Insight News ::: 9.30.13

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Five stars for Minnesota Vikings Chef Geji McKinney-Banks MORE ON PAGE 5

September 30 - October 6, 2013

Vol. 40 No. 40 • The Journal For Community News, Business & The Arts •

UMAMI Asian comfort food eatery

By Shaina Brassard, West Broadway Coalition

Photos by Dudley Voigt

Left: Chef Bob Gerken prepares a sushi course at UMAMI by Travail. Top right: L to R, Chefs James Winberg and Mike Brown converse in front of UMAMI’s open kitchen. Bottom right: UMAMI chefs serve diners themselves each course of the tasting menu.

Before even serving the first course of its ten-course tasting menu when it opened September 18th, UMAMI by Travail had already generated much excitement among the Twin Cities and national culinary communities. Online ticket reservations for the first two weeks sold out within 24 hours. Fortunately, the team at the Asian comfort foodinspired pop-up restaurant at 904 West Broadway has proved itself worthy, dazzling food critics and average

customers from its local Northside community alike. Brian Mogren, a North Minneapolis organizer and resident, dined at UMAMI on the second night and said simply, “It was wonderful.” Mogren thoroughly enjoyed the unique experience of a Travailian tasting menu, explaining, “It was so much more than a was fun to have them keep bringing stuff out that I wouldn’t just order off a menu, and I tried everything,” even the octopus. “It was so great to be in my own neighborhood; I loved that,” Mogren added.


The Affordable Care Act and African Americans

Governor Mark Dayton

Minnesota leads the nation in affordable healthcare Governor Dayton released a statement Wednesday, September 25 following a U. S. Department of Health and Human Services report which shows that Minnesota will have the lowest average monthly premiums in the country for those buying health insurance through the health insurance exchanges created under the Affordable Care Act: “Today is a day of national acclaim for Minnesota’s health care systems. The federal government reported that our


Beginning in 2014, the Affordable Care Act will provide 6.8 million uninsured African Americans an opportunity to get affordable health insurance coverage. The following provides an overview of the coverage and benefits available to African Americans today and those made possible by the Health Insurance Marketplace.

The Affordable Care Act –will help make health insurance coverage more affordable and accessible for millions of Americans. For African Americans, like other racial and ethnic minorities, the law will address inequities and will increase access to quality, affordable health coverage, invest in prevention and wellness, and give individuals and families more control over their care. African Americans suffer from obesity, heart disease, and diabetes at higher levels than the general population. For example, in 2010, 37 percent of African Americans were obese, compared to 26% of whites1. Expanding opportunities for coverage can improve health outcomes for African Americans. Already, the Affordable Care Act has benefitted the nearly 85% of Americans who already have insurance: • 3.1 million young adults have gained coverage through the parents’ plans • 6.6 million seniors are paying less for prescription drugs • 105 million Americans are paying less for preventative care & no longer face lifetime coverage limits • 13.1 million Americans have received rebates from insurance companies • 17 million children with preexisting conditions no longer denied coverage or charged extra

Health Fruits and vegetables are important in promoting good health


Happening Now: An estimated 7.3 million African Americans with private insurance now have access to expanded preventive services with no cost sharing. These services include wellchild visits, blood pressure and cholesterol screenings, Pap tests and mammograms for women, and flu shots for children and adults. The 4.5 million elderly and disabled African Americans who receive health coverage from Medicare also have access to many preventive services with no cost-sharing, including annual wellness visits with personalized prevention plans, diabetes and colorectal cancer screening, bone mass measurement and mammograms. More than 500,000 young African American adults between ages 19 and 25 who would otherwise have been uninsured now have coverage under their parent’s employer-


Motivational moments

Plan Your Career

Fundraising Good Times

Don’t let others steal your joy

Creating a good plan is a first step

Opportunities abound for African American museums




Page 2 • September 30 - October 6, 2013 • Insight News

Fruits and vegetables are important in promoting good health, including helping to lose or manage weight Although some progress has been seen lately, childhood obesity is still a major public health problem. Approximately 17% of US children are obese, and certain groups of children are more greatly affected. Children who are overweight or obese as preschoolers are more likely than normal weight children to be overweight or obese as adults and suffer lifelong physical and mental health problems. There is no single or simple solution to childhood obesity. The problem is influenced by many different factors, including for some children a lack of community places to get adequate physical activity or a lack of access to healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Research shows that fruits and vegetables are important in promoting good health, including helping to lose or manage weight. Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and contain plenty of filling water and fiber. Children can consume fewer calories and stay fuller by substituting fruits and vegetables in place of foods with highercalorie ingredients such as added sugars and solid fats. Helping healthy growth is not the only benefit of eating more fruits and vegetables. These foods also contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that may help protect children against health conditions later in life. A

diet rich in fruits and vegetables is important for everyone and especially children because it contributes to their optimal growth and development. Recently, CDC released a report showing progress on childhood obesity among lowincome preschoolers in many states. Supporting families and encouraging more children to eat a healthy diet including more fruits and vegetables could be one way to expand upon this progress. We can all take part in this effort. The federal government is currently helping low-income families to get affordable, nutritious foods through programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children and the Child and Adult Care Feeding Program also called WIC. State and local officials can go a step further by making it easier for families with children to buy healthy, affordable foods in their neighborhoods. Child care providers and parents can serve children fruits and vegetables for meals and snacks and model this behavior themselves. Working together, states, communities, and parents can help make fruits and vegetables the easy choice for children and adolescents and build upon recent progress made to curb childhood obesity. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The causes and risks for obesity in children When children eat more than they need, their bodies store the extra calories in fat cells to use for energy later. If this pattern continues over time, and their bodies do not need this stored energy, they develop more fat cells and may develop obesity. No single factor or behavior causes obesity. Obesity is caused by many things, including a person’s habits, lifestyle, and environment. Genetics and some medical conditions also increase a person’s chances of becoming obese.

when children watch television, they often crave the unhealthy high-calorie snacks they see on commercials.

