inside m a r p l e Issue 52
november - december 2019
including compstall, marple bridge & mellor
The local magazine our readers love to keep One of six magazines delivered to over 45,000 homes
inside m a r p l e
including compstall, marple bridge & mellor
Autumn is a second Spring when every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus This time of year, it’s a bit of a shock to the system when you wake up at 6.30am and it still feels like the middle of the night! But what a splendid season Autumn is. Remember those hot days when it was warmer here than in parts of the Mediterranean? Then the terrible rain and flooding? Crazy extremes of weather like this aren’t ideal but, if there is a plus side, the Autumn colours are magnificent this year. Oddly too, my delightful new cottage garden (I moved to a new house recently) is still in bloom in October with all sorts of colour. I can’t wait to see what else pops up over the coming year! Sorry to mention Christmas so early, but this issue covers November and December so you can plan everything festive! Also, a reminder that the next issue of INSIDE is printed before the Christmas break, so please note the copy deadline is earlier than usual (Thurs 5 December.) Anything for inclusion in January and February will need to be with us by then. See you in 2020!
What’s INSIDE this month 4 inside people 7 stockport set for white christmas 8 Recipe 11 Diary of a Geeky Knitter 12 simply books book club choice
15 In Touch 20 Puzzles 24 The Walk 26 prairie planting 29 INSIDE Guide
37 winter breaks 41 Children’s Activities
44 Puzzle Solutions
45 Useful Numbers 46 Classified Index
Editor: Claire Hawker
Tel: 01625 879611
Inside Magazines, 352a Park Lane, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1RL. email: Marple Santa Dash by Claire Hawker
Copy deadline for the next issue: Thurs 5 December
Inside Marple is produced by Inside Magazines Ltd. We cannot be held responsible for views expressed by contributors or any advert content, including errors or omissions, or endorse companies, products or services that appear in this magazine. We endeavour to ensure that all local information given in this magazine is accurate, but we cannot always guarantee this. © Copyright Inside Magazines Ltd 2019. Material from this magazine may not be reproduced without prior written permission from Inside Magazines Ltd.
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Inside people Mark Whittaker was born in January 1958 in Stafford. His family moved when he was four to Essex where he attended school in Rainham. A keen swimmer, by age eleven he could swim five miles. At High School in Barking he was a friend of Billy Bragg and is proud to be mentioned in his autobiography. Leaving school in 1974, Mark began a five-year apprenticeship, the last two years of which were spent as a field engineer in Hartlepool where he met Gill, his wife of 40 years. From then until retirement in 2013, Mark worked as a Planning Engineer at home and abroad, relocating to Marple in 1989. In 1998 he founded the Marple Website, which aims to provide information about the locality and to interact with the local community. It includes pictures and information on local canals, railways, walks, historic sites, a Community Directory and details of many community projects. As he began the site when he was still working, and keeping it updated is almost a full-time job, Mark had to work on it most evenings and early mornings. Acting as webmaster for the site made Mark aware of the wide range of activity in the local community and he became personally involved in many of the initiatives. He was actively involved in the campaign to resist the building of a supermarket and in the project to restore the historic 1813 Iron Bridge in Brabyns Park. Since 2006 the website has generated an income that has allowed the donation of an average of £1,000 a year to local activities and charities. This year Mark will invest a further £1,000 in the Wharf Marple Community Project.
by Ed Blundell
Mark and Gill are key members of the Friends of Marple Memorial Park, a volunteer community group established in 2003 to make the park a better place for everyone in the local area. As well as maintaining the flower and shrub beds, the group also undertakes large and small projects to improve the park which involves fund raising, grant applications and close liaison with Stockport Council. The group has successfully developed a number of projects such as the WWI timeline, installing new swings, creating a French boules court, a major refurbishment of the infant play area and, between 2011 and 2017, a huge project to upgrade and extend skatepark facilities. This £111,750 initiative was completed and opened on Easter Monday 2017 and they are now working on phase II, to improve the top section and refurbish the dilapidated basketball court. The group has been extremely successful in raising funds and the total money raised since it began is now £119,000, with a further £280,000 being gained from grants and matched funding. Mark’s other interests, when he has time, are photography, walking and cycling with wife Gill. They are also keen canoeists and since his retirement have purchased a campervan in which they travel frequently, having made 18 trips already this year including Northumberland, York, Newcastle, Devon and the Malvern Hills. An engineer by training, Mark dislikes any lack of planning. He confesses that when he is involved in a project, he cannot rest until a clear plan has been formulated. Because of his involvement in the park he also detests vandalism, dog mess, graffiti and litter. Mark’s favourite music is the Eagles and Bruce Springstein and his chosen food is steak or a decent ploughman’s, washed down with real ale. If he hadn’t been an engineer, he would like to have been a musician but sadly has no musical talent whatsoever. Last word from Mark: Community spirit is very important, and I would urge everyone to get involved in their community in a practical way. It can be very rewarding. Our latest initiative for Memorial Park is a fundraising 50:50 Club. We would be delighted to welcome new members to it. Details can be found on our website.
STOCKPORT SET FOR ICY WHITE MAGICAL CHRISTMAS Stockport is guaranteed an Icy White Christmas as the town centre transforms to become an enchanting Winter Wonderland. An exciting calendar of events is set to entertain families of all ages in the run-up to Christmas in Merseyway, Market Place, Underbank and across the town, including a return of the popular ice trail, Christmas markets, free entertainment and a free ride on the Polar Express!
Christmas Light Switch On On Saturday 16 November, this year’s Christmas Light switch on in Merseyway Shopping Centre will light up children’s faces and enchant everyone with a Winter Wonderland programme from 4.15pm until 7.30pm, full of spectacular shows and performances, ready for the big countdown to Christmas Day. And it’s all free! Visitors can enjoy exclusive shows in the snow with performances from aerial acrobats, stilt walkers, giant swans, choirs, ice people, luminas and a white dragon. An animatronic reindeer will be interacting with families and Merseyway’s very own Snow Fairy will also be making an appearance, ready to turn on Stockport’s Christmas lights with a swish of her wand. Local musicians and dancers will also be performing throughout the day. The Christmas Markets will be open from 16 November for great Christmas gifts, festive grub and sweet treats in Merseyway and in the Market Place. Visit Santa Claus during the weekends of 7 & 8 December and 14 & 15 December. Santa Claus will be in his giant bauble at Merseyway; from 11am to 3pm. Children of all ages can visit Father Christmas, share their Christmas list and receive a gift, ready for Christmas. Visits to Santa are free and he may be popping in on selected late-night shopping dates too.
Explore the Ice Sculpture Trail With a different ice trail on Sunday 8 and Sunday 15 December, visitors can explore the town centre to seek out all 16 ice sculptures over both Sundays; watch a ‘live’ ice carving on Sunday and post your selfies on Instagram and Facebook! PE Take a ride on the Polar Express
Take a free ride on Stockport’s own Polar Express. The land train will run on Sunday 8 and Sunday 15 December. Tran rides last approximately 10 minutes and will leave Chestergate every 15 minutes between 10am and 4pm.
