• His idea of commitment is a two-year gym membership.
• He brags about once having three girlfriends in two states.
• He often travels alone to Las Vegas “for business.”
• He may be over 30, but he still parties like he’s 21.
• He’s sure your daughter is ridiculously lucky to have him in her life.
Could some of your daughter’s inheritance end up with him? Visit wyattlegal.com and call me for a free consultation. Protect your family from the “Kyle” in your life.
it a long time ago!
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“I have been making art all my life. Nature is my inspiration as I continue to explore and interpret the world through my art.” Shown: “Enchantment,” acrylic on canvas, 24 inches by 37 inches. This piece is for sale at $900. Contact the artist at chatfemme7@comcast.net.
Artificial Intelligence is going to affect us all, sooner than we think, and not for the best. The World Economic Forum predicts 20% of all jobs will be negatively impacted in the next five years.
Many companies welcome AI. They want to employ fewer people. If AI programs handle the work, organizations don’t have to pay salaries or benefits, just maintenance costs. Robots won’t file workplace lawsuits.
I was curious about AI, so I downloaded a free app called Alfred. A few months ago, I wrote a column on the city’s ban of gas service to homes. Since I was biased against the ban, I asked Alfred to write up the best pro and con arguments on home gas service.
The results were near perfect. Factual, balanced and well written. In this case, AI functioned as a super search engine and a solid writer. I was impressed.
Next, I asked Alfred to evaluate how Mayor Darrell Steinberg was doing in
his struggle to reduce homelessness in Sacramento. Alfred flunked the test.
The AI report could have been copied from Steinberg’s website and regurgitated by his communications staff. It stated unequivocally that homelessness had been significantly reduced in Steinberg’s six years as mayor.
Of course, the opposite is true. While Alfred latched onto nonfactual information, my new reporter missed in-depth coverage Inside Sacramento produced over the last five years. When I asked about Inside’s coverage of the mayor, Alfred meekly referred me to our website.
Education is already impacted by AI. At high school and college levels, teachers use AI software to verify if papers were written by AI or students. A professor friend told me software showed 100% of his students used AI on a final exam.
Millions of students use Khan Academy’s online learning videos and problem sets to supplement schoolwork. Academy founder Sal Kahn says he’s working with Open AI’s ChatGBT to use AI to create an educational tablet that can be adaptive, intuitive and selfpaced.
This is terrific news for students without access to in-school learning. But didn’t we learn during the pandemic how children were negatively impacted by not physically attending school?
AI is poised to disrupt medicine. Most of us already use the internet to try to diagnose what ails us. We’re often
wrong. Will physicians be replaced by AI? Who will address a patient’s fears, questions and feelings? Digital doctors?
Chain stores already use AI robots to replace employees. Will local retailers follow, or will they hopefully see their advantage as being our last daily human connection?
State and local governments usually react slower to change than for-profit companies. Will a government town such as Sacramento take longer to feel the impact?
Despite Alfred’s failure, Inside Sacramento could use AI to write stories. But I can guarantee AI will never match the human touch and wisdom displayed by our writers.
I know readers always appreciate delivery of a traditional publication that can be consumed slowly and thoughtfully—the opposite of fast, shallow and often inaccurate information provided by social media.
As I observe my small, experienced staff work together on the next edition, it seems impossible AI could reproduce the hundreds of unique, personal and human interactions necessary to bring you Inside.
Tech leaders are scrambling for answers. Elon Musk and other tech
pioneers want a worldwide pause on AI development so we can assess the longterm implications. I’m in their camp.
Here’s my prediction: At a time when human interactions are in decline and our country is bitterly divided, AI will deepen the problems. Megacompanies will generate even greater profits. Tremendous job losses will dramatically expand the American welfare state.
Tech angst is generational. Older folks barely understand AI and can’t imagine a world run by bots. As for young people, AI may help them with homework, but will it leave them without the job they studied for and worked to secure?
No, I’m not going to ask Alfred. Readers ask how they can contribute to Inside Sacramento. Here’s how. Visit insidesacramento.com and sign up for our weekly newsletter. Also consider a paid membership starting at $19.95 a year. Every little bit helps us serve our community.
Cecily Hastings can be reached at publisher@insidepublications.com. Previous columns can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
Inside Sacramento could use AI to write stories. But I can guarantee AI will never match the human touch and wisdom displayed by our writers.
Sacramento County honors 18 citizens with 5 Over 50 Award.
Sacramento County honored 18 citizens with its 5 Over 50 Award, recognizing volunteers over the age of 50. The county’s Adult and Aging Commission presented the awards at a Board of Supervisors meeting.
“When you get to retirement age, what’s the purpose in life? To sit around the house all day? No,” award recipient and Kiwanis Club member John Seigal says. “Choose to volunteer, do what you want to do and bloom where you’re planted. Find out about all of the new things happening. Share your wisdom now that you are older.”
Other award recipients are Howard Hatch, Marilyn Lewis, Ed Stone, Daniel Aderholt, Mark Baker, Mark Harrington, Dr. Ali Tucker Lichtenstein, Jayasri Mechineni, Nancy
Woo, Sharon Ruffner, Carol Stirnaman, Maggie Roehm, Jeanmarie Willbee, Corecia Davis, Wayne Harmer, David Ishikawa and Teresa Kahl.
Organizations benefiting from the awardees’ volunteerism are Elk Grove Food Bank, California State Railroad Museum, Sacramento History Museum, Neighborhood Watch, Rebuilding Together Sacramento and Happy Tails Pet Sanctuary, among others.
The City Council approved more than $500,000 for the Justice for Neighbors Emergency Home Repair Program.
The program provides grants to help income-eligible households with home repairs, with assistance from Habitat for Humanity. Eligible households may qualify for up to $15,000.
“Substandard and dangerous housing presents a serious and present threat to the health and safety of our residents and community in the city of Sacramento,” says Code and Housing Enforcement Chief Peter Lemos. “This program can help provide the resources to make the needed repairs and keep people in their homes.”
For information, visit cityofsacramento.org/cityattorney/ justice-for-neighbors.
Sacramento State alumnus J. Luke Wood has been named the university’s new president. He takes over July 16 upon the retirement of Robert S. Nelsen.
Wood will be Sac State’s ninth president since its founding in 1947. He formerly served as vice president for student affairs and campus diversity at San Diego State University and earned his bachelor’s and first master’s degrees from Sac State. He earned a master’s of education and a doctorate in educational leadership and policy studies from Arizona State.
The public is invited to learn about a new project to enhance crucial fish habitat in the Lower American River during a virtual information session Wednesday, July 12, at 6 p.m.
The Ancil Hoffman area at the Upper River Bend of the American River is important to the survival
of native fall-run Chinook salmon and steelhead trout. A 2021 habitat enhancement near the Effie Yeaw Nature Center produced a noticeable surge in redds (underwater “nests” created by female salmon to lay their eggs).
The 2023 project takes place between August and October, and will see the construction of nearly 5 acres of spawning habitat and 6 acres of rearing habitat. After construction, more than 3 acres of enhanced riparian landscape will be created by planting or seeding the project area with willows, native flowers and grasses.
To register for the information session, visit waterforum.org/ habitat2023.
A critically endangered Sumatran orangutan has been born at the Sacramento Zoo—the first orangutan born locally since 1981.
Indah, the zoo’s 19-year-old Sumatran orangutan, gave birth to a healthy male May 1. With only 79 Sumatran orangutans in human care in the United States and populations of wild orangutans rapidly declining,
If you’ve been looking to buy a home you’re probably aware of the serious housing inventory shortage. Low housing supply has led to rising home prices, buyer competition and bidding wars. What caused the shortage and why hasn’t it changed much? Here’s what you need to know.
1. Slow Housing Construction: Builders have reduced their work since 2008. There have been issues with supply chains, the rising cost, and contractor shortages. These elements have made it harder to build new homes to increase supply.
2. Homeowners Staying Put: Finding a new home doesn’t always make sense for homeowners with the 2% or 3% rates seen a few years ago. Many older homeowners are choosing to age in place, too — which keeps the number of existing homes on the market low.
3. High Demand: Homebuying demand jumped during the pandemic. And while it’s slowed a bit due to higher mortgage rates, demand is still outpacing supply.
4. Institutional Investors: Big investors are snapping up properties, too, and they often hope to rent them out, which takes them off the market for sale. At one point last year, they accounted for almost 7% of all home sales.
Despite these headwinds, nding a home that works for you is still possible if you have the right help. Are you ready to buy? Reach out to me today.
every birth is a monumental success for the species.
