



The evolution of robotics, from just being a small
supporting component to literally transforming industries, is becoming a game changer in many ways. This has become possible through advancements in technology and due to human curiosity, ambition, and drive to make the world a better place
Today, robots are becoming more cognitive intensive, powerful, intelligent, decisive, and faster in computing, analyzing, and processing information, commands and applications which are powered by Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
A robot, as a programmable mechanical device, is becoming more capable of performing tasks and interaction with its surrounding environment, with little or negligible human intervention.
Robots hold the potential to reduce the burden of humans by performing these tasks. Robotics companies indeed make a difference in the lives of humans because of their potential to create the kind of robots that can perform the tasks that are more complex for humans to perform.
With the advanced use of technologies robotics companies are coming up with more powerful and more intelligent robots that can perform the most important and most decisive human functions. Robots are certainly becoming capable of taking even intelligent decisions based on the use of advanced programming and technology
The smart robots created by robotics companies are based on AI software system that can learn from its environment and its experience and can build on its capabilities based on that pre-existing knowledge, experience, and developed intuition. They are certainly becoming capable of taking intuitive decisions or situational decisions and effortlessly perform the cognitive intensive functions of the human brain.
With the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning by robotics companies the potential of robots is becoming huge to certainly play an important role in the industries and to transform human lives for better. Home service robotics companies can make people’s lives easier, more efficient, smarter, connected and enabling the family members to spend more time doing what they love and with the people they love by creating home service robots. In the same way these robotics companies can deploy robots in the various organizations for performing tasks from simplest to the toughest. With these the potential manpower can be used in the tasks that are not repetitive and that which involve most creative and most thoughtful human functioning.
Many smart robotics companies are developing intelligent software for the fast and flexible deployment of robots in various logistics and production processes all over the world. With AI, robotics companies are developing intelligent pick and place robot solutions that are capable of handling millions of different items
Capability of robots may increase to great extent, but the importance of thoughtful, creative, and innovative people will always exist, putting aside the threat of human workforce being replaced by machines.
The innovation of more and more smart robots will not make human functions redundant but will change the functions of humans and with the evolution of robotics, humans will evolve as well, and this can certainly make the world even better
The evolution of robotics companies is a win-win for everyone. It will allow humans to utilize their time for most thoughtful and creative activities because most of the tasks in future can be managed by the evolutionary and smart robots
This edition, World’s 10 Best Robotics Companies, 2021 brings into spotlight, the best robotics companies in the world that are ceaselessly innovating to cater to the necessity of making human life better and convenient.
Sharad Chitalkarsharad@insightssuccess.com
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January, 2021
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AISoyRobotics aisoy.com
AmyRoboticsCo.,Ltd. amyrobotics.com
BlueFrogRobotics bluefrogrobotics.com
BridgeRobotics bridgerobotics.com
ConsequentialRobotics consequentialrobotics.com
JoseManuelDelRío CEO
TitoYoung VicePresident, Operations
Aisoycreatesadorablerobotsthatentertainandteachus throughadvancedemotionalroboticstechnology.
AmyRoboticsisaninnovativetechnologycompanyfocusing onresearchanddevelopmentofservicerobotsthatenhance qualityoflifewithrobotictechnologies,productsandservices.
RodolpheHasselvander Co-founderandCEO
TiagoCosta Director
SebastianConran CEO
BlueFrogRoboticsisthedeveloperofBUDDY,theworld's firstIntelligentandtrueEmotionalRobotthathascapturedthe affectionoftensofthousandsofpeoplearoundtheworld.
BridgeRoboticsareexpertsinroboticssoftwareforfleet management,creatingpowerfulandintuitivesolutionstohelp youtrulyunderstandandgettheverybestfromyour autonomousmobilerobots.
ConsequentialRoboticsisaserviceroboticsstart-up developinginnovativesolutionsforapplicationsineducation, healthcareandresearchwiththemainfocusondeveloping assistiveroboticsystemsthatwillenhancequalityoflifeas peopleage.
DMAI,Inc dm.ai
DrMingtianZha CEOandCTO
EZ-Robot ez-robot.com
FoldiMate foldimate.com
SmartRobotics smart-robotics.nl
DavidQian CEO&ViceChairman
DMAIiscommittedtodevelopingArtificialIntelligence(AI) technologiesforeducationandhealthcare.
ECOVACSROBOTICSdesignsintelligentroboticsolutions thatseamlesslyintegrateintoyoureverydaylife,soyouhave moretimetodowhatyoulove.
EZ-Robotisanedtechsolutionthatsupportsteachingand inspireslearning.EZ-Robotencourageslifelonglearningfor solvingreal-worldproblems.
FounderandCEO HeicoSandee Co-founderandCTO
FoldiMate,theroboticlaundryfolder,willeasilyfoldyour clothesintoneatpiles,readytoputaway
SmartRoboticsdevelopsintelligent,robot-independent softwareforthefastandflexibledeploymentofrobotsand cobotsinvariouslogistics-andproductionprocessesallover theglobe.
ECOVACS has developed a world-class portfolio of home service robotics, that are currently serving the function of tools to make people’s life easier, connected, and more convenient.
Technology has always played a vital role in the extensive development of mankind. From the invention of the wheel to the autonomous vehicle, and many more bespoke technologies with the potential to transform lives for the better, have been and will continue to be conceived out of our curiosity and necessity.
ECOVACS ROBOTICS, headquartered in Suzhou, China, comprehends and acknowledges the ‘necessity’ part when it comes to conceiving and delivering cuttingedge home service robotics products.
Founded in 1998, ECOVACS is dedicated to the ongoing investment of home service robotics value chain and technologies, from integration of chips and sensors to managing data and AI to drive the revolution of traditional home care to automated home care.
