it’s a really tricky request. Humour, and what makes each of us raise a smile, is a very personal thing. For me, however, Jonathan Coe is a very funny author and his latest book Middle England is truly a comedy for our times – a compelling state of the nation novel written with a masterfully satirical touch. Set against the backdrop of the last ten years or so Middle England takes in all kinds of seemingly unconnected moments from our recent history, culminating in that Referendum of June 2016 and the fall out (and falling out!) which has come to epitomise BREXIT. This is a brilliant comic critique of a divided country – told through the lives of a compelling cast of characters, combining top-class soap-opera storytelling and some very telling insights into what it means to be English. Don’t miss it! Our favourite summer read this year is Sweet Sorrow by One Day author David Nicholls. Set over the course of one life-changing summer this is a bittersweet tragicomedy about the rocky road to adulthood and the searing explosion of first love. The novel is told in the voice of 38-year-old Charlie Lewis looking back at his 16-year-old self and the summer when he meets Fran Fisher and is smitten by the overpowering (and entirely unexpected) experience of love at first sight. Much against his better judgement Charlie discovers that the only way he can hope to win Fran over is by getting embroiled in an amdram production of Romeo and Juliet – in which Fran is to play the eponymous lead. This is a lovely book – lots of comic touches, but tender and sad too. David Nicholls joined us at Simply Books for a pre-publication launch of Sweet Sorrow, so we have a few signed copies of the book available. Oh, and if you haven’t read David’s earlier novels One Day and Us, they are both such a treat too! And for the children… Ten Fat Sausages written by Michelle Robinson and illustrated by Tor Freeman is great fun. Ten Fat Sausages sizzling in the pan, decide to escape… if they can. Meet the brave bangers who refuse to be someone’s dinner, coming soon to a kitchen near you!


Simply Books 228 Moss Lane, Bramhall, Cheshire SK7 1BD 0161 439 1436 Open Tuesday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm Andrew Cant

Diary of a geeky knitter It’s been quite a busy few months for me since I last wrote to you, and not all craft related for once - which I am in two minds about if I am honest. I miss the winter hours knitting and avoiding the cold, but alas with this lovely (albeit intermittent) sunshine we’ve been having, summer plans, and buying my first house, I’ve really not had the time I would have liked to have with a pair of knitting needles in my hand. At the beginning of July, my husband (it still feels a little strange to call him that, even after almost a year married) and I completed the purchase on our first house together. I can’t quite believe it, that we found a house that we fell in love with and were able to get within only a couple of months of putting our offer in - we are so delighted! It needs some TLC before we can move in, but it is a lot of fun to have a big project to be working on together outside of our careers. To be completely honest though, I rather hope it’s the last house I ever buy! As exciting as everything was with the prospect of our own space, towards the end of it all, solicitors, estate agents, vendors, and countless forms really started to take their toll on my sanity. Of course, as soon as we opened the door with our own keys that first night, the feeling of accomplishment was all worth it, but one I am happy not to repeat. I am by no means qualified to offer advice on buying a house, but if I could pass three things on to first time buyers that I wish I knew myself, they would be: do not let the estate agent know how much you have to spend on a house, only allude to a vague sum; if you like (love) a house, try not to show the vendor or estate agent how much you want this house and ask someone you know to recommend a conveyancer to you. Since then, I headed up to Newcastle in early August to attend three, yes THREE, weddings in the space of three days! Admittedly, they were for the same couple, and incorporated the three cultures they and their families share. First, we had a Hindu ceremony

on a Thursday which included a lot of food, drink, dancing, and breath-taking clothes and ceremonies. Following this on the Saturday, the morning was taken up with a traditional Chinese tea ceremony and lion dance, with the afternoon devoted to an English civil ceremony, wedding breakfast, and reception. I was honoured to be one of the bridesmaids in the party, and seeing my best friend marry her now-husband was such a magical, wonderful way to spend a weekend, and so much fun to have three outfits myself (the bride had six in all). Weddings are really one of the most wonderful events I think you can attend, and it all made me long to repeat my own from last year - how soon after a wedding can you excuse a weddingvow-renewal-party? Before you worry that I got no crafting done in this time, as I know you are, the nerdier crafters out there will be pleased to know that I did finally finish crocheting a blanket in the shape of a Star Wars X-Wing fighter. Because what else would a working woman in her late twenties want more in her new home?


late summer openings As the open gardens season draws to a close, we have just a few recommendations for you in the Cheshire & Wirral region. On 7 & 8 September, Lane End Cottage, (conveniently just off the M6 motorway junction) has its second opening of the year. And the spectacular gardens of Mount Pleasant near Kelsall open again over the same weekend. See both the extensive gardens and the spectacular wildflower meadows, on a hill side looking over towards Wales. Briarfield, at Burton on the Wirral, may be a bit farther west than readers normally travel, but it is one of Cheshire’s most spectacular gardens. This year, for the first time, it is opening on 13 September, and with some really interesting trees and shrubs, should be well worth the trek across. Lots of plants for sale. To close our Cheshire season, on 6 October, the Quinta Lovell Arboretum opens again, with its nationally

recognised collection of trees. And it’s right next to a lovely pub for lunch or coffee!

Mount Pleasant

Please note that two gardens due to open during this period and listed in our publications, Sycamore Cottage at Carrington and Trafford Hall near Chester, will NOT be opening due to unforeseen circumstances. Every year, full details are available in the wellestablished yellow booklet available in garden centres, libraries etc or via or the NGS app. If you are interested in opening your garden next year to help us raise money for our charities, (we will be donating about £3 million), please contact We will be happy to talk to you and if suitable, provide every help and support.

in touch your local community noticeboard

september - october 2019

THE SORCERER Poynton Gilbert & Sullivan Society is presenting its fully costumed annual stage performance at the beginning of October. First performed in 1877, The Sorcerer set the pattern for subsequent Gilbert and Sullivan operettas: patter songs, love songs, chorus numbers, sharp satire. In The Sorcerer, Gilbert’s target for satire is the English obsession with class differences. The show begins with the villagers and gentry of Ploverleigh celebrating the betrothal of Alexis, son and heir of Sir Marmaduke Pointdextre, to the only maiden of suitable rank in the village, Aline, daughter of Lady Sangazure. Although Alexis loves Aline wholeheartedly, he disagrees with his father’s outmoded notions that men and women of rank should marry their equals, so he hires a sorcerer, John Wellington Wells, to test his theories. Mr Wells makes a love potion and adds it to the tea drunk by the villagers and gentry at the betrothal banquet, who then all fall asleep. When they awake twelve hours later, they fall in love with the first person they see (married couples are conveniently immune). Chaos ensues with the most unlikely of pairings. Come and see the show to find out how order is restored. The show takes place from Tuesday 1 to Saturday 5 October at 7.30pm each evening in Poynton Civic Hall (off Park Lane, behind Waitrose), SK12 1RB.

