Racine LIHF Collaborative sponsors community forum on infant mortality Keeping Babies Alive In Racine --- A Critical Issue for Greater Racine what has become a movement to improve In response to an urgent community issue
Action Plan and how you can help.
birth outcomes for the Greater Racine.
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
-- a staggering African American infant mor-
and Public Health. For more information,
tality rate higher than the national average --
"Reducing infant mortality in Greater
the Racine Lifecourse Initiative for Healthy
Racine cannot be done overnight, “says
Families Collaborative (Racine LIHF) is spon-
Samantha J. Perry, Collaborative Project
soring a community forum on Wednesday,
"It takes resources, community
About the Racine Lifecourse Initiative for Healthy Families Collaborative
April 25, 2012 beginning at 5:00 p.m. at the
engagement and an unwavering long-term
Families (LIHF) is a community-wide initia-
commitment from all residents of Greater
tive committed to eliminating racial dispari-
Great Lakes Room, 1001 Main Street in
ties in infant mortality and improving the
health and well being of African American
health problems facing Wisconsin. In Racine, an African American baby is
The Racine LIHF’s Community Action Plan
women, children and families in the Racine
includes recommendations that can signifi-
community. LIHF is a project of the
cantly impact the infant
three times as likely to die in the first year of
life as a white infant. Ensuring that babies
are born healthy and stay healthy requires
r e s i d e n t s .
involvement from the Greater Racine com-
munity. The forum will provide an opportu-
nity for the community to learn more about:
causes of unhealthy
birth outcomes and •
Why African American babies are
dying •
Programs that will improve birth
outcomes •
actions that can be What the Racine LIHF Collaborative
has been doing about it •
What you can do to change the out-
taken to positively impact
course of AfricanAmerican families in Greater Racine.
comes The Collaborative "We're optimistic about the level of com-
encourages mem-
mitment and support the Greater Racine
bers of the commu-
community has shown toward reducing
nity, especially the
infant mortality and creating a healthy envi-
ronment for African American families," says
community to join
Sharon Schulz, CEO of the Racine Kenosha
us in the fight to
Community Action Agency. "April is National
Minority Health Month and we believe this a
perfect time for community outreach around
this critical issue.”
African infant
C o m m u n i ty involvement is the
Infant mortality is an issue that affects the
key to the success of
entire community. Convened by the Johnson
Foundation at Wingspread, locally lead by the
Concerned citizens
Racine Kenosha Community Action Agency,
can attend the com-
and funded by the Wisconsin Partnership
munity forum, visit
Program, the Collaborative is comprised of
the www.healthyba-
members of the community, health depart-
biesracine.org web-
ments, health care facilities, other social
site, or contact the
service agencies, and community members-
Project Manager at
at-large. Collaborative members have com-
mitted their time, talent, intellect and
learn more about
resources over the past two years to fuel
visit us at http://www.healthybabiesracine.org. @RacineLIHF.
The Racine Lifecourse for Healthy
Gateway Technical College-Racine Building,
Infant mortality is one of the most critical
Wisconsin Partnership Program at the
Page 2 The Insider News Wisconsin, April 1-15, 2012
Local News
There’s A New Chief In Town!
BY: Allena G. Berry
“Pink House,” a community-meeting place
work; she encouraged many students in the
and makeshift library for local students.
neighborhood to get involved in law enforce-
Upon completion of his training at the Police Academy, Howell occupied various
“What do you want to be when you grow
roles within the department, including two
years in the gang unit, working as the
Youngsters all over the world have been
department’s information officer before
asked that question for decades. Those early
being honored with the title of Police Chief.
aspirations can help fuel an individual to pursue his or her passions in the future.
Howell, a self-proclaimed family man, noted that none of this would have been pos-
If you would have asked a young Art
sible without his family’s support. The long
Howell what he wanted to be when he grew
search process for Police Chief left Howell
up, however, he most certainly would not
drained; but, with his family behind him, and
have given you the answer of Police Chief of
the counsel and support of Police and Fire
the Racine Police Department.