Pertaining to its unwavering foothold and profound expertise in this industry and global operations, ECOVACS has gained a deep
understanding of user cases to offer a range of robot products, including robotic vacuum cleaner DEEBOT, air purifying robot AIRBOT, and window cleaning robot WINBOT to its global clientele.
Based on its consistent technology innovation, competitive product performance, and branding, ECOVACS’ products have been chosen by over 30 million users in more than 80 countries and regions.
ECOVACS launched its first robotic vacuum cleaner DEEBOT in 2007, and it is the world’s first brand innovated vacuuming and mopping 2-in-1 robot products, freeing users from the time-consuming housework of cleaning homes.
As the development and innovation in key technology aspects of robotic vacuum cleaner progressed, in 2020 the company launched DEEBOT OZMO T8 family worldwide, including DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI, DEEBOT OZMO T8, Auto-Empty
TM Station, OZMO Pro Mopping System, and more.
DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI pushes the AI application and robot mapping and navigation technology to a new height. It features ECOVACS’
TM upgraded AIVI (Artificial Intelligence and Visual Interpretation) technology and TrueMapping – laser-based mapping and navigation technology
TMAIVI technology is used for automatically recognizing obstacles when moving and avoiding them accordingly. While TrueMapping technology integrates dToF sensor, an aerospace-level distance
detection sensor, to plan an efficient cleaning path faster in various indoor environment.
On top of adopting the revolutionary TrueMapping technology, DEEBOT OZMO T8 also features a TrueDetect 3D technology, the instant 3D obstacle detection and avoidance technology, which results in ten times more accurate in obstacle detection precision than traditional infrared obstacle avoidance technology.
The ECOVACS team believes that the new technological breakthrough, the current robotic vacuum cleaners could efficiently clean homes without overlooking any spots, erroneously cleaning same areas
multiple times, and getting tangled or stuck with obstacles around the home.
Power-up kits of OZMO Pro Mopping System and the Auto-Empty Station are compatible with DEEBOT OZMO T8 TM family products. The OZMO Pro Mopping System enables DEEBOTs to deal with stubborn stains by electrically powered high-frequency vibration, and the Auto-Empty Station could clean DEEBOT’s dustbin automatically with disposable dust bag holding up to 30 days.
“At ECOVACS, our vision is ‘Live Smart, Enjoy Life’ and we hold a mission of ‘A
Robot for Every Family’. We create home service robotics to make people’s life easier, smarter, more efficient and connected, enabling our users to spend more time on doing what they love with the people they love,” says David Qian, the CEO and Vice Chairman of ECOVACS ROBOTICS. David plays a leading role in all respects of the company business, including R&D, design, manufacture, marketing, and global sales.
After graduating from University of British Columbia, David joined the company in July 2012. From May 2015 to September 2018, he served as the President of International Business Unit, where he was fully responsible for the expansion of overseas markets.
Under David’s leadership, nowadays the company has successfully
explored over 80 countries and regions worldwide and achieved #1 market share positions in many of the key markets across the world. In October 2018, David Qian assumed his new duties as the CEO. He laid more emphasis on technical innovations to drive the growth of the company and RVC industry. In 2019, the company successfully launched its first robotic vacuum TM cleaner adopting AIVI technology, and in 2020 the company successfully launched its revolutionary DEEBOT OZMO T8 family products globally
We asked David on what advice he would like to give to the aspiring entrepreneurs and tech enthusiasts who wish to enter the robotics and smart home care industry. In response, David says, “Be innovative. Be brave to try new possibilities. And be a great contributor to the society”
Additionally, sharing his opinion on the future of AI and IoT in the robotics sphere, David says, “In the future, with the development of AI, 5G, big data and more cutting-edge technology, the smart home products will have a more clever brain so that products will become more intelligent. Moreover, IoT is definitely a trend, with mature of the technology, it will bring a more connected and convenient life to people. Due to the unique spatial awareness and being the only mobile smart home appliance, robotic vacuum cleaner will play a vital role in smart home environment.”
From the aspect of products’ intelligence and cleaning performance, ECOVACS insists on putting users’ need first, and to
Furthermore, from tool, to housekeeper, to companion, reflects ECOVACS’ dedication to its mission, which is, as stated earlier, ‘A Robot for Every Family’. “In the future, we will invest more R&D in the technology of hardware structure, algorithm, AI, and related internet and robotic technology, to make our home service robotics smarter,” concludes David.
Roboticsissaidtobethenexttechnological revolution.TheadvancesinroboticsandAIare happeningrapidlyandthedemandforconsumer roboticsolutionsisgrowing.Wearemovingtowardsa worldfullofrobotsshiftingfromaphaselargelydominated bydomesticrobots(e.g.,vacuums,mops,andlawnmowers) intorobotsengagingdirectlywithhumansintheformof personalassistantsorfamilycompanions.
Tomorrow,companionrobotswillbepartofourlivesasthe smartphoneisoneofthemtodayalthoughwewouldnever haveimagineditatfirst.Wecansaythatforsuccessful customeradoption,“EmotionalArtificialIntelligence”is thekey.ByunderstandingthistechnologicalshiftBlue FrogRoboticshasintroduced BUDDY Robotand redefinedthewayweinteractwithtechnologiesbycreating auser-friendly,proactive,andengaginginterfacewithan unbeatablecharm.
Fundamentally,BUDDYisaboutanewwayofinteracting withtechnology,isanewentertainmentplatform,security systemandassistant,abletogrowandlearn,while enhancingthequalityoflifeatallage.Technologically speaking,BUDDYembodiestheconvergenceofrobotics andArtificialIntelligence,withthebusinessmodelof smartphones andtheir Appstore.