ERE Late Night shopping in Merseyway Saturday 16 November until 7.30pm
Thursday 12 and 19 December until 7.30pm; Christmas Grotto open 4pm to 7pm Friday 20 December until 7.30pm; Christmas Grotto open 4pm to 7pm Monday 23 December until 7.30pm; Christmas Grotto open 4pm to 7pm
Merseyway Giving Tree Shoppers can donate a gift to a child in need this Christmas as Merseyway hosts its first ever Giving Tree. Visitors are encouraged to select a gift tag from the tree which will feature the name, age and interests of a child and then purchase a gift, ready for them to open on Christmas Day. The Giving Tree, visit For more details on Christmas in Stockport visit
tomato chutney
If you’re new to making chutney, try this simple recipe. Preparation time: 40 to 50 mins Cooking time: 50 mins Makes about 1.5 litres / 2¾ pints
Ingredients ■■ 1kg ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped ■■ 750g cooking apple, peeled, cored and chopped ■■ 375g light muscovado sugar ■■ 250g onion, finely chopped ■■ 250g raisins ■■ 1 green pepper, deseeded and chopped ■■ 2 tsp salt ■■ ½ tsp ground ginger ■■ 350ml cider vinegar
Fill the jars not quite to the top, leave a 1/2cm gap at the top between the preserve and the lid. While everything is still hot, cover the jars with their lids or top with wax paper and a piece of cellophane secured tightly with an elastic band.
Your chutney should keep for about 6 months in a cool, dark place, though different recipes vary slightly.
1. Place all the ingredients into a large pan and bring to the boil over a medium heat.
How to sterilise jars
2. Stir occasionally until the sugar has dissolved. 3. Simmer the mixture gently, uncovered, for about 45-50 mins or until everything is tender and thickened.
The trick to jams and chutneys is that the jars and the chutney (or jam) should be hot. Ladle the hot preserve into a heatproof jug to make it easier to transfer the mixture into the hot jars. Be very careful not to touch or get any of the mixture onto the rim of the jars as this could introduce bacteria.
4. Cool, then transfer the mixture to a sterilised jar and seal.
Wash the jars and the lids in hot soapy water. Rinse but do not dry them. Instead, leave them to stand upside down on a roasting tray with a raised wire stand (to allow air to circulate) while they’re still wet. Place the tray of clean, wet jars and lids into a preheated oven at 160-180ºC for about 15 mins.
Diary of a geeky knitter Many crafters are probably starting to think about the same thing at this time of year, whether you be sewists, knitters, crocheters, or everything in between. It’s that time where we plan beautiful projects and homemade gifts for everyone we know, from loved ones to office colleagues, and even the mum of a friend we happened to hear mention that they liked a particular style of hat you know you like to knit. I can’t speak for everyone, but I always start off with the best intentions in the world, then I decide I need to be a little more selective with what I’m making and for who, and then I reach 11.30pm on Christmas Eve when I am furiously finishing a scarf for someone, battling through the red wine and port from that evening. Last year was no different, except I was finishing the hems on dresses for each of my sister and sister-in-law. As I mention, with the best intentions, I’m trying very hard to rein in my present making this year, particularly with a new house to decorate, but
the draw of the crochet and knitting (and sewing) is too great, and the draw to show someone how much I love them through my craft is something other crafters reading this will know all too well. I’ve not just © Practical Publishing Ltd been up to gift planning this year in the run up to Christmas though. I’ve been busy designing for one of the other magazines that I help work on from time to time. Your Crochet & Knitting is a fun magazine that comes with 6-8 balls of yarn every issue, enough to make at least one of the projects you’ll find inside. A few months ago, I designed a pretty hexagon motif cowl in pastel colours that I love, and in an issue coming out before Christmas I’ve knitted a gun sampler scarf with lots of interesting stitch patterns to keep you interested. The colours were a joy to play with, and I’m very proud of these projects. Make sure to keep an eye out for the magazine in your local supermarket, and maybe one or two loved ones this year may find themselves opening these accessories as gifts come 25 December... Merry Christmas everyone!
© Practical Publishing Ltd
simply books book club choice One of my favourite books since we opened the shop (in 2002!) is The Poisonwood Bible by American author Barbara Kingsolver so I have been excited to pick up her new novel Unsheltered. Willa Knox lives in unforgiving circumstances – having moved into to an old, crumbling house with her two grown-up children, a new-born grandchild, and her ailing father-in-law, life seems to be falling apart around her (both literally and metaphorically). But when Willa discovers that a pioneering female scientist (with a connection to Charles Darwin) lived on the same street in the 1800s, could this historical connection be enough to save their home from ruin? And can Willa, despite the odds, keep her family together? A compelling story with alternate chapters set in the present and the 1880s – a remarkable read which gives centre stage to two incredible heroines. Unusually, my second choice this month is a work of non-fiction. The Boy Who Followed His Father Into Auschwitz by Jeremy Dronfield is the inspiring true story of a father and son’s fight to stay together and survive the Holocaust. Vienna, 1939. Nazi police seize Gustav Kleinmann, a Jewish upholsterer and his son, Fritz, and send the pair to Buchenwald in Germany. There begins an unimaginable ordeal that sees the pair beaten, starved and forced to build the very concentration camp they are held in. When Gustav is set to be transferred to Auschwitz, a certain death sentence, his son refuses to leave his side. Throughout the horrors they witness and the suffering they endure, there is one constant that keeps them alive: the love between father and son.
Simply Books
228 Moss Lane, Bramhall, Cheshire SK7 1BD 0161 439 1436 Open Tuesday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm Andrew Cant
Based on Gustav’s secret diary and meticulous archive research, The Boy Who Followed His Father Into Auschwitz is a story of courage and survival unparalleled in the history of the Holocaust. Author Jeremy Dronfield will be with us for an what promises to be an unforgettable evening on Tuesday 29 October presenting this extraordinary story of survival. Please contact Simply Books for details. And for the children…we love the picture book from author/illustrator Kristina Stephenson, the creator of the Sir Charlie Stinky Socks series. In Kristina’s new book the most brilliant minds in the animal kingdom come together to discuss the Impossible Question…Why Are There So Many Books About Bears? An hilarious, inventive and colourful romp of a story.
in touch your local community noticeboard
november - december 2019
ROYAL RECOGNITION FOR MELLOR COUNTRY HOUSE Volunteers from Mellor Country House attended the presentation of their award at the beautiful Monastery in Gorton, together with 35 Manchester charities. They had an amazing day, hearing from the Lord Lieutenants all about the great achievements of the marvellous charity volunteers who help to put the Great into Greater Manchester. Mellor Country House is one of 35 Queen’s Awards for Voluntary Service to be handed out to Greater Manchester voluntary groups, charities and social enterprises, in a record year.