Tickets are £12 for adults and £7 for 16 and under, and are available at MATES DIY shop on Park Lane, The Civic Hall or by telephone (01625 876 394) or email They are also available on the door each evening.

Curtain Call for Princess Ida 2018

LADYBROOK SINGERS We are a ladies’ choir who sing a wide repertoire from pop to classical. Every year we perform in concerts, charity events and festivals. Rehearsals, every Thursday 7.30pm Norbury Church, Hazel Grove

Pop along to a rehearsal or Tel: 07777 646828 if you want to find out more. Continued over


in touch - your local community noticeboard

TIME TO dance Time To Dance is a fun, fitness group for older adults. Creative movement for all abilities, inspired by different dance styles using a variety of props. Top to toe exercises. Move every muscle! Lift your spirits and have some fun. Increase your strength and stamina. All abilities welcome. Fridays at Marple Methodist Church, Church Lane, Marple 11am to 12.30pm. Thursdays at the United Reformed Church, Short Street, Hazel Grove 1.30pm to 3pm. £4 per session including refreshments. Come and join us, have fun and make friends.

Call Moira on 01663 732582 for further information or just come along on the day. Email:

CALLING ALL MEN – COME ALONG & SING If you are bored by the gym or feeling kicked into touch by football, why not try singing in a choir? Of course, joining a choir doesn’t prevent you from keeping up the activities you already enjoy, but it boosts mind and body in a unique way. Cheaper than therapy, healthier than the pub and more joyful than working out with weights, singing does you the power of good. Poynton Male Voice Choir is a long- established group that attracts members from its host village and the surrounding area to its Monday night rehearsals at Poynton Methodist Church. “It’s a wonderful social and creative activity,” says the Poynton choir chairman Donald Sykes. “Whatever science has to say about the benefits of being part of a choir, we simply enjoy the whole experience: how pieces as diverse as Elvis Presley favourites, songs from popular musicals and male voice classics can be developed for performance.” The choir has appeared at major concert halls, festivals, and has raised thousands of pounds for charity through regular local concerts. “We’ve also a full social programme and enjoy a pint together”, adds Donald. Whether you are an experienced singer, or you want to try it, Poynton Male Voice Choir wants to hear from you. No auditions are necessary. A series of welcome events is planned, beginning with open rehearsals on Monday 16 and 23 September 7.30pm at Poynton Methodist Church - located behind Waitrose and adjacent to Poynton Civic Hall.

To find out more contact Donald Sykes (Choir Chairman) on 0161 456 4266 or Rob Ayerst (Choir Secretary) on 01625 829128.


Continued over

in touch - your local community noticeboard

CAREFREE I’m Sue and I cared for my mum in her own home and then supported her in a care home for seven years. When she passed away, I found that there was no help for people in this situation and this is the reason why I have decided to set up the Carefree group. If you have been a carer and your circumstances have changed, this group may be for you. We want people to feel able to, and be comfortable with, talking about their personal experiences to others in a relaxed and non-judgmental atmosphere over a cup of tea or coffee. We’ll be meeting on Fridays from 16 August onwards from 11.30am to 1.30pm at High Lane Library. Please contact Natalie on 0161 442 0442 or email Sue on to register your interest or for more information.

Why not come along and say hi? Everyone is welcome.

INTERESTED IN NATURAL HISTORY? Are you interested in the countryside, flowers, birds, butterflies, mammals, amphibians or any aspect of natural history? If the answer is yes, then Wilmslow Guild Natural History Society is for you. Come and join a friendly group of enthusiasts who enjoy monthly meetings from September to April. This is a programme of talks by expert speakers covering interesting and varied natural history topics of both national and international relevance. Throughout spring and summer there is also a programme of excursions, both local and further afield, to locations providing a good range of specialist and general interest for everyone.

No expert knowledge is needed, so come along and learn, contribute and enjoy the company! For more information please contact Steve Osborne on 01625 879087. Meetings are monthly on Thursday evening from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Wilmslow Guild, 1 Bourne St, Wilmslow.

Don’t forget! Copy deadline for the next issue is Thursday 10 October Tel: 01625 879611 email:

Secure your space now!

harvest time Go along to a modern harvest festival and you’ll no doubt see many ‘urban’ offerings of pre-packed cakes and tins of sweet corn. It’s so easy to pop down to the supermarket these days we forget that until relatively recently in this country, people’s lives depended upon the success or failure of their crops.

The story of John Barleycorn You may never have heard of him, but John Barleycorn is a character in a medieval folksong. He represents barley, the most important cereal crop of the harvest, as well as the alcoholic beverages, beer and whisky, which were made from it. In the song, John Barleycorn suffers attacks, indignities and death which correspond to the various stages of the harvest such as reaping and malting. It begins…

There was three kings into the east, Three kings both great and high, And they hae sworn a solemn oath, John Barleycorn should die. They took a plough and plouh’d him down, Put clods upon his head, And they hae sworn a solemn oath, John Barleycorn was dead. Harvest festivals were a way to say thank you for a good harvest whilst trying to guarantee the fortune of the next one. Saxon farmers offered the first cut sheaf of corn to the gods of fertility in order to please them and ensure they were kind the following year. The last sheaf was used to make a Kern baby; a doll, dressed in white and trimmed with coloured ribbons to represent spring. Most peasants were tenant farmers who farmed for a landowner. Harvest time meant weeks of back-breaking work, so it became a tradition for the landowner to host a harvest supper as a thank you to the whole community once the harvest was brought home safely. There was no set date, but the celebrations generally took place around the time of the full moon, known as the Harvest Moon. Harvest festivals are closely associated with the church, but actually date back to Pagan times. It was 1843 before the Church became involved. The Reverend Robert Hawker invited members of his parish to a service of harvest thanksgiving at his Cornish church. The practice spread rapidly and led to the custom of decorating churches with harvest produce.


by Sarah Davey

The song has many verses and poor old John Barleycorn suffers dreadfully throughout, particularly when he’s ground between the milling stones! But the story has a neat twist as our hero, who’s finally turned to alcohol, wreaks his revenge on everyone who drank him so merrily, and they suffer for their sins the following morning with gargantuan hangovers! It is a mark of how important the harvest was that there are more versions of this song than any other in the English language!

