Insitu Arch July 2009 issue

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Also inside... BAH $8.50/CAN $9.05/$US $8.50

Interior Designer, Lowree Cartwright International Architect, Matthew Williams in Chicago Interior Renovation, Barbados International Airport


Insitu Arch Magazine


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Insitu Arch Magazine



Insitu Arch Magazine

DEPARTMENTS Executive Team !"#$% &$'$!()#*$&+%,!$./0/1#2$&3#-$!)+!"#$% &,2/2!#/4&+%,!$4$0/4&!+25(4)/2) /-!"#)$!)(-/4&!+25(4)/2)

Marcus Laing L.T. Huyler Michael Wilson Thamara Saunders T.J. Thompson

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L.T. Huyler Tonika Cox Valentiger Creative Lola Albury-Smith (news) CJ Summerwood (news/copy) Inishka Lloyd (copy) Simone Francis (copy) Patrice Laing Andrea Major Lana Munnings-Basalyga Gilbert Bennet Quickpics Bahamas Insitu Staff Marcus Laing Deonya Knowles

Marjorie Munroe TJ Thompson

Margarita McPhee

<3#)+-#/4&>%,!$&?/3*$-)#5#20@&5(7.#55#+25@&$A./#45&/23&#2B(#-#$5C 242.376.4600 242.455.1200

D55+!#/)#+25 The Institute of Bahamian Architects The United States Green Building Council The American Institute of Architects The National Organization of Minority Architects The Federation of Caribbean Associations of Architects The Bahamas National Trust The Association of Commonwealth Societies of Architects in the Caribbean

E(74#5"$Insitu Arch Ltd., PO Box SP-60785, Nassau, The Bahamas

To Subscribe: Within The Bahamas $30.00 USD per year, all other countries $45.00 USD. Requests can be e-mailed to or phoned in at (242) 376-4600. The articles and opinions in this magazine are those of the contributors and not that of the magazine staff and stakeholders. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions within the publication. Insitu Arch Magazine





Island Life

Back to the Basics

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Insitu Arch Magazine





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64 Insitu Arch Magazine


(Editor’s Note) 07.09 Lets make good use of this down time...

Marcus Laing, B.Arch, Assoc. AIA, Assoc. IBA (CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER)

! "#$! %&'(! )#*'+$,-./!0'&'),&1! 2-&1+2!,.!%-&.*$-3!4(!1-5-1.! of development. Here in the Caribbean, lack of accurate statistics prevents us from using this mechanism. Being an architectural professional with a development ear to the ground, development )#'03-')-! 2&.! )-$+&,'1(! 6&'-37! 8&'9.! &'3! #+2-$! 0'&'),-$.! 2&5-!4-)#%-!.2(!1-'3-$.!&'3!.%&11!*'.+&41-!0$%.!,'!+*$'!2&5-! reduced staff and in some cases closed their doors for good. This is a direct result of a world wide lack of spending effecting less investment by larger economies on our own economy. So, what do we do now that externally funded development activites have slowed? Like my colleagues around the world suggest, now is the time to re-think how we practice and re-tool our methods. In rethinking our practice I mean look at ways to not only generate revenue but also assisting in making our 5&$,#*.!)#*'+$,-.!.-1: !#$!$-;,#'&11(!.*:0),-'+7!<-!%*.+!+&9-!+2,.! down time to upgrade and experiment with new software and facilitate much needed staff training (with that training budget (#*$! 0$%! 4*,1+! *=! 62,1-! 4*.,'-..! 6&.! 4##%,';>7! ?.-! +2,.! +,%-! 6,.-1(!4-)&*.-!,'!&!(-&$!#$!.#!62-'!+2-!0'&'),&1!)$,.,.!-'3.!@&.! suggested by analysts around the world) the marketplace will be a 1#+!%#$-!)#%=-+,+,5-!#'!+2-!+&,1!-'3!#: !0'&'),&1!3-.=-$&+,#'7! In this issue Insitu Arch once again welcomes Cornerstone

A-.,;'! #*+! #: ! B&%&,)&! 62#! .--%.! +#! 0'3! 3-1,;2+! ,'! 4$,';,';! smiles to the face of designers. With its Geejam Bushbar it has accomplished a feat of catering to a broad cross-section of patrons and in the meantime gaining international acclaim. 8-)&*.-!#: !+2-!.)&1-!#: !#*$!C&$,44-&'!)#%%*',+,-.!D!&16&(.!0'3! E#(! ,'! .%&11! .)&1-! 3-.,;'./! +2-(! E*.+! 0+7! D'! 8&$4&3#./! +$&5-1! E*.+! got better with renovations to that country’s airport interior by architects Liz Quintyne Inc. The fresh feel and live materiality will )&*.-!%&'(!+$&5-1-$.!+#!%,..!+2-,$!F,;2+!3&(3$-&%,';7! Our main feature speaks more to a holistic way of life rather than just the shelter to house it. The Cape Eleuthera Institute on the Island of Eleuthera in The Bahamas explores the possibilities that only can be found here. The Institute also takes advantage of alternative energy, creates its own biodiesel and employs sustainably conscious construction and design. Island life has truly been re-thought from the ground up. Feel encouraged, stock markets worldwide appear to be .+$-';+2-',';!&'3!4*(-$!)#'03-')-!,.!4-;,'',';!+#!)$--=7!G2,.! $-;,#'! 3#-.! '#+! 0+! +2-! +(=,)&1! :#$-)&.+.! &'3! 4$,;2+-$! +,%-.! &$-! not as far away as you may think. To our readers from outside the Caribbean I encourage you to truly absorb our content and make yourself at home in our Caribbean if you are not here already.

Marcus Laing


Insitu Arch Magazine

Insitu Arch Magazine


(Letters & Email) 07.09 Dear Editor, I purchased your magazine in a local bookstore here in Nassau, and was pleasantly surprised by the quality or your product. I’m proud to see fellow Bahamians doing their part to elevate their profession, locally, regionally and internationally. I’ve always been interested in design, specifically landscaping and how the exterior of a building or space plays such an important role in how it is received by the public. I do have a question related to your field: I was driving through a new subdivision, and why is it that a lot of developers cut down ALL of the trees in the development, jam in as many lots as they can fit and then five years later, you see these tiny trees with the wood propping them up so they don’t fall over! Does any “planning” happen in these areas?

I suggest that you contact the Ministry of Works and request a list of licensed electrical and plumbing contractors. These persons have had to show proof of training to achieve a license. They might be slightly more expensive that someone who “claims” to be an electrician or plumber, but I believe that at the end of the day that will be money well spent. Get quotes from several contractors so that you can compare various aspects of the job including, time frame to complete work, warranties etc. Recommendations from people within the industry may be more helpful than those of friends and family. They would be better equipped to assess the quality of the work. Hope that this helps. Thank you for your question. Sincerely, The Insitu Arch Team

Dazed by Developers Dear New Reader – letter from April 2009, Thank you for your supportive words… Welcome to the InSitu family. We welcome readers, subscribers, and submissions from our colleagues in the Caribbean. And we were proud the present our first two submissions from the Caribbean in our April issue: Cornerstone Design from Jamaica, demonstrated true design in their office structure that was previously a container and R.A. Shaw from Turks and Caicos presented “Turtle Breeze” a fantastic private home that captures the beauty of its surroundings. In this issue we happily feature Cornerstone, again, with their Geejam Bushbar, and welcome Liz Quintyne Inc., from Barbados, with the renovation of the Airport Executive Lounge. We are doing great things in the Caribbean. Let us always remember that dialogue, collaboration, and forward thinking are key to propel the AEC and all allied professions through the 21st Century. Best Regards, The Insitu Team Dear Tired on Unreliability, I can understand your frustration… this is a problem that many people have had at some point during new construction, renovations or even simple home improvement projects.


Insitu Arch Magazine

Dear Editor, I was perusing your magazine in the lobby of my Law Chambers and I have to say “Well done!”. Professional and informative is how I would describe your publication. I do have a comment… As a potentional purchaser, I have visited a few of the newer gated communities in Nassau and have reviewed their site plans in some detail. It’s sad to see that the dimensions (size) of properties are amazing small. I have observed that the average property size is now about 6,000 to 7,000 square feet. Despite this fact, however, Bahamians are still building HUGE homes on these lots. As a result of this, many Bahamian, whom are young professionals like myself, will not get the full enjoyment (and privacy) of these properties. Is it possible for your publication to provide construction and architectural advise to Bahamians in relation to this matter (i.e. consideration to be given to building homes that are better designed to comfortably fit on these properties and the long term financial/resale implications). Just a thought. Sincerely, Donald L. Saunders, Esq. Associate – Attorney­at­Law Graham, Thompson & Co. Bahamas

Insitu Arch Magazine




arch News



#$%&'"()**)+,"-+$$)./"0$1.)2134"56 "7&1"89:+3+" Institute of Architects, V. Chair CAA & ASCAC

The Jamaican Institute of Architects’ (JIA) Endorsed Design Competition put on by the Housing Agency of Jamaica announced the top three winners at the opening of the week long Exhibition of Entries at the HAJ on Monday, 4th May 2009. The three month long competition saw 12 entries from the UK, Dominican Republic, US and Jamaica proposing planning and building solutions for a small new township in St. Elizabeth. The competition was judged over a five-day period by:


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I3B)311$"815$B1"A1#$,+./"?+3+B1$"71%&3)%+*" Department at HAJ

1st Place: Kingston 10 Architects + Clifton Yap Architects – US$45,000.

