By Al McFarlane, Editor
Cover editor’s note - Honoring Ramadan, Insight presents a story originally published during Ramadan in 2022 along with a sidebar explainer from Al Jazeers. Kudos to photographer Lou Michaels for capturing the exquisite beauty and grandeur North Minneapolis’ Masjid An-Nur and its Imam Makram El-Amin.
Editor’s Note: I interviewed a dear friend and elder in our community, Imam Makram El-Amin on last Wednesdays edition of Conversations with Al McFarlane. The interview is available on the Insight News Facebook Page. Imam El-Amin leads Masjid An-Nur, the golddomed mosque at 1729 Lyndale Avenue in North Minneapolis. The city recently approved an ordinance allowing mosques to do daily calls to prayer over external loudspeakers. Imam El-Amin says soon that public call to prayer will be heard from Masjid An-Nur.
Masjid An-Nur means The Mosque of the Light in Arabic. In talking with the Imam, you get the sense that he is the Light as well, and that his work enables the Light in others, in neighbors and community. He says it’s all about relationships. He reveals a vision and raison d’etre that celebrates the sacred functionality of the family, and its role in sustaining humanity across generations.
The Wednesdays program included an interview with John Wilgers, CEO of Greater Twin Cities United Way, who was announcing that the United Way would be making $12.1 million in grants to partner organizations whose work disrupts racial inequity and fuels lasting change. A story on the grants announcement is on Page 4 of this edition. Kudos to Lou Michaels for the breathtaking photo of Imam El-Amin on our cover. The excerpts of the Imam’s remarks, are infused with pull-quotes describing the rare occasions when Ramadan, Passover and Easter overlap on the calendar. Some say it is
a special time to focus on the essential sameness of the human family.
Imam Makram El-Amin:
It’s really challenging to talk about the Islam in America, particularly among African Americans, without acknowledging, the freedom movements in this country. The guiding idea is that people really, want to be free, and be liberated, and they want to serve God in living their best lives, unencumbered.
You mentioned the transatlantic slave trade, but also in the days of Jim Crow, there were various movements in the fight for the civil rights. The emergence of Islam in the Black community has to be seen with within that context.
It was not in a vacuum. You know, I remember as a child sitting around the kitchen table with my parents, my mother, my father, really teaching us and orientating us. And they would always lead in, my father particularly, and say, Islam is about freedom, justice, and equality. This idea of those
three principles was really ingrained in me and my siblings and our extended family. So it was really always about a justice movement. It was always about allowing people to be, be free again, to serve their best life, to show up in their best way and to serve God. So I think that the different iterations that we’ve seen in Islam and other movements besides the Nation of Islam were, all were striving in this vein. All of them were really reaching towards allowing people to be free and to really, to live the ideals of what this country was built upon. And it continues to challenge this country to be who we say we are on our label -- with the content consistent with the label and the label consistent with the content. So the idea of us really pushing that envelope and doing it in a way that in a way of integrity, a way of truthfulness, a way of showing up, always caring about the folks that we live amongst, and that we serve. We don’t, we don’t serve food that we won’t eat.
We won’t house people in places we won’t live. We won’t give clothing that we won’t wear.
These are just value statements that we bring forth. And it comes out of that tradition that sees everybody as a human being valued by God. If you are created by God, which we all are, then you have inherent value and worth that Islam recognizes, and we all should recognize.
One of the things that my parents instilled in us is the idea of service; that if there is no service, there is no Islam
It’s never been just one voice, one narrative. All the movements, from from Malcolm X to Martin Luther King, Jr., are trying to reach the same ultimate goal of freedom, liberation, and self-awareness identity. The paths that were taken varied. The nation of Islam was a movement that came to African American people at a time when we were in a very broken state. The idea was to where repair the damage that has been done. And one of the things it did
was give a level of confidence. Those men and women dressed in a way dignified us, and ingrained in us the idea that we are to show up as dignified human beings, not what the world has said of us. That was as much about resistance as anything that we ever have done. That was much about how we showed up. We controlled our own our own body, our own vessel. It was a paradigm shift in the minds of African Americans at that time. There were other efforts, like those led by Marcus Garvey, and others, that had very similar ideas. It wasn’t unique in that way. It’s part of the tapestry. I wanted to be very clear about that. We don’t own the narrative. We, are part of the story. We understand the psychological damage that takes place over generations attempting to indoctrinate to believe the saving force was from somewhere outside of us, not within us. We are in a very incredible moment right now.
Ramadan: The ninth month of the Islamic calendar
Source: Al Jazeera
By Alia Chughtai
Ramadan: The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is special to Muslims around the world for its many unique blessings.
During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Muslims observing the fast will refrain from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk to achieve greater “taqwa”, or consciousness of God.
Ramadan begins with the sighting of the crescent moon. This year, fasting started on March 1 in many countries, including across the Middle East, Australia, Indonesia, Nigeria and the Americas. Some other nations, such as Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and South Africa, began observing Ramadan on March 2. Because the Islamic
calendar is based on the lunar cycle, the start of Ramadan shifts 10-12 days earlier each year, completing a full rotation through all seasons approximately every 33 years.
Ramadan is likely to conclude on March 30 or March 31, marking the beginning of the 10th Islamic month, Shawwal.
Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam and is prescribed for Muslims as an act of worship and a form of spiritual purification through charity and good deeds.
Fasting is meant to develop a person’s taqwa, which means being conscious of God, being pious and self-restrained.
Feeling hunger and dehydration allows people who fast to understand what the less privileged experience and fosters greater empathy and gratitude.
Fasting is one of the foremost sunnahs, which
means living by the Prophet Muhammad’s example. It is a tradition in the long line of Abrahamic traditions. Jews and Christians also fast as a practice in their religions in different variations. A fasting person must refrain from eating or drinking from dawn until sunset. In addition to abstaining from food and drink, smoking of any kind and sexual relations are prohibited during fasting hours. Fasting aims to purify the soul, so anger, gossip and any inappropriate behaviour should be avoided. Unintentional eating or drinking, such as forgetting and then stopping upon remembering, does not break the fast. All able-bodied adults, male and female, are required to fast. However, those with chronic or incurable illnesses are exempt from
fasting. Women during their menstrual cycles, as well as pregnant women, are also exempt. For conditions like diabetes, where prolonged fasting can be harmful or lifethreatening, fasting is not required. For those travelling, fasting on travel days is optional. If it is difficult, they may skip the fast and make up for those missed days later in the year. Children below the age of puberty are also not required to fast, but they are encouraged to practise, especially as they grow older. Those unable to fast may be excused but must either make up for it after Ramadan or provide compensation by feeding a poor person for each missed day, if financially able. It is recommended to break the fast immediately at sunset with dates and water, following the religious teachings
of the Prophet Muhammad.
All around the world, every culture has its own rites of what to serve for the predawn meal which is called suhoor or sehri, and for iftar, the sunset meal.
Dates are rich in vitamins, fibre and antioxidants and provide quick energy after fasting all day.
The Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad in the year 609 during Laylat alQadr, also known as the Night of Decree or Night of Power, while he was in the cave of Mount Hira – located outside the city of Mecca.
This event took place during Ramadan, but its exact date remains unknown. Most scholars believe it falls within the last 10 nights of Ramadan, specifically one of the oddnumbered nights.
The Quran was revealed in Arabic and it
comprises: 30 sections, 114 chapters, 6,236 verses and 77,432 words. It mentions Ramadan in the second chapter (Chapter 2, verse 185) with the prescribed rules of who can fast, and how to make up days after Ramadan. Laylat al-Qadr is considered by Muslims to be the holiest night of the year. During the last 10 nights of Ramadan, Muslims gather in mosques and increase their worship, seeking the immense blessings of Laylat al-Qadr through prayer, Quran recitation and the remembrance of God.
Worship on that night is believed to be more rewarding than 1,000 months of devotion. The word Ramadan is derived from the Arabic word “Ar-Ramd”, which means intense heat, and also rooted
Avenue in North Minneapolis.
When the fight against hunger becomes a casualty of Trump’s cruelty

By Haley Taylor Schlitz, Esq.
America is often told that we are a nation of irreconcilable
differences, urban versus rural, red states versus blue, collegeeducated versus working-class. These divisions are mapped onto our politics, our media, and even our communities, shaping the way we view one another. But the reality is far more complicated, far more human. Beneath the surface of these manufactured divides lies a common truth: we all need food, we all need security, and we all need leaders who recognize that their responsibility is to serve, not to destroy.
This truth should be inescapable, yet it is ignored by those who profit from polarization. The latest example of this came quietly, without fanfare or urgency, when the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it was canceling two federal programs that provided more than $1 billion annually to help schools and food banks purchase food from local farms and ranches. These programs weren’t just statistics on a budget sheet; they were lifelines. They connected
struggling families to fresh food, kept schoolchildren from going hungry, and provided critical income for small and mid-sized farmers who, for all the political rhetoric about “saving rural America,” are so often left behind.
And now, with the stroke of a bureaucratic pen, they are gone.
The impact of this decision is already being felt here in Minnesota. The Trump cuts to USDA’s mean that $18 million in funding for school meals and food banks across the state has been wiped away. This includes more than $9.2 million in Farm-to-School funding, which would have allowed Minnesota schools to purchase fresh, local food for student meals while supporting regional farmers. It also strips away $4 million in food purchasing assistance for childcare institutions, directly affecting some of the youngest and most vulnerable children in the state. On top of that, the decision eliminates $4.7 million from the Local Food Purchasing Assistance (LFPA) program, which would have gone toward stocking food pantry shelves that thousands of Minnesota families rely on. These aren’t just numbers. They are lost meals for children who already depend on schools for their daily nutrition. They are empty shelves at food banks that serve working families trying to make