Walnut-Stuffed Baked Apples Method Serves: 4 Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 30-40 minutes

Ingredients ■■ 100g brown sugar ■■ 75g walnuts ■■ 50g golden raisins ■■ 60g unsalted butter, cut into small cubes ■■ 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon ■■ 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger ■■ 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg ■■ 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves ■■ 4 large eating apples (Gala work well) ■■ 120ml fresh orange juice

1. Preheat oven to 190C / Gas mark 5. In a small bowl, combine brown sugar, walnuts, raisins, butter, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and cloves. 2. Slice about 1cm off the top of each apple. Use a corer or a sharp knife to remove the core and seeds from inside of each apple but take care not to go all the way through. Arrange the apples, cavity side up, in a ceramic baking dish. Fill each cavity with 2 tablespoons of the brown sugarwalnut mixture. Sprinkle remaining brown sugarwalnut mixture on top of apples. Pour the orange juice around apples. 3. Bake the apples for 30 to 40 minutes or until they are tender. Rotate the baking dish halfway through the cooking time. Spoon the juices in the dish over apples and serve warm with ice cream or creme fraiche.


Some Like it Hot This month Martin Blow of SpecialPerennials gets all heated up about growing Red Hot Pokers. We all remember the old-fashioned Red-Hot Poker plants with their tall, impressive heads of flower, red at the top and yellow at the bottom and great mounds of leaves, flowering away in a neglected spot in the garden. Eyecatching they certainly are, and they have come a long way from these gaudy giants with lots of colours and sizes now available for every type of garden.

Bee Lemon

In the past gardeners have planted Pokers in the driest, sunniest part of the garden and then left them to get on with it, this comes from the misconception that they are desert plants. They will survive this but not thrive. The best treatment is plenty of sun and a rich, fertile soil with plenty of summer moisture. Here they will have more and larger flowers. By careful selection of varieties and species it is possible to have a poker in flower from May to December, but for most gardens a few good varieties will cover the summer and autumn months. Here are a few of my favourites. “Timothy” is very different from the standard poker with his salmony orange flowers on 2ft / 60cm stems in midsummer he is more suitable for a small garden. Likewise, the cool, icy lemon and white flowers of “Percy’s Pride” are short and compact and create a zing in the border from July through August. The deep smouldering colour of “Nancy’s Red” heats up in August and September and again she is quite compact. There are even smaller ones available – watch out for “Brimstone” (Yellow), “Little Maid” (cream) and “Bressingham Comet” (Red, orange and yellow) for plants that are not much more than 1ft / 30cm tall.

Fiery Fred

Other common names for this plant such as Torch Lily and Rocket Flower are equally as apt. Kniphofia, as they are properly called come from Southern Africa. The ones we grow in the garden largely grow on high mountains and plateaux meaning they are cold hardy although you may find plants or seeds of sub-tropical species that will need protection in winter. As a rule of thumb those with very narrow, almost chive-like leaves are less hardy.


by Martin Blow >

Twany King

white flowers. “Fiery Fred” is tall, slender and burning with heat through July and August and a must for the hot-coloured garden. One of my favourites are the fatter flower heads of Bee’s Lemon who has yellow flowers that are greenish at first.

Kniphofia Nancy’s Red

Slightly taller is the lovely “Drummore Apricot” with bronze stems to set off the flowers in July and August. “Tawny King” is perhaps the most striking variety with very large caramel and cream flowers on 3ft / 90cm stems from June to August. Some pokers are long and slender adding a gracefulness to the flowers. “Jenny Bloom” is one such with softly coloured peaches and cream coloured flowers. “ToffeeNosed” is similar but has more distinctly caramel and

Pokers can be propagating by division after flowering or in late spring from late flowering ones. Seed will be variable but does produce good plants – the colours may be a surprise! Sow on the surface of moist seed compost – do not bury the seed just press it lightly onto the surface – in late winter in warmth such as a heated propagator and transplant as soon as they are big enough to handle and then wait for the fireworks when they flower! Janet and I run Special Perennials, our website is full of colour photos and growing tips. We sell at Plant Hunters’ Fairs throughout the season. Please see for the full calendar of dates and venues.

Here at Uniquely Chic Furniture we source and sell quality pine, oak, vintage and shabby chic furniture. We have a vast range of stock which changes constantly. New pieces arriving almost daily. We also paint furniture. Our painting team are experts at transforming our furniture, or yours, into hand painted, individual, unique pieces. If you have a favourite or inherited piece that fits your space why not have it upcycled and uplifted in our workroom? We occasionally buy your furniture or sometimes we even do part exchanges, so why not pop in and see us, or email us. As well as furniture, we also sell lighting, mirrors, shabby chic home accessories and gifts. New and returning customers always use the same two phrases when they visit...”Aladdin’s Cave” and “Treasure Trove”! We are open 6 days a week, including weekends. Come and visit us, you never know what you will find when you step through the door.

