Hear The Lioness’ roar MORE ON PAGE 5
August 12 - August 18, 2013
Vol. 40 No. 33 • The Journal For Community News, Business & The Arts • insightnews.com
Commentary by Titilayo Bediako For the past three years, WE WIN Institute has included gardens in its summer program for children, ages 5-15. In conjunction with Zion Baptist Church, WE WIN maintains a garden that is over an acre in front of the church, which faces Olson Memorial Highway. WE WIN believes it is important to not only feed students healthy foods in its programs, but to let them learn about food firsthand by studying about, growing, watering, weeding, picking and cooking the food that we grow. Children have also sold produced
A fresh start
grown at local farmers markets. This summer, WE WIN has shared 25 percent of its garden with a new innovative program called Fresh Start. Fresh Start is a collaboration between LeCreche’ Early Childhood Center, WE WIN Institute, and the University of Minnesota’s Center for Early Education and Development (CEED), which is evaluating the benefits of the program to families, older youth and the Community. Every week, WE WIN students work with the other partners to teach preschoolers and their parents about every aspect of growing and preparing food.
Titlayo Bediako
L-r: Ananda White, Shuan Washington (standing upright); Phyllis Sloan, executive director of LeCreche’ Early Childhood Center; Kristin Udo, parent and her children Jeremiah and Olivia.
CNN: Black purchasing power exceeds $1.1 trillion By Harry Colbert, Jr. Contributing Writer If the African-American community were a county unto itself, economically it would be the 16th largest nation in the world. A 2011 study concluded that the African-American dollar has a collective worth of more than
$1.1 trillion annually. But with such collective wealth, many ponder why and how so many African-Americans languish in poverty and as a whole has an unemployment rate that is near double the national average. Economist Nicole Kenney offers a sobering – if not downright frightening – conclusion. According to Kenney, while a dollar in
Asian-American communities circulates on average for an entire month and a dollar in Jewish communities in America circulates within that community for approximately 20 days, the same dollar in the African-American community stays within its community for an average of a mere six hours.
Making history... again
March on Washington By Benjamin Todd Jealous, President and CEO, NAACP Harry Colbert, Jr.
Tuloko founders Duane Johnson and Sean Armstrong talk with a room of supporters at the African Development Center, 1939 S. 5th St., Minneapolis about their Black business internet search site, Tuloko.
Viking stadium construction puts parking over people Commentary by Ralph Wyman, Minnesota, Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance/HIRE Core Team More than a year has passed since the Minnesota State Legislature passed a plan to build the Minnesota Vikings a new football stadium. At that time HIRE Minnesota said in these pages, “If all the right steps are taken, hundreds of people of color will obtain jobs.” Today it looks like the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority is about to stumble. Big time.
HIRE TURN TO 2 Avi Viswanathan
Ted Mondale, CEO, Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority, poses with community members on Vikings field after MSFA Board promised to achieve “a lasting legacy of a larger minority and woman construction workforce” but before revealing that they only would commit 25% of the funding needed to meet project hiring goals.
Remember the March on Washington? August 28, 1963. Tens of thousands of activists on the National Mall. A preacher’s son from Atlanta talking about his dream for the country. We don’t need a history lesson. Even if we weren’t at the March itself - even for those like me, who were not yet born - Dr. King’s words are etched into our minds as deeply as they are inscribed in stone at the base of his memorial. The preacher’s son has taken his rightful place in the pantheon of national heroes. We don’t need to watch a rerun of that fateful day. We need a sequel. On Saturday, August 24th, the NAACP is co-hosting a sequel to the March on Washington for Jobs and Justice: the 2013 March on Washington. The march begins at 8:00 am, at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Join us. If this year has shown us anything, it’s that the work of the 1963 march is not yet finished. Texas and South Carolina are sprinting forward with voter ID after the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act. African American unemployment has flat lined. Our children are gunned down each and every day in senseless acts of violence. Trayvon Martin lies in the ground after one such senseless act. At the same time, our culture of civic engagement is experiencing a renaissance. In the past month, hundreds of cities held vigils and rallies to protest the Zimmerman verdict.
Full Circle
Ranked Choice Voting gives communities of color more opportunities
Savvy ways to end a job interview
The difference between loneliness and aloneness
Douglas Hanson named new CEO at Open Cities Health Center
Page 2 • August 12 - August 18, 2013 • Insight News
Ranked Choice Voting gives communities of color more opportunities Nationwide, democracy is in trouble. It’s threatened from many different directions – by political polarization, by cynicism and apathy, by big money and special interests, by calculated attempts to suppress the vote. The recent Supreme Court decision striking at the heart of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is the latest blow – a distressing reminder that when it comes to safeguarding and expanding that fundamental American right, we’ve got lots of work to do. But we believe Minnesotans are up to the task. Last year, a broad coalition of democracy defenders united to defeat a restrictive voter ID referendum that would have disenfranchised many eligible voters. And this year, our two biggest cities – Minneapolis and
Bao Vang
Henry Jimenez
St. Paul – continue to blaze a path for electoral reform as they prepare to use Ranked Choice Voting for critical, competitive local elections. With a hotly contested open mayoral race in Minneapolis and an open council seat in St. Paul’s ethnically diverse first ward the whole country will be watching, and we think voters of all political stripes will like what they see. By eliminating the need for poorly attended, unrepresentative municipal primaries, Ranked
Ilhan Omar
Kim Ellison
Patricia Torres Ray
Siyad Abdullahi
Susan Allen
Terra Cole
those voting in November … In the November 2012 supervisorial elections, 73 percent of registered voters participated, including many low-income people of color inspired to vote by the presidential election. In the five board races, all winners were people of color.” The op-ed continued, “In contrast, voter turnout in the June primary was only 31 percent. Perhaps the smaller and more demographically privileged June electorate would have chosen the same winners elected in November under ranked choice voting - but we doubt it.” Under RCV, candidates can compete against each other without the specter of community “vote-splitting.” In the decade that San Francisco has used RCV, 16 of 18 officeholders elected in San Francisco are people of color (include nine of 11 Board
Choice Voting (RCV) increases political participation and gives equal voice to historically underrepresented voters. And though we support different mayoral candidates, we’re united in the belief that RCV also promotes campaigning that’s more respectful, issuebased, and inclusive. In a system where candidates must be mindful of second-choice votes to win, would-be officeholders tend to focus on their own strengths, accomplishments and ideas instead of tearing down their opponents. They have a compelling incentive to step
outside their traditional base and talk to voters they might have ignored under the old plurality system. RCV fosters bridgebuilding and a more substantive political conversation. And in the long run, it yields leadership that’s much more reflective of the whole electorate. This fall marks just the second time that Minneapolis and our sister city, St. Paul, will use RCV – and while we’re certain it’s going to have a major impact on competitive, multi-candidate mayoral and city council races, there’s evidence to suggest some of its biggest benefits are still a
few years away. In San Francisco, where RCV has been used the longest, it’s led to leadership that’s truly reflective of a diverse city. Under this system, candidates from communities of color can run for office without worrying about being eliminated in low-turnout primaries attended by an unrepresentative sliver of the electorate. As Richard DeLeon and Arend Lijphart wrote in a San Francisco Chronicle op-ed earlier this year, “studies show that electorates in low-turnout primary elections held in June or September are typically older, whiter and wealthier than
our community. But we know it takes commitment, a real investment, and an active and engaged public. The MSFA indicated initial commitment to a diverse workforce by issuing a request for proposals to assist the major contractors on the project in meeting state goals of 32 percent for people of color and 6 percent for women. Community partners including outreach agencies, public and nonprofit training centers, and advocacy and faith groups have joined together in an innovative partnership that could help the MSFA, Mortenson Construction (the prime contractor) and its subcontractors meet these achievable goals. The good news is that last month, the MSFA indicated it will negotiate with these community partners. The bad news is, the money they claim is available for workforce development and placement is just one-quarter of
what experienced trainers and agencies believe is needed to create the workforce the MSFA acknowledges it needs. If the MSFA and the Vikings were planning to install steel and concrete that was 25 percent of the strength the engineers said was required, anyone could predict the result: a flimsy, substandard stadium. Likewise, underinvesting in the stadium workforce will result in underachieving workforce goals. We’ve seen this playbook way to many times before, and we cannot accept it again. Budgets say much more than words do about what matters. The MSFA is in final negotiations right now on a side deal to invest $65 million in just one parking ramp and green space adjacent to the new stadium. That’s 92 times as much as they propose to invest in training and placing workers. If money talks, right now it’s saying “parking over people.”
It’s not too late to fix this. HIRE Minnesota is calling on MSFA Chair Michele Kelm-Helgen and the MSFA board to invest wisely and adequately in developing the diverse workforce that can and must build this stadium. If the MSFA truly wants to leave a “lasting legacy” in addressing racial hiring disparities in our community, they must invest in a strong, community-based plan to achieve equitable hiring goals. They need to hear from all of us - right now - about making a real investment of public dollars to ensure women and people of color can obtain these well paying jobs. Please join HIRE Minnesota at the next MSFA public meeting at 9 a.m., Friday, August 23 at the Metrodome offices to call for MSFA to commit to building the People’s Stadium with workers from all of our neighborhoods.