2nd Place: Interplan & Associates – US$15,000.

3rd Place: ?+$K)3"8552,+3"L" Associates – US$10,000.


Insitu Arch Magazine

Insitu Arch Magazine


After months of planning meeting and design suggestions, Mrs. Yolanda Darville, Director of Development, and Mr. Michael Diggiss, Architect and QC Alumni, presented +"M+%)*)4:"?+.41$"0*+3"45"4&1"N9113O.";5**1B1" P5+$2"56 "85K1$35$."53"?+:"QQC"RSST'"P+.12" on current statistics of the school with regard 45".492134J"6+%9*4:"<5<9*+4)53"+32"4&1"3112." 56 " 4&1" )3.4)494)53" +$4)%9*+412" E:" 4&1" M+%)*)4:" ?+.41$" 0*+3" committee, the new plan includes the construction of a centralized administration and upgraded library building, and possibly an expansion of the high school’s academic and sporting facilities. “The Board is very excited about the potential of the campus,” exclaims Yolanda Darville, who recently took over the post of Director of Development, and has been working U)4&" 4&1" .%&55*" .)3%1" M1E$9+$:" RSSTC" V(1" $1+**:" %+3354" wait for the work to get started. Students, faculty and parents alike will all be excited to see the transformation of our campus.” The first commitment by the Board was to commence a P1+94)6)%+4)53" 0$5B$+," 56 " 4&1" 134)$1" %+,<9.C" U&)%&" U)**" entail a major landscaping overhaul and enhancement of the front and southern entrances of the campus. Look for more updates and features in future issues of Insitu Arch Magazine.

BAHAMAS WOODWORKING STUDIOS NOMINATED FOR CHAMBER AWARD A $30,000 initial outlay from their personal coffers and a three year, strictly word of mouth marketing campaign has earned the owners of a local woodworking business a nomination for the Chamber of Commerce’s developing Entrepreneur of the Year Award. 0$)3%)<+*." 56 " P+&+,+." (552U5$@)3B" >492)5C" A1$+3" 7&5,<.53C"WWC"+32"M+$$1**"8566C"WWC"%*+),"+".41+2:"U5$@6*5U" since they opened their doors three years ago, which has continued through the current economic downturn. Mr. 8566 " E$59B&4" &)." @35U*12B1" 56 " +$%&)41%49$1" +32" 21.)B3" to the company having earned an undergraduate degree in architecture and a masters degree in civil engineering, while Mr. Thompson, a trained carpenter and builder, brought practical experience. The firm boasts 100 percent custom carpentry, fully hand ,+396+%49$12"45"E9:1$".<1%)6)%+4)53'"#%%5$2)3B"45"?$'"8566C" they only use real maple or cherry wood supplied wholly by Bahamian businesses. 14

Insitu Arch Magazine




arch News

LIVING UP TO THE CHALLENGE In the April issue of In Situ we introduced you to the IBS Build –AP$)2B1";&+**13B1C"4&1"05<.)%*1".4)%@" bridge building competition for high school students. This year’s Challenge proved more 2)66)%9*4"4&+3"4&+4"56 "*+.4":1+$'"H54"53*:"U1$1"4&1$1"U1$1"RW" schools competing rather than 12 and the students were +**5U12"53*:"QSS"05<.)%*1".4)%@."$+4&1$"4&+3"4U5"&932$12'"" The desire to win among the schools was practically tangible. On the morning of the Challenge, students and teachers walked into the Holy Trinity Activities centre with an air of determination, diligently guarding their carefully constructed bridges and scoping out those of their competitors. Anticipation built and cheers erupted as the bridges were inspected, weighed and tested. Ultimately, Saint Augustine’s College emerged victorious, followed by >4'" F5&3O." ;5**1B1" +32" X)3B.U+:" #%+21,:'" " 01$,+3134" >1%$14+$:"56 "4&1"?)3).4$:"56 "I29%+4)53C"?$.'"I*,+"8+$$+U+:C" <+$4)%)<+412")3"4&1"+U+$2."%1$1,53:'""?$.'"8+$$+U+:"*+41$" said that although she was on holiday at the time, she just could not miss this event. Other guests such as the members of the Bahamas Society of Engineers, parents and sponsors all shared a feeling laypeople rarely express about engineering – excitement. How often do we challenge ourselves to get involved in socially responsible activities? How often do local businesses work together to build a legacy programme for our youth? The IBS Build-A-Bridge Challenge is more than just a science competition for students and dedicated teachers who share an interest in the applied sciences; it is a challenge in its purest form. The past two years of the IBS Build-A-Bridge Challenge have been a success because members of the private and public sectors have committed to make contributions, however small, to support a programme that they believe will add value to our nation. Science teachers have committed time and effort to working with a team of smart, eager students to design and construct bridges that will perhaps be prototypes of real bridges that we may someday drive across. Making things happen today while thinking about how to improve tomorrow – this is living up to the challenge.

Insitu Arch Magazine




arch News

GBCI BEGINS TESTING FOR NEW LEED CREDENTIALS Registered Candidates Can Test for New LEED Green Associate and LEED AP Operations + Maintenance Credentials Y(#>-ZH87[H" \" ?#]" RTC" RSST^" 7&1" 8$113" P9)*2)3B" ;1$4)6)%+4)53"Z3.4)4941"Y8P;Z^"E1B+3"41.4)3B"%+32)2+41."U&5" U).&"45"<9$.91"4&1"31U"_IIA"8$113"#..5%)+41"%$12134)+*" 5$"4&1"31U"_IIA"#%%$12)412"0$561..)53+*"Y#0^"[<1$+4)53." and Maintenance (O+M) credential. 7&1" _IIA" 8$113" #..5%)+41" %$12134)+*" )." )3413212" 65$" individuals seeking to propel their professional journey into the green building industry. It represents the demonstrable knowledge and skills needed in the allied professions and non-technical fields of practice related to green design, construction and operations. It is also the first step for <$561..)53+*.")6 "4&1:"*+41$"%&55.1"45"E1%5,1"+"_IIA"#0' 7&1" _IIA" #0" [`?" %$12134)+*" $1%5B3)a1." 4&1" +2K+3%12" knowledge in sustainable operations and specialized expertise in best management practices required for greening existing buildings. The new credential was designed to be consistent with the knowledge base and requirements of the new LEED 2009 rating system released last month. #44+)3)3B"4&1"_IIA"#0"[`?"%$12134)+*")."+"4U5=<+$4"<$5%1.." $1b9)$)3B" +" %+32)2+41" 45" <+.." 4&1" _IIA" 8$113" #..5%)+41" 1G+,'"0+$4"531"21,53.4$+41."B131$+*"@35U*12B1C"<+$4"4U5" is a second operations and maintenance specialty exam. For more information related to the exam structure, eligibility requirements and maintenance programs for these credentials, visit About GBCI GBCI was created to administer certification and credentialing programs related to green building practice and to ensure that the LEED Accredited Professional (LEED AP) program continues to be developed in accordance with best practices for credentialing programs. To underscore this commitment, GBCI is undergoing the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accreditation process for personnel certification agencies complying with International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standard 17024. Early in 2009, GBCI assumed responsibility for administering the LEED building certification program for the more than 20,000 commercial projects seeking third party verification of compliance with the industry’s leading green building rating system. For more information, please visit


Insitu Arch Magazine

THE DOWNTOWN NASSAU PARTNERSHIP HOLDS TOWN MEETING Vaughn Roberts 7&1" A5U345U3" H+..+9" 0+$431$.&)<" YAH0^C" +" 31U*:=65$,12C" <9E*)%=<$)K+41" entity, held its first town meeting at the P$)4).&" ;5*53)+*" -)*453" 53" (1231.2+:C" May 6th. This meeting outlined the goals and approach to revitalizing historic H+..+9" +32" .9$$5932)3B" %5,,93)4)1.'"" 7&1"AH0")."*12"E:"+3"QQ=,1,E1$"E5+$2" of directors. Its co-chairs are Vernice (+*@)31"YA)$1%45$"8131$+*"56 "759$).,^"+32";&+$*1."X*53+$)." Y;&+)$C"H+..+9"759$).,"+32"A1K1*5<,134"P5+$2^'""7&5.1" in attendance included community activists, business and property owners, architects, engineers and the general public. The general sentiment was that “this overhaul is long overdue.”