BlueFrogRoboticsisacutting-edgeFrenchstart-upand developerofBUDDY,thefirstEmotionalRobot,conceived torespondtothemajorchallengesofourcurrentsociety, suchastheagingofthepopulation,inclusionofvulnerable peopleandeducation.
BUDDY: The Emotional Robot
EntirelydesignedandmanufacturedinFrance,BUDDYis anadorablecompanionthatcanimproveeveryone'slife, andmoreparticularly,createsocialties,supportchildhood learning,watchoverandtakecareofoureldersinlossof autonomy,whetherathomeorinseniorcarefacilities.Heis alsotheperfectemotionalrobottoteachandplaywith childrenespeciallythosewithspecialneeds.Finally, BUDDYisanassistantabletogiveusefulinformation, remindimportantmeetingsandentertain,byplayingmusic ortheradio.
Helpingthosefragileindividualstogainautonomyand comfortthankstopersonalroboticsisacompanyobjective towhichBlueFrogRoboticswishestocontributewiththe commerciallaunchof“BUDDYPRO”robotthisyear Also,thecurrentCOVID-19epidemiccertainlyhighlights theneedforrobotssuchasBUDDY Withthesocial distancingintroduced,exchangeshavebeenturnedupside down.Thus,theBUDDYrobotdoeshavetoplayacrucial roleinthiscontextbecauseitcanhelptostayintouchwith lovedonesandassesspeopleduringanoutbreak.
Thisreadytogomarket,emotionalplatform,androbot solutionaddressalsodevelopers,robotmanufacturers, distributorsorlicenseesthatneedrobotswith“smart”and emotionalcapacities(behavior,adaptability,proactivity, etc.).
ThearchitectbehindtheBlueFrogRobotics RodolpheHasselvanderistheFounderofBlueFrog Robotics.Heisapioneerengineerandentrepreneurin industrial&personalrobotics.Hehasbeenworkingin roboticsforover20years,includingArtificialIntelligence, educationalandassistancerobots,autonomouscarsand platforms,humanoidrobotsandotherkindsofrobotsfor logistic,defense,surgery&construction.Hehasbeen leadingtheCRIIF,awell-knownFrenchroboticslaband decidedin2014tocreatetotransferthesehighrobotics technologiesinaccessiblerobotslikeBUDDYfor consumers.Rodolphehadalwaysthedreamtodevelopan emotionalcompanionrobottochangethelifeofmillionsof people.Challengeachievedasafter5yearsofR&D,the companyhaslaunchedthemassproductionofBUDDY PRO.
BlueFrogRoboticsteamhadthedesiretomakerobotsthat willhelppeopletoliveabetterlife.Afterdevelopingrobots fornuclear,healthcareanddefenseapplications,the companybelievesthatthetimeforconsumerroboticshas come.Atfirst,theoriginalideaofBUDDYwasbornoutof theneedtohelptheelderlytolivealonelongerwiththeaim atansweringachallengingissue:overcomingloneliness andisolationofpeoplebyerasingthecomplexityof technology.Therefore,thecompanycreatedanendearing andcuterobotthatpeoplewanttobondwith.WhenBlue FrogRoboticsstartedtointroduceBUDDYtothepublic, hehasbeenreceivedsowarmlybymanyusers.Therefore, thecompanydecidedthattheirproducthadtomatchthe currentneedsfordailylifeatallageanddevelopeditwith threesacrosanctprinciples:createempathy,makeit accessibletothegreatestnumberandscalable/upgradeable.
BlueFrogRoboticsdevelopsadisruptiveproduct, especiallyendearing,tohaveasignificantimpacton businessandsociety.Itcreatesasimple,reliable,massmarketproductthatcanevolveeasilyanderasethe technology’scomplexityinfavorofusefulservices.Asthe technologyadvanceswithgiantstrides,BUDDYisnot intendedtobeembeddedinascleroticmodel.Therobot must,therefore,beabletointegratemanyapplications. SinceBUDDYisbuiltonamodularandflexibleplatform, theglobalcommunityofBUDDYhardwareandsoftware developerscaneasilyenrichtheportfolioofapplications specificallytargetedtoprofessionals,includingEldercare, Healthcare;Education,HospitalityandIoTindustries.
ImprovingContinuouslytoServeDistinctly BlueFrogRoboticshasalreadysignedwithsomekey corporatepartnerstoconductfull-scaletestswithBUDDY Amongthem,theEuropeanleaderinAgeing-Well, KORIAN,whoexperimentedBUDDYwiththeirresidents, ,basedontheuniquecapabilitiesoftherobottoprovide permanentassistanceforbothhealthcaregiverandsenior (safety/security,24Hrmonitoringservice,alertgeneration, sociallink,entertainmentetc.).
Thecompanyalsohaveotherdeploymentprojectson-going withintheEducationfield(RobotAvatartohelp homeboundorhospitalizedchildrenstayconnectedwith schoolmates)andwithaHealthcaremajorplayertodevelop atherapyrobotforspecialkids.
Onhospitalityservices,BlueFrogworkedwithSNCF (Frenchrailwaycompany)tocreateanduniqueandoriginal travelexperienceonboardwhereBUDDYanimatesthe iDTGVwagonbarandwithSOMFY(worldleaderindoor andwindowautomationforthehomeandbuilding industry)todriveclients’visitinsidethebrand-new
Rodolphe Hasselvander Founderexperiencecenterattheirheadquarter
Inordertodeliverthemostacceptable,usableand emphaticrobot,BlueFrogRoboticscreatesanddevelops amodularendorsedEAIF(EmotionalAIFramework)for theirclientstobuildinnovativeanddifferentiating solutions,servicesandapplicationsforenhanced customerexperiencecreation.Byallowingrobotstohave meaningfulinteractionswithend-users,clientscancreate amorepersonalizeduserexperienceandincreasebusiness value.
