The Crisislent



Healing the Inner Self

The university has become a place that prepares you for the fights in the world.




The university has become a place that prepares you for the fights in the world.
It might be challenging to comprehend the
psycho-spiritual outcomes of working in severely underdeveloped areas in the current period. There is a lot of evidence that environmental weights have a nega ve impact on mental and physical health, as well as op mism and hope. More precisely, over me, the challenges of various chances, including lack of opportuni es, erode both our mental and physical health.
The well-being of people is dispropor onately harmed by environmental stressors such as exposure to a range of economic resources and prejudice. Chronic stress gradually undermines op mism, selfdetermina on, and the capacity to envision a be er future.
However, the existence of hope, healing, and wellbeing is not dependent on a given society's circumstances and can be enhanced by certain ac ons, plans, and laws. Accordingly, op mism is a result of agency – the convic on that one can affect their circumstances – as well as pathways –opportuni es to take ac on in order to realize an objec ve.
The idea that we can promote healing and hope enables us to think about the ways in which community power, governmental regula ons, and educa onal tac cs might aid this process in schools and communi es.
Healing through Oral Roberts University, by Insights Success, is one way to examine how teachers and influencers can foster healing, hope, and well-being through a remarkable lens.
Have an enlightening read ahead! -PrashikD.Bombarde
Infast-pacedlives,weoftentendtoneglectourselves andfocusmoreonourlivesthatareswiftlygoingby, dayafterday,formonthsandevenyearstoo.Without knowingthemagnitudeandhowitmightaffectour professionalandpersonallives,itisoftenignored. However,itisessentiallycrucialtotackleitattheforefront andunderstandwhereitisaffectingthemostandminimize itsrequisitionatthecostofourlives.
Accordingtothedatacollectedin2020alonebythe Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention,there were1.2millionattemptedsuicidesandroughly46,000 completedsuicides.Inotherwords,therewas one death every 11 minutes.
Amongages10-19,suicideisthe3rdleadingcauseof deathandthe2ndleadingcauseofdeathforages20-34. Almostninetypercentofthosewhocommitsuicidesuffer fromuntreateddepressionandlettheirsymptomsgrow untiltheyareunbearable,causingafeelingofhopelessness, loneliness,andnumbness.
Observingthedataabove,itisprettyevidenthowignorance ofmentalhealthandoverallhealthcanaffectthelivesof theyouth.TheYouthwhocanleadthenationandbethe torchbearersforthegenerationstocome.
Manyhavesufferedalonefromthewrathofdepressionand comeoutofthespiralandshinelikeneverbeforeintheir life.
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That'swhatthemiracleofOralRobertsUniversitydoes whogetintoitsempoweringspiritualatmosphereandto everyonewhoissurroundedbyoreitherenrolledinthe university
HeregoesthejourneyofVictoriyaRuffin, a Mental Health Advocate and Student at Oral Roberts University. Onewhoisasurvivorofdepressionanditsdarkspiral. However,uponenrollingintoORU,somethingchangedher consciousnessthatenabledheroutlookonlife.
Sideby,thepresenceoftheaidofMirrorIntelligence(MQ) helpedherthroughoutherjourneyand,inturn,inspiredher tobeaMentalHealthAdvocatewhilebeingastudentat ORU.
Let's dive in and know more about it!
Whiledivingintoherpersonaljourney,shesays, "For the first 16 years of my life, I was known for my joy, my lightheartedness, my carefree sense of humor and bold personality, but for over a year, this was little more than a carefully maintained facade."
Shestateshernumbnessandbeingoutoftheblues mentioning, "There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't dread waking up in the morning, 'playfully' telling my mom that I wanted to drop out of school, and crying, either internally or externally before getting out of the car in my high school's parking lot."
Thesignswereprettyevidentrightthere.Thethingsshe onceloved,likefashionandstylingorspendingtimewith familyandfriends,shenolongercaredabout,andstill,no onewouldeverknowaboutwhatwashappeninginsideher allthiswhile;littledidsheknoweither
Overaperiod,thetearsrandry.Theseriesofconstantjokes complementedbymaintainedgrades,extracurriculars,anda widesmilewasabulletproofguardoveritall,andnoone questionedathing.
Victoriyasays, "I never wanted those around me to question the character or authenticity of the God I had always described as full of love and goodness. I carried the weight of being 'a light' and held onto it as if my life depended on it, which in a sense, it did. I felt empty, but I poured out my heart as an attempt to numb the pain, being an encourager, a listening ear, and a friend to all."
Witheverythinggoingsmoothlyduringthisseasoninher life,everythingaboutherfeltlikeamistakeoraflaw,and mirrorsbecameherenemy.Lookingatthesigns,shestates, "If only I could have looked in the mirror and seen myself for who I really was rather than the lies that depression had made me believe about myself. My mind was playing tricks on me, and I needed a fresh view of the true beauty within me."