The infant and mother will remain behind the scenes until they’re ready to make their public debut. For information, visit saczoo.org.
The California State Railroad Museum launched a new two-year exhibit, “Painting A Legacy: The Search for Anna Judah.”
The exhibit showcases four paintings Anna Judah made during her time accompanying husband Theodore D. Judah as he surveyed for the Transcontinental Railroad, plus enlargements of her flower pressings, and photographs and images from Anna’s life.
The museum is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $12 for adults, $6 for youth (ages 6 to 17) and free for children 5 and younger. For information, visit californiarailroad. museum.
Six local museums are Blue Star Museums offering free admission to active-duty military personnel and their families, including National Guard and Reserve, through Labor Day, Sept. 4.
Blue Star Museums is a partnership between National Endowment for the Arts and Blue Star Families, in collaboration with the Department of Defense and museums across America.
blown away by these talented young performers,” says Ben McClara, founder and artistic director of SPMA and The Beatles Guitar Project.
Sac Prep Music Academy is a community-based music education program. For information, visit sacprepmusic.com.
If you’re interested in taking more trips by bike or scooter in Sacramento, the city’s transportation planning staff is offering Urban Bicycling and Scooting 101, a monthly virtual class full of tips to improve your rides.
Learn about bicycling and scooting laws, riding on the street, traveling through intersections, avoiding crashes and how to enjoy the ride.
plan also offers a framework to guide Sacramento’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
“We hope the community will take this opportunity to review and comment on these plans, as their input is important for Sacramento’s future,” Senior Planner Remi Mendoza says.
The self-guided workshop is open through August. Check it out at sac2040gpu.org.
Unseen Heroes has launched a new incubator initiative, CLTRE Club, in partnership with Capital Area Development Authority to provide affordable retail space, training and support to up-and-coming entrepreneurs.
Participating are Aerospace Museum of California, California Automobile Museum, California Museum, Crocker Art Museum, Fairytale Town and Sacramento History Museum.
Qualified members must show an ID card for complimentary entrance. For information, visit arts.gov/initiatives/ blue-star-museums and sacmuseums. org.
Crocker Art Museum is chockablock with fun activities this summer.
Check out ArtMix every second Thursday from 6–9 p.m. The familyfriendly evenings include live performances, music, artmaking, drinks, art and more.
Jazz Night at the Crocker is every fourth Thursday at 7 p.m. through August in the E. Kendall Davis Courtyard. The night explores the concept of reproductions in music inspired by the exhibition “Estampas de La Raza: Contemporary Prints from the Romo Collection and Royal Chicano Air Force.”
For information, visit crockerart.org.
Talented young musicians from Sac Prep Music Academy perform at Midtown Farmers Market every Saturday this summer. Repertoire includes Beatles music, jazz standards and other favorites.
“These students have worked really hard at perfecting their music and we think people are going to be
All classes are held over Zoom. Register online at cityofsacramento.org and search for “Urban-Bicycling-Class.” For information, email walkbike@ cityofsacramento.org.
The city of Sacramento wants comments via an online workshop on the draft blueprint for how and where the city will grow over the next 20 years. “Sacramento 2040”
The first cohort of diverse local vendors includes Pony (vintage fashion and accessories), Love School (personal growth and healing), Pila Kava (health and wellness beverages), The Savage Hand (handmade fiber arts), Black Coffee Roastery (artisanal coffee) and LINGERS Candles (all-natural candles).
Limited space is still available in the first cohort. For information, visit cltre. org.
Neighborhood pools cost $2 per child and $4 per adult, and are open with varying hours and days through mid-August. Swim Safe Scholarships are available to provide free aquatics programs to youth and families demonstrating financial need. For information, visit cityofsacramento.org/ aquatics.
The city offers various aquatics programs such as swim lessons, swim team, aquacise, recreational and lap swimming. The Summer Reading partnership with the Sacramento Public Library offers youth free swim passes and swim lessons by reading books through their local library. For information, visit saclibrary.org/event/ special-events/summer-reading.
The Sacramento Fine Arts Center seeks submissions for a community art cookbook it will self-publish thanks to a Sacramento County Transient Occupancy Tax grant.
Arden Park 7-year-old Frankie Porrino travels to Washington, D.C., this month with a delegation of her peers as part of the JDRF 2023 Children’s Congress.
Porrino and more than 160 other young people from across the country will meet with members of Congress to advocate for their support of type 1 diabetes research and insulin affordability. Children’s Congress members attend a senate hearing to share personal testimonies that highlight the challenges of living with T1D.
An avid swimmer, snow skier, piano player and animal lover, Porrino was diagnosed with T1D at age 5 and she’s made it her mission to advocate for others who also deal with the disease. For information, visit cc.jdrf.org.
Southside Park and the city’s Department of Youth, Parks and Community Enrichment team up to offer inclusive playdates for kids of all abilities at Universal Universe, Southside Park’s fully accessible playground.
Play dates are July 15, Aug. 19, Sept. 23 and Oct. 21 from 10 a.m. to noon. Southside Park is at 2115 6th St. Register at cityofsacramento.org/ parksandrec.
Carmichael Water District and Sacramento Suburban Water District are exploring the potential to combine the two neighbor water utilities to reduce costs, improve water-supply reliability and enhance customer service.
CWD and SSWD boards commissioned a study by an independent consulting firm to provide a look at potential benefits and disadvantages of combining forces. Discussions and additional technical analysis are ongoing.
The public is invited to provide input at upcoming public workshops. For information, visit carmichaelwd.org and sswd.org.
If you missed Sensory Friendly Dance’s world premiere of “Tanabata: The Story of Orihime and Hikoboshi” at the B Street Theatre last month, don’t fret. A film will be available on the Sensory Dance website July 7.
Based on a centuries-old Japanese tale, the inclusive and engaging ballet was designed for all audiences, including the neurodiverse community. The dance was choreographed by Sacramento Ballet dancer Kaori Higashiyama in collaboration with local artist Emi Mizuno.
“Tanabata” tells the story of two star-crossed lovers who, after a series
of misfortunes, are forbidden to meet except once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month. In Japan, this story is celebrated with Tanabata, the Star Festival, where people gather to wish for clear skies, star gaze and write their personal wishes on colorful paper to hang on bamboo wishing trees.
To view the film, visit sensoryfriendlydance.org.
Ready to splish-splash the summer away? The city’s Department of Youth, Parks and Community Enrichment has 16 facilities open across the area.
The cookbook will include recipes and artwork celebrating Sacramento’s rich culture. Artwork can feature food, dishes, meals, table settings, still-lifes, kitchens, restaurants, farms and more.
Recipes may fit into multiple categories, including appetizers, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Unique, one-of-a-kind recipes are encouraged.
Submission is free and open to all residents of the greater Sacramento area. Deadline to submit is July 22. To submit and for information, visit sacfinearts.org/cookbook.
Jessica Laskey can be reached at jessrlaskey@gmail.com. Submissions are due six weeks prior to the publication month. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
Acardboard box can save lives. Don’t believe me? Ask Robert Metcalf, professor emeritus of biological sciences at Sacramento State and co-founder of International Water and Health Alliances.
With his wife, Mary Beth, a retired physician, Metcalf helps raise funds to support an organization called Friends of the Old, or FOTO, a community group in Lower Nyakach, Kenya.
The program provides reading glasses for elderly people, seeds for the neediest households, education for girls and, perhaps most importantly, watertreatment supplies.
“The main goal of FOTO is to eliminate waterborne diseases in Lower Nyakach and to be an example of what can be accomplished by a communitybased organization—at low cost—to improve community health,” Metcalf says.
zero. The FOTO strategy could be replicated in millions of villages in low-income countries to eliminate the scourge of waterborne diseases.”
Once water is tested with the portable lab and bacteria is found, the question of disinfection becomes paramount. Enter one of Metcalf’s other specialties: solar box cooking.
“I was the first person in Sacramento to get a box cooker,” says Metcalf, who pegs the first day he used one to June 20, 1978—his son’s second birthday. Metcalf has solar cooked more than 6,000 meals in 20 foreign countries. He co-founded Solar Cookers International in 1987.
“There are 3 billion people around the world who have sunshine, as we do, but think they need to have a fire for cooking,” he says. “It’s so exciting to show people that you can put food in a solar cooker and a couple hours later, you lift up the lid, steam comes out and it’s cooked!”
Solar cookers are important in the fight against contaminated water. In a CooKit, Metcalf’s preferred model for its simple design and ease of use, reflective panels concentrate the sun’s rays onto a pot inside a plastic bag in the center of the cooker. Amplified rays create enough heat to cook food or pasteurize water.
