1 minute read
quick crossword
1 Accomplishment (4) 3 Infrequent (8) 9 Reasonable, coherent (7) 10 Children’s comic (5) 11 Conference (5) 12 Revere, venerate (6) 14 Bureaucrat (13) 17 Sausage (coll) (6) 19 American actress and activist Ms. _____ Sarandon (5) 22 Avoid, dodge (5) 23 Definitely, absolutely (2,5) 24 Unlit, gloom (8) 25 Aftermath (4)
1 Misfire, flop (4,4) 2 Fury, acrimony (5) 4 Engineered, conspired (6,7) 5 Cyborg (5) 6 Most expensive (7) 7 Chicken pen (4) 8 Shrewdness, intelligence (6) 13 Dark-haired (8) 15 Wander, ramble (7) 16 Dwell, settle (6) 18 Deduce (5) 20 Steam bath (5) 21 Short for Charles (4)

Solutions on page 52
How to play Sudoku Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive.