INSIDE S E MC winter/spring 2018 | The Newsletter of the Southeastern Museums Conference
ON THE COVER Michael St Maur Sheil, German gun position dugout near Woinville made of cast concrete in the U.S. sector
of the St. Mihiel battle (detail). From the Atlanta History Center exhibition Fields of Battle, Lands of Peace: The Doughboys, 1917–1918.
9 Executive Director’s Notes Susan Perry The JIMI Class of 2018
JIMI LaPaglia Scholarship Winner Austin Bell Shares His JIMI Experience Curator’s Corner: Collective Actions Deborah Randolph
20 27
Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture Partners with SEMC on Certification Workshop: Interpreting African American History & Culture
71 Important Annual Meeting 2018 Dates
Annual Meeting 2018 Sponsorship Opportunities A Special Thanks Endowment and Membership Contributions
60 Exhibitions 65 People and Places 72 What’s Happening 73 Important Dates 74 SEMC Job Forum 74 Get Social with SEMC 74 Membership Form 75 Congratulations
semc Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi
North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Virginia West Virginia U.S. Virgin Islands Puerto Rico
staff Susan S. Perry Executive Director Jessica Keys Manager of Communications and Member Services
semc officers Darcie MacMahon President Director of Exhibits & Public Programs, Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, FL
Zinnia Willits Vice President Dir. of Collections & Operations, Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, SC
contact semc SEMC | P.O. Box 550746 Atlanta, GA 30355-3246 T: 404.814.2048 or 404.814.2047 F: 404.814.2031 W: E:
Robin Seage Person Secretary Branch Director, Historic Jefferson College, Washington, MS
Robin Reed Treasurer
Inside SEMC is published three times a year by SEMC. Annual subscription is included in membership dues. Design: Nathan Moehlmann, Goosepen Studio & Press Director, Casemate Museum, Fort Monroe, VA
David Butler Past President Executive Director, Knoxville Museum of Art, Knoxville, TN
The deadline for the Summer 2018 newsletter is April 28, 2018. To submit information for the newsletter, please contact the Council Director in your state. 4
semc directors Glenna Barlow
Elise LeCompte
Manager of Engagement,
Registrar & Asst. Dept. Chair,
Columbia Museum, Columbia, SC
Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, FL
Kyle Elizabeth Bryner
Deborah Mack
Registrar & Collections Manager,
Assoc. Dir. Office of Strategic Partnerships
Museum of the Shenandoah Valley,
Smithsonian’s National Museum of African
Winchester, VA
American History and Culture, Wash., D.C.
Alexander Benitez
Catherine M. Pears
Director, Moundville Archaeological Park,
Executive Director, Alexandria Museum
The University of Alabama,
of Art Alexandria, LA
Moundville, AL Julie Harris
Michael Scott
Executive Director, River Discovery
Curator of Education, High Point Museum
Center, Paducah, KY
High Point, NC
Brian Hicks
Deitrah J. Taylor
Director, Desoto County Museum,
Milledgeville, GA
Hernando, MS
Jenny Lamb
Heather Marie Wells
Discovery Center at Murfree Spring,
Digital Media Project Manager, Crystal Bridges
Murfreesboro, TN
Museum of American Art, Bentonville, AR
executive director’s notes In 2018 SEMC moves forward in the second year of our IMPACT Plan in the following focus areas: Honing Our Craft Inclusion Annual Gatherings Leadership Technology Marketing/Communication How do we impact our communities? This past month I have witnessed the impact of museum professionals giving back to colleagues and reaching out to help other communities. The 18th Annual Jekyll Island Management Institute (JIMI) demonstrated the impact of museum professionals sharing their expertise to develop new museum leaders. JIMI graduates and faculty as well as museum organizations and companies contributed 11 scholarships. Thanks to the generosity of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), SEMC offered for the John Kinard Scholarship for two staff members of Association of African American Museums (AAAM) institutional museums to attend JIMI. The impact of these scholarships is the inclusion and development of more diverse museum leaders.
The Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), in partnership with Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission (CCPRC) and the National Association for Interpretation (NAI) offered Interpretation of African American History and Culture Training January 28 – February 3 at James Island County Park in Charleston. The training was offered exclusively to individual members of AAAM and SEMC. Six SEMC members, who participated in the workshop, will present the impact of this training at SEMC 2018 Annual Meeting. The workshop offered resources and provided training related to interpretation. The program additionally addressed the need for greater diversity in the field of interpretation. This year SEMC will partner with AAAM to plan and pilot a new Leadership Institute clearly focused on leadership training for staff, volunteers, and boards of small- and mid-sized museums. The project will equip a new generation of museum leaders with outward-looking skills and stratagems that increase their effectiveness as leaders and ability to create a productive and inclusive environment within the museum and among the museum’s board. “Museums Rise Up in the City with Soul” at SEMC 2018 Jackson with the recent opening of Museum of Mississippi History and Mississippi Civil Rights Museum. SEMC annual meeting is an opportunity to convene innovative thinkers to envision inclusive museum experiences, diverse community engagement, courageous conversations, economic impact, and fundraising resources. Plan to attend SEMC 2018 Annual Meeting October 8–10 in Jackson. Let’s move forward to strengthen SEMC’s impact by growing a diverse SEMC membership, developing more content, and providing more learning opportunities for future museum leaders. Check out SEMC’s newly designed website ( and encourage your institution and colleagues to join online. — Susan Perry, Executive Director
JIMI 2018
JIMI 2018 Class first row, l-r: Raychel Cesaro, Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida, Inc., Maitland, FL; Corinne Midgett (NCMC Scholarship), High Point Museum, High Point, NC; Melissa Jolley, SRS Cold War Preservation Program, Aiken, SC; Christina Carr, CIA Museum, Langley, VA; Beth Thompson (Lancaster Scholarship), Cookeville Depot & History Museum, Cookeville, TN; Iris Leigh Barnes (John Kinard Scholarship), Lillie Carroll Jackson Civil Rights Museum, Havre de Grace, MD; Abbie Edens, The Columbus Museum, Columbus, GA; Tiffany Charles, The National WWII Museum, New Orleans, LA. second row, l-r: Hillary Nina Winburn (SCFM Scholarship), Horry County Museum, Conway, SC; Kevin Edmiston (Col. Buddy Sturgis Memorial Scholarship), Atlanta History Center, Atlanta, GA; Samantha Bynum (Arkansas Museums Association Scholarship), Arkansas Museum of Natural Resources, Smackover, AR; Austin J. Bell (Peter S. LaPaglia Scholarship), Marco Island Historical Society, Marco Island, FL; Megan Griffin Raby (Gaylord Archival Scholarship), City of Raleigh Museum, Raleigh, NC; Jolie Johnson, Hilliard University Art Museum, Lafayette, LA; Samuel W. Black (John Kinard Scholarship), Senator John Heinz History Center, Pittsburgh, PA; Elise Solomon, New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, LA; Heather Sellers (Alabama Museums Association Scholarship), Cook Museum of Natural Science, Decatur, AL; John Thomas Fields (Alabama Museums Association Scholarship), UAB’s Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts, Birmingham, AL; Joshua Ingersoll, Mordecai Historic Park, Raleigh, NC; Stefanie Green, Kennesaw State University, Museums, Archives & Rare Books, Kennesaw, GA.