“You don’t actually have to boil water to make it safe,” Metcalf says. “Solar water pasteurization occurs at 65 degrees Celsius, or 149 Fahrenheit. That’s hot! Within three seconds, 90% of the bacteria has been killed.”
By Jessica Laskey Giving Back: Volunteer ProfileWhere does the cardboard box come in? Metcalf has developed a portable microbiology laboratory containing water-testing supplies and instructions that allow nearly anyone to test water in rivers, streams, ponds and shallow wells for E. coli, the bacteria that causes diarrhea. The lab arrives in an easy-to-handle cardboard box.
“Safe drinking water is a basic human right,” says the microbiologist and longtime East Sac resident. Yet more than 2 billion people across the globe lack safe drinking water. The World Health Organization estimates 829,000 people die annually from diarrhea as a result of unsafe drinking water, hand hygiene and sanitation.
With the support and knowledge of Metcalf and International Water and Health Alliances, FOTO has brought portable labs and low-cost water-treatment options to thousands of people across 13 locations in Lower Nyakach.
“There are now 70,000 people in Lower Nyakach who are no longer having waterborne disease despite having highly contaminated drinking sources,” Metcalf says. “The goal is
Metcalf brought solar water pasteurization to Djibouti and Sierra Leone in the 1980s. When he connected with the FOTO project in Kenya in the early 2000s, liquid chlorine was added as yet another way to make water safe. Now Metcalf’s International Water and Health Alliances helps FOTO buy and distribute more than 9,300 bottles of liquid chlorine each month to households and schools.
“Mary Beth and I fund the FOTO project as an example,” Metcalf says. “You don’t have to get a grant or have a lot of money to actually connect with people and empower a community.”
For information, visit waterinternational.org and imageevent. com/bobmetcalf.
Jessica Laskey can be reached at jessrlaskey@gmail.com. Previous profiles can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
The questions were straightforward. Does Front Street Animal Shelter provide policies and protocols to 311 on how to respond to animal-related requests?
How do 311 call agents determine if a situation is serious enough to dispatch an animal control officer?
How does 311 address urgent situations when animal control is days behind responding to requests?
Local animal advocate Julie Virga posed these questions to a city 311 representative at a recent meeting of the Animal Care Services Citizens Advisory Committee. The seven-member panel makes recommendations to the City Council regarding Front Street Animal Shelter.
The questions went unanswered— essentially ignored—by advisory committee Chair Leah Morris and 311 Manager Ivan Castellanos.
Sacramento residents use 311 to request service, report problems or get information on everything from garbage pickup to stray animals. Requests are received via phone, email, web portal and phone app.
City 311 received 493,000 service requests last year. Almost 10 percent were about animals.
patio. “Front Street animal control said they were days behind in responding.”
With recent upgrades, phone calls to 311 now go to a virtual agent, but callers can ask to speak to an agent, Castellanos told the committee. “If the caller says the call is about a sick, injured or aggressive animal, the call is moved to the front of the queue,” skipping a wait time that can be 20 minutes or longer.
Debbie Tillotson visits homeless camps near Highway 160 almost daily. She takes food, water and supplies to camp dogs. She logs every 311 call she makes.
In March, Tillotson called 311 about a camp dog in a cage with no food or water for several days. “People that live in the camps said the dog cries all night long,” Tillotson says.
She gave 311 details on where to find the dog. She logged the reference number and the 311 agent’s name. Two days later, when no animal control officer was dispatched, she called again. “I was told that they had no record of me ever calling. Even with the reference number and the name of the person I spoke to.”
Jace Huggins, Front Street Animal Shelter’s chief animal control officer, reports Front Street has 500 to 600 pending service requests, some dating back months. The shelter logs 50 to 70 requests a day.
By Cathryn Rakich Animals & Their Allies“Public comment periods are not intended to be question-and-answer periods,” says Tim Swanson, the city’s media and communications manager. “Committee members determine what questions they would like to ask a presenter during a discussion item.”
Apparently, no one thought Virga’s questions warranted a response.
Going through 311 is the only way to contact Front Street Animal Shelter, short of visiting the shelter in person. The shelter doesn’t provide a direct line.
“One of the things that comes up often is that every time (people) call 311 they hear a different response,” Virga told the committee. “They may hear, ‘Leave the animal where you found it.’ Or, ‘The shelter isn’t taking any animals.’ Or, ‘The shelter doesn’t take cats or kittens.’”
Virga cited a recent case of a starving dog on an apartment
“The reality is that everybody feels like their call is an emergency,” Huggins says. “We get a lot calls that there is no food, water and shelter and this animal is going to die. People call and tell whatever they can to try to get us to go out there. But with the number of officers that we have, we have other things we have to get to.”
Other things besides a dying dog.
Referring to a recent list of pending requests, Huggins says three are for starving and emaciated animals with no food or water. “We get those calls constantly. We are inundated with people wanting us to come out and handle everything out there that’s related to animals. And it’s physically impossible.”
Front Street accepts animals who are ill or injured, but 311 agents
are instructed to tell callers to leave stray healthy cats where they are found. “If it is healthy, it is very likely that the cat has an owner or caretaker,” Swanson says.
“Leaving animals on the streets was one of the main complaints,” community member Elyse Mize told Castellanos during the meeting’s public comment period. “If Front Street is not going to accept animals, what else is the 311 operator supposed to say?”
The same is true for unaltered or possibly pregnant felines.
Front Street Manager Phillip Zimmerman calls the shelter a “scary place” where cats can get upper respiratory infections. Animal advocates opposed to Front Street’s policies say cats left on the street face multiple risks, including being hit by cars and multiplying exponentially.
Accepting all stray cats into the shelter and ensuring they are spayed/ neutered are the best ways to combat overpopulation.
Committee Chair Morris asked Castellanos about a “dedicated agent”
model, where 311 agents specialize in animal-care requests.
On average during the week, 20 to 30 callers are waiting to speak to an agent. “We are stretched thin to handle the volume that is coming through 311,” Castellanos said. “Having specialized agents makes sense, but I just don’t see being able to do it now with the current model that we have and the staff that we have.”
“There’s multiple welfare complaints,” Zimmerman says. “You’re talking to community members and they’re saying a dog is living in feces. There are 10 other calls that could be even worse than that. You have to make a choice and unfortunately, somebody’s going to have to wait.”
Unfortunate, indeed.
Cathryn Rakich can be reached at crakich@surewest.net. Previous columns can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
Ryan Nickel works with scientists who fight crime. He’s a crime-busting scientist himself, an expert in DNA analysis. But there’s a difference. Around the office, Nickel is known as the guy who runs marathons.
“We have a great team, but yeah, they don’t see me as a scientist,” he says. “They see me as a distance runner.”
The label carries an ironic touch. Nickel works for the Sacramento
County district attorney’s crime lab, where the goal is to nail people after they go running.
Earlier this year, crime lab colleagues figured Nickel was into something special. He scheduled vacation days around a four-month training regimen. The lab soon learned Nickel was preparing for the runner’s ultimate dream, the Boston Marathon.
He qualified for this past April’s 127th Boston Marathon by running fast in the California International Marathon. The local event is popular among Boston hopefuls.
A relatively flat track from Folsom Lake to Downtown makes the challenge not easy but conquerable. A 46-year-old male runner such as Nickel must cover 26.2 miles in 3 hours, 20 minutes or better to meet Boston requirements.
Nickel beat the Boston qualifying time in December 2021.
As running careers go, Nickel took his time to reach Boston. He began
running in third grade and joined his high school cross country squad as a Placerville teen. At UC Davis, he made the track team five years straight. He competed in the steeplechase.
“I wasn’t fast enough to be a miler, and the 5k was too far and too painful,” he says.
The words sound facetious from a steeplechaser. Most runners hate the event. It’s the most bizarre test in track. It was designed for horses.
A steeplechase course covers 2 miles. Runners must leap 28 barriers and splash through seven water traps. Unlike hurdle races, steeplechase barriers don’t fall when hit. Runners fall. “Yeah, you do get wet,” Nickel says.
He quit running after college. “I was burned out,” he says. “But somehow, running kept sneaking back into my life.”
Nickel ran six marathons before he reached Boston, including races in San Diego and Chicago. Six is not a big number among Boston veterans. Nickel says he doesn’t “chase marathons much.” He runs because he enjoys it.
His enjoyment was tested this year when he trained for Boston. He built a program with long runs from his East Sacramento home. He maintained his running schedule despite the wet winter.
Running dominated his life. It required patience from his wife and son, age 12. He often returned home after dark, wet and cold from running near the American River.