Canalside, Goyt Mill, Upper Hibbert Lane, Marple SK6 7HX Tel: 0161 484 5116 or 07785 794308 Email: Opening Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 10-5.30pm Sunday 11-4.30pm Closed Mondays @be_uniquelychic

@shabbychicuk Official stockists of Frenchic ecofriendly chalk paint and accessories.


cown edge rocks Walk description: The gentle climb from Rowarth to the Cown Rocks plateau opens up splendid and extensive views of the Dark Peak, the Southern Pennines, the Manchester skyscape and the Cheshire Plain. This 5 mile walk is a gem and it is right on the doorstep. Ascent: 560 ft over 3 miles. Distance: 5 miles over varied terrain with easy climbs and descent. Maps: OS Explorer OL1 Dark Peak. New Mills Parish Paths published by New Mills Town Council. Map by Alan Browning Start: Rowarth car park (SK011892) Refreshments nearby: The Little Mill Inn, Hollinsmoor Road , Rowarth, High Peak SK22 1EB Tel: 01663 743178 Exit right out of the car park and walk towards the idyllic hamlet of Rowarth. It is very hard to imagine that this tiny hamlet was a hive of activity in the 1700’s at


the start of the industrial revolution. It boasted six mills powered by the water extracted from the stream that runs through the hamlet. Walk past the workers cottages, note the date plaque “Drinkwater Buildings - 1812”. Pass to the left of Anderson House (SK012892) and yes it does look like a mill owner’s house should look. Continue to the concrete roadway. Turn right and follow the road down to the ford. If the water is not too deep cross the ford or alternatively take the stile on the left, cross the bridge over the stream and then the stile to rejoin the roadway. Continue up the hill passing to the left of Lower Harthill Farm. Look out for the rare breed pigs in the pens up to the left. Pass the Peak and Northern Footpath Society # 55 green footpath sign giving directions to Rowarth and Hayfield. Continue in front Higher Harthill Farm (SK018894) and then to a stile. Cross the stile and follow the right hand margin of the meadow to another stile. Cross the stile and follow the path over the moorland keeping the wall to the left. Pass through a gap in the wall and then over two more stiles onto the drive of Bullshaw Farm (SK024890).

The Walk

towards a fence. The view has changed completely. The Manchester skyscape is before us, not just the city centre with its Beetham Tower and CIS Building but all of the Southern Pennine towns. - Bolton, Rochdale, Oldham and Ashton – and on a good day the transmitter on Winter Hill can be seen. Pass through a gap in the wall and about 20 metres to the left of a line of trees pick up a faint path across the plateau of Cown Edge Rocks to a stile (SK017915). Note the pair of dragons guarding a fine gateway. Turn left and left again onto the bridleway. Continue along the bridleway bearing left at Matley Moor Farm (SK024895). Pass through two gates. Immediately after the second gate take the gate on the right (SK021900). Walk over Matley Moor, go through the gate and turn right down the road (Pennine Bridleway). At the T junction take the stile directly opposite. Climb the path to stile at the junction with Monk’s Road and the Higher Plainstead Farm drive (SK023912). Turn left down the drive keeping to the right of Higher Plainstead Farm. Walk on to Rocks Farm (SK019914). Ignore a footpath sign to right. Continue into the farm yard and then take the signed path on the right. Go up the steps and then over the stile and climb diagonally up the hillside. Take your time on this ascent to take in the magnificent Dark Peak panorama. There are not many places where you can view the Dark Peak in its entirety: Saddlewoth Moor, Black Hill, Bleaklow; Harry Hut and Lantern Pike in the foreground, the Kinder Plateau behind, South Head, Mount Famine, Chinley Churn Eccles Pike and distant hills further south. On reaching the quarry (SK020917) the summit of the walk has been achieved. It is a little more than half way into the walk and is an excellent coffee, lunch stop or just an excuse to spend more time to take in the view. Follow the path round to the left into a raised field. Climb the bank and walk diagonally across the field

Cross into open moorland. The view has changed yet again. The Cheshire plain opens up: Alderley Edge, Frodsham and the Welsh Hills. Some say that with the sun shining it is possible to pick out Liverpool Cathedral. Continue to a double stile across a track (SK014910). Follow the way marker across the field and go over stile and immediately through a squeeze stile (SK013909). Start the descent heading straight on to a stile by a gateway (SK012905). Continue straight on following the pathway. Although this pathway is not marked on the map it descends down the spine of the spur. Eventually the path bears to the left to stile (SK012901). Cross the stile and take downhill path in the gulley to a footpath sign (SK013896). The hamlet of Rowarth and the car park now come into view. Take the stile to the right and continue downhill, pass to the right of the bungalow and onto the road (SK013893). Turn right and return to the car park. In memory of John Parker (1923 – 2010) – long standing club member who pioneered mid-week walks and was mentor to many who came to the pleasures of walking at a late stage in their lives. Marple District Rambling Club organises up to nine walks each week on Thursdays and Sundays. For more information, either ring our Chairman, Sue Gilmore on 07775 620398, or our Membership Secretary, Claude Prime on 0161 483 8596. Alternatively, you could visit our website on to learn more about our Club’s programme of walks, socials and walking holidays.

By Michael Bradbury and Gordon Harris


Rembrandt at Chatsworth House My girlfriend and I recently visited Chatsworth House. Whilst taking a tour around the house my attention was drawn in particular to the Rembrandt painting they have on show there. The 17th century portrait doesn’t have an authorised title as such but over the years it has become known to Rembrandt experts as ‘King Uzziah Stricken with Leprosy.’

Rembrandt van Rijn (1606 – 1669), King Uzziah Stricken with Leprosy, 103 x 79cm, oil on panel, c. 1639

King Uzziah is thought to have reigned in the Kingdom of Judah between the years of 783-742 BC. The story goes (from the Book of Chronicles) that the King was banished from Jehovah’s temple and struck down with leprosy for overreaching his position and presuming to burn incense at the altar, a privilege strictly reserved for priests. When painting such historical or biblical figures Rembrandt would often use members of the public and instruct them to dress in suitable attire and wear appropriate accessories – his studio housing an array of outfits and artefacts for such purposes. In fact, he sometimes used himself as a model and assumed the ‘role’ of a given subject. On this occasion the artist