ends meet. They are lost income for local farmers who counted on these programs to keep their operations afloat. As a former 5th grade US History teacher in a historically underserved community, I have seen the impact of hunger in the classroom. I have seen students come to school unable to focus because they haven’t eaten since yesterday’s lunch. I have seen teachers, myself included, pull snacks from our desks to help a child make it through the day. And I have seen how school food programs, many of them bolstered by the very federal funding that Trump just slashed, can mean the difference between a child thriving or slipping further behind. These cuts will leave thousands of students across Minnesota
in that same struggle, sitting in classrooms where hunger overshadows learning. But this decision isn’t just an attack on students. It’s an attack on farmers, the very people Trump claims to champion. Many Minnesota farmers already face rising costs, shrinking markets, and an uncertain future thanks to his reckless tariffs and trade policies. Now, on top of all of that, they will lose a key buyer for their products, one that not only supported their livelihoods but also ensured that their hard work nourished their communities. Minnesota’s farm economy, already struggling from inflation and supply chain issues, will take another hit as federal purchasing power disappears. This is where
the mythology of Trump’s leadership unravels. He has never fought for working families, for farmers, or for the people he claims as his base. His policies are not designed to uplift or make anything “great”; they are designed to divide. He thrives on destruction, on pitting Americans against one another while his decisions inflict harm across every political, economic, and social line. For all of the narratives about urban versus rural, blue versus red, this moment should make one thing clear: hunger does not belong to a political party. It does not check voter registration before arriving at your doorstep. A struggling farmer, a hungry child, a family in need, none of them benefit from this decision. And if we don’t push back now,
this will only be the beginning.
In Minnesota, a state that embodies so many of these divides, between the Twin Cities and the farmland beyond, it’s time to ask: How many more of these decisions will we allow before we stop pretending Trump’s cruelty is someone else’s problem? How much more will we let be taken before we demand better? Some will say we are too divided to fight back. Others, exhausted after voting and organizing, may wonder if it’s even worth it. But sitting out won’t shield us. These cuts don’t stop at those Trump and his followers openly target, they spread. The same leaders who gut food programs for children in Minneapolis and Saint Paul will leave working-class families in rural Minnesota struggling too. The same administration cutting off support for farmers will continue making choices that destabilize communities across the board.
Trump’s cruelty may start with us, but it never ends with us. That is the lesson history has tried to teach us, again and again. The question is never whether harm will come, it always does. The only unknown is how much we will allow before we realize that by the time it reaches our own doorstep, it is already too late.
President Trump’s contempt for the courts

By Chuck Hobbs
It is neither hyperbole or histrionics for me to state this morning that America is smack dab in the middle of a major constitutional crisis and looming showdown between the “separate” and “co-equal” Executive and Judicial Branches of Government.
The facts:
*Late last week, President Donald Trump announced plans to invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to expel alleged Venezuelan gang affiliated migrants to Central America. (Please note that this ancient law requires that a “war” against “enemies” must be in effect and no such “war” is currently declared or in effect against Venezuela as an enemy combatant).
*United States District Court Judge James E. Boasberg, recognizing the president’s legally flawed premise, ordered the Trump administration to cease its use of the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 as a “pretext for the expulsion of migrants.”
*Despite having full knowledge that a federal judge had ordered a halt on the expulsions (pending further judicial review potentially all the way to the United States Supreme Court), the Trump administration boldly placed 238 migrants on a plane bound for El Salvador anyway.
*El Salvador’s
By Frank Erickson
Critics of DEI and affirmative action say we need to work towards “race neutrality.” Well, there is no “race neutrality” in the GOP when their leader defines certain jobs as “Black jobs”. While on the campaign trail, Trump said: “Migrants are taking Black jobs.”
Trump sees picking crops, lawn-care, roofing, hotel cleaning, janitorial work,
President Nayib Bukele, a Trump ally who was fully aware of the federal court order enjoining the expulsions, took to social media and joked, “Oopsie... Too late,” before noting that the 238 detainees “were transferred to a Salvadoran Terrorism Confinement Center.”
*Secretary of State Marco Rubio, also fully aware of the court order that he was legally bound to follow as a sworn executive member of the federal government, made no mention of said order while publicly thanking President Bukele for taking “23 MS-13 members wanted for alleged crimes in El Salvador.”
Without question, Secretary Rubio’s defiant actions on behalf of the Executive Branch are prima facie evidence of contempt of a valid court order. The question moving forward, however, is if Judge Boasberg formally deems the transfer of migrants contemptuous conduct, how would he enforce sanctions against the administration or individual actors, like Rubio, working under the administration’s authority?
On any given ordinary day in America›s courts, judicial orders are respected even if disagreed with and whenever they are not adhered to, the individual(s) not in compliance can be punished by sanctions ranging from incarceration (for direct criminal contempt), to fines, to the cessation of operations until further orders of the court(s).
In over two decades of practice, I cannot count the number of times that the mere threatening of contempt compelled compliance by litigants and their lawyers and
washing dishes, cooking food, working at a meat-packing plant as “Black jobs”. Trump himself proves why affirmative action is still necessary and relevant. Trump’s thought process is the very reason why affirmative action was created, to counter whites in power positions that view people of color intellectually inferior and then do not allow people of color the opportunity to advance beyond certain types of employment.
when one or more failed to comply, they were either locked up, fined up, or both until they followed the court’s commands. In those instances that I personally observed, the court’s orders were enforced by law enforcement; on the federal level, that always meant United States Marshals that are attached to each and every District in America. On a state level, that always meant the local sheriff’s deputies who serve as bailiffs to ensure order within the courts.
As this weekend’s deportations involve the Executive and Judicial Branches of the Federal Government, Judge Boasberg, should he decide to issue a contempt order, would find himself in a sticky situation in that while the U.S. Marshals are assigned to enforce court orders, from serving process for contempt to placing alleged contemnors under arrest, those same Marshals are employed by the Justice Department...meaning the Executive Branch...meaning Attorney General Pam Bondi... meaning President Donald Trump! In essence, the question for the assigned Marshal(s) would be, whose “orders” do they follow, the court’s or their bosses? Further, as the sitting president has the authority to pardon any contemnor placed under arrest for criminal contempt, such judicial orders would be exercises in futility.
Indeed, such is a sticky legal situation and the Trump administration knows this, thus, their pushing the envelope much in the same way a petulant child tries to play one parent against the other when it comes to getting their way.
And yet, juxtaposed to criminal contempt, Judge

Boasberg, should he decide to push forward with citations, could levy civil contempt charges (fines) that would not be subject to a presidential pardon. Still, this option is fraught with the same problems regarding the U.S. Marshals, although Boasberg and his judicial cronies in future cases do have another option per Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 4.1, and that would be to assign a neutral law enforcement party/agency to serve and/or enforce orders.
Still, the problem is that should the federal courts deputize a state or local law enforcement agency to serve its processes or arrest contemnors, what happens should the Trump administration ignore findings of civil contempt, or physically block local law enforcement from arresting federal agency heads, employees, or assigns for criminal contempt?
As I have written many times and will repeat many more times in the days to come, jury instructions across America ALWAYS remind that “for over

two centuries, we have agreed to live by the Constitution.”
And as I have reminded time and again in this blog, I’ve always wondered what happens when “we” no longer agree? Well, that academic wondering is playing out in real time; not since the eve of the Civil War has the judiciary been relatively neutered in its ability to interpret or force compliance with laws. And lest we forget that since then, even during the worst days of the Jim Crow era, segregationist southern governors, mayors, city council members, and sheriffs largely stood down and obeyed when a federal court judge issued an order or ruling on behalf of civil rights protesters—or acts passed by Congress granting enforcement of Black civil and voting rights. But niceties and deference are clearly extinct under this second Trump administration, one that not only refused to comply with judicial orders regarding the 238 alleged Venezuelan criminals,
but also shrugged its shoulders at a separate order that should have prevented the summary removal of Dr. Rasha Alawieh, 34, a Brown University medical professor who was detained and flown to Lebanon last week by the Trump administration in direct defiance of U.S. District Judge Leo Sorokin’s order that she remain in America pending further legal proceedings. Regrettably, with court deference being all but extinct in Washington, D.C. for the time being, this obvious constitutional crisis only hastens the moment when theoretical discussions about obeisance move to the specter of force—even up to potentially deadly force—being used to enforce compliance. Stay tuned... Chuck Hobbs is a freelance journalist who won the 2010 Florida Bar Media Award and has been twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary.
Secretary of State Marco Rubio warned State Department officials- “that they will face ‘adverse consequences’ if they fail to report on colleagues who have concealed or obscured existing DEI programs at the department.”
This is chilling, these attacks upon diversity initiatives in the private and public sectors is going to make many people hesitant to hire people of color. They may be fearful that the government and also antiaffirmative action activists will come after them and accuse them of secretly practicing DEI. Here’s the absurdity of this- if a golf course hired 20 Blacks to maintain the golf course, no one would view this as secretly practicing a DEI program, but if a college hired 20 Black professors, many people would see this as suspect.
Hobb servation Point

