1 minute read


The Synod of NSW and the ACT, in collaboration with Newtown Mission, is hosting a Forum about the proposed Voice to Parliament, the Synod's second annual Walking Together conference.

KEYNOTE: Thomas Mayo Q&A PANELLISTS: Rev. Bill Crews, Nathan Tyson and Thomas Mayo

TICKETS ON SALE NOW! GO TO: tinyurl.com/RegisterWalkingTogether2023

$25 In Person | $10 Online Acces

The Synod of NSW & ACT have a number of exciting open roles across the Synod Office, Uniting Financial Services and in our congregations and entities.

If you want to explore a career change and work where you can also celebrate your faith, scan this QR code to take a look at the Careers section of the Synod website. You can also reach out to the People & Culture team: people@nswact.uca.org.au

Visit our website: www.nswact.uca.org.au/about-us/careers

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