Southeastern Wisconsin Baptist Ministers But that is exactly what Chief Howell
Fellowship and the Dominicans Sisters, Chief
became just a few days ago.
Howell believes that “the city has a unique opportunity in giving me this opportunity.”
Growing up in Racine on Davis Street,
ment and the fire sciences. This woman was
right behind Walden III School, Chief Howell
As Howell grew up among these neigh-
Thelma Orr, who, according to Howell, “could
And Chief Howell is wasting no time in
was surrounded by people who were inti-
borhood institutions, he did not have any
see past the current circumstances” and rec-
making sure that the community is well
mately concerned with his individual devel-
plans of becoming a police officer. “As a
ognize the potential of students in the neigh-
served during his tenure. While he has many
opment. “If my parents were at work, I still
young person, I didn’t know any officers of
plans for the Racine Police Department, his
knew that I couldn’t act up,” Howell recalled,
color,” Howell explained. “It didn’t seem
citing the closeness of the community as one
attainable.” Furthermore, the negative
of its assets. It was in this neighborhood that the
mission his simple: make the people of In 1984, after taking one grueling entry-
Racine feel safe.
images of police brutality among people of
level examination, Chief Howell was one of
color turned off many of his peers to law
Department out of an application pool of
to be a Police Chief when he grew up, but
600. “There was definitely something divine
Chief Howell seems to be just the man for
at work there,” Howell admitted with a
this job.
George Bray Center in Racine would find its roots;. It wasn’t called the Bray Center when
However, one woman would help Howell
Howell knew it, however; it was simply the
see beyond that negative stigma of police
He may not have known that he wanted
Rep. Robert Turner Not to Seek Re-election to State Assembly MADISON, WI – State Representative Robert Turner (D-Racine) announced today that he will not seek re-election to the newly-created 66th Assembly District. Turner indicated he had come to the decision after much consideration and felt it was time to give the electorate a chance to choose a new Representative. Rep. Turner was first elected to the State Assembly in 1990 and served 22 years as the State Representative for Racine’s 61st District. Turner, a Vietnam veteran, also served on the Racine City Council from 1976 to 2004, and spent many years representing both the 8th Aldermanic District along with his Assembly District. According to Turner, the best part of his job was talking to his constituents, getting their views on state and local policy, and helping them with problems with the state bureaucracy. He thanked all of his constituents in the 61st District for their support over the years and said it has been his distinct pleasure to serve them.
Page 3 The Insider News Wisconsin, April 1-15, 2012
We Have Stood Up For Our Community For Decades And Take The Difficult Cases Most Law Firms Avoid $3 million - largest police brutality settlement in Wisconsin’s history $150,000 - donated to NAACP Scholarship Fund 20 years - sponsor of YMCA Black Achievers
Our website is
15 years - sponsor of CTE “Empowering Milwaukee’s Youth”
8,500 - children fingerprinted 100s - holiday meals donated to needy families each year Named CYD Lawyer of the Year
800.800.5678 | hupy.com
Hupy and Abraham, S.C. has collected $100s of millions for thousands of satisfied clients. Page 4 The Insider News Wisconsin, April 1-15, 2012
Local News
GCA Closes After 43 Years of Service To The Community
George R. Stinson, CEO and owner of General Converters & Assembler, Incorporated has announced his retirement from a corporation that has served the community for 43 years. Stinson a native of Davison, North Carolina graduated with a BS degree in accounting and economics from Johnson C. Smith and his MBA from Clark Atlanta University. Stinson served as a White House fellow intern in the Executive Office of the President –Bureau of the Budget, financial/budget analyst at SC Johnson, and an auditor with Bendix Corporation in Kansas City, Missouri. He has held several board positions and his national and local awards attest to his commitment to the Racine Community.