Return to Jim Crow: Federal regulations rolled back to allow segregation
The Trump administration has blatantly resurrected segregation in federal contracting, undoing decades of civil rights progress by removing anti-segregation mandates. The alarmingly regressive move reopens the door for racially divided facilities, eerily reminiscent of the Jim Crow era, with potential “Whites Only” and “Colored” signage in government-funded workplaces. “This isn’t just a policy shift; it’s a moral
catastrophe,” stated Melissa Murray, a constitutional law professor at New York University, in an NPR interview. “We are witnessing the deliberate dismantling of civil rights protections that generations fought to secure.” “We are witnessing the deliberate dismantling of civil rights protections that generations fought to secure,” The changes, initiated without the customary public comment period, have been implemented to align with new executive orders on diversity, equity, and inclusion. However, this sudden shift has sparked accusations of undermining democracy and
transparency. An anonymous federal employee expressed outrage to NPR. “This is an outright assault on democratic norms, a covert operation to reintroduce segregation without public scrutiny,” the unnamed employee remarked. The National Institutes of Health and other federal agencies have received directives to disregard previous antisegregation clauses in their contracting processes. Inquiries to the General Services Administration about bypassing established procedural protocols were met with vague assurances. “The GSA is committed to implementing executive orders effectively and
promptly,” GSA spokesperson Will Powell stated. Kara Sacilotto, an attorney specializing in federal contracts, pointed out the broad attack on civil rights, noting that the targeting of these protections extends beyond racial lines to include gender identity, previously expanded under the Obama administration. “It’s clear the target is not just racial equality but all forms of civil rights progress,” Sacilotto explained. Professor Murray added, “This isn’t just a rollback of civil rights protections—it’s a signal that we’re stepping back into a darker past, one that we’ve worked hard to move beyond.”
A jury found the alleged ringleader of a massive pandemic fraud case in Minnesota guilty on all counts Wednesday for her role in a scheme that federal prosecutors say stole $250 million from a program meant to feed children in need.
Aimee Bock — founder of Feeding our Future, the group at the heart of the plot — was one of 70 defendants charged in the overall case, which prosecutors said was the nation’s single largest fraud scheme against COVID-19 relief programs.
The Minnesota case has also drawn attention for an attempt to bribe a juror in an earlier trial and witness tampering in Bock’s trial, which began last month.

The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) marked the 198th anniversary of the Black Press, and the culmination of Black Press Week with a powerful State of the Black Press address by NNPA President & CEO Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., who spoke on the vital role of Blackowned media amid the growing threats of far-right extremism and American fascism. Held at Howard University, the event celebrated the resilience
of Black journalism while also honoring the late Walter “Ball” Smith, publisher of New York’s Beacon and the Philadelphia Observer, who was posthumously enshrined in the Black Press Hall of Fame. Smith, who died in 2017 at 83, was remembered by his family and the Black publishing community for his tireless advocacy and contributions to Black media. Chavis did not mince words when addressing the urgency of the times. He warned of the condescending weaponization of terms like “high and woke” to incite fear, hatred, and social regression, emphasizing that the Black Press must remain steadfast in combating misinformation and right-wing efforts to dismantle

Thirty-seven defendants have already pleaded guilty, while five were convicted in a group of defendants who were tried last year. The jury also convicted a codefendant,

Left on cutting room floor in ’24,
Let’s see. Where were we?
The last time the DFL held the House Taxes Committee chair, it was May 2024 and marathon conference committee negotiations with the Senate reached a conclusion that was both anti-climactic and something of a bold crescendo.
Anti-climactic in that the bulk of the final House tax bill was cast aside in the session’s final hours in favor of making the tax bill a 1,400-plus-page vehicle
for everything else that had been tabled in the House over the previous week. But that spurred quite a dramatic finale, infuriated Republicans howling in protest as the legislation was approved along party lines with minutes to spare. So what happened to all of those measures in the 2024 House tax bill that didn’t make it out of conference committee? Well, almost all of them have been picked up off the cutting room floor and reassembled into HF2274.
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass is pushing forward with her administration’s crime reduction efforts as she faces a recall campaign. Standing with Los Angeles Police Department Chief Jim McDonnell, members of the Board of Police Commissioners, and community members in the Hollenbeck Division, Bass addressed the latest crime

data, which shows a 14% decrease in homicides in 2024 compared to the previous
year. The Operations-Valley Bureau saw a 28% drop, while communities involved in the

Gang Reduction and Youth Development program and the Community Safety Partnership recorded a 40% decline in homicides. Chief McDonnell reported that shooting victims decreased by 19%, with 7,634 illegal firearms—790 of which were ghost guns—seized as part of the city’s crime prevention strategy. Property crimes, including burglary and motor vehicle theft, dropped by more than 7,200 incidents in 2024. The Organized Retail Crime Task Force recovered over $36 million in stolen merchandise, and
A Minnesota state senator who was caught in a sting operation was charged with soliciting a minor for prostitution Wednesday, a day after his fellow Republicans called on him to resign.
GOP Sen. Justin Eichorn, 40, of Grand Rapids, was arrested in Bloomington on Monday in an undercover operation targeting commercial sex involving juveniles. Investigators had placed multiple ads online offering sex for money, according to a news release

Salim Ahmed Said,
By Steve Karnowski Associated Press
By Rob Hubbard
By Steve Karnowski Associated Press
How Trump’s second term might affect the market
By Art Durnev
Ever since Donald Trump returned to the White House in January, stock market expectations have been volatile – driven in part by a healthy dose of motivated reasoning.
At first, markets surged on hopes of lower taxes and deregulation. But this enthusiasm soon faded as announcements about tariffs and stricter immigration policies dampened sentiment.
Underscoring that point, on March 3, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell more than 600 points after Trump said that tariffs he had been threatening for weeks would indeed be imposed on Canada and Mexico the following day. In all of these cases, investors weren’t just reacting to economic fundamentals. They were projecting their own assumptions onto them, helping shape market reality.
Financial forecasting is notoriously tricky, and it’s not easy to separate meaningful data from mere “noise.” But it’s still worth asking: Are American investors ready for a new period of economic and financial turbulence? Will Trump fuel another Wall Street rally? Or will
uncertainty drag markets down?
As an economics expert with two decades of experience studying politics and finance, I believe that presidential rhetoric and policies can create uncertainty – and that uncertainty affects the market.
Specifically, stock prices tend to rise when companies expect higher profitability and fall when uncertainty outweighs the gains.
Trump’s dramatic policy shifts are already sending mixed signals to the markets. And what happens in the next four years could reshape
America’s financial future. Today, more than 60% of Americans are tied to the stock market through retirement and investment accounts, which means the repercussions will go far beyond Wall Street.
How do presidents affect the stock market?
Presidential elections have a well-documented impact on financial markets.
Stocks tend to rally in the weeks leading up to the vote, but risk jumps by about 15% as investors brace for uncertainty. This uncertainty hits some companies harder than others, especially those in politically sensitive industries. Businesses that spend big on lobbying and companies affected by trade or climate policies suffer the most.
Many analysts, particularly those in business or finance, may assume that stock markets would do better under
Republican administrations, as their purportedly pro-business, market-friendly policies are bound to improve returns. But history suggests otherwise: Over the past 70 years, markets have delivered 9% higher returns under Democratic than Republican presidencies. Does that mean Democrats are better at managing the economy? Not necessarily. Research suggests that timing is key. Democrats tend to take office during economic downturns, inheriting markets that are primed for recovery – essentially, to use the parlance of markets, they “buy low.” Following the 2008 financial crisis, for instance, the stock market saw significant gains as the economy gradually recovered under the Obama administration.
Republicans, on the other hand, often inherit strong economies with limited upside, as they tend to assume office during periods of economic growth. This leaves less room for gains, especially when the market is already stable.
Trump, uncertainty and the markets
Markets love stability and predictability. Yet when political shifts introduce volatility, investor confidence –and ultimately stock valuations – can be shaken. Fewer privately held businesses are willing to go public during election years, for example. This suggests
that political uncertainty constrains business decisions. Companies that rely heavily on government contracts and international trade are especially susceptible to this effect. Trump’s policies have already created significant uncertainty, which directly impacts market stability and performance. The recent announcements of tariffs on goods from Canada, Mexico and China led to big market swings, particularly in industries reliant on global supply chains such as tech and manufacturing.
Trump temporarily postponed the new tariffs on Mexico and Canada, but the new tariffs on China went into effect as planned – an inconsistency that itself worsened uncertainty. If Trump continues down this path, U.S. companies relying on international trade will be faced with greater uncertainty in an already volatile market. Immigration is another area in which Trump’s policies could cause uncertainty. Any moves that target illegal immigration or limit foreign workers are likely to hurt industries such as agriculture and tech that rely heavily on workers from abroad. Though some sectors may see benefits from reduced competition, the overall impact on the economy could be to increase market unpredictability. Besides the president’s policy agenda, another big factor influencing

weighing risk
the stock market is the unpredictability of Trump’s statements and actions. A single social media post can send shock waves through industries such as tech, pharma and defense. Similarly, unexpected shifts in policy can lead to rapid stock price declines. With the beginning of the second Trump term, many Americans – especially those nearing retirement age – are watching closely as the president’s policy agenda takes shape. What it all means for their lives, and how it will affect investments, market stability and broader economic trends, is an open question. But for investors
By Radostina Purvanova
tracks remote employment has found. And when you look at all workers – and not just those in remote-friendly positions –they’re working remotely 1.4 days a week, or 28% of the time.
Five years after the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted office life, American workplaces are settling into a new rhythm.
Employees in remote-friendly jobs now spend an average of 2.3 days each week working from home, a research team that

That’s a huge change from 2019, when remote work accounted for only 7% of the nation’s paid workdays, even if it’s down from the height of the pandemic in 2020, when 61.5% of all work was remote. And it’s a giant leap from 1965, the dawn of telework. At that time, fewer than 0.5% of all paid workdays were out of the office, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. As management professors who study remote work and collaboration, we’ve learned a lot about remote work’s challenges and its often underappreciated advantages. In analyzing the latest data, we’ve observed that employers and employees are still trying to strike the balance between working from home and at the office. That’s why employers’ requirements for in-person work don’t always align with their employees’ preferences.
Hybrid work is on the rise
Employers swiftly made the jump to remote work in 2020. Zoom, along with other previously unfamiliar collaboration software companies, became commonplace overnight.
Five years later, many employers, including JPMorgan, TikTok, Amazon and the federal government, are rejecting remote work, demanding that employees return to the office full time. But these examples are not the norm.
According to Flex Index, which tracks the workplace strategies of over 10,000 U.S. companies