Everyonehasastory,andwe'reallindifferentstagesofour owninner-healingprocess,justbeginningorhealingand renewed.
AfterenrollinginOralRobertsUniversity(ORU)forever changedherlife. The way ORU believes in not only an education for the whole being but also the healing of the whole person - the body, mind and spirit.
WitnessingtheenvironmentofORUbroughtadrastic changeinherandherpersonalityaltogether.Statingthe same,shementions, "It is a one-of-a-kind environment that allowed me to have a deeper understanding of how I was truly created and to see myself outside of just my own feelings or perception."
Expressingmeregratitude,shethankstheORUstating, "I found such healing, and my journey felt fresh and new again. Little did I know that while at ORU, there was a
four-year initiative testing technology to solve and hopefully one day eradicate depression and anxiety."
ThetechnologyatORUincludedaconceptthatallowed individualstoseeandhearthetruthaboutwhotheywere createdtobe. This new concept took IQ, EQ, and SQ (Spiritual Intelligence) to a new level and incorporated a concept known as MQ (Mirrored Intelligence).
Thistechnologywasdevelopedwiththeworld'sleading technologists,MichaelMathewsandJesupelumi WickliffefromOralRobertsUniversity,alongsidethe world-renownedPsychiatristDr.JasonBeamanandLuke LawsonfromOklahomaStateMedicalCollege
Thecombinedworkofthesefourindividualsbrought a 10,000-year-old glass mirror with the new capabilities of Artificial Intelligence.Aboveisanimagethatdepictsthe breakthrough.
The MQ Mirror is truly a breakthrough technology for those suffering from depression or anxiety at any stage
Whendesigned,theMQMirrorwasintendedtobeusedas anearlyinterventiontool,butafterexploringtheendless capabilitiesofthemirror,itisclearthatthemirroris relevantandeffectivebefore,during,andafterthe restorationprocess.
The ground-breaking innovation of this mirror!
TheMirroraimstoputthepowerbackintoourhands.Alot ofthetime,whenstrugglingwithmentalhealth,youlose yoursenseofidentity,feelinghelplessandwithoutcontrol, buttheMQMirrorremindsyouwhoyouare,thevaluethat youhold,andthatyoudon'thavetostrugglealonebecause healingbeginswithin.Themindcontrolsthebody
AccordingtoDr.HerbertBenson,theformerdirectorof theBenson-HenryInstituteofMind-BodyMedicineat MassachusettsGeneralHospital,hestates, "the mind and body communicate constantly; what the mind thinks, perceives, and experiences are sent from our brain to the rest of the body" andarestoredsenseofpower,motivation, hope,identity,clarity,connection,andsafetyarethe ingredientsforfullhealingandrestoration,insideout.
Theuniquefeatureofthismirroristhat"Themirrorholds youaccountableuntilyou'rereadytoholdyourself accountable."
Whileelaboratingonherjourney,Victoriyaopensby saying, "I've been there before. I know how broken it feels. I know how it feels to want to get better, but I had no idea where to start. I also know what healing feels like. I know what training my mind to remain peaceful feels like. I know what it feels like to unlearn bad habits."
AftermonthsofworkingwiththeMQMirrorandexploring itsinnovativefeatures,shesearchedforwaystofurther improvethecurrenttechnology,aswellasspeakingwith mentalhealthprofessionalsandexperiencedadvocates.
Withaheaveofrelief,shesays, "I now more than ever, know-how valuable encouragement and self-reflection are in the healing and restoring process. When it comes to AI technology, the possibilities are endless and because the MQ Mirror is for you, it can be programmed to do whatever you want and need."
TheadvancedtechnologytheMQMirrorisbuiltwith allowsthepersonusingittotakenationaldepressionand anxietytestsinprivate,removingtheparanoiaofnegative stigmassurroundingpoormentalhealthandjudgment, givingthepersontheabilitytotakethefirststeptowards theirfreedomontheirowntermsandconditions.
Themirrorisnotonlyintelligentbutquiteintuitive.Ithas anin-builtabilitytomeasuresmallchangesinposture,eye movement,andothersubtledifferencesintheperson's behaviorthatwouldtypicallygounnoticedor unrecognized,evenbythoseclosetopeople,learningwho weareinordertoprovidethemostaccurateandrelevant toolsandsupporttoeachuserindividually.
The MQ mirror allows you to not just see yourself, but only encourages you to see yourself from unbiased eyes, from a new perspective. As mentioned earlier, the mirror helps to keep you accountable.