COMMUNITY HUB AT MARPLE STATION Marple station could be transformed into a thriving community hub thanks to a partnership between Network Rail and local group ‘Friends of Marple Station’. Network Rail has facilitated a £25,000 grant, using funding from the Department for Transport, to allow the Friends to develop plans for the station, which is used by nearly half a million passengers each year, but which has only basic facilities. The Friends have ambitious plans including a new waiting room, community meeting space, café, toilets and direct access for passengers travelling towards Manchester. Friends of Marple Station have appointed The Railway Consultancy to work with them to deliver the study which will be completed by the end of this year.
MARPLE EXPLORING THE ARTS Marple Exploring The Arts has launched its fifth season with another exciting and diverse programme of lectures and live music for Autumn/Spring 2019-2020. Popular lecturer, David Seddon returns with an entertaining talk entitled, ‘Escapism and Nonsense - from Tennyson to Edward Lear’. Film lovers can look forward to the Estonian-Georgian film, ‘Tangerines’. Our pre-Christmas celebration will be a concert entitled, ‘The Spirit of the Guitar’ performed by John Horan. John is returning by popular demand to share another evening of magical music guaranteed to entrance you, followed by mince pies and wine. So, if you enjoy the arts and lively, very friendly company why not come and join us? New members and visitors can expect a very warm welcome. Meetings are held fortnightly on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm in The United Reformed Church on Hibbert Lane, Marple SK6 7NN. For the full Autumn/Spring programme and membership enquiries please follow this link: or contact Gwen Lowe (Secretary) at
Continued over
in touch - your local community noticeboard
DINE OUT AT MARPLE’S EXCLUSIVE OVER 60’S LUNCH CLUB! If you, or anyone you know, is looking to meet people and make new friends then maybe it’s time you tried the Marple Luncheon Club at the Senior Citizens Hall. Anyone aged 60 and over is welcome to join our diners on either a Tuesday, Thursday or both at 12pm for a home cooked and nourishing two-course lunch that costs just £4. Cooking for one and eating alone is not a prospect any of us look forward to, so we aim to bring good food, laughter and companionship to our diners Run by the Royal Voluntary Service, that laughter and companionship spills over to our volunteers who prepare the dishes with fresh, locally sourced ingredients and serve them to our diners. Volunteers work on a rota basis so they only cook one morning a month and it is easy to swap if you can’t make your slot. It isn’t a huge commitment for anyone looking to give something back to our community and be part of a happy team bringing lots of pleasure and companionship to our diners. The club has been going for over 50 years and some of our founding members are still active and supporting the group.
So, whether you join us as a diner or a volunteer, we would welcome you with open arms and a warm and friendly smile. For details on volunteering or joining the lunch club, please contact Sally Connor on 07904 206071
LOCAL WINDBAND BRINGS CHRISTMAS CHEER Werneth Concert Band, the local community windband for the Romiley and Marple area, was delighted to be able to support one of their chosen local charities, Stockport Foodbank recently. Stockport Food Bank has six centres around the Stockport area, open six days a week to provide a lifeline to those in our community that need a helping hand and are supported mainly from public donations. As a community band, fundraising for charities is an ongoing activity and earlier in the year, the band were also pleased to support a fundraising charity concert for Epilepsy in Action. In addition, every year on the approach towards Christmas, members from the Youth, Swing and main Concert Bands, will be playing Christmas carols at a number of venues around the Marple and Romiley area with all proceeds going to the band’s chosen charities, which this year will include The Children’s Liver Disease Foundation (in memory of loyal band supporter Joyce Glynn). Band members will also accompany members and volunteers from the Friends for Leisure group at Handforth Dean, in their annual carol singalong. A true community band, The Werneth Concert Band prides itself on offering an outlet for a wide range of amateur musicians and has players from 16 to 85! The band performs a variety of music, ranging from arrangements of classical music, through selections from musical shows, to the light and popular and have their annual Christmas Concert at The Forum Theatre, Romiley on 22 December.
For more information contact Continued over
Don’t forget! Copy deadline for the next issue is Thursday 5 December Tel: 01625 879611 email: 16
Secure your space now!
in touch - your local community noticeboard
CLIMATE CRISIS IN MARPLE Marple, Mellor and Marple Bridge Energy Saving Strategy (MESS), staged a Climate Crisis in Marple event in September, bringing over 270 people together to look at the causes and effects of climate change on our environment. And, more importantly, what we can all do to halt the destruction of our planet. Keynote speaker, Dr Chris Jones from The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, spoke eloquently about the problems facing mankind, “We are living in a warming world and this is a human problem. We need to tackle this globally and locally. We need to start now by co-ordinating action between councillors, businesses, government and groups at the grass roots level”. During the second part of the conference various local groups talked about sustainable living with comments and suggestions, and stalls and exhibits emphasised the need to live well and look after our environment.
For more information see or phone 0161 663 0402
MARPLE SANTA DASH This year’s family fun Santa Dash will be held on Sunday 1 December. About two miles long, the run is mostly downhill and along footpaths – and don’t worry if you can’t manage a dash, you can run, walk or even crawl! Starting at Marple Memorial Park at 12 noon, runners make their way to Marple Garden Centre (Dobbies) on Dooley Lane, where their arrival will be heralded by Marple Band playing Christmas carols. The Advance Registration Fee is £10, which covers the cost of your Santa Suit and helps the Lions to organise this event, whilst continuing their support of worthy causes locally, nationally and internationally. Please note that, if you register on the day of the event, the fee will be increased to £15 (and the extra £5 treated as a direct donation to Kidneys for Life). All Dashers, wearing their Santa Suits, will be served with complimentary refreshments at the Garden Centre and will then be entitled to a ride on the Dragon Miniature Railway. In addition, all Junior Dashers, under 11 years of age and wearing their Santa Suits, will receive an early Christmas Present as a special thank you from the Lions. As a participant in this event we would be extremely grateful if you could raise sponsorship to help Kidneys for Life and you will therefore receive a Kidneys for Life Sponsor Form. This is our tenth Santa Dash and we hope that it will repeat the success of the nine previous events, whilst again increasing awareness of and support for the campaign. Help achieve the goal and fund kidney research to save lives! If you know of anyone who would like to be involved in the Santa Dash, but wouldn’t be able to manage the distance, they may like to consider volunteering as a marshal on the day to help encourage others along the route.