Following the Department of Education announcement it will be eliminating nearly half of its staff, AFSCME President Lee Saunders said, “These mass layoffs are Project 2025 in action, and they have one goal –to make it easier for billionaires and anti-union extremists to give themselves massive tax breaks at the expense of working people.” “Today’sannouncement from the Department of Education is just the beginning of what’s to come. These layoffs threaten the well-being and educational opportunities for millions of
quarterly, fully in-office work is on the decline. At the start of 2023, 49% of employers insisted that their staff report to the office daily. That percentage fell to 32% at the end of 2024. Companies are also retreating from remote-only work. While 31% of employers were fully remote in 2023, only 25% had remained fully remote at the end of 2024.
Instead, companies are increasingly turning to hybrid arrangements, in which employees spend a part of their week at the office. About 20% of professional workplaces were hybrid at the start of 2023. Just two years later, hybrid’s share had risen to 43%.
Some industries are more remote than others
The story of remote work is more complicated than general trends indicate. Its prevalence varies widely by industry, location and employer size. The technology, insurance, telecommunications,
professional services, and media and entertainment industries are among the biggest adopters of long-term remote and hybrid arrangements.
The states where remote and hybrid work are the most popular are Massachusetts, Washington, Oregon, Colorado and California. The states where it’s the least popular are Kentucky, Louisiana, Nevada, Nebraska and Alaska. In part, some of these regional differences are due to where remote-friendly industries like technology and insurance are concentrated.
Businesses with 500 or fewer employees are the most likely to embrace remote work.
Staying connected and coordinating with your colleagues is easiest with smaller teams, we’ve observed. Midsize employers, with 500 to 25,000 employees, are equally split across fully in-office, remote and hybrid strategies. Very large employers, which have 25,000 employees or more, are the most likely to adopt hybrid work. These patterns show that remote work tends to be more popular among small employers, and in remotefriendly industries and states, whereas hybrid work has found a home in large companies.
What employees prefer The remote work story is complicated also because employees have developed different preferences for in-office work, hybrid work and remote work over the course of the pandemic and since it subsided.
In 2024, roughly 25% of professional employees preferred office work, 35% preferred remote work, and 40% preferred hybrid work,
according to research by Zoom. Even recent college graduates express a range of preferences: 15% prefer to work at an office, 20% prefer remote work, and 65% would rather have a hybrid schedule. However, the ideal balance of office and remote work remains a point of contention. While employees favor three days at home and two in the office, employers prefer the opposite: three days in the office and two working remotely, the Zoom survey found. Generally, the future of work looks hybrid. But the remote work of the lockdown days – what’s now known as “fully remote” – is also here to stay. This is good news for those who prefer fully remote work. These employees are often parents or are caring for adults in need of assistance. They may live in rural communities or reside too far from their offices to regularly commute. Many LGBTQ+ employees and people of color have expressed a preference for remote work as a way to limit the microaggressions they experience on the job. On the fifth anniversary of the COVID-19 lockdown, there’s no onesize-fits-all workplace. And we believe that’s a good thing. The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.

AP Photo/Ted Shaff
Ramadan 1
From 1
From a visionary standpoint, I see how we are turning
Ramadan 2 2
From 1
in the word, “Ramdha” which means sun-scorched sand.
This name has come to signify the burning away of sins through fasting, purification and devotion.
Some scholars also relate it to the time when the names of the months were based on seasonal conditions, suggesting that
From 3
owner of the now-defunct Safari Restaurant in Minneapolis.
Bock, 44, and Said, 36, were charged with multiple counts involving conspiracy, wire fraud and bribery. Said was also charged with money laundering. Bock allegedly pocketed nearly $2 million, while Said was accused of taking around $5 million. They both maintained their innocence and testified at trial.
moments into movements through institution building and, and, creating infrastructure. It’s about mutual benefit. Ultimately as a man, I want my children and now my grandchildren to see me benefiting by my own work and my own sweat. My own,
Ramadan originally fell during an intensely hot period.
Ramadan is a time when many families and friends come together for iftar, the evening meal that breaks the fast, gathering around the table to share food, express gratitude and strengthen family bonds.
Across the Middle East, homes and streets are adorned with colourful fanoos, the traditional lanterns, adding to the festive and spiritual atmosphere of the holy month.
The tradition of the fanoos is believed to have
U.S. District Judge Nancy Brasel ordered them both held without bail pending their sentencing, for which she did not set a date.
“It was the largest COVID fraud scheme in the country, and what Bock and and her co-defendants did was reprehensible.” Lisa Kirkpatrick the acting U.S. attorney for Minnesota, said at a news conference afterward.
“During COVID, while so many were trying to be helpers, Bock and Said were thieves,” she continued. “They used a time of crisis as their golden opportunity to enrich themselves and their criminal partners — outlandishly so. At every step of the way, Bock fought to keep her fraud scheme going. Today her efforts to lie, to blame others, to escape responsibility, all came to an end.”
my own, my own. Work that I’m putting forth is to create the life that I’m calling them to have. Not only my life, but in my son’s life and my grandson’s life and, and so on and so forth. And that’s when our communities get healthy. That’s when our communities are growing and thriving and institutions like United way, other corporate partners and others can’t have a hand in doing this. They can partner with us but in a way that builds our ability to be self-sustaining, protecting on our own rights, acknowledging own merit and