AtBlueFrog,wholeteamispassionateaboutbringing personalroboticstothenextlevel.Theirgoalisthat everyonetoadopthisemotionalcompanionrobottoassist, entertain,educate,andmakeeverybodysmile. Make Tech-for-Goodareality,thisisBlueFrogRobotics’ vision.BUDDYwillbethefirstrealemotionrobotand otherrobotswillfollow,maybebiggerandabletodo more“concrete”astruehumanoidrobots. “In ten or fifteen years, we will all have a robot in our house. After all, in the early 1980s, the personal computer was only a distant mirage,” assertsRodlphe.
ConsequentialRobotics[CqR]deliversthebestof internationaldesignandengineeringtothe developmentofnextgenerationconsumerand commercialrobots.Itaimstocreatenewrobotplatforms thatareinclusivelydesigned,attractive,effectiveand helpful,withthelong-termaimtoenhancethequalityof humanlife.
Theemphasisisonemotionalengagementwithtechnology andunderstandinghowpeoplewilluserobotsintheirlives athome,atwork,atschools,andinsharedspaces.Robots willbetheeyes,earsandbrainsoftheintelligenthouseor thesmartoffice,designedtoworksafelyandunobtrusively; complementingandassistingpeoplenotreplacingthem. Workingcloselywithinternationalacademicandindustrial collaborators,CqRemploysthelatestartificialintelligence, navigation,mechatronic,human-machineinterfaceand flexiblemanufacturingtechnologiestocreaterobotsthatare likeable,reliable,andeasytouse.
Anengineeratheart,SebastianConranhasdesigninthe blood,focusedondesigningtechnologiestomakethem
moreemotionallyengaging.Heispassionateaboutcreating thoughtful&elegantproductsthataresatisfyingtouse.He believes‘formfollowsfabrication’andthatonemust thoroughlyunderstandhowthingsaretobemade& experiencedbeforeyouputpenciltopaper
Fromworkinginhisfather’sindustrialdesignstudiointhe early1970'stofoundingtheConsequentialRoboticsin 2015,Sebastian’slifehasbeenfocusedonunderstanding howthingsaremade,sold,usedandexperienced.
Aswellascreatingingenious,thoughtfullydesignedand satisfyingproducts.AtpresentheisalsovisitingProfessor ofDesign&InnovationatBristolRoboticsLaband DesignerinResidenceattheUniversityofSheffield’s engineeringfaculty.
AstheCEOofConsequentialRoboticsandSebastian ConranAssociatesdesignstudio,Sebastiantakesahandson,down-to-earthapproachtoallhisdesign&development projects,sharinghiswealthexperienceonuserneedsand manufacturingexpertisewiththedesignteam.Hisdesign teamhasreceivedmuchinternationalacclaimandmany awardsfordesign&innovationaswellasbeinggranted overfiftypatentsanddesignpatentsinvariousfields.
“Roboticshavefascinatedmesincechildhood,howeverthe dream/nightmareportrayedinmanymovieshasuntilnow beenfairlyillusory.Butnowwiththeadventmorehighly developedAItechnologyandsensorswearebeginningto beabletorealizeanddevelopusefulconsumerfacing roboticswithtrueautonomyratherthansinglepurpose devicesusedinmanufacturingorwashingdishes,”asserts Sebastian.
Inthefuturerobotswillshareourpersonalspace;interact withusandwitheachothertoprovideemotional engagement,securityandentertainment;soitisessential thatthestudentsoftodaylearncodingforsuchdevices. Miro-Eisdevelopedspecificallyforsucheducationto
demonstrate&develophuman/robotand robot/robotinteraction,MiRo-Ehasawiderangingsuiteofsensors.Thereare11 degreesoffreedom,whichprovidesforrich expressivecommunicationand behavioralcodingopportunities.
Nowshippinginits3rdgenerationthe MiRo-Eisahighlyspecified,low-cost, flexibleandfullyprogrammable autonomousAIroboticplatformfor students,researchers,educators,developers andhealthcareprofessionals.Withsix biomimeticsenses,over30sensors,an innovativebrain-inspiredcontrolsystem andasimulationsoftwarepackage. (www.miro-e.com)
MiRoisbasedonthesimplepremisethat animalshavequalitiesthataredesirablein today’ssocialrobots.Theyarerobust, adaptableandgoodatcommunicatingtheirfeelings. ConsequentialRoboticsapproachistobuildrobotsthat thinkandoperateverymuchlikeanimals;fromtheirsenses anddecision-makingprocesses,allthewaythroughtotheir bodyformsandbehaviors.MiRoparticularlysuitedto robot-humaninteractionandrobot-robotteaminteraction.
MiRo-EwascreatedbyConsequentialRoboticsin associationwithleadinginternationaluniversitiesand educationalists.Itwasdesigned&developedin collaborationwiththeacclaimedSebastianConran Associatesstudioandleadinguniversities,asaloveable companionrobotplatformwithbigpotential.MiRo-Eisthe nextgenerationofpersonalrobotsthatwillgobeyondmere toy-likegadgets,creatingrewardingengagementforusers.
Beingfriendly,familiarandanimal-likeratherthanan underperformingdisappointinghumanoid,peoplerespond toMiRowithadifferentsetofexpectationsthataremore easilymatchedandexceededbytoday’snascentAI technology.InteractingwithMiRoisundoubtedlyafun emotionallysatisfyingexperienceforallages.
Understanding&learningAIcodingisbecomingan importanteducationalskill.MiRo-Eprovidesunparalleled interactionwithstudentsandtheirenvironment,providing anopportunitytoengagenon-STEMmindedstudentsinthe DigitalCurriculumandhasbeenproventochangetheway learnersviewthemselvesinthecontextofSTEM.