For further information please contact Terry Harding (Romiley, Marple and District Lions Club) on 0161 330 9494 or
quick crossword Across 1 Ripped (4) 4 Commenced, began (8) 8 The ______ Night, painting by Van Gogh (6) 9 Gifted, high intellect (6) 10 Type of bean (4) 11 Worn to shreds (8) 13 Autonomously (13) 16 Breaking out (8) 19 Exhaust, drain (4) 20 Decline (6) 22 Inception, genesis (6) 23 Mimics (8) 24 Lady ____, singer and actor (4)
down 2 Expenses (9) 3 Commentate (7) 4 Home of the Pyramids (5) 5 Small-minded, prejudiced (7) 6 Wash out in clear water (5) 7 Flightless bird (3) 12 Making bigger (9) 14 Obvious (7) 15 Zero (7) 17 Grown-up (5) 18 Paint with a shiny finish (5) 21 Type of deciduous tree (3)
sudoku How to play Sudoku Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive.
Solutions on page 44
Ridgegate Reservoir via Tegg’s Nose and Langley Walk description: A circular walk from Ridgegate Reservoir on the edge of Macclesfield Forest, with a gradual ascent up to the car park serving the popular Tegg’s Nose Tea Room. From there the route follows the Gritstone Trail across fields, before crossing Buxton New Road and heading down to Langley village via generally quiet lanes, skirting around Bottoms Reservoir and back to Ridgegate. Distance: 6.25 miles, 10kms. Walking time: 2 to 3 hours. Map: OS Explorer 268, South Sheet. Start/Parking: On-road parking on Clarke Lane, overlooking Ridgegate Reservoir, beyond the Leather’s Smithy pub (SK11 0NE, Grid Reference SJ949714) Refreshments nearby: Leather’s Smithy pub (T. 01260 252313) and Tegg’s Nose Tea Room (M. 07854 566895). Walk back along Clarke Lane and cross over the Ridgegate Reservoir dam by the stony track on the left, immediately opposite the Leather’s Smithy pub.
At the end of the dam leave the track, cross the grass verge half right and look for a narrow path on the right. Follow this between trees to the left and a low stone wall to the right. This leads to a fairly steep path with steps down. At the bottom pass through a small wooden gate and cross the stream. At the top of the small slope go right through a second wooden gate. Go half right on a narrow grassy path then right onto a partly grassed lane, picking up the familiar ‘footprint’ waymarks for the Gritstone Trail. Cross over two cattle grids and continue up the lane to reach the junction with Clarke Lane. Cross over and follow that road to the left, walking along a narrow pavement, with Bottoms Reservoir on the right. Turn right off the road at the Gritstone Trail fingerpost and follow the path to the left, around the reservoir and then over the dam wall to reach steps up to a lane. Ignore signs for the Gritstone Trail. Instead turn right, keeping Tegg’s Nose Reservoir on the left, and pass a sign “Public Bridleway Only”. Follow this track, eventually crossing over a stream via stepping-stones, then walk up some wide steps straight ahead. The path continues uphill, going through a large wooden gate, with farm buildings down to the right. Shortly, at the
The Walk
crossroads, go left up a tarmac lane, and continue uphill to the fingerpost marked ‘Saddlers Way’ and follow that part-cobbled track uphill. Look back to enjoy views of Shutlingsloe and Macclesfield Forest. The path continues steeply through a wooden gate and becomes rocky for a short section before reaching the top, the car park serving the Tegg’s Nose Information Centre and Tea Room. An ideal place for a breather! Take the main vehicle exit from the Tea Room and turn right onto Buxton Old Road. After 100 yards turn left opposite Windyway House and go immediately over a stone stile on the right, picking up waymarks again for the Gritstone Trail. Cross the field diagonally left, and pass through three metal gates, with views at the top of Macclesfield town, with Manchester Airport and Manchester in the distance. Continue across the fields, through a kissing gate, and then after 60 yards over a rickety wooden stile. Follow the trail to the right, with views down to the right of two yellow road signs on the Buxton New Road. After 200 yards,
leave the Gritstone Trail and turn sharp left through a small wooden gate, taking a path that winds through a mainly conifer woodland, keeping to the right. At the end this joins a wider path that leads down to a metal gate, with a wooden gate at the side. Go through this and straight on to reach the busy Buxton New Road. Take care crossing this, and go straight over into Cliff Lane, with views on the right towards Manchester. Take the first left off Cliff Lane, walking uphill for a short while, then pass Clough House on the right - this dates from 1697. On reaching Buxton New Road again, cross straight over onto Back Eddisbury Road, taking care of traffic on the bend.
Follow that road uphill for around half a mile, passing first Eddisbury House Farm and then Bonny Catty Farm on the right, before reaching Buxton Old Road. Turn left here and then immediate right uphill on Broadcar Road. At the top Croker Hill and the BT communications mast come into view. After Broadcar Farm, the road name changes to Coalpit Lane. Go downhill, keeping left of the drive to Pyegreave Farm on the right. Continue downhill under the canopy of trees then uphill following the road round to the right, shortly reaching a T junction at Langley. Turn left here and with Langley Methodist Church opposite, follow the road round to the left, signposted “Macclesfield Forest”. Continue along Main Road, then Clarke Lane through Langley village, reaching Bottoms Reservoir on your left. At the end of the reservoir take the lane off to the right, bearing the Gritstone Trail waymark, (retracing the route taken at the outset of the walk) and cross two cattle grids. Take the narrow footpath half left over the grass, through a small wooden gate and down to a stream. Pass through a second wooden gate and follow some steep steps up through the trees. At the top of the path go straight on, crossing the Ridgegate Reservoir dam, and back to the Leather’s Smithy and the on-road parking. Poynton Rambling Club organises and leads walks during the day on Sundays and Wednesdays, with evening walks during the summer months, as well as social events. All are welcome, and membership costs just £5 a year. For a full schedule of walks and further information about our friendly Club please visit By Stephen Hyslop
Prairie Planting As the days shorten with the turn to Autumn and the sunlight mellows and softens, I love the effect of flowering perennials, those gone to seed and the swish of ornamental grasses in a prairie style garden. Prairie gardens are a fairly recent trend in garden design, using perennials and grasses that might be found in the US east of the Rockies. The trend has since developed to embrace a wider range of plants and soil conditions whilst retaining the naturalistic look.