GCA was established in 1969 as a contract packaging and pallet manufacturing company for the Southeastern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois area. In 1976 GCA acquired a chemical manufacturing company - KAO, Incorporated that produced Water Sanitizing Tablets and Detergents. From the beginning of GCA’s conception the main goal
was to strengthen the minority business in the Racine community. GCA recognized early on that in order to achieve that goal the education and skills of the inner city residents also had to be strengthened. The success of the continual training is reflected in the employees and in the history of the company’s quality work. GCA has hired and trained inner-city residents in improving the quality of life for people who may have never been given an opportunity.
GCA has been recognized for several awards through the years including: State of WI. – Commendation from Governor Thompson, National Minority Supplier Development Council, State of WI. – Citation from the State Assembly, State of WI. - Citation from the State Senate, Project Equality of Wisconsin Award, NAACP Minority Small Business Award, United States Chamber of Commerce Recognition, SC Johnson Partner In Quality (2001 to 2011), Wisconsin Safety Council – Safety Excellence Award, The Business Journal- Top Minority Business, and WI. Technology Council – Innovation Quotient
Page 5 The Insider News Wisconsin, April 1-15, 2012
GCA has taken pride in the contributions made to the community and for providing their customers with quality products.
Page 6 The Insider News Wisconsin, April 1-15, 2012
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Attention residents — dispose of old medications safely. Take part in a new, FREE program for Wisconsin Great Lakes watershed counties. Help keep our children safe and our waters clean. For more information on the program or to receive free mail-back envelopes for expired and unused medications, check out getthemedsout.org and search for a location near you! Questions? Contact the Project Coordinator at (414) 227-3344.
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Page 7 The Insider News Wisconsin, April 1-15, 2012
Services 8:00am & 10:00am Sunday School - 9:00am Wednesday Bible Study - Noon Family Life - 5:30pm Saturday Prayer - 10am
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Page 9 The Insider News Wisconsin, April 1-15, 2012
Inspirational News
Not Your Momma’s Church Service!
John Legee and James Ford pose for picture in the new worship center inside of Living Light Community Center
BY: Allena G. Berry For many Americans, the idea of going to Church on Sunday mornings brings back memories of childhood, anxiously awaiting the service’s close as you pull uncomfortably on the clothes your mother made you wear for the occasion. Church was the precursor to Sunday meals at grandma’s house, or a special trip to the ice cream store. All you had to do was make it through the service. This is, for many people, the essence of “Church.” But what if church did not have to be that way? Two Racine locals are asking exactly
that; and their answer may surprise you. John Lalgee of the Living Light Christian Church and James Ford, Senior Pastor at The Vine Ministries, are bringing their two congregations under the same roof and hoping to change the way you think about Church. “I think God has put us in a position where the world can see two cultures have communion under the same roof,” Ford commented about the joint housing of the two congregations. Lalgee agrees, admitting that he doesn’t quite know where this new venture will take the two ministries, but that he is “excited for the Kingdom’s sake to be in this position.”
Most would agree that the position Lalgee and Ford find themselves in is quite unusual; in fact, their partnership was largely unplanned.
under the same roof. There were, of course, some hesitancies about the proposition; in America, Sunday is still one of the most segregated days of the week. But both pastors could not shake the feeling that this was an important step in the growth of their respective congregations. Lalgee believes that a common faith should unite individuals: “We are brothers and sisters, regardless of color,” Lalgee stated.