MiRo-E’sengagingpet-likepersonalitystandsoutfrom othereducationalrobots,stimulatingtheimaginationsofall students,notjustofthosealreadyexcitedbytechnology TheyunderstandandlearnhowtocodeAIrobotic behaviors,implementingtheircreativeideasthroughthe highlyspecifiedflexibleplatform.
MiRo-Eisanexcellentclassroomtoolforall,including SENandstudentemotionalcare.ItcanbeusedfromP-12 andinvarioussubjectstoprovideawell-balancedmultilevellearningexperience.Exampleteachingmoduleshelp guideeducatorstodeveloplearningmaterials.
CqRismainlyfocusedonmeetingtheneedsoftheaging population,byusingAIroboticstohelppeopleinlaterlife lookafterthemselvesandremainable,independentand happyaslongastheypossible,withoutbeingtoomuchofa burdenonothers.
Antiques look good in showcases. That is about the only use they have when the world moves on. Yes, they do command value but never in terms of growth. No antique has ever been known to spawn an industry other than those of fakes.
For companies to keep growing they must keep up with the times, and the needs presented by the times. One important element of this keeping up is to adopt with open arms the latest that technology has to offer. In doing so, organizations get to stay market relevant for extended periods of time. There are other reasons as well. We mention them below.
1. Millennials won’t deal with those who don’t match steps with them. You lose speed, you lose steps, you lose touch.
It’s like cars from the previous generation. They look so cool and it’s so nice to (hand) wind the windows and experience the wind in our hair…for exactly a kilometre. After that, it is back to the latest, snazziest of cars with everything automated and speeds that almost match the winds.
Yes, millennials MAY like old technology only as a passing fad.
But when it’s about serious things like business and entertainment, it WILL always have to be on the back of the latest available technology. Organizations that do not adopt newer tech development, be it in automotive, electronics, FMCG or entertainment, run the risk of being called antiques which like a prized animal shall be hung on the wall to dry and become increasingly irrelevant.
2. Cost of doing business with legacy systems start to increase with time.
Take for instance automotive whose spares are not easily available. They become costly to maintain over time while their reliability goes down in the same order. Something similar is the case with companies that rely on older, dated legacy systems and do not adopt the latest tech development. In the absence of dedicated support, these systems start to become increasingly rickety and uncertain in their ability to give expected output. If one persists with their usage, besides the danger of a sudden breakdown with unfathomable losses, one will incur increasing costs of operations and upkeep so much so that there might not be any profits in time.
3. Legacy systems are not always dependable when it’s about security.
Legacy systems in the world of information technology and communication are known hot spots worldwide when it comes to data leaks and breaches besides the chances of being ingested with viruses that could cause havoc to an organization’s working. Where legacy systems power important and significant activities, data security and breaches could cause humongous losses both of products and services, and of one’s reputation.
4. Entities that do not invest in the latest in tech are perceived as uncaring, aloof, and slow. Who in the world, with full knowledge and in the right frame of mind would like to step on a land-mine and expect to stay alive to tell the story? This happens only in the realms of the seriously stupid. Or supremely over-confident, either situations in which the first casualty are customers who take stock and
leave for greener pastures and better services. Those knowingly not adopting newer technology (unless the same is exorbitantly expensive and too technical to implement- which can be explained to clients in as many words!) then seem uncaring, aloof, and destined to head for fool’s paradise. Yes, the world is full of such instances when perfectly functional organizations have overlooked newer tech development only to be rudely awoken to instances of costly data and security breaches that threaten the very existence of such organizations.
5. Those who do not adopt newer tech, stand to lose customers who move on to better and faster systems.
The field of telecom is one of the best and biggest examples of what happens when newer technology isn’t adopted on time. With issues such as garbled calls, call drops, connections not taking place etc taking place with increasing frequency, subscribers wait for the opportune moment to jump ship and rush into the waiting arms of a competitor who as much as just announces something better. Yes, even an announcement of better services sometimes is enough for folks to leave! And the only probable reason this takes place is because the service provider organization hasn’t kept up with the latest in tech development to stay market relevant. If this continues long enough, expect competition (expectedly with better products!) to grow in the same proportion as the parent company’s losses!
New technological development isn’t a fad but a reality and an absolute necessity. The concept of loyalty has changed drastically over the years. These days the only entities that get their customers’ loyalty are those that keep up with their promises to their client of good services which invariably is the outcome of investing in the right tech developments at the right time!
TheemergingimplementationofcognitiveAIwithin learningplatformshasgivenpeoplethemotivation toadvancetheirlivesalongwithempowering teacherstoprovidemorepersonalizedinstructions.
DMAIstarteditsendeavourtopromotetheuseofAIthat wouldlifthumanitywithaninitialfocusontheeducation vertical.ItwasfoundedbyAIexpertsSong-ChunZhuand MarkNitzbergwhograduatedfromHarvardUniversityin the1990s.TheyfoundedDMAIinLosAngeles,California, andstartedoperationsinJuly2017.
InaninterviewwithInsightsSuccess,DrMingtianZhao theCEOandCTOofDMAIshedslightonhowDMAI couldhelptheeducationverticalbypromotingtheuseofAI focusingonliftinghumanityandmakinglearningeasy Belowarethehighlightsoftheinterview:
DMAI’svisionistolifthumanitybydevelopingcognitive AIplatformsandproductsthatmakepersonalconnections toindividuals.Weseektoexplorethe“darkmatter”of intelligencewherethe95%“invisible”(i.e.,functionality, physics,intent,causality,andhumanutility,throughtopdowninferenceandreasoning)helpsusunderstandthe “visible”5%weseewithoursensoryinputs.Withcognitive AItechnology,wecreatefriendly,personalizedmethodsfor education,whereothersbuildstandardizedmethodswith limitedefficacy.
Kindlyelaborateonyourcompany’suniqueproductsor services.