the dead stems in winter. However, unless your ground is completely weed free before planting there will be some perennial weeds to tackle each spring. Also, in a smaller garden, plants will outgrow their space and need to be curtailed in autumn or spring (late flowering types are generally only divided in spring). Whilst naturalistic plantings are often seen in large gardens, they can be easily adapted to smaller gardens by converting the large drifts or blocks to ribbons of the same plant meandering through small clumps of others. In this article I’ll take a look at a few of my favourite naturalistic gardens and next month I’ll go through some of my favourite plants for this type of planting. I first saw this style of planting a decade or so ago in a large, privately owned garden open for charity. A large bank was planted in drifts of Helenium, Achillea (Yarrow) and Cirsium (River thistle) with ribbons of
The idea is to plant closely in irregularly shaped blocks of the same plant and to encourage these to intermingle with neighbouring plants over time. The result looks natural, smothers weeds and close planting also reduces the need for staking, as plants are held upright by their neighbours. Plants will need to be fairly tough and able to compete with their neighbours – there’s no place for shrinking violets! The end result should be a low maintenance garden where all that is needed is to cut down and clear away
by Martin Blow >
Molinia (moor grass) and clumps of Salvia between. The Heleniums and Cirsiums made ideal partners liking moist soils and likewise Achillea and Salvia in a drier spot. The moor grass grew happily in either! The star of Trentham Gardens in Stoke on Trent is the prairie garden designed and planted by Piet Ouldof, one of the originators of the style and always at the cutting edge. When we visited in 2008 the planting had just been completed and had yet to knit together. When we returned a few years later, the borders had matured and large drifts of Persicaria, Veronicastrum, Phlox and Achillea filled the beds and borders and buzzed with insects. Prairie plantings are quick to mature – you don’t have to be too patient – as we saw at Abbeywood Gardens in Cheshire. The interlocking teardrop-shaped beds were planted in 2014 and 2015 and within a year looked full and mature. Here traditional prairie plants like Echinacea (coneflower) and Molinia sit perfectly beside African Kniphofia (Red Hot Pokers) and Agapanthus (African Lily) and European Sedums. At Dove Cottage in Yorkshire, this more eclectic mix of plants works perfectly on a smaller scale and on
north-facing Yorkshire clay. Here the prairie style is adapted to include meadow plants like the Himalayan Wallich’s Parsley and the cottage garden favourite Astrantia, all looking totally at home with Coneflowers, perennial Sunflower and Bergamots. Next issue I’ll take a look at some of the best plants for a naturalistic or prairie garden. Janet and I run Special Perennials - our website is full of colour photos and growing tips. We sell at Plant Hunters’ Fairs throughout the season. Plant Hunters’ Fairs have the country’s largest line-up of plant fairs with 41 events between March and September, including events at Bramall Hall, Stockport; Adlington Hall, Macclesfield; Carsington Water, Ashbourne; the Dorothy Clive Garden, Nr Market Drayton; Cholmondeley Castle and new event for 2020 Capesthorne Hall, Macclesfield. Please see for the full 2020 calendar of dates and venues.
inside guide
november - december 2019
selected events in your area
wednesday 6 November
Friday 8 to Saturday 16 November
Marple Naturalists Gordon Yates -A Taste of Islay Are you interested in the Natural World? Do you want to learn more about the fascinating plants and animals around us? You are welcome to join us. United Reformed Church, Hibbert Lane, Marple 8pm
When we are Married. In Priestley’s 1938 farce, a group of old friends, all married on the same day in the same chapel, discover they’re not legally married. The comedy is in their suddenly evaluating their marriages! Of course. everything turns out well in the end! Bar, tea and ice cream available in the interval. Tickets £9 (£8 concs) from www.carvertheatre. or Hollins of Marple Tel: 0161 449 8363 Carver Theatre, Chadwick St, Marple, SK6 7AX 7.45pm (Sat 9th matinee at 2.30pm)
Thursday 7 November Christmas Delights at Mellor Country House Christmas stalls selling a range of goodies including jewellery, craft items, gifts, toys and much more! Also, our popular Christmas floral demonstration. Tickets £5/person (available in advance from the home) and include a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie. Also taking orders for Beautiful Nordman Christmas trees at exceptional prices. Tel: 0161 427 1893 Mellor Country House, 299 Longhurst Lane, Mellor SK7 5PP 7.30pm
Thursday 7 November Would you like to meet new friends? Thursday Group is a social group for unattached people of mature years, with several activities run by the members every week. These include walking, dancing, badminton, theatre and restaurant visits. For more info see or ring Bill on 07505 076838, or just come along to new members night on the first Thursday in each month where you will be met by group members. The Bulls Head Pub, 30 Wilmslow Road, Handforth, SK9 3EW 8.30pm
Thursday 7 November Marple Exploring The Arts Film night: Tangerines. In 1992, war rages in Abkhazia, a breakaway region of Georgia. This powerful story set against a beautiful landscape defiled by war, tells how Ivo and Margus, the only two farmers left behind in their village, are in a race against time to harvest Margus’ precious tangerine crop. Visitors very welcome The United Reformed Church, Hibbert Lane, Marple 7.30pm
stand out from the crowd
with our paid INSIDE Guide listings Call 01625 879611 or email for further details.
Saturday 9 November Stockport Symphony Orchestra. Bloch: Schelomo soloist Jonathan Aasgard cello, Mahler: Symphony no 5. Conductor Mark Heron more info at Tickets available at the box office, online or on the door £15 full price/£13 concessions/students £5/accompanied children under 16 free. Stockport Town Hall 7.30pm
Sunday 10 November The Marple Band Remembrance Sunday Service Marple’s tribute will take place at the cenotaph in Marple Memorial Park Marple Memorial Park, Stockport, SK6 6BA 10.30am to 12 noon
Wednesday 13 November The Arts Society North East Cheshire. Calcutta was the second city of the British Empire and a hub of cultural and artistic production throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. This lecture by Dr John Stevens provides an overview of the arts (poetry, theatre, literature, song) and architecture of this extraordinary city, which was India’s capital until 1911. To attend as a visitor please contact Maggie Schofield on 0161 427 9451 or email Brookdale Club, Bramhall 10.30am with coffee from 9.45am
Wednesday 13 November Marple & District Probus Club. Des Winterbone - ‘Rurik to Romanov (Russian History)’ - an illustrated talk. The talk lasts an hour, with a break part way through for coffee/tea, and then questions and any discussion at the end. We usually finish by 11.45am. Visitors and prospective members are always welcome. The club is open to ladies as well as gentlemen, no charge for visitors. For further details call 0161 427 1348. Marple Senior Citizens Hall, Memorial Park, SK6 6BE 10.15am Continued over
Thursday 14 November
Saturday 23 November