Bock’s attorney, Kenneth Udoibok, said there will be an appeal. While he has not decided what legal grounds might be used as its basis, he told The Associated Press that the jury could not have fairly considered all six weeks’ worth of evidence in the few hours they deliberated after getting the case Wednesday morning.
But lead prosecutor Joe Thompson called the scheme “brazen and corrupt” and told reporters it tarnished Minnesota’s reputation for good governance and civic mindedness as well as its high quality of life and low crime.
“The Feeding Our Future case has come to symbolize the problem of fraud in our state,” Thompson said.
creating our own narrative. A hundred years from now, they can look back at the contributions, that collectively, we were able to make out of a very difficult moment. Out of a very tenuous moment we were able to create something that’s beautiful. People that we won’t even know… we won’t know their names…we won’t know who they are, their identity. Their ethnicity won’t be known to us., But they will benefit from the work we’re doing today.
originated in Egypt during the Fatimid Caliphate, when residents of Cairo greeted the caliph at the start of Ramadan with lanterns in hand. Over time, this custom spread to cities across the Islamic world, including Damascus, Aleppo, Ramallah, Gaza, Amman and Riyadh, becoming a cherished symbol of Ramadan celebrations.
The end of Ramadan is marked by the three-day celebration of Eid al-Fitr, meaning the “festival of breaking the fast”.
During Eid al-Fitr, Muslims attend special prayers, give charity, enjoy festive meals, visit family and friends and exchange greetings and gifts.
Countries that began fasting on March 1 will observe Eid on either March 30 or March 31, while those that started on March 2 are expected to celebrate Eid on March 31 or April 1, depending on the sighting of the new moon.
Source: Al Jazeera
democracy. “We have to continue to plead our own cause, and that cause today includes confronting and challenging the rampant contradictions of the far right who are trying to usher in American fascism,” Chavis declared. “The Black Press of America is needed today more than ever before.”
Chavis highlighted the expansive reach of the Black Press, boasting 245 print
House Tax
From 3
On her first day as co-chair of the House Taxes Committee after the body reached a 67-67 split on Monday, Rep. Aisha Gomez (DFL-Mpls) decided to go big. She’s sponsoring an 80-page bill full of changes to Minnesota’s tax code that
Bass From 3
the Heavy Metal Task Force made more than 100 arrests while recovering thousands of pounds of stolen copper wire.
Bass’ handling of the Palisades Fire has drawn criticism, leading to a recall effort led by Nicole Shanahan, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s former running mate. To move forward, the campaign needs 330,000 signatures within four
From 3
from the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Court documents indicate Eichorn started sending messages in response to the ads March 11.
“I saw your post and (sic) chance you are still available tonight?” one asked, according to an FBI affidavit, while a later message asked,
publications and 13 digital and online outlets under the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), with more poised to join. He rejected the narrative of “fake news” and “alternative truths,” pledging that Black-owned media would persist in exposing lies and amplifying the voices of Black communities nationwide.
“There’s no other national news reporting organization that has the local, national, and global reach of the Black Press,” he said. Comparing the NNPA’s reach to that of mainstream outlets, Chavis noted that while the Associated Press has bureaus in all 50 states, the Black Press
looks a lot like a first offer to the committee’s co-chair, Rep. Greg Davids (R-Preston), and his fellow Republicans in negotiations over how a 2025 tax bill should look. As amended and amended again, the bill is a smorgasbord of changes in tax law, ranging from individual and corporate income taxes to property taxes to sales taxes to local government aids and beyond. It was laid over for
months. Bass, the first woman and second African American to serve as the city’s mayor and who has already launched her 2026 reelection campaign, said she remains committed to leading the city. Following a multi-victim shooting in MacArthur Park in January, Bass directed the LAPD to increase foot patrols and target gang-related activity. The city installed fencing to disrupt illegal drug and stolen goods sales, reducing violence in the area. In the three months before these measures, nearly 100 violent crimes were
“What’s a guy gota do to get with the hottest girl online tonight.”
Eichorn exchanged messages with an undercover officer posing as a 17-year-old girl over several days, asking about pricing for various sex acts and requesting a picture, the affidavit said. They arranged a meet-up on Monday, where he arrived to find police ready to arrest him. Officers seized two cellphones, a condom and $129 in cash, it said. The federal charge
operates 258 bureaus across the country. Beyond reporting, he stressed that Black media’s role extends to influence and advocacy, describing it as “a syndicate, a collaboration, and a togetherness of not only the production of news but its distribution and its impact.”
Chavis called for a renewed partnership between the Black Press, Black churches, HBCUs, and Black-owned businesses to proactively plan for the future rather than merely react to oppression. He urged publishers and clergy in every city to organize mass meetings—historic gatherings that have long served as
possible omnibus bill inclusion, but Gomez emphasized that it was intended to launch the conversation about what should go into such a bill.
“Last year, we were able to get four or five provisions from our 2024 tax bill passed in the final agreement,” Gomez said. “But there was a lot that was left on the table. So we’re just rehearing these to get them into the committee’s jurisdiction for our negotiations
reported in the neighborhood. Over the last five weeks, violent crime decreased by 57%, including reductions in robberies and aggravated assaults. Property crime, including burglaries and thefts from vehicles, also declined. Bass said work continues to make MacArthur Park safer for residents, businesses, and vendors. She is working with Councilmember Eunisses Hernandez on establishing legal vending spaces where vendors can operate without gang intimidation and extortion. LAPD’s ongoing
is attempted coercion and enticement of a minor to engage in prostitution. Six other suspects were arrested in the sting, prosecutors said. Eichorn remained in the Hennepin County Jail late Wednesday afternoon. Federal and state court records do not list an attorney who can comment on his behalf, and the jail doesn’t allow phone calls to inmates. The county attorney’s office late Wednesday dismissed a state charge of soliciting a minor
“It has become the shame of Minnesota. Hopefully today’s verdict will help turn the page in this awful chapter in our state’s history.”
Democratic Gov. Tim Walz, who came under heavy criticism from Republicans who said his administration should have caught the fraud earlier, told reporters he remains “furious” with “criminals that preyed on the system that was meant to feed children.” But he pointed out that nobody in state government, which administered the federal funding, was ever charged in the case.
“We just need to make sure that we put up more firewalls, more security, more ability to make sure that these
mobilization platforms for Black communities—to discuss progress and collective action.
“We cannot afford to get overly distracted every day, reacting to the current, repressive, and backward policies and actions of those in high places,” he said, citing the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court as institutions plagued by “spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Chavis reiterated the importance of faith, community unity, and proactive planning. He referenced the 60th anniversary of the 1965 Selma to Montgomery march, noting how mass meetings
at the end of the day.”
“Is this normal?” asked Rep. Wayne Johnson (R-Cottage Grove). “In other committees, I see previous bills rewritten and then we hear them individually. … It’s kind of overwhelming to know what each of these are.”
“It’s not something that happens every year,” Gomez replied. “There was a property tax division report that we reheard in its entirety
actions include disrupting drug sales through patrols, investigations, and arrests, while public health services are assisting individuals struggling with addiction. Hernandez’s office has implemented several community safety initiatives, including two full-time Peace Ambassador teams that work to reduce violence and prevent retaliation following incidents. The teams responded immediately after the January shooting on Alvarado Street.
A Mobile Overdose Response team launched in December
for prostitution because the case was proceeding in federal court. It wasn’t immediately clear when he might be transferred to federal custody.
The county attorney’s office and the U.S. attorney’s office have not explained why federal authorities took over the case. According to Eichorn’s Senate profile, he is married with four children. He lists his profession as entrepreneur and was first elected in 2016. Senate and House
criminals aren’t able to prey on this,” Walz said.
Thompson said authorities have recovered only about $60 million of the $250 million that was stolen. He declined to speculate on what prosecutors might recommend for sentences but said Bock and Said face “substantial” prison time.
The defendants are being tried in several groups. The first trial was marred by an alleged attempt by some defendants and people linked with them to bribe a juror with a bag of $120,000 in cash. That juror went straight to police. That led to tighter security for Bock’s trial and additional precautions ordered by the judge.
at Black churches laid the groundwork for transformative movements. “We just can’t react to oppression. We need to be planning our liberation, planning our progress, planning our advancement as a people,” he stated. Looking ahead to 2026, Chavis called on the Black Press to lead a national mobilization effort to secure the largest Black voter turnout in history. With the growing threats to voting rights, HBCU funding, healthcare, and economic stability, he insisted that preparation must begin immediately.
Despite all that, an allegation of witness tampering surfaced midway through the proceedings. A defendant scheduled for trial in August approached a government witness who was due to testify against Bock and Said and asked to speak with him in a courthouse bathroom. That witness declined and instead told his lawyer, who informed prosecutors. That defendant, Abdinasir Abshir, 32, of Lakeville, soon agreed to plead guilty to a wire fraud charge and to have his tampering attempt factored into a longer sentencing recommendation, which isn’t binding on the judge.
“Are we going to allow these backward people to continue to represent us in Congress? Are we going to allow them to keep chipping away at our voting rights, our HBCU scholarships, our healthcare?” Chavis asked. “The Black Press will work diligently over the next 18 to 20 months to arouse our communities on the importance of civic education, voter registration, and engagement.”
in 2019 or 2020; stuff that had been undone from the previous year. Chair [Sen. Ann Rest (DFL-New Hope)] has done it in the Senate last year.”
Chavis also highlighted the immense economic power of Black Americans, who spend more than $2 trillion annually in the U.S. economy. “We’re the richest poor folk in the world,” he said. “$2 trillion.”
“I wouldn’t call it normal, but this is the tax committee; we are trend setters,” Davids added. “And I think it’s useful that we’re doing this. It’s early on. We’ve got time to look at these things. And then the committee will have to decide what’s in and what’s out. … And there’s a lot more than DFL stuff in here. There’s Republican stuff, too.” Among testifiers, the provisions inspiring the strongest reactions called for requiring disclosure of some corporate franchise tax return information (both for and against), establishing a direct free file system for the individual income tax, and expanding the child tax credit to include 18-year-olds.
has collected hazardous materials and reversed 24 overdoses in one month. The team reported a 44% reduction in dangerous materials left in the park after four weeks. “We know there is still much work to be done in the MacArthur Park community but over the past month, progress has been made in returning the park to the community. Crime in the area is down – theft and organized retail crime will not be tolerated in the City of Los Angeles,” said Bass. “I want to thank the LAPD for their dedication to stopping crime in MacArthur Park and across the city. I also want to thank Councilmember Eunisses Hernandez and community organizations for their continued work to improve this area for all.” “There is progress in the neighborhood here in MacArthur Park and I know the work will continue even as assistance is being provided to Angelenos impacted by the Palisades fires,” said Norm Langer, owner of Langer’s Deli. “I want to thank the city for the work being done to help our community.”
Republicans demanded Tuesday that Eichorn resign immediately.
“The U.S. Attorney’s Office has no tolerance for public officials who violate federal law — particularly those laws meant to protect children,” Acting U.S. Attorney Lisa D. Kirkpatrick said in a statement.
“The actions alleged in this case are an appalling attempt to exploit an innocent and vulnerable minor,” FBI Special Agent in Charge Alvin M. Winston Sr.
said in the same statement.
“The FBI and our partners are committed to protecting children from predators who seek to harm them. Every child deserves to grow up in a safe environment, free from the threat of exploitation.” Democratic Gov. Tim Walz told reporters he thinks Eichorn should resign, saying the bar is high for elected officials. He said the case should be an opportunity to show “that you cannot prey on our children and expect to get away with it.”
Lou Michaels/ Insight News photo
Imam Makram El-Amin
Chavis From 3
By Tim Walker
Restorative justice programs are an increasingly used option in the criminal justice system that allow juveniles convicted of a crime to forgo paying a courtordered fine if they participate in a local restorative process.
Created in 2023, the Office of Restorative Practices is charged with establishing and funding programs arranging victim-offender conferences designed to address the root causes of the juvenile’s offense and increase the offender’s connection to community, restore relationships with people affected by the criminal act, and encourage juvenile offenders to take responsibility for the impact of their actions.
Rep. Sandra Feist
At The Legislature
(DFL-New Brighton) says that to be effective, these conferences must permit offenders to share honest information without fear the information could be used against them.
She sponsors HF104 that would establish the same privileged confidentiality rules that exist between attorneys and their clients to conversations taking place in restorative justice conferences.
The House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee approved the bill, as amended, Tuesday on a split-voice vote and sent it to the House floor.
Feist made it clear the bill would not interfere with the traditional legal mechanisms for holding offenders accountable.
“Prosecutors can simultaneously or at a later
date bring offenders to justice regardless of whether the victim choses to explore a restorative path to accountability,” she said.
The private privilege proposed by the bill would not exempt legal provisions requiring mandated reporting of maltreatment of children or vulnerable adults.
There would also be exceptions allowing disclosure of information necessary to prevent reasonably certain death, great bodily harm, or criminal activity and allowing disclosure when the information relates to professional misconduct by a participant.
Amanda Sieling, a professor at Southwest Minnesota State University, has successfully participated in restorative justice conferences in Yellow Medicine County
for more than 20 years.
“This is a necessary change for restorative practices and for all participants across the state,” she said. “The research is clear; when offenders take accountability for their actions, they’re actually less likely to reoffend and public safety increases.”
Rep. Peggy Scott (R-Andover) expressed reservations about the restorative justice process and whether it truly serves the needs of victims if it’s at the expense of traditional criminal justice punishments.
“These are some really serious crimes that we’re talking about, and I just have a certain level of hesitancy, and really uncomfortableness because I don’t want to be letting anybody off that has

done a heinous crime,” she said.
Sieling had the same reservations when she began as a prosecutor 20 years ago, thinking the restorative justice process would not do enough to protect communities.