“I’d much rather run in the rain than against the wind, but I saw
everything this year,” he says. “I love getting out of the cityscape, but training does take over your life.”
When April arrived, he was ready. The family flew to Boston just before the marathon. On race day, drizzle turned to rain. No problem for a guy who trained on soaked levees.
The Boston Marathon starts deceptively. It moves downhill. Other runners took off fast. Nickel held back. “Around 10 miles, almost the halfway point, I was feeling good,” he says.
Things get tough about mile 16, where four hills devour the field. The final climb is Heartbreak Hill, around mile 21. “I was passing people on Heartbreak Hill,” he says.
Then he went to what he calls “the dark place.” He saved one nutrition packet for the final 5 miles. When he reached for his fuel, the packet was gone. “It must have fallen out,” he says. He took a nutrition bar from an aid station. His family waited at mile 26. He ran past them, oblivious. “It was pouring rain, cold, miserable rain. You do a hairpin turn, a right and a left, and you can see the finish coming down Boylston Street,” he says. “The noise from the crowd can lift you up and carry you in.”
His time was 2:58, a terrific performance. He finished in 3,544th place, 253rd in his age group. Maybe fastest ever among crime-fighting DNA experts from Sacramento.
R.E. Graswich can be reached at regraswich@icloud.com. Previous columns can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
In 2020, after struggling five years to secure financing, Sacramento County finally converted the former Courtyard Inn Motel in North Highlands to homeless housing. Today two new motel conversion projects targeted by the Board of Supervisors are expected to proceed at warp speed. What changed?
California’s Homekey program. It provides funds to local governments to convert non-residential structures into homeless housing, which didn’t exist before 2020.
County staff is optimistic about the state funding application. If successful,
the money requires completion of the conversion work within 12 months.
The county teamed with two experienced affordable housing developers to rehab the Arden Star Motel on Howe Avenue in Arden Arcade and Super 8 Motel on Madison Avenue in Foothill Farms.
The converted units will have individual bathrooms and kitchenettes along with 24-hour management and social services that include life skills, training and counseling. Other amenities are laundry facilities, a community room, outdoor area and pet area. The properties will be fenced and secured.
Danco Communities will oversee the conversion of the Super 8 project into 118 affordable units with one manager unit. This project tops $34 million, with $17 million from the state. Lutheran Social Services of Northern California will assist the residents.
By Howard Schmidt Inside The CountyThe John Stewart Company will convert the 128-room Arden site into 71 studios and 52 one-bedroom units, plus two manager units. The price tag will exceed $40 million with $20 million from the state. HOPE Cooperative, formerly known as Transitional Living and Community Support, will handle services.
The earlier Courtyard Inn project may be an indicator of what to expect for the Super 8 site. Prior to conversion, the North Highlands motel was a magnet for crime, generating 500 calls yearly for the sheriff. Supervisor Susan Peters, a key player in getting Mercy Housing to convert the motel, said when you drove by the location prior to rehab “there was always a sheriff’s deputy car.”
Supervisor Rich Desmond, who succeeded Peters, says the Super 8 location has been a “source of law enforcement issues.” That conversion should improve the area.
The Arden project is for seniors age 55 and up, with emphasis on age 62 and older. Clients eligible under the Mental Health Services Act will be
allocated 30 units. Another 15 units will be for referrals by the County’s Adult Protective Services Program. The Foothill Farms location is targeted for households earning 30% or less than the area median income. Fifteen units will serve people receiving mental health services.
Desmond describes the projects as “heading in the right direction” and predicts county residents will “see improvements.”
When county supervisors gave the greenlight to apply for the state funding, Supervisor Patrick Kennedy cautioned it’s “not a cheap program.”
Howard Schmidt worked on the federal, state and local levels of government, including 16 years for Sacramento County. He can be reached at howardschmidt218@aol. com. Previous columns can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
Customers discover “fabulous finds” when they shop at the Assistance League of Sacramento’s upscale resale business on Fulton Avenue.
The Assistance League solicits donations of goods, sells them at Fabulous Finds on Fulton, and returns the money to the community through a variety of programs and projects.
With 22,000 members nationwide, this nonprofit philanthropic organization began almost a century ago. The Assistance League of Sacramento was chartered in 1968, and now boasts nearly 300 volunteer members.
“We are the keepers of the money the community gives us,” says
Charlotte Stott, chair of marketing and communications. Astute money managers they are. The building that houses the resale store and league offices is mortgage free. Sales at Fabulous Finds on Fulton provide 85% of the league’s funding.
High-quality inventory is donated. Website guidelines advise, “...choose the very best of your items for our store. When in doubt, throw it out.”
Workers wearing matching, monogrammed, sunny yellow aprons sort, price, press and make donations retail-ready. Bins honeycomb the area. It is a hive of activity. Nothing goes to waste. Veterans’ groups receive excess goods not selected for sale.
Well-organized, the store is an inviting place to shop. Display teams and a professional designer arrange the merchandise. Racks are categorized with everything in its place. “Millennials are our market while baby boomers are downsizing,” Stott says.
“I love what we do,” says President Betty Lou Beyer, who has a 12-year affiliation with the league. “Our flagship program, Operation School Bell, has worked with four districts and 49 schools, all Title 1, which
supplements educational funding for low-income students.
“Last year we gave away 17,000 books for students to take home and for classroom use with emphasis on diversity. For some students, this is the first book they can call their own.”
Children receive backpacks, classroom supplies, toiletries, underwear and more. Operation School Bell also funds visual screening and assists young readers by pairing them with Book Buddies who work one-onone with them as they learn to read.
Fresh Start, another flagship project, supports children as they age out of the foster care system at 18. They require help in setting up their lives for independent living. The Assistance League aids by giving them basics, such as bedding, pots and pans, a vacuum cleaner and other necessities to make that fresh start.
The organization also provides baby kits with bottles, blankets and other vital items for young mothers with infants still living in foster care.
A hundred applications came in for the $1,500 to $3,000 scholarships the Assistance League gives to community college students. Beyer enthusiastically describes one such
scholarship winner. “He was living out of his car at the time. Now he has a Ph.D. from UC Davis and is teaching engineering.”
In conjunction with Women’s Empowerment, for the last decade the Assistance League of Sacramento has helped women dress for success by providing work-appropriate clothing for careers and confidence. Another project, Reaching Out, supports vulnerable and homeless individuals, referred by partner agencies, who need help. The league can provide housing assistance, transportation and employment needs.
The Teddy Bear program began with the California Highway Patrol in 1988. To date, 561 cuddly brown teddy bears, clad in blue Assistance League T-shirts, have found their way into the arms of children in emergency rooms, shelters and crisis nurseries, as well as those in senior facilities. “The bears calm the children,” Beyer says. They grab the bears, cuddle them for comfort and just hang on.
Sociability starts with Assistance League orientation classes. Class mentors, called “Moms,” bring their groups of 20 or so members up to speed, building chapter support skills. Each group has a name, such as Sparkling Sapphires, The Fascinators and The Mighty Nine.
Groups bond, often going to lunch, in addition to the league’s biannual lunches and monthly meetings. Fundraising golf tournaments provide another time to mingle. Beyer’s favorite is the April in Paris gala.
Participating with the Assistance League of Sacramento has many rewards. “It is so enriching,” Stott says. “It keeps you learning.”
Beyer notes, “We are always looking for ways to provide more.”
Members seek fulfillment from helping others. They seem to find it. The “fabulous finds” are more than the merchandise on Fulton Avenue. They are Assistance League members, too.
Fabulous Finds on Fulton and the Assistance League of Sacramento offices are at 2751 Fulton Ave. For information on donating or volunteering, visit assistanceleague.org/sacramento.
LeAne Rutherford can be reached at lrutherf@d.umn.edu. More stories can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
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Afew years ago, when my wife and I looked for a house to buy after returning to Sacramento from Southern California, we found the perfect place near Tahoe Park.
We liked the neighborhood. The house was updated and reasonably priced. The only drawback was a homeless encampment in the park across the street. That made me uncomfortable. We decided not to bid on the house.
The experience came back to me recently while reading about the lawsuit filed against the city of Elk Grove by California Attorney General Rob Bonta, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Department of Housing and Community Development. California is taking the city to court over its denial of a low-income housing project known as Oak Rose in Elk Grove’s Old Town.
Citing a Stanford study that identifies a link between homelessness and high housing costs, the state’s lawsuit says, “California has a crisislevel housing shortage that stems in part from the failure of local governments to approve affordable housing to meet the needs of all Californians. … The lack of attainable housing has a particularly acute effect on those struggling to find housing or stay housed. California has the largest homeless population of any state, with 161,658 homeless people as of January 2020.”
