


vastrocksofkimberlite,butthisdestinyisnot supposedtobefollowedbyeverycrystal.Some diamonds,donotneedtoberecognized,buttheyfind theirownrouteinthemidstofcomplexspheres.
Nottofearsuchendlessconcepts!Asthisissueisnot goingtobefocusingonthediamonds,andneitheristhis editorial.Butonsomeexceptionalmarketinfluencers, whomadetheircompanyintoawholesomebrandinIT industryforotherstolookupto.
This’ITindustry’isfilledwithlotsofserviceand solutionsproviders,andstandingoutuniquefromthis messysphere,isoftenanart.Manydesiresbutveryfew areblessedtoattainasuccessfulstatureinthiseverevolvingsector.
Eversincethedigitizationcameintopicture, organizationsstartedtoinclineonimplementing technologicaladvancementsasareplacementtothe customarywaytodoingbusinesses.Asof,many organizationsaresuccessfullyenrichingbenefitsfrom suchupgradations,yetareasonableamountof companiesarestillstrivingtotastethefruitsofsuccess. ThesefeaturedTopTransformationalITServices Companiesoffersimpeccablesolutionstothevarious strugglingorganizations.
InsightsSuccessappreciatesthecontributionmadeby suchprofoundorganizationsandtakespridein undertakingsuchbrandsinthisspecialissue,entitled “TopTransformationalITServicesCompaniestoWatch in2019.”
Hereisthebriefaboutthecoverofthis issue—Businessesareincliningtowardsmoresimplified
Abowlofknowledgewith atouchofpersistence leadstomiracle.
operationsandprocesses,andthuspracticing automationtosavetheirvaluabletimeondoing monotonousjobs.Roboticsaccompanying automationhasbroughtasubstantialchangeinthe ITsectorandisreshapingthefutureofthesame. Takingthisevolutionintoconsideration,Luis VillalonfoundedTargetRoboticsin2001,starting operationsonlybyhimself.Sincethebeginning,the companypolicywasautomationonlywithrobots. Luisbetforhisvisionoftheautomation.Hewas right,asnowroboticsisthemaintechnologyof automation,thereisnofullautomationwithout robotics.
Itcreatessimplesolutions,basedonamazing capacitiesofrobots.Thecompanyhastheabilityto developalmostallindustrialprocesseswithrobots, eventhecraziestapplications,usingallnew technologiesontherobots,advancedfunctionsand complexprograms.Comparedversusthe conventionalmachinery,TRguaranteestoreduce thesystemcostatleast50%,butincreasingthe productioncapacitybydouble,atleast.Forevery marketorindustry,TRsystemsbecamethebestsellingsolutionsfortheirexponentialproductivity anddisruptiveconcepts.
Let’sunveilsuchalike,inspiringinterviewsand storiesofmanysuchsignificantorganizationsinthis specialeditionandspreadawordabouttheir contributioninmakingthisworldabetterplace. Also,flipthroughtheCXOstandpointspresentedby someoftheleadingindustryexpertstotastethe glimpseofindustrialrevolutions.
Bhushan Ghate“
Weofferindustrialsolutionswith exponentialproductivity,through automationwithrobots,under simple,disruptiveandcustomized conceptsonaquick,flexible andcompetitiveway.
Businesses are inclining towards more simplified opera ons and processes, and thus prac cing automa on to save their valuable me on doing monotonous jobs. Robo cs accompanying automa on has brought asubstan alchangeintheITsectorand is reshaping the future of the same. Takingthisevolu onintoconsidera on, LuisVillalonfoundedTargetRobo csin 2001, star ng opera ons only by himself. Since the beginning, the company policy was automa on only withrobots..Luisbetforhisvisionofthe automa on. He was right, as now robo cs is the main technology of automa on, there is no full automa on withoutrobo cs.
Target Robo cs creates simple solu ons, based on amazing capaci es of robots. The company has the ability to develop almost all industrial processeswithrobots,eventhecraziest applica ons, using all new technologies on the robots, advanced func ons and complex programs. Compared versus the conven onal machinery, TR guaranteesto reducethesystemcost at least 50%, but increasing the produc on capacity by double, at least. For every market or industry, TR systems became the best-selling solu ons for their exponen al produc vityanddisrup veconcepts.
experimented and biggest automa on company in Mexico, with more than 18 years in robo cs, and more than 100 designengineers.