Wilmslow Guild Natural History Society Cruising in the Wild Side – illustrated talk by Alan Jones. Visitors very welcome (£4) Details from Steve Osborne 01625 879087 or The Guild, 1 Bourne St, Wilmslow SK9 5HD 7.30pm
St Martin’s Heritage Trust study session with afternoon tea The title is “The Arts and Crafts Movement in the North West.” Speakers Richard Fletcher on the Northern Art Worker’s Guild, Barry Clarke on bookbinder Will Mellor, and Stephanie Boydell on the Manchester Art School Museum. £8 for Friends of the Heritage Trust, and £10 for visitors. Please contact Ann Sayer on 0161 427 2542 or asayer@ by 18 Nov to book a place. Parish Hall, Brabyns Brow (next to Marple Station) 2.30pm to 4.30pm
Monday 18 November High Peak RSPB Meetings. Speaker Dennis Atherton on The Birds of the Gambia. Non-members £2 donation (on the door). Children free. Further information from 0161 427 0881 Marple Senior Citizens Hall, Marple Memorial Park SK6 6BE 7.30pm
Monday 18 November Marple Local History Society Manchester’s Radical Mayor – Abel Heywood by Joanna M Williams. Annual membership £10, Visitors welcome £3 per meeting, Methodist Church, Church Lane, Marple, SK6 7AY 7.45pm doors open 7.15pm
Thursday 21 November Marple Exploring The Arts David Seddon presents a lecture entitled ‘Escapism and Nonsense – from Tennyson to Edward Lear’. David’s talk will propose a development of Victorian poetry through escapism to the nonsense writings of Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear. Visitors very welcome: £5 on the door including refreshments. The United Reformed Church, Hibbert Lane, Marple at 7.30pm
Friday 22 November Stockport Historical Society “H G Stephenson in Buxton Road: 150 years of a Local China and Glass Business” by Sue Parkinson-Bailey. Visitors very welcome Admission £3. Further information from Tony Nightingale 0161 440 0570 Stockport Sunday School, 96 Nangreave Road, SK2 6DQ 7.45pm
Saturday 23 November Marple Cancer Charities Christmas Fair We have many stalls including- Bric-a-Brac, Jewellery and Scarves, Xmas Stall, White Elephant, Books, Cakes and Preserves, Tombola and a Fantastic Raffle. 50p admission including hot drink and refreshment. Marple Senior Citizens Hall, Memorial Park, Marple 10am until 12 noon
Saturday 23 November Hazel Grove Orchestra Concert Dvorak - Overture ‘In Nature’s Realm’, Sibelius - Karelia Suite, Brahms - Symphony No. 3 in F major, Op.90 Admission £8, under 12 are free. Tickets can be purchased at the door on the night of the concert. Contact details: telephone 0161 449 7347 Hazel Grove Methodist Church, Wesley Street, Hazel Grove, SK7 4JQ 7.30pm
Saturday 23 November Marple Bridge Christmas Worker Bee Market Community-focused pub hosts an artisan market to include local, hand-picked quality makers and traders selling everything you need for a great Christmas and treats to keep you going till then! Gifts, decorations, food, crafts as well as hot street food, fresh produce and a pint in the pub. Windsor Castle Pub, 1 Glossop a Road, Marple Bridge SK6 5EQ 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 27 November Marple & District Probus Club Martin Pearce - ‘Sir Maurice Oldfield - Former Head of MI6’ an illustrated talk. Visitors welcome. The club is open to ladies as well as gentlemen, no charge for visitors. For further details call 0161 427 1348. Marple Senior Citizens Hall, Memorial Park, SK6 6BE 10.15am
Wednesday 27 November to Sunday 1 December St George’s Christmas Tree Festival Now in its 13th year. Over 80 trees on display in this majestic heritage church. St George’s Church, Buxton Road, Heaviley, Stockport SK2 6NU. (Junction of Buxton Road and Bramhall Lane) From 12 noon daily (10am Saturday)
Continued over
Sunday 1 December
Thursday 5 December
The Marple Band will perform at the Marple Santa Dash A selection of Christmas Carols to greet shoppers and the athletic Santas as they cross the finish line at Marple Garden Centre. Marple Wyevale Garden Centre, Dooley Lane, Otterspool, Marple, SK6 7HE 11.15am to 1.30pm
Would you like to meet new friends? Thursday Group is a social group for unattached people of mature years, with several activities run by the members every week. These include walking, dancing, badminton, theatre and restaurant visits. For more info see or ring Bill on 07505 076838, or just come along to new members night on the first Thursday in each month where you will be met by group members. The Bulls Head Pub, 30 Wilmslow Road, Handforth, SK9 3EW 8.30pm
Monday 2 December Marple Ladies’ Luncheon Club. Christmas luncheon will be a three-course meal followed by mince pies and mulled wine. The speaker is Peter Ashburner who will be talking on “Auctioneer from Flog It.” If you are not a member but you would like to come and try one of our luncheons you would be made very welcome. To book a guest place (£18.50), please ring Mrs Ann Haden, 0161 427 0242 by 18 November Marple Golf Club, 12 noon for 12.30 lunch
Wednesday 4 to Thursday 5 December Peter Pan. Join the members of the NKTA Youth Theatre as they present a very special version of the classic tale of Peter Pan and The Lost Boys in a fantastic show full of songs, laughter and Christmas Spirit for the whole family. Ticket Prices: £12/£8 Family of 4 £35. Quote INSIDE10 for 10% discount. 24hr Box Office 0333 666 3366 The Forum Theatre Stockport, Stockport, SK6 4EA 7.30pm
Thursday 5 December Ludworth and Mellor Women’s Institute Monthly Meeting Why not join us at our December meeting when we welcome back by popular demand the Ladybrook singers with a festive concert! New members and visitors are always welcome Women’s Institute Hall, Lower Fold, Marple Bridge 2pm for a 2.15pm start
Thursday 5 December Marple Exploring The Arts. John Horan: The Spirit of the Guitar. For our pre-Christmas celebration John returns, by popular demand, to entertain and enthral us with his virtuoso playing on the guitar. Visitors very welcome: £5 on the door including wine and mince pies. The United Reformed Church, Hibbert Lane, Marple at 7.30pm
Thursday 5 December Wilmslow Guild Natural History Society. Social Evening including Judith’s ‘fiendish’ Natural History Quiz (with prizes!) members’ presentations and seasonal fare. Visitors very welcome (£4) Details from Steve Osborne 01625 879087 or The Guild, 1 Bourne St, Wilmslow SK9 5HD 7.30pm
Saturday 7 December Mickey’s Frozen Christmas. Join Mickey & Minnie Mouse as they join Elsa, Anna, Olaf and a host of your favourite Disney Characters in a colourful Christmas treat for the whole family. Dress as your favourite Disney Princess or Hero and sing along to those wonderful Disney songs we know and love in a wonderful way to celebrate the arrival of the magical time of Christmas! Ticket Price £9/£8 Family of 4 £30 Quote INSIDE10 for 10% discount. 24hr Box Office 0333 666 3366 The Forum Theatre, Stockport, SK6 4EA performances at 10am and 1pm
Saturday 7 December Family Christmas Celebration with St George’s Singers Tickets from the Ticket Secretary on 01663 764012 or online at St George’s Church, Stockport
Saturday 7 December Christmas Comedy Night Join the fun with a night of comedy at The Forum Theatre. We have three amazing acts and a brilliant compere, the very best from the comedy circuit to keep you entertained. With open bar throughout the evening and cabaret seating this is the ultimate night out for friends, family or work colleagues alike! Tickets £10 or two for £18! Quote INSIDE10 for 10% discount. Support live comedy at The Forum Theatre. 24hr Box Office 0333 666 3366 The Forum Theatre, Stockport SK6 4EA8:15PM Doors open at 7.30pm