Wecurrentlyhavetwomainproductlines,AILA(Animal IslandLearningAdventure)andMAIA(MyAIAssistant), bothpoweredbyourcognitiveAItechnologiesand platforms.AILAincludesproductsandservicesfocusingon earlyeducationfortoddlersandpreschoolers,andMAIA includesservicesfocusingonK-12education.
Whatkindofchallengeshasyourcompanyfacedinits initialdaysofestablishmentandwhatarethestruggles itisgoingthroughnow?
First,weareexploringanewpathintoday’smapofAI, withsignificantdifferencesfromthepopularmethodsof BigDataandDeepLearning.Wehadtoworkoutsolutions againstpopularmethods,withstrongbeliefsinourown theories.Italsoposedchallengestothecreationofateam thatsharesunderstandingsofthiscognitiveAItechnology, sincethedepthofsciencesandmathematicsisnoteasyto digestforpeoplenewtothisschoolofthought.
Second,becauseofthisnewperspectiveofAI,wehadtodo lotsofeducationtoconvinceourinvestors,business partners,andcustomers,sotheycouldtellourapproach
DMAI’s vision is to lift humanity by developing cognitive AI platforms and products that make personal connections to individuals
fromtraditionalmethodsandotherpopularAImethods. Lastbutnottheleast,asanAIcompany,findingafeasible productandmarketbesideestablishedapplicationssuchas self-drivingcar,eCommerce,andinternetadvertisements, etc.,isdifficult.Overthepastthreeyears,wehavebeen iterativelyrevisingourproductsandsolutionstoachievea balancebetweenthenatureofthetechnologyandtheneeds ofmarketandcustomers.
Whatmakesyourcompanystandoutfromtherestofits competition?
Oursolutionisunique.TheadvancesincognitiveAI technologyanditsapplicationineducationgivesus significantadvantageagainsttraditionalsolutions.Wehave enjoyedtheencouragingfeedbacksofourhappycustomers, abouthowDMAI’stechnologyandproductshelpedthem enjoytheirlivesbetter.
Whatadvicewouldyouliketogivetheyoung entrepreneursandstart-upsthatarewillingtoenterin theroboticsindustry?
Abalancebetweentechnologyandcustomers’needsisthe keytosuccess.Manytechentrepreneurs,comparedwith traditionalones,overestimatedthepoweroftechnology, andfailedtoseetheimportanceofmatchingittothereal painpointsofcustomers.
Whatdoesthefutureholdforyourcompanyintermsof growth?
DMAIhasbeenrapidlygrowinginthepast3years.We developedthecognitiveAIplatformsDMOS/DMPL, createdourfirstproducts,foundourproduct-marketfit,and recentlyalsoachievedsignificantrevenuein2020.In2021, wewillfocusonpolishingourproductstoincreasequality andreducecostandtrytoexpandouruserbaseby10xin 2021.
Shortly after the founding of DMAI, Dr Zhao moved back to Los Angeles and joined the company as CTO and led the technology and engineering teams to develop DMAI’s two major cognitive AI platforms, named DMOS (DM Operating System) and DMPL (DM Programming Language). Later in 2019, Dr Zhao also took on the CEO position and has been overseeing the overall operations of the company.
Need and greed are powerful motivators which are said to have put entire industries in place. One of them is logistics, including worldwide logistics. What was till a few millenniums back an activity satisfying needs in a small area of a village has today made the world a global village. Logistics has also kept up with other demands given that it provided healthy means of employment and even healthier returns on investments.
Those were the thought till the virus decided to act up. In a matter of weeks entire cities emptied out with humanity scurrying home for cover. With no-one being around to serve and be served, entire industries fell
silent. Including logistics. Be it warehouses, ports, railway sidings, factories, or myriad other links in the chain, all had one thing in common. Silence.
Fear brings silence. But neither fear nor silence is a match for hunger and needs. In a matter of weeks, life ebbed back into silent warehouses and ports. They were serving the biggest change that technology has brought forth. E-commerce. Being barely affected by the pandemic, e-commerce has kept the wheels of the world economy turning. In time it brought change, partly to keep the pandemic at bay, and more so to keep the show running efficiently and effectively. The latter meant an increasing reliance on machines, and a movement to the cloud to decentralize decision making. Dynamics in the global logistics space have changed a lot over the last one year. In some cases, the change has been drastic. We mention a few below.
1. Bigger movement to e-commerce which itself moved for bigger warehousing spaces along with higher mechanization.
The pandemic has brought humanity’s focus on machines things that function despite the worst of circumstances, one of which is the currently ebbing pandemic. E-commerce is one sector where direct human intervention is comparatively quite less which with time and circumstances would only reduce. In the absence of human intervention, machines and robots are a natural (and only) selection which bring with it the need to go for higher and bigger warehouses and complexes which by itself asks for further mechanization. In the end, human intervention reduces drastically, operations become more efficient, effective, and much faster. With time these positives help reduce costs which are spent on giving discounts to retain clients.
2. Visibility of packages being the issue, increasingly higher levels of mechanization remain the only solution.
In the world of e-commerce, if there is one thing that gets everyone’s attention, it is that of visibility. Once booked, the entire supply chain from origin to final delivery (and the reverse in the case of a return) becomes available to the purchaser to view, judge, and decide. This is one aspect that has brought reassurance to the clients be it before, during or after the pandemic, and shall remain the most endearing reason for them to
stay with e-commerce. Helping in the act of bringing visibility are gadgets, be they RFID tags, IoT scanners or edge computing systems. With time, their number and scope will only increase.
3. Increasing use of sensors, be it IoT-enabled or otherwise to receive data on each operation so as to make things better.