StayingAheadintheCompe on
Target Robo cs believes that as technology is movingfast, all the design engineers must be inside a permanent and evalua ve training program, not only to understand and apply new technologies, but also to research and develop new methods of research. These con nuous upgrading experiences maintain TR on a top compe velevel.
One of the biggest
and now is one of the mayor assets of the company, was to create and s ll conserving a top professional engineers’ team. Since the beginning, Luis strategy was to contract young and just graduated engineers and invest on a Robo c lab to train them during the internship university programs. In the first year, the revenue increased was more than 50%, and con nued like this every year, constantly for now 18 years, even in the 2009-2010 automo ve industry crisis, thanks to its sales policy, which diversifies to general industry market. Today the company is the most
Secondly, the company is also of the opinion that in general industries there are many customers with no robots in their produc on lines. They must implement automa on in order to be compe ve. When they decide to use robots, their people are usually afraid. TR make the system start-up and stay at the plant with the final users for extended periods, training to produc on & maintenance people, guidemanagersthroughtherampupof the process to implement robots in their factory, with the challenge to introduce and convince all personnel into this new mindset, helping them to understand it and learn how to use it. This support is un l the end, when everybody likes robo cs. TR considers this effort of many weeks or months, as an investment, because in the near future, they will accept and even prefer robotsthanconven onalmachinery.
Luis Villalon is the Founder and CEO of Target Robo cs. He has become one of thefirstrobo csintegratorinMexicoby the way he leads the company to become one of the biggest and reliable robo cssystemsintegratorsinMexico. Due the necessity to research and develop much more robo c systems to re-inventmanymanufactureprocesses, Luis Villalon’s vision to influence not only over industry, but also over young Mexican society is commanded by the
biggest project of his professional life. He envisions star ng the new TARGET ROBOTICS UNIVERSITY in 2020, where hundreds of design engineers will get the innova on, disrup ve, exponen al and con nuous changing acknowledgement to develop robo cs systems for all kind of industries and all typeofindustrialprocess.Inthecoming years, this will be the origin of a research, development and manufacturing center for the new genera on of robo cs systems that will be compe ve and exportable all over theworld.
Target Robo cs is reinven ng the manufacturing. It believes and proves that mass produc on theory is obsolete. Small to medium manufacturing units with robo c technology brings a be er way to get the high produc vityand flexibility that the new markets demand, with low manufacturing cost and low machinery investment
For example, this year TR develops a mul func onal robo c system for packaging. Many packaging processes are integrated in one system, using all so ware robot features like decision maker based on vision system, autorecovery func ons, safety compliance, auto diagnosis, plug & play, small footprint and completely autonomous. Before this new disrup ve system, the customer usually purchased many sta ons, one for each process, full of mechanisms.Thecostofthese sta ons was three mes higher; the footprint was ten mes bigger and requires four operators per shi . The power consump on, spare parts, complexity to adjust and low flexibility was a nightmare. The customer reduces the return of investment from 4.5 years to lessthanone.
Target Robo cs is of firm belief that automa on will become robo za on.
General industry will be robo zed as automo ve industry is now, or more. General industry, opposite as Automo ve, enables the integrators and research companies to innovate and develop new and innova ve solu ons. TR knows there are thousands of processes to robo ze in generalindustry,therearethousandsof conven onal machines to upgrade, and thus,thereisanewwaytomanufacture any kind products. This situa on is openingmanyopportuni esareatothe new genera on of disrup ve entrepreneurs who will compete with theactualmanufacturingcompanies. This is the new era of robo cs industry, which will rise with the people who have the processes acknowledge and the technology owners. The cost of the machinestoproducealmosteverything isdecreasingveryfast,andmorepeople arege ngaccesstoit.
According to Target Robo cs, in the coming years, industry 4.0 will transform the way we produce and distributegoods,andthischangewillbe leaded by the visionary entrepreneurs, who understan the new model to make business based on technology and knowledge.
Tes monial from Target Robo cs’ Client “Target Robo cs gave me for the first