TheMQ-Mirrorhasbeenthroughnumerousclinicalstudies withincredibleresultsdocumentedandwritteninthe JournalofMedicalSystemswithDr.JasonBeaman, LukeLawson,andMichaelL.Mathews
Thistestinghasbeendoneleveragingtheself-depression andself-anxietytests. This simple yet revolutionary undertaking has the capability of helping millions of individuals.
ThisclinicalanddocumentedtesthascausedtheCEOand , PresidentofSunshineCarePartners RustyMcMurrayto implementMirrortechnologyinthenation'sfirstbrick-andmortarvirtualhealth-wellness-medicalclinicinGlenpool, Oklahoma.
TheClinicallowspatientsaccesstopersonalcoaching, counseling,diet/exerciseandmedicalservicesthrougha patient-drivensmartphone/webappplusabrick-and-mortar clinic.WithaccesstoprivateandpersonalizedMQ technology,itencouragespatientstoreclaimtheiridentity andauthoritybytakingthefirststeptowardstheirfreedom, confrontingtheirpainfromthecomfortandallthisatthe convenienceoftheirownhome,withaccessgiventotools tomaintainmomentumonceadiagnosisisfound.
Whenourmentalwellnessislow,it'seasytofeel overwhelmedbyeventheeverydayhappeningsinlife.As thedesignersareawareofthis,themirrorhasfeaturesthat allowthepersonusingittokeeptabsontheirworkflow,as wellastheirresponsibilitiesandhealthreminders.
TheMQtechnologyunderstandsthathealingisnotlinear butthatitisaprocess.Themirrorencouragesustolivein thepresentandremindsustoutilizeself-reflectionand gratitudeaswerebuildintheprocess.Themirrordoesn't justaimtoprovideidentificationofyourstrugglesbutto bringrestorationalongtheprocess.
Evenwiththewidespreadawarenesscampaignsand increasedmentalhealthandwellnessinitiativesinschools andacrossmediaplatforms,thefearofjudgmentand acknowledgmentcontinuestobeahindrancetothose sufferinginsilence.
PsychiatristDr.Beaman,whoalsoservesasChairofthe DepartmentofPsychologyandBehavioralSciencesat OklahomaStateUniversityCenterforHealthScience, foundthatonemajorissueinhisofficeisthatpatients simplydonotshowuptotheirappointments,afraidof beingjudgedandcondemned.
Mentalhealthcannotbeignored,andsuicideratesarenot dropping.Mediahasglamorizedtheabilitytohideour emotions,callingourtendencytohidebehindaplastered smileastrengthandencouragingthephrase, "never let them see you sweat," asthoughitwereabattlecry,whenin reality,thiscopingmechanismmightbethemostdangerous ofthemall.
Poormentalhealthhasbecomesonormalizedthatveryreal andcrucialsignsandsymptomsofanxietyanddepression arebrushedundertherugandoverlooked.Whenwe're constantlyhearingtragicstoriesofsuicidesbythosewho seemedhappy,successful,andloved, it's a cynical reminder of the deception behind, sometimes even the brightest smile.
It'snotenoughformentalhealthassistanceandresourcesto beprovidedonlytothosewhohavemusteredupthe couragetoreachout,andtotakethenextsteps.
What about those who are still hiding behind a smile, behind social media highlights, burying themselves in their work or their responsibilities, or their concern for others?
Themostdeeplyafflictedcouldbethe cheery barista who alwaysmakessuretogiveyouextrawhippedcreamoryour friendlyneighborwhogivesyouacardforeveryholiday
Itcouldbeyoursweetfriendwhosendsyouwordsof encouragementeverymorningoryourconsiderate significantotherwholovesyousodeeplyand affectionately.
AlthoughtheMQMirrorisforthesilenttroopers,the popularloners,fortheoneswhopolitelysay"I'mdoing good"justtokeeptheatmospherelight,forthosewhowere taughtthattearswereasignofweakness.
"This mirror and technology is for all of us."
Mentalillnesscannotandwillnottakeawayourfreedom, ourjoy,ourpeace,ourpurpose,orouridentity Almost everyhomehassomeformofmirrorinside.
ThankstothepioneeringworkofMichaelMathews, JesupelumiWickliffe,JasonBeaman,LukeLawson,and RustyMcMurray
TheMQMirrorisexactly–a Smart Mirror capable of helping everyone.
Every person who has been in the surrounding of Oral Roberts University, and even the ones in ORU has experienced a spirit-empowering culture. Some say, "It's the magic of ORU!" while some say, "That's what ORU does to its people."
People from different backgrounds have different experiences. Although it all goes back to how wonderfully spiritually-empowering ORU is to start with.
Another example of ORU's Marvel unravels goes through the journey of a jazz musician, ini ally, who later became a member of the military. And not just the military, for that ma er but the United States Army Band.
Undoubtedly, it raises the ques on, Sean O'Brien, an accomplished jazz guitarist, got a Purple Heart.