At Home If a parent is overweight and has poor diet and exercise habits, the child is likely to adopt the same habits. Watching television, gaming, texting, and playing on the computer are activities that require very little energy. They can take up a lot of time and replace physical activity. And,

Eating Disorders and Obesity in Children The term “eating disorders” refers to a group of medical problems that have an unhealthy focus on eating, dieting, losing or gaining weight, and body image. Obesity and eating disorders often occur at the same time in teenage girls and young, adult

At School Schools have an important role in teaching students about healthy food choices and exercise. But not all schools offer healthy food choices or time for physical activity. Vending machines in schools that sell soda and other sugary drinks make it easy for children to make unhealthy choices.

© CanStockPhoto

women who may be unhappy with their body image. Genetic Factors Some children are at greater risk of obesity because of genetic factors -- they have inherited genes from their parents that make their bodies gain weight easily. This would have been a very good trait hundreds of years ago, when food was hard to find and people were very active. Today, though, this can work against people who have these genes.

Genetics is not the only cause of obesity. To become obese, children must also eat more calories than they need for growth and energy. Obesity may be linked to rare genetic conditions, such as Prader Willi syndrome. In the Community Having a safe community that supports outdoor activities at parks, or indoor activities at community centers, is important for encouraging physical activity. If a parent feels it is not safe to allow their child to play outside, the child is more likely to do sedentary activities inside. Learned Behaviors and Habits Infants and young children are very good at listening to their bodies’ signals of hunger and fullness. They will stop eating as soon as their bodies tell them they have had enough. But sometimes a well-meaning parent tells them they have to finish everything on their plate. This forces them to ignore their fullness and eat everything that is served to them. The way we eat when we are

The Embassy Suites Minneapolis North would love to help you plan your perfect day! We are here to cater to your needs and can customize menus for your event. The Embassy Suites is a great location for: Wedding Receptions Rehearsal Dinners Fundraisers Family Celebrations Call : 763.560.2700 for availability or to schedule a tour

children may strongly affect our eating behaviors as adults. When we repeat these behaviors over many years, they become habits. They affect what we eat, when we eat, and how much we eat. Other learned behaviors include using food to: • Reward good behaviors • Seek comfort when we feel sad • Express love These learned habits lead to eating no matter if we are hungry or full. Many people have a very hard time breaking these habits Lifestyle and Environment The family, friends, schools, and community resources in a child’s environment reinforce lifestyle habits regarding diet and activity. • Children are surrounded by many things that make it easy to overeat and harder to be active: • Parents have less time to plan and prepare healthy meals. As a result, children are eating more processed and fast foods that are usually less healthy than homecooked meals.

• Children see up to 10,000 food commercials every year. Most of these are for candy, fast food, soft drinks, and sugared cereals. See also: Snacks and sweetened beverages - children • More foods today are processed and high in fat and contain too much sugar. • Vending machines and convenience stores make it easy to get a quick snack, but they rarely sell healthy foods. • Overeating is a habit that is reinforced by restaurants that advertise high-calorie foods and large portion sizes. Medical Factors Certain medical conditions, such as hormone disorders or low thyroid function, and certain medications, such as steroids or anti-seizure medications, can increase a child’s appetite, which over time increases their risk for obesity. Source: AllinaHealth library/content/60/383

Insight News • September 30 - October 6, 2013 • Page 3

Don’t let others steal your joy Motivational Moments

By Penny JonesRichardson Have you ever let someone steal your joy? Have you ever been so excited about something and as

soon as you told someone about your dreams or plans, they said something negative and then down went your joy? Why do we allow people to do this to us? It is usually someone very close to us who we think should be as excited as we are. The problem with this is that we have to remember that just because we are excited about something, doesn’t mean that they will be also. I can remember telling a close friend about a business opportunity that I was thinking

about pursuing. As soon as I told her all of the details, she said something negative. I was hurt because I wanted my friend to be as excited about this as I was. But that wasn’t how it worked out. I eventually lost all of my excitement and moved on to something else. But looking back now I realize where I went wrong. I should have never asked for her opinion. I should have told her my plan and just left it like that. Another mistake I

made was expecting her to be as excited about this as I was. This was a dream that belonged to me, not anyone else. Expecting excitement from those who we share so much with would be nice, but sometimes it’s not realistic. You can’t expect someone to be as excited about your dreams. Remember this is your dream, not theirs. Don’t get angry if they are not on the same page as you. However, when you are really close to someone you do

expect that person to share in your joy. But don’t be angry if it doesn’t turn out the way you want it to. Please understand that your dreams and plans for your greatness are about you. Just because someone is not as positive about your dreams doesn’t mean they don’t care about your dreams. It could just mean that they are not a dreamer. Sometimes when people are not living by faith, it’s hard for them to believe something unless they see it in front of them. Some

dreams and goals are too huge for some people to even imagine they could achieve them. But don’t let that stand in your way. Continue to dream big. And as always remember, stay focused, stay determined and keep striving for greatness. Penny Jones-Richardson is a published author and life coach. She can be reached via her website at www.thequeensproject. com or email at penny@

Faith, mental illness, and our community Commentary by Dr. Thomas Adams, CEO , African American Family Services With the recent Rick Warren interview September 17, 2013 on CNN, the conversation about faith and mental illness has once again gained national attention. Rick Warren, founder and senior pastor of the megachurch Saddleback Church and author of “The Purpose-Driven Life,” was interviewed for the first time since his son committed suicide


Insight News is published weekly, every Monday by McFarlane Media Interests.

four months ago after a life long battle with mental illness. As African Americans, we are a people that embody a tremendous amount of faith. A 2009 report found African Americans to be the most ‘religious’ group of people in the U.S. There are three dynamics that are prevalent for us when we enter into a conversation about mental illness: Faith, Mental Illness and Ethnic Identity. Most believers in God believe that God can cure us of diseases, disabilities, and other afflictions through prayer. Our faith is put to the test when we become sick, ill, disabled, etc. We wonder if we are not being ‘good believers’ by seeking outside help to help us with our afflictions.