Recently, The Vine Ministries was faced with the proposition of being “churchless.” A school had outbid the church for the building that they were using at the time. As Senior Pastor, Ford had to act quickly. He came upon the old YWCA building which was largely in disuse. Ford developed a relationship with Ford agrees. “This [merge] has the then owner of the building where he opened up my and his congregation world,” Ford would “sustain the said excitedly. building and do what“When religion ever we could to help “We are brothers and isn’t confined to out until the former a denominationowner found a buyer,” sisters, regardless of al box, you get in exchange for weekcolor,” Lalgee stated. to see God for ly use of the facilities. real.” Ford agrees. “This In comes Lalgee The two pasand his Living Light [merge] has opened up tors are excited team, looking for a my world,” Ford said at the potential new location for their of their collaboRacine church. Living excitedly. “When reliration, and see Light, which has church campuses gion isn’t confined to a o p p o r tu n i ti e s for developing throughout southdenominational box, real friendships eastern Wisconsin, you get to see God for between the Michigan, and even in congregations. England (Lalgee’s real.” They are so home country), startexcited, in fact, ed in Racine about that they will be four and a half years ago. The church had been meeting in holding a Grand Opening of this new Treasures Christian Books at 4103 location for the public on Saturday, May Durand Avenue since its inception, but 5th. The church will be open from 10 the time had come for Living Light to am to 8 pm, and the entire center will be on display. Expect lively bands, free hot find its own home. dogs and sodas and, of course, the enerAfter a week of asking around about getic team of Lalgee and Ford to greet potential locations for the move, one you. member of the Living Light congregaThis may not be the Church you tion asked Lalgee what he thought about the old YWCA building. Lalgee, remember, but if Lalgee and Ford have having never seen the building, didn’t anything to do with it, it will be a know what to think of it but was Church you won’t soon forget. encouraged to check out the facilities. It was love at first sight for Lalgee. The building, and its location in the heart of Racine’s downtown, fit perfectly with the Living Light mission of being a multicultural, community hub, focused on, as Lalgee says, “impact[ing] and transform[ing] the community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.” The space, with its swimming pool, dance studios, and weight rooms, seemed to come across Lalgee’s path as if by divine intervention; he and his leadership team was, needless to say, ecstatic. There was only one small hitch in Lalgee’s plan: Ford’s church was already using some of the space on Sunday mornings. But the two pastors saw an opportunity that many would have shied away from. Lalgee, a native Englishman, and Ford, who is African American, decided to bring their congregations together
Page 10 The Insider News Wisconsin, April 1-15, 2012
Insiprational News
Encouragement in Difficult Times
We don’t have to be miserable, frustrated and unhappy in difficult places. If you and I have been in the world very long, we’ve learned there are very few days that go exactly the way we’d like them to go. There always seem to be different things happening that can affect our plans. Until we learn that our joy can’t be based on our circumstances, we’re going to have nothing but what I call a “yoyo” experience, which is up and down, up and down, up and down. We have to find a way to stay happy, even when our circumstances don’t suit us or we don’t get a breakthrough as quickly as we’d like—or when people around us aren’t what we’d like them to be or they’re frustrating us or there’s disappointment.
God is never going to put us into a situation or permit us to be in one, without giving us the ability to be in it with joy. I believe God makes His grace available to us each and every day. If God asks us to stay in a situation, then He is going to give us a special grace, for a special season, to experience His peace and joy despite the circumstances. It’s the kind of grace that causes other people to look at us and think, I’m just amazed you are able to do this and still have so much joy and peace. This is how it should be instead of us telling them that we just don’t think we can make it. Strategy #1: Let Your Attitude Speak As Christians, I believe the attitude we live with and the level of joy, peace and stability seen in our life is what will speak to the people around us much more than if we try to preach to them. It’s about how we live our life in front of them, especially when things are not going perfectly for us all the time. For people in places right now who are saying, “I’m staying in the situation because I
believe it’s what God wants me to do, but I’m so miserable, frustrated and unhappy,” there’s good news. The good news is that God has provided a way for us to deal with frustration— His grace. I know many times we hear that grace is God’s riches at Christ’s expense, and that’s a good definition. But to be honest, it’s just a little bit too spiritual for me. I need something that’s going to put it into a practical format for me. I like to define grace as “God’s power to help us do whatever it is we need to do.” Strategy #2: Receive Power through God’s Grace