WE WIN children, who range from 11 – 14-years-old, are at stations where they do a variety of activities with the toddlers and their families. They have taste testing activities, where children identify the flavors, textures, colors, and uses of food. They also learn how to make delicious drinks that are sweetened naturally, and they learn how to use various fruits and vegetables in everyday cooking. The participants all share a meal cooked from foods they have grown in the garden. The program has been an opportunity for the organizations involved, to work together, to know each other and to bond. Fresh Start is the brainchild of Michelle Horovitz, the cofounder and executive director of Appetite for Change. When speaking of the program, Horovitz said her vision is to,
“create a community-shaped, holistic, culturally relevant and inter-generational gardenbased cooking program for preschoolers, their adult caregivers and older youth.” She would also like the project to demonstrate that they can respectfully develop and implement a community based evaluation model to document a process that benefits the families who participate and the older youth. Phyllis Sloan, executive director of LeCreche’ Early Childhood Center, is no stranger to partnerships to strengthen her community. An example of a past collaboration is the work between WE WIN Institute and LeCreche’ where high school students from WE WIN, came to LeCreche’ and tutored and mentored her preschoolers. “Having the high school students work with our younger
learners was a great experience for our children,” said Sloan. “I was excited about the opportunity to have our students work with WE WIN youth again, and to have our families learn about growing food and show how it is connected to strengthening the community. It has been a fun project for our families.” Sedrique Ametor, a 13-yearold with WE WIN Institute, said she loved the opportunity to work with the project this summer. “Working with Fresh Start has helped me gain a better understanding of how to teach little kids. I like playing and learning with them. It helps to reinforce my understanding of how to grow, maintain and cook food,” said Ametor. The Fresh Start project is an example that when we work together, WE WIN.
From 1 HIRE Minnesota, a community-based coalition, has fought for years to increase accountability, transparency and results from major public agencies that spend our taxes. The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority (MSFA) is managing the Vikings stadium project, an investment of $975 million over the next few years. As the MSFA finalizes plans for this mega-complex, the agency is suggesting it can throw a few hundred thousand dollars towards workforce development and think they can achieve “a lasting legacy of a larger minority and woman construction workforce.” We know from recent experience that big goals can be met so the construction workforce reflects the face of
Garden From 1
Insight News • August 12 - August 18, 2013 • Page 3
COMMENTARY Cherryhomes: Civilian Police Review Board still needed By Jackie Cherryhomes Most of us will never know the challenges and pressures faced by police officers. To a great extent they handle this stress with professionalism and poise. Unfortunately, some members of the police force cannot handle these difficult circumstances. Over the past two weeks, we have watched as five Minneapolis police officers, in two separate off-duty incidents, be accused of bullying, racist, and violent behavior. One of the incidents, in Green Bay, Wisconsin, was recorded and has gone viral. It is hard to watch, in part because it is so ugly, and in part because our heads hang so low at the sheer embarrassment of it. It’s all there - racially charged language that is scalding, extraordinary profanity, brazen disrespect for their peers on the Green Bay force, slurs against their own police chief, and the kind of charged-up energy and threatening behavior that says “way too much alcohol.” And perhaps the worst thing to witness... The off-duty Minneapolis cops’ arrogant
Jackie Cherryhomes and demanding belief that they were entitled to special treatment regardless of what they had just said and done. These police incidents came just days after many Minneapolitans – I am guessing mostly white publicly and privately voiced a heart-felt belief that “Trayvon Martin couldn’t happen here.” Unfortunately, the truth is
beyond painful. Yes, we have a lot of great things going for us in Minneapolis, including strong faith community, community organizations, sections of government, employers, individuals and, yes, good cops, working to make this a better city every day. But these allegations stop us in our tracks. They mirror back at us a complex reality. Communities of color, and folks on the economic margin, have generations of observations and experiences that feed a general distrust of the police, in our city and others across the country. In the face of this mistrust, our police are asked to uphold and enforce the law and our ideal standards for behavior, which reflect how we believe things should be, while we send them in to be exposed to what the rest
of us cannot do: make sense of and take action in situations where people and society are at their very worst. Now several of our 840-some sworn officers have been nabbed acting like the volatile crowd bashers they contend with every day. The Minneapolis Police chief is moving forward quickly with a plan. The officers are on leave and hopefully will experience just consequences swiftly, and the police federation - the police officers’ bargaining unit - has closed ranks with department leadership to say there is no room for cops with these attitudes on the force. I couldn’t agree more. But the police should not be relied upon to govern themselves. That is why I would reconstitute the Civilian Police Review Board. As mayor, I would work with
the community to develop a structure for this oversight body that includes attorneys, retired police officers and others with a citizen chair. We need to change the culture of the police department and we can start to do so by restoring civilian oversight. As mayor, I will make it a top priority to nurture a police environment that does not tolerate racism, bias, and bullying arrogance. Officer screening, selection, and training must be continually reviewed and improved. A clear expectation for attitude and action must be in place, including a disciplinary route with swift consequences that weeds out problem cops. I will work to increase and improve the support given to officers after heartbreaking and violent incidents; encourage a system that requires guided
discussion on the challenges of policing in historically distrustful communities, and how to act and take action to improve that trust; and support a culture of moderation, including strengthened procedures to assist – and insist - that officers get help for alcohol or drug abuse. Again, most cops are professionals who take their position and the law seriously. Everyone has a right to policing that is unbiased and evenhanded. Such a police force deserves the respect of the people it protects. Getting there will take some big changes, including a willingness for our cops and our people to take a risk and trust the other side. I believe we can make this city better for everyone, and as mayor, this is what I will be working for.
INSIGHT NEWS www.insightnews.com
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Distribution/Facilities Manager Jamal Mohamed Receptionist Lue B. Lampley Contributing Writers Harry Colbert, Jr. Julie Desmond Fred Easter Timothy Houston Alaina L. Lewis Darren Moore Alysha Price Photography Suluki Fardan Michele Spaise Contact Us: Insight News, Inc. Marcus Garvey House 1815 Bryant Ave. N. Minneapolis., MN 55411 Ph.: (612) 588-1313 Fax: (612) 588-2031 Member: Minnesota Multicultural Media Consortium (MMMC), Midwest Black Publishers Coalition, Inc. (MBPCI), National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) Postmaster: Send address changes to McFarlane Media Interests, Marcus Garvey House 1815 Bryant Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55411.
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Page 4 • August 12 - August 18, 2013 • Insight News
BUSINESS Savvy ways to end a job interview Plan Your Career By Julie Desmond julie@insightnews.com Who are you? Where have you been? Why do you want to work here? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? You have answered every interview question perfectly. You are about to leave the office with a job offer practically following you out the door when the manager says, “Do you have any additional questions?â€? Open your mouth now and you could lose everything: the offer, your self-esteem, your future‌ Okay, it might not be that consequential, but job offers can be sacrificed on this question alone. Think about it.
You will be asked this question. So plan for it.
If you say, “No,� then you might come across as not curious, not interested, not thinking. If you make something up on the fly, you might say something you shouldn’t or you might bring up a topic you didn’t mean to broach in this conversation. However, you will be asked this question. So plan for it, and, as you did with every
other question in the interview session, answer it honestly. Option A: It’s okay not to have any further questions. When your interviewer asks, just consider the question, look at your notes briefly, smile and make eye contact. Say, “No, thank you. You’ve answered all my questions. I appreciate your time.�
Option B: If you do have further questions, recognize that the interviewer is wrapping up, so be concise. One more quick question or a brief clarification might be helpful to you, but don’t feel you have an invitation to another hour of chit chat. You don’t. Smile, make eye contact, and ask the question. Hear the answer and say, “Thank you.� Whether you go for A or B, your next line is the one that stands out with the hiring manager. Choose from one of these, or create your own, but definitely plan ahead and know what you want to say. This is a moment that matters. Ask, Is there anything I’ve forgotten to ask? How do you feel my skills/strengths/personality fit in with the needs of the team? With the personalities of the team? When will you be making a decision? Do you feel you can recommend me for this position? Is there anyone else I should meet? Where will
I sit? (This last one is a show of extreme confidence and should be used only with extreme discretion). Now, it’s time to go. You are on your way out, your hand is on the door knob, the interviewer is pushing you forward. This is when you turn around and say, “Thank you, again, for meeting with me. I’ll look forward to hearing from you soon.� People from Minnesota (myself included) tend to linger in the doorway saying multiple goodbyes. Don’t. The manager’s decision is already made and nothing you say now can help you. Just smile again, shake hands, let your interview end, and look forward to your next conversation. Julie Desmond is IT Recruiting Manager with George Konik Associates, Inc. in Minneapolis. Send your job search and career planning questions to Julie at jdesmond@georgekonik.com.