CONGRATULATIONS to the JIMI Class of 2018, consisting of participants from Alabama (2), Arkansas (1), Florida (2), Georgia (3), Louisiana (3), Maryland (1), North Carolina (3), Pennsylvania (1), South Carolina (2), Tennessee (1), Virginia (1). This year is the second of the three-year partnership with the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, the Association of African-American Museums, and SEMC to sponsor two scholarships and travel stipends for AAAM members. The two John Kinard scholarship awardees were Iris Leigh Barnes, Curator, Lillie Carroll Jackson Civil Rights Museum, Havre de Grace, Maryland, and Samuel W. Black, Director of African American Programs, Senator John Heinz History Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Scholarships and/or travel stipends were provided by
the state associations of Arkansas (Samantha Bynum, Arkansas Museum of Natural Resources, Smackover), North Carolina (Corinne Midgett, High Point Museum, High Point), and South Carolina (Hillary Nina Winburn, Horry County Museum). The Alabama Museums Association awarded a tuition scholarship this year for the first time. The scholarship was split between John Thomas Fields, UAB’s Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts, Birmingham, and Heather Sellers, Cook Museum of Natural Science, Decatur. The Peter S. LaPaglia JIMI Scholarship was awarded to Austin J. Bell, Marco Island Historical Society, Marco Island, Florida. Gaylord Archival provided one scholarship which was awarded to Megan Griffin Raby, City of Raleigh Museum,
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Raleigh, NC. John and Cynthia Lancaster provided a full scholarship to Beth Thompson, Cookeville Depot and History Museum, Cookeville, TN. JIMI alumni lost a popular member this past year, Col. Ewell G. “Buddy” Sturgis, Jr. (JIMI Class of 2010), Director, South Carolina Military Museum, Columbia, SC. Buddy was an irrepressible character who not only oversaw the creation, construction, and opening of the South Carolina Military Museum, he was a strong supporter of JIMI and SEMC. To honor his memory, the museum established a JIMI scholarship in his name at the instigation of current director, Steven C. Jeffcoat (JIMI Class of 2013). The first awardee was Kevin Edmiston, Atlanta History Center, Atlanta, GA. Major sponsors are the Jekyll Island Museum and Historic Properties, LaPaglia Companies, Durham, NC, North Carolina State Historic Sites, Raleigh, NC, and the Southeastern Museums Conference, Atlanta, GA. This year was very challenging as faculty member George Bassi, Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, spent 48 hours in
airports and airplanes because of ice and snow, only to spend 6 hours on the ground before returning home. He was able to truncate his sessions on board management and strategic planning. Bob Hopkins, was down for the count with flu, so Jim Gardner (Washington, DC) and Martha Battle Jackson pitched in for his exhibits session. An activity that has proved to be very popular is drawing for t-shirts, hats, mugs, tote bags, and other assorted “bling” provided by JIMI alumni. Donations this year were provided by: Holly Akkerman (JIMI Class of 2017) Telfair Museums Savannah, GA Laura Anderson (JIMI Class of 2005) Alabama Humanities Foundation Birmingham, AL Kendall Chew (JIMI Class of 2016) Birmingham Holocaust Education Center Birmingham, AL
Meg Cook (JIMI Class of 2017) Mississippi Dept. of Archives and History Jackson, MS Schelly Corry (JIMI Class of 2015) Cook’s Natural History Museum Decatur, AL
CPT Sean Daily (JIMI Class of 2015) SGT Gary C. Spencer (JIMI Class of 2016) North Carolina National Guard Museum & Learning Center of Excellence JFHQ-NC Raleigh, NC Matthew J. Edwards (JIMI Class of 2013) Mount Airy Museum of Regional History Mount Airy, NC
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Ken Gaddy (JIMI Class of 2003) Kendall Chew (JIMI Class of 2016) Kathie Thurman (JIMI Class of 2016) Kari Barley (JIMI Class of 2015) Ken Gaddy, Director Paul W. Bryant Museum Tuscaloosa, AL
Ashley Mann (JIMI Class of 2016) Minnetrista Muncie, IN Marion Missy McGee (JIMI Faculty) Office of Strategic Partnerships National Museum of African American History & Culture Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC
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Carla Thomas McGinnis (JIMI Class of 2017) Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture Washington, DC Anne Rich (JIMI Class of 2004) Callahan Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY Tania Said Schuler (JIMI Class of 2004) David Owsley Museum of Art Ball State University Muncie, IN Katherine Steiner (JIMI Class of 2017) Chief Registrar, Mint Museum 500 South Tryon Street Charlotte, NC Vanessa Thaxton-Ward (JIMI Class of 2017) Hampton University Museum Hampton, VA
We opened the awards banquet to all JIMI alumni, and four people paid to attend and support the new graduates — Dr. Deborah Mack, Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (JIMI Class of 2011), Keith Post, CEO of Satilla Computer Solutions (JIMI Class of 2013), and Ellen Strojan (JIMI Class of 2011). Clint Joiner, Museum Manager, represented the Jekyll Island Museum. In addition, longtime Jekyll Island Museum Director John Hunter was able to join in the festivities. Darcie MacMahon, SEMC President, and Susan Perry, SEMC Executive Director, gave a warm congratulatory speech to the class and reminded them of upcoming SEMC activities. Susan then joined JIMI Administrator, Martha Battle Jackson, and JIMI Facilitator, John Lancaster in handing out awards, JIMI pins, and certificates. Afterwards, the newly minted JIMI alumni regrouped at the hotel hot tub to enjoy adult beverages and snacks and jump into the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean to keep the JIMI Polar Bear Club alive!
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JIMI LaPaglia Scholarship Recipient Austin Bell shares his JIMI Experience Does a demanding museum job have you feeling uninspired, overwhelmed, or pulled in too many directions? Are you suffering from your own personal strain of museum fatigue? Thankfully, the Southeastern Museums Conference (SEMC) has the cure. It’s called JIMI — short for the Jekyll Island Management Institute — an immersive tenday island retreat that will leave you feeling inspired, optimistic, and ready to examine yourself and your museum through a new pair of eyes. Hi, my name is Austin Bell and I, too, once felt the weight of my museum’s world on my shoulders. That is, until I tried JIMI. Now, after a once-in-a-career opportunity to reflect on myself and my own institution in the company of a supportive peer-group and some of the field’s lead-
ing experts, I know that I don’t have to go it alone. JIMI exposed me to marvelous speakers from some of the nation’s most prominent museums, offering boisterous discussions, confounding ethical dilemmas, cutting-edge practices, and real-world solutions to a host of issues raised by fellow JIMI participants. I left JIMI with a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses as a manager, a greater comprehension of where my museum has the most room for growth, and a vast network of amazing colleagues that will never ever leave my side (seriously, the group texts are relentless). I remember what museum life was like before JIMI — and I’m proud to say that I’m never going back. Ask your director if JIMI is right for you. Do not attend JIMI if you are allergic to amazing insight, awesome people, being “woke,” personal growth, professional networking, self-criticism, or career-altering experiences. JIMI — it’s just what the doctor ordered. Austin J. Bell, Peter S. LaPaglia Scholarship Winner, Marco Island Historical Society, Marco Island, FL
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curator’s corner
Collective Actions Deborah Randolph ,
Curator of Education, The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, NC
ast fall at the Southeastern Museums Conference annual meeting in New Orleans, I was fortunate to present with other curators around the topic, “Curatorial Voice, Collaboration & Cultural Pluralism.” The story of an exhibition that was collaboratively envisioned and executed by a curator of contemporary art, Cora Fisher, and myself, a curator of education at the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art was my contribution to the panel. The three-month exhibition Collective Actions imagined and activated new forms of collectivity, firmly based in historical examples, through arts and community action. Evoking the practices of designer and architect Buckminster Fuller at Black Mountain College in the 1940s and 1950s and the feminist social and political activism of artist Nicola L. in the 1970s to the present, the curators of Collective Actions invited the public to complete actions together with the exhibition artists. Artists, whose works were featured in the exhibition, were paired with a community organization to create an “action.” These actions included the artist Adelita HusniBey imagining a sustainable future with students from Authoring Action, an organization that empowers youth through writing and spoken word performances. Healing bundles (groups of personal objects) were made with children and families facing illness in collaboration with Arts for Life, an organization who makes art with children in hospitals. The bundles were inspired by works by Mary Mattingly, who worked with the organization for this project, and their bundles were hung in the galleries with her works. The artist Martha Whittington met with workers who were blind or had low vision from the local Industries for the Blind, which employs over 700 hundred individuals. These conversations among the artist and 27
Poster for Collective Actions.
workers provided a forum to discuss tactility, labor and difference. Finally, Mary Mattingly worked with activists, who promote community engagement through local food, to create a biosphere in the gallery. Visitors to the arts center were invited to plant seeds and seedlings
and place them on the biosphere Floating World. At the end of the exhibition, Floating World was moved outside and launched on the lake behind the arts center during a community celebration. In order for these actions to happen, systems of collaboration had to be cultivated. The relational 28
Mary Mattingly, Pull, 2013, photograph.
Bundle, 2015. Courtesy Arts for Life. One of the Healing Bundles (groups of personal objects) made with children and families facing illness. right: Marsha’s Hands Sewing, photograph. Courtesy Industries for the Blind Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Mary Mattingly, Floating World, 2015.
