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CoachLeah premiers After the Whistle
be thought provoking - but not investigative, inspirational, as well as FUN! Our ultimate goal is to share insights, encourage, and uplift our audience in real time – LIVE!
podcast platforms for ON DEMAND access. Subscribe to the Black Press USA’s or Insight News’ YouTube page and set alerts to be notified of new episodes when they become available.
are currently living meaningful and exciting lives as spouses, mothers, coaches, educators, and CEOs.
#ShineBrightLikeADiamond #ForeverADiamond
The “Community Collaborator” segment is where we’ll take a glimpse to highlight private and corporate business relationships that support philanthropy and community engagement. Great minds not only think alike, but they also work together to be the change they what to see. #CollaborationIsKey #WorkingTogetherIsBetter!
Premiering June 20th at 4PM CST, CoachLeah’s After the Whistle is intentionally positioned to appear in three [3] multimedia platforms:
1. LIVESTREAMInterviews of current and former elite athletes on CoachLeah’s
After the Whistle, on the Black Press USA and Insight News [Facebook Live, YouTube Live, and LinkedIn Live], are sure to
2. PRINT - A portion of the live interview, transcribed, will appear as a PRINTED featured article in Insight News, the largest minority owned distributed print publication in Minnesota which also includes their website version at www. InsightNews.com, and also the eEdition version at https://issuu. com/insightnews for national and global reach. Stories can literally be read everywhere by everyone!
3. ON-DEMANDEach episode will be posted to YouTube and your favorite
In addition to hearing from our featured guests each week, CoachLeah’s After the Whistle will have special segments, powered by THE Frazier Foundation, Inc., to round out each episode: The “Distinguished Diamond” segment is where we will put the spotlight on a Diamond[s] in the Rough alum and learn about what they have been up to as of late. The Diamonds, many selected over twenty years ago while in middle school or high school,
Ee Loogu Talagalay Dhalinyarada
Baahiyaha Gaarka ah Leh ama
Naafada ah
Mac’luumaadka Loogu talagalay Daryeelayaasha/
Hay’ada Xakameynta iyo Kahortaga Cudurada (CDC) waxay ku talinaysaa in qof walbo oo 6 bilood jir ah ama ka wayn uu qaato tallaalka COVID-19. Maadaama dhalinyarada gali karaan xanuuno daran oo laga qaado COVID-19, qoysaska iyo daryeel bixiyeyaasha saabsan tallaallada lagula taliyay kooxaha da’da gaarka ah, booqo CDC: Tallaalka COVID-19 ee Dadka Difaaca Jirkooda u Dhaciifay si Dhexdhexaad ama si Daran(www.cdc.gov/ xaqiiqda oo leh liiska maaddooyinka uu koobanayahay talaalkua oo faahfaahsan. Waxayna ka jawaabi karaan su’aalo kasta oo ku saabsan Xasaasiyada ama elerjiga.Midna badeecada tallaalka ee koox kasta ee da’ kasta ah kuma jiraan ukun, waxyaalaha kaydinta, ama cinjir.
• maaddooyinka ku jira tallaalka COVID-19.
Tallaalka Pfizer ee dadka da'doodu tahay 12 sano iyo ka weyn waxaa uu ka koobanyahay:
• • and cholesterol)
• sano waxaa uu ka koobanyahay:
• and cholesterol)
•Cusbada: soodhiyaam kolootiinta
•Qaseyaasha: tromethamine, tromethamine hydrochloride
Tallaalka Moderna waxaa uu ka koobanyahay:
• dimyristoyl glycerol, cholesterol, and 1,2-distearoyl-
•Cusbada: sodium acetate trihydrate
• •Qaseyaasha: tromethamine, tromethamine hydrochloride
• Tallaalka Novavax wuxuu ka kooban yahay:
• iyo MatrixMTM adjuvant leh maadada ay kujiraan
• • dihydrate, sodium chloride, disodium hydrogen
• loogu tala galay, xoogaa ah baculovirus iyo