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Insitu Arch Magazine




arch News

CASCADILLA ... SAVED? InsituArch was surprised and elated to discover that the <$5<1$4:" @35U3" +." ;+.%+2)**+C" )3" H+..+9C" P+&+,+." ,+:" be saved.

Is it just coincidence that this action was taken immediately after such a strong piece on the subject was submitted to the magazine and published?

CONGRATULATIONS!!! The Insitu Arch team would like to extend heartfelt congratulations to persons below who $1%134*:" <+..12" 4&1" 0$561..)53+*" #$%&)41%4." P5+$2" Y0#P^" *)%13.)3B"1G+,")3"H1U"0$5K)213%1C"P+&+,+./ 71$$+3"d52B1$."\"?)3).4$:"56 "09E*)%"(5$@. Alfred Saunders – Construction Design Services d5%&1**1">%544"\"c+(d+>"A1.)B3." (+:31">4$+%&+3"=" X13$+2"()*%&%5,E1"\"0*+3"Z4"P+&+,+. The exam is comprised of a two part written exam and oral interview. After satisfying academic and internship requirements these interns are now eligible to make application to the Boards to receive the legal designation of Architect, and be able to practice throughout the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. 8552"*9%@"45"4&5.1"U&5"U)**"E1"1*)B)E*1"65$"31G4".)44)3BC" tentatively scheduled for 2011.

The once privately owned, historically-listed structure, has been confiscated by the Bahamas government in an attempt to save what is left and, perhaps, restore or replicate the building to its original state. Although the building may be used for government offices, this would be a major step in satisfying the need for active preservation )3"4&1"53%1"E1+94)69*"-).45$)%"H+..+9'

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Insitu Arch Magazine

Insitu Arch Magazine




Would we dare collaborate,

‘Here today, gone tomorrow’.

would we dare plan?


There is a stark difference between what is happening in our region and what happens in the rest of the developed world. Entities in other countries have been able to outlast several generations of principals maintaining a single company name, while here Caribbean companies are still trying to decide on a name. Granted several countries are still at a level of development where their GDP and natural resources are both pretty low which they claim does not warrant larger companies. This coupled with fragmented populations which are also small, could explain why some our Caribbean neighbors are in the position they are presently in when it comes to national development. But from a microeconomic platform I have viewed an embarrassing and seemingly blatant lack of collaboration, synergy and planning when it comes to our industry. ‘Here today, gone tomorrow’. I use this phrase to refer to the presence of a firm who has no idea how to ensure its own future and the future of its industry. There has been billions of dollars of development going on throughout the Caribbean and for the most part we have not taken advantage of it. Yes it may be from a foreign source but it occurs in our countries, where we live and where we govern. Many professionals have demanded for years that governments put laws in place to ensure that locals are considered first for services required by foreign entities coming in. The onus however, is not on legislation as the global market continues to grow, but on being competitive and forward thinking. While governments try to maximize the opportunities for it’s professionals they have not put themselves in a position to benefit from it. Singular man firms, antiquated equipment, lack of continuous training, no mentorship these are all key reasons why we as professionals are often overlooked. A firm with no relative experience cannot expect to be called on for a project where millions of dollars are going to be spent, and an undersized firm will never get the opportunity to work on any significant projects. Business requires efficiency, planning and training not just know how and talent. There is a real benefit to collaborations where temporary size can be an asset. The exchange of information, sharing of office cultures, increased capability and therefore increased revenue. When you look around at the business landscape you see companies rise and fall due to lack of foresight. I can

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recollect firms who seem to fail when their principals either die or retire. There are no entities that stand the test of time and grow to supply more jobs, increase their capacity to do more work, and continuously develop to the point where innovation becomes the next natural step. Owners and principals for years have shied away from releasing responsibility to an intern or promoting someone, who is just about ready, to an associate level. The most offensive thing to mention to a principal is partnership or share equity. Incentive is practically absent in most environments leaving a developing professional to motivate himself which more often than not does not happen. In a survey done on heads of companies related to the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry two out of 10 conduct or facilitate any kind of employee review. Employees in turn have no sense of direction and no real connection to their supposed mentors. This tells me that employers are not really concerned about the professional development of their employees, their future livelihood or the industry as a whole. This also builds resentment and causes the employee once licensed to leave that company looking for a better working environment. It is always assumed that new firms are started mainly because of a desire to have more money but it weighs more heavily on a feeling of ownership and belonging. As value increases value should be rewarded. These departures can mean the difference between a four partner firm with 65 years experience and a one man firm with 15 years experience. Any entity that is ready to spend several million dollars wants to put it in the hands of a company they can trust and has a proven track record. Unfortunately that is really rare and the majority of companies cannot understand why. They seem to also lack the understanding that the necessary infrastructure and personnel is critical when trying to secure major work. I want to suggest a crazy idea that I came up with all by myself. Talk to colleagues in your field where you keep missing the big jobs. Find out if you both want to increase your revenue and then…work together. You can take on more work, hire more employees and everyone can benefit. A few years down the road once that culture has been perfected and proper succession planning is put in place; you won’t need to look for work.

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“The idea came to mind that there


ARCHITECT You could say that it’s all genetics for Matthew ()**)+,.'"7&1"B$+32".53"56 "+" mason, Matthew spent most of his youth in the company of wood, nails, sand paper and other tools created to build things for the home. It was no surprise that the eldest of four would take cues, like other members of his unusually large extended family, to become a professional in the field.

entered the technical studies programme winning awards for his efforts and worked on construction sites during the summer.

could be a whole new architectural language for the Bahamas,”

Matthew Williams

P5$3"+32"$+).12"53"4&1").*+32"56 "H1U"0$5K)213%1C"P+&+,+.C" ()**)+,."&+2"+"21.)$1"45"E9)*2"6$5,"4&1",5,134"&1"$1%1)K12" his first miniature hammer. But it wasn’t until he got his first job working on local government houses that he took construction seriously. “The idea came to mind that there could be a whole new architectural language for the Bahamas,” he said. 7&$59B&594" &)B&" .%&55*C" ()**)+,." U+." 2141$,)312" 45" learn all he could about architecture and construction. He

()**)+,." 4&13" ,5K12" 53" 45" _59).)+3+" 71%&" D3)K1$.)4:" 45" study architecture. He said, “It was a pivotal point in my life because I had to exercise architecture as an art and science.” (&)*1" +4" .%&55*" &1" &+2" 4&1" 5<<5$493)4:" 45" )341$3" +4" (1**)3B453" (552." +32" #..5%)+41.C" H+..+9C" P+&+,+." +32" (+$$13" ()*@)1" +32" #..5%)+41.C" #22).53C" 71G+.'" A9$)3B" &)." final year at architecture school he was a part of a team %+**12" 4&1" eWS" 0$5f1%4C" +" B$59<" 56 " 6)64&" :1+$" +$%&)41%49$1" students that designed and built a home through Habitat for Humanity. V(1"21.)B312"4&1"&5,1"45"E1"+."%5.4"166)%)134"+."<5..)E*1" +32" ),<*1,13412" .9.4+)3+E*1" <$)3%)<*1.Cg" .+)2" ()**)+,.'" “Designing and building the home taught me that we as architects have to evoke the idea of social responsibility and that green building would be the wave of the future.”


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()**)+,." ,5K12" 45" Chicago after his stint in Louisiana driven to be in an atmosphere associated with the likes of Frank Lloyd ($)B&4C" _59)." >9**)K+3" and Mies can der Rohe. He was also on the hunt for a firm to foster his talent. “The decision to U5$@" +4" 01$@)3.`()**" was essential for my career because of the culture and the design perspective that is held by the standards of the firm,” he said. “The emphasis of teamwork is a crucial part of the life of architecture that we practice as well as the role of the citizens of the firm as mentors in cultivating talent in the architectural field.”