How is a jazz musician associated with the US Army and is a Purple Heart Recipient and eventually turns an IT expert? Well, it is definitely!
Without further ado, let's follow the journey and know more!
Talking about music and listening to music is one the most popular forms of leisure among teenagers and also everyone who loves to indulge in music for exploring various genres of music.
Music ain't something that would automa cally pop into our minds when we think about the military. However, most people back then, most people didn't think about the United States Army Band, which provides an interes ng form of leisure for musical support for U.S. leadership and serves the na on through music.
From Jazz Musician to Purple Heart Recipient to IT Pro Sean O'Brien Sean O'Brien IT Graduate Oral Roberts UniversityBeing an already accomplished jazz guitarist, Sean started his military career as a member of the Army Band, where he toured the country and performed for dignitaries. But then 9/11 happened, and Sean's career as a musician took a backseat to his calling as a soldier.
Explaining his career trajectory, he says, "I was kind of disenchanted" he adds, "As there was a percep on that musicians weren't soldiers. I didn't agree with this. For me, it was me to go!" he exclaims.
On the way to entering the military, he states, "So, I entered officer candidate school, trained at Fort Benning in Georgia, and was selected to be an ar llery officer."
Eventually, Sean found himself in Southern Afghanistan, serving as a Fire Direc on Officer and Platoon Leader.
Sean's service there had him dealing with border problems, doing reconnaissance, and suppor ng humanitarian efforts, all of it in a very dangerous place.
And this danger became a terrifying reality when Sean's Humvee drove over and detonated an improvised explosive device.
Sean men ons, "All of a sudden, everything went black, not figura vely, but literally, there was no sunlight. The explosion vaporized our engine, so it doesn't make any sense that we all survived."
Thanking God through his survival, he states, "Looking back, God's hand moved in a lot of these terrible situa ons, more mes than I can count."
For his bravery and his injuries, Sean received the Purple Heart, presented to service members who have been wounded or killed as a result of enemy ac on.
Sean con nued serving in the military. However, he eventually returned to the U.S. and began selling cars in Tulsa. Nevertheless, a chance visit to the ORU campus changed his career course on a huge level.
Men oning his wife, Sean said, "My wife was a ending another university, but she didn't like it. Around that me, we stopped by ORU's College Weekend just to say hello to a friend. While we were there, we met a lot of great people, and they were all extremely welcoming."
Talking about returning to college, Sean men ons his wife joining ORU. He states, "Shortly a er, my wife enrolled at ORU." And a semester later, Sean joined her as an ORU CIT student.
Being a student, Sean loved ORU's Compu ng and Mathema cs Department. Soon he no ced that ORU had
a lot more he says, "It was more than that and he loved ORU's Spirit-Empowered Culture."
Exceedingly more to the ORU's appraisal, "The a en on to love and excellence." It is an impeccably wonderful part of ORU anyone would experience. Sean men ons the experience saying, "You'll find it everywhere on campus. ORU students legi mately iden fy with God. It isn't something they're being told to do. Seeing the gi s of the Spirit at work, feeling the mantle of Christ upon this place, it's all part of the culture at ORU."
In 2015, ORU made a long-term commitment to technological growth with its construc on of the awardwinning Global Learning Center. Since then, ORU has expanded further into the areas of virtual reality, global educa on, and medical training.
Talking about the enormous expansion of ORU, Sean states, "This expansion is the result of a forward-thinking department that constantly explores next-genera on technologies."
In the year 2022, Sean and his wife graduated with ORU's Class of 2022, and a erward, Sean began working in ORU's IT Department. As an IT professional, Sean now contributes to the University's growing technology footprint.
With great pride, working in ORU and its expansion, he says, "We're currently examining the Metaverse to connect distant people in digital spaces. And with the support of a recent partnership with the Founda on for Advancing Pediatric Orthopaedics."
Sean adds, "ORU is now suppor ng virtual reality educa on in the pediatric orthopedic field." Furthermore, he says, "We're always looking around the corner to see what new technologies are rolling out."
Throughout the course of Sean's journey, he depicts a transi on from a musician, then a soldier and now a technologist.
Sean sees his journey from Afghanistan to ORU as the answer to a very important ques on - "What do you want me to do, God?"
In the quest to find an answer to that, Sean says, "The way I see things, God's got me!" He adds, "Some soldiers, when they leave the military, have their iden ty stripped away. However, when you have an iden ty in Christ, and now with the knowledge of the fundamental basis for everything."
While concluding, he states, "All of a sudden, stuff falls into line. Ul mately, God's going to put you in the place where He needs you most.”
Experiencing an emerging wave of increasing educa onal need and its importance in our lives en rely does hold heavy significance in all aspects we as humans could think of
The innova ons of technological marvels have immersed our modern educa onal world with all its evolving constraints, evidently for the be erment of the curriculum and people advancing from it.