The subject of mental illness can polarize people. Most of us find that we believe or don’t believe in it. Unlike other medical illness that can be seen with the eye (cuts/lacerations, broken bones, chicken pox, etc.), mental illness can elicit doubt about its legitimacy for some. What is mental illness? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the authoritative medical manual on mental disorders, defines mental illness as: “A clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present distress (i.e., a painful symptom) or disability (i.e., an impairment in one or more important

areas of functioning) or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom. The syndrome or pattern must not be merely an expectable and culturally sanctioned response to a particular event (emphasis mine). It must currently be considered a manifestation of a behavioral, psychological, or biological dysfunction in the individual.” It is widely accepted that most individuals who are ‘labeled’ as having a mental illness are stigmatized: they are thought of as ‘less than’. For many, this can make addressing mental illness taboo. Adding to the complexity of addressing mental illness is the added dynamic of

being African American. In a country that is often not accepting or tolerant of African Americans, many of us too, often feel stigmatized as ‘less than’. With this stigma that many of us carry, we won’t willingly or very easily add the additional stigma that often accompanies being diagnosed as mentally ill. Therefore we often don’t acknowledge having a mental illness. We wrestle internally with the two thousand year debate between Faith and Mental Illness and this internal debate is even further complicated when our identity and cultural heritage is included. Is there a quick and easy answer to this debate… depends on who you ask. What I believe is that millions of

African Americans ‘fear’ even asking the question because of the double stigma that may be attached to them. African American Family Services helps individuals every day ‘wrestle’ with these questions, and many others, as we embody our mission “to help the African American individual, family, and community reach a greater state of well-being through the delivery of community-based, culturally specific chemical health, mental health, and family perseveration services. Please call and/or come by and see us at African American Family Services. Appointments can be made by calling 612-871-7878 or by visiting our Minneapolis location at 2616 Nicollet Ave, 55408.


highlighting the potential of vacant spaces. The WBC assisted the Travail team during the city licensing and zoning process and helped negotiate a short term lease at the Hawthorn Crossings location that will serve as UMAMI by Travail’s home for at least six to eight weeks. Travail restaurateurs Bob Gerken, Mike Brown, Kale Thome and James Winberg are enthusiastic about every aspect of this project, from the style of food UMAMI will serve, the restaurant’s groundbreaking status as the first tasting menu and takeout-driven pop-up restaurant in Minnesota, and not

least of all the chance to bring this unique concept to North Minneapolis. Travail Kitchen and Amusements first opened in 2010 at 4124 West Broadway in Robbinsdale, only three miles away from UMAMI. The team has experience opening up new restaurant spaces, as this past spring, they replaced their wildly popular restaurant with a pizza place (Pig Ate My Pizza) and are in the process of building the second rendition of Travail as well as a new cocktail and micro plates lounge called the Rookery. While construction is underway, UMAMI is the perfect project for the chefs and

their team. The Travail chefs also saw an opportunity in North Minneapolis. Says Mike Brown, “We were happy to find the WBC wanted to collaborate on this space. We’re excited to make food in this community; it’s been a really warm welcome so far.” James Winberg continued, “We’re hoping to invigorate the neighborhood and see if there’s potential to turn this into something long-term.” Brian Mogren and others certainly hope so. City of Minneapolis Department of Community Planning and Economic Development data shows that there is a great unmet

demand for full-service, sit down restaurants among Northside residents, as well among the 500 Minneapolis Public Schools employees that moved into the new MPS headquarters on West Broadway last summer. Reservations for UMAMI can be made online via Tempo Tickets. Seating is available 5-10pm Wednesday-Saturday; a $5 a la carte takeout menu is available 5-9pm.

From 1

Associate Editor & Associate Publisher B.P. Ford

UMAMI opened on West Broadway in North Minneapolis thanks to a partnership between the West Broadway Business and Area Coalition (WBC) and Travail Kitchen and Amusements. The WBC is launching a new initiative to highlight the assets and opportunities along the West Broadway business corridor. One aspect of this initiative is the implementation of retail and gallery “pop-up,” or short term events as a strategy for

Vice President of Sales & Marketing Selene White


Editor-In-Chief Al McFarlane CFO Adrianne Hamilton-Butler Publisher Batala-Ra McFarlane

Culture and Education Editor Irma McClaurin Director of Content & Production Patricia Weaver Sr. Content & Production Coordinator Ben Williams Production Intern Sunny Thongthi Distribution/Facilities Manager Jamal Mohamed Receptionist Lue B. Lampley Contributing Writers Harry Colbert, Jr. Julie Desmond Fred Easter Timothy Houston Alaina L. Lewis Darren Moore Alysha Price

From 1 sponsored or individually purchased health plan. Major federal investments to improve quality of care are improving management of chronic diseases more prevalent among African Americans. The health care workforce will be more diverse due to a near tripling of the National Health Service Corps. African American physicians make up about 17 percent of Corps physicians, a percentage that greatly exceeds their 6 percent share of the national physician workforce. Investments in data collection and research will help us better understand the causes of health care disparities and develop effective programs to eliminate them. Targeted interventions, such as Community Transformation Grants, will

Medicaid coverage to include Americans with family incomes at or below 133 percent of the federal poverty level (generally $31,322 for a family of four in 2013). This expansion includes adults without dependent children living at home, who have not previously been eligible in most states.

promote healthy lifestyles, lower health care costs, and reduce health disparities. Increased funding available to more than 1,100 community health centers will increase the number of patients served. One of every five patients at a health center is African American. Coming Soon: 6.8 million uninsured African Americans will have new opportunities for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Of the 6.8 million uninsured African Americans who are eligible for coverage through the Marketplace, 56 percent are men. The Marketplace is a destination where consumers can compare insurance options in simple, easy to understand language. At the Marketplace, consumers will be able to compare insurance options based on price, benefits, quality and other factors with a clear picture of premiums and cost-sharing amounts to help

Photography Suluki Fardan Michele Spaise Contact Us: Insight News, Inc. Marcus Garvey House 1815 Bryant Ave. N. Minneapolis., MN 55411 Ph.: (612) 588-1313 Fax: (612) 588-2031 Member: Minnesota Multicultural Media Consortium (MMMC), Midwest Black Publishers Coalition, Inc. (MBPCI), National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) Postmaster: Send address changes to McFarlane Media Interests, Marcus Garvey House 1815 Bryant Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55411.