7&1"H1U";*)3)%+*"P9)*2)3B")."+".)3B9*+$".4$9%49$1"21.)B312" 45"%53K1:"4&1"93)b9131.."56 "4&1"#29*4"+32"012)+4$)%"%*)3)%+*" programs contained within and, at the same time, provide a composition that reconciles its own design with that of 4&1"1G).4)3B"(1)3E1$B"P9)*2)3B"U&)*1"%53K1:)3B"+".13.1"56 " architectural wholeness – a dramatic transformation of America’s best hospital. V(5$@)3B"53"7&1"F5&3."-5<@)3."-5.<)4+*"U+."+3")3"21<4&" look at how we as architects really have to be cognizant of what we do to bring life to a place that can be terrifying for ,+3:"<15<*1Cg"()**)+,.".+)2'"V[31"56 "4&1"&)B&*)B&4."56 "4&1"

>)3%1" f5)3)3B" 01$@)3.`()**" ()**)+,." &+." E1%5,1" _IIAh" accredited. He has had the privilege of working on a wide range of projects ranging from high-rise residential, retail, aviation, medical planning and healthcare. He alost became very involved in the local Chicago community, rendering his knowledge and expertise to mentor students in the Chicago 09E*)%">%&55*".:.41,' ()**)+,O."1G<1$4).1"&+."+665$212"&),"4&1"<$)K)*1B1"56 "U5$@)3B" on projects not only in the continental United States but Istanbul, Turkey and Dubai. One of the more recent projects &1"&+."U5$@12"53")."4&1"H1U";*)3)%+*"P9)*2)3B"+4"7&1"F5&3." -5<@)3."-5.<)4+*")3"P+*4),5$1C"?+$:*+32'"7&1"H1U";*)3)%+*" Building will comprises the Cardiovascular & Critical Care Adult Tower and the Children’s Tower, both of which were designed concurrently and are being constructed as a single project.

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design is the colorful window pattern on the south façade of the building. It accentuates the curved face and gives it more of a whimsical gesture to the building. This is one example of not just a good idea to make a building more humanistic but being responsive to the psychology of people and their surroundings.” Another of his favourite projects was an airport completion located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The concept began with the city and the people being intermingled to form the geometry of the building. “The idea was that we would transition the city within the airport, destination, prelude, and sequel,” he said. “There were four aspects of the design: rhythmic pattern, landscape infiltration, and modular principle and expansion modules. These elements not only satisfied the programmatic requirements but emphasized the quality of the design.

“I believe that an architect’s role is vital to the community in which he or she practices architecture,” he said. “One role that an architect has to take on is to educate others about what we do and why we enact the methods of the art and science.” 7&)." ,+34$+" )3.<)$12" ()**)+,." 45" E1%5,1" +3" +%4)K1" participant in the ACE mentorship program through 01$@)3.`()**'"7&1"#;I",1345$.&)<"<$5B$+,"41+%&1."+32" mentors public school students about architecture and its related fields. “Being involved with ACE has enabled me to find something else that I love to do,” he said, “which is to educate students and others who may not comprehend the role of an architect or architecture in society.” d1%134*:",+$$)12C"()**)+,.".4$)K1."45"%534)391"<1$61%4)3B" his craft practicing the type of architecture that is, not only inspiring, but consists of a depth that is consistent of the idea of fulfilling social responsible initiatives and sustainable principles. He said, “I would like to see a world that embraces contemporary architecture that speaks to the vernacular in which it resides. My hope is that someday I can expand my knowledge and expertise to students and citizens in the Bahamas.”


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Interior design specialist, Lowree Cartwright hails from a family or artists. From an early age she was inspired by her mother’s use of color and her father’s love for construction. Those influences helped to shape her career path as an interior designer. Cartwright began her studies at Brenau Academy, Gainesville Georgia. “The first time paint touched my brush, sparks flew,” said Cartwright. “I was creating a whole new way of expressing myself.” This coupled with the encouragement from a high school art teacher changed her concept of what her career had to be. “You didn’t have to color in the lines and take a traditional career to be respected or successful,” she said, “but color out those lines and step out that box and travel the road less traveled. With that encouragement, I took a few design courses at the local college in Georgia while in my senior year of high school. This exposure confirmed my passion to pursue my career as an Interior Designer.”

During summer breaks, Cartwright was employed by the Ministry of Works, staying focused on her longterm career goals. It was there that she had her first lesson in Auto Cad. In Fall 2001, she enrolled in the Ringling School of Art and Design’s Sarasota, Florida where she received a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Interior Design. “Recognizing that Ringling was known for producing brilliant artist and designers,” she said, “it was imperative that I maintained a standard of excellence and stay in the competitive league. I realized and accepted that my gifting, talents and creativity had to count while justifying my existence.” Cartwright made a conscience effort to incorporate the culture of the Bahamas into her art and designs. In Spring 2005, she was offered an internship at “Hirsch Bender & Associates (HBA) in Atlanta, Georgia, a leader in hospitality design worldwide.


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“HBA is keenly attuned to the pulse of changing industry trends, governed by today’s more sophisticated world traveler,” Cartwright explained. “The firm combines a detailed knowledge of design with a depth of experience that enables you to identify interior design trends at the source. It also makes definitive predictions about new directions and innovations within the interior design industry, and influences design standards at a global level. The invaluable experience and the exposure realized can be credited to my official introduction in hospitality design.” In the summer of 2005 an employment opportunity at Niemann Contract Interiors in Orlando Florida afforded her another experience and exposure to her newfound career. Filled with enthusiasm and passion, Cartwright embraced this next step of the journey.


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“Niemann Contract Interiors is a reputable design firm that takes the interior to the next level. This company strives to create extraordinary interiors specific to each client’s unique taste and lifestyle, be it classic traditional to extreme contemporary. Their credibility and pride of business within the industry is that each interior is approached with individual attention andcreativity, because satisfaction is the ultimate goal.”

After spending more than 10 years in the United States of America, Cartwright returned to The Bahamas in the summer of 2006 to establish and launch my professional career in art and design. Shortly after her return, she was employed by Baha Mar Development Company Ltd. Baha Mar, which is poised to be the Caribbean’s largest single-phase destination resort is scheduled for completion by early 2012.

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“Working with Baha Mar this opportunity allowed me to work amongst a young group of talented professionals with a similar interest in the hospitality design Industry,” said Cartwright. “Being apart of this team allowed me to be intimately involved in the renovation project at one of the major on one of the Cable Beach properties inclusive of, 304 guest rooms, three floors of penthouses, a penthouse lounge, the Seaside Buffet & the Eat Fresh Live Lounge.” Along with a design degree and many art classes, Cartwright also participated in a project management course, facilitated by the professional team of Lignum Technology, in Nassau, Bahamas. She was awarded the American Academy of Project Management-Certified International Project Manager, certificate during her tenure. In 2008, Baha Mar provided Cartwright with a six-month business training internship with the renowned architect and designer, Dianna Wong architecture and Interior design Company in Los Angeles, California. Dianna Wong Architecture (DWA) & Interior Design Inc. is an internationally recognized full-service architectural and interior design firm. The company has worked on projects such as the Beverly hills hotel and bungalows, Beverly Hills, California, the grand ball room at Hollywood and highland, Hollywood California and Kahala Mandarin Oriental, Honolulu, Hawaii.”


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preparing and packaging of Art packages with FF&E specifications, sourcing FF&E items. This job allowed her to build professional relationships with the stakeholders and leaders within the industry. She was also able to integrate her existing skills, knowledge and abilities into event designs. This resulted in Cartwright being responsible for assisting with the FF&E selection, the coordination & installation for a prominent Los Angeles event, Music Center/Night Fever Event-Los Angeles, California. While in California, she was privileged to work on several major projects mainly; Caesars Tower / Beach ResortsNassau, Bahamas, W-Hotel- Washington, DC, Americana at Brand-Glendale, California, World Jewelry Center-Los Vegas, Nevada. As a team player, during her exposure with DWA, her major job functions included many tasks including assisting in design concepts, revising of redlined FF&E (Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment) drawings, the use of Auto CAD, creating and the editing of elevations from existing FF&E plans, presentation styles, sourcing of furniture and materials for approval, creating and editing Budgets,

“This experience was truly invaluable as I was allowed to use my knowledge and creativity in this project,� she said. Recognizing her entrepreneurial spirit in 2009, Cartwright launched Elyse (pronounced LC) Design, a Bahamas based design firm. Elyse Design is a full-service interior design company, and provides services such as Interior floor plans, elevations, details, FF&E procurement, selection, the coordination & installation for Residential, hospitality, and Commercial designs. Cartwright sees Elyse Designs as a step in the right direction and looks forward to an eventful future.