You can’t sell what you don’t know FUNdraising Good Times
By Mel and Pearl Shaw Mike Bruns possesses the characteristics of an ideal board member: deeply engaged with the organizations he supports, generous as a donor, and he treats his nonprofit involvement with the same seriousness he applies to business ventures. He has a great sense of humor, a
kind heart and a warm smile. He’s also the founder of Comtrak Logistics, a national transportation and logistics company headquartered in Memphis, and chairman emeritus of Youth Villages, a national nonprofit. We recently talked with Bruns to learn the secrets to his success as a nonprofit volunteer leader. We asked what he looks for in a nonprofit when deciding whether or not to become involved. His response was straight-forward, “I do not want to be a part of an organization that is a fixerupper, or is trying to make payroll by Friday. I want to support organizations who
want to grow to the next level. The ‘heart tug’ is always trumped by an organization that is well run. With a well run organization I can work with other board members to help grow it to the next level.� It’s not that he is opposed to the “heart tug.� In fact, Bruns is passionate about the organizations he is involved with. “I truly believe in the organizations I become a part of. And I expect that of fellow board members. There’s nothing worse than leadership that is begrudging or ‘resume building.’ The secret to success lies in the passion of the leadership.� Equally straight-forward
were his comments regarding expectations of fellow board members in the area of fundraising. He cited the lack of board giving as the number one obstacle to fundraising success. “There’s nothing worse than a board member soliciting money and they haven’t made a meaningful gift. It doesn’t always have to be all money - it can be meaningful giving of time. But they have to believe in the organization and be engaged.� Comparing fundraising to sales, Bruns was critical of board members who are not qualified to “sell the product.� For that he places responsibility squarely on
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the shoulders of leadership, “What is the orientation? Without proper training, orientation, knowledge, feeling and involvement a board member can’t ‘sell’ the nonprofit to potential donors. You can’t sell what you don’t know or believe in.� Next week: Nonprofit success: more than “feel good� Copyright 2013 – Mel and Pearl Shaw Mel and Pearl Shaw are the authors of “Prerequisites for Fundraising Success.� They position nonprofits for fundraising success. Visit them at www.saadandshaw.com.
Suluki Fardan
Eddie Withers
Inaccurate Strib story hurts business By Eddie Withers, Owner, Eddie’s Barbershop Unfortunately on Monday, July 29, a young man was shot in the block where my barbershop is located. Eddie’s Barber Shop is located at 4301 4th Ave. S. in Minneapolis. Although the shop was closed at the time and, of course, the shooting had nothing to do with my business, I spent considerable time answering questions from the police and the media. My shop was mentioned by name in the Minneapolis Star Tribune reporting. It brought unwelcome publicity and also concern from clients and friends. In this economy, businesses are fragile and this sort of negative publicity does not help. A neighbor was quoted in the Star Tribune as saying, this is “typical for an urban neighborhood� and “some weekends it’s louder than others.� This does not accurately describe my neighborhood, which is quiet, safe, and filled with hardworking citizens. We all need to be careful how we talk about our neighborhoods. I want to assure all my clients and friends that business will continue. I have been serving this community for 43 years and hope to continue to do so for many years. Come on back.
Hear The Lioness’ roar By Harry Colbert, Jr. Contributing Writer The Lioness is not a female MC – she’s a dope MC. Born Shaiwana Adams, 25-year-old Minneapolis rhyme veteran, The Lioness is poised to take her rightful place on the throne as queen of the hip-hop jungle.
And at a point in time in hip-hop where many female rappers are more of a manufactured character than respected lyricists, The Lioness is comfortable walking her own patch, refusing to dumb-down her lyrics and flow to fit some cookie cutter mold. The Lioness’ roar shatters the mold.
Courtesy of the artist
The Lioness
Teenage Ethiopian Americans bring their parents’ music to life By Sam Harnett, PRI’s The World, News Report
Noam Eshel
Addis Getahun, a member of the Young Ethio Jazz Band, based in California.
• Opening this week: For movies opening August 16
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that kids hate their parents’ music, or at least do their best to ignore it. Garage bands don’t borrow CDs from their parents so they can practice disco covers. Okay, maybe, but only in some kind of ironic hipster way. Well there’s nothing ironic about the music being played in this suburban garage near Oakland, California. The Young Ethio Jazz Band are teenagers who rock out with
• The Butler: Lee Daniels talks about his latest offering
their parents’ music. The band played its first gig in San Francisco last winter. Now it is slated to open for another act at Yoshi’s, a famous jazz club in San Francisco, and then it plays in the Ethiopian Heritage Festival at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. All of the kids are second generation Ethiopians between 11 and 16-years-old. Before they started playing together a year and a half ago, most of them had the stereotypical reaction to their parents’ music.
• Snapshots
Page 6 • August 12 - August 18, 2013 • Aesthetically Speaking
Opening this week: For movies opening August 16 By Kam Williams
BIG BUDGET FILMS “Jobs” (PG-13 for drug use and brief profanity) Ashton Kutcher portrays Steve Jobs in this reverential biopic revisiting the early years in the incomparable career of the visionary entrepreneur and Apple founder. Supporting cast includes J.K. Simmons, Matthew Modine, Lesley Ann Warren and Dermot Mulroney. “Kick Ass-2” (R for sexuality, graphic violence, crude humor, pervasive profanity, and brief nudity) Two-fisted sequel finds the original’s crimefighting, pint-sized heroine (Chloe Moretz) forming a new team of masked vigilantes to take on an ally-turned-super villain (Christopher MintzPlasse). With Jim Carrey, Aaron Johnson, Clark Duke, Donald Faison and John Leguizamo. “Lee Daniels’ The Butler” (PG-13 for violence, sexuality, smoking, profanity, ethnic slurs,
images) Spousal abuse biopic chronicling the stormy, 40year marriage of eccentric NYC artists Ushio and Noriko Shinohara.
mature themes and disturbing images) Forest Whitaker stars in the title role of this father-son saga, set against the backdrop of the African-American struggle for Civil Rights, recounting the real-life story of a butler who served in the White House under eight presidents. A-list cast includes Oscar-winners Whitaker, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Jane Fonda, Vanessa Redgrave, Robin Williams and Melissa Leo, as well as nominees Terrence Howard and Oprah Winfrey “Paranoia” (PG-13 for profanity, sexuality and violence) Espionage thriller about a rising corporate superstar (Liam Hemsworth) who finds himself caught in the middle of a deadly game of cat-andmouse being played by a couple of rival billionaire CEOs (Gary Oldman and Harrison Ford). With Richard Dreyfuss, Amber Heard and Lucas Till.
“The Happy Sad” (Unrated) Bifurcated Brooklyn drama about two young couples, one, black and gay (Leroy McClain and Charlie Barnett), the other, white and heterosexual (Cameron Scoggins and Sorel Carradine), whose lives serendipitously intertwine as they explore their sexual identity. Featuring Maria Dizzia, Jamie Harrold and Sue Jean Kim.
“The Butler” “Ain’t Them Bodies Saints” (Unrated) Fugitive drama about an outlaw (Casey Affleck) who makes a daring escape from a Texas prison in order to be with his gun moll (Rooney Mara) and the young daughter (Kennadie Smith) he’s never met. With Ben Foster, Keith Carradine and Nate Parker.
The Weinstein Company
“Austenland” (PG-13 for sexual innuendo) Keri Russell stars in this romantic comedy about an eligible “Pride and Prejudice” fanatic who travels to a Jane Austen theme park in search of Mr. Right. With Jennifer Coolidge, Jane Seymour and Bret McKenzie. “Cutie and Boxer” (R for nude
“The Patience Stone” (R for profanity, sexuality and violence) Female empowerment flick, set in wartorn Afghanistan, revolving around a woman (Golshifteh Farahani) who finally summons up the courage to share a lifetime’s worth of frustrations with a husband (Hamid Djavadan) left paralyzed and in a vegetative state by a bullet in the neck. With Hassina Burgan, Massi Mrowat and Faiz Fazli. (In Persian with subtitles)
“Spark: A Burning Man Story” (Unrated) Back-to-nature documentary offers a revealing peek at the challenges involved in staging an annual, weeklong gathering of 60,000 freespirited hippies in a temporary city erected on a windswept Nevada desert. “Standing Up” (PG for bullying, brief smoking, mild epithets and mature themes) Screen adaptation of “The Goats,” Brock Cole’s young adult novel about two kids (Chandler Canterbury and Annalise Basso) forced to fend for themselves after being stripped naked and stranded on an island by fellow summer campers. With Val Kilmer, Radha Mitchell and Keith Flippen. “This Is Martin Bonner” (Unrated) Paul Eenhoorn stars as the title character of this unlikely-buddies drama about a newcomer to Reno, Nevada who forges a friendship with a recent parolee (Richmond Arquette) he helps while volunteering at a non-profit charity. With Sam Buchanan, Robert Longstreet and Demtrius Grosse.
Lioness From 5 “Anybody can talk about sex, drugs and money, but for what?” quizzed The Lioness. “It’s about way more than that. It’s sad what the industry is doing to these women. I don’t even listen to what they call hiphop today.” In deed, The Lioness, a 2006 graduate of North Community High School, and 2010 graduate of McNally Smith College of Music, is out to change the perception of the female MC. The Lioness is out to prove she’s a “Queen.” Thus, the title of The Lioness’ latest offering, a mixtape available for free download on her website, www. thelionessmusic.com, “Queen” reflects the thunderous MC’s current mindset. “I’ve always referred to myself and other females as queens,” said the flamethrowing lyricist, who first started rhyming at the age of 13. “I just feel like I’m the queen of the rap game right now. I don’t say that to say that I’m trying to be cocky or anything, I just feel like a lot of females don’t know their value – they don’t know their worth.”