UMAMI by Travail 904 West Broadway (next to Little Caesars) Minneapolis, MN 55411 612-246-9939

them choose the insurance that best fits their needs. Consumers may be eligible for free or low cost coverage, or advance premium tax credits that lower monthly premiums right away. Individuals with higher incomes (up to 400

Health From 1 Health Exchange, MNsure, will offer Minnesotans the lowest health insurance rates of any state in the nation. Our rates are

percent of the federal poverty level, or $94,200 for a family of four) will be eligible to purchase subsidized coverage from the Health Insurance Marketplace. States have new opportunities to expand

about half of those in Wisconsin and other neighboring states. And federal subsidies will reduce even further the costs of health care coverage for many Minnesotans. For years, Minnesota’s health care system has been touted as the most efficient

New Report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on lower than expected premiums available in the new Health Insurance Marketplace: A new report released last week by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finds that in state after state, consumers will see increased competition in the Health Insurance Marketplace, leading to new and affordable choices for consumers. According to the report, consumers will be able to choose from an average of 53 health plans in the Marketplace, and the vast majority of consumers will have a choice of at least two different health insurance companies - usually more. Premiums nationwide will also be around 16 percent lower than originally expected – with about 95 percent of eligible uninsured live in states with lower than expected premiums – before taking into account financial assistance. To read the report on health insurance rates, visit: http://aspe.hhs. gov/health/reports/2013/ MarketplacePremiums/ib_ marketplace_premiums.cfm. To view the data on rates, visit: http://aspe.hhs. gov/health/reports/2013/ MarketplacePremiums/ datasheet_home.cfm.

in the country. This report affirms that statement. While we have more work ahead to make quality health care more affordable and more available to all Minnesotans, today everyone can take deserved pride in this extraordinary achievement.”

Page 4 • September 30 - October 6, 2013 • Insight News

get help p



Land of 10,000 reasons to get health insurance. Welcome to MNsure. The new way to get help, compare and choose from a variety of health insurance companies to find the coverage that’s right for you. MNsure will also show if you qualify for low-cost or free plans. Visit today or call toll free 1-855-3-MNSURE (1-855-366-7873).

Five stars for Minnesota Vikings Chef Geji McKinney-Banks


he is part of the NFL but does not tackle anyone, catch footballs or score touchdowns. However, Chef Geji McKinney-Banks does play hardball and is very competitive. Her schedule is as intense as any

football team’s schedule as she is in bed before 9 p.m. and up before dawn Monday through Saturday as the director of food service operations for the Minnesota Vikings. McKinney-Banks manages chefs and other food service staff to ensure that

food is prepared and ready for consumption when the Vikings players, coaches and front office staff arrive to work in Eden Prairie. Her grueling schedule encompasses the entire NFL season plus working 17-hour days during football camps and drafts.

Six days a week, McKinney-Banks changes into non-slip work shoes, an apron, and a chef ’s hat ready to inspect the entrees and other food items the various chefs have prepared. “What’s this? It’s burnt, would you eat that,” quizzed

McKinney-Banks one of the chefs as she examines the breakfast entrees. “Take it out of here.” It’s all about quality control, which is key to the success of the Vikings organization. With confidence McKinneyBanks tastes, stirs, and

directs. “The grits are too runny, tighten them up; and I don’t taste basil in the gravy,” directed McKinney-Banks. “Yes, Chef,” her colleagues say with respect


Geji McKinney-Banks

Courtesy of Frost Dlo Music


Rasheeda By Alysha “AP” Price With a certain clam and excellence about herself she answers each question without stopping to think. So sure of her decisions and place in life, her comments come to mind without much thought. No interruptions or noise just Rasheeda and the chance to talk about misconceptions, marriage, money and motherhood. When Rasheeda (born Rasheeda Buckner) made it

on the line she was vibrant. She sounds nothing like the woman we saw on last season’s “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” – the Rasheeda that was pregnant, contemplating divorce and struggling to take control of her independent music career. Instead Rasheeda is in high spirits; her energy poured out over the phone and she eagerly admitted that her latest addition, baby Karter, has a lot to do with it.



• The ‘12 Years a Slave’ interview

• Motown Gospel receives two Soul Train nominations for Tasha Cobbs and Tye Tribbett

Page 6 • September 30 - October 6, 2013 • Aesthetically Speaking

The 12 Years a Slave interview British soldiers who perished in the conflict by presenting their portraits as a sheet of stamps. Steve and his wife, cultural critic Bianca Stigter, live and work in Amsterdam which is where they are raising their son, Dexter, and daughter, Alex. Here, he talks about his latest film, “12 Years a Slave,” which recently won the People’s Choice Awards for Best Film and Best Director at the Toronto Film Festival.

By Kam Williams Artist and filmmaker Steven Rodney McQueen was born in London on October 9, 1969. His critically-acclaimed directorial debut, “Hunger,” won the Camera d’Or at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival. He followed that up with the incendiary offering “Shame,” a well-received, thoughtprovoking drama about addiction and secrecy in the modern world. In 1996, McQueen was the recipient of an ICA Futures Award. A couple of years later, he won a DAAD artist’s scholarship to Berlin. Besides exhibiting at the ICA and at the Kunsthalle in Zürich, he also won the coveted Turner Prize. He has exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago, the Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Documenta, and at the 53rd Venice Biennale as a representative of Great Britain. His artwork can be found in museum collections around the world like the Tate, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Centre Pompidou. In 2003, he was appointed Official War Artist for the Iraq War by the Imperial War Museum and he subsequently produced the poignant and controversial project Queen and Country commemorating the deaths of

Rasheeda From 5 “I couldn’t imagine life without him now that he’s here,” said the reality star and R&B singer. Rasheeda admits that she’s enjoying the time off – it’s allowed her to focus on her family and to relax. She’s made no appearances and hasn’t taken many interviews, which is why I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to chat one-on-one with the boss lady during such a pivotal point in her life and career. Although her relaxation is short lived (she let out a sneaky laugh as if she has something up her sleeve) she revealed she’ll be hitting the road at the end of the month. Rattling off all of the cities she’ll be visiting, she’s obviously pleased to be working. “I ain’t no sit on your (rear) type of person, the lord has instilled so much in me. I have

Kam Williams: Hi Steve. Thanks for honoring me with the opportunity to interview you. Steve McQueen: Thanks so much for the interest, Kam. KW: I’ve loved all three of your feature films, this new one, and “Hunger” and “Shame” as well. They are so different from each other and yet quite remarkable and memorable, each in their own way. SM: Thank you. Well, I do my best. I’m just happy that people are responding to the films as positively as they are. To be honest with you, it’s one of those things where we’re just happy to get them made. When you get to make something, you always hope people will go and see it. Flickr (Gabbot)