Lowree Cartwright

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PAT RAHMING In his own words, legendary Bahamian architect, Pat Rahming, voices his opinion on the current state of architecture in The Bahamas today. 813)9.")."31K1$"21,5%$+4)%'"7&1$1"+$1"4&5.1"56 "9."U&5" have not been sitting on our hands and I am still waiting on the young people to get the revolution started. If something is organized locally, there are two %53.)21$+4)53.'"H9,E1$"531")."4&1:"U)**"31K1$"E1"+E*1"45" find the money to do this so if we give them approval for this it’s going to fall on their face and we will look bad. H9,E1$"4U5").")6 "4&1:"25".9%%112"4&13"U1"+$1"B5)3B"45" be criticized for giving it to them when somebody else also had an idea. Having everybody vote on [whether or not to do a project] means you are looking for the most mediocre decision :59"+$1"B5)3B"45"B14'"015<*1"253O4"*)@1"%&+3B1=4&1:"*)@1" what they already know. I watched an architectural competition and I stood behind somebody looking at a solution that was the worst solution in the whole competition. And she said, “I don’t understand why this one didn’t win. You see how many rooms they got out of this little space.” To her a good design was a design that got the most room out of the little space. There was no wasted space. (1**":59"%+3O4"f92B1"+$%&)41%49$1"E:"21,5%$+4)%",1+3.'" That is what we are doing now. That is what we are doing downtown. I can tell you many reasons why what we are doing downtown is absolutely insane.


In 2005 there were 4.6 million tourists coming to H+..+9'"[6 "4&1"i'j",)**)53C"ji"<1$%134"56 "4&1"i'j"U1$1"


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cruise tourists. The expenditure that was made by the 4.6 million tourists was $2.8 billion. Of the $2.8 billion, the amount that was made by the 64 percent cruise tourists was $179 million. Six percent of our income came from the 64 percent of people that came here. (1"f9.4"<+..12"4&1"E92B14"4&+4"&+."kQSS",)**)53")3")4"65$" what they call tourism expenditure. The whole of that $100 million is to satisfy cruise tourists-people who only bring us six percent of our income – 100 percent of 59$"1G<132)49$1'"(1"+$1"211<13)3B"+"&+$E5$"65$"+"%$9).1" ship that’s going to bring us people who are not going to contribute to our income. At our expense. H5UC" )6 " 4&1:" U+34" 45" 211<13" 4&1" &+$E5$" U1" %+3" B)K1" permission to do so but we shouldn’t be paying $60 million to deepen the harbor for cruise tourists. The 34 percent that spent the 94 per cent of the money are called stop over visitors and the things they need are +44$+%4)53." .9%&" +." 4&1" H+..+9" U+41$" 45U1$" U&)%&" &+." been closed for three years either because the elevator doesn’t work or there is a structural problem. If the statue of liberty had a structural problem, would it &+K1"4+@13"4&1,"4&$11":1+$."45"6)G")4l"(&:"U59*2")4"4+@1" us three years to figure out how to fix the water tower. (&:"U59*2"U1"354"&+K1",531:"45"E1"+E*1"45"6)32"P*+%@" Beards tower? The excuse is we don’t have any money. (1"&+K1"4&1"53*:"65$4.")3"4&1";+$)EE1+3"U&1$1":59"%+3O4" buy a picture of the fort. Think about that. But we spent our money satisfying our cruise tourists. (1" .&59*2" 354" E1" 25)3B" +" $1K)4+*)a+4)53" <*+3" 65$" downtown because we have not yet figured out what a revitalization plan for downtown is. It has not yet been done. The most important building in down town is the Cascadilla, which has been allowed to rot and also Curry

House. The daughter of the man who built it, R. H Curry, didn’t know he built it. His daughter didn’t know until I %+**12" 45" B14" .5,1" )365$,+4)53" 53" 4&1" E9)*2)3B'" (1" +$1" talking about the traffic on Bay Street when the lifeblood of the city is rotting. Jacaranda, which is a gorgeous building, has all these beautiful pictures of the north face, the south face is deteriorating right on East Hill Street. (1"253O4"$1+**:"%+$1'"


(1"B54"+"*)E$+$:"B$113"6$5,"U&13"Z"U+."+"@)2"6$5,"d+U.53" >b9+$1" 45" 4&1" d5:+*" c)%45$)+" 8+$213." U+." 6+34+.4)%" +." 6+$" as the landscaping was concerned. The prisoners from Fox Hill were down every couple of weeks. Every season there was a different color plants that was around the borders of all the lawns. The lawn was always beautifully cut and E1+94)69**:"&12B12'"015<*1"U59*2"E1"B144)3B"4&1)$"<)%49$1." taken along the library green. There are now no plants around the edge, the lawn is cut sometimes but the way is cut half of what you see is the ground and patchy grass. And where there are plants on Bay Street, they have deliberately planted plants that $1b9)$1" 35" ,+)3413+3%1'" H5U" )3" 54&1$" <*+%1." 4&1:" U59*2" say they have planted weeds. This is what we are doing to ourselves and we are telling people how excited we are about the revitalization programme and its pure insanity.


The principle behind democracy, which unfortunately you don’t have when it comes to design, is that all men are %$1+412" 1b9+*'" (1**" 4&+4O." 354" 4$91'" (&13" 21.)B31$." +$1" talking, the people who are not designers are not equal. So the fact that I have plenty money and I own a shop doesn’t mean that I know anything about design. But at the moment it does. The second thing about the ideal democracy, requires that the information that the people who are making the 21%).)53" &+.C" )." 1b9+**:" +K+)*+E*1'" (1" &+$2*:" 1K1$" @35U" what is going on in this country but we are asked to make decisions. But, so what. If you believe your high school or college education was supposed to teach you everything about what you need to know in life then you have a serious problem. The only purpose of that process is to teach you how to go out and teach yourself. I don’t know what I know about Bahamian architecture or Bahamian flora or fauna because anybody taught me. I dropped out of high school +4"4&1"+B1"56 "Qi'"(134"45"U5$@"+."+"%+$<1341$C"4&13"+"B+." stove repairman, then a water meter reader. I had great fun. Then I went off to school at the age of 20, but I also had the perspective of how to be a man because I had been out earning wages. It gives you a different perspective. It gave me the perspective that there is this beautiful and wide world out there that you can choose to ignore but you can choose to spend your whole life finding out about it.


The thing about Bahamian architecture is not about anybody telling you anything about it. It’s about you developing a passion for going out and finding out about

)4":59$.1*6'"H5"531"&+."1K1$".113",1"U)4&594"+"E*+%@"E55@" in my hand. I started using these in 1971. I still have every one of them. I started because the guy I was working for, Donald Cartwright, said to me that when he was in school, this was how they recorded details that they came across that they thought ought to be saved or studied. I got a book and I started as I went around sketching details of the buildings that I would come into contact with. Then I started designing in it, the writing in it. It was that passion for finding out the details of the buildings that I came into contact with that both created this and help me understand a bit more of what I do. (1" +." +" %5,,93)4:C" 354" +." +$%&)41%4.C" U1" &+K13O4" 65932" +3:4&)3B" 45" 2)1" 65$" :14'" (1" &+K13O4" 65932" +3:4&)3B" 4&+4" means something to us. The only thing we are excited about is money. If it can’t have a value that you can say may be $6 million or $10 million, it doesn’t really mean anything to us. Fifteen years ago people started getting excited about Junkanoo. The new groups started popping up again and thinking this is something Bahamians have tremendous <+..)53" 65$C" 4&)." )." 59$" U+:" 56 " 1G<$1..)3B" 59$.1*K1.'" (1**" think about it within the last five years. The only thing you hear about it competition. If it can’t be expressed with dollars and cents we are not yet prepared to be excited about it. Until we find something that means enough for us to be able to say I would die for it, we will continue to use it. There is hope for the community as long as there is one person who is prepared to die for something. But you have to understand the word “pioneer” has one very interesting meaning. The pioneer is the bleached bones that people U+*@" 5K1$" U&13" 4&1:" B5" )345" <+$+2).1'" 0)5311$." 253O4" B5" into paradise so those one or two people that have that passion, for a little while. They are going to be bleached bones.


Z3" QTmW" 4&1" #$%&)41%4.O" 0+$431$.&)<" B54" .4+$412'" [9$" commitment was to develop a firm… where young architects coming home can say I want to be apart of that firm and I want to grow in that firm and bask in the experience of those 10 people that are already there. In 1996 we decided to move in a different direction. But stop think about how many firms there are today where the combined level of experience in the firm you can almost count on one hand. If there are 60 firms in the country then 50 are like that. The firms that really make the money are the ones that have these older persons who don’t come into the office anymore. (&+4")."E1)3B"<+)2"65$")."354"4&1"+E)*)4:"45"%$1+41"+"2$+U)3B" 5$"4&1"+E)*)4:"45"%$1+41"+"$1321$)3B"53"4&1"%5,<941$'"(&+4")." being paid for is a brand of understanding of architecture and that is either passed on or it doesn’t. That ought to be the kind of thing that a firm should be creating. But instead we are all out there trying to make payroll. I understand the business side of it. I don’t think it is a sign of the times, but a community that has lost its way. Check future issues for more Conversations with Pat Rahming.