Music From 5 “In the very beginning I was really confused about the music,” says Yohanas Abanew, who plays keyboard in the band. “I just said ‘well this doesn’t really sound like music that I would really want to play.’” Then he started practicing an Ethio-jazz song in his high
Courtesy of the artist
When The Lioness is on stage there’s no doubt the slender lyricist with a mane of dreadlocks knows her worth – and everyone is taking notice. “When I’m on stage I’m no longer Shaiwana, I’m The Lioness. I just dig deep and give it all I’ve got,” said the ferocious MC. “I don’t care if it’s 10 or 10,000 in the crowd, I’m still going to give it all I have. When I’m up there I feel the respect. I get so much love and respect
everywhere I go and it’s such a good feeling.” And The Lioness is showing up at all the right places. Just this past July, The Lioness was the opening act for hip-hop icon Doug E. Fresh at the Cabooze. And though there were several other acts to take the stage, besides Fresh, The Lioness was clearly the show’s standout artist. A recent show at Honey led to an upcoming gig at a venue few associate
with raw, lyrical hip-hop – the Minnesota State Fair. “I was performing at Honey and this woman came up to me and said she liked my show and asked if I was interested in performing at the State Fair,” said The Lioness. “A while later she got in contact with me and I’m performing at the Fair.” Though a time is not yet set, The Lioness’ State Fair show takes place on Aug. 23 on the stage near Cooper and Dan
Patch inside the fairgrounds. Come September, The Lioness travels to Milwaukee to perform at the Yellow Phone Music Conference Sept. 5 – Sept. 8. Currently The Lioness is in the studio working on her next release, anticipated to drop this coming winter. The as yet untitled project features production from Nicademus, G Mo and Young Federal and is being recorded and mixed by The Lioness herself. While
the MC is closely affiliated with Titan Administration Records – home of artist Mastermind, who The Lioness speaks fondly of, she’s not signed to any label, but has been approached by several labels. With an unyielding determination and ferocious live show, it seems destine that the rest of the nation and the world will soon hear The Lioness’ roar.
school band. “It really woke me up,” he says, “this is my culture, and I really need to learn this music.” Yonathan Wolday had a similar revelation. He’s a tall, lanky 16-year-old who plays trumpet. Wolday is wearing a gray sweatshirt with a picture of a diamond and the letters “DMND.” A pair of white ear phones hang out from his collar and onto his chest.
His parents are from Ethiopia, and the songs they listen to are in Amharic, the official language in Ethiopia. Wolday doesn’t understand it well, and that initially turned him off from the music. He didn’t really start listening to the songs until he began playing in the band. Even now, it’s hard to believe that he’s channeling the music of his parents’ generation. Whenever the band stops practicing, you can hear simple rap bass lines pulsating out from his dangling ear buds. Vibraphonist Mulatu Astatke gave birth to Ethio-jazz in the early 70s. He was the first African student to attend the
Berklee College of Music in Boston. There he fused Western jazz with Latin rhythms and traditional Ethiopian scales. If you watched the movie “Broken Flowers” you may have one of his songs stuck in your head. The score features several Astatke compositions, including this one, Yekeramo Sew. Mulatu Astatke and Ethio-jazz have had a bit of a resurgence in the US since “Broken Flowers” came out in 2005. Still, it’s hard to find sheet music and transcribed parts for many Ethio-jazz songs. So, instead of relying on charts, the Young Ethio Jazz Band is learning the music
the old fashion way — by ear. Their accuracy is astonishing. At moments they sound almost identical to Astatke’s recordings. Sirak Tegbaru brought the band together. He invited the kids to practice in his garage after hearing them play at a nearby church. Even he is impressed with how well the kids have internalized the music. “These kids really just want to play it the way it’s been played,” Tegbaru says. Sometimes he has to encourage them to branch out—play some different scales, improvise their own solos over the chord changes. Make the kids break the rules.
Tegbaru left Ethiopia in 1979 when he was 16. He loved playing music, but his parents said it wasn’t practical. They pressured him to study medicine, and sent him abroad to Prague. Tegbaru still plays music, but he doesn’t have anything to do with medicine. He sells State Farm insurance during the week. On the weekend, he leads the band. “I feel like I am reborn again through these kids,” he says. The kids they glow when they play this song. They smile on their face. They’re happy and moving around. That means they really have that feeling. They’re playing from the bottom of the heart. And that’s, that’s music.”
Aesthetically Speaking • August 12 - August 18, 2013 • Page 7
“The Butler” Lee Daniels talks about his latest offering By Kam Williams Lee Daniels is best known for directing and producing the Academy Award-winning film “Precious” which was nominated for a half-dozen Oscars in 2010, including his two for Best Picture and Best Director. Mo’Nique won for Best Supporting Actress while scriptwriter Geoffrey Fletcher landed another for Best Adapted Screenplay. Lee’s production company, Lee Daniels Entertainment, made its feature film debut in 2001 with “Monster’s Ball,” the dysfunctional family drama for which Halle Berry would earn her historic, Best Actress Oscar. Last year, he wrote, produced and directed “The Paperboy,” an adaptation of the Pete Dexter novel starring Matthew McConaughey, Zac Efron, John Cusack, and Nicole Kidman. Here, he talks about his new picture, “The Butler,” a civil rights epic recounting the real-life story of an AfricanAmerican who served in the White House at the pleasure of eight presidents, from 1952 to 1986. Kam Williams: Hey Lee, what a phenomenal film! Lee Daniels: Did you like it? KW: I loved it! LD: Thanks, Kam. KW: I was born in the Fifties so all of the ground you cover in terms of the father-son relationship and the Civil Rights Movement resonated with me and touched me very deeply. LD: That makes me feel good. Thank you very much. KW: So, what inspired you to make the movie? LD: What attracted me to the project was the fatherson story which I looked at as a love story with the Civil Rights Movement as a backdrop. That was intriguing to me both because I’d had issues with my own dad, and because I have issues with my teenage son. I think the father-son love story is a universal one which transcends color. That’s what was sort of there on the page, but it wasn’t until I started shooting that we began getting into the Woolworth’s sit-ins and the Freedom Riders with the Molotov cocktails that I asked myself, “What have I
stumbled upon?” It was then that I realized the film was much bigger than just the father-son story.
they saw online. I didn’t even hear about it from the studio. It disturbed me, but I didn’t have time to think about it.
KW: Did you decide to tackle the civil rights material because of the Trayvon Martin shooting? LD: No, it hadn’t happened when Danny Strong wrote the script, including the line “Any white man can kill any of us at any time and get away with it.”
KW: Well, it’s now called Lee Daniels’ The Butler. LD: The MPAA [Motion Pictures Association of America] gave me that title and I still don’t know how to feel about it. I just finished giving birth to the movie. “Lee Daniels’ The Butler!” It sounds like “The Greatest Show on Earth!”
KW: You got Oscar-winners in Forest Whitaker, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Jane Fonda, Vanessa Redgrave, Robin Williams and Melissa Leo, and Oscar-nominees in Terrence Howard and Oprah Winfrey to come aboard. How were you able to assemble such an outstanding cast? LD: My usual way… throwing out a net, and fishing. [LOL] This one was easy because the material was so good. The actors I approached took the bait because they wanted to serve the material. We really didn’t have any money to pay them, so most of them
KW: Well Tyler Perry, Dino De Laurentis and others are famous for placing their names before the title? LD: I’m not Tyler Perry. I’m not Dino De Laurentis. I think it’s a bit much to put one’s name in front of the film. It makes me uncomfortable. Here’s the thing. Insiders like you know the whole story and about the legal issues, but not the average person. I worry that young kids in Oklahoma or Alabama might end up asking, “Who is this filmmaker to be so full of
Lee Daniels
When I actually sat down all alone to watch the final cut just for pleasure, I broke down in tears.
lost money in relation to what their normal acting fee would be. KW: Harriet Pakula-Teweles asks: How has the tempest over re-using the title The Butler affected you? LD: Well, I just finished editing the movie five days ago. When did you see it, Kam? KW: Earlier today. LD: Well, I’m not sure which version you saw. Anyway, when I’m working on a movie, it’s like being in a cocoon. I consider it like giving birth, and I don’t leave the bubble, because if I do, then it’s bad and affects the child. But I was pulled out for a minute when my kids told me about something
himself?” That bothers me. The MPAA handed down this edict. So, I don’t know how I feel about it right now. Ask me tomorrow. [Chuckles] KW: My eyes must have welled up at least a half-dozen times while watching the film. As the director, you must be too close to the film for it to have that sort of emotional effect on you. LD: No, when I actually sat down all alone to watch the final cut just for pleasure, I broke down in tears. KW: You did a masterful job of portraying the tensions and differences between the Civil Rights and Black Power Generations. LD: There was no right and wrong. Cecil [played by
Forest Whitaker] was right and so was his son [played by David Oyelowo]. You’ve got a problem when neither is wrong, yet you have a conflict. KW: I also appreciated the evenhanded way in which you approached each of the presidents Cecil served under, like how Reagan could give his African-American help a raise to make their pay equal to that of whites, while hypocritically still supporting Apartheid in South Africa. LD: Ain’t that interesting? We don’t make Kennedy out to be a Goody Two-Shoes either. KW: Editor/Legist Patricia Turnier was wondering whether you’ve seen the TV miniseries Backstairs at the White House? LD: I did. I think it was a great movie for its time, but I wanted to avoid the episodic feeling of that film. KW: Patricia also asks: What message do you want the public to take away from The Butler? LD: I hate that question, Patricia, because it forces me to be philosophical… I
think the message is that we have got a long way to go. I hope that this film rips a scab off the sore that is racism in America today.