The 66-unit Oak Rose project was designed to provide permanent housing for people who were formerly homeless or have disabilities. In turning down the project, Elk Grove officials said it violated local zoning rules that require ground floor commercial space in such developments.
But if you believe the language of the state’s lawsuit and the officials behind it, the commercial requirement is a subterfuge.
“California has critically important laws designed to combat housing discrimination and increase affordable housing opportunities,” Bonta said when the complaint was filed. “Today’s
lawsuit against Elk Grove sends a strong message to local governments: if you violate fair housing laws, we will hold you to account.”
While some may see the state’s action as heavy-handed meddling in local decisions, Bonta and Newsom deserve credit for putting down this marker regarding California’s seemingly intractable homeless crisis.
People wind up without a roof over their heads for a lot of reasons. Drug addiction and other mental health problems. The sudden loss of a job and no financial cushion. Medical issues and more. But a shortage of affordable housing is high on the list.
In suing Elk Grove, which insists it’s done nothing wrong and intends to fight the lawsuit, the state seeks to ensure, among other things, that cities don’t violate Senate Bill 35.
Sponsored by state Sen. Scott Weiner, D-San Francisco, the 2017 law seeks to streamline construction of some housing projects as long as they are consistent with overall zoning standards. Not coincidentally, the law is set to expire in 2025. Weiner wants to make it permanent and more expansive.
Most of us feel bad when we see a homeless person, but we have become accustomed to looking the other way and going about our business. I have been guilty of it. So are a number of California cities.
The state recently amended its earlier lawsuit against Huntington Beach in Orange County, claiming the city violated another recent state law designed to make it easier to build accessory dwelling units in neighborhoods previously zoned exclusively for single-family housing.
“California will continue taking every step necessary to ensure everyone is building their fair share of housing and not flouting state housing laws at the expense of the community,” Newsom said.
It would be preferable if the state didn’t have to sue to get cities to build more affordable housing. But human nature being what it is, sometimes a little coercion may be necessary.
Gary Delsohn can be reached at gdelsohn@gmail.com. Previous columns can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
The Reeves family purchased their Carmichael property in 2008. It was a relatively new custom home, but Dr. Aaron Reeves spent a decade renovating the home to suit his family of four. Reeves is a dentist and dental entrepreneur, but his vision and design expertise is on par with many design professionals.
When he was house hunting two decades ago, the late real estate legend Marge Reid suggested he look at the property overlooking Ancil Hoffman Park and Golf Course.
Reeves thought it was too far from town. “She wouldn’t take no for an answer and next thing I knew, we were here,” he says. “I immediately fell in love with the view. She knew better what I wanted than even I did at that point. Her wisdom was much appreciated by a relative youngster like me.”
He continues, “Our family feels very blessed to live in this 4,000-square-foot home. We only added a little of that space, but more importantly we reinvented the interior and exterior spaces. We have four bedrooms, an exercise room, five bathrooms and a couple outdoor showers. It’s primarily a one-story home, but we have a walkout lower level by the pool as the lot slopes down toward the park.”
Reeves started with a quality California Spanish home, cream-colored stucco exteriors and clay tile roofing. “This home could easily fit into Santa Barbara, a style of design that we love,” he says. Bronze-clad window treatments and doors add a classic touch.
But the original layout missed something. It didn’t take advantage of the views. “We opened up the rooms, adding additional windows and openings that made sense,” Reeves says. He installed accordion-style window walls not available when the home was built about 20 years ago.
The family room features a modern cook’s kitchen and island, an open casual dining and family area, and game table. The grand space sits adjacent to a separate dining room for formal entertainment. An office for Aaron is off the kitchen.
The central living room opens from arches in a wide entry hall with clerestory windows. The living space features large-scale furniture and art and accessories detailed with a neutral color palette. “The design serves as background to the views,” Reeves says.
The master suite emphasizes the backyard view and includes soft, neutral colors and textures. The private patio has a hot tub.
Two teenage sons have contemporary-designed bedrooms with space for their sports and special-interest collections. The boys share a “Jack and Jill” bathroom. Part of the front yard became a
walled sports court accessible from the boys’ bedrooms.
The lot runs about three-quarters of an acre, but feels larger since the back spills into the parkway. “I grew up in Pilot Hill and Cool, so my favorite thing about this house is to be able to look out and see the beautiful parkway landscape,” Reeves says. “On a clear day we can see all the way to the Sierras.”
Reeves was assisted by several designers on different phases, but his own instincts were the guiding force. He’s a multitalented, successful businessman but remains kind and humble, and appreciative of what he created for his family.
“My wife, Heather, and I may never have to worry about having an empty nest!” he says.
Cecily Hastings can be reached at publisher@insidepublications.com. To recommend a home or garden, contact editor@insidepublications.com. More photography and previous columns can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
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xed for the rst 5 years of the loan which is called the draw period. After the initial 5 year period, the APR can change once based on the value of an Index and Margin. The Index is the weekly average yield on U.S. Treasury Securities adjusted to a constant maturity of 10 years and the margin is 3.50%. The current APR for the repayment period is 7.25%. The maximum APR that can apply any time during your HELOC is 12%. A qualifying transaction consists of the following conditions: (1) the initial APR assumes a maximum HELOC of $200,000, and a total maximum Loan-to-Value (LTV) of 70% including the new HELOC and any existing 1st Deed of Trust loan on your residence; (2) your residence securing the HELOC must be a single-family home that you occupy as your primary residence; (3) if the 1st Deed of Trust loan is with a lender other than El Dorado Savings Bank, that loan may not exceed $300,000, have a total maximum loan-to-value (LTV) of 65% and may not be a revolving line of credit. Additional property restrictions and requirements apply. All loans are subject to a current appraisal. Property insurance is required and ood insurance may be required. Rates, APR, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Other conditions apply. A $525 early closure fee will be assessed if the line of credit is closed within three years from the date of opening. An annual fee of $85 will be assessed on the rst anniversary of the HELOC and annually thereafter during the draw period. Ask for a copy of our “Fixed Rate Home Equity Line of Credit Disclosure Notice” for additional important information. Other HELOC loans are available under different terms.
Music is magic. Just ask the 200 students at Martucci Music.
Gabriella Martucci, founder and owner of the new school near McKinley Park, says, “Students have embarked on a physical and psychological journey that will shape them into whatever they want to be.” Music transforms.
“Music is a positive force for healing,” Martucci says. “It makes us aware of what we are feeling.”
Martucci’s father died when she was 21. She found “the power of music to heal my grief ignited my passion for music.” Since 2013, she has channeled
her passion into helping students grow through music. “Engaging their mindset, their emotions, their thoughts, music develops the whole child,” she avows.
Martucci Music offers classes for three age groups: 0 to 5 years, kindergarten through 12th grade, and adults. Every class is tailored to each student’s age, experience and wishes. Some want to learn to play the ukulele, some to make music with others, some to meet a challenge and some just to have fun.
Half of Martucci Music’s students are children. Half are adults; 11% of those are retirees. “They trustingly put their voice in your hands,” voice teacher Monica Serrano says. It is never too late to make music a part of life.
Martucci Music provides the toys and tools to aid in developing the brain, motor and listening skills, a sense of rhythm, and an awareness of body.
An important influence on child development, “music is multisensory— eyes, ears, touch—addressing the total person,” Martucci says. “Music uses not just the creative right brain, but the left as well. Music is mathematical.”
Ranging from novice to knowledgeable, older students can pursue voice, violin, piano, guitar, ukulele, cello or choir with its social benefits of connecting people. During COVID closings, Zoom sessions allowed people to link from as far away as Idaho and North Carolina.
figuratively crawl before they walk and walk before they run.
To provide musical ownership, Martucci Music believes in empowering students with self-awareness. When asked why she is taking voice as an adult, student Courtney Smith says, “It’s scary to me.” In response, the coach says, “Look at yourself in the mirror. How’s your stance? Tell me what you see. Now try this.” By identifying issues, students can learn how to resolve fear and tension with help from staff.
By LeAne Rutherford Meet Your NeighborAnd it is never too early. The toddler who bounces to “Baby Shark” can become a mini musician exploring music with baby instruments: little drumsticks, tambourines, triangles, maracas and rainbow xylophones.
The school feels purposeful, nurturing and positive. Kids smile. It is a safe place. No scolding. The less threatening, the more learning. Teachers encourage students. In the evolution of learning, students must
Martucci Music’s staff, veritable magicians who can pull shyness out of children, have solid credentials. Brianne Cardona and Vanessa Martucci both have master’s in opera performance from UCLA. Monica Serrano has a bachelor’s in vocal performance from Sac State.