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Island Life BACK TO THE BASICS The Island School (IS) and Cape Eleuthera Institute (CEI) at the forefront of the connection between 015<*1"+32"4&1"I3K)$53,134

Eleuthera \e‐leuthe‐ra, ele(u)‐thera\ is of Greek origin, and its meaning is “freedom”. Those experiencing time here have adopted the fundamental guiding principles of the “freedom” from unnecessary elements of life — to enjoy and utilize the natural environment and to create a harmonious lifestyle that has nothing to do with sacrifice, but everything to do with a better way of living. 42

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Almost at the end of Queen’s Highway, just outside of Deep Creek, when you think there is nothing else to see, there is modest blue and white sign with a familiar Bahamian icon as the logo, the conch shell. Here, at the campuses of The Island School and the Cape Eleuthera Institute, world class research on our land and sea environments is taking place in our own backyard. An integral part of these organizations’ philosophy is how we can do more to conserve and rebuild the environment by being more self-sufficient. 81566 " (+*453C" 2)$1%45$" 56 " 6+%)*)4)1." +32" .:.41,.C" 8$+&+," >)131$C" %&)16 " 5<1$+4)53." officer, Andrea Krol, communications manager, have had the privilege of being a part of The Island School for a combination of 10 years. Although they originate from across the United States, they all connect to this place in a way that means more than just .93C" .+32" +32" .1+'" V(1" U+34" 45" 13%59$+B1" and influence the next generation to think about choices before they make them and to make them in a sustainable way,” says (+*453'"V8$113"35U".11,."45"E1"4&1"31U"E9aa" word… Everyone is trying to more responsible and more cognizant of how we impact our world…” Siener explains.

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The Architecture of the Environment The original IS campus used traditional block wall construction, standing seam metal roof finish, and an exterior marblecrete coating because it was a proven to withstand the local weather conditions. However, the first thing you notice when approaching the CEI campus is the “round top” buildings, which are nothing like the traditional Bahamian architecture that most people are accustomed to. The three vault prototype of the expanded Cape Eleuthera Institute is based on Earth Bay designs from “Cal-Earth” – The California Institute of Earth Art and

Architecture (1). Although a seemingly simple structure, it has design elements that are ideal for the Caribbean climate. The high ceilings of 13’-0” maximize the interior space, allowing the hot air to rise and keep workspaces cool even though there is absolutely no air conditioning. The round roofs also allow maximum area for the collection of rainwater, which is transferred into cisterns around 4&1" %+,<9." 4&$59B&" )341B$+412" B9441$" .:.41,.'" ()4&" 4&1" +..).4+3%1" 56 " *5%+*" %534$+%45$" ?$'" F5&3" V8)+34g" ;+$1:" 56 " Tarpum Bay, the original construction method of using the earth bags or dirt as the form work and barbed wire to keep them from shifting was time consuming. This method also restricted the width (maximum of 14’-0”) and also the size of the windows. This was quickly refined to building a standard form work from wood to follow the same rounded shape, while still using poured concrete as the skeleton and skin of the structure. “It was our goal to use building materials that were of 4&1"$1B)53Cg".+:."(+*453'"V#."U1"$16)312"59$"<$5%1.."1K13" more, we shifted to using concrete blocks that were made )3" A11<" ;$11@C" d5%@" >5932" +32" 85K1$35$O." -+$E59$C" $5%@" 6$5," M$11<5$4C" %1,134" 6$5," H+..+9" +32" .+32" 6$5," 4&1" local beaches.”

“It was our goal to use building materials that were of the region,” 44

Insitu Arch Magazine

The buildings have multiple uses, from the main administration building and welcome centre to dry labs and dorms. The control of air flow also promotes cooling: windows are kept closed during the morning hours to keep cool air in, and opened later in the days as the sea breeze blows. The use of windows with low –E (2) glazing also helps with keeping interior spaces comfortable. The use of poured concrete and later concrete blocks cells filled with cement adds thermal mass (3) and strength to the construction. The larger windows at the front of the buildings, along with the use of solar tubes, bring maximum light into work and research areas. The ‘energy hub’ is located in the main administration building, a virtual wall of power! All of the solar energy is in one centralized place where grid tied inverters are used to convert the solar energy into AC power to be used on the property. V(1" 4&59B&4" 56 " 9.)3B" 531" E)B" )3K1$41$C" E94" 21%)212" to go with nine separate ones so that if one or two have to be replaced or repaired, we won’t lose the U&5*1".:.41,Cg"1G<*+)3."(+*453C"V(&13"U1"25"&+K1"45" shut down the system, we have an automatic transfer switch to the back-up generators. A substantial amount of the furniture is made from local casuarina trees in the on-campus wood shop and even the ‘Interface’ carpet tiles are a recycled product, known for their high quality and commitment to sustainable design. “If we need to replace a worn out portion, we take it out, send it back to company and they replace it…it’s the idea of carpet as service, not just a simple ‘add on’ component,” says Siener.

Insitu Arch Magazine


“A lot of what we learned from the IS campus was refined at the CEI campus with respect to construction and integration of systems,”

7&1" n0141$" ?1)f1$" -+**O" )." +3" 13B)311$)3B" ,+.41$<)1%1C" designed for passive cooling (4). The free standing, octagonal structure with a 30’-0” span is actually two separate assemblies married together seamlessly. A company in Oregon, Southeast Lumber, was contacted because they are known for using reclaimed lumber. The wood frame is reclaimed Douglas fir from a standing dead forest fire, and was milled in the U.S. and shipped to Eleuthera. The contractor then came down to complete the timber frame and worked with a local construction team teaching them how to do all the angles and finish the building. V(1"U+34"45")3%*921"+.",+3:"*5%+*"%5,<+3)1.")3"59$"B$5U4&" and development so that everyone has a chance to be a <+$4"56 "4&1"*1+$3)3B"<$5%1..Cg".+:."(+*453'"7&1"P1$,92+" Roof, poured concrete with vermiculite mixed in to reduce the amount of weight, was constructed over the timber framing. Masonry blocks, which are often used as the main structural element in our building process, were really only used as infill. To provide thermal mass it was tied into the octagon and roof with stainless steel fasteners. Vents at the top also assist in air flow. The floor finish is cork, which is not only environmentally friendly, but very low maintenance. The furniture is made from casuarina and also from the ‘Steelcase’ green building line – a global leader in sustainable and eco-friendly furniture design. “A lot of what we learned from the IS campus was refined at the CEI campus with respect to construction and integration 56 " .:.41,.Cg" .4+41." (+*453C" V(1" &+2" 35" )3.9*+4)53" )3" 4&1" roofs in the older structures, but we added it to the newer structures, we used bigger overhangs on some of the newer building to increase shade...there is a definite learning curve and we intend to improve as we go along.”


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All around the campus there are solar panels, a total of 292 modules in the first grid-tied system in the Bahamas. V(1"*)K1")3"4&1"<1$61%4"*5%+4)53"45"94)*)a1"45"131$B:"56 "4&1" .93Cg".+:."(+*453C"V(1",+@1"+"*54",5$1"131$B:"4&+3"U1"%+3" use during most sunny days, so we can feed extra back to main utility grid. Most of the energy created on campus is 6$5,".5*+$"+32"<&545K5*4+)%"<+31*."\"+E594"oe"<1$%134'"(1" actually started mounting panels on the ground because we didn’t have enough optimal roof space.” All water heaters on campus are solar as well, and can get water as hot as 180 degrees Fahrenheit. The environmental savings of this system are big. Between both campuses the solar energy systems produce approximately 500,000 @(&" +" :1+$'" ()4&" 4&1" local power company emitting approximately 1.4 metric tons of C02 <1$" ?(&C" Z>" +32" ;IZ" are saving 700 tons of C02 annually.

Wind Energy

To augment the solar array, there is 100’-0” 10 @(" U)32" 49$E)31" U)4&" +" 28’-0 diameter, that can withstand winds up to 120 m.p.h. A little known fact about wind energy: where solar has a linear relationship – double the amount of sun, double the amount of power generated; wind has an octupled relationship – the amount of wind creates eight times the power.

“The Bahamas has more wind in winter months than summer, so having only wind energy would only work for half of the year,” says Siener, “You have to have another system coupled with it.” Even though wind may not be as reliable as solar in our location, the benefits are undeniable, and it is a phenomenal ‘sister’ system to solar.