Technological advancements have immensely surprised us with their marvels in the most amazing ways. One of these marvels is Ar ficial Intelligence, also widely known as AI.
The way our lives are embedded into technological marvels, AI is one of those that constantly ease our daily necessi es and enables us to do varied things dependent on it while enhancing the quality of educa on, which would make educa on and work a smart process altogether.
The introduc on of AI into educa on has amazed not only the students but also the professors working to make it happen in educa on. And the ones making this history into the system are the two renowned professors, Dr. Williams Lyons, Professor of Theology, Minister at the University, and Michael (Mike) Mathews, Vice President of Innova on and Technology from Oral Roberts University.
Whilst ins lling the advances into academia, it is equally mandatory to make complete use of it through the various mediums it offers to its usage to students. It would be the first me in history that students have an interac ve smart mirror that they can observe and reduce tasks of their journey.
It helps presents observa ons from students' previous academic records, which suggests habits and pa erns for be er outcomes for students in the University.
Let's unravel the intriguing journey of AI into Educa on and know more about it!
The ones taking the responsibility of being the torchbearers of these innova ve advancements are Michael Mathews and Dr. William Lyons.
Michael L. Mathews (Mike) has over 24 years of experience as a senior-level IT execu ve bringing crea ve solu ons that value the end-users of technology and business process management.
Michal has held posi ons as a VP of Innova on, chief informa on officer, general manager of CIOs, chief strategist for innova on, business development officer, trainer, teacher, and vice president of academic services for leading corpora ons and higher educa on. Mike has been a CIO within higher educa on and corporate training for over 19 years.
Michael was named the 2021 Leading Technologist by CIOViews, 2020 Top 20 Business Leaders by Industry Wired, 2019 Top Ten Innovators by Industry ERA, one of America's Top 30 Educa on innovators in 2017, and a 2018 CIO 100 Award Winner
With the suppor ve partnership, Dr. William Lyons is a Professor in the College of Theology and Ministry at Oral Roberts University and teaches both on the graduate and undergraduate levels. He holds a Ph.D. in Religions of Western An quity from Florida State University, an M.A. in Hebrew and Semi c Languages from the University of Wisconsin, and an M.A. and B.A. in Biblical Studies from ORU. He has taught at Regent University (Virginia), Florida A&M University, Florida State University, and interna onally in India, Guatemala, Russia, and South Africa.
He has wri en on the war in the Hebrew Bible (including here, the so-called "holy war"), ancient Near Eastern thought; women in the Bible; Old Testament character ethics; biblical hermeneu cs (including feminist, rabbinic, and modern evangelical perspec ves); and Wisdom Literature.
Ini a ng the beginning of AI at the University:
In early 2019 as a part of designing an AI environment to accomplish tasks required by students in a fresh new way This AI-driven environment was called the AI-driven MQMirror. It included a Smart TV with a surface mirror over the LCD panel on the TV. While Inside the TV was an AIenabled programmed mirror coding language that
addressed numerous educa on challenges and displayed suggested recommenda ons on the screen.
The newly introduced applica on allows students to interact with personal data, global communica ons, selfnaviga on, self-help, data analy cs, music, video, educa on, fitness, ar ficial intelligence, and robo c func onality via a glass mirror. This new form factor of a glass mirror has all the a ributes to engage in human-todigital-and-visual interac on fully
The glass mirror, combined with the ny new computer design hidden within the mirror frame, has made significant advancements in personal fitness by combining the mirror, smartphone, and wearable watch. All three synchronized together to provide a premier digital experience that accesses personal data, AI, machine learning data, personal trainers, e-Courses, and text-tospeech narra on. The mirror itself provides the real-life experience of both virtual and augmented reality (Mirrored Reality).
The ability to program AI within the MQ-Mirror has created a test case to permit students to interact with the mirror and test their level of mental health and well-being. Using natural language programming, mirror coding language and the AI capabili es of Amazon Alexa provides breakthroughs in crea ng an autonomous method to address mental health in a self-naviga ng manner. This concept of nudging students takes on a whole new meaning with the MQ-Mirror. Remember, AI can provide speech and text recommenda ons (nudging) based on the recurring pa ern of behaviors.
The advanced AI intelligent Mirror applica on has been designed to bring the power of IQ, EQ, and now MQ (Mirrored Intelligence) together via a glass mirror. The mirror integrates a mini-processor, IoT, AI, a digital assistant, and the en re world's digital ecosystem. Students of the University can access all global cloud-based services and all campus services as a life-sized digital assistant.
As humans, we intend to have an innate fascina on with a mirror combined with the emergence of AI, virtual digital assistants, machine learning, eLearning, and 5G connec vity allows real people to become front-and-center instead of the technology itself. Up to this point in the history of computers, the device has taken center stage.