The eight recitals per year promote students’ self-confidence. The more they create and demonstrate new skills, the more self-assured they become.
Before class, students are asked to describe how confident they are in performing the song they prepared for the day’s lesson. Where did they struggle? Post class, they check themselves again. How do they think they did? Do they see themselves as better? Relying on their own assessment gives them power and confidence.
What leads pupils to Martucci Music school? Often it is because their parents are in the arts. Or sports aren’t a good fit, so they try an alternative. Or parents want their children to have an opportunity they did not have. Often they go to Martucci because
budget cuts in the arts have eliminated music programs in their schools. Vocal student Eliora Hernandez, 9, gives the best reason of all: “It’s fun!”
“If all had music from birth, we would be a different society,” Martucci says.
Martucci Music is at 2830 G St. For more information, visit martuccimusic. com.
LeAne Rutherford can be reached at lrutherf@d.umn.edu. More stories can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
The true cost of war is something I learned about while serving as chaplain on death notification teams. We delivered news no one wants to hear.
Movies often depict these teams visiting a three-bedroom house where Mom is making dinner and Dad is helping a younger sibling with homework.
Television dramas cast the teams in a four-man role as they approach the door in dress uniforms, knock, deliver the brief announcement and retreat to a government sedan.
Occasionally, that’s an accurate picture. But that wasn’t my typical
experience in the 30-plus homes I visited before I retired in 2015.
That’s because our service members come from all socioeconomic and racial backgrounds. Nearly each of my visits was different from the last one.
During one appointment, we almost called for police support when an anguished father pummeled the kitchen table so hard I thought we might be his next targets.
Fortunately, we didn’t have to call police that day. But we did call law enforcement for help with an uncooperative landlord. Unbelievably, the man refused to give us the forwarding address for a tenant who lost his daughter on Christmas Eve.
Sometimes we found the home unoccupied. We asked neighbors if they knew the location of the residents. While they answered our questions politely, they sometimes asked if we were recruiters.
Our blank stares gave them the only possible answer. They slapped a hand over their mouth at the unspoken horror of their next guess.
Each family was unique. In one home, I answered insensitive questions
from a soldier’s stepfather about life insurance while his mother bent over sobbing. In a different scenario, I resisted the nausea I felt from a cat hoarder whose home was covered with feline droppings.
One visit began like a police stakeout. We hoped for the parents to return before our military orders required us to make a midnight retreat. Then, just before midnight, the soldier’s parents returned from a successful bingo game. That’s when they learned they had experienced the loss of a lifetime.
I remember the time I drove six hours to tell a father there would be no miraculous recovery for his son. After nearly a year of praying, the soldier finally died of the brain injury he received in an IED explosion.
Most of all, I think about the children of the fallen. I remember the birthday party we canceled when we told the boy his father drowned. I can’t forget 9-year-old twins who exchanged vacant stares as our team fulfilled its legal requirement to deliver the notification directly to them.
I recall the dark sidewalks our group walked until we were illuminated by porch lights. Often from behind a fluttering curtain in the living room, we’d hear screams that can’t be removed from my memory.
If you’ve not known anyone lost to war, count yourself fortunate.
At Fourth of July parades, if you see old soldiers standing on the sidelines, know they are not blessed with the innocence of ignorance. They know what it’s like to see a comrade fall.
All they ask is that you remember them, sing “God Bless America” and extend a grateful hand.
One more thing. Promise you will never forget the true cost of war.
Norris Burkes can be reached at comment@thechaplain.net. Previous columns can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. Burkes is available for public speaking at civic organizations, places of worship, veterans groups and more. For details and fees, visit thechaplain.net. n
When I visited Chateau Davell in Camino, the Sierra’s incremental unfolding of redbud, dogwood and lilac blossoms just
By Gabrielle Myers Photography by Aniko Kiezel Farm To Forkreached the small vineyard at 3,100 feet elevation. As Emily Hays invited me into the tasting room, I could see the Sacramento Valley unfold across verdant grass and opening buds.
Eric and Emily Hays started Chateau Davell in 2007 with a land purchase. The couple wanted to spend time with Eric’s mom and dad, and raise their family in a healthy place with a sustainable environment.
At Chateau Davell, the couple uses biodynamic methods to nourish the land and the people who work the vineyard and enjoy its bounty.
Southdown sheep prowl the vineyard to graze down weeds between the rows. They aerate the soil with their hooves and fertilize with nitrogen rich manure, the owners tell me.
This practice allows the vineyard to avoid chemical herbicides such as glyphosate. Emily and Eric’s mom Davell, the winery’s namesake, use sheep wool as mulch to insulate garden plants.
“Sustainability with no chemicals, herbicides or pesticides has been our always goal, especially with our kids
being here and playing on the land,” Emily says.
Chickens once ran along the rows, but predators from adjacent forests forced the chickens into coops. Now their manure fertilizes grapes. Naturally, grape skins left over after wine pressings are composted and returned to the soil.
Cover crops in the vineyard deliver nitrogen and prevent soil erosion, which is significant given the vineyard’s topography.
With attention on the preciousness of California water and the benefits of the
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water table, Chateau Davell grapes are dry farmed with perhaps an occasional watering in August during dry years.
While the vineyard is small and produces limited quantities, Eric, who makes the wine, procures grapes from organic growers within 100 miles of his tasting room, notably the CaminoPlacerville area and Lodi. Chateau
Davell’s commitment to organic growers sets the winery apart from many tasting rooms.
Eric makes unfiltered and unfined wine, which enables true flavor qualities and health benefits to emerge. When wines are fined, chemicals such as clay, egg whites or milk solids are added to separate particles that might cloud the wine or lead to fermentation.
With many people now recognizing food allergies and demanding to know what goes into their food and beverages, the
Chateau Davell approach might be the future of winemaking.
The commitment to sustainability shows in the rustic, comfortable tasting room. With a slab of ponderosa pine, the tasting table reflects the forest that surrounds the property. The outdoor tasting area is built with sycamore and oak timber from the Sacramento Tree Foundation’s Urban Tree Rescue program. Many tables are spools that held electrical wire for PG&E.
Further reflecting their sustainable approach, Chateau Davell’s wine labels are 100% recycled, corks are Rainforest Alliance certified, and bottle glass is made in California with recycled content. Labels are decorated with prints of Eric’s wine barrel paintings that line the tasting room walls.
On Friday nights June through October, between 5–8 p.m., Chateau
Davell hosts live bands and offers pizza from a wood-fired oven.
Mother Davell, who lives down the road from the tasting room, is a master gardener. She often brings garden fresh tomatoes and basil to top the pizzas.
Find Chateau Davell wines in the tasting room in Camino and soon at Moonraker’s new facility in Cameron Park. For information, visit chateaudavell.com.
Gabrielle Myers can be reached at gabriellemyers11@gmail.com. Her latest book of poetry, “Too Many Seeds,” can be ordered from fishinglinepress.com. Previous columns can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
We are happy to report that the PLEDGE 100% LOCAL campaign continues to grow and pick up new supporters. We invite other businesses and groups to join the effort. You can participate as simply as posting our signs at your business or by donating to fund signs and other resources. Visit insidesacramento.com/100local. For more information, contact cecily@insidepublications.com.
Can we chat about the birds and the bees? No, not those birds and bees, but feathered birds and buzzing bees in gardens.
Wildlife habitat gardens are planned and planted for the benefit of birds, bees, butterflies and assorted critters in search of food, water, shelter and nesting areas. Imagine a wild world garden.
Landscapes, often dominated by lawn, shrubs and trees are being tweaked for ecologically acceptable alternatives. The habitat garden is
a throwback to simpler times when humans and wildlife lived in harmony.
Pollinators and beneficial insects are drawn to wildlife habitat gardens. When flowering plants are pollinated, ecosystems survive. When food crops are pollinated, we eat. Without pollinators, 80% to 90% of plants would disappear, along with a third of crop species. That stirs a scary scenario.
The land beneath our feet once welcomed wildlife and native plants. Residential and commercial development scraped the land clean, compressing native soil before smothering it with pavement and structures. Wildlife was forced to flee and endure on shrinking habitat.
In a dizzying world where artificial intelligence pushes “the cloud” out of the news cycle, a back-to-nature garden adventure can be a welcomed respite.
By Dan Vierria Garden JabberMost gardeners have experience with habitat gardening, even if it’s accidental. Perhaps a perennial was planted because of its beauty, but you noticed the plants were instant
hummingbird magnets. Hang a birdhouse and you have sent an invitation to the party.