Grace is power. It’s power, power, power! It’s God’s power we receive by the grace of God through faith. Everything comes to us through faith, which God also gives us. Romans 12:3 says, …God has allotted to each a measure of faith (NASB). We need to ask ourselves, “What am I doing with my faith?” Are we putting our faith in ourselves? Are we trying to fix things ourselves by trying to change ourselves or our family? Or trying to get our boss’s attention so we can make more money and get a promotion? If so, that’s not grace. It’s our own works. But when we release our faith and trust God to do what we can’t do, we’re putting our faith in Him. Then the grace—which is God’s power—comes through the channel of faith and enables us to do what will just amaze us and other people. Here’s my longer definition of grace: It’s God’s power coming to us freely—meaning it doesn’t cost us anything other than just putting our faith in God, enabling us to do with ease what we could never do on our
we’re going to reach perfection by depending on our flesh. It’s like thinking that God saves us and helps us when we’re at the end of ourselves and ready to give up, then just kind of throws us the ball and says, “Okay, now you go make the touchdown.” Strategy #4: Keep Walking
own with any amount of struggle and effort. Strategy #3: Rely on God I believe every time we feel frustration, it means we’ve really stopped relying on God, leaning on Him and receiving His grace and are trying to make something happen our own way. Understanding this really helped me to see that I spent a lot of time being frustrated. To help myself, I had some signs made to put up around my house that said things like, “Works of the flesh equal frustration.” Every time I became frustrated, the signs helped me remember I had tried to become Holy Spirit Junior. When I try to work things out on my own, in essence I’m saying, “Okay, God, I appreciate Your being around, but watch me do this.” Most of us have a problem with an independent spirit. We have difficulty depending on God for everything. Grace is not only the power for salvation; it’s the victory we need every single day of our life. In Galatians 2, the Bible says that if we receive salvation by grace, we shouldn’t think
The same way we receive Christ is the same way we are supposed to live each day of our life—in total, complete dependence on Him. Grace is like light. But what we tend to do a lot of the time is fight with darkness, when all we need to do is just run to the light. What’s the purpose of gathering in the dark, banging into each other, struggling with the darkness and trying to punch it out, when all we have to do is turn on a switch? The minute the light comes on, it swallows up the darkness. Too often we struggle with ourselves and our weaknesses, trying to change, spending time being mad about things in our life. But what we really need to do is just get more light into the situation. Galatians 5:16 urges us to walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit…then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh…. Notice how it doesn’t say “conquer the flesh so you can walk in the Spirit.” What we need to do is walk in the Spirit. When we concentrate on walking in the Spirit, we won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh because we will be focused on God, His goodness, our relationship with Him, and His love for us. Other things will just dissipate because of the power of God in our life. Grace is power—plain and simple. It’s the power of God available to us in whatever amount we need.
Racine Faith Based Housing Development Organization to Break Ground on the Construction of a Three-Bedroom Home at 61 Riverside Drive
Racine Mayor, John Dickert will join members of the Board of Directors of Faith Builds Community, Inc. for a historic “Groundbreaking” at 61 Riverside Drive in the City of Racine. The Racine based Housing Development Group will construct a new three-bedroom home at the Riverside Drive location where a dilapidated property was demolished last year. Bishop Lawrence Kirby, Chairman of the Board of Faith Builds Community says that “Faith Builds Community is a Housing Development Partnership supported by the efforts of four Racine area congregations concerned about affordable housing options in the neighborhoods surrounding their churches. Initially called the “Racine Area Council of Pastors”, the group met with several City officials about their concerns. When the Director of the Office of Faith Based and Community Partnerships within the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) visited Racine, he held a meeting with the ministers and city officials. According
to Bishop Kirby, Mayor Dickert’s office collaborated with the ministers group to initiate a two-year planning process. As a result of the planning process, the St. Paul Community Development Corporation joined forces with the Racine Area Council of Pastors to create “Faith Builds Community, Inc.”. With over 25 years of combined housing and community development experience, the Faith Builds Community team decided to pursue HUD Community Housing Development Corporation (CHDO) status. To qualify for CHDO status, the group is required to demonstrate the capability of either rehabilitating an existing property, or constructing a new home in the city. The group applied for and received 2010 and 2011 Block Grant funds, and developed and submitted plans for the construction of a new three-bedroom home at the 61 Riverside Drive location. Page 11 The Insider News Wisconsin, April 1-15, 2012
The Faith Builds Community group has pledged thousands of dollars of in-kind support to help cover the cost of labor and materials on the project. St. Paul Baptist Church, Greater Grace Temple COGIC Church, Greater St. Luke’s Baptist Church, and Searching Together Baptist Church are represented on the Faith Builds Community Board which also includes Racine area nonprofit leadership, and officials from the City and County of Racine. The group plans to train a number of area residents in basic carpentry skills, and is hopeful that members of the participating congregations will become candidates to purchase and live in the new home before construction is complete.