Rain water collection

VH5"U+41$")."U+.412"53"%+,<9.Cg".4+41."(+*453"1,<&+4)%+**:C" V(1"%5**1%4"+.",9%&"56 ")4"+."U1"%+3C"+32".45$1"4&1"U+41$" in cisterns under the girls’ and boys’ dorms, the dry labs, dining hall, faculty apartments, and classrooms.” ()4&" +" ,+G),9," %+<+%)4:" 56 " +E594" QeSCSSS" B+**53.C" 4&1" campus can be sustained for about five months. “It’s not only the water storage that’s important,” he said, “but we use low flow toilets and water fixtures as well to further assist in the conservation effort.”

Wet Lab and Agriculture

The wet labs are the perfect example of one structure with a plethora of purposes. Once again, constructed from reclaimed lumber, the solar panels are not attached to the roof; they ARE the roof, using simple rubber flashing with a foil adhesive on top. A flow through salt water system circulates 1,900 litres of sea water per minute and branches off into other sustainable aspects of the school’s existence. It also serves as a research lab and fish hatchery, where the school farms tilapia and cobia fish for in house consumption.

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V(1"+$1"%5,<*141*:"65%9.12"53".1*6 ".966)%)13%:"+32"&5U"U1"%+3" B$5U",5$1"56 "59$"5U3"6552Cg".+:."(+*453C"V7&1"U+41$"4&+4"6*5U." from the fish tanks in the re-circulating aquaponics system is used to grow lettuce and basil that we eat in the dining hall as well as supply us with a fresh source of fish.�


Biodiesel production was the brain child of a student research project. The students were curious to see if it could be made and it has grown into the campus’ primary source of fueling–supplying all of its land and U+41$"K1&)%*1.'"-1+212"E:"?$'"?+$%5"(+4.53C"4&1"<$5%1.."94)*)a1."4&1"U+.41"K1B14+E*1"5)*"6$5,"4&1"0$)3%1..";$9).1"*)31"+32" local restaurants in Eleuthera and Harbour Island. Using methanol and sodium hyrdroxide, the entire process takes about five days from waste vegetable oil to biodiesel; a total of about 20,000 gallons of biodiesel is produced per year that is more environmentally and economically friendly than petroleum diesel. (see graphic of bio diesel process above.)


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(&13" 4&1:" 6)$.4" +%b9)$12" 4&1" <$5<1$4:" 4&1" ,+3B$5K1" was not thriving at all. But, using the by-products of the flow through water system, the mangroves were flooded and were able to be revived in less than three years time. “Unfortunately, many people see mangroves as wasteland,” says Siener, “Mangroves are a natural resource that serve as a nursery ground, provides protection for fish, stabilizes the coastline, and acts as a natural filter for waste products of fish. They are very resilient.”

V(1"&+K1"4&$11"2)661$134".)a1.Cg"1G<*+)3."(+*453C"V7&1" baby ones, about three feet in height, are closest to the shore, the intermediate (four feet) are a little further out and perpendicular to the shore slow the water down and encourage more settlement and the largest, placed parallel to the shore are about five and a half feet are used as a breakwater as well as an artificial reef.” V(&13"U1"25"+"2)K1"4&1$1C")4"+%4."+."+3"+$4)6)%)+*"$116p you’d be amazed at the amount of sea life that live there now,” says Siener.

This unique ecosystem can even support a freshwater plant that can survive in very brackish (salty) environments by choosing one leaf to be “sacrificial”all of the plants toxins are directed to that one yellow leaf and when that falls off, another one is chosen. “By restoring the mangrove, we have yet another natural system to help with the environment and use as a teaching tool as well.”

“Cape” Balls

Man-made reef balls, more affectionately called “Cape” balls, are located right behind the newly renovated dining hall. Due to a lot of dredging, storms and surges, 4&1" .&5$1*)31" U+." .*5U*:" E1)3B" 21.4$5:12'" ()4&" 4&1" installation of the “Cape” balls (made from concrete), the existing coastline is stabilized and preserved and will be fully restored to the original position.

Insitu Arch Magazine



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Wastewater Garden

A traditional central septic system is “enhanced” by extracting the liquid effluent and pumping into two three ft. six ins. gravel beds which have been planted with shallow rooted plants such as elephant leaf palms, hibiscus and E59B+)3K)**1+'"V(1OK1"65932" 4&+4" E+3+3+." B$5U"$1+**:"U1**" here, yet another bonus food source out of a ‘waste’ area,” $+4)53+*)a1."(+*453'

“Living” Architecture

The wood shop has to be the “funkiest” building on the campus. Built in a winter season, by staff and students, it has a casuarina frame and cord wood chip, cement and “bottle” wall infills, and the roof is a living roof with eight ft. of sod on top, planted with grass. It was specifically designed as a passive cooling system for the building through transevaporation – when it rains it helps to take some of the heat off. All of the furniture made for the +2,)3).4$+4)53"E9)*2)3BC"0141$"?1)f1$"&+**C"+32"2)3)3B"&+**C" has gone through this woodshop.

V(1" &+2" 35" )21+" 4&+4" U1" U59*2" B$5U" 4&)." *+$B1Cg" .+:." #32$1+C"V(1"35U"&+K1".492134."U&5"&+K1"B531"4&$59B&"Z>" and CEI, and come back to mentor and teach… they return to give back to the program and a place that was such an instrumental and influential part of their lives.” “The students love to come back and see the projects they have worked on: the woodshop, the trellis area outside the admin. building, the gazebo. They are still standing and being utilized by new staff and students who are coming after them,” continues Andrea. A special program, B.E.S.S. – Bahamas Environmental Steward Scholars – is a unique one year opportunity specifically geared for Bahamian students interested in sustainability, the environment and marine life; a great transition time from high school to college. Students F+.,)31"()*%&%5,E1"+32"P$+2*1:"(+4.53"+$1"4U5"P+&+,)+3" students who have excelled at The Island School. “I really enjoy the work being done here and the environment )."+U1.5,1Cg"1G<*+)3."(+4.53C"U&5".<5@1"+4"+"61U".%&55*." )3" H+..+9" 4&)." <+.4" F+39+$:" 45" 41**" 54&1$" .492134." 56 " &)." experiences. “It’s a great program that is so much more than just academics; we are learning to be better citizens of the world.”

A total lifestyle of sustainability and self sufficiency Growth and Expansion

A relatively young organization, The Island School opened its doors in 1999 on 12 acres. It began with nine students admitted to the pilot program with a mission to “connect people to the environment” in a way that wasn’t seen in the $1B)53'"#"B131$59."253+4)53"6$5,"A+3"+32"0+,"A1c5."56 " A0"M5G"Y.&+$1&5*21$."56 "4&1";+<1"I*194&1$+"d1.5$4"L"]+%&4" Club) expanded the campus to a total of 18 acres – see ,+.41$<*+3C" <+B1" eR'eW'" H5UC" &+K)3B" f9.4" %1*1E$+412" 4&1" 10th anniversary in February 2009, The Island School has grown beyond all expectations, with a total of 48 students and 25 staff.


Insitu Arch Magazine

As the tour of IS and CEI completes, my pleasant surprise is an understatement. I was not sure of what to expect from the school I heard was “living green,” but to see a working example of the systems in place gives new energy to not so new ideas.

“Solar and green living is not a new idea. It has been refined and improved since it was introduced in the 1970’s and 80’s, but most people want to build their house and then add on systems instead of thinking in a sustainable way from the )3)4)+*"%53%1<4Cg".+:.">)131$C"V(1"3112"45".4+$4"4&)3@)3B"56 " sustainability from the inception of a project – choosing the location, placement of the site, solar water heaters, energy efficient appliances, and using the environment around us to enhance, not inhibit, building materials…we have to look at the total package of the lifecycle of the building.”

CEI is also advising the College of the Bahamas and Bruce LaFleur Architects with the Small Island Sustainable (SIS) Facility, slated to begin soon. V(1"U59*2"*5K1"45"&5.4"+"531"5$"4U5"2+:"U5$@.&5<C"45")3K)41"+$%&)41%4.C" engineers, contractors, business people, and developers…to have experts come down and talk about best business practices of sustainable design,” explains Siener, who is a strong advocate of opening the dialogue of the <54134)+*"4&+4"U1"&+K1")3"4&)."%5934$:"+32")3"4&1"$1B)53C"VH54"4&+4",+3:" people know about us, but more people are asking and becoming more +U+$1'"(1"$1+**:"U+34"45"25"59$"<+$4")3"4&1"%53K1$.+4)53"56 "%53.1$K+4)53'" (1" U+34" 45" .&5U" <15<*1" 4&+4" U1" +$1" +" .9%%1..69*" U5$@)3B" .9.4+)3+E*1" campus that can be adopted by anyone. Once you start the thought process of sustainability, it goes into so many aspects of how we live.”