by Stuart Bolton

appears to have used a sickly old bearded man with a harsh skin condition; some art historians have even speculated that he may have been a local rabbi. The small chapel where the portrait is hung is one of the stately home’s darker interiors (of those rooms that the public is permitted to enter, that is) – a conscious effort evidently being made to protect some of the other light-sensitive artworks within the same space. As I squinted in front of the painting to try and get a better look, one of the guides there noticed my interest and shone a torch light onto the painting so that more of its fine detail became visible. How grateful I was. The rendering of the glistening jewellery and the sheen of the fabrics, along with the texture of the sitter’s pockmarked complexion – warts, scabs and all – were really something to behold (my, did his face look sore). Then the guide told me an insightful anecdote, which I am happy to share with you. Apparently, when the Duke died – the guide didn’t say which Duke exactly but I presume she meant the 11th Duke of Devonshire, who passed away in 2004 – the Cavendish family had to pay death duties on their inheritance and the bill must have come to a fair sum of money. Rather than dip into the Estate’s family coffers, their legal representatives suggested to the Inland Revenue that they accept one of the family’s prized artworks as payment in lieu. That’s fine, replied the Revenue, as long as it’s one of your Rembrandt pieces – the Chatsworth Estate owning three Rembrandt artworks at the time (though the guide failed to mention if these were all paintings, or whether the other two were etchings, drawings or whatever). The Inland Revenue promptly sent their designated art expert along to view the three works with one eye on their respective values; with the specific intention of selecting one that would presumably meet the cost of the death duties. Whatever the figure was, the Revenue’s representative selected one of the other Chatsworth Rembrandts (not the Uzziah portrait) – one which they felt would recuperate roughly the equivalent of the outstanding sum. So, before long, everything

was signed, sealed, delivered, and the death duties were subsequently written off. Everybody was happy. Well, when I say everybody… It turns out that, not long after, the Revenue’s newly-acquired Rembrandt was taken to one of the country’s foremost auction houses for a valuation and their experts found that the piece was not an original Rembrandt after all. Oops! The Cavendish family had, fortunately for them, managed to pay off the outstanding debt simply by parting with a work of art that the family themselves (and I’m not sure how many generations this goes back) had either been duped or ill-advised into purchasing in the first place. It goes without saying that there is no suggestion that the present-day family had any idea about the authenticity of the piece they parted company with. But one can only imagine the Inland Revenue art expert’s walk of shame into work the day after the news broke.

quick crossword Across 1 Nightclub act (7) 4 Creepy (5) 7 Detection system (5) 9 Principled (7) 10 Paralysis, apathy (7) 11 Monarch (5) 12 Tyrant (6) 14 Chaplain (6) 18 Plenty (5) 20 Scrawny, wasted (7) 22 Pouch worn with a kilt (7) 23 Five shillings (5) 24 Access (5) 25 Spiny anteater (7)

down 1 Transported (7) 2 Insignia (5) 3 Tropical bird (6) 4 Mistake (5) 5 Uniform (7) 6 Go inside (5) 8 Proportion (5) 13 Assistance (7) 15 Reason (5) 16 Ornamental musical passage (7) 17 Likelihood (6) 18 Passageway (5) 19 Ahead of time (5) 21 Shun (5)

sudoku How to play Sudoku Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive.

Solutions on page 44 29


The period between September to Christmas always seems a long one and can be a bit depressing as the nights draw in. That’s why it’s a brilliant time to plan a getaway! Take yourself off to a tropical paradise, somewhere vibrant, somewhere magical. Somewhere like the Caribbean. The crystal blue seas, the white sand and the wonderful hospitality make this an irresistible part of the world. Only certain islands are connected by direct flights from Manchester* but there is always the fantastic option of a cruise too and then you can visit several islands in the same trip.

Cancun, Mexico Attracting a slightly younger crowd, Cancun has a fantastic choice of nightlife. In fact, apart from the gorgeous beaches, it’s the main reason people go. The Hotel Zone is ‘party central’ with glamorous pool parties, an abundance of bars and giant nightclubs open til dawn! If you’re after some ‘down time’, you could enjoy the best of both worlds and stay a little further south in Playa del Carmen where you will find several beautiful all-inclusive resorts.

It’s a tough task deciding where to go, but at Not Just Travel we can help find the right island for you.

FOR PARTY PEOPLE Jamaica Jamaica has long had a reputation for colours and music and there are lots of nightlife hot spots to check out whilst you’re there. Rick’s Cafe in Negril for example is legendary. The perfect place to watch the sunset, this lively bar is particularly renowned for its high diving shows and live music. There are lots of great festivals on the islands too like the Ocho Rios Jazz Festival or Reggae Sumfest, not forgetting Bob Marley’s Birthday Bash (dates vary).


FOR FAMILIES Dominican Republic The Dominican Republic has a lot more on offer than you might realise; stunning national parks, vibrant cities (Santo Domingo is the oldest city in the New World)

and a wide choice of brilliant activities like zip lining and swimming with dolphins. It is also one of the more budget friendly islands so if you want to go long haul but not break the bank, it’s definitely worth considering. Jamaica You might be surprised to know that Jamaica is considered the most ‘family friendly’ destination in the Caribbean. The developed infrastructure on the island makes travelling around Jamaica easy, ideal with kids in tow. There is a great choice of all-inclusive hotels that cater well for families. Beaches for example, the family arm of luxury resorts, Sandals, have two properties on the island both offering fantastic facilities for youngsters.

FOR ROMANCE St Lucia St Lucia has something of a mystical feel to it. One of the most picturesque islands in the Caribbean with its iconic Piton mountains, waterfalls and gorgeous palm fringed beaches. You will find an excellent choice of couples-only resorts on the island and lots of luxury activities such as helicopter rides and sunset sailing trips.

Antigua Antigua was voted the ‘Caribbean’s most romantic destination’ at the recent World Travel Awards, so how can you argue with that? This stunning island is understandably the leader in the weddings and honeymoon market, and I’ve had several clients stay there for their honeymoons. With miles of beautiful beaches, plus award winning spas and restaurants, Antigua offers everything you might need for a magical escape. *From Manchester you can fly direct to Antigua, Barbados, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Cancun, St Lucia and Tobago. Lucy Allen Personal Travel Consultant Notjusttravel/waitingworld w: e: p: 07512 784700

inside guide

september - october 2019

selected events in your area

Monday 2 September

Tuesday 10 September

Manchester Jazz - £7 entry, enquiries 01663 763532 High Lane Conservative Club, Buxton Road, High Lane SK6 8DR 8pm

Simply Books present a Book Signing with new Children’s Laureate Cressida Cowell launching Knock Three Times the third book in her best-selling The Wizards of Once series. Venue: Simply Books. For more information and to pre-order Cressida’s new book call 0161 439 1436 or email Simply Books, Bramhall 4pm

Wednesday 4 September Simply Books presents…’Meet The Author’ event with awardwinning Scots writer Mary Poulson-Ellis Venue: Simply Books Tickets £8 To book: call 0161 439 1436 or email Simply Books, Bramhall 7.30pm