Global Logistics in the context of digitization has an important lynch-pin. Data. It’s that one thing every activity generates in tons. And it’s precisely this commodity that lays bare the working of each component of the supply and logistics chain, be it global or local. With the scale of operations increasing by the day, there’s just no way that humans can efficiently collect data of every activity, collate it and derive important meaning, trends and patterns. For that, one needs sensors that in almost all cases have to be connected to a grid. Enter the IoT-enabled sensors and RFID parts and components which besides tracking and reporting on the status of package, may also inform on the status of the machines handling the operations, their reliability and need for maintenance and overhaul.
4. Data is thus king as it shows areas of operation where things can be changed, sometimes drastically, including modes and routes.
What blood is to humans, data is to industry especially logistics where every link in the chain feeds and supports the immediate ones in the vicinity. In such a situation, knowledge beyond the cursory ‘who does what’ is an essential. In fact, it’s the ‘how of what’ that’s important. Change comes when one knows in-depth the activity at each node so that corrections, sometimes drastic including entire course changes can be planned and implemented early and easily. Data gathering and changes were always in the pipeline of the logistics industry. The pandemic just exacerbated the activity immensely. In some cases, plans of a few years were implemented in a matter of months.
5. Increasing use of data-capturing gadgets for tracking perishable commodity.
If data supports better decision-making, it’s worth a million as is the case with perishables where it helps with quicker turnarounds. From flowers to fruits, meats, skins and medicines, everything depends upon gadgets that inform on every aspect be it the speed of
the vehicle, likely ETA, ambient conditions within the packages and containers and so on. In particular medicines are a field that have found centre-stage in these times of the pandemic, and issues to do with their safety and efficacy are being handled with the use of the right set of gadgets.
6. Drop in prices of data-capturing gadgets with increasing use
According to Microsoft's "2019 Manufacturing Trends" report, average prices of an Internet of Things (IoT) sensor has declined from USD 1.30 in 2004 to $0.44 in 2018 which shall see a steep increase in their usage by 2021- close to 35 billion devices! What it means for everyone is that business of a very different kind shall find its way in industry. That of higher production of IoT-based devices and their maintenance.
7. Increasing use of edge computing to missionindependent operations
If IoT wasn’t enough (and rightly so due to the everprevalent lag), edge computing devices shall find increasing application in various facets of the logistics industry and more so those where local decision making should take precedence over decisions taken at centralized location including the cloud. Issues relating to movement and co-ordination of vehicles in confined areas needn’t always be referred to the cloud. Some matter can be solved locally using edge computing, a necessity in time-sensitive applications.
The last-mile i.e., from the last warehouse/ collection point to the final delivery point sometimes makes up to 30% of the total logistics cost. That, and the issue of keeping adequate distance (social distancing) to avoid spread of the virus means that the logistics industry post Covid-19 shall increasingly use robots and drones to do what till now was being done by humans. Besides halting the progress of the pandemic to an extent, it shall also reduce the ills related to the human element.
9. Increasing use of smart lockers, public otherwise to reduce delivery-related issues including for reverse logistics.
Part of the last mile constituting a third of the logistics cost is the issue of non-deliveries due to the absence of
the recipient. While the reason for the absence could be many, it doesn’t change the fact that costs get incurred without any commensurate benefit of any kind. In the post-Covid-19 scenario with gadgets ruling the roost, the field of logistics has found the perfect solution. Smart lockers. An idea similar to yesteryear’s post-office boxes, the difference here it that specially designed smart-boxes are placed at mutually agreed convenient locations. Recipients take the responsibility of taking delivery from these boxes which have all the “smartness” to deliver against set codes and passwords which simultaneously inform the logistics provider of the status of the shipment.
10. Smart contracts backed by block-chains.
Global Logistics is and always was an extension of the supply chain industry be it for movement within or outside any country. Each leg of the journey has its own set of considerations backed by its own set of rules and regulations, rights and duties noted in documents like receipts, bills, airway bills, bills of lading, warehousing receipts etc. Due to its very nature and despite one’s best efforts, contraventions take place frequently that lead to litigations. In most cases these get settled by means including arbitration, courts or by mutual agreement. With the industry’s focus on customer service at all times, litigations come in its way quite often and are a drain of money and time. Recent developments are bringing relief in the form of block-chain backed smart-contracts where in the event of either party contravening, automated responses take place that includes compensating the aggrieved party. It is reducing the instances of the aggrieved party first approaching courts or arbitration & his helping reduce expenses and time.
Theevolutionofrobotics,frommerelybeingan elementoffictiontoliterallytransforming industries,hasbeengamechanginginaplethoraof ways.Thiswasmadepossiblethroughtechnological advancementsaidedbyhumancuriosityandambitionalong withthedrivetomaketheworldabetterplace.
Theroboticsindustryandtheassociatedmarketexhibit immensepotentialforbothestablishedandemerging players.Companiesacrosstheworldarestrivingtocaterto theever-increasingdemandforproductsandsolutionsand deliveronlythebestoftheirinnovationcapabilities. OneprominentnameamongthesecompaniesisSmart Robotics,aDutchcompanythatisgrowingtobecomethe leadingsupplierofintelligentrobotproductsforpackaging andlogisticsapplicationsineCommerce,Parcel,Pharma andFMCG.
Inbrief,SmartRoboticsdevelopsintelligentsoftwarefor thefastandflexibledeploymentofrobotsandcollaborative robots(cobots)invariouslogisticsandproduction processesallovertheglobe.
