WISDOM FOR YOUR WALK: 2023 INSIGHT FOR LIVING CANADA WALL CALENDAR God’s wisdom comes in many ways—even through a wall calendar! It is our hope this year’s Insight for Living Canada Calendar will be a source of wisdom as you walk through the coming year. We pray it will help guide your decision-making, fuel your desire to know the Word, and inspire you to walk even closer with our Lord. CAL23C Insight for Living Canada 2023 Wall Calendar, 12-Month Calendar ..... $12.00 $16.00 * Great deals on selected products during our fall sale now through December 9, 2022 while supplies last. ** Before taxes, excluding donations. GIFT GUIDE 2022 FALL SALE * **FREE$50 andSpendget calendar!a

PRAYER WARRIORS GIFT SET This hand-selected themed gift set offers a variety of resources and comes pre-packaged in a gift box with ribbon. Each of these creative resources from Insight for Living Canada makes for an ideal combination of a thoughtful gift and biblical encouragement. Set includes: • The Prayers of Charles R. Swindoll Volumes 1 & 2, Hardcovers • Passionate Prayer Journal, Spiral-bound Journal • Praying with Your Whole Heart, CD Message • Insight for Living Canada pen PWGST Prayer Warriors Gift Set ............................ $54.00 $72.00 Gift sets are prepackaged and available in limited quantities. No substitutions. GIFT SET

ADAM RACCOON For more great gift ideas visit insightforliving.ca/store. THE ADVENTURES OF ADAM RACCOON Kids will love following Adam Raccoon on his adventures throughout Master's Wood! It is a place of natural beauty, with streams, waterfalls, flowering meadows, and groves of tall trees. It is also a wild and untamed land where wolves and dangers abound. Fortunately, King Aren watches over and protects Adam and his friends, who love to play and explore every corner of Master's Wood. Reading Age: 5-8 ARFFHB Forever Falls Hardcover .............................. $20.25 $27.00 ARLWHB Lost Woods Hardcover $20.25 $27.00 ARCMHB The Circus Master Hardcover $20.25 $27.00 ARFMHB The Flying Machine Hardcover .......................... $20.25 $27.00 ARMGHB The Mighty Giant Hardcover ............................ $20.25 $27.00 ARKDHB The King's Big Dinner Hardcover $20.25 $27.00 ARVMHB Race to Victory Mountain Hardcover ....................... $20.25 $27.00 ARBGHB Bully Garumph Hardcover ............................. $20.25 $27.00 ARST Adam Raccoon Series 8 Volume Set Set of Hardcovers $140.25 $187.00

KIDS & YOUTH Are you looking for books for high school students written from a Christian worldview? These selected re sources offer content that builds character, and are gospel-centred. 1WTCPB Welcome to College, Paperback $45.75 $61.00 1SGCPB A Student's Guide to Culture, Paperback .................... $20.25 $27.00 DYFPB Delivering Your Future, Paperback ........................ $30.00 $40.00 Whether they’re preschool-age or in elementary school, we hope you’ll discover something new for that special child or grandchild in your life. GIMHB God Is Always with Me, Board Book ....................... $15.00 $20.00 SLHHB Psalms for Little Hearts, Hardcover ....................... $18.75 $25.00 GTCHB God Takes Care of Me, Board Book $15.00 $20.00 Please note, some products have limited quantities.

BIG QUESTIONS Big Questions is a series of fun and fast-paced books walking kids aged 9-13 through what the Bible says about some of the big questions of life, and helping them to grow in confident and considered faith. WWDPB What Happens When We Die? Paperback $15.75 $21.00 WDMPB Who Am I and Why Do I Matter? Paperback ................... $15.75 $21.00 CRTPB How Do We Know That Christianity Is Really True? Paperback ....... $15.75 $21.00 BTHPB Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen? Paperback $15.75 $21.00 Prices include the cost of shipping! LITTLE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS: THE ILLUSTRATED EDITION A classic work of literature, adapted for children and beautifully illustrated. Perceiving the need for a simpler ver sion of a timeless classic, Helen Taylor faithfully adapted John Bunyan's allegory of the Christian life, The Pilgrim's Progress, for young readers—hoping to bring its treasury of wisdom nearer to children's hearts and minds. 1LPPIHB Little Pilgrim's Progress: The Illustrated Edition, Hardcover $59.25 $79.00

We encourage you to take time this Christmas season to sink your roots more deeply into the rich soil of faith! Whether it’s watching a children’s Paws & Tales DVD, listening to a traditional Christmas concert from Stonebriar Community Church choir and orchestra, or following an Advent devotional, these resources will help guide you down the path of growth and renewal. SCH16NDV Let Earth Receive Her King, Christmas Concert DVD .............. $12.00* $16.00 SCH14CD Fullness of Grace, Christmas Concert CD ..................... $9.00* $12.00 PNDV05 Giving Thanks, Paws & Tales DVD $10.50* $14.00 PRKPB A Promise Kept, Advent Devotional ........................ $17.25 $23.00 CHRISTMAS Visit insightforliving.ca/sale for full sales flyer and product descriptions.

LTSPB Living the Psalms: Encouragement for the Daily Grind, Paperback $27.00 $36.00 LWLPB A Life Well Lived: Discover the Rewards of an Obedient Heart, Paperback $10.50 $14.00 LTPPB Living the Proverbs: Insight for the Daily Grind, Paperback .......... $27.00 $36.00 SYCPB So, You Want to Be Like Christ? Paperback $15.75 $21.00 BPRDNG Biblical Parenting, 12 CD Messages $48.75* $65.00 All prices include the cost of shipping! CHARLES R. SWINDOLL

STUDY BIBLES Combining traditional study-Bible features like book introductions, textual notes, person profiles, and maps with application-oriented features, these Study Bibles for children, teens, and adults help readers understand and apply God’s Word to all areas of their lives and encounter God in an authentic way. NLTTBLB NLT Teen Life Application Study Bible, Black, LeatherLike . . . . . . $66.75 $89.00 NLTTPLB NLT Teen Life Application Study Bible, Pink, LeatherLike . . . . . . $66.75 $89.00 NLTMFLB My First Hands-on Bible, Blue, LeatherLike $42.00 $56.00 NLTMFLP My First Hands-on Bible, Pink, LeatherLike . . . . . . . . . . . . $42.00 $56.00 NLTHOHB Hands-On Bible NLT, Hardcover . . . . . . . . . . . . . $57.00 $76.00 SSBTALB The Swindoll Study Bible, Brown/Tan, LeatherLike $74.25 $99.00 SSBTELB The Swindoll Study Bible, Brown/Teal, LeatherLike $74.25 $99.00 SSBTAINLB The Swindoll Study Bible, Indexed, Brown/Tan, LeatherLike . . . . . . $81.75 $109.00 SSBTEINLB The Swindoll Study Bible, Indexed, Brown/Teal, LeatherLike . . . . . . $81.75 $109.00 SSBBLPINLB The Swindoll Study Bible, Large Print, Indexed, Black, LeatherLike $89.25 $119.00 SAVE 25% $76.00 $57.00 each SAVE 25% $89.00 $66.75 each BIBLESSAVE 25% $56.00 $42.00 each Not all products are pictured. For complete descriptions visit insightforliving.ca/sale.