Steve McQueen

a lot to give and to accomplish,” said Rasheeda. She’s no doubt a go-getter. In addition to her celebrity from the hit reality show “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta,” Rasheeda has multiple businesses. Viewers have had a front row seat to her fights with husband, Kirk Frost, about her prioritizing her love for accessories and fashion over her independent rap career. Unfazed by Frost’s reluctance, she has remained determined to give her all too each business simultaneously. is Rasheeda’s online store, selling everything from the latest in accessories to stylish leggings, and let’s not forget her cosmetics line Poiz. Fearless when it comes to fashion, Rasheeda blames her daring style on her Gemini personality. When it comes to getting dressed, she does whatever feels comfortable, never trying too hard. The boss chick is good in a blazer paired with a white tank top and snug jeans, but she also knows how

to glam it up. Rasheeda may be the only chick from the “Love & Hip Hop” franchise that doesn’t have all her eggs in one basket. Music is a huge part of her but she’s not depending on it to pay her bills. After the mommy and money talk, we address the elephant in the room – her marriage. If you let the world tell it, Rasheeda is a fool to stay in a marriage that took the twists and turns shown to millions on national television; however, she has a different take on things. “This isn’t just a relationship, it’s a marriage, and he’s my husband,” said Rasheeda. “People point the finger until they’re in the situation themselves.” Although she is grateful for the platform that the reality show has provided (gaining new fans, increased sales and awareness), it also gave people the right to observe moments of her life that ideally would have been private. There is no doubt that what Rasheeda and Frost experienced was reality, Frost’s actions and comments can’t be erased but she insists that things were blown out of proportion at times. In a very blunt tone the Georgia peach stops our

conversation and says she wants to clear up a few things. “Kirk is a great father,” she said bluntly. “That’s never been in question; he has four children over 18 years old – grown. When he said he was tired of raising kids he was talking about raising adult children. His comment was taking out of context.” Now that Karter is here, Rasheeda said Frost has stepped up as an active father. The singer giggled as she recalled the things her husband had been doing to help out. “Girl, he’s on daddy duty, waking up every two to three hours, changing diapers and feeding the baby,” said the reality diva. As the couple works on its family life the question remains will the two continue working together on her music. I asked Rasheeda whether or not Frost or Debra Antney (founder and CEO of Atlantabased management company Mizay Entertainment) was her manager, she held back saying we’ll have to tune into the next season to see how that management piece works out. “Deb is cool as hell and she’s in my corner but you’ll have to watch the show to see what

happens,” said Rasheeda. You can never have too many strong women in your corner, hence Shirleen Harvell also known as Rasheeda’s mom. Harvell is famous for her “Oh hell naw” line and for running over her son-in-law’s $7,000 dirt bike. Rasheeda proudly backs her mother’s actions, and said that she wouldn’t have expected anything less from her mother. Calling her mother a true Scorpio as if to say her zodiac sign gave her a pass for destroying the bike; arrogantly Rasheeda points out every girl wants their mother to have her back. Seldom did we see Rasheeda lose her cool on the show; however, co-star K. Michelle pushed her buttons on occasion, but on the finale the strong willed women wished one another the best in their future endeavors and vowed to move forward without ill will. Keeping her word Rasheeda remained supportive when I asked her what she thought about K. Michelle and Tamar Braxton’s beef. “Tamar and I just spoke yesterday about the babies,” said Rasheeda. “I love that girl she’s just so real. Her personality is wonderful. I

MCQUEEN TURN TO 7 mean she’s my girl, so of course I’m rocking with her album. It’s amazing. But I wish K. Michelle the best in her career. It seems like she finally got the record label backing she was hoping for so I’m happy for her.” There will be some changes to the cast of “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” and it’s been confirmed that casting for additional city spin-offs is also happening. Rasheeda gives props to Mona Scott-Young (CEO of multimedia entertainment company Monami Entertainment) for milking the cow and adding more shows, saying she’s proud to know a woman who’s successful in the entertainment industry. I ask Rasheeda to leave me with a few words of wisdom for the ladies that are trying to work their way through relationship issues. The diva dove right in as if she was waiting for the chance to uplift other ladies with her words. “Communicate,” exclaimed Rasheeda. “Have integrity and don’t listen to no damn body that ain’t got no man. Talk to somebody who can relate to (your stuff ). Follow your heart; know what you want and most importantly stay prayed up.”

Aesthetically Speaking • September 30 - October 6, 2013 • Page 7

Motown Gospel receives two Soul Train nominations for Tasha Cobbs and Tye Tribbett Motown Gospel has received two Soul Train nominations for Best Gospel/Inspirational Performance for recording artists Tasha Cobbs and Tye Tribbett. Cobbs is nominated for her #1 hit anthem, “Break Every Chain” from her chart topping Billboard album, “Grace.” Tribbett is nominated for his hit single, “If He Did It Before (Same God)” from his #1 album, “Greater Than.” The Soul Train Awards will tape in Las Vegas on Nov. 8 and will air on the Centric and BET networks on Dec. 1, at 8:00 p.m. This is Cobbs’ first Soul Train nomination. She recently was nominated for five Gospel Music Association (GMA) Dove Awards. Her nominations include New Artist of the Year, Gospel Performance of the Year, Contemporary Gospel/ Urban Song of the Year, and Contemporary Gospel/Urban Album of the Year (Grace). “Break Every Chain” was also nominated for Song of the Year for songwriter Will Reagan. Cobbs’ “Break Every Chain” was number one on Billboard’s Hot Gospel Songs

McQueen From 6 And we’re very, very pleased by the response to “12 Years a Slave.” It’s kind of humbling and remarkable. KW: Your work reminds me of Ang Lee’s in terms of its quality and versatility in the way that his movies are each phenomenal yet so very different from each other. SM: Wow! That’s a huge compliment. What can I say? He’s a master. Ang Lee is a person I really admire and look up to. I love so many of his films, especially “Ride with the Devil,” “Sense and Sensibility,” and “The Ice Storm.” KW: Editor/Legist Patricia Turnier asks: What does it mean to you to be in charge of adapting Solomon Northup’s memoir? How do you explain that his autobiography was buried for around a hundred years contrary to those of some of his contemporaries like Frederick Douglass? SM: I feel tremendously honored but I also feel a tremendous responsibility because through this film we can bring Solomon Northrup’s memory to the surface. His story was buried for so long. When the book first came out in 1853, it was a phenomenal best seller for its time, and sold 27,000 copies in 18 months. But what happened was Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published the following year, and that was it for 12 Years a Slave. It fell into obscurity. Academics knew

McKinneyBanks From 5 and without contention. However, it is not always that way. Chef Ben Martancik, who has worked at Winter Park – the team’s training facility – said, “Her (McKinney-Banks) standards are very high for food quality and cleanness. It reflects on me and the other employees. We bashed heads at first (because) we both are stubborn. However, it took awhile to work through that. You butt heads sometime. When everybody is stressed you might be snippy with people.”