Mary Mattingly, Floating World, 2015. Launched on the lake behind the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art.
work of the exhibition began long before its conception. Although the main focus of the the talk at SEMC annual meeting focused on the collaboration between the curators, Collective Actions provides a way to encourage collaboration among museum staff, artists, community partners, and visitors. You can read more about our collaborative curatorial approaches in one of the chapters of the newly published book, Systems Thinking in Museums: Theory and Practice (Randolph & Fisher, 2017).
reference: Randolph, D., & Fisher, C. (2017). We built an island. In Y. Jung and A. R. Love (Eds.), Systems thinking: Theory and Practice, 106-115. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
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SEMC ENDOWMENT Consider a contribution to the SEMC William T. and Sylvia F. Alderson Endowment Fund. A donation of $100 contributes to the financial stability of SEMC in the future. The growth of SEMC’s endowment is essential to ensure that our organization will be able to provide scholarships and educational programs in the Southeast. The Endowment Gift Campaign goal is $450,000. Please make your check payable to SEMC and send to: SEMC Endowment, PO Box 550746 Atlanta, GA 30355-3246. If you would prefer to use a charge card you can donate from the “Support SEMC” page of our website,
Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture PARTNERS with the Southeastern Museums Conference on Certification Workshop +×=+×=+×=+×=+×= 34
he Office of Strategic Partnerships at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture completed its third Interpretation Workshop in Charleston, South Carolina, January 28 -February 3, 2018. The professional development training started as a pilot program, offered exclusively to individual and organizational members of the Association of African American Museums, beginning in January 2016. The workshop has since grown into an annual offering for museum professionals engaged in historical and cultural interpretation focused on difficult and/or contested stories within African American history and culture. The original intent for this training was to provide a professional standard and benchmark for the field for ethical interpretation and ways in which museums and cultural heritage sites can begin to incorporate these guidelines into interpretation practices at their own institutions. Through a partnership with the National Association for Interpretation (NAI), workshop facilitators from the Charleston County Parks and Recreation Commission lead participants through a weeklong, immersive training program that skillfully layers NAI’s thirty-two hour Certified Interpretive Guide curriculum with an additional eighteen hours of content-rich experiences including visits to a variety of historic sites in Charleston—McLeod Plantation, Nathaniel Russell House, Seashore Farmers Lodge and the Old
Slave Mart Museum. Cohort members close out their residency-based training with a literature review and thematic interpretive presentation to demonstrate their understanding of the knowledge, methodologies and interpretative techniques taught throughout the week. Participants who successfully complete the requirements ultimately receive certification from the National Association for Interpretation as recognition by the profession for their newly-acquired skill set. But perhaps the most serendipitous part of the experience, for cohort members, facilitators and sponsoring institutions alike, are the strong bonds established by fellow workshop participants and the network of support that inevitably develops through the sharing of personal experiences, challenges, frustrations and the collective desire to initiate large-scale social change across the field. In the true spirit of collaboration and collegiality, the professional network in support of this workshop has also evolved into a coordinated effort that, to date, includes the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Charleston County Parks and Recreation Commission, the National Association for Interpretation, Association of African American Museums and the program’s newest sponsor, Southeastern Museums Conference. In 2017 alone, the Interpretation Workshop experienced a 123% increase in participant applications from the first 36
two years, due largely to the cross-sector coordination and collaborative efforts of all its program partners. The impact is clearly illustrated by the most recent attendees, which represent a diverse range of museums and historic sites, ranging from the Grima + Gallier Historic Houses in New Orleans, the newly-opened Mississippi Civil Rights Museum in Jackson to our first international cohort member from the Barbados Museum and Historical Society. Jennifer Zazo-Brown is a Museum Research and Program Specialist in the Office of Strategic Partnerships at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
The fourteen members/institutions selected for the 2018 Cohort are as follows: Anna Barber, Curator of Exhibitions, Martha’s Vineyard Museum, Edgartown, MA Lavonda Broadnax, Digital Project Administrator, Library of Congress/ FREED/ African American Civil War Museum, Washington, DC Katie Burlison, Chief Curator, Hermann-Grima + Gallier Historic Houses, New Orleans, LA Stephanie Fallon, Adult Education ManagerTaubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, VA
Jamie Jones, Site Manager, Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum/N.C. Historic Sites, Greensboro, NC Jonathan Jones, Museum Educator/Outreach Coordinator, Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, Detroit, MI John McKay, Park Ranger (Education Program Coordinator), Stones River National Battlefield/ National Park Service, Murfreesboro, TN Izetta Autumn Mobley, Museum Aide, Historic Alexandria/Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Washington, DC Deborah Parsons, Volunteer Archivist/Research and Collections, Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library, Denver, CO Klebere Perry, Senior Tour Guide, Barbados Museum and Historical Society, St. Michael’s, Barbados Patricia Shandor, Visitor Services Coordinator, Lexington County Museum, Lexington, SC Stephanie Thomas, Chief of Education and Interpretation- The Charleston Museum, Charleston, SC Lance Wheeler, Museum Manager of Exhibitions, Mississippi Civil Rights Museum, Jackson, MS JoAnn Zeise, Curator of History, South Carolina State Museum, Columbia, SC
SAVE THE DATE southeastern museums conference annual meeting 2018
IMPORTANT ANNUAL MEETING DATES Annual Meeting Registration online at Annual Meeting Hotel: Jackson Marriott, room rate $145 plus tax Important Dates! June 15 SEMC Exhibition Competition deadline June 15 SEMC Publication Competition deadline June 15 SEMC Technology Competition deadline June 15 SEMC Scholarship Applications deadline June 15 Resource Expo early registration deadline
July 13 Annual Meeting Early Registration deadline
July 13 SEMC Awards Nomination deadline
Sept. 14 Hotel Room Block deadline For more information, visit, email, or call 404.814.2048.
2018 ANNUAL MEETING SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES The Southeastern Museums Conference is one of the largest and friendliest regional museum associations in the nation, representing twelve states, plus Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Known for its creative programs and exciting evening events, SEMC’s “all in one” registration encourages informal interaction between Resource Expo exhibitors and meeting participants. In Jackson, we expect over 550 attendees to the SEMC Annual Meeting October 8–10, 2018. SEMC serves all levels of museum professionals in primarily mid-size museums. Museum leaders in many different disciplines include directors, curators, registrars, exhibit designers and educators. Every type of museum is represented including art, history, historic house/sites, science/technology, military and maritime, natural history, and children’s/youth museums, as well as specialized interest museums. SEMC’s Annual Meeting is the perfect format for businesses to directly reach museum decision-makers. SEMC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supported by membership and contributions. Sponsorship support helps to make the SEMC 2018 Annual Meeting an outstanding opportunity for networking.