These misleadings of advancements have caused many undesired social, physical, and psychological outcomes. They have allowed the labeling of technology 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc., versus a focus on civiliza on 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. CIO Magazine has labeled this newly designed MQ-Mirror as the breakthrough service called XaaS, meaning 'Everythingas-a-Service.' It's about me AI enters all sectors.
With AI capable of mastering the repeatable processes in life, it can remove the rou nes of the educa on systems, making everyone an academic success story. Designed correctly, AI has the poten al to liberate individuals to focus on the heart-and-mind ma ers of a aining the next level of educa on versus being overwhelmed by the rou ne tasks along the journey. These overwhelming everyday tasks cause many to drop the pursuit of the next level of educa onal a ainment.
However, not everyone has followed this academic pathway. The clearest example of a non-tradi onal journey is told by author Malcolm Gladwell of Chris Langan, who
possesses the highest IQ in the world. Chris Langan's story is one of the millions of similar stories whose life circumstances have prevented them from achieving the next level of educa onal a ainment. It is a classic yet o en repeated journey that happened to the very person who possesses the world's highest IQ. Malcolm Gladwell's case study gives credibility to the belief that the top academic students are not necessarily the smartest. Instead, it demonstrates that they have become adept at following the rules and rou ne tasks required to excel. Both Dr. Trent Grundmeyer and Dr. Sam Varano, who earned Principal of the Year status in Iowa and Pennsylvania, have concluded that the best rule-followers o en make the Valedictorian status. Suffice it to say; the best rule follower is the person who has mastered the rou ne of the educa on system.
In like manner, the global educa on picture is ripe to have AI resolve the everyday func ons that cause less than 7% of the world's popula on to have a college degree or cer ficate. 93% of the world has limited access to quality educa on, knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom. Even though we know that educa on can liberate people, access to these life-changing values lies behind the mundane rou nes required to complete educa onal degrees.
We all live in an evolving world with increasing responsibili es, tasks, rela onships, and non-stop informa on. Wouldn't it be helpful if we could separate the rou ne func ons from the complex tasks? Our everyday repe ve tasks are es mated to consume 90% of our day What if we could automate 90% of the repe ve tasks and perfect the 10% that truly ma ers? The 10% are the ma ers of the heart, which include faith, hope, and love. With such demanding schedules, it is no wonder that so many couples, children, and parents are prone to say things that they later wish they hadn't. We all love the people involved in our lives but expressing this love can easily be squeezed out among all the rou ne tasks in front of us each day.
Ar ficial Intelligence's (AI) novelty and intrigue make it one of the most fascina ng yet elusive technologies. This intrigue is what makes AI such an exci ng and transforma ve technology across all industries and interests. A er careful examina on, many sectors (business, medicine, agriculture, and educa on, to name a few) have innova vely enabled subtle pieces of AI. These subtle aspects of AI inside products and services have given many companies a very balanced approach to the world of AI without sacrificing their reputa on with significant transforma ons with AI.
AI is only suitable for rou ne func ons that it has observed and tabulated over me. This reality should counter any nega ve things we have heard about AI and allows us to leverage AI for the very things that we keep forge ng to do
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Married couples, for instance, will always be capable of observing and remembering each other's behavioral pa erns be er than anything or anyone outside of the marriage. The miracle of marriage is a simple one: couples do know one another be er than they know themselves individually, and by loving and working together, they enhance the godly force of faith, hope, and love significantly. This is beyond the reach of AI.
What if we could spend 90% of our me on the ma ers-ofthe-heart while le ng AI take care of all the common elements of life? This scenario is precisely the outcome of a happy marriage between two people who complement one another
Augmented intelligence described in the paragraphs above would significantly reduce anxiety, stress, depression, disappointment, failures, and non-heart ma ers. It would allow us to focus on heart ma ers where all the real-life issues flow. In return, this would reduce the number of rela onship concerns over pe y issues and ul mately reduce marital problems.
For some people, AI is a forbidden and unthinkable technology as they fear the displacement of jobs; or, worse yet, the entrance of the an -Christ into people's homes and minds. The reality is that ar ficial intelligence is much simpler than people fear or imagine.
AI is only capable of learning repe ve pa erns of behavior. It is programmed to know us be er than we know ourselves, but only from a repe ve behavioral perspec ve. AI will never be able to possess faith, hope, or love, which are the three core virtues of all people of faith.
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Educationhasalwaysbeenavitalcomponentin shapingthefutureofsociety Astechnology continuestoadvance,sodoestheopportunityfor innovationinthefieldofeducation.
Onesuchinnovationthathasbeengainingtractioninrecent yearsistheincorporationofartificialintelligence(AI)into theclassroom.Whiletherearecertainlybenefitstothis shift,italsoposesuniquechallengesthatmustbe addressed.