Tasha Cobbs

Tye Tribbett

chart for seven consecutive weeks. The single is steadily climbing the Urban Adult

Contemporary radio chart as well. The lyric video for “Break Every Chain” has over

two million VeVo views and counting. “Grace” is currently

five on Billboard’s Top Gospel Albums chart and has never

about the memoir but it otherwise became lost. To me, it was always like the American equivalent of The Diary of Anne Frank. That’s why it became my passion to get this film made.

where Malcolm X’s mother was born. My mother was born in Trinidad which is where Stokely Carmichael, the man who coined the phrase “Black Power!” was born. Sidney Poitier was born in the Bahamas. I’m part of that diaspora of people displaced by the

whatever his circumstances, and I needed someone of that same caliber, because he would be tested to the breaking point. I needed an actor who could hold up during those moments of extreme stress.

the casting director, Francine Maisler. She did an incredible job. We auditioned over a thousand girls for the role of Patsey. And we ended up with Lupita who hadn’t even graduated from acting school yet. But she auditioned for us, and that was it. A star was born!

KW: Harriet Pakula-Teweles asks: In a film described as a historical drama, how do you establish a healthy balance between history and drama? SM: By relying on the book. As a filmmaker I was interested in illustrating the history of what slavery was about, which was slave labor. In the background of one frame, for example, you see sugar cane. In the second plantation, you see logging. And on the third location, we see corn. So, at the same time you’re following Solomon’s adventure of trying to get home, in the background you simultaneously see the horrors and pains of what slavery was about. KW: Fellow director Rel Dowdell asks: Do you feel that the great success of “Django Unchained” improves your very visceral film’s chances for a warm reception? SM: I think that film was very helpful, of course, in making people aware by getting the subject-matter on film. So, I couldn’t say it didn’t help.

KW: Why did you use the

The story’s not just an African-American story. It’s a universal story. It’s a world story. slave trades. I’m part of that family. It’s our story. It’s a global story. KW: My grandparents were born St. Croix, St. Kitts and Barbados. Do you eat any West Indian food like curried goat, callaloo or roti? SM: Yeah, all of that. And then, when you go to New Orleans, you find similar dishes. We’re all family!

KW: What interested you as a Brit in an African-American story? SM: The story’s not just an African-American story. It’s a universal story. It’s a world story. My parents are from the West Indies. My father’s from Grenada which is

KW: How did you settle on Chiwetel as Solomon Northrup? SM: Chiwetel was always the one I wanted to make the movie with because there’s a certain humanity and gentility about him that I needed for the lead role. Solomon was a person who maintained his humanity

Snippy is putting it mildly. In the wide world of sports, the nature of the beast is to be competitive. Working in the NFL, whether one is a starter, coach or behind the scenes – as it is with culinary arts – one has to be tough mentally and physically. Praises towards McKinney-Banks for flawless cuisine and food safety come from chefs and business people from around the world. When Food Network celebrity chef Guy Fieri toured the Vikings facility, he looked around the kitchen and exclaimed, “Who is in charge here? This is the cleanest kitchen I’ve ever seen.” During a food service inspection by the Minnesota Health Department, one of

the inspectors was heard saying, “This is one kitchen I would eat in.” McKinney-Banks said she is a perfectionist, which fits ideally with the Vikings way of doing things – spare no expense on service, freshness, quality and presentation. “I work to ensure that the last person in line at the end of the day gets the same freshness of the food as the first person who came in earlier that day,” said McKinney-Banks. “Every day, we work hard to enhance our food safety standards to help us increase quality and value to those we serve.” The passionate chef ’s likeness was recently used for the 3-A-Day campaign by the Midwest Dairy Association featuring former Minnesota

great Michael Fassbender in each of your films? SM: I think Michael is the most influential actor of his generation. He’s like a Mickey Rourke or a Gary Oldman. People want to be him. Actors want to act with him. Students choose to pursue acting because of him. I was very fortunate to land him for “Hunger.” We’ve been close friends ever since. He’s an amazing actor I will always want to work with. KW: How did you assemble such a top-flight cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Giamatti, Brad Pitt, Quvenzhane Wallis, Paul Dano, and newcomer Lupita Nyong’o. SM: I had huge help from

Viking safety Darren Sharper. McKinney-Banks was also a guest celebrity judge at the Taste of the NFL for two consecutive years. She has been guest chef on television’s KARE 11, Fox 9 and KSTP 5. For the Viking community program, McKinney-Banks visits elementary schools with guest Vikings players to talk to children about nutrition. She also received an honorable mention in a Sports Illustrated piece that featured her personal client, running back Adrian Peterson. McKinney-Banks is the only African-American female in her role within the NFL. Recently, when the Vikings traveled to play the Pittsburgh Steelers in

KW: The bookworm Troy Johnson question: What was the last book you read? SM: The last one I actually read was a children’s book I read to my son last night called something like “Teacher Goes to School.”

fallen below six since its February release. “Grace” was produced by multiple awardwinning recording artist, VaShawn Mitchell. Cobbs is scheduled to perform on the 44th Annual GMA Dove Awards and the Trumpet Awards, airing in 2014. This fall, she continues on the Break Every Chain Tour with concert appearances scheduled at WBLS’ flagship event, Circle of Sisters in New York City, Oct. 20, the WXOK anniversary concert in Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 21, the Centennial Park Breast Cancer Awareness event in Atlanta on Oct. 26 and numerous other scheduled for the remainder of the year. Tribbett’s “Greater Than” debuted at #1 on Billboard’s Top Gospel Albums chart and remained there for four consecutive weeks. The CD also debuted at #9 on Billboard’s Top 200. “Greater Than” is Tribbett’s inaugural project with Motown Gospel and is his highest album debut in his recording career. This week, Tribbett’s hit single, “If He Did It Before (Same God)” landed at #4 on Billboard’s Hot Gospel Song chart.

years-old. KW: The Mike Pittman question: What was your best career decision? SM: Meeting my wife. KW: If you could have one wish instantly granted, what would that be for? SM: World peace. It might sound corny, but that’s the truth. KW: The Jamie Foxx question: If you only had 24 hours left to live, how would you spend the time? SM: With the people I love. KW: The Kerry Washington question: If you could be another animal, which one would you choose? SM: A dolphin. KW: The Melissa HarrisPerry question: How did your first big heartbreak impact who you are as a person? SM: I learned that life is a long and difficult road, but you have to keep going, or you’ll fall by the wayside.