Thursday 5 September Would you like to meet new friends? Thursday Group is a social group for unattached people of mature years, with several activities run by the members every week. These include walking, dancing, badminton, theatre and restaurant visits. For more info see or ring Bill on 07505 076838, or just come along to new members night on the first Thursday in each month where you will be met by group members. The Bulls Head Pub, 30 Wilmslow Road, Handforth, SK9 3EW 8.30pm

Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 September

Thursday 12 September St Thomas’ High Lane Men’s Forum AGM & Terry Browne “Paul Robeson & Friends.” St Thomas’ Church Hall, Buxton Road, High Lane 2.15pm

Friday 13 to Saturday 21 September Comedy Double Bill Two one act plays, involving mismatched relationships and complicated friendships bring the best out of a seasoned Carver cast. Sparrows by Charles Mander (already judged outstanding by GMDF Drama Festival) and Upstairs Cuckoo by Peter Horsler guarantee entertaining light relief. Bar, tea and ice cream available in the interval. Tickets £9 (£8 concessions) available from or Hollins of Marple, Tel 0161 449 8363 Carver Theatre, Chadwick Street, Marple SK6 7AX 7.45 pm and 2.30pm matinee Saturday

Mind Body Spirit Event 50+ exhibitors Including 30+ workshops/talk and demonstrations of mediumship - all included in the entrance fee of £3.50 concessions, £4 full, or weekend pass £6/7 in advance or £1 more on the door. Free parking, free magazine, free raffle entry. Masonic Guildhall, Stockport SK1 3UA

Saturday 14 September

Tuesday 10 September

Hazel Grove Townswomen’s Guild Talk by Lotte Shaw: Tax Care and Toy Boys. Contact Beverly Oliver 0161 483 9559 Hazel Grove Civic Hall 1.30pm

East Cheshire Association of the National Trust Lecture – The Liverpool Cow-Keepers, a Family History – Dave Joy, Brookdale Club, Bridge Lane, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 3AB 2pm

stand out from the crowd

with our paid INSIDE Guide listings Call 01625 879611 or email for further details.

Messy Church A time of welcome, crafts, celebration and a meal together. For further information call Revd Canon Janet Parker on 01663 764519 St Thomas’ Church, High Lane 3.30pm to 5.30pm

Monday 16 September

Monday 16 September Hazel Grove & District Gardening Club ‘Bees and Beekeeping’ Graham Royle, from Highfield Apiary, gives a talk on keeping bees and how we can help them in our gardens. Further information 0161 483 6051 or St Peter’s Church (Parish Centre) 16 Green Lane, Hazel Grove, SK7 4EA 7.30pm Continued over


Friday 20 September

Thursday 3 October

Stockport Historical Society. “Bramhall on Old Postcards” by Ian Cameron. Visitors very welcome Admission £3. Further information from Tony Nightingale 0161 440 0570. Stockport Sunday School, 96 Nangreave Road, SK2 6DQ (Next to Aquinas College) 7.45pm

Would you like to meet new friends? Thursday Group is a social group for unattached people of mature years, with several activities run by the members every week. These include walking, dancing, badminton, theatre and restaurant visits. For more info see or ring Bill on 07505 076838, or just come along to new members night on the first Thursday in each month where you will be met by group members. The Bulls Head Pub, 30 Wilmslow Road, Handforth, SK9 3EW 8.30pm

Tuesday 24 September Marple T’ai Chi We are starting our new term of weekly classes at Hawk Green Reading Room, from 2 to 4pm. Beginners and ongoing students are equally welcome to join our friendly group. More information at or from Hawk Green Reading Room, Upper Hibbert Lane, Hawk Green, SK6 7HQ 2pm to 4pm

Wednesday 25 September Simply Books presents writer and journalist Anna Pasternak talking about her book Untitled: The Real Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor To book: call 0161 439 1436 or email St Michael’s Church, Bramhall, SK7 2PG 7.30pm

Thursday 26 September Wilmslow Guild Natural History Society Uganda, the Pearl of Africa – illustrated talk by Mike Roberts. Visitors very welcome (£4) Details from Steve Osborne 01625 879087 or The Guild, 1 Bourne St, Wilmslow SK9 5HD 7.30pm

Fri 27 September to Sat 28 September Music from the Movies Join NK Theatre Arts as we celebrate some of the famous films with legendary Soundtracks as we bring to the stage some of the classical film numbers and some of those brand-new modern-day box office smashes. In a cabaret setting you can enjoy music from films such as The Greatest Showman, A Star is Born, Moulin Rouge, Aladdin, The Lion King and Mary Poppins. Ticket Prices: £15/£12, 24hr Box Office 0333 666 3366 The Forum Theatre, Stockport, SK6 4EA 7.30pm

Tuesday 1 to Saturday 5 October


Poynton Gilbert & Sullivan Society are presenting their fully costumed annual stage performance, which this year is ‘THE SORCERER’ Tickets £12 for adults and £7 for 16 and under, and are available at MATES DIY shop on Park Lane, The Civic Hall or by telephone (01625 876 394) & e-mail They are also available on the door each evening. Poynton Civic Hall (off Park Lane, behind Waitrose), SK12 1RB 7.30pm

Friday 4 & Sat 5 October Disley Arts Society Exhibition Framed and unframed originals and cards Raffle, cakes and refreshments Onsite parking Disley Methodist Church, 70 Buxton Road, Disley SK12 2EY (Opposite White Lion Pub) Fri 3pm to 9pm, Sat 10am to 5pm

Monday 7 October Manchester Jazz £7 entry, enquiries 01663 763532 High Lane Conservative Club, Buxton Road, High Lane SK6 8DR 8pm

Tuesday 8 October East Cheshire Association of the National Trust Lecture – AGM with Deborah Maxwell, National Trust as Guest Speaker Brookdale Club, Bridge Lane, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 3AB 2pm

Thursday 10 October St Thomas’ High Lane Men’s Forum Betty Hayhurst “My Eggheads Experience.” St Thomas’ Church Hall, Buxton Road, High Lane 2.15pm

Friday 11 October Poynton Male Voice Choir and The Gallery Choir, Stockport in concert Tickets, including refreshments, £8 adults, £5 children/students (on door or phone 0161 456 4266) Trinity Methodist Church, Massie Street, Cheadle 7.30pm Continued over