2130 Racine Street Racine, WI 619-3027
Christian Tabernacle Baptist Church Melvin Hargove Pastor
Sunday School - 8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Sunday NA Meeting 6:30 PM Community Dinner 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday: Midweek Worship 6:15 a.m.- 8:15 p.m. Thursday NA Meeting 6:00 PM
1120 Grand Ave. Racine, Wis.
262-632-1467 www.stpmbc.org
Bishop Lawrence L.
Pastor Tommie Knuckles
1201 Center Street Racine, Wis. 53403 (262) 880-6521
Come Worship with us at: Sunday Worship Service 11:00 AM Bible Study Wednesday 6:00 Pm - 8:00 PM
Senior Pastor
Sunday School 9:15 AM Sunday Worship Service 7:45 AM & 10:40 AM Wednesday Prayer & Bible Class
11:00 AM and 6:00 PM Dinner - 5:30 PM
Greater Mt. Eagle Baptist Church
825 21st Street • Racine
9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon 5:30-6:30
6:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m.
Pastor Joseph L. & First Lady Thomas
New Brighter Day Baptist Church 1225 25th Ave., Kenosha, WI
Joseph L. Thomas, Pastor
Sunday School - 9:00 a.m. - Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. Tuesday Prayer Service - 6:00 p.m. Bible Study - Tuesday 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Christian Faith Fellowship Church Racine, Wisconsin
Pastors Willie & Patricia Scott
New Location: 3001 Carpenter (off Durand - West of Memorial Dr.)
9:00am - Sunday School 10:00am - Sunday Service 6:30-8:00pm - Tuesdays PO Box 085576 • Racine, WI 53408
Trinity United Missionary Baptist Church “A God Glorifying, Christ Centered, Spirit-Filled Church”
Rev. Willie Riley, Senior Pastor 262.633.4421
Sunday School Worship Service Mid Morning Worship Service Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study Wednesday Dinner p.m. Wednesday Evening Bible Study Saturday Morning Prayer
Rev. Keith Evans Pastor
Sunday School • 9:00 AM Sunday Worship Service • 10:45 AM Bible Study (Wed.) • 6:00 PM Word of Life (Youth Program) (Thurs..) • 6:30 PM
Page 12 The Insider News Wisconsin, April 1-15, 2012
306-5th Street, Racine, WI
262.635.1994 email: tumbcc@ameritech.net Rev. Buddy Vinson Senior Pastor
Sunday School - 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Prayer Service - (Wed.) 5:00 PM Bible Class & Prayer (Wed.) - 6:00 PM
What’s New?
Helping Your Dream Event Come True! BY: Allena G. Berry With popular programs like Say Yes to the Dress and Four Weddings abounding on television, its safe to say that the country has “wedding fever.” People want weddings to be experiences, not just ceremonies. But the recent economic downturn has made lavish weddings a dream for most couples getting ready to say “I do.” But April Kyle is hoping to turn these dreams into a reality with her new business, Dream Nuptials. Although the physical space of Dream Nuptials has only been open for three months, Kyle has been preparing for this position all of her life. “At the age of three, I drew a picture of a little girl for my grandfather,” Kyle recalled. “He said, ‘she is going to be an artist!’ And that is exactly what I am.” Kyle works to plan and create the wedding that a couple could only imagine, a feet, she will tell you, is nothing short of creating a masterpiece. “Dream Nuptials can assist you with finding vendors, musicians, photographers, anything that is needed,” Kyle explained. Couples can choose from wedding packages, a customized package or even use Dream Nuptial’s services to assist in continuing a wedding they have already started planning on their own. All initial consultations are free. But don’t let the name fool you: Dream Nuptials does much more than just help couples tie the knot. “We specialize in wedding planning,” Kyle stated, “but we also provide a service of professional decorating for different events including weddings, birthday parties, graduations, anniversaries, quinceanera, baby showers, bachelorette parties and more!” Creating memories is what April Kyle does, and she hopes Dream Nuptials can create some special memories for you soon. Dream Nuptials is located at 3015 Douglas Avenue in Racine, Wisconsin. While the store is stocked with great items for your special day, wedding consultants are available by appointment only. Call 262-880-4937 for schedule an appointment.