RESOURCE EXPO 2018 INFORMATION location: Jackson Marriott, 200 East Amite Street, Jackson, MS 39201 Please make hotel reservations at Marriott ($145) by calling 1.800.228.9290, 1.601.969.5100, or booking website, and reference “Southeastern Museums Conference.” room rates: $145/Single Room + 16.75% applicable taxes room block cutoff date: Friday, September 14, 2018, by 5:00 pm schedule: MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 8:00 am – 1:00 pm Exhibitor Move-In 1:00 pm Expo opens 2:15 – 2:45 pm Afternoon Break 4:30 – 5:30 pm Expo Opening Reception 6:00 pm Expo closes TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 9:00 am Expo opens 10:15 – 10:45 am Coffee Break 12:00 – 12:30 pm Expo Lunch 3:00 – 3:30 pm Afternoon Break 4:30 – 5:30 pm Silent Auction & Expo Closing Reception 5:30 pm Expo Closes & Exhibitor Move-Out Corporate Friend/Partner members must renew by June 15, 2018, to reserve a booth for the SEMC Expo. 40
SEMC CORPORATE CONFERENCE SPONSORSHIP Show your support, stay in touch, and increase your visibility with a conference sponsorship. SEMC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supported by membership and contributions. Sponsorship support helps make the 2018 Annual Meeting an outstanding and affordable opportunity for networking in the expanding Southeastern museums community. Sponsors receive the following: PLATINUM SPONSOR — $10,000 Choose from the following opportunities: • An Evening Event • Leadership Reception & Directors’ Session Track Plus: Exclusive Conference sponsor (a $5,000 value) • Annual Membership at Corporate Partner level (a $2,100 value) • Booth fee (includes three registrations) at Resource Expo (a $900 value) • Full page ad in the SEMC newsletter (3 annual issues, a $1,000 value) • Inside front cover, inside back cover, or back cover of the annual meeting program (a $1,200 value) • Signage & recognition at annual meeting events (a $300+ value) • Unlimited Access to SEMC Mailing Lists • Eligible to present a Commercial Session at the Annual Meeting • Acknowledgement at the sponsored event & General Session • Recognition in Annual Meeting program and fall issue of SEMC newsletter • Recognition on SEMC website • Company literature in attendee tote bags and logo on tote bags ($1,000 value)
GOLD SPONSOR — $6,000 Choose from the following opportunities: • An Evening Event • Leadership Reception • Conference Transportation Plus: Sponsor for Annual Meeting event (a $3,000 value) • Annual Membership at Corporate Friend level (a $1,000 value) • Booth fee (includes three registrations) at Resource Expo (a $900 value) • ½-page ad in the SEMC newsletter (3 annual issues, a $600 value) • ½-page in the annual meeting program (a $600 value) • Signage & recognition at annual meeting events (a $300+ value) • Unlimited Access to SEMC Mailing Lists • Eligible to present a Commercial Session at the Annual Meeting • Company literature inserted into attendee tote bags ($300 value) • Acknowledgement at the sponsored event & General Session • Recognition in Annual Meeting program and fall issue of SEMC newsletter • Recognition on SEMC website SILVER SPONSOR — $3,000 Choose from the following opportunities: • The General Session/Awards Luncheon • Logo on Tote Bags • Logo on Name Badge Lanyard • SEMC Council’s Legacy Reception • Expo Networking Lunch Plus: Co-Sponsor for Annual Meeting event (a $1,500 value) • Annual Membership at Corporate Friend level (a $1,000 value) • Booth fee (includes two registrations) at Resource Expo (a $750 value) • ½-page ad in the SEMC newsletter (3 annual issues, a $600 value)
• ½-page in the annual meeting program (a $600 value) • Signage & recognition at annual meeting events (a $300+ value) • Unlimited Access to SEMC Mailing Lists • Eligible to present a Commercial Session at the Annual Meeting • Company literature inserted into attendee tote bags ($300 value) • Acknowledgement at the General Session • Recognition in Annual Meeting program and fall issue of SEMC newsletter • Recognition on SEMC website BRONZE SPONSOR — $2,000 Choose from the following opportunities: • Grand Opening Reception at Resource Expo • One of the Resource Expo Breaks • Students Work in Museums (SWIM) Program/Poster Session • One of the Affinity Luncheons: Leadership Luncheon Educators’ Luncheon Curators’ Luncheon Plus: Annual Membership at Corporate Friend level (a $1,000 value) • Booth fee (includes two registrations) at Resource Expo (a $750 value) • ¼-page ad in the SEMC newsletter (3 annual issues, a $275 value) • ¼-page in the annual meeting program (a $275 value) • Signage & recognition at annual meeting events (a $300+ value) • Unlimited Access to SEMC Mailing Lists • Eligible to present a Commercial Session at the Annual Meeting • Acknowledgement at the General Session • Recognition in Annual Meeting program and fall issue of SEMC newsletter • Recognition on SEMC website
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A SPECIAL THANKS SEMC Endowment Contributions Many thanks to our endowment contributors for investing in the future of SEMC! When you are thinking of honoring or remembering someone, please consider a contribution to the SEMC endowment. For more information, contact Executive Director Susan Perry at 404.814.2048 or Judith H. Bonner David Butler Matthew S. Davis Elise V. LeCompte R. Andrew Maass Kristen Miller Zohn Keith Post Michael Scott Warren James G. Shepp Robert P. Sullivan Graig D. Shaak
THE PAST PRESIDENTS CIRCLE Members of the Past Presidents Circle contribute $150 annually for at least two years to the endowment fund: George Bassi Sharon Bennett David Butler Tom Butler Tamra Sindler Carboni Micheal A. Hudson Douglas Noble Robert Rathburn Graig D. Shaak Robert Sullivan Kristin Miller Zohn
THE WILLIAM T. AND SYLVIA F. ALDERSON ENDOWMENT FELLOWS Thirty members of SEMC have made commitments of distinction as Alderson Fellows. Their investment of at least $1,000 each is a significant leadership gift, reflective of a personal commitment to the professional association that has meant so much to each of them. Platinum Alderson Fellows (minimum $5,000) Sylvia F. Alderson
Bob Rathburn Graig D. Shaak Nancy & Robert Sullivan Medallion Alderson Fellows (minimum $2,500) George Bassi Sharon Bennett David Butler Tamra Sindler Carboni Martha Battle Jackson Pamela Meister Richard Waterhouse Our Current Alderson Fellows (minimum $1,000) T. Patrick Brennan Michael Brothers W. James Burns William U. Eiland Horace Harmon Brian Hicks Pamela Hisey Micheal Hudson Rick Jackson Andrew Ladis Elise LeCompte Allyn Lord Michael Anne Lynn R. Andrew Maass Darcie MacMahon Robin Seage Person Allison Reid Steve Rucker Kristin Miller Zohn 43
THE PETER S. LAPAGLIA JIMI SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 2008 to honor Pete LaPaglia’s dedication to the museum field and recognize his inspirational leadership of SEMC’s Jekyll Island Management Institute, this fund helps endow an annual JIMI scholarship. The year 2018 marks JIMI’s 18th anniversary, and SEMC has brought the fund’s total to $25,616 as of February 14, 2018. Holly Akkerman Sarah Aubrey Martha Battle Jackson R. Andrew Maass Elise V. LeCompte Deborah Lynn Mack Darcie MacMahon Anne Elizabeth Miller Lisa Nicoletti Susan Perry Keith Post Keith F. Post Michael Scott Warren
New or Renewal Memberships Received SEMC thanks those who have renewed or joined our organization for the first time between November 1, 2017, and January 31, 2018. Without your support and participation we could not provide region wide services such as our Mentor, Awards, and Scholarship programs, as well as our outstanding Annual Meetings and nationally acclaimed Jekyll Island Management Institute. If you are an individual member and your museum is not an institutional member, please encourage them to join. To learn more about SEMC memberships and benefits, or to join online, visit semcdirect. net. Or contact Susan Perry, SEMC Executive Director, at or 404.814.2048. For your convenience, the last page of this newsletter is a membership application.
STUDENT ($25) Laura-Michal Balderson, Greensboro, North Carolina Iris Leigh Barnes, Havre de Grace, Maryland John Jay Boda, Tallahassee, Florida Amanda Breen, Charleston, South Carolina
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Madeline Ainsley Collins, Gainesville, Florida Kimberlyn Elliott, Tallahassee, Florida Abigail Geedy, Columbia, South Carolina Kaitlyn Hof-Mahoney, Gainesville, Florida Ashley House, Autryville, North Carolina Nikki Jagielo, Atlanta, Georgia Caitlin Johnson, Greensboro, North Carolina Alyssa Jones, Rock Hill, South Carolina Kris Kallies, Cottondale, Alabama Maureen Lavelle, Morgantown, West Virginia Tyler Law, Jacksonville, Florida Chanell Lowery, Bremen, Georgia Hannah Mahnken, Greensboro, North Carolina Rachel Mohr, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Jessamy Patton, Decatur, Georgia Deana M. Rausch, Atlanta, Georgia
Kathryn Cassidy Jean Rayburn, Rome, Georgia AthenaF. Richardson, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Samantha Jeanne Roberts, Birmingham, Alabama Katherine Simmons, Greensboro, North Carolina Claudette Stecher Lopez, Johns Creek, Georgia Gabriel Taylor, Atlanta, Georgia Traci Taylor, New Orleans, Louisiana Megan Cullen Tewell, Wilmington, North Carolina Kaylynn Washnock, Athens, Georgia
Joshua Aaron Whitfield, Columbia, South Carolina Lacey Wilson, Greensboro, North Carolina Lisa R. Withers, Raleigh, North Carolina Casey Wooster, Gainesville, Florida
INDIVIDUAL ($45) Amber C. Albert, Newton, North Carolina Katie Anderson, Huntsville, Alabama Cissy Foote Anklam, Clinton, Mississippi Katherine E. Beery, Raleigh, North Carolina Austin J. Bell, Marco Island, Florida Shelly Berger, Richmond, Virginia Elizabeth Ann Bevars, Greer, South Carolina RoAnn Marie Bishop, Marion, North Carolina Kathryn M. Blackwell, Great Falls, Virginia Melissa Buchanan, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina Jenny Burney, Saint Louis, Missouri John Burroughs, Rogers, Arkansas Rebecca Bush, Columbus, Georgia Jayd Buteaux, Raleigh, North Carolina Colleen Callahan, Richmond, Virginia Sharon Campbell, Travelers Rest, South Carolina Christian Carr, Savannah, Georgia Christina Carr, Reston, Virginia