KW: What is your favorite dish to cook? SM: Pasta, because it’s easy.

KW: The Anthony Mackie question: Is there something that you promised to do if you became famous, that you still haven’t done yet? SM: Am I famous?

KW: When you look in the mirror, what do you see? SM: I see all the lines in my face from tiredness.

KW: The Tavis Smiley question: How do you want to be remembered? SM: As a person who tried.

KW: The Ling-Ju Yen question: What is your earliest childhood memory? SM: Borrowing roller skates from a next-door neighbor when I was about 3 or 4

KW: Thanks again for the time, Steve, and best of luck with the film. SM: Thank you. Take care, Kam.

London for its Sept. 29 game, McKinney-Banks was on the team’s plane and served her role as team’ chef while across the pond. This past May, McKinney-Banks ventured to the United Kingdom to learn of its food standards and procedures and then compared the culinary differences with the Viking organization’s expectation so the players would feel at home even on foreign soil. “The Vikings front office feels that it is imperative not to steer too far away from the same kind of food that we serve at Winter Park,” said McKinney-Banks. “I am excited at the opportunity to lead the food program to London. It (is) a challenge, a learning experience, and definitely a blessing all rolled

into one.” In addition to being the personal chef to Peterson, McKinney-Banks is also chef to boxer/ex-NFL player Ray Edwards and Timberwolves guard, J.J Barea. She has also served as the personal chef to Viking Kevin Williams, former Vikings Darren Sharper, Bobby Wade, Tony Richardson, Tarvaris Jackson, Dwight Smith, Jayme Mitchell and Bethel Johnson, among others. The chef, who has been with the Vikings for 18 years, is a North Community High School graduate, has an associates in culinary arts and a bachelor of science in culinary management.

Page 8 • September 30 - October 6, 2013 • Aesthetically Speaking

Choose well New choices in health care are here. Introducing UCare ChoicesSM, affordable new health plans from a leader in Minnesota health care, with coverage for young adults, families, empty nesters and everyone in between. Find out more at, and look for us on the MNsure health insurance marketplace. Choose well. Choose UCare Choices.

Insight News • September 30 - October 6, 2013 • Page 9

BUSINESS Creating a good plan is a first step Plan Your Career By Julie Desmond Big news! Minnesota’s unemployment rate has finally dipped back to where it was before the bottom fell out of our collective economy. However, the jobs that have been created during the recovery are different from the jobs that were lost. That means, even as hiring activity picks up, you might still be looking for work. Updating your skills through training programs will help you find new work faster. Having a game plan will help, too. My friend, Jonathan, shared his game plan with me recently, and he says it’s been a good tool for him. Jonathan’s game plan has three parts: beginning, middle, and end. In the beginning, Jonathan describes where he’s been and what his strengths are, in the form of a Profile Summary. This amounts to an elevator speech, a ten second a commercial, a sound byte… a brief explanation of who he is and what he does. Included in the Profile Summary is the title of the person he reported to, the number of people who reported to him and one or two key accomplishments that illustrate how fabulous he is at his chosen profession. In the middle, we get Jonathan’s Target Roles and Target Market. This includes titles of jobs he will accept, and the market he is exploring, including geographic area, industries, and size of organization he hopes to work for. Finally, we get to a list of companies, examples of the

© PhotoXpress

places where Jonathan hopes to work. This write-up is not a resume, not a CV and not a job application. Jonathan might never share this document with anyone but me. But if Jonathan

posts this document over his computer, on his refrigerator and alongside the bathroom mirror, he will be able to keep a clear line of sight on his goals. When someone says, I work at ABC company, Jonathan

quickly responds, “I’ve been looking for a position there. How long have you been there? It looks like a good company. Do you know anyone in the QRS department?” Whether you’re looking for

your first job, changing careers or urgently need a new position, creating a good plan will help; knowing where you want to go is the first step to getting there.

Julie Desmond is IT Recruiting Manager with George Konik Associates, Inc., hiring developers and analysts for permanent and project positions. Write to Julie at

Opportunities abound for African American museums FUNdraising Good Times

By Mel and Pearl Shaw “While our museums face many challenges, there are as many opportunities. Collectively we need to determine what steps we’re prepared to take and how aggressive we’re prepared to be to ensure the current and future relevancy and sustainability of our museums.” That’s how Grace C. Stanislaus, former Executive Director of the Museum of the African Diaspora and former President and CEO of the Romare Bearden Foundation, sums up the future of African American museums and cultural institutions. Knowing that foundations, corporations and philanthropists often want to see support from

Grace Stanislaus those directly impacted before making an investment, we asked Stanislaus if she finds that African American communities support

Parent Advocate Nonprofit seeks advocate to assist parents of children w/disabilities on special education, including early childhood related issues. Position offers great benefits, competitive salary and rewarding environment. Parents of children with disabilities, and persons of color are encouraged to apply. EEO/AA

STAFF ATTORNEY Central Minnesota Legal Services seeks full-time attorney for its Minneapolis office. Fam. law with some work in govt benes. Licensed in MN pref’d. Post-law school pov. law exper., fam. law or clinical exper. pref’d. Spanish or Somali language a plus. Salary $45,000+D.O.E. up to $49,436. Excellent benes. Resume with references and writing sample to Judy Hollie, CMLS, 430 First Ave. No., #359, Minneapolis, MN 55401. Appl. deadline: 10/11/13 or until filled. EOE.