Sunday 8 December Cheshire A Cappella and guests. Join us for an afternoon of festive entertainment! Tickets £8, concessions £7 (includes a festive drink and mince pie) Email: or Tel: 01625 429602 or 07801 103479 Morley Green Club, Mobberley Rd, Wilmslow SK9 5NT 2.30pm Continued over
Sunday 8 December Stockport Symphony Orchestra Christmas Matinee for all the family A festive flight of fancy including music from Star Wars, Star Trek, The Snowman and much more presented and narrated by Blue Peter presenter Lindsey Russell, conductor Rob Guy. More information at Tickets available at the box office, online or on the door. £15/£13 concessions/full-time students and children £5 Stockport Town Hall 3pm
Monday 9 December Marple Local History Society 90 Years of Swizzles-Matlow by Nici Matlow Annual membership £10, Visitors welcome £3 per meeting, Methodist Church, Church Lane, Marple, SK6 7AY 7.45pm doors open 7.15pm
Wednesday 11 December Marple & District Probus Club Anthony Burton - ‘Below Stairs - the life of Victorian servants’ an illustrated talk. For further details call 0161 427 1348. Marple Senior Citizens Hall, Memorial Park, SK6 6BE 10.15am
Saturday 14 December Festive Harmonies A concert given by The Dovedale Singers, The Royal Salford Choir and the Werneth Concert Band. Ticket Price: £8.50 (includes refreshments) Poynton Civic Hall 7pm to 9pm
Friday 20 December Stockport Historical Society “Worsley and the Romans” by Michael Corless plus Christmas Coffee Evening. Visitors very welcome Admission £3. Further information from Tony Nightingale 0161-440 0570. Stockport Sunday School, 96 Nangreave Road, SK2 6DQ (Next to Aquinas College) 7.45pm
Sunday 22 December Werneth Concert Band are performing their annual Christmas Concert. Come along for a great evening of Christmas favourites and carols. Also accompanied by guest chamber choir Duodecimo. Tickets £10 adults/£8 for concessions, available online via or at Interiors by Gainsborough in Romiley. The Forum Theatre, Romiley 7.30pm
Winter breaks
I must admit, when it comes to winter holidays I always think ‘where can I go to get some sun?’ But it’s good to remind yourself that there are actual winter destinations to enjoy too, of course, not too far away. It’s also hard for me to think ‘winter’ whilst sitting on the roof terrace in Ibiza on a beautiful, sunny September evening (just had to get that in there) but I have to admit I can see the charm in getting wrapped up in a smart winter coat and gloves and walking through the pretty Prague Christmas markets, or the thrill of whizzing down the slopes in one of Europe’s brilliant ski resorts. Equally you could go and experience something completely different, the magical spectacle of the Northern Lights or be part of your own real-life Christmas movie in New York City! Winter is coming, that’s the truth so let’s embrace it and discover somewhere new:
CHRISTMAS MARKETS The popularity of Christmas markets in Europe has exploded in recent years and let’s face it, we all love a mug of mulled wine and a tasty Bratwurst. We’re spoiled for choice really with beautiful markets to visit in pretty cities like Munich, Vienna and Prague. The Munich market has over 160 stalls and the Vienna market is great for families offering cookie and candle making workshops.
Prague is the ultimate winter wonderland city. Not only can you enjoy the markets, but you can visit Prague Castle, the largest ancient castle in the world and one of the prettiest. There’s no shortage of things to do here; there are several beer tours you could sign up for or, if you’re keen to escape the cold, visit a few of Prague’s 280 museums!
ICELAND A land of myth and legends, Iceland offers a different holiday experience. Iceland’s location, at the top of the world makes it one of the best places to see the Northern Lights. You can book on various tours where locals will take you away from the city lights in search of the incredible display. You can also choose to stay in a hotel where they sound a siren (even in the middle of the night) should the lights appear. In addition to this, Iceland has loads to offer; thermal springs, volcanoes, evocative black beaches and did you know, 11% of the country is covered in glaciers? Continued over
At Not Just Travel, we can help you organise self-drive tours, tailored to your request and we also work with excellent suppliers who do escorted tours if you’d rather have the ease and peace of mind of a guide.
NEW YORK There’s massive appeal to visiting New York in the run up to Christmas but don’t forget you’ll get some fantastic prices if you choose to go in January or February. Not only will flights and hotel rates be lower, but you can seriously indulge your shopping habits in the January sales. Also, as it is seriously cold, (full disclosure) it’s less crowded, so that means fewer people in the museums, theatres and restaurants. Also, lots of the restaurants drop their prices and offer set menus at reduced rates towards the end of January and you can get some great prices for the Broadway shows. Also, in January you can enjoy Chinese New Year which is a massive event in New York and there’s always the wonderful ice-rink in Central Park and at the Rockefeller Centre.
I love beach holidays and sunshine, but I realise there are lots of wonderful, interesting, ‘cold’ places to visit too. We are lucky in the UK to have so much rich culture and diversity only a few hours away. Of course, at Not Just Travel, we do winter sun too like Mexico, Thailand, Tenerife so wherever you want to go, please get in touch. All holidays are important to me and I would love to help with your next trip. Lucy Allen Personal Travel Consultant Notjusttravel/waitingworld e: p: 07512 784700
Children’s Activities
Things to do with pre-school kids
The Monday Make & Play 9.15-10.45am Term time only. United Reformed Church, Hollins Lane. Games, toys, dressing up and singing time, plus a dedicated craft activity that is suitable for babies to children aged 5 and their parents. The cost is £2 per family, includes craft materials, coffee, tea and toast, children’s drinks and snacks.
Little Stars 9-10.30am Term time only. Brabyns Preparatory School, Arkwright Rd. Just turn up on the day for an engaging and friendly environment for children from new born to 3 ½ years and parents. £1.50 per session. Call the school office on 0161 427 2395 or email for more info.
St Paul’s Toddler Group 1.15-2.45pm Term time only. St Paul’s Church, Compstall Brow. £1.30 for one child and adult, £1.50 for two children or more, with tea, juice and biscuits included. Contact Lisa on 0161 427 7829 for more information.
Treetots 9.30–10.45am Term time only. Mellor Primary School, Knowle Road, Mellor, Stockport. SK6 5PL.
Tuesday Playtime Toddler Group 9.45-11.30am Term time only. ‘Connect’, Queen St, Marple. Lots of toys, singing, ‘thought for the day’ and refreshments for children and adults. £1.50 per adult. For information call 0161 427 2378. Toddler Group 9.30-11am Term time only. Marple Methodist Church, Church Lane. £2 per family, please contact Anne on 0161 449 9088. Story Time 2-2.30pm Marple Library, Memorial Park. Contact 0161 217 6009.
wednesday Parent & Toddler Group 1.15-3pm Term time only. All Saints Church, Church Lane Marple. Friendly, welcoming environment for children and adults. Toys, craft table, sing-song and refreshments. £1.50 per adult. For more info email the church office at Just4dadsstchads 1-2.30pm Term time only. St Chads playgroup for dads, grandads and male carers. A very relaxed group with plenty of toys for the children to play with. £2 entrance. Guywoid Centre, Guywood Lane.