April Kyle Owner and Wedding Consultant Zimmerman in the Feb. 26 shooting in Florida. Later Tuesday, the special prosecutor looking into the shooting said in Florida that Zimmerman had turned himself in to authorities and was charged with second-degree murder. After their interview with the AP, Martin's parents had been awaiting word of charges against Zimmerman in a room at the Washington Convention Center in a group that included their attorneys and the Rev. Al Sharpton. At one point, Tracy Martin put his arm around Fulton and she leaned into him, resting her head on his chest. A few minutes later the entire group stood up and exchanged hugs.
Trayvon Martin's parents: Charges would start healing process The parents of Trayvon Martin said charges against George Zimmerman in the fatal shooting their son would start the healing process, but they won't stop fighting until he's convicted. Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that right now she and Martin's father "can't get past our son being murdered and no one being arrested." His father, Tracy Martin, said it would be very important to also get a conviction. Their comments came amid reports that charges would be filed against
Visit our website: www.insiderwisconsin.com
The Insider News Wisconsin is a community based newspaper published in Racine, Wisconsin. The newspaper covers a variety of events that highlight lifestyles in the African-American communities in Southeastern Wisconsin. The Insider News Wisconsin is a free publication, printed on the 1st and 15th of each month and is distributed in over 100 locations. All inquiries about advertisement or news should be made five to seven days before the 1st and 15th of each month.
Yolanda James, President/CEO Aneillo Lindsey - Account Representative Melvin Lewis - Account Representative C-Moe Vision Photography - Photographer
3001 Douglas, Avenue • Racine, Wisconsin (262).681.2345
Page 13 The Insider News Wisconsin, April 1-15, 2012
Community Events
"Take a Taste Out of Crime"
ing for displays. It was shaping up well, but would people come?
We at Racine Neighborhood Watch, Inc. undertook a big challenge in creative fundraising this past winter when we decided to host "Take a Taste Out of Crime". The goal was to raise money to support our ongoing work in Racine's neighborhoods, which we do through crime prevention and quality of life programming. The concept was ambitious: a wide-ranging sampling of wines, beers and Wisconsin cheeses, with a silent auction, sports memorabilia, raffles, live music, and food. We called on our partners and supporters, who came through magnificently for us; we had over 20 station sponsors, and donors of over 100 items to our silent auction and raffles. Board members, staff and volunteers put in countless hours rounding up donations and prepar-
Many of you did come, and it was awesome! The best part was hearing how much you all enjoyed yourselves in the name of raising money for an organization we all believe in, Racine Neighborhood Watch, Inc. Thank you so much to all who planned, promoted, donated, served, and purchased on our behalf.