Creative Commons / David Shankbone
KW: Thanks again for the time, Lee, and best of luck with the film. LD: Thanks, Kam.
Page 8 • August 12 - August 18, 2013 • Aesthetically Speaking
insightnews.com/aesthetics 2
So how do you shake up the Twin Cities nightlife? With a day party, of course. Cutting edge event producers The Cool & Co. recently hosted a day party at the Soundbar in the Minneapolis warehouse district. here are a few of the colorful sights from the day’s festivities. 1) Elaina Simon, Christiana Olagbaye, Courtnie Gore and Stevie Coleman
feeling the vibe. 2) Jami Frasl in classic black and gray with DJ Willie Shu behind providing the sounds. 3) Felix Lawrence scoping the scene in his fresh aviators. 4) Gentlemen of leisure: Jemika Hayes, Corey Collins and Nick Hooks. 5) Adora Tokyo flashes her awesome smile.
Insight News • August 12 - August 18, 2013 • Page 9
FULL CIRCLE The difference between loneliness and aloneness Man Talk
By Timothy Houston A friend of mine recently stopped me to share how my article “The power of Aloneness” had positively impacted her life. Because she is an excellent writer and presenter in her own right, I was both humbled and inspired. Others may have been similarly impacted so I thought it would be a good idea to revisit the difference between loneliness and aloneness. This knowledge will be extremely valuable, especially to women who are in-between relationships or experiencing the empty nest for the first time. It is in our understanding of the difference that we will be able to maximize our quiet time. “There is a tremendous difference between loneliness and aloneness. When you are
History From 1 The nation is having a serious conversation about racial profiling for the first time since 9/11. In
Voting From 2 of Supervisors members, and all seven citywide officials). That’s why we’re puzzled by claims that ranking candidates on a ballot – first choice, second
CNN From 1 As an upcoming installment of CNN’s “Black in America” hosted by Soledad O’Brien, the provocative series will focus on African-American businesses and economic empowerment. One of the businesses to be featured is a start-up developed right here in the Twin Cities. Not so ironically, the business’ mission is to connect AfricanAmerican consumers to AfricanAmerican businesses. The brainchild of Duane Johnson and Sean Armstrong, Tuloko (www.tuloko.com) is an internet-based search site listing and highlighting Blackowned businesses in various metropolitan cities throughout the country. As the duo explained, Tuloko is like an Angie’s List or Yelp, but specifically geared towards generating traffic to Black-owned businesses. “We as African-Americans only spend six cents of every
help you to avoid relationships that will drain you. Time alone allows you the opportunity to gain the knowledge that will show you how to attract those that will add positive value to your life. You are never truly alone. Because of the God-given power within, you do not need anyone to make you whole. The Father has done that for you. He has declared you to be all together beautiful and fearfully and wonderfully made. Never settle for less. This is the true knowledge of self. God has promised to light up your path and guide you into all truth. He also promised to never leave or forsake you and to be with you always even to the end of the age. I believe the greatest difference between aloneness and loneliness is the time you spend with God.
lonely, you are thinking of the other, feeling that it would have been better if the other - your friend, your wife, your mother, your beloved, your husband – were there. Loneliness is absence of the other.” Osho - The Discipline of Transcendence Volume 1, Chapter 2 Men and women view extended time alone differently. Men often see time alone as an opportunity to do the things they enjoy. They will go hunting, fishing, or on any other outings that will allow them time to get away. Women have a different view on this. They often see time alone as being absent from the ones they love. The fear of loneliness is one of the reasons some women allow themselves to be with men who are unhealthy for them. The belief that you need someone unhealthy in your life to keep you from feeling lonely is not good. This temporary relationship does not allow you the time alone needed to discover the real selfvalue that comes from reflecting within. The difference between
loneliness and aloneness is a matter of perspective. Loneliness is a feeling and not a reality. It is a negative state because it equals you minus the other. This is an indication that you may be placing greater importance on others than yourself. Loneliness suggests that you are less when others are not present. It makes you dependent on others instead of using your time alone to work on yourself.
“Aloneness is the presence of oneself. Aloneness is very positive. It is a presence, overflowing presence. You are so full of presence that you can fill the whole universe with your presence and there is no need for anybody.” Osho - The Discipline of Transcendence Volume 1, Chapter 2 Aloneness is a choice. It is power and freedom.
Relationship with other is a by-product of “self,” and as a result, strengthening yourself, strengthens your relationships. When there is no significant other, when there is quiet time, you have the power to choose to use this time to develop yourself, to become greater. All your energy and effort, the time and energy that you might otherwise have to expend on others can be concentrated on you. This will
North Carolina, Moral Mondays has grown larger with each passing week. We have the numbers, and we have the capacity for motivation. The question is whether we will allow ourselves to be motivated. So join us - NAACP, National
Action Network, Realizing the Dream and others - on the National Mall on August 24th. If you live within two hours of Washington, DC, hop in a car or on a bus - or even better, organize a bus. If you live farther away, you are still encouraged to come and
be a part of history. The 2013 March on Washington will be a people’s movement. It will not be fueled by cash - it will only be energized by your decision to participate. We need you there to help us gain a critical mass of voices, and prove
once again that organized people can beat organized money any time. On this fiftieth anniversary of the March on Washington, we should celebrate our history, but it’s more important that we never stop making history.
Meet us at the Lincoln Memorial. Join us on August 24th.
choice, third choice – is somehow too “complicated” or “confusing” for voters of color. The data tell another story. A St. Cloud State University study conducted during that Minneapolis rollout of RCV reported that 97 percent of voters of color found using a ranked ballot simple – compared to (a
still-impressive) 94 percent of white voters. “Persons of color are more likely to understand how RCV functions better than white voters,” said the study. In a time when so many forces seemed determined to restrict participatory democracy, Ranked Choice Voting offers a
simple, sensible and proven way to expand it. We’re proud to stand on the front lines of voting reform in Minnesota, and we’re excited to show the rest of the country, this coming November, the way to a healthier and ultimately more inclusive politics. Co-signers of the letter: Sen. Patricia Torres Ray,
Senate District 63 Rep. Susan Allen, House District 62B Kim Ellison, director, Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education Bao Vang, president, Hmong American Partnership; FairVote MN board member Terra Cole, executive director,
Heritage Park Henry Jimenez, youth advocate and organizer, One Minneapolis Siyad Abdullahi, CEO, Pro Health Care, Inc. and Language Banc, Inc.; FairVote MN board member Ilhan Omar, chairwoman, New Americans PAC
dollar with Black-owned businesses,” said Johnson, cofounder of Tuloko. “Economists say if we (African-Americans) double that to 12 cents, it could bring the Black unemployment rate down into the single digits.” The current unemployment rate for African-Americans is 12.6 percent compared to an unemployment rate of 6.6 percent for whites. According to Armstrong, contrary to some people’s thoughts, though there is a dearth of Black-owned companies, African-American entrepreneurs exist in varying business sectors. “When we started the site, people said ‘you’re only going to have barbershops and soul food restaurants,’” said Tuloko co-founder Armstrong. “That’s clearly not the case.” Tuloko, which is named as an amalgamation of the words Tulsa and Oklahoma, is an homage to the Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa that is often referred to as Black Wall Street for its concentration of Black wealth in the early to mid 1900s. The neighborhood was
the site of a bloody race riot in 1921 and many attribute the riot to white envy of the vast wealth accumulated by the Blackowned businesses in the area. Armstrong hopes to revitalize that type of economy within the African-American community. “Together, we (African-
American owned businesses) are the greatest employers of African-Americans,” said Armstrong. “Through our site, if we can direct people to Blackowned businesses, we can help lower the unemployment rate and reduce poverty in our community.” Armstrong and Johnson
met with a group of close to 75 fellow entrepreneurs and wellwishers this past Wednesday (Aug. 7) at the African Development Center, 1939 5th St. S., Minneapolis. CNN network cameras were on hand to capture some of the sights and sounds of the gathering. An airdate for the latest
installment of the series that debuted in July of 2008 has yet to be announced. This is “Black in America’s” second trip to the area. In an earlier visit, CNN and O’Brien featured Eric Mahmoud, founder and CEO of Seed Academy, Harvest Preparatory School, Best Academy and Sister Academy.
Timothy Houston is an author, minister, and motivational speaker who is committed to guiding positive life changes in families and communities. For questions, comments or more information, go to www. tlhouston.com.
Ben Jealous is president/CEO of the NAACP.