Let us explore both the benefits and challenges that come with its implementation!
IdentifyingtheBenefitsandChallengesofIncorporating AIinEducation
AIholdsimmensepotentialtorevolutionizetheeducation system,buttherearealsosomedrawbackstoconsider.Let's takealookatboththebenefitsandrisksofincorporatingAI intoeducation.
TheuseofAIoffersanumberofbenefitsforlearnersand educatorsalike,suchas:
1. Improvedaccuracyandconsistencyinassessments.
2. Automatedfeedbackthatprovidestailoredinstruction forstudents.
3. Increasedengagementthroughpersonalizedlearning experiences.
4. Automationofmundanetaskssuchasgradingordata entry.
5. Increasedaccessibilityforthosewithdisabilitiesor languagebarriers.
NotonlydoesAImaketeachingeasierforinstructors,butit alsomakeslearningmoreeffectiveandenjoyablefor students.
OneofthechallengesofusingAIforlearningenvironments isfiguringouthowtosticktoeducationalstandards.Many schoolsanduniversitieshavesetstandardsthatteachersand professorsmustadheretowhendeliveringknowledge.AI doesn'talwaysfitinwiththesestandards,soeducatorshave tofigureouthowtobalancestandardizationwiththe dynamicnatureofAI.
However,therearecertainrisksassociatedwiththeuseof AIineducationthatshouldbetakenintoconsideration. Theseinclude:
1. Privacyissuesrelatedtothecollectionanduseof studentdata.
2. SecurityconcernsduetopotentialvulnerabilitiesinAI systems.
3. Operationaldisruptionsduetounexpectedbugsor glitchesinthesystem.
4. Difficultyinregulatingtheappropriateuseof technologybyteachersandstudents.
Therefore,itisimportanttoensurethatallnecessary precautionsaretakenwhenincorporatingAIintothe classroomandthatanyrisksaretakenseriouslyand addressedappropriately
InvestigatingDifferentPotentialApplicationsforAIin Education
AIhasnumerouspotentialapplicationsinthefieldof educationthatcanhelpenhancelearning.Herearesomeof thedifferentareaswhereAIcanbeusedtofurtherprogress inlearning:
OneapplicationofAIthatisalreadybeingusedtodayis automatedgrading.Thisinvolvesusingalgorithmstoscan writtenworkoranswerkeyresponsesandprovidegrades fortheminrealtime.Thiscanbeespeciallybeneficialfor busyteacherswhohavehundredsofassignmentstograde eachday
AIchatbotscanbeusedtoprovidepersonalizedfeedback andguidancetostudents,particularlywhenitcomesto writingandlanguagedevelopment.Simplechatbot programscanbedesignedtorespondwithhelpfuladvicein responsetostudentqueries.Thisallowsteachersmoretime tofocusonthestudentswhoneedmorehelpratherthan spendingtimeansweringbasicquestionsfromtheirentire class.
AIcanalsobeusedfordataanalysispurposes.Ithasthe potentialtoidentifypatternsandtrendsrelatedtostudent performanceovertime,whichcanthenbeusedby administratorsorschoolleaderstoprioritizeandtarget resourcesinamoreeffectiveway.
WhiletherearecurrentlyonlyafewapplicationsofAI beingutilizedineducationtoday,thepossibilitiesaretruly endless—AItechnologyisjustbeginningitsjourneytoward revolutionizingeducationalpracticesaroundtheworld.
WhileAIisstillbeingdevelopedandtested,itspotentialto revolutionizethewaywelearnisundeniable.AIenables fasterandbetterprocessingofdataandcananalyze complexpatternsthatcanbeusedtocustomizeindividual learningpathwaysforstudents.AIcanalsounderstand, process,andgeneratenaturallanguage,allowingitto providefeedbackthatistailoredtotheindividuallearner
AsAIcontinuestoevolveanddevelop,itscapacityto enhancelearningisonlylikelytoincrease.Already,AIis beingusedinvariouseducationalsettingstoimprove teachingandlearningoutcomes.Withitsever-growing capacity,AIpresentsanewhorizonforeducators,allowing themtoofferpersonalizedinstruction,moreefficient assessment,anddeeperinsightsintothelearningprocess.
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Globalattentionhasbeenpaidtorecent advancementsingenerativeartificial intelligence(AI).Apparatuses,for example,Dalle-2andChatGPT,recommendthat undertakingsrecentlyrememberedtobepastthe capacitiesofcomputer-basedintelligencemay nowexpandtheefficiencyofimaginativemedia indifferentnewways,includingthroughtheage ofengineeredvideo.