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local and national museums. “In general, yes. Members of the African American and the


African Diaspora communities have supported and continue to support our museums. The many regional and national museums and cultural centers that have been established over the past decades attest to it. And the impressive support that continues to move the long held dream of a National Museum of African American History and Culture to fruition affirms it. But, it’s a qualified yes. It requires that we broaden the definition of support beyond merely financial and that we include in our considerations the many socio-political and economic factors that impact charitable giving among African Americans. “Statistically African Americans make more charitable donations of their income per year than whites despite the fact that over the past several decades the wealth gap between blacks and whites has become a nearly unbridgeable chasm. This is the case even


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between middle income white households and high income African Americans - the result of many factors, but primarily of ongoing discrimination and unfair practices.” “The pressing questions are: Where does support for the arts fall on the list of priorities as the wealth disparity gap widens and as African Americans fall behind in wealth and legacy building and move ahead in debt accumulation? At what juncture does support for museums and other cultural institutions enter into the dialogue as critical decisions are made about saving for college education, weathering a prolonged period of unemployment, paying for health insurance and care giving, planning for retirement, and supporting extended family members and unemployed friends? Today many of our nonprofit cultural organizations, museums, cultural centers and theaters

across the nation are facing financial challenges because the level of support needed to assure their long term financial, operational and programmatic sustainability is simply not in place. Many if not most have no to nominal endowments and not enough cash reserve to operate without distress. While this is not specific to African American museums, it’s particularly impactful on our organizations when coupled with other social and economic challenges facing our communities.” Next week: Preparing for the future Contact Grace C. Stanislaus at Copyright 2013 – Mel and Pearl Shaw Mel and Pearl Shaw are the authors of “Prerequisites for Fundraising Success.” They position nonprofits for fundraising success. Visit them at

Page 10 • September 30 - October 6, 2013 • Insight News

Insight News • September 30 - October 6, 2013 • Page 11

Page 12 • September 30 - October 6, 2013 • Insight News

Five teams, each lead by professional fitness trainers competing for success in losing weight and getting fit!

IN IT TO WIN IT The Insight-2-Health Fitness Challenge is a fun, yet challenging, fitness and lifestyle initiative designed to promote measurable and long-lasting health and fitness outcomes in program participants. The objective is to introduce lifestyle changes that are sustainable. Teams meet once per week with their assigned personal trainer and are required to workout

Adam Stein St. Paul native and founder of Fulton Fitness, Inc., Adam is a former St. Paul Central football standout and went on to play collegiately at the University of St. Thomas. Today, he is varsity wide receivers and running backs coach and jr. varsity head coach at his high school alma mater. An ACE certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor, Adam lives by the motto; “You’re never as good as you think you are when you’re doing great, and you’re never as bad as you think you are when you’re doing poorly.”

with their teammates. Participants also receive one-on-one consultation with a registered dietician and coaching on food, weight gain/loss with a mental health professional. Join challenge participants on their 10week journey by checking these pages and following Insight News and The F.I.T. Lab, Co., on Facebook.

Photo: Corey Collins/Moda Photography

Healthy Recipes I was looking for a recipe that would be very beneficial for eye health. This soup includes kale, which has the highest amount of lutein, for healthy retinas, of any leafy green. It has onions, sweet potatoes or yams with their antioxidants and nutrients, and carrots, of course, which everyone knows are good for the eyes! The beans are a great source of low-fat protein. Remember that the health of your eyes depends on the health of

your body! This soup really thickens, so use it as a “planned-over” meal the next day over brown rice or quinoa, or just add more broth to the desired consistency. I also recommend a left-over chicken breast as a great substitute for canned chicken, or it can be made without meat. - Catherine Upham


Presented by NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center staff

(Kale and Sweet Potato Stew with Chicken and Beans). Recipe by Catherine Upham Makes 12 servings • 1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil • 2 cups chopped onion • 1 large yam or sweet potato, diced (about 1 to 2 cups) • 3 large carrots, diced (about 2 to 3 cups) • 4 cups chopped fresh celery (include celery leaves) • 1 large unpeeled apple, cored and chopped very fine • 3 teaspoons poultry seasoning

This recipe was given to me by one of my Liberian (West African) friends. This is one of their common traditional dishes and easy and healthy meal to make. Hope you savor every bite of it. - Michelle M. Kimber

HEARTY KALE Recipe by Michele Kimber Makes 6 to 8 servings

• 1 large bay leaf • 2 teaspoons minced garlic • 4 cups low sodium chicken broth • 1 can (10.5 ounces) reduced sodium chicken, drained or 1 skinless and boneless grilled chicken breast • 1 can (19 ounces) reduced sodium black beans, drained • 1 can (19 ounces) reduced sodium pinto beans, drained • ½ teaspoon black pepper • ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes, if desired • 1 bunch Kale, bottom stems removed, chopped (7 to 12 cups) • 1 tablespoon red wine or cider vinegar

Heat large pot over medium heat; add vegetable oil, onion, yams, carrots, celery, apple and poultry seasoning for 6 minutes or until tender. Stir in Bay leaf and garlic; cook 1 minute. Stir in beans, broth and pepper; simmer 5 minutes. Stir in kale; simmer 3 minutes or until kale is desired consistency. Stir in vinegar. Remove bay leaf. Serve with whole grain bread or over cooked brown rice.

• 2 bunches fresh kale or 1 bag (16 ounces) frozen kale, thawed and drained • 1 tablespoons olive oil or vegetable oil • ½ cup chopped red onion • 2 cloves minced garlic, minced • 1 teaspoon Mrs. Dash • ¼ teaspoon ground thyme • ¼ teaspoon dill • ¼ teaspoon ground basil • ¼ teaspoon ground rosemary • ¼ teaspoon cumin • 2 or 4 ounces dried fish or grilled fish

Rinse fresh kale with cold water until water is clear of dirt or other particles. Remove excess water; set aside. Roll kale leaves, slice thinly. Set aside.

Tip: Look for dried fish at Cub Foods, Sun Foods or Rainbow Foods grocery stores

Place olive oil in skillet. Heat skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic. Cook, stirring frequently, about 3 minutes or until onion is tender. Stir in Mrs. Dash, thyme, dill, basil, rosemary and cumin. Add fish and kale. Cover; cook 10 to 15 minutes or until kale is tender. Serve kale over cooked brown or white rice, quinoa, millet, couscous or bulgur wheat.

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