Saturday 12 October

Friday 18 October

Messy Church A time of welcome, crafts, celebration and a meal together. For further information call Revd Canon Janet Parker on 01663 764519 St Thomas’ Church, High Lane 3.30pm to 5.30pm

The Marple Band Autumn Concert & Vice Presidents’ Night Our most prestigious concert for the Autumn season. Come and see The Marple Band and enjoy an entertaining and balanced programme of music for all ages and tastes. A warm, comfortable venue with interval refreshments and good range of raffle prizes. Marple Methodist Church, Church Lane, Marple 8pm to 10.30pm

Saturday 12 October Stockport Symphony Orchestra invite you to the first concert of the season Arnold: Peterloo Overture. Brahms: Double Concerto, soloists Charles Mutter violin, Nicholas Holland cello. Prokofiev: Symphony no 5. Conductor Rob Guy More information at Tickets available at the box office, online or on the door. £15 full price/£13 concessions/students £5/accompanied children under 16 free. Stockport Town Hall 7.30pm

Wednesday 16 October Poynton Luncheon Club Why not join us at our first luncheon as we start our new programme A delicious lunch at the Deanwater Hotel—then sit back and listen to Mr Brian Hallworth - “Pills, Potions and Poison” For more Information contact membership secretary Pam Orton 0161 483 4557

Fri 18 October to Sat 19 October Studio 2 Halloween Showcase Join the Studio 2 and Musical Theatre members from NK Theatre Arts for a spooktacular evening of Halloween themed dance and singing! With cabaret tables and open bar, join us for a scary evening at The Forum Theatre. Ticket Prices: £10/£8. 24hr Box Office 0333 666 3366 The Forum Theatre, Stockport, SK6 4EA 7.30pm

Don’t forget! Copy deadline for the next issue:

Thursday 10 October Tel: 01625 879611 email:


Friday 18 October Stockport Historical Society. “The heretic Pharaoh” by Gordon Longworth. Visitors very welcome Admission £3. Further information from Tony Nightingale 0161 440 0570. Stockport Sunday School, 96 Nangreave Road, SK2 6DQ (Next to Aquinas College) 7.45pm

Monday 16 September Hazel Grove Townswomen’s Guild Annual Birthday Party. Contact Beverly Oliver 0161 483 9559 Hazel Grove Civic Hall 1.30pm

Monday 21 October Hazel Grove & District Gardening Club ‘Autumn Harvests of Fruit and Vegetables’ David Allison, NVS member, brings a selection of fruit and vegetables from his garden. Further information 0161 483 6051 or St Peter’s Church (Parish Centre) 16 Green Lane, Hazel Grove, SK7 4EA 7.30pm

Thursday 24 October Wilmslow Guild Natural History Society Shetland illustrated talk by David Tolliday. Visitors very welcome (£4) Details from Steve Osborne 01625 879087 or The Guild, 1 Bourne St, Wilmslow SK9 5HD 7.30pm

Sat 26 October 2019 Fright Night at The Forum. With live band and open bar, join us for the Ultimate Halloween Party! Come dance to Thriller and the Monster Mash. Crawl on over to our Halloween bash. Ghosts and witches and monsters too. They’re all invited and so are you! Please note this show is not suitable for children. Tickets £10 24hr Box Office 0333 666 3366 The Forum Theatre, Stockport, SK6 4EA 8pm doors open at 7pm or see our St. Martin’s Heritage Trust website.

Compiled by Claire Hawker > email:

inside people CLARE ARDERN

Clare Ardern was born in Ossett, West Yorkshire, in September 1973. She possesses most of the attributes of Virgo, her birth sign, is a maker of lists, a tidier, lover of order and an organiser.

Clare emphasises the need to stay abreast of changing trends in fashion and insists on using the best quality products for her clients. She is immensely proud of her talented team who are incredibly loyal and passionate about what they do. Clients share confidences. One may be coping with bereavement or a personal life crisis, another may be excited by a new chapter opening in their life. “I listen, console, cry and laugh with my clients. One thing I have never done is just “do hair.” I wouldn’t trade my job for the world. I’d like to thank every client for letting me be much more than a hair stylist.”

Clare attended Ossett High School and left at 16 to study hairdressing at Thomas Danby College. From her early teens her dream was to become a hairdresser. She was encouraged in her plans by her mother who, she later learned, had wanted to be a hairdresser herself but had been made to study a secretarial course by her father.

Clare is still a keen traveller. The family have always holidayed abroad and now she enjoys planning and organising their expeditions, deriving great pleasure from working out routes and finding unique, quirky places to stay. Recent they toured Tuscany and Elba and took a road trip to the west coast of America, the highlight of which was staying in a hotel overlooking the Grand canyon.

Clare is married to Phil. They have two daughters Lauryn and Brooke and a Yorkshire terrier called Rocky. Clare and Phil met in a Manchester night club, not long after a friend of hers had returned from working on cruise ships. As soon as Clare saw the photographs, she knew she had to go too, and it kindled a wanderlust in her that has never died.

Her favourite music is 1980’s, especially Fleetwood Mac and not surprisingly her favourite reading is about travel. She admits to being very tidy and hates mess and clutter. She also dislikes Rap music with bad language, the kind of music her girls play frequently.

At 21 she left for London. Three weeks later she was working as a hairdresser for Steiner, sailing around the Caribbean and South America. She did however continue writing to Phil and on returning to England, it was Phil who met her at the airport to take her home. Phil and Clare’s love developed, and she moved to Manchester, working alongside some amazing hairdressers, polishing her skills and achieving further qualifications. Eventually she fulfilled her lifelong ambition and bought her own salon in Hazel Grove. After 18 months she reorganised and renamed the business, “The Hair Boutique” which she has successfully run for ten years. Many of her clients followed her from previous salons and some have been with her over 20 years.


One client now lives in Hong Kong, visits the UK frequently, and has her hair done by Clare on these visits.

As a thrifty Yorkshire lass, her pet hates are having to pay for carrier bags, parking and expensive cocktails. She much prefers a large beer. Her ambition, when her children are older, is to go with Phil and close friends on a back- packing holiday around the world. Her heroine is Joanna Lumley who as well as being glamorous and funny is an intelligent and interesting woman. Last word from Clare I’m a positive person. My cup is always half full. Remind yourself things could be worse. Fill your time with things you love doing and people whose company you enjoy.

by Ed Blundell

Children’s Activities

Things to do with pre-school kids



Story Time 11-11.30am High Lane Library. Contact 0161 217 6009 for more information.