Contact us with your community events. (262) 681-2345 insiderwisconsin@yahoo.com
Charlie French Executive Director Racine Neighborhood Watch, Inc. 800 Center Street, #316 Racine WI 53403 262.636.9256
Your Vote is Your Voice Vote In EVERY Election Wisconsin Voter laws have changed for 2012 Be ready to VOTE on the upcoming elections dates: RECALL PRIMARY: MAY 8TH RECALL GENERAL ELECTION: JUNE 5TH FALL PRIMARY: AUGUST 14TH FALL GENERAL ELECTION: NOVEMBER 6TH
To schedule a ride to the DMV to get ID OR to schedule transportation to the polls on Election Day:
CALL: 262/635-9532 www.TurnUpTheVote.org email: turnupthevoteracine@gmail.com Turn Up the Vote! Is a coalition of Racine community organizations: Community for Change, Racine Interfaith Coalition, NAACP, LULAC & AAUW
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Page 15 The Insider News Wisconsin, April 1-15, 2012
8 lbs. Chicken Wings 4 lbs. Turkey Wings 8 lbs. Chicken Legs 1 lb. Slab Bacon 2 lbs. Pork Steaks 2 lb. Chuck Roast 5 lbs. Rib Tips 2 lbs. Ground Beef FREE• FREE 3 lbs. Smoked Ham Hocks 5 lbs. Potatoes 1 Slab Baby Back Ribs 1 Loaf of Bread 2 lbs. Bologna 12 Pack Soda 3 lbs. Pigs Feet 1 Box of Cereal 5 lbs. Pork Neck Bones (Max Price $3.49) 2 lbs. Link Sausage 4 lbs. Turkey Legs $95.00 4 lbs. Chicken Wings 5 lbs. Chicken Legs 2 lbs. Pork Steaks 2 lbs. Ham Hocks 2 lbs. Pork Neck Bones 1 lb. Reg. Bologna 2 lbs. Turkey Legs 2 lbs. Turkey Wings 2 lbs. Beef Liver 1 lb. Slab Bacon
FREE • FREE 5 lbs Potatoes 1 Loaf of Bread 2 Liter Soda $39.99
10 lbs. Chicken Wings 2 lbs. Slab Bacon 10 lbs. Chicken Legs 2 lbs. Lunch Meat 5 lbs. Ground Beef 2 lbs. Smoked Ham 4 lbs. Pork Chops Hocks 2 lbs. Cheese 2 lbs. Red Smoke Sausage 5 lbs. Fresh Neck Bones FREE • FREE 2 lbs. Bologna 10 lbs. Potatoes 4 lbs. Pork Steaks 2 Loaves of Bread 2 lbs. Polish Sausage 1 Box of Cereal 2 lbs. Link Sausage (Max Price $3.49) 2 lbs. Catfish Steak 12 Pack of Soda 5 lbs. Pork Rib Tips 1 Doz. Eggs 5 lbs. Box Whiting Fish 3 lbs. Beef Liver $159.99
8 lbs. Chicken Wings 8 lbs. Chicken Legs 4 lbs. Turkey Legs 4 lbs. Turkey Wings 2 lbs. Polish Sausage 2 lbs. Pigs Feet 2 lbs. Pork Steaks 4 lbs. Pork Neck Bones 2 lbs. Pork Chops 2 lbs. Smoked Ham Hocks 1 lb. Bologna
FREE • FREE 5 lbs. Potatoes 6 Pack Soda 1 Loaf of Bread $69.99
3 lbs. Chicken Wings 3 lbs. Chicken Legs 2 lbs. Ground Beef 2 lbs Pork Chops 1 lb. Bacon 1 lb. Reg. Bologna 4 lbs. Chicken Wings
4 lbs. Chicken Legs 2 lbs. Beef Patties 2 lbs. Porks Steaks 5 lbs. Rib Tips 2 lbs. Polish Sausage 4 lbs. Pork Neck Bones 1 lb. Ham 2 lbs. Ground Beef
FREE• FREE 1 Loaf of Bread 2 Liter Soda $24.99
FREE • FREE 5 lbs. Potatoes 1 Loaf of Bread 2 Liter Soda $49.99
5 lbs. Chicken Wings 3 lbs. Turkey Legs 5 lbs. Chicken Legs 3 lbs. Turkey Wings 3 lbs. Pork Chops 4 lbs. Ground Beef FREE • FREE 2 lbs. Chuck Roast 1 lb. Deli Ham 2 lbs. Pork Patties 5 lbs. Potatoes 1 lb. Slab Bacon 1 Loaf of Bread 3 lbs. Smoked Ham Hocks 2 Liter Soda 3 lbs. Smoked Neck Bones 1 Dozen Eggs 3 lbs. Fresh Neck Bones $79.99
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