Page 10 • August 12 - August 18, 2013 • Insight News
Community Calendar • Classifieds Send Community Calendar information to us by email: info@ insightnews.com, by fax: 612.588.2031, by phone:( 612)588-1313 or by mail: 1815 Bryant Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55411. Free or low cost events preferred. EVENTS FREE SUMMER MEALS thru Aug. 23 Free Summer Meals for youth age 18 and under at MASJID AN-NUR, 1729 LYNDALE AVE. N. (across from Cub Foods). Schedule is as follow: BREAKFAST: 8am - 10:30am, June 17 – Aug. 23 (No Service 7/4, 5, 8/7,8,9); LUNCH: 11:30am – 2pm (Fridays1pm), June 17 – July 3 and Aug. 12 – Aug. 24; DINNER: 8:30pm – 10:00pm, July 9 thru Aug. 6. SPNN Youth Film Festival Aug. 12 On Monday August 12th, 2013, SPNN Youth presents Movies, Munchies and Music: An SPNN Youth Film Festival. This event is a free outdoor film festival featuring food, activities and live entertainment for the community. The festival will take place at Mears Park (221 East 5th Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101), beginning at 7:00pm and ending at 9:00pm. Beginning with spoken word, live music, free food, and art on display, the evening will culminate in a 45-minute screening created by SPNN Youth. SPNN Youth wants to promote youth voices in media and bring together community members of all ages to celebrate young artistic expression. For more information contact Emily Krumberger at krumberger@spnn.org or (651) 361-8152. Free Citizenship Clinic Aug. 13 In need of a free legal citizenship consultation?? Come to Brooklyn Center’s Community Corner. Hosted by Kids’ World International and Civil Society on Tuesday, August 13th, 2013, 11:00am - 2:00pm at the Community Corner, 1500 69th Ave N., Brooklyn Center, MN 55430. For Directions Call: (763) 561-2481. Legal Question: (651) 291-0713 (Or questions about Civil Society’s naturalization program or eligibility, etc.) An attorney will be on location ready to assist those in the process towards citizenship. Reception to Celebrate Jerod Santek Aug. 14 Join us Wednesday, August 14, 5 p.m., Jay Cowles Literary Commons of Open Book, 2nd floor at 1011 Washington Ave S., Minneapolis to celebrate Jerod Santek’s work and legacy at the Loft. After 18 years of incredible service to the Loft community, Jerod is off to new adventures, heading
CLCLT to hang out and enjoy each other’s company. Grilled items will be provided and we invite everyone to bring a dish to contribute to the spread. There will be games and prizes for the whole family.
up a new literary organization in Door County, Wisconsin. Jerod has touched the lives of so many writers and readers at the Loft and beyond, we can’t let him get away without toasting his success and celebrating his legacy. Program participants and community members are invited to attend. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served. 5 p.m. Social hour; 6:15 p.m. Remarks and presentation. To help plan for numbers, please RSVP: contact Tanner Curl at (612) 215-2597 or tcurl@ loft.org.
Frogtown Fall Festival Aug. 17 A community event to Support Youth Programming on August 17, 2013 from 10am- 5pm. located at the Park and Recreation Center, 685 W. Minnehaha Avenue in St. Paul. There will be fun for all ages, including youth football scrimmages, community resources, K9 unit, fire and police vehicles, jump castle, climbing wall, senior bingo, basketball tournament, entertainment, concessions, and much more. Come out, sponsor a table, and/ or donate. For more information, please call (612) 462-1720. Visit frogtownconnections. com for more information.
Ultimate Master of Words Aug. 15 Join the Loft and emcee Stephanie Curtis for an epic tournament of wits and words. Contestants concoct fake definitions to bizarre words, audience members get in on the action on Twitter, and you decide who is truly the Ultimate Master of Words on Thursday, August 15, 7 p.m. ($10) at The Loft Literary Center at Open Book, 1011 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis. More information and ticket sales are available at loft.org/ultimatemaster
Career Workshops Aug. 22 Attention all employed single moms! Trapped in a job that doesn’t pay enough? Our career counselors will help you find ways to increase your income, get a promotion or develop a new career path. Women Achieving New Directions offers individual counseling and on-going career development workshops. A workshop on “Interviewing Skills� is scheduled to be held on August 22nd from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at 2143 Lowry Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN 55411 and 2561 Victoria St. N., Roseville, MN 55113. On-site child care and a light meal provided. For more information call Pat in Minneapolis at (612) 752-8554 or Elaine in St. Paul at 651-604-3516.
Martin Luther King and the March on Washington---A Musical Memory Aug. 15 The Ramsey County Library is honored to present well-known actor/vocalist T. Mychael Rambo and celebrated musicians Patty Lacy-Aiken & friends in concert on Thursday, August 15 at 7 pm. at the Ramsey County Library in Roseville, 2180 Hamline Ave. N. to mark the 50th anniversary of that historic event through song and story. Fifty years later we still talk about the Civil Rights March of August 1963 when Dr. Martin Luther King delivered the one of the most famous speeches of the twentieth century.
MARCH to CLOSE the GAPS (50th Anniversary March on Washington) Aug. 24 Last year we came together to March and Vote No on Photo Id to protect Dr. King’s legacy. This year, we March to Close the Gaps in education, employment, housing, healthcare, voting rights and More - this is an opportunity, as communities, to proclaim that Any Gap for Another Is Our Gap Together. JOIN The MOVEMENT on Saturday, Aug 24 10:30am. Bring your sign/banner and Gather at Sabathani Community Center, 310 East 38th Street, Mpls 55409. 12:30p - 7p The Celebration Continues with the 12th Freedom Jazz Festival at Rev. Dr. King Luther King Jr. Park, 4055 Nicollet Avenue South, Mpls 55409.
MAD DADS Senior Day Event Aug. 16th MAD DADS and Phillips West Neighborhood Organization is hosting the 12th Annual Senior Citizen Safety Pride Day at Boom Island, 724 Sibley St. NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 on Friday, August 16th, 2013 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Don’t miss out on this wonderful event, reserve a booth today! Contact our office at (612) 455-4632. CLCLT Annual Picnic Aug. 17 9th Annual CLCLT Family Reunion Picnic being held August 17th from 4-7PM at Theodore Wirth Lake Beach (3300 Glenwood Ave in Minneapolis). More like a “family reunion� than a picnic, this event brings together homeowners, members, and supporters of the
Truth and Reconciliation Graduation
West Falls Estates
Dinner.......Aug. 25 A Truth and Reconciliation Graduation Dinner amongst African descent people and African people (Part 1) will be held August 25, 2013 at MASJID ANNUR, 1729 Lyndale Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN from 9am to 2pm. Please RSVP Al-haqq Zayid (612) 338-0889 by July 25, 2013. There will be three guest speakers, and DVDs will be shown as well. Continental breakfast will be serve from 9am to 10: 30am. Dinner will be serve at 1pm. The food is Halal. This is a mosque, please dress appropriate. Recovery Month event Sept. 4 A Recovery Month kick-off event to celebrate veterans, service members and all Minnesotans in recovery, as well as friends, family and others who aid in the recovery from addiction and mental health disorders, is set for Wednesday, Sept., 4, in Rooms 2370/80 at the Elmer L. Andersen Human Services Building, 540 Cedar St, St. Paul. Resource tables will be open and a social hour will begin at 5:30 p.m., followed by a program from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Free parking will be available in the Andersen building ramp, which can be entered from Minnesota Street between 10th and 11th streets. To help organizers with seating and other arrangements, those attending are asked to RSVP to dhs. adad@state.mn.usor (651) 431-3250. Walking and Biking Tours through September 15 During the summer of 2013, Preserve Minneapolis will offer 27 unique tours that highlight the natural, built, and cultural treasures found throughout the City. The 2013 schedule runs from May 19th through September 15th. On each tour, guides with experience in fields like architecture, history, and preservation will tell the “stories behind the storiesâ€? and give participants a greater understanding of the area’s social and built history‌with fun and a sense of humor. Tours typically cost $8 per person. Participants must pre-register online. Tours fill up fast and will be held to their size limits; however, when space allows, we will accept last-minute additions and cash payments of $10 at the tour starting points. Pre-payment/ registration and more information is available at: http://www. preserveminneapolis. org/wpfile/tours/ Volunteers of America Foster Parent Information Meetings Ongoing Foster Parent Information Meetings for interested skilled parents desiring to provide care for
The Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Housing Authority has rental units available in Cass County, MN. Please call 218-335-8280. Must meet certain qualifications.