“What I found is that I was wrong. I was simply wrong,” she said. “We are much better off in the justice system if the community is assisting and holding people accountable.”
Minnesota legislators consider new funding to stabilize funding for victims of crime
By Tim Walker
Since 1984, the federal government has had a crime victims fund seeded with money from fines and penalties from federal convictions. Dollars are doled out to states to support community organizations providing services to victims of crime.
But that money is wildly inconsistent, says Rep. Kelly Moller (DFL-Shoreview).
She said the amount available for distribution peaked in 2018 at $3.85 billion, and decreased to $1.2 billion in 2024.
To combat that federal instability and to help a growing number of crime victims, Moller sponsors HF1082, which would create a Minnesota
victims of crime account. It would be funded by transfers from the General Fund, revenue from an increase in marriage license fees, and a penalty assessment on corporations convicted of crimes.
“We really are at a crisis moment right now with victim services funding,” Moller said. With the state budget situation also in flux, she said, the time is right to create “an alternative special revenue account that is going to be dedicated to victim services funding.”
The House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee approved the bill, as amended, Tuesday and sent it to the House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee.

Rep. Marion Rarick (R-Maple Lake) said she and Moller spent the last few months brainstorming on ideas on how to fund the crime victim services fund.

“This is an effort of both sides of the aisle trying to come together to actually come up with some ideas of how we can take care of the most vulnerable in our communities and in our society,” she said. Three revenue sources are specified in the bill: increase civil marriage license fees from $115 to $125, and place the extra money generated into the crime victims fund; require a corporation sentenced for a criminal offense
to pay an assessment of up to $1 million into the crime victim fund in addition to any fine imposed by a court; and an unspecified amount in fiscal years 2026 and 2027 would be appropriated from the General Fund. Funds would be appropriated to the Office of Justice Programs within the Department of Public Safety to provide grants to crime victim services providers and used for direct services and advocacy for victims of sexual assault, general crime, domestic violence and child abuse.
The bill also specifies that services funded must include services for victims of crime in underserved communities most impacted by violence and reflect the ethnic, racial, economic, cultural and geographic diversity of the state. Sarah Reynolds, executive director of Child’s Place in Redwood Falls, described the crucial work her organization provides in six counties in southwest Minnesota, plus the Lower Sioux Indian community. Her staff consists of herself, a trained forensic interviewer and a child advocate. They brought “justice and healing while prioritizing their well-being” to 109 children in 2024, she said. Reynolds said 85% of their budget comes from grants from the Office of Justice Programs. “We stand by children and families during their most traumatic moments. Any reduction in this funding would force us to close our doors, halting services to children in our rural communities.”

Rep. Peggy Scott
Rep. Kelly Moller
Rep. Sandra Feist
Rep. Marion Rarick
Sarah Reynolds, executive director of Child’s Place in Redwood Falls
Vikings committed to J.J. McCarthy as starting QB after considering Aaron Rodgers, AP source says
By Dave Campbell AP Pro Football Writer
The Minnesota Vikings have committed to moving forward with J.J. McCarthy as their starting quarterback this season after deciding not to offer Aaron Rodgers a contract, a person with knowledge of the decision said Wednesday.
The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the Vikings were not commenting publicly on their plans.
Rodgers, the fourtime NFL MVP award winner, was released last week by the New York Jets. With Pro Bowl pick Sam Darnold departed in free agency for the Seattle Seahawks after his breakout performance, the Vikings prepared to turn their offense over to McCarthy, the 10th overall pick in the 2024 draft whose rookie year was spent rehabilitating from surgery to repair a torn meniscus in his right knee. Trade inquiries from other teams for McCarthy were rejected, the person said.
Rodgers was widely reported to be interested in joining his former rival from his time with the Green Bay Packers, and Vikings leaders took their time to consider the bold move of bringing in a 41-year-old player whose ability, accomplishments and personality have the potential to alter a locker room dynamic that by all accounts contributed to Minnesota’s 14-win finish last season.
The Indiana Pacers took the floor in Minnesota without four starters, including stars Tyrese Haliburton and Pascal Siakam.
The final member of their usual starting five was ejected in the third quarter, when Andrew Nembhard got his second technical foul of the game. And when Bennedict Mathurin fouled out late in the fourth quarter, the Pacers were down their six top scorers.
But the subs wouldn’t stop, and Obi Toppin finished off an unforgettable night with an improbable 132-130 overtime win Monday that pulled the Pacers even with Milwaukee for fourth place in the Eastern Conference.
Toppin hit all four of his 3-point attempts in overtime, including the winner with 3.5 seconds lift to finish with a season-high 34 points and beat a Timberwolves team that hadn’t lost all month.
The Vikings also have been able to spend big on free agency this month because of the flexibility afforded by a quarterback on a rookie contract, primarily bolstering their defensive and offensive lines. They still need another veteran to help support McCarthy and capably fill in if he were injured again, however, for the bridge role they originally envisioned for Darnold.
The Vikings wanted former New York Giants starter Daniel Jones back, but he signed with the Indianapolis Colts for a stronger opportunity to win the job. Minnesota’s primary backup for the previous three seasons, Nick Mullens, signed with the Jacksonville Jaguars. The only other quarterback currently on the roster is Brett Rypien, who has four career starts in six years in the league.
The most proven available quarterbacks on the market are currently Joe Flacco and Ryan Tannehill, though the Vikings could work out a trade for one or find someone else available later in the offseason once teams adjust their rosters after the draft, or even during training camp once health and performance more clearly dictate depth charts around the league.
They could always revisit the Rodgers option, too, particularly if McCarthy were to experience a setback in the spring or summer. The Pittsburgh Steelers are the most obvious contender with a quarterback opening after Russell Wilson became a free agent and Justin Fields left for the Jets, but if Rodgers is in no

rush to decide whether to play a 21st NFL season they might well choose certainty over waiting and sign someone else. As for the Vikings, they’ve

“I didn’t feel like I had to be the one to score,” said Toppin, who made a careerhigh seven 3-pointers in 10 attempts. “We’ve got great guys on this team. We go out there and do our job to the best that we can, even if we have guys out. Everybody on the team is a good NBA player.”
T.J. McConnell drove to the basket along the baseline and whipped a pass into the corner that the 6-foot-9 Toppin caught before launching his
rainbow shot with Nickeil Alexander-Walker tightly guarding him. The 3-pointer that Toppin banked in earlier in overtime gave him belief this one would go in, too.
“He’s stepping into his shots really well,” Nembhard said of the eighth overall pick in the 2020 draft, who is in his second season with the Pacers after being traded by the New York Knicks. “His confidence
is just pouring into all of his game.” Toppin’s timing was impeccable, with such a depleted lineup.
Indiana forward Aaron Nesmith was scratched
for management of his left ankle injury that kept him out for 35 games earlier this season. Pacers center Myles Turner was out with a bruised left hip.
Siakam’s first absence as a member of the Pacers, who acquired him 14 months ago in a trade with Toronto, was due to personal reasons. The threetime All-Star forward leads the team with an average of 20.9 points per game.
Haliburton sat out with lower back soreness. An All-Star in each of the previous two seasons, Haliburton missed three games earlier this month because of a left hip flexor strain. The Pacers lost all three of those without their point guard.
Toppin joined Nembhard and Mathurin in the starting lineup along with Jarace Walker and Thomas Bryant, who hit a 3-pointer with a minute left in overtime to cut Minnesota’s lead to two. “Guys are coming in with nothing to lose, almost,” Nembhard said. “Just trying to feed off each other and bring the competitiveness into the game.” AP NBA: https:// apnews.com/hub/NBA
Vikings add Jeff Okudah, the third pick in the 2020 draft, for cornerback depth
The Minnesota Vikings agreed to terms on a contract with cornerback Jeff Okudah on Tuesday, adding the third overall pick from the 2020 draft whose career has been sidetracked by injuries.
Okudah was limited to six games last season for the Houston Texans. He suffered a hip injury while playing on special teams in the opener. Okudah played in 2023 for the Atlanta Falcons, who acquired him for a fifth-round draft pick in a trade with the Detroit Lions. He played in only 10 of a possible 33 games over his first two years with the Lions, hampered by hamstring, shoulder and Achilles tendon injuries. He tore the Achilles tendon in the 2021 opener and missed the entire season.
Okudah, who played collegiately at Ohio State, was the first defensive back to
crack the top three of the NFL draft since Shawn Springs was picked third by Seattle in 1997. Houston’s Derek Stingley followed in 2022 at third overall.
Okudah has two interceptions and 14 passes defensed in 44 career games. He likely will slot in the depth chart at cornerback behind Byron Murphy, Isaiah Rodgers and Mekhi Blackmon.
The Vikings also agreed to terms on a contract with wide receiver Tim Jones, who primarily played on special teams for the Jacksonville Jaguars and appeared in all 17 games in each of the last three seasons. He went undrafted in 2021 out of Southern Mississippi and spent his rookie year on the Jags’ practice squad. AP NFL: https:// apnews.com/hub/NFL

AP Photo/Ryan Sun, File
Minnesota Vikings quarterback JJ McCarthy stands before an NFL football game against the Los Angeles Rams Oct. 24, 2024, in Inglewood, Calif.
AP Photo/Craig Lassig
Indiana Pacers forward Obi Toppin, left, drives past Minnesota Timberwolves center Naz Reid during the first half of an NBA basketball game Monday, March 17, 2025, in Minneapolis.
AP Photo/Peter Joneleit
Houston Texans cornerback Jeff Okudah (11) runs to cut off a receiver during an NFL football game against the Jacksonville Jaguars, Sunday, Dec. 1, 202 at EverBank Stadium in Jacksonville, Fla.
Campus diversity is becoming dif ficult to measure as students keep their race and ethnicity hidden on college applications
By Karly Sarita Ford Associate Professor of Education and Sociology, Penn State
When the Supreme Court struck down race-based admissions at American colleges and universities just over a year ago, many predicted U.S. campuses would become much less diverse. But in part due to students who decide not to disclose their race or ethnicity, coupled with universities’ selective use of statistics, it is not clear how much the decision has affected diversity on campus.
As higher education institutions begin reporting the racial makeup of the class of 2028 – the first to be affected by the 2023 decision
– the data is hard to interpret, confusing and inconclusive.
As a sociologist who has studied how institutions of higher education collect and report data on race and ethnicity, I have identified some factors that contribute to this lack of clarity.
Students don’t identify with choices given
Some students may not select a racial or ethnic category because they don’t
believe any of the categories really fit. For example, before multiracial students could select “one or more,” an option that became widely available in 2010, they were more likely to decline to identify their race or ethnicity. Some even boycotted checkboxes entirely.
Other students don’t view their race as important: 67% of the students who choose “race and ethnicity unknown” are white. Of these students, 33% say race and ethnicity are not a relevant part of their identity, a researcher found in 2008.
The number of students who don’t respond to questions about race or ethnicity – and are listed in the “race unknown” category – is increasing. At Harvard University, for example, the percentage of “raceunknown” undergrad students doubled from 2023 to 2024.
As the number of “race unknown” students grows, it not only becomes harder to determine a student body’s ethnic and racial diversity but also the impact of the ban on race-conscious admissions.
Fearing discrimination, students don’t disclose race
Some students believe their race or ethnicity will harm their chances of admission.