Norbury Toddler Group 10 - 11.30am Term time only. Norbury Parish Church, Hazel Grove. Cost £2 (includes a drink and biscuits). Please phone before to ensure there are spaces. Contact Cath on 0161 487 2390 or email cath. www.

Parents & Tots 9 - 11.15am Term time only. St Thomas’ Church, High Lane. A chance for all parents/carers to meet other carers in a safe environment – lots to do and refreshments provided. £1 per adult and up to two children. Contact Rev. Janet Parker on 01663 764519

Sensory Stories 9.30-11.30am Preschool group offering interactive story time for children with additional needs and their siblings.Independent Options, 67 Chester Road. £4 per session.To book on the session email Sam on or ring 0161 4566502.

Story Time 11am Hazel Grove Library. Stories, rhymes and songs followed by some colouring. Contact 0161 217 6009.


Playtime Toddler Group 1-2.30pm Term time only. Offerton Community Centre, Mallowdale Rd, Offerton. Lots of toys and room to play, song and snack time plus craft activities. Free of charge but donations welcome. Contact Sharon 07843094039.

Toddler Group 9.30-11.30am Independent Options, 67 Chester Road. £2 for one child, £1 per additional child. Book into the session on 0161 482 7933. Wesley Street Stay & Play 9.45-11.30am Hazel Grove Methodist Church, Wesley Street. Contact Kelly Heath on 07530 460 087

Wednesday Baby & Toddler Group 9.15-11am Term time only. Brookside Primary School, High Lane. £2 for one adult and child, £1 per extra child, price includes a snack. Contact 01663 308 008 for more information. Sing & Sign Opportunity Group 9.30-11.30am Independent Options, 67 Chester Road. Especially for children with additional needs/learning disabilities, this session encourages children to start to use speech, or gives them signs if difficult. £4 per child. Book into the session on 0161 482 7933. Norbury Toddler Group 10 - 11.30am Term time only. Norbury Parish Church, Hazel Grove. Cost £2 (includes a drink and biscuits). Please phone before to ensure there are spaces. Contact Cath on 0161 487 2390 or email www.

saturday Messy Church 3.30pm-5.30pm, 2nd Saturday of every month A time of welcome, crafts, celebration and meal together. St Thomas’ Church, High Lane. For further information call: Canon Janet Parker 01663 764519.

Weekly Baby Splash Life Leisure Hazel Grove. Call 0161 439 5221 for lesson details.

Story Time 2pm Great Moor Library, Gladstone Street. Stories, rhymes and songs followed by some colouring. Contact 0161 217 6009.

If you run a local activity for young children and email would like to be included on this page please uk agazin nsidem c.blackie@i

Compiled by Clare Blackie > email:



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useful numbers Churches Norbury Parish Church Hazel Grove Methodist Church St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church Hazel Grove Baptist Church St George’s Parish Church, Stockport Short Street United Reformed Church Parish Church of St Thomas, High Lane Windlehurst Methodist Church

Schools 0161 483 6325 0161 483 0150 0161 483 3476 0161 487 3708 0161 480 2453 0161 285 5229 01663 764519 0161 483 3706

Hazel Grove High School Hazel Grove Primary & Infant School Norbury Hall Primary School Moorfield Junior & Infant School St Peters R.C Primary School Torkington Primary School St Simons Catholic Primary Brookside Primary School High Lane Primary School

0161 483 6222 0161 426 5250 0161 426 9292 0161 426 9777 01663 762222


Doctors Beech House Medical Practice Springfield Surgery Haider Medical Centre Dean Lane Medical High Lane Medical Centre

Hospitals Stepping Hill Hospital NHS Non-Emergency

0161 483 1010 111

Leisure Centre Hazel Grove Leisure Centre Life Leisure Hazel Grove

0161 456 3467 0161 439 5221

Libraries Hazel Grove Library High Lane Library

0161 217 6009 0161 217 6009

Local Government Stockport MBC

0161 480 4949

Non Emergency

0161 456 4888 0161 483 3699 0161 483 1786 0161 483 4521 0161 483 2431 0161 483 2188 0161 483 9696 01663 763943 01663 762378


Utilities Electricity – Power Loss Gas – Emergency Water- Faults, United Utilities Environment Agency Floodline

105 0800 111 999 0345 672 3723 0345 988 1188

Helplines Alcoholics Anonymous Al-Anon Citizens Advice Bureau Childline Crimestoppers Directory Enquiries National Dementia Helpline RSPCA Samaritans The Wellspring, Stockport

0800 917 7650 020 7403 0888 03444 111 444 0800 1111 0800 555111 118 500 0300 222 1122 0300 1234999 116 123 0161 477 6344

Travel Bus & Train Times National Rail Enquiries Manchester Airport

0871 200 2233 0345 748 4950 0808 169 7030

Post Offices Hazel Grove Post Office Fiveways Parade Post Office High Lane Post Office

0161 483 2332 0345 611 2970 01663 766877

pharmacies Peak Pharmacy, High Lane Scorah Chemists, Hazel Grove

01663 762235 01625 872267


classified index BATHROOMS Hazel Grove Bathroom Centre


BEAUTY Cosmeticare



BOOK SHOPS Simply Books

Pure Clean Drainage Solutions

SCZ Electrical Services


Brilliant Fires


SOLICITORS Keoghs Nicholls Lindsell & Harris


Adlington Memorial Park Back Cover


Brian Sharples & Son Inside Back Cover


BUILDING SUPPLIES & RENTALS Pure Clean Rental Solutions



Robinsons Garden Maintenance




Uniquely Chic


Carrington Doors








TRAVEL Lucy Allen Personal Travel Consultant



WILLS North West Wills


Sonance Children’s Choir



Smithy Belles Choir


Matt Finish



ProGlass 4


Cloudy 2 Clear


Transform Your Kitchen


The Window Repair Centre


CHURCHES Hazel Grove Baptist Church




Don’t forget! Copy deadline for the next issue is Thursday 10 October Tel: 01625 879611 email: 46


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