Thecompany’ssoftwareplatformdeliversuniquevaluefor anypickingapplicationandisthemostadvancedintegrated robotandcobotscontrolsysteminthemarket.Itleverages thetrendthathardwareiscommoditizing,andcompetitive advantageisreachedthroughadvancedsoftware.Withtheir
AIsoftware,theydevelopsmartpick-and-placerobot solutionsthatareeasytodeploy,flexibleanduser-friendly. TalkingaboutwhatledtoSmartRobotics’inception,Heico Sandee,theCo-founderandCTOsays,“Mostcommon robotapplicationsarecreatedinaproject-specificsetting withlotsofhard-codedbehaviorresultinginhighcostsper installationandlimitedfunctionality.SmartRoboticswas foundedtodevelopaplatformforrobotpicking applications,suchthatveryadvancedtaskscanbedelivered throughconfiguringasetofbuildingblocksthatarefully workedoutandtested.”
HeicofoundedthecompanytogetherwithMarkMentingin 2015.Hehasover20yearsofexperienceinrobotics developmentandtechnologymanagement.From2010to 2013HeicowasProgramManager,Roboticsatthe EindhovenUniversityofTechnology.Inhispersonallife, Heicodevelopsmusicentertainmentrobotsinthegroup TeamDARE,thathefoundedwithfriendsin2001.
Inhisadvicetoaspiringentrepreneursaimingtoenterthe roboticsspace,Heicosays“Therearemanypossibilitiesto enterthemarketwithroboticsolutions.Greatresultsare availablefromacademiaandresearchinstitutionswaitingto getcommercialized.Abovethis,therearemanydifferent marketssufferingfromshortageofskilledlabor,waitingfor automationsolutions.Don’thesitate,butgetstarted,andget yourselffundedbyVCtogofastertothemarketbefore somebodyelsegetstoyourcustomersfirst.”
Foranycompany,thekindofvaluethattheirofferings deliveriswhatestablishesthatcompany’sidentityinthe market.ForSmartRobotics,thishasbeenevidentlytrue. Intelligentrobotpickingsoftwarehandlingmillionsof differentitemsandtasksisthecompany’scorebusiness. WithitsAI-drivensoftware,SmartRoboticscurrently developsthreepick-and-placecobotsolutions,asfollows:
• The Smart Item Picker isacompactsingleitempicking solutionfortheflexibleandefficientpickingandplacing ofalargevarietyofitems.Withouttheneedforitem
specifictraining,theSmartItemPickerhandlesmillionsof differentitemsinorderpicking,sorting,andpacking processes.
SmartRoboticssuppliesthissolutiontovariousmarkets, including–retail,consumergoods,massmerchandise, fashion,consumerpackagedgoods(CPG),e-commerce, andhealth&beauty.Throughitsgenericinterfaces,the companyconnectsseamlesslytoexternalsystems,custom userinterfacesorexistingWMSandScadasystems.
• The Smart Parcel Picker isdevelopedforthepickingof parcels(boxes,bags,andenvelopes)atahigh throughput.Duringthepick,thesoftwaredetermines howandwheretheparcelshouldbepositioned,basedon adeeplearnednetwork.Throughasetof3Dcameras,it isabletopickfrompallets,rollercagesorboxedpallets, whiletherobotcarefullyavoidscollisionswithload carriers.
• The Smart Palletizer isacompactend-of-linecobot solutionfortheflexiblepalletizingofproducts.Itserves customersinvariousmarkets,includingfood,pharma andFMCG,whofaceincreasingconsumerdemandand variationinproductseries.
TheSmartPalletizercanhandlealargevarietyofproducts andstackingpatternsandiseasytousebyanyuntrained operator.Itisup-and-runningwithintwohoursandcan easilyadjustitselftoanewassignmentandproduct variation.Itautonomouslystartsorcontinuesitsoperation fromanystate,withouttheneedfortime-consuming manualprocedures.Inaddition,asitisacobotsolution,it cooperatessafelywithhumanemployees.Thereisnoneed forasafetyfence,anditintegratesseamlesslywithexisting productionfacilities.
SmartRoboticsachievesitscompetitiveadvantagethrough itssoftwareplatform,integratingstate-of-the-artalgorithms onperception,taskplanningandmotionplanning. “Complexbehaviorisautomaticallygeneratedbytherobot, basedontheboundaryconditionsthatwetrainforeach application.Foreachsubtask,ourmotionplannerplans highlyoptimizedandfluentmotions,independentofthe robotbrandchosen.Ourperceptionlibrarydeterminesthe bestpossiblegraspingposeforanyitem,whileavoiding obstaclesintheenvironment.Ouruniquepowerliesinthe tightintegrationofthese,turningoptimizedhand-eye coordinationintothehighestpossibleproductivityinour applications.Withourdigitaltwin,wecontinuously monitor,analyze,andupdateourcobotsandrobotsanduse thisdatatofurtherenhanceoursoftwareandthusour robots,”saystheteamatSmartRobotics
TalkingaboutthechallengesSmartRoboticshadcome across,Heicosays,“Thefirstyearsofourcompanywere
Heico Sandee Co-founder and CTOdedicatedtofindingtherightfocus.Westartedwithabroad focusofrobotsforbuildingconstruction,productassembly andlogisticsapplications,andhavenowconvergedtoafull focusonlogistics.Thehandlingofitemsinlogisticsby robotsisinitsinfancy,withroboticstechnologyjuststarting togetcapableofdealingwiththehugevarietyofitemsto handle.Throughouradvancedrobotcontrolsoftware, logisticsistheperfectchallengetofocuson.”
Whenitcomestohavingavisionforthefuture,Heico asserts,“Sinceourstartin2015,wehavereachedtoateam of80professionalsin5years’time,themajorityofwhich workwithinR&D.Ourplanistocontinuethisgrowth,as wellasintensifyoursalesandoperations,tobringmoreof ourproductstothemarketglobally.”
“We have chosen to work with Smart Robotics to investigate the unloading and depalletization of parcels, as we believe that especially with the innovative strength of Smart Robotics such challenge can be tackled.” – Björn van Batenburg, Process innovator, PostNL (Dutch postal and parcel handler)