Thursday Toddler Group 10-11.30am Term time only. Mellor Parish Centre, Church Rd. Toys, sing-song and refreshments. £2 per adult. Contact the Parish Centre 0161 484 5079.
Come along to the beautiful woodland surrounding Mellor Primary School and join us for our brand new forest toddler group. Each week we have outdoor adventures such as story trails, den building, mud painting and toasting marshmallows around our fire pit. Hot and cold drinks and a snack are provided for all explorers. The sessions are led by our experienced forest school leader and take place outside in all weathers. Children should wear appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear for the time of year. Cost: £5 per child + £4 siblings/further children For more information contact Christine Skelly on 0161 4271052 or
saturday Fun Sign Fun Time 9:30am (under 2’s) and 10:30am (all ages) Marple library. Drop in session, £4 main child, £1 for sibling.
sunday Lego Church 9.30-10.00 am The Ridge Methodist Church, Marple. 1st Sunday of the month (except August). Bible stories, Lego building, with refreshments. Please contact 0161 427 2509. Little Fishes 9.30-10.00am The Ridge Methodist Church, Marple. 2nd Sunday of the month (except August). Bible stories, songs, activities, with refreshments afterwards. Please contact 0161 427 2509.
If you run a local activity for young children and would like to be included on this page please email
Compiled by Clare Blackie > email:
Reduce Your Plastic Footprint A few simple steps could have the potential to make a big impact on our joint plastic footprint. Stop straws - If a straw is a must, purchase a reusable stainless-steel straw and carry it with you. Invest in reusable produce bags - A single plastic bag can take 1,000 years to degrade. Purchase or make your own reusable produce bag but be sure to wash them often. Give up the gum – Chewing gum is made of a synthetic rubber which is actually plastic! Buy boxes over bottles - If your laundry detergent comes in a box it will be more easily recycled than a plastic bottle. Buy from bulk bins - If possible, purchase food like cereal, pasta, and rice from bulk bins using your own container or bag. Not only will you save on packaging, you’ll also save money.
Take your own cup to coffee shops - Some establishments offer a reduced price for this! Ditch the disposables - Disposable nappies are a huge source of landfill. Modern cloth nappies are nothing like the monstrosities of yesteryear. Check them out, reduce your baby’s carbon footprint and save money in the process. Squeeze your own - Make your own fresh squeezed juice or eat fruit instead of buying juice in plastic bottles. It’s healthier and better for the environment. Lead with your lunch - Pack your own lunch in reusable containers and bags. Use a real razor - with replaceable blades instead of a plastic disposable razor.
puzzle solutions
Don’t forget! Copy deadline for the next issue:
Thursday 5 December Tel: 01625 879611 email:
useful numbers Churches All Saints C of E , Marple Holy Spirit RC, Marple Jubilee Methodist Church Marple Methodist Church The Ridge Methodist Church St Pauls C of E, Strines St Mary’s RC Church, Marple Bridge Church of St Martin’s, Brabyns Brow St Pauls Church, Compstall St Thomas C of E, Mellor Marple, Marple Bridge & New Mills URC Marple Quaker Meeting
0161 427 2378 0161 427 4922 0161 427 5449 0161 427 2509 0161 427 2509 0161 427 2378 0161 427 2408 0161 427 2736 0161 427 1259 0161 484 5079 0161 449 5370 0161 427 2509
COMMUNITY MEETING PLACE Marple Senior Citizen Association
0161 427 3632
Doctors Marple Bridge Surgery Marple Medical Practice Marple Cottage Surgery
0800 917 7650 020 7403 0888 0800 1111 0800 555111 0300 1234999 116 123 03444 111 444 118 500 0161 477 6344
Hospitals Stepping Hill Hospital NHS Non-Emergency
0161 483 1010 111
Libraries Marple Library
0161 217 6009
local government Stockport MBC
0161 480 4949
pharmacies Well Pharmacy, The Hollins, Marple Boots Pharmacy, Market Street
Marple Post Office Marple Bridge Post Office Marple Sorting Office
0845 722 3344 0161 427 2046 0843 903 3213
Schools All Saints Primary School, Marple Brabyns Preparatory School Cheadle & Marple 6th Form College Ludworth Primary School, Marple Bridge Marple Hall School Mellor Primary School Rose Hill Primary School St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
0161 427 3008 0161 427 2395 0161 484 6600 0161 427 1446 0161 427 7966 0161 427 1052 0161 427 9168 0161 427 7498
Travel Bus & Train Times National Rail Enquiries Manchester Airport
0871 200 2233 0345 748 4950 0808 169 7030
Utilities 0161 427 2049 0161 426 5375 0161 426 0011
Helplines Alcoholics Anonymous Al-Anon Childline Crimestoppers RSPCA Samaritans Citizens Advice Bureau Directory Enquiries The Wellspring, Stockport
Post Offices
0161 427 3336 0161 427 2033
Electricity – Power Loss Gas – Emergency Water – Faults, United Utilities Environment Agency Floodline
105 0800 111 999 0345 672 3723 0345 988 1188
classified index ART GALLERIES Rob Wilson Art
BATHROOMS Bathroom Design
BUILDING SOCIETIES Vernon Building Society
Pure Clean Rental Solutions
18 34
DECORATORS Edmondson’s Decorators
Carrington Doors Garolla
Cheshire Hearing Centres
44 28
Abstract Roofing Services Marple Bridge Roofing
44 32
SOLICITORS Whiting and Mason
Back Cover
The Stair Shop
TRAVEL Lucy Allen Personal Travel Consultant
KITCHENS Matt Finish Pro Glass 4 Splashbacks Transform Your Kitchen
36 39 9
Pate & Lever Windows
WINDOW & CONSERVATORY REPAIRS Cloudy 2 Clear The Window Repair Centre
Don’t forget! Copy deadline for the next issue is Thursday 5 December Tel: 01625 879611 email: 46
ASAPP Cars 31
HOTELS De Vere Cheadle House
Martin Quinn
Adlington Retirement Living Inside Front Cover
The Magnificent Chocolate Company 18
SR Computers
Adlington Memorial Park 5 Brian Sharples & Son Inside Back Cover Malcom Shaw & Son 38
Hawk Green Cricket Club Werneth Concert Band
CHIMNEY SWEEP Cheshire East Chimney Sweep
35 42
Pure Clean Drainage Solutions
Art of Siam
Edward Mellor
Brilliant Fires
SCZ Electrical Services TBG Inspection Services
William Wragg MP
BUILDING SERVICES Whitehall Builders Ltd
BOOKSHOPS Simply Books
BEAUTY Cosmeticare
Pure Clean Drainage Solutions
Secure your space now!
28 43