For more information on the research, scholarship opportunities and programs offered at The Island School and the Cape Eleuthera Institute, please visit www. or (1) Cal Earth is a non profit organization dedicated to research and education of the public in environmentally oriented art and architecture. For more information, please visit (2) Low-emittance (Low-E) coating is microscopically thin, virtually invisible, metal or metallic oxide layers deposited on a window or skylight glazing surface primarily to reduce the U-factor by suppressing radiative heat flow. The principal mechanism of heat transfer in multilayer glazing is thermal radiation from a warm pane of glass to a cooler pane. (3) Thermal mass in the form of concrete, masonry or water has a much better storage capacity for heating and cooling than does the surrounding air. Yi^" 0+..)K1"%55*)3B"="$161$."45"41%&35*5B)1."5$"21.)B3"61+49$1."9.12"45"%55*"E9)*2)3B."U)4&594"<5U1$"%53.9,<4)53"Y+)$"%532)4)53)3B"6+3."14%^

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Kingston, Jamaica



amaica is legendary for elements of wonderful cuisine, reggae music and architectural gems that fill the beautiful island landscape. Cornerstone Design, located in Kingston, Jamaica, has hit gold once again at Geejam with the hotel’s Bushbar, the dining center of the property.


Insitu Arch Magazine

Described as an ‘über luxury’ escape, Geejam is located in San San, which is close to Port Antonio, Jamaica. The property boasts a fitness facility, villas, suites and cabins, a state-of-the-art recording studio and of course the memorable Bushbar. Hosting visitors of the caliber of Gwen Stefani, Grace Jones, No Doubt, Gorillaz and Wyclef Jean the property exudes an atmosphere rarely matched anywhere in the world.

The hotel’s philosophy gives insight to the overall feel: The ongoing mission is for Geejam to continuously develop into a unique, creative retreat for like‐ minded world citizens whose background in the spheres of music, film, fashion and photography are interconnected through six degrees of separation. All our guests have a common creative thread, whether they’re based in New York, Paris, London, Berlin, Rio, Buenos Aires, Moscow, Copenhagen, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney or Kingston. Acting as a concierge for this ‘in the know collective’, Geejam is an epicenter where their worlds collide and unify.


Insitu Arch Magazine

The private hotel was ranked number 16 on Conde Nast’s hot list of the top 100 hotels this year further solidifying its reputation as one of the best insider escapes. Its mystique borrows from nature in a landscape rich with thick vegetation, waterfalls and beautiful vistas. These unique vernacular elements not only make it special but in reverse highlight its architecture.

Insitu Arch Magazine


“It features savory Jamaican and Asian‐ influenced dishes, which add a level of trans‐cultural flair to the already globally infused kitchen.”

The Bush Bar acts as an epicenter to the varied uses and its design is an infusion of Jamaican and Asian design. “The Bushbar is complete with an ambient sound system, outdoor pool table and a forestto-ocean view that expands the boundaries of even the most vivid imagination,” according to the company’s website. “It features savory Jamaican and Asian-influenced dishes, which add a level of trans-cultural flair to the already globally infused kitchen.” The floor plan and site plan display an intentional immersion into the landscape with spaces planned for maximum enjoyment of what already exists. Rugged meandering pathways and finishes keeping with the basic feel of the loose campus helps keep the structure honest even in its placement near the banana plantation. Keeping in tune with the shabby chic intent Cornerstone Design created an open air facility that seamlessly linked the covered areas with the open dining decks. The curved stone deck and wolmanized [treated] pitch pinewood dining deck allows easy relief and the option to really connect with the surrounding trees inclusive of two three hundred year old fig trees.


Insitu Arch Magazine

Insitu Arch Magazine


The structure comprises of 8”x8” hardwood columns, with 2”x12” WPP lintels. The roof is sheathed with 1”x8” tongue and groove decking to the underside and seamed metal whether side. Bar surfaces similar to that of the decking is a dark stained finish acting as the perfect backdrop to the trendy furniture with bright accent cushions. These elements aesthetically tie in with the other cloistered niches and simple forest hideaways. The Bushbar plays an important role in the grand scheme of Geejam and though it fades in the landscape it does not fade in the memories of those who have experienced it. ;&$).45<&1$"(&:,.=>4531"L"A+K)2"A59B*+." as the Directors of Cornerstone Design David Douglas was lead architect on Bush Bar.


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Insitu Arch Magazine


Barbados Travel becomes a whole heap more comfortable when you can take advantage of stylish departure lounges. They are usually elegant, quiet and peaceful; de-stressing a person and making them ready for the flight. So when 4&1" 0$1.)2134" 56 " 4&1" #)$*)31." Association of Barbados (AAB) approached the firm of Liz Quintyne Inc., wanting +" 21.)B3" 4&+4" U+." H[7" conservative, they were very happy to bid.


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The brief required them to design a cZ0"5$"IG1%94)K1"*593B1"56 "eQSS.b"64" in size on the upper floor of the new .1%9$1"21<+$49$1"+$1+"56 "4&1"8$+34*1:" #2+,."Z341$3+4)53+*"#)$<5$4"Y8#Z#^")3" Barbados, which was in the process of being extended and renovated. The whole airport had been undergoing a modernization using fun tension structures over the existing 20+-yearold concrete frames. The departure lounge had been extended with an opaque tension structure and the arrivals hall was also revamped, extended and now finally was cooled with air-conditioning. The Airlines Association of Barbados is comprised of all the various regional and international airline carriers who come to Barbados‌ Air Canada, British Airways, Virgin to name a few. They combined their resources to have one single large quality departure lounge (because Barbados has a small airport‌why have several poky little lounges?)

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“What do we have here in this island that people want? Why do they come here?” The brief also required something totally unique for Barbados for the new interior space. The Board for the AAB wanted Barbados to be placed on an equal international level to other executive lounges worldwide. The space would need the following list of amenities: Children’s lounge with DVD and toys A reading waiting area. A drinks bar and café #".1*6=.1$K1"21*)J<+.4$:"+$1+ #3")341$314J()M)"a531 A water feature Storerooms Manager’s office M5:1$J$1%1<4)53"21.@ Staff and lunch room “The space we were provided with was part of the old 8$+34*1:"#2+,."#)$<5$4"$1.4+9$+34"+32"@)4%&13".<+%1" with large existing windows overlooking the tarmac,” said Liz Cupples, principal at Liz Quintyne Inc. “On the left of the space, outside the windows was a mismash of messy utility spaces and the luggage delivery for the airport… not a pleasant view! Above our heads was a central space of approximately 16 ft with huge raw concrete beams edging two side wings of a very low 8 feet. The space was pretty depressing! 68

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“Our submission concept was based, of course, +$5932" 59$" E1+94)69*" <+$+2).1" ).*+32.'" (&+4" 25" U1" &+K1" &1$1" )3" 4&)." ).*+32" 4&+4" <15<*1" U+34l" (&:" 25" they come here? I questioned myself as we started to conceptualize the space.” For Cupples, the answer was obvious. V(1" &+K1" 4&1" ).*+32." 56 " 4&1" ;+$)EE1+3Cg" .&1" .+)2C" “jewels in the warm aquamarine crystal seas, each with beaches - some volcanic and some with fine white sand meeting frothy rolling surf or flat glassy .1+.'"(1"&+K1"4&1"<+$+2).1"4&+4".5",+3:"U+34'g The firm was not initially sure how to incorporate this island theme into the spatial theme of a waiting room. They were told to be different. “A bit out there,” was the comment from the then AAB ?+3+B1$"F5&3"(&)41'"#22)4)53+**:C"4&1"6)$,"<$161$$12" to use recycled materials if at all possible. “I have to admit,” Cupples said, “I had visions of bamboo poles and thatched roof within that space. It may work in some places but for this project, the idea just made me shudder.

“Our guests needed to be greeted by hearing the sound of water from our tropic isles’ waterfalls and swirling waves, by seeing the sculptural cumulus cloud formations, the flocks of birds that journey from place to place which our planes mimic as they travel to and fro. They need to experience our fireflies at night, feel the warmth of rich mahogany woods and cool rough shimmering shells and pebbles. Smell quality fresh brewed coffee and hot pastries and taste sharp sweet rum punches served by the smiling friendly faces of our islanders. As a last memory of a .4+:"&1$1")3"P+$E+25.'"H5U"4&+4"U59*2"$1*+G"+3:531qg It was this group of ideas that was translated to paper. The schematic showed a simple design with the swirl of the surf waves on the floor terrazzo pattern, the colours reminiscent of sands and sea. The freestanding division walls followed the arcs vertically to break up the large open space to create privacy areas and eating areas. The gypsum double and triple layered side lit ceilings were