This is particularly true at many selective institutions, which have higher nonresponse rates than less selective institutions, about 4% compared with 1% to 2%.
My research shows that students are even more likely to pass on identifying race or ethnicity at selective law schools, where race and ethnicity could be used among a variety of criteria for admissions before the Supreme Court ruled against that practice.
An average of 8% of students at those schools chose not to identify, compared with 4% at less selective law schools.
‘We’re very diverse’:
University decisions distort statistics
What a university chooses to report will also affect the student body demographic data the public sees. Harvard, for example, does not report its proportion of white students. Some institutions use statistics strategically to appear more diverse than they are. These strategies include counting multiracial students multiple times –once for each race selected – or including international students as a separate category in demographic pie charts. The greater the number of differentcolored slices on the chart,
the more demographically “diverse” an institution appears to be.
Impact of Supreme Court ruling: Clearer picture coming soon
While universities may not all report their student demographics the same way in their own materials, they all have to report it the same way to the federal government – namely, to its Integrated Post Secondary Education Data System, better known as IPEDS. The next IPEDS report on characteristics for the 2024 enrollment class is expected to be released in spring 2025.
Once that data is available, a better picture of how the Supreme Court’s decision has affected diversity in college enrollment should emerge. That clearer picture might not last long. In 2027, the federal government will require colleges and universities to make changes to how they report student race and ethnicity.
Among the changes is the addition of a Middle Eastern and North African category. Under the current standard, Middle Eastern and North African students are counted as white.
As a result, white enrollment at some colleges and universities will appear to decline after 2027.
The new standards will also change the way universities treat Hispanic or Latino ethnicity on enrollment forms. Today, if students selfidentify as Hispanic and white, they will be categorized as Hispanic. If students select Hispanic and white in 2027, they will be categorized as multiracial. The revised categories will muddy the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision. A drop in the number of Hispanic students reported could be due to the court’s ruling. Or it may result from the new way students will be counted. Until universities and colleges adjust to the new guidelines about collecting and reporting race – and as long as students decline to provide their racial identities – the full effect of banning consideration of race in college admissions will remain a cloudy picture at best.
Karly Sarita Ford does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. This article is republished from
High school sports are losing athletes to private clubs, but schools can keep them by focusing on character development
By Mark Rerick Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, University of North Dakota
Not long ago, high school students who wanted to play football, basketball or another sport had few options other than trying out for their school team. And it was to high school gymnasiums and fields that recruiters flocked to find talent for colleges and even the pros. That’s changed in recent decades as private clubs have emerged and soared in popularity across the country. Today, kids interested in pretty much any sport often have multiple clubs and leagues to choose from instead of playing on their high school’s varsity squads. Clubs have been especially good at attracting the most talented
student-athletes due to their intense and competitive nature.
As a result, parents are increasingly debating something that would have been unthinkable a couple of generations ago: Where should our kids play sports?
As a former K-12 director of athletics – and as a current parent of three youth athletes from elementary to the collegiate level – I know it can be a tough choice. I’ve seen firsthand the pros and cons of playing sports both in high school and clubs.
While clubs may be best for the most talented athletes, I believe schools can’t be beat for the broader focus they can put on character development. Since the vast majority of student-athletes won’t play in organized leagues beyond high school, that’s where I believe the schools’ focus should be.
My own unpublished research shows it’s also a way –along with emphasizing the fun and social aspects of athletics –to get more students who played sports as young kids to continue in high school.
The rise of the private youth sports industry
Although I am an unapologetic advocate for school-based athletics, I recognize the benefits that come along with participation in club or private-league programs.
But prior to the 1980s, private clubs weren’t common. Before high school, kids played on teams organized by their schools, local parks and recreation programs or nonprofit organizations such as the YMCA. After that, the only option for most was high school sports. The first big step toward highly organized,

privatized youth sports programs occurred during what has been referred to as “the Reagan revolution,” according to research I did for my dissertation. President Ronald Reagan’s funding cuts across the government pushed more expenses onto states and cities, which limited the ability of local parks and recreation departments to fully staff youth programs. This left many of them with only enough funds to maintain their facilities.
At the same time, school districts began systematically reducing the number of physical education classes offered in lieu of an increased focus on subjects such as math and science. Those two factors took away the most affordable options for athletic participation for many families. With the reduction of public offerings, the youth sports programming gap was filled by private clubs and leagues, which placed more emphasis on athleticism, competition and sometimes elite-style training. And it’s become big business for the adults who run these programs.
While good numbers on these leagues are hard to come by, multiple data sources show the privatized youth sports market has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. A recent estimate put total spending on youth sports at over US$40 billion as of 2024, compared with the $10 billion estimate of the youth sports economy in 2010.
But despite their growth, one sobering statistic for aspiring elite athletes remains true: Only about 7% of teenagers who play organized sports will advance to the
collegiate level or beyond.
Knowing that 93% of high school athletes will end their competitive careers at graduation, I believe it’s important that school administrators place a premium on running athletic programs that focus on building skills they’ll need as adults instead of just winning games.
Why most students play My own research backs this up.
In my previous role as a director of athletics for public schools in Grand Forks, North Dakota, I routinely surveyed our athletes at the end of their seasons about various aspects of their experience on the team. Among those questions, I asked athletes to tell me the three most important reasons they chose to play that sport for that season and whether they were planning to play on the team again next year.
Unsurprisingly to me, the top three reasons were consistently to have fun, spend time with friends and stay physically active, in that order. You’ll notice winning games or for competition were not among them.
On the flip side, when asked why students chose to drop out the following year, the top reason was their relationship with the coach, while a close second was that they were not having fun. To me, this was evidence that what student-athletes most wanted from their high school programs wasn’t so much sport skills development as personal development and growth.
Other studies back this up. Overtraining and a lack of fun are cited as the main reasons why 70% of young
athletes who compete on a team stop playing before they even reach high school.
Focus on the fun – not the competition
Here are five things school administrators can do to help turn things around and make their sports programs more attractive to students considering clubs, as well as those who are pondering giving up on sports altogether.
Develop an athletic program that teaches character traits and life skills that are usable for 100% of participants, not just the 7% who go on to play in college.
Make sure programs emphasize fun, social growth and physical fitness, rather than just the competition. Encourage coaches to spend individual time throughout the season with each student-athlete to discuss the athlete’s goals, role and progress.
Survey studentathletes about their experience at the end of each season and tweak the program accordingly. Include studentathlete assessments about how much they enjoy playing for the coach as a part of the coach’s postseason evaluation. High school sports may not be for everybody, but I believe many more students would choose to participate if the focus were on building character and having fun with friends, not winning trophies. Mark Rerick is affiliated with the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.
AP Photo/Mel Evans
High school sports programs tend to emphasize character development and good sportsmanship.
Innovative Strategies for Developing a Critical Equity Leadership Identity

By W.D. Foster-Graham Book Review Editor
Innovative Strategies for
Developing a Critical Equity Leadership Identity
By Dr. Lanise Block and Dr. Naomi R. Taylor
When it comes to employment, the workplace, and other organizations, the acronym we hear the most these days is DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion). But there is another letter we need to add to said acronym: Belonging. Identifying the inequities and inequalities as they pertain to BIPOC members is one thing; addressing and providing longterm solutions is another. That
being said, I bring to you Dr. Lanise Block and Dr. Naomi Taylor’s Cultivating Courage: Innovative Strategies for Developing a Critical Equity Leadership Identity.
As a result of extensive observations and research, Block and Taylor have created a workbook that serves as a guide for organizational leaders to develop courageous leadership and behaviors. It starts with the use of three areas: 1) 5 Pillars of Critical Equity Leadership Identity 2) 5 Stages of Identity Development and 3) 5 Change Agent Dispositions. The approach towards equity for all is a combination of common sense, internal (critical) reflection, and practical solutions to changing such matters as conscious and unconscious bias and inequality. The use of the Adinkra symbols of the Akan people of Ghana serve as a cultural connection, as do the quotes of diverse notable luminaries,
past and present, reminding us that the strategies are inclusive, affirming, and multicultural.
I appreciate the stepby-step layout of the workbook, which keeps the user from skipping over crucial steps, as well as examples of what worked and what didn’t in organizations and companies. I also appreciate the “We” approach to solutions that facilitate growth. In the words of the authors, “It’s your roadmap to not just understanding equity leadership, but living it.” Or in other words, walking the walk as well as talking the talk.
Cultivating Courage is available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Mindstir Media.
Many thanks to you, Lanise and Naomi, for creating this work as a guide and a blueprint for promoting courage and equity, and of course, DEIB. Thank you for standing up and being counted. NNPA authors examine one of humnity’s darkest

The transatlantic slave trade: A brutal scar on the face of humanity
The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Overcoming the 500Year Legacy is a profound exploration of one of humanity’s darkest chapters. Co-authored by National Newspapers Publishers Association (NNPA) Senior National Correspondent Stacy M. Brown and renowned historian Dr. Benjamin Chavis, this book delves into the enduring impacts and legacies of the transatlantic slave trade from 1500 to 2024.
The transatlantic slave trade is a brutal scar on the face of humanity, a monstrous crime that tore millions of Africans from their homeland, dehumanized them, and built the so-called American dream on their blood, sweat, and tears.
This isn’t just history—it’s the very foundation of the systemic racism that still plagues America today. To understand the real roots of the struggle, one must return to where it all began. And that’s precisely what this book does—unflinchingly and unapologetically.