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Cassandra Rose Cavness, Montgomery, Alabama Casey Connell, Panama City, Florida Victoria Cooke, Gainesville, Georgia SharonF. Corey, Chesterfield, South Carolina Kim Coryat, Little Rock, Arkansas Christian Cotz, Orange, Virginia Jackie Culliton, Atlanta, Georgia Patty Petrey Dees, Cartersville, Georgia Kathryn V. Dixson, Atlanta, Georgia Char Downs, Paducah, Kentucky Catherine Duffy, Savannah, Georgia Cathy Lee Eckert, Cartersville, Georgia Rebecca Eddins, Winston-Salem, North Carolina William U. Eiland, Athens, Georgia Lindsay Elliott, Birmingham, Alabama Sara Elliott, Frankfort, Kentucky Matt Farah, New Orleans, Louisiana J. R. Fennell, Lexington, South Carolina Ellen Folkama, Alexandria, Virginia John M. Gause, Seneca, South Carolina Stacey Gawel, Augusta, Georgia Alison Giesen, Fort Myers, Florida Sean B. Gilbert, New Orleans, Louisiana Sue Ellen Grannis, Maysville, Kentucky Debi Gray, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Carolyn Grosch, Asheville, North Carolina Dawn Deano Hammatt, Abilene, Kansas Lenore J. Hardin, Asheville, North Carolina Robert J. Haroutunian, Washington, D.C. Karen Hart, Lancaster, Virginia Natalie Hefter, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina Bobbi Hohmann, Atlanta, Georgia Amanda Holcomb, Dothan, Alabama Michele Miller Houck, Huntersville, North Carolina Kathleen F. G. Hutton, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Joyce Ice, Morgantown, West Virginia Marian Inabinett, High Point, North Carolina Martha Battle Jackson, Raleigh, North Carolina Jeremy Johnson West, Palm Beach, Florida Melissa Jolley, Aiken, South Carolina Emily Erwin Jones, Cleveland, Mississippi Martha Katz-Hyman, Newport News, Virginia Robin Bauer Kilgo, Big Pine Key, Florida Elizabeth Killian, Arlington, Virginia Joseph H. Kitchens, Waleska, Georgia John S. Lancaster, Pulaski, Tennessee Karol Lawson, Lynchburg, Virginia William Lazenby, Chantilly, Virginia Alexis Leader, Pensacola, Florida Trixie LeBlanc, Madisonville, Louisiana
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Elise V. LeCompte, Gainesville, Florida Thomas McKersie Lee, Newnan, Georgia Dana-Marie Lemmer, Dothan, Alabama Anne R. Lewellen, Jacksonville, Florida Abigail Sams Linville, Mount Airy, North Carolina Ellen Lofaro, Knoxville, Tennessee Catherine Long, Cumming, Georgia Allyn Lord, Springdale, Arkansas Frances Lucas, Jefferson, Louisiana Ty Malugani, Hoover, Alabama Pamela Michele Martin, Mobile, Alabama Liz Martis, Miami, Florida Megan Maxwell, Fayetteville, North Carolina Tricia Miller, Athens, Georgia Annelies Mondi, Athens, Georgia Kandace Muller, Luray, Virginia Melissa Mullins, Hampton, Virginia Mary Anna Murphy, St. Petersburg, Florida Michael Nagy, Atlanta, Georgia Ginny Newell, Columbia, South Carolina Eliza Suzanne Newland, Morgantown, West Virginia Jennifer Olsson, Wilmington, North Carolina Greg Passmore, Austin, Texas Robin Seage Person, Washington, Mississippi Mai Pham, Charlottesville, Virginia
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Morgan Pierce, Charlottesville, Virginia Ainsley Powell, Raleigh, North Carolina Chanda Powell, Cambridge, Maryland Jerry Raisor, Owenton, Kentucky Deborah Randolph, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Alena Renner, Richmond, Virginia Grace B. Robinson, Quincy, Florida Katie Romey, Naples, Florida Deborah Rose Van Horn, Lake Buena Vista, Florida Lisa Rotondo-McCord, New Orleans, Louisiana Devon Springer Rudolph, Juno Beach, Florida Gloria Sanders, Calico Rock, Arkansas Michael Scott, Greensboro, North Carolina Heather Sellers, Decatur, Alabama David Willem Serxner, Raleigh, North Carolina Patricia Shandor, Lexington, South Carolina Katherine Singley, Decatur, Georgia Laura E. Smith, Huntsville, Alabama Elise Solomon, New Orleans, Louisiana Sgt. Gary Spencer, Raleigh, North Carolina Dottie Stone, Charleston, South Carolina Sarah Story, New Orleans, Louisiana Hayes Strader, Charleston, West Virginia Chelsea Stutz, Augusta, Georgia Natalie Sweet, Tazewell, Tennessee
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Adriane Tafoya, Knoxville, Tennessee Deitrah J. Taylor, Perry, Georgia Alice Taylor-Colbert, Greenwood, South Carolina Danielle Thomas, Maitland, Florida Jennifer Thomas, Richmond, Virginia Stacey Thompson, Augusta, Georgia Betsy Teasley Trope, Atlanta, Georgia Karen Utz, Birmingham, Alabama Celia S. Walker, Nashville, Tennessee Katherine Ward, Jensen Beach, Florida Rae Garner Ward, Orlando, Florida Diana Welsh, Mount Vernon, Virginia Terrilyn Wendling, Rogers, Arkansas L. Carole Wharton, Daytona Beach, Florida Dale Wheary, Richmond, Virginia Josh White, Atlantic Beach, Florida Josh Williams, Washington, Arkansas Zinnia Willits, Charleston, South Carolina John A. Woods, South Windsor, Connecticut Kathleen Young, Vicksburg, Mississippi
BENEFACTOR ($75) Tamra Sindler Carboni, New Orleans, Louisiana Sheila A. Cork, Slidell, Louisiana
Jamie Credle, Savannah, Georgia Patrick Daily, Hickory, North Carolina Jennifer K. Foster, Lexington, Kentucky Mike Henry, Leesburg, Virginia Pam Meister, Cullowhee, North Carolina Kristen Miller Zohn, Columbus, Georgia Rebecca Nagy, Gainesville, Florida Nancy S. Perry, Portsmouth, Virginia James Quint, Columbia, South Carolina Michelle Schulte, Leesburg, Virginia Auntaneshia Staveloz, Silver Spring, Maryland Robert P. Sullivan, New Bern, North Carolina
RETIRED ($25) Helen Benso, Murrells Inlet, South Carolina Dr. Linda Orr King, Atlanta, Georgia R. Andrew Maass, Longboat Key, Florida Jeanne Niccolls, Round Hill, Virginia Douglas R. Noble, Gainesville, Florida William D. Paul, Jr., Athens, Georgia Rosemary Tierra, New Port Richey, Florida Sara Van Arsdel, Winter Park, Florida
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INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERS (Category 1: $50 ) Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, Winchester, Virginia Mandarin Museum & Historical Society, Jacksonville, Florida The Oaks House Museum, Jackson, Mississippi Friends of Cassidy Park Museums, Bogalusa, Louisiana Cross County Museum & Archives, Wynne, Arkansas MOCA Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida Bradbury Art Museum, Arkansas State University, State University, Arkansas Waterworks Visual Arts Center, Salisbury, North Carolina The Old Governor’s Mansion/Georgia College, Milledgeville, Georgia Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina Dunedin Fine Art Center, Dunedin, Florida Historic Carson House, Marion, North Carolina Frazier History Museum, Louisville, Kentucky Museum of Design Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia Kings Mountain Historical Museum, Kings Mountain, North Carolina Steeplechase Museum, Camden, South Carolina
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Reuel B. Pritchett Museum, Bridgewater, Virginia Appleton Museum of Art, Ocala, Florida Mississippi Industrial Heritage Museum, Inc., Meridian, Mississippi Bertha Lee Strickland Cultural Museum, Seneca, South Carolina Man in the Sea Museum, Panama City Beach, Florida Jean Lafitte National Historical Park & Preserve, New Orleans, Louisiana Wetzel County Museum, New Martinsville, West Virginia Beauregard-Keyes House, New Orleans, Louisiana The Museum, Greenwood, South Carolina Curtiss Mansion, Inc., Miami, Florida Downing Museum at Baker Arboretum, Bowling Green, Kentucky Florida CraftArt, Saint Petersburg, Florida Patrick Henry Memorial Foundation, Brookneal, Virginia Altama Museum, Vidalia, Georgia Beaufort History Museum, Beaufort, South Carolina U.S. Army Chaplain Corps Museum, Ft. Jackson, South Carolina Virginia Beach History Museums, Virginia Beach, Virginia
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The Natchez Institute- Historic Natchez Foundation, Natchez, Mississippi Historic Augusta, Inc., Augusta, Georgia Tampa Bay History Center, Tampa, Florida Union County Heritage Museum, New Albany, Mississippi Cameron Art Museum, Wilmington, North Carolina The Guntersville Museum, Guntersville, Alabama Oglethorpe University Museum of Art (OUMA), Atlanta, Georgia The Royce J. & Caroline B. Watts Museum, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia Yeiser Art Center, Paducah, Kentucky Rural Heritage Museum/Mars Hill University, Mars Hill, North Carolina Modernism Museum Mount Dora, Mount Dora, Florida Vero Beach Museum of Art, Vero Beach, Florida Bethune-Cookman University/Bethune Foundation, Daytona Beach, Florida Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama Venice Museum & Archives, Venice, Florida Asheville Art Museum, Asheville, North Carolina Daura Gallery - Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, Virginia Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Fort Wayne, Indiana
The Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, Florida Bob Campbell Geology Museum, Clemson, South Carolina Camp Van Dorn WWII Museum, Centreville, Mississippi MS Coast Model Railroad Museum, Gulfport, Mississippi Mississippi Arts and Entertainment Experience, Meridian, Mississippi Eleanor D. Wilson Museum at Hollins University, Roanoke, Virginia Okefenokee Heritage Center, Waycross, Georgia The Museum at Mountain Home, Johnson City, Tennessee Lee Gallery, Clemson, South Carolina Fort Lauderdale History Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (Category 2: $150 ) Paul W. Bryant Museum, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Aiken County Historical Museum, Aiken, South Carolina C. H. Nash Museum, Memphis, Tennessee Tennessee Valley Museum of Art, Tuscumbia, Alabama Museum of Anthropology, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