Untilthispoint,therehasbeenrestricted examinationresearchingthispresentreality;the instructiveworthofsimulatedintelligence producedbyengineeredmediafillsthisvoid.We investigatedtheeffectsonlearners’content acquisitionandlearningexperienceofusing artificialintelligence-generatedsyntheticvideoin anonlinelearningplatform.Adultlearnerswere randomlyassignedtooneoftwomicro-learning conditions.Pre-andpost-learningassessments werecollected,andparticipantsweresurveyed abouttheirlearningexperience.
Theexperimentalconditionfeaturedasynthetic videowithareal-lifeAI-generatedcharacter, whilethecontrolconditionfeaturedavideoofa traditionalinstructor.Agrowingbodyofevidence demonstratesthepositiveeffectsofusing artificialintelligence(AI)tosupportlearning, engagement,andmetacognitivedevelopment. TheargumentforusingAItosupporteducation andlearningiswell-established.
TheuseofgenerativeAIineducationalsettingsis arelativelynewfield,andtheextenttowhichAIgeneratedmediacanaidhumanlearningis largelyunexplored.Theinterestthuslydrivesthe requirementforinstructivesubstanceforthese web-basedstages,includingalotofeducational learningrecordingsrequiringoccasionalupdates tostayawareofpatternsandfastdevelopmentin examinationandinnovation.
Let’s have a look at the Potential AI has on Learning!
AccordingtoallEdtechfirms’respondents,AIismostused topersonalizeeducation.Students’learningexperiencesare significantlyinfluencedbytheirteachers.Notwithstanding, withexpandinghomeroomqualities,itishardforeducators tozeroinoneveryunderstudy’simprovementconsistently. Additionally,students’learningstylesandpacesvary.
Educationaltechnologycompaniesuserule-based algorithmstoidentifyastudent’slearningpathandprovide individualizedlearningcontentinthisdirection.These companieshaveanimatedvideos,gamifiedquizzes,and flashcards,acomprehensivedatabaseofmillionsof questions,andelaboratecoverageofconceptsbasedonthe student’seducationlevel.
TheAIsystemmakesappropriaterecommendationsbased ontheperson’sstrengthsandweaknesses.Since recommendationsaretailoredtotheproblemareasofthe student,thereisanoverlapbetweenthepersonalization engineandtherecommendationsystem.Proposals incorporatepracticequestionsliketheinquirieswrongly respondedtobytheunderstudy,medicinalrecordings,and ideastoalludetospecificsegmentsinthecoursereadingto furtherdevelopthestudent’scomprehension.
WhilethemajorityofEdtechcompaniesprovidestudents withpersonalizedrecommendationsandadaptive assessments,veryfewcompaniesalsodoso.Atthepoint whentheevaluationisstarted,theframeworkwillthink aboutallunderstudiesasnormalentertainersandshowan issueofthetypicaldegreeoftrouble,knownasa“Chilly beginning.”Thestudentispresentedwiththefollowing questionbasedontheirresponsetothefirstquestion.
Asaresult,thetestismodifiedandtailoredtothestudent’s levelofcomprehensionandabilitytosolveproblems. Edtechcompaniesprovideanalysisandrecommendations thataretailoredtoeachstudent’slearningstyleby integratingpersonalizationenginesintosmartclassesand theschool’slearningmanagementsystem.
Thispersonalizationisbasedonthelearningprofilesofthe students,whichincludetheirstrengthsandareasforgrowth. Further,theversatilestrategyforappraisalgivesamoment resulttotheunderstudies,featurestheirslip-ups,suggests techniquesfordevelopment,andexhibitseveryunderstudy’s positioncomparedwithothersintheclass.
Overthecourseofthepastfewdecades,AIhasadvanced fromstraightforwardrule-basedsearchproblemslike“best movefortic-tac-toe”toknowledgerepresentationsystems like“Identifyingrelationships”andsequentialdecisionmaking(aseriesofcomplexdecisionstobemade).
ComputersdidnotlearnintheconventionalAIsystemthat wasbasedonrules.However,machinelearningalgorithms beganself-learningfromthedataassystemsadvancedto knowledgerepresentationanddecision-making.
Atbest,Edtechfirms’statisticalanalysiscanberegardedas supervisedmachinelearningoranAIfoundation.Thisis because,unlessretrained,thepersonalizationremainsthe sameduetothealgorithmsthatthecompaniesusetotrain theapplicationonhistoricaldata.Teachersarebenefiting fromAI-poweredconversationalsystemsforrotelearning andbasic/repeatedconversationswithstudents.
To finish up,
Simulatedintelligencecanpossiblychangeframeworksand cyclestosupplementandexpandeducatingcapacities.To improveteachingoutcomes,teacherswillhavemoretimeto workonresolvingstudentconfusion,emphasizingdeep learning,usingtheirjudgmentindifficultsituations,and dealingwithavarietyofstudents.
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