Rent based on 30% Of adjusted income Call Patricia Brown At 218-283-4967 TDD 800-627-3529
Research Consultant The MN House of Representatives Republican Caucus has a full-time Research Consultant position available. The complete job posting can be found at: www. house.mn/jobs or call 651-297-8200 for a faxed or mailed copy. Cover letter and resume must be received by Thursday, August 15, 2013. EEO/AA EMPLOYER
Phone: 612.588.1313 troubled youth in the Volunteers of America foster care program. Kids of all ages are in need of a stable home with dedicated parents. Information meetings are held at Volunteers of America Corporate Office every Friday from 10am-11:30am. To RSVP or for additional information on becoming a foster parent, contact Jolene Swan at (952) 945-4064, email ftpfostercare@voamn. org or online at voafostercare.org PROGRAMS & SERVICES HELPING SENIORS IN MINNEAPOLIS Seniors Program of Neighborhood Involvement Program assists elders aged 60 and over in North and Southwest Minneapolis with a variety of services so that they can remain safely in their home or apartment. Our services are specialized for each resident and we strive to provide as much as possible via the assistance of volunteers. To be eligible for seniors’ services, people must live within the following boundaries: south of 44th Avenue in North Minneapolis, north of West 36th Street in Southwest Minneapolis, 35W on the east, and France Avenue on the west. For information about NIP Senior Services email seniors@ neighborhoodinvolve. org or call 612374-3322. Our website is www. neighborhoodinvolve. org RAKE IT Spring Yard Clean-Up Improve your health while helping a senior citizen in Minneapolis remain independent in their home! You choose the date and time to rake and clean up the yard. Perfect for individuals, groups, and families. Seasonal: April – November (depending upon the weather). This is a one-time fun, flexible activity on weekdays or weekends. Feel free to sign up multiple times! Supplies needed: rakes, gloves, brooms, and compostable bags. Exact location TBD in North or Southwest Minneapolis, depends upon where the senior citizen resides. Ongoing volunteer opportunities are also available. Please contact Jeanne the NIP Seniors Program, Volunteer Coordinator at srvolunteer@ neighborhoodinvolve. org or call 612746-8549 for more information. Our website is www. neighborhoodinvolve. org West African Dance & Drum Classes African Dance w/ Whitney $12 - All classes Drop-In. Every Saturday 1:00pm 2:30pm; Every Tuesday 7:00pm - 8:30pm. at Patrick’s Cabaret, 3010 Minnehaha Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55406. Foster Parent Information Meetings Find out about becoming a foster parent and changing a child’s life! Open information meetings are held every Friday from 10AM-11:30AM at 7625 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439. Volunteers of
America-Minnesota is looking for skilled parents to provide 6-9 months care for troubled youth in our new Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care Program (MTFC). We have kids, ages 12-17, who are in need of a stable home with dedicated parents who appreciate the difficulties of childhood! Volunteers of America provides quality foster parents with lots of friendly training, 24 hour support and a monthly stipend. If you would like more information contact Jolene Swan at 952-945-4064 or ftpfostercare@voamn. org, or visit us online at voafostercare.org! GED, ELL, College Prep and skills development courses offered Minneapolis Public Schools-Adult Education is offering free GED, ELL, College Prep and skills development courses. Prepare for GED exams; Increase Math, Reading, and Writing skills; Develop Computer skills; Job training and specific certifications; Comfortable learning environment; and Day and evening classes available! For more information, please contact staff at: Minneapolis Public School Adult Education, 1250 W. Broadway Ave., Minneapolis, MN, 55411 or Abe.mpls.k12. mn.us or (612) 6681863. SUPER DUPER HANDYPERSON WANTED Help an elderly Minneapolis resident stay in their home. Assist with MINOR REPAIRS to make certain that their home is safe. Snowbirds, retirees, and trainees welcome (over the age of 18). You must have some experience to ensure that the work is done correctly (license not required). Choose your own schedule. Adult individuals, two-person teams, and small groups welcome. Exact location TBD in North or SW Minneapolis, depends upon where the senior citizen resides. One time opportunities are also available. Please contact Jeanne the NIP Seniors Program, Volunteer Coordinator at srvolunteer@ neighborhoodinvolve. org or call 612746-8549 for more information. Our website is www. neighborhoodinvolve. org The Council on Crime and Justice is moving temporarily! While the current location at 822 S. 3rd Street is under construction, The Council on Crime and Justice will be working at a new location in Golden Valley and expect to return in approximately 6 months. Effective October 26th, the mailing address is: Council on Crime and Justice, 1109 Zane Avenue North, Golden Valley, MN 55422. The phone numbers and email address will remain the same. If you have questions, please contact us at 612-353-3000 or info@ crimeandjustice.org Volunteer at Skyline Tower Conversation Group
Minneapolis Urban League Business Teacher
Job Summary: The high school business teacher instructs students in business at a secondary school level that in turn leads some students to pursue a business or technology as a career or improves the student’s business knowledge and career skills. They teach business curriculum such as resume writing, business careers, account checking, computer keyboarding and computer courses, and financial literacy skills. Working with computers, the business technology teacher instructs and teaches students about spreadsheets, word processing, graphics and databases. They prepare the students business assignments and exams, grade the papers and evaluate the student’s progress. While teaching the instructor maintains classroom order, sets acceptable behavior from their students and enforces school rules. Experience and Qualification Requirements: A solid foundation in the use and application of computers, software and proper integration into the curriculum, information technology and business. Minnesota Teaching License with certification to teach Business Education. Must have a bachelor’s degree with a major in business education or equivalent. Experience working w/student placement in internships, and school-to-work certification. Classroom management skills a must. Ability to work cooperatively with parents and staff. Ability to work well with high school students in an alternative school setting. HOW TO APPLY: Email cover letter and resume to vdavis@mul.org; fax to 612-521-1444 or mail to 2100 Plymouth Ave. No., Mpls, Mn 55411, Attn: HR - Preferred method is email. This position is open until filled.
Fax: 612.588.2031 Reach out to your neighbors for an hour of coffee and conversation, Thursdays 5-6 pm! Share your stories and learn about other cultures while helping English language learners gain confidence in their language abilities. Our participants are mainly Vietnamese, Somali and Ethiopian residents of Skyline Tower at 1247 St Anthony Ave. For more information, contact lisa.vogl@ commonbond.org or (651)999-7528. Volunteer as an English Teacher with the Minnesota Literacy Council. Help adult refugees and immigrants learn the reading, writing and speaking skills needed to thrive in the U.S. Morning, afternoon or evening classes are available throughout the Twin Cities. The literacy council provides training and support. Interested? Contact volunteer@mnliteracy. org or call Allison at 651-251-9110. Or visit www.mnliteracy. org/volunteers/ opportunities/adults The Mu Rho Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc at the U of MN is searching for former members Currently, the sorority is collecting historical information to add to it’s archives. This includes information pertaining to former Eta Chapter members (1922-1964) and Mu Rho Chapter members (1979-Present).For more information please contact the Graduate Advisor, Peggye Mezile by email: ga@akadpo. org Hazelden Offers Free Educational Opportunity Concerned about someone’s alcohol or drug use? Addressing Concerns Together (ACT), Hazelden’s new outreach program, can help. Join us for a free event to learn more about addiction, intervention, assessment, and treatment. Hazelden’s St. Paul campus, 680 Stewart Ave., St. Paul. 2nd and 4th Mon. of each month at 6pm. This is an open event and there is no need to register. If you have questions, please contact Hazelden at 800-2577800. Free Classes for Adults The Minnesota Literacy Council, a non-profit organization, has free classes for adults at our Lake Street Learning Center at 2700 East Lake Street, 2nd floor, above Denny’s. For classes and more info, visit: http://www. mnliteracy.org/ Free Internet Access Access internet, check email, look for housing, type up resumes, job search, practice typing, learn Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. M-F 11am2pm and 5pm-7pm. At Sabathani Community Center Room 324 310 E 38th St Mpls, MN 55409. Youth Business Club Develops Entrepreneurial Skills Kids learn with support and guidance from community. The Selby Avenue Youth Business Club is open to youth ages 9-16 who are interested in starting their own or learning more about business. The group meets the first and third Saturday of ever month from 9:30 am to noon at Golden Thyme Cafe on Selby and Milton. For more information, interested parties can visit http://selbyareacdc. org/Saybcindex.html ,
Email: info@insightnews.com
e-mail at SAYBC10@ gmail.com or contact at: 615-964-0710. Free Lead Paint Testing If you meet the following criteria, you may be eligible to receive new windows through a Hennepin County grant program: • Home built before 1978 • A child (5 or under) lives in or frequently visits your home • Live in Hennepin County • Meet certain income qualifications Sustainable Resources Center have partnered with the National Center for Healthy Housing to bring a national perspective to our efforts in Minnesota. SRC will be working with public, private and nonprofit organizations throughout the State to develop the plan. This is a great opportunity to encourage and support the creation of healthy homes for all! Call Sustainable Resources Center at 612.872.3281 to schedule a free home visit! Communication available in Spanish, Somali, and Hmong. http://www.src-mn.org/ Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program (MFPP) MFPP provides free counseling for Minneapolis homeowners struggling to pay their mortgages (and referrals for clients outside of our service area). Located in the Minneapolis Urban League building at 2100 Plymouth Ave N, call 612.331.4090 and select option 3 to speak with a MFPP representative and set up an appointment. The Black Parent Group - Mondays Free weekly support group for parents of any race raising African American children. Mondays at 7–830pm at: Washington Tech Middle School 1495 Rice St. Saint Paul. Please visit the website: www. theblackparentgroup. com or send an e-mail to info@ theblackparentgroup. com PCLG Parent Support Group – Ongoing 2nd Mon. of each month Parent-led support group where parents can share the challenges of parenting a child with mental health concerns. Open to any parent or caregiver of a child with mental health concerns residing in or receiving services in Hennepin County. 6:30pm–8pm, 2nd Monday of each month at Sabes Jewish Community Center 4330 South Cedar Lake Road, St. Louis Park, MN. Contact 612.825.9615 hcpclg@ yahoo.com or visit website at www. hccmhc.com Seniors Program of Neighborhood Involvement Program If you are aged 60 live within the following boundaries: 44th Avenue in North Minneapolis, West 36th Street in South Minneapolis, 35W on the east, and France Avenue on the west in MPLS and need help with a variety of services email seniors@ neighborhoodinvolve. com or www. neighborhoodinvolve. org or call 612.374.3322 for more info. Need to read better? Call us for free classes or tutoring near your home. • Improve your reading or math • Get ready for your GED • Learn computer skills • Study English as