SEMC 2017
Amelia Island Museum of History,
Ferdandina Beach, Florida Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, North Carolina SCAD FASH Museum of Fashion + Film, Atlanta, Georgia A.E. Backus Museum of Art, Fort Pierce, Florida Bartow History Museum, Cartersville, Georgia Marietta Museum of History, Marietta, Georgia David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Atlanta, Georgia Historic Westville, Columbus, Georgia Kennesaw State University - Museums, Archives & Rare Books, Kennesaw, Georgia Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana Opelousas Museum and Interpretive Center, Opelousas, Louisiana River Discovery Center, Paducah, Kentucky James Monroe Museum, Fredericksburg, Virginia Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience, Jackson, Mississippi Horry County Museum, Conway, South Carolina Beaches Museum & History Park, Jacksonville Beach, Florida
Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, Kentucky Thronateeska Heritage Center, Albany, Georgia Cherokee County Historical Society, Canton, Georgia Rowan Museum, Inc., Salisbury, North Carolina University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky Northeast Georgia History Center, Gainesville, Georgia Angola Museum, Angola, Louisiana Art Museum of the University of Memphis (AMUM), Memphis, Tennessee Matheson History Museum, Gainesville, Florida Thomas County Historical Society, Thomasville, Georgia Mosaic Templars Cultural, Little Rock, Arkansas SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah, Georgia Blue Ridge Institute & Museum, Ferrum, Virginia African American Military History Museum, Hattiesburg, Mississippi East Tennessee Historical Society, Knoxville, Tennessee UWF Historic Trust, Pensacola, Florida Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center, Fort Myers, Florida Kentucky Department of Parks, Frankfort, Kentucky Tryon Palace, New Bern, North Carolina Sumter County Museum, Sumter, South Carolina
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The Mennello Museum of American Art, Orlando, Florida International Museum of the Horse, Lexington, Kentucky University of Mississippi Museum & Historic Houses, University, Mississippi Elliott Museum and The House of Refuge at Gilbert’s Bar, Stuart, Florida Masur Museum of Art, Monroe, Louisiana Magnolia Mound Plantation, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Cookeville Museums, Cookeville, Tennessee Tuscaloosa Museum of Art: Home of the Westervelt Collection, Tuscaloosa, Alabama University of Richmond Museums, Richmond, Virginia Rocky Mount Museum, Piney Flats, Tennessee Maria V. Howard Arts Center, Rocky Mount, North Carolina Computer Museum of America, Roswell, Georgia Barrington Hall/City of Roswell Georgia, Roswell, Georgia (Category 3: $250 ) West Baton Rouge Museum, Port Allen, Louisiana Hickory Museum of Art, Hickory, North Carolina Historic Oakland Foundation, Atlanta, Georgia
Osceola County Historical Society, Kissimmee, Florida Earl Scruggs Center, Shelby, North Carolina Liberty Hall Historic Site, Frankfort, Kentucky James K. Polk Home, Columbia, Tennessee Wiregrass Museum of Art, Dothan, Alabama Lucy Craft Laney Museum of Black History, Augusta, Georgia Museum Center at 5ive Points, Cleveland, Tennessee Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge, Oak Ridge, Tennessee International African American Museum, Charleston, South Carolina Georgia Southern University Museum, Statesboro, Georgia Middleton Place Foundation, Charleston, South Carolina Albany Museum of Art, Albany, Georgia
(Category 4: $350 ) Louisiana State University Museum of Art, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Tubman Museum, Macon, Georgia Collier County Museums, Naples, Florida High Point Museum, High Point, North Carolina
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Sautee Nacoochee Community Association, Sautee Nacoochee, Georgia McKissick Museum, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina Hermann-Grima/Gallier Historic Houses, New Orleans, Louisiana Charlotte Museum of History, Charlotte, North Carolina Orlando Museum of Art, Orlando, Florida Children’s Hands on Museum, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Augusta Museum of History, Augusta, Georgia Greensboro History Museum, Greensboro, North Carolina Pensacola Lighthouse and Museum, Pensacola, Florida Bailey-Matthews Shell Foundation, Sanibel, Florida U. S. Marshals Museum, Inc., Fort Smith, Arkansas Coastal Georgia Historical Society, St. Simons Island, Georgia Blowing Rock Art & History Museum, Blowing Rock, North Carolina Whalehead in Historic Corolla, Moyock, North Carolina Shiloh Museum of Ozark History, Springdale, Arkansas Leepa-Rattner Museum, Tarpon Springs, Florida The Charleston Museum, Charleston, South Carolina
design + editorial + production
Center for Puppetry Arts, Atlanta, Georgia West Virginia Division of Culture and History, Charleston, West Virginia Hampton Roads Naval Museum, Norfolk, Virginia Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, Louisiana Orange County Regional History Center, Orlando, Florida B. B. King Museum, Indianola, Mississippi Office of Historic Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia Newcomb Art Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana Discovery Park of America, Inc., Union City, Tennessee Anniston Museum of Natural History, Anniston, Alabama Walter Anderson Museum of Art, Ocean Springs, Mississippi Museum of Science & History, Jacksonville, Florida The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia Florence County Museum, Florence, South Carolina Carolinas Aviation Museum, Charlotte, North Carolina Longwood Center for the Visual Arts, Farmville, Virginia (Category 5: $450 ) Museum Division, Jackson, Mississippi
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Jackson, Mississippi
The Fralin Museum of Art at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia Historic Arkansas Museum, Little Rock, Arkansas Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Virginia Reynolda House Museum of American Art, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Museum of Florida History, Tallahassee, Florida Louisiana’s Old State Capitol, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Muscarelle Museum of Art, Williamsburg, Virginia MOCA Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida Knoxville Museum of Art, Knoxville, Tennessee Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, West Virginia Mississippi Children’s Museum, Jackson, Mississippi Belle Meade Plantation, Nashville, Tennessee Louisiana Art & Science Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Kentucky Derby Museum, Louisville, Kentucky Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, Georgia NC Museum of History, Raleigh, North Carolina Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens, Jacksonville, Florida Oak Alley Foundation, Vacherie, Louisiana Huntsville Museum of Art, Huntsville, Alabama Cape Fear Museum of History and Science, Wilmington, North Carolina Customs House Museum & Cultural Center, Clarksville, Tennessee
South Carolina State Museum, Columbia, South Carolina National Sporting Library & Museum, Middleburg, Virginia Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Alabama Old State House Museum, Little Rock, Arkansas Vulcan Park & Museum, Birmingham, Alabama History Museum of Mobile, Mobile, Alabama Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Florida Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, Miami, Florida Portsmouth Museums, Portsmouth, Virginia Greenville County Museum of Art, Greenville, South Carolina Columbia Museum of Art, Columbia, South Carolina Morse Museum of American Art, Winter Park, Florida Culture & Heritage Museums, York, South Carolina Florida Holocaust Museum, St Petersburg, Florida Museum of Arts & Sciences, Daytona Beach, Florida Tellus Science Museum, Cartersville, Georgia Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tennessee Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis, Tennessee The Wolfsonian – FIU, Miami Beach, Florida Tampa Museum of Art Inc., Tampa, Florida National Museum of the Marine Corps, Quantico, Virginia (770) 987-2538 54
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, Birmingham, Alabama Harvey B. Gantt Center, Charlotte, North Carolina Upcountry History Museum- Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina The Columbus Museum, Columbus, Georgia McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture, Knoxville, Tennessee Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, Mississippi Bechtler Museum of Modern Art, Charlotte, North Carolina (Category 6: $550 ) Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, Nashville, Tennessee Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville, Tennessee Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah, Georgia Schiele Museum, Gastonia, North Carolina Booth Western Art Museum, Cartersville, Georgia Division of State Historic Sites and Properties, NCDCR, Raleigh, North Carolina Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, Arkansas Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, Alabama
Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art, Nashville, Tennessee Historic New Orleans Collection, New Orleans, Louisiana Atlanta History Center, Atlanta, Georgia High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia Watson-Brown Foundation, Inc., Thomson, Georgia The Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Virginia Edison & Ford Winter Estates, Fort Myers, Florida Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, Florida Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, Kentucky Johns Hopkins University Advanced Academic Programs, Washington, D.C.