To attract and nurture wildlife, a section or the entire garden can be converted into habitat. Or compromise and add plants and practices that blend with existing landscape.
The most effective approach to adding a wildlife habitat welcome mat embraces native and pollinator plants, removing all or a portion of lawn, and adding a water source, like a fountain or birdbath. Place a few rocks in deeper water for bee and small bird landing zones.
The perks of converting a garden area are impressive. Water usage decreases, along with maintenance costs because of lawn reduction or removal. Native plants are much less prone to pest problems, thus reduced pesticide use. Entertainment value increases because wildlife is a constant show. Sit back and enjoy the performances.
Converting a traditional landscape to a complete wildlife habitat garden
may best be accomplished in the backyard, especially if neighbors are OCD gardeners. The area will be easily maintained because leaves and twigs should be left where they fall, pruning shrubs and trees is discouraged, as is deadheading spent flowers. The seeds in spent flowers provide food for birds during fall and winter. Seeds missed by birds will produce more flowers in spring.
Sounds like messy housekeeping, but basically the area will mirror how things are done in the wild. Native plants decorate a wildlife habitat garden area with beauty, food and shelter for our needy friends. Many are terrific at erosion control if the property is sloped. Most are drought-tolerant, once established.
Toyon, Ceanothus, snowberry, coffeeberry, coyote bush, manzanita, wild rose and wildflowers are popular native plant choices. Recent droughts resulted in a popularity resurgence of native plants, so Sacramento nurseries are well stocked.
Gardeners have the option of adding habitat-friendly plants to landscapes, but be aware of varying water requirements.
Making an effort at limited “backyard restoration” is simple and satisfying. Hummingbirds, for instance, are universally loved and attracted by planting Phlox, bee balm, coral bells, Salvia, Penstemon, trumpet vine, Lantana, manzanita, zinnias, lavender and California fuchsia. Monkeyflower and Caryopteris (bluebeard) are also hummingbird favorites in my garden. Do not be shy about adding wildlife plant favorites. The little guys will thank you.
Harvest Day is Aug. 5 at the Fair Oaks Horticulture Center in Fair Oaks Park. The annual event features speakers, vendors and demonstration gardens from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Yes, there is a wildlife habitat demonstration garden! Admission is free. Visit sacmg. ucanr.edu for information.
Dan Vierria is a University of California Cooperative Extension Master Gardener for Sacramento County. He can be reached at masterg29@gmail.com. For answers to gardening questions, contact the UCCE Master Gardeners at (916) 876-5338, email mgsacramento@ucanr. edu or visit sacmg.ucanr.edu. Previous columns can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
These fast-growing squash are low in calories, contain no saturated fats or cholesterol, and are a good source of protein, vitamin A and other vitamins.
To eat: Slice horizontally, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper and
These con of protein, vita sprink grill
Pears are packed with dietary fiber, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. They are low in calories, too!
To eat: Slice, top with a dollop of blue cheese and wrap with prosciutto for an elegant hors d’oeuvre.
Low in calories, watermelon contains dietary fiber, potassium, and vitamins C and A. Drink watermelon juice after a grueling workout.
Low in calorie potassiu j
To eat: For a refreshing salad, serve with arugula and feta.
To eat: For a arugula and f
This summer treat—practically synonymous with Sacramento!—contains massive amounts of lycopene. According to a study from The University of Montreal, a diet rich in tomatoes may help reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.
To eat: Slice, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and pepper for the perfect summer salad.
Related to peaches, these delicious stone fruits are full of antioxidants and provide some B-complex vitamins and minerals.
To eat: Combine with raspberries to make a summery crumble or cobbler.
This low-calorie vegetable has a surprisingly high amount of vitamin K. The peel is a great source of dietary fiber.
To eat: Peel and seed, then chop coarsely and combine with yogurt, garlic and lemon juice to make the zingy Greek dip known as tzatziki.
Casa East Sac, a not-quiteyear-old restaurant at 54th and H streets, is gaining fans. Whether it’s locals walking and biking on beautiful Sacramento nights or folks driving in, the restaurant has a robust following and fills up nearly every service. Impressive.
OK, I’m a pushover. Children’s magicians delight me. I love community bands. I’m easily swayed. My wife is not. And yet she considers Casa one of her favorite restaurants. Even more impressive.
Brothers Steve and Ted Gibanov started Casa in September 2022, taking a space that turned over twice in four years. The brothers’ vision works. Casa is the first restaurant they started together.
“It was a bit like Goldilocks,” Steve tells me. “We’d been looking for places and they were either too big or too small, and this spot seemed just right, just what we were looking for.”
S G By Greg Sabin Restaurant InsiderWhat they wanted was a comfortable, high-quality, unfussy restaurant experience that kept quality ingredients and good cookery at the forefront. They looked for a neighborhood bistro with strong Italian/French/American inspiration.
Both brothers have worked at kitchens in Sacramento and the Bay Area. Despite their Russian heritage and love of family recipes, they enjoy making classic fare in the California restaurant tradition.
“I’m an old-school fanatic,” Steve says. “I think honest food, generous portions and quality ingredients are the not-too-complicated secret to a great menu.”
His menu demonstrates those beliefs. A handful of small plates and salads, including a plate of deviled eggs made with care, creamy and tasty, is easily accessible. A half-dozen pizzas come out of Casa’s pizza oven, produced with skill and mostly classic toppings.
“There’s something about watching someone really enjoy a pizza, you
know?” Steve says. “When you’ve got that dough just right, it’s magic.”
The entrees are about as old-school as you can get: steak of the day, pasta of the day, catch of the day and roast chicken. That’s it. What else do you need? House-made pastas. Perfectly grilled steaks. A nice piece of fish. A perfectly crispy bird.
On our most recent visit, my wife and I opted for the ribeye and seasonal salad with peaches and arugula. It was one of the best steaks I can remember, buttery and peppery, cooked to a textbook medium rare. The averagesounding roasted taters and string beans served alongside were without flaws. The salad hit every point, with early season peaches getting a small sugar assist from a sly balsamic dressing.
We grabbed a piece of tiramisu for dessert. This house-made treat did not disappoint. The sweets were sweet, the fluffy parts fluffy. The flavors sang.
But the truly impressive part was Casa was down two servers that night, with a full house. The Gibanovs called
their sister Dominique in from Chico to help. The place should have been falling apart. Yet, Steve checked on every table, every water glass got refilled, every diner had a smile.
A heroic effort by the whole team. To pull that off, on a Friday night for a young restaurant is impressive. There’s no other word.
Casa East Sac is at 5401 H St.; casaeastsac.com; (916) 898-3702.
Greg Sabin can be reached at gregsabin@hotmail.com. Previous reviews can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
The first time Suzon Lucore was stopped by police for feeding a homeless man, her response was swift. “You have an ordinance to not feed the homeless,” she remembers saying at the time, “but is it illegal to feed a friend? This is my friend.”
By Jessica Laskey Open StudioLucore has fed homeless people for almost two decades since moving to Midtown in 2007 after completing her bachelor’s degree in painting at California College of the Arts in the Bay Area.
“I saw all these people who were hungry and started feeding them,” she says.
The instinct to lend a hand was ingrained early as the daughter of a church elder growing up in Rio Oso, 35 miles north in Sutter County. She worked for the church food bank at age 9. Her love of art started young, when she sold candy and drawings of cartoon characters on the bus to finance her art career. “It never occurred to me to be anything else but an artist,” she says.
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Years later, after attending Yuba College and the arts school, and launching a career in advertising and marketing, Lucore looked for a way to help. She combined her desire to do good with her love of art.
“I had been painting social issues—like painting the Capitol in oranges and reds to depict the chaos we’re in right now—and I was looking for new subject matter,” says Lucore, who moved to Pocket last year. “I suddenly realized I had been feeding these people for years and talking to them, so I started asking to take pictures of them to paint from. I use vibrant colors to draw attention. People’s eyes tend to glaze over when talking about the homeless, so this is my way of showing they’re not disposable.”
Lucore exhibited her portraits with Yuba Sutter Arts and Culture in Marysville this year. She launched a website called WeHaveCompassion.com to share her paintings and her mission. She hopes to add a database of resources to the site.
Ultimately, she’d love to sell the portraits as a collection to a nonprofit so it can tour the series around the country. She has one piece on display at Dignity Health in Rocklin, a 6-foot-by-9-foot painting called “The 19 Faces of COVID-19,” featuring diverse people wearing face masks. She plans to donate the work to a nonprofit. Her son, Kaspian Khalafi, has taken up his mother’s mission and regularly straps a grill to his bicycle to cook for homeless people in his neighborhood. He grilled 300 turkey hotdogs last Thanksgiving.