Published by Select Books, The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Overcoming the 500Year Legacy examines the deep and persistent consequences of slavery and lays out a
By an esteemed scholar of African American rhetoric Recounting a life—and language
The Promise of Language: A Memoir by Keith Gilyard, Series edited by Melba Joyce Boyd, 166 Pages In this powerful coming-of-age memoir, author, scholar, and linguist Keith Gilyard presents a testament to the transformative power of language. From his earliest days in the segregated New York City public schools of the 1950s and ‘60s through his ascent in academia, the rhythm of Black America’s vernacular and music provides the backdrop to Gilyard’s intellectual awakening.
He absorbed language through music, television, and radio, recognizing early on that his mother was a “language chameleon,” a woman from Georgia who never sounded Black southern.
His journey intertwines personal growth with the multiplicity of language and the sociopolitical upheavals of the Cold War era and the Civil Rights, Black Power, and Black Arts movements.
Through vibrant anecdotes and introspection, Gilyard brings his experiences and realizations to life from memories of barbershops, churches, and schools, to lessons from mentors and influencers like Ed Bullins, Sonia Sanchez, Don L. Lee (later Haki Madhubuti), Toni Morrison, and Paule Marshall. Each encounter brings clarity and a new lens through which to understand the world, revealing how language shapes our lives and how our lives shape language.
Order this book at https://aalbc.com/

“In The Promise of Language, poet, scholar, and essayist Keith Gilyard has dropped a major and critical contribution into the canon of African American experience, language, art, and culture. With honest and poetic storytelling, each page has a breathtaking urgency to the complex, dangerous, and beautiful growing up of a Black boy in the era of Civil Rights, Black Power, and the Black Arts Movement.”
—Michael Simanga, author of Amiri Baraka and the Congress of African People
path forward for economic empowerment and justice. “This book is
“Dr. Chavis shows us that the fight against the legacy of the transatlantic slave trade is not just about seeking justice for past wrongs but about dismantling the present systems of oppression that have evolved from it.”
– From the Foreword by CHUCK D
more than history—it is a call to action,” Chavis said. “The blood, sweat, and tears of enslaved Africans built America’s foundation, yet their descendants continue to face systemic injustice. The fight is not over.” With book bans and efforts to erase Black history on the rise, Chavis seeks to ensure that the book reaches schools, libraries, and institutions across the country. “We refuse to allow our history to be erased,” he said. “This book will be in the hands of students, educators, and community leaders who need to know the truth. The book has drawn strong endorsements from cultural and sports figures, including NBA legend Isiah Thomas and Public Enemy’s Chuck D. “Dr. Ben Chavis must continue to tell this story for future generations who must understand our history if they are to finish righting the wrongs that began over 400 years ago,” Thomas said. Chuck D, who wrote the book’s foreword, added, “The chains of slavery may have been broken, but the shackles of systemic racism remain. If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention.”

Insight 2 Health
Measles cases are on the rise − here’s how to make sure you’re protected
By Daniel Pastula Professor of Neurology, Medicine (Infectious Diseases), and Epidemiology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
The measles outbreak that started in Texas in late January continues to grow. As of March 18, 2025, confirmed cases in the outbreak, which now spans Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma, reached 321, surpassing the number of confirmed cases recorded for all of the U.S. in 2024. The vast majority of cases are in people who are not vaccinated. Meanwhile, a lack of clarity from health authorities is leaving people with questions about whether they need to get revaccinated.
In a Q&A with The Conversation U.S., Daniel Pastula, a neurologist and medical epidemiologist from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and Colorado School of Public Health, explained how and when you should take action.
Should adults get another shot of the measles vaccine?
The measles vaccine, which first became available in the U.S. in 1963, contains a live but significantly weakened strain of the measles virus. This modified strain is too weak to cause measles, but it is similar enough to the wild type measles virus to train the immune system to recognize it. Most people who have received the live measles vaccine won’t need an additional shot now, but here is what you need to know:
People born before 1957 are presumed to have
lifelong immunity because measles was so contagious that almost everyone contracted it before age 15. Unless there are special circumstances, they probably don’t need a vaccine now.
Most people born after 1957 would have received the shot as children, so they should be set for life. Physicians and public health experts don’t recommend most people in this group get a second measles shot, though there are exceptions.
In 1989, a limited outbreak of measles occurred among vaccinated school children. In response, the recommendations changed from one dose of the live measles vaccine to two doses for children. People fully vaccinated as children after that year do not need any additional doses.
Exceptions to these guidelines There are two special circumstances where the previous recommendations may not hold.
First, if you were vaccinated between 1963 and 1967, one of the measles vaccines available at the time consisted of just proteins from the virus rather than a live, weakened version of it. Researchers soon realized this inactivated, or “killed,” vaccine was less effective and didn’t provide long-term immunity. Unless you know for certain you received the live vaccine, physicians and public health experts recommend that people vaccinated during those years get one dose of the live vaccine at some point.
Second, if you fall into a high-risk group – for example, if you are a health care provider, are traveling

internationally or attending college, physicians and public health experts generally recommend getting a second dose if you have only had one. For most adults without such risk factors, physicians and public health experts do not routinely recommend a second dose if you have previously received one dose of a live measles vaccine. If you have questions or concerns about your situation, make sure to ask your health care provider. Except in very rare circumstances, there is no recommendation for a third dose of the measles vaccine.
Can you find out whether you’ve been vaccinated?
You might be able to! It’s worth checking. States actually keep vaccine records specifically for this reason,

where you can look up your vaccine records or that of your kids. Your high school or college may still have your records, and so might your pediatrician’s office.
Should you get your antibody levels checked?
For most people, probably not.
A titer test checks the level of antibodies in your blood, and some people are asking their doctor to check their titers to determine whether they are still immune to measles. The problem is, the level of antibodies in your blood does not necessarily reflect your level of immunity. That’s because antibodies are just one part of your immune system’s infection-fighting force. Having a low level of antibodies does not necessarily mean your immunity has waned.
Other crucial elements of your immune response include B cells, T cells and other immune cells, but a titer test does not show their capabilities. For example, memory B cells might not currently be making antibodies against the virus but are primed to quickly do so the next time they see it. This is why antibody and titer tests should be used only in specific cases, in consultation with your doctor.
One example of when an antibody test may be warranted is if you are a health care provider born before 1957 and you want to make sure you don’t need another dose of the vaccine. You would use a test to see whether you have measles
antibodies. But in this case you would be looking for a yes or no answer; the total amount of antibodies may not be very informative.
Is natural immunity better than vaccine-induced immunity?
Natural immunity –that is, the immunity you get after having measles – is effective. However, the downside is that natural infection with a wild virus is very risky. Before 1963, measles caused close to 50,000 hospitalizations and about 500 deaths each year in the United States, usually in children. It also caused over 1,000 cases of severe brain inflammation every year and carried several other longterm risks, such as permanent hearing loss or the wipe out of immunity to other diseases.
The point of vaccines is to create immunity without the risks of severe infection. It is basically a dress rehearsal for the real thing. The immunity from a vaccine is effectively the same immunity you get from having measles itself – but vastly safer than encountering the wild virus unprotected.
One dose is 93% effective at preventing measles and two doses are 97% effective, and any breakthrough cases are likely to be much milder than a full-blown case of measles.
Can the vaccine cause measles?
No, the measles vaccine cannot cause measles because it contains
a significantly weakened strain that has limited ability to infect and damage cells.
Some have claimed without evidence that the current outbreak in Texas was caused by the measles vaccine. As part of the outbreak investigation, however, CDC and the Texas Department of State Health Services analyzed the genome of the virus causing the current outbreak and identified it as a wild measles virus. Researchers classify measles virus strains based on their genetic characteristics, or genotypes. They identified the outbreak virus as wild type genotype D8, and not the weakened measles vaccine strain, which is genotype A. What are the risks of the vaccine?
That is a very reasonable question. Because the measles vaccine is a live, weakened virus strain, it can cause a mild, measles-like syndrome. For example, some people might have a slight fever, a rash, or some slight joint pain. These symptoms generally go away in a day or two, and most people don’t experience them. But the vaccine cannot cause measles itself, as it does not contain the wild measles virus. In extremely rare cases, people can experience more significant reactions to the measles vaccine. It is important to remember that every single medical or health intervention carries risks – and that includes all medications and overthe-counter supplements. According to all available evidence, however, comparing the potential benefits against potential risks reveals that the risks of a signficant reaction to the vaccine are much lower than the risks of severe outcomes from measles itself. Being vaccinated not only protects you and your family, but it also protects vulnerable people in the community, such as infants, cancer patients and pregnant women, who cannot be vaccinated themselves. Daniel Pastula does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.

Luisa Rodriguez Duran