a Second Language Minnesota Literacy Council’s Adult Literacy Hotline: 1.800.222.1990 w w w. t h e M L C . o r g / hotline An Individualized Internet Course for Senior Adults At last! Individualized instruction to help you find health information on the Internet. Free, ongoing classes and workshops held at these locations: Eastside Neighborhood Services 1700 2nd St. NE, Mpls. 55413 .612.787.4020 or The Seniors’ Place 1801 Central Ave. NE, MPLS. 55418 (612.788.9186. Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery Serves all of Hennepin County, offering a 24hour crisis hotline, crisis counseling, up to 72-hour overnight residential care, community referrals, parent education, parent support group, and a home visiting program. For more information or if you need services: .763.591.0100. Services are accessed voluntarily by families through the Crisis Hotline. Pillsbury Crisis Nursery - A program of Pillsbury United Communities Serves all of Hennepin County, offering a 24hour crisis hotline, crisis counseling, emergency day care, and limited 72-hour overnight home based care. For more information or if you need services: 612.302.3500. Services are accessed voluntarily by families through the Crisis Hotline. Homeless Intervention Services Are you a Minneapolis resident who needs help finding housing? Call the Minneapolis Urban League’s In-take Line at (612) 827-9299. For more information about the services, contact the Minneapolis Urban League, Sharon Sayles Belton Community Services Center, 411 38th Avenue S., Minneapolis, (612) 8275673. City of St. Paul mortgage foreclosure prevention Contact for free counseling to help you learn about the steps necessary to keep your home. 25 W Fourth St., 12th floor, St. Paul. (651) 266-6626. NHS Refinance clinic Call (612) 521-3581 for details, to register for the refinance information session or to schedule an individual appointment with a mortgage counselor. Free Legal Services from Legal Aid Society An attorney is available by appointment each Monday from 1:00– 5:00 p.m. Call the Minneapolis Urban League at (612) 3023100. Free Drug Rehab Resource consultations Call today 1-866649-1594 or find out more at www. drugrehabresource.net. Don’t wait. Help someone in your community learn English Enthusiastic individuals needed to make a lasting difference in the life of an adult learner. Help someone in your community learn English, prepare for the GED or increase their basic math, reading and computer skills. Ongoing training and support is provided through the Minnesota Literacy Council. For more volunteer information, go to www. theMLC.org or contact Allison Runchey at
Minneapolis Urban League School Office Coordinator
Job summary: Under the supervision of the School Principal coordinate all school administrative activities, assisting with operational, academic, college access, career development and family engagement activities. Knowledge, Skills & Abilities: Demonstrate a strong knowledge of administrative support procedures and practices; knowledge of basic office machines and equipment. Strong technology skills, as well as verbal and written skills. Must be a team player with excellent customer service skills. Attention to detail, flexible and willing to cooperate with other team members. Ability to follow oral and written instructions, ability to communicate effectively and tactfully with school personnel, students, parents and guardians, and the general public. Minimum Qualifications: Graduation from high school, some community college attendance preferred. Administrative Professional certification desired with proficiency in Microsoft Office, particularly EXCEL and POWERPOINT. HOW TO APPLY: Email cover letter and resume to vdavis@mul.org; fax to 612-521-1444 or mail to 2100 Plymouth Ave. No., Mpls, Mn 55411, Attn: HR - Preferred method is email. This position is open until filled.
651-645-2277 ext 219, arunchey@theMLC.org Brooklyn Center Support Group for Families The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Minnesota (NAMIMN) sponsors free support groups for families who have a relative with a mental illness. Led by trained facilitators who also have a family member with mental illness, the support groups help families develop better coping skills and find strength through sharing their experiences. A family support group meets in Brooklyn Center at 7:00 p.m., on the first Tuesday of the month. For information, call Bob at (763) 5331729. Thinking About Welcoming an Exchange Student? AFS-USA, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, has been leading international high school student exchange for more than 60 years. Anyone interested in learning more about hosting or volunteering with AFS should visit www.afs. org/usa/hostfamily or call 1-800-AFS-INFO. NIP Seniors Program RAKE IT seeks volunteers Now–Nov Improve your health while helping a senior citizen in Minneapolis remain independent in their home! You choose the date and time to rake. Exact location TBD in Minneapolis, depends upon where the senior citizen resides. Ongoing opportunities are also available. Please contact Jeanne the NIP Seniors Program, Volunteer Impact the life of a child: Become a literacy tutor with RSVP RSVP of the Greater Twin Cities is accepting applications from people 55 and over who are interested in tutoring youth, either in the classroom or in an after school program format. RSVP places people in volunteer tutoring positions with organizations in their own neighborhoods. You can make a difference in a child’s life for as little as one hour a week. The RSVP program, sponsored locally by Volunteers of America of Minnesota, provides benefits and support to people 55 and over. For more information call Mary Jane Horton, RSVP Literacy Coordinator, at 952-945-4163 or mhorton@voamn.org Wanted: Communityminded book lovers One in seven U.S. adults lack the literacy skills necessary to enjoy great books, help their children with homework, or understand medication labels. But you can change this by volunteering with the Minnesota Literacy Council. With only two or three hours a week, your love of reading can create a stronger community. Tutor an adult learner, assist in an adult classroom, or teach a basic English or GED class. We have locations throughout the Twin Cities area, flexible scheduling and training to help you get started. Contact Allison at volunteer@themlc. org or 651-645-2277, Ext 219 or visit us on the web at www.themlc. org Senior Companions Make a Difference Are you interested in visiting homebound or isolated elders in their homes and helping with transportation for appointments or errands? If so, the Senior Companion Program would like to match you with people in the community who need a little extra help to stay in their homes. Senior Companion volunteers earn a taxfree stipend, mileage reimbursement, training and liability insurance while serving. Volunteers must be 55 or older and serve 15 hours a week. For more information, contact Kate Neuhaus with the Senior Companion Program of Lutheran Social Service at 651310-9447 or at kate. neuhaus@lssmn. org Coordinator at srvolunteer@ neighborhoodinvolve. org or call 612.746.8549 for more info or visit www. neighborhoodinvolve. org
Insight News • August 12 - August 18, 2013 • Page 11
HEALTH Douglas Hanson named new CEO at Open Cities Health Center Douglas Hanson was recently appointed chief executive officer at Open Cities Health Center. OCHC is a federally qualified health care center located in St. Paul serving low-income, uninsured, underinsured, immigrants and other populations groups in need of affordable health care. “We are very excited to be making this positive step forward,” said Jay Colond, OCHC’s board chair. “Doug brings a strong business background to OCHC as well as experience in health care and a passion for community health. In an age when nonprofit clinics are seeking ways to provide integrated, affordable health care, and where cost control is a priority, Doug has a common sense approach to clinic operations with a strong voice for individuals and families who are in need of health care.” A leader in the health care field, Hanson was the chief executive and principle at Integrated Medical Rehabilitation, a private company that provided all lines of physical therapy and had locations in Minneapolis and Brandon/Bradenton, FL. He also served as director of Administration and Development for Minnesota Specialty Physicians, Inc., a 600 specialty physician IPA in the Twin Cities, where he established strategies related to network development, health plan contracting, and insurance agency operations. Earlier in his career he served as director of Provider and Community Relations at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, and was responsible for marketing, strategic development of new medical clinics, physician relations, affiliated medical providers, community relations, building projects, grant management, budget and staff oversight.
American population. It started in the basement of a church with a volunteer staff of doctors and nurses and continued to expand as health care needs grew. The clinic was ahead of its time – it’s first two leaders were not only African American but they were also women during a time (the 1960s) when populations of color and women held few management positions. Today, OCHC provides medical, dental, behavioral health, chiropractic, optometry, podiatry, minor surgery, and education and outreach services to over 15,000 patients that come from throughout the Twin Cities’ metro area. “I have become acutely
Douglas Hanson Hanson also continues his role of chief administrative officer at the Collaborative Care Cooperative, a network of over 500 leading independent specialist physicians that provide patients, purchasers and payers with easy access to high quality specialty care. He facilitates the development of quality outcome measures, cost containment strategies and improved coordination of patient care and managed the development of an innovative electronic physician-tophysician communication tool. “This is an exciting time to be in health care and working in the community health center
aware of the place OCHC holds in the community from the perspective of patients, providers and staff,” Hanson noted. “I have been well received at the clinic and have a great admiration for the staff and services that OCHC has provided for nearly half a century.” Looking at today’s complex health care arena, Hanson said, “We are enhancing the clinic’s financial strength and I look forward to working with the Board, staff, patients and community members on expanding our quality care to new access points, including the facility at 916 Rice Street. The main goal is to provide quality, integrated health
care services that meet the increasingly complex health care needs of our patients.” Hanson has Bachelors Degree in Science Social Work and Sociology from Hamline University and a Masters Degree in Publication Administration from Hamline University. His awards include Service Award from Minnesota Medical Group Management Association, Annual Recognition Award from the American Hospital Association, Partner in Excellence Award from HealthPartners and Outstanding Service Award from the American Heart Association.
Open Cities Health Center
arena,” Hanson stated. “With the national movement toward performance measurements and cost containment, we are working toward reexamining how we evaluate our performance so that we continue to expand our services and provide the best possible care to individuals and families. Many of the tools and practice approaches that have worked in other health care arenas will work at Open Cities.” OCHC has a historic place in the St. Paul, opening in 1967 in the City’s old Rondo neighborhood, which was home to St. Paul’s African
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Page 12 • August 12 - August 18, 2013 • Insight News
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