“I feed people not because I want to be considered special but because it’s something small I can do that makes life better for someone for a moment,” Lucore says. “They’re not just the unhoused. They’re my friends.”
For information, visit wehavecompassion.com and connectednow.com. “The 19 Faces of COVID-19” is on display at 550 W. Ranch View Drive, Suite 3000, in Rocklin.
Jessica Laskey can be reached at jessrlaskey@gmail. com. Previous profiles can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento. n
City Cruises
Tuesday, July 4, 12:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. & 8 p.m.
1206 Front St. • cityexperiences.com/sacramento/city-cruises
Delight in the city’s best views and festivities aboard a cruise along the Sacramento River. Choose from River Cruise, Sights & Sips, Alive After Five and Rock the Yacht Fireworks. Tickets range from $26.25 to $47 (kids younger than 3 are free).
Office of Arts + Culture
July 7–29
First Friday Opening Reception, July 7, 6–9 p.m.
Twisted Track Gallery, 1730 12th St. • delriotrailart.org
Enjoy work by multidisciplinary artists who created art related to the Del Rio Trail and its surrounding community as part of Phase 1 of the Art in Public Places Del Rio Trail project.
Sacramento Regional Fire Museum
Saturday, July 29, 5 p.m.
By Jessica Laskey3650 Industrial Blvd., West Sacramento • sacfiremuseum.org
Help the museum raise funds at this entertaining evening of casino gaming, appetizers, no-host drinks and great company. Tickets are $70 per person. Each ticket includes $300 of “Fun Money.” Must be 21 to attend.
July 25 – July 30
Presented by Broadway At Music Circus
UC Davis Health Pavillion
1419 H St, Sac 916 557-1999
This “deliciously dark and superbly funny” musical comedy embraces the wackiness in every family. The award-winning show is based on some of the characters created by The New Yorker cartoonist Charles Addams in his single-panel drawings, which depict a ghoulish American family with an affinity for all things macabre.
July 11 – July 16
Presented by Broadway At Music Circus
UC Davis Health Pavillion 1419 H St, Sac 916 557-1999
One of musical theatre’s most beloved works, this tribute to the optimism, warmth, and stubbornness of small town America has been charming audiences of all ages for decades. There’s trouble in River City when traveling salesman Harold Hill comes to town and causes disruption. Featuring the classic songs “Seventy Six Trombones,” “Goodnight My Someone” and “Till There Was You.”
July 21 – July 23
Presented by Cal Cap Black Box Theatre
Cal Cap Black Box Theatre
9845 Horn Rd, Sac 916 807-7429
Hollywood, California… 1974. On the set of the blockbuster disaster film, Earthquake, Oscar nominated screen siren Ava Gardner is focusing on her first big budget starring role in over a decade. Tucked away in her dressing room bungalow, the “queen of the scandal sheets” does battle with her past. But only a fool would bet against Ava.
Thru July 23
Presented by Capital Stage Company
Capital Stage
2215 J St, Sac 916 995-5464
Based on true events, PREDICTOR is the reallife story of Margaret Crane who, in 1967, defied all odds and expectations to become the inventor of the first home pregnancy test. An imaginative, stubborn, recovering-Catholic graphic artist with a proclivity for seeing things differently, Margaret contemplates the decision to sell her patent for the first home pregnancy test to Organon Pharmaceuticals. Will Meg’s invention fall into the wrong hands and disappear, or will she make the ultimate sacrifice to change the shape of women’s lives forever?
Saturday July 15
Presented by Celebration Arts Theatre at Celebration Arts Theatre 2727 B St, Sac 916 455-2787
Saturday, July 15 is Comedy Night at Celebration Arts! Join hilarious host D-Tyler for a special evening of side-splitting laughter featuring some of the funniest comics in the area. Full line-up will be announced soon! Grab a VIP ticket which includes a complimentary drink AND a ticket to an upcoming 2023 Celebration Arts theatrical performance of your choice.
Homeless World Cup Foundation
July 8–15
Hornet Stadium, Sacramento State, 6000 J St. • homelessworldcup.org
This annual tournament comes to the U.S. for the first time in partnership with Street Soccer USA. The event brings together homeless individuals and grassroots organizations from more than 70 countries.
Blue Line Arts
July 15–Aug. 26
Third Saturday Reception, July 15, 5–8 p.m. 405 Vernon Street, Roseville • bluelinearts.org
The exhibition features a range of new and established artists who are supporting members of the gallery. On opening night, meet the artists, and enjoy drinks and bites.
Carmichael Recreation and Park District
Saturday, July 8, 15 & 22, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Carmichael Park, 5750 Grant Ave. • carmichaelpark.com
Get ready to dance to the Dave Terry All Star Band (July 8), Wasted Space (July 15) and Maya Latin Tribute Band (July 22) at these free concerts. Picnics, blankets and lawn chairs are welcome. Concerts continue through August.
Downtown Sacramento Partnership
Fridays, July 14, 21 & 28, 5–9 p.m.
Cesar Chavez Plaza, 9th and J streets • godowntownsac.com
California’s largest, longest-running free music festival is back with a lineup packed with Grammy-winning artists, DJs and local legends.
Archival Gallery
Through July 29
Second Saturday Reception, July 8, 5–8 p.m.
3223 Folsom Blvd. • archivalgallery.com
This Sacramento tradition presents new and established artists showing in the gallery for the first time. This year, artwork is presented by John Angell, Russ Reich and Jerry Cagle.
Curiosity Collaborative
Saturday, July 29, 7–11 p.m.
Sacramento Art Glass, 204 23rd St. • curiositycollaborative.org
This party celebrates the success of the City of Trees Parade with musical and artistic performances. Local food, beer and wine available for purchase. Masquerade masks provided.
Kennedy Gallery Art Center
Through July 2, Noon–6 p.m.
1931 L St. • kennedygallerysacramento.com
One of the region’s most anticipated yearly art shows features work from resident artists inside three floors of open studios in the heart of Midtown.
Sacramento Fine Arts Center
July 18–Aug. 12
Second Saturday Reception, July 8, 5:30 p.m.
5330B Gibbons Drive, Carmichael • sacfinearts.org
This international juried art exhibition features animal-themed work in a variety of media, including acrylic, oil, watercolor and ceramic.
Cal Expo
July 14–30
1600 Exposition Blvd. • calexpostatefair.com
It’s time to don sunscreen, scarf fair food, ride the rides and enjoy the exhibits. Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Admission is $16 for adults; $12 for seniors (62 and older); $10 for youth (5–12); free for children (4 and younger). Parking is $15.
Sacramento Children’s Museum
Thursday, July 6, 2:30–4 p.m.
2701 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova • sackids.org
This fully accessible program is for children with special needs, including those on the autism spectrum, their siblings and friends. Session includes modified open play and special programming. Play sessions are the first Thursday of every month.
Fremont Presbyterian Church
July 11–13, 4–6 p.m.
5770 Carlson Drive • fremontpres.org
This series teaches third through eighth graders how to play instruments, sing, dance, paint, and read and write music. Cost is $30 per student or $50 per family. To request a scholarship, email classicworship@fremontpres.org.
Wednesday, July 12, 6:30–9 p.m. regionalsan.com/bufferlands
Explore Central Valley habitats at dusk with a chance to see beavers, river otters, muskrats, raccoons, owls and more. Free, but advanced registration is required between July 6–11. Contact Roger Jones at jonesro@sacsewer.com or (916) 875-9174.
Elk Grove Fine Arts Center
July 1–27
First Saturday Reception, July 1, 4–7 p.m.
9683 Elk Grove Florin Road • elkgrovefineartscenter.org
This art competition celebrates artists who use the primal force of fire to create artwork in all mediums, including ceramic, glass, metal and encaustic.
1. Nurses and caregivers receive plaques at Oakmont of Carmichael senior residence during National Nurses Week.
2. Supervisor Rich Desmond (right) and VIPs kick off opening of a new soccer/basketball court in Carmichael Park.
3. Veterans and supporters celebrate Memorial Day at the Vietnam War Monument in Carmichael.
4. Kiwanis Club of Carmichael hosts annual Taste of Carmichael fundraiser at La Sierra Community Center.
5. Volunteers welcome donors during a blood drive in Carmichael. Organizers include (from left) Sara Kidwell, Paddy Garnto, Dave Bories and Linda Rose Jones.
6. Laura Battaglien introduces her daughter Siena to a fluffy specimen at the Carmichael Cactus & Succulent Society sale.