ACADEMIC MEMBERSHIP $250 Johns Hopkins University Advanced Academic Programs, Washington, D.C. Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, Georgia The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
“Defining Courage,” Go For Broke National Education Center, Los Angeles
Quatrefoil Associates Visit us at Booth #38, or online at
“We Are of This Place,” Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, Albuquerque
Mountain Heritage Center, Cullowhee, North Carolina UNO Arts Administration Program, New Orleans, Louisiana Henry B. Plant Museum, Tampa, Florida
CORPORATE MEMBERS Business Associate ($350) Coral Gables Museum, Miami, Florida Transport Consultants International, Lithia, Florida Crystalizations Systems, Inc., Holbrook, New York Chicago Scenic Studios, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Keen DC, LLC, Silver Spring, Maryland Laura Plantation, Vacherie, Louisiana Dietl International, Doral, Florida Bonsai Fine Arts, Inc., Glen Burnie, Maryland Printology Signs & Graphics, Port Royal, South Carolina Seibold Security, Rochester, New York Impact Communications, Cleveland, Ohio Corporate Friend ($1,000) Print File, Inc., Apopka, Florida Mallory Alexander International Logistics,
Memphis, Tennessee OnCell, Pittsford, New York
Available Light, Salem, Massachusetts WSP, Boston, Massachusetts Glave and Holmes Architecture, Richmond, Virginia HW Exhibits, Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina Belfry Historic Consultants, Beacon, New York ADM2 Exhibits & Displays, Inc., Tampa, Florida Travelers Insurance Company, Alpharetta, Georgia Gaylord Archival, Syracuse, New York Explus, Inc., Dulles, Virginia CultureConnect, New York, New York Four Colour Print Group, Louisville, Kentucky Universal Fiber Optic Lighting, Inc., Sarasota, Florida Tour-Mate Systems, Toronto, Canada Delta Designs Ltd., Topeka, Kansas Thrive Payments/ Odyssey Merchant Services,
Wakefield, Massachusetts
Fedex Custom Critical, Uniontown, Ohio, Boca Raton, Florida Quatrefoil Associates, Laurel, Maryland MBA Design & Display Products, Exton, Pennsylvania Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dorfman Museum Figures, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland Leslie Hindman Auctioneers, Chicago, Illinois
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P R I N TO L O G YS I G N S. C O M | 8 4 3 . 4 7 3 . 4 9 8 4
Haizlip Studio, Memphis, Tennessee HealyKohler Design, Washington, D.C. ThinkProxi, Memphis, Tennessee StabaArte, Inc., Newport, Rhode Island Gunnar USA, Inc., Arlington, Washington VIP Transport Fine Arts Services, Jessup, Maryland Significant Developments, LLC., Jackson, Mississippi ECS Conservation/ HF Group, Browns Summit,
Goosepen Studio & Press, Hickory, North Carolina DMDG2, Savannah, Georgia USArt Company, Orlando, Florida Method-1, Birmingham, Alabama Huntington T. Block (HTB), Washington, D.C. MuseumRails, Orange, Virginia Building Four Fabrication, Chamblee, Georgia Westlake Reed Leskosky [DLR Group] Sorg,
Collector Systems, LLC, New York, New York Blair, Inc., Springfield, Virginia Mid-Atlantic Arts Alliance/Exhibits USA/NEH on the Road, Kansas City, Missouri Alexander Haas, Atlanta, Georgia 1220 Exhibits, Inc., Nashville, Tennessee Cortina Productions, McLean, Virginia The Design Minds, Inc., Fairfax, Virginia ListenUp Audio, Atlanta, Georgia Exhibit Concepts, Inc., Vandalia, Ohio Q Media Productions, Inc., Winter Garden, Florida Riggs Ward Design, Richmond, Virginia Skinner, Inc., Coral Gables, Florida Studio Displays, Inc., Pineville, North Carolina Our Fundraising Search, Atlanta, Georgia Manask & Associates, Arcadia, California
Lord, Aeck & Sargent, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia ERCO Lighting, Inc., Edison, New Jersey Frina Design, Lithia, Florida Creative Arts Unlimited, Inc., Pinellas Park, Florida Cinebar Productions, Inc., Newport News, Virginia 10-31, Inc., Columbia, New Jersey The Donning Company Publishers, Marceline, Missouri Solid Light, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky Crystalizations Systems, Inc., Holbrook, New York Charlotte Van & Storage, Charlotte, North Carolina Solomon Group, New Orleans, Louisiana ANR Transport, LLC., Houston, Texas Artemis Fine Art Services, Dallas, Texas Malone Design/Fabrication, Decatur, Georgia OU College of Liberal Studies, Norman, Oklahoma
North Carolina
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Pan-African Festival at the Tubman.
GEORGIA The Tubman Museum of African American Art, History and Culture was awarded a Knight Cities Challenge Grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation in June, 2017 to transform the Museum’s back parking lot into a free, downtown drive-in movie theatre. The Tubman was one of 33 national winners selected out of an original applicant pool of over 4,500 proposals. Since that time the Tubman has presented two, family friendly drive-in movies that filled the back parking lot, and a third film, Hidden Figures, will be shown on February 18 as part of the Museum’s Black History Month offerings. Other movies are planned for April’s Pan-African Festival of Georgia and August’s Macon Film Festival.
In February the Tubman was awarded another Knight Foundation Grant in support of the 22nd Annual Pan African Festival — a signature Tubman event that celebrates the global impact of African and African American culture as expressed in music, dance, food, film, and art. Since the new Tubman Museum opened to the public in May 2015, this free weekend event in downtown Macon has grown dramatically in terms of audience and offerings. The 2017 Festival drew an estimated 17,000 people and packed the Cherry Street Plaza adjacent to the Tubman Museum. The grant from the Knight Foundation will facilitate the Festival’s move on April 28-29 to a larger venue – Central City Park – which is also where the Festival first began 22 years ago with local vendors a small group of musicians and dancers performing on the back of a flatbed truck.
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Self Portrait as Standing My Ground, Julie Heffernan, at the Mennello Museum.
FLORIDA The Mennello Museum is presenting When the Water Rises: Recent Paintings by Julie Heffernan. The solo exhibition of the work of American artist Julie Heffernan will be on view from March 23 to June 10, 2018. The artist’s recent work responds to environmental disaster and planetary excess by imagining and creating
alternative habitats with worlds inside trees or on rafts in which undulating mattresses and road signs guide the viewer on their journey. Heffernan’s intricately wrought alternative environments evoke Hieronymus Bosch’s fantastical allegorical works. Shannon Fitzgerald, Mennello’s Executive Director, says, “Heffernan’s work is provocative, lush, wondrous and commanding as it lures… with a prophetic and personal vision….” 65
Ancient remains of the village, Fey-en-Haye, in the St. Mihiel battlefield.
