Get to know Aboriginal people and learn about their culture There are so many opportunities now to learn more about Aboriginal culture and the many nations that were present across this land. Workshops, cultural centres, tours (including in the Botanical gardens in Sydney ) and NAIDOC celebrations. Watch movies, listen to music, study art and read books written by Aboriginal people. Listening to the voice of Aboriginal people is key.
When Jesus calls us to go and make disciples of all nations, he wasn’t talking about only people like us, or to make people into people like us. It was a call to love, to see every human as one of our brothers or sisters in Christ and to love everyone as God does. Loving, is not just about the good, fun and nice parts but also weeping through the difficult things as well.
As parents and grandparents how do we model this to our kids in how we talk about and engage with Aboriginal people? Is their story our story, even when it does not shine a pleasant light on our past or even in our present?