GEORGIA The Atlanta History Center has announced a new exhibition of modern photography of World War I battlefields, Fields of Battle, Lands of Peace: The Doughboys, 1917–1918 to be installed throughout the History Center’s thirty-three acre Goizueta Gardens, opening March 16 and on view until July 5, 2018.
Featuring the work of British photojournalist, Michael St Maur Sheil, the outdoor photography exhibition honors the sacrifice of the men and women who served in the cataclysmic struggle that shaped the modern world. The exhibition at the History Center will be its only appearance in the South and is the last of four Great War-related exhibitions presented by the History Center in recognition of the centennial of the conflict. 66
Remains of German field hospital near Binarville. Near the fight of surrounded units of the 77th Division which later became known as the “Lost Battalion.”
A staggering thirty-eight million casualties occurred during the war’s four years and the exhibition looks to use the garden landscape to tell the story of the reconciliation among warring nations and the healing of time on the battlefields themselves. Atlanta History Center Chief Mission Officer Michael Rose said, “The beauty of the photography of these once dead landscapes is amazing. Where armies fought and died, where the landscape was scoured by trenches, mines, and fear,
Michael Sheil’s vision has found the beauty.…The scars of war remain, often disguised by today’s calm appearance. But the heritage of war is still there.” The need for greater public understanding of the war and its impact on world affairs is significant. Rose said, “The consequences of World War I on the world, not just the U.S. are here today. We live in the world that World War I made.” 67
Monument to the fallen soldiers of the African American 371st Regiment in the Champagne region battles, September 28 – October 8, 1918.
Aerial view of the Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont Hamel, Somme region.
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The Charleston Museum’s Bunting Natural History Gallery.
The Charleston Museum will be opening their fully renovated Bunting Natural History Gallery on September 23, 2018. The new gallery, one of the most significant exhibition achievements for the museum in several decades, will be the largest in the museum and will display outstanding examples from the museum’s extensive collections of fossils, specimens, animal mounts and geologic offerings.
Location Intelligence
The new gallery will feature a number of natural history objects that have not been shown before as well as providing display space for such notable items as an 18 foot long extinct Lowcountry crocodile, extensive Ice Age material, and recently restored mammal and bird mounts. Museum Director Carl Borick said, “For the first time this outstanding collection has cohesiveness to its presentation.” The grand opening of the gallery will be held on September 23 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Visitors that day can be among the first to see displays from the museum’s collections in their new home.
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people and places The Board of Members of the Woman’s Exchange has announced that Megan Koza Mitchell, Director of Operations for Prospect New Orleans will be the new Executive Director of the Hermann-Grima+Gallier Historic Houses effective February 1, 2018. The board unanimously selected Koza Mitchell from a pool of highly qualified local and national candidates. ¶ Board president Holly Nieset spoke enthusiastically about Koza Mitchell. “We are delighted to welcome Megan to the HermannGrima+Gallier Houses. Megan’s impressive credentials are matched by her energy and excitement for preserving and enriching these important New Orleans institutions. As we head into the City’s tricentennial year, everyone involved with the Hermann-Grima+Gallier Houses is looking forward to preserving our history and broadening our membership through innovative programming. Megan’s talents will be integral to this effort. It is truly an exciting time!” ¶ Koza Mitchell has served as Director of Operations for Prospect New Orleans since 2016, having joined the organization in 2014 for Prospect.3. Koza Mitchell has a strong professional background in the museum, academic, and non-profit fields, with strengths
that encompass numerous perspectives, including curatorial, administrative, education, collection management, financial planning, and fundraising. She also has sixteen years of university teaching experience, with a Master’s degree in art history and a strong background in art and architectural history. Before joining Prospect New Orleans in 2014, Koza Mitchell was the Director of Dishman Art Museum and Art Historian at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas.
Scott Harris, previously Director of the James Monroe Museum, has been named Executive Director of University Museums. Dr. Nina Mikhalevsky, Provost of the University of Mary Washington, made the announcement in reference to the organizational structure changes affecting the Gari Melchers Home and Studio, the James Monroe Museum, and the Papers of James Monroe as of January. In his new role, Scott provides strategic direction and oversees all aspects of the Gari Melchers Home and Studio and the James Monroe Museum. Harris also oversees the on-going work of the Papers of James Monroe, edited by Dr. Daniel Preston. The Papers project was recently awarded a three-year,
$300,000 grant from NEH to produce volumes seven and eight of Monroe’s selected correspondence and public documents covering the period April 1814 to March 1821.
Sylvia Farrell Alderson, of Taneytown, Maryland, formerly of Winston-Salem, died peacefully on November 14, 2017, at Lorien Healthcare. She was 87. Born September 3, 1930, in High Point, North Carolina, she was the daughter of Robert Paul Farrell and Nellie Thomasson Farrell. Sylvia graduated from Vanderbilt University with a BS in Nursing, and later earned a Master’s in Nursing. She worked as a psychiatric nurse for ten years in Tennessee, Delaware, and New York. In 1986, Sylvia and Bill moved to Winston-Salem, where Bill was the president of Old Salem Village. Sylvia was actively involved in the arts there. She was a member, and served a term as president, of Associated Artists of WinstonSalem. Sylvia’s paintings and drawings can be seen on display in more than half a dozen states across the country. She was also very involved with the Reynolda House Museum, the Foothills Chamber Music Festival, and Arbor Acres Retirement Center. In 2009, she 72
moved to Maryland to be closer to family. Sylvia was a member of PEO, a philanthropic educational organization, in both Winston-Salem and Westminster, Maryland. She was an active member of Centenary United Methodist Church during her twenty-three years in WinstonSalem. Sylvia was preceded in death by her husband, William Thomas
Alderson Jr., and her brother, Robert Paul Farrell Jr. She is survived by three children, William Thomas Alderson III of Nashville, Virginia Alderson Hoffman (Chris) of Corvallis, Montana, and Rebecca Alderson Zimmerman (Jay) of Westminster; grandchildren Crystal Hoffman Knox (Brad) of Helena, Montana, Matthew Hoffman
(Meredith) of Lolo, Montana, and Kate Hoffman Ramage (Tom) of Kirkland, Washington, Kevin Zimmerman of Hampstead, Maryland, Colin Zimmerman of Belcamp, Maryland, and Holly Zimmerman of Westminster, Maryland as well as five greatgrandchildren, numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.
what’s happening Send information for What’s Happening to Susan Perry at
Museums Advocacy Day 2018 is February 26-27, 2018.
Alabama Museums Association Date: March 4–6, 2018 Location: Tuscaloosa, AL
The American Association of State and Local History presents its 2018 annual meeting in Kansas City, MO, September 26–29, 2018. The 2018 Annual Meeting theme is “Truth or Consequences.” For more information, visit The American Alliance of Museums (AAM) will hold its 2018 Annual Meeting & Museum Expo May 6–9, 2018, in Phoenix, Arizona. This year’s theme is “Educate, Engage, Elevate! Museums on the Rise.” For more information, visit Association of Academic Museums and Galleries (AAMG) will hold its next annual conference June 21–25, 2018, at the Lowe Art Museum (University of Miami). This year’s theme is “Audacious Ideas: University Museums and Collections as Change-Agents for a Better World.” For more information visit
Florida Association of Museums Date: September 2018 Location: Naples (tentative) Louisiana Association of Museums Date: TBA Location: TBA Mississippi Museums Association Date: March 4–6, 2018 Location: Jackson, MS North Carolina Museums Council March 18–19, 2018, Greensboro, NC South Carolina Federation of Museums Date: March 21-23, 2018 Location: Oconee County, SC Tennessee Association of Museums March 21–23, 2018 Pickwick Landing State Park, Shiloh, TN Virginia Association of Museums March 10–13, 2018, Norfolk, VA West Virginia Association of Museums March 22–24, 2018, Charleston, WV 73
IMPORTANT DATES! Annual Meeting Registration: online at Annual Meeting Hotel: Jackson Marriott; Room rate $145 plus tax IMPORTANT DATES! June 15: SEMC Exhibition Competition deadline June 15: SEMC Publication Competition deadline June 15: SEMC Technology Competition deadline June 15: SEMC Scholarship Applications deadline June 15: Resource Expo Early Registration deadline July 13: Annual Meeting Early Registration deadline July 13: SEMC Awards Nomination deadline Sept. 14: Hotel Room Block deadline October 8–9: Annual Meeting 2018 Jackson
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Museum of Mississippi History & Mississippi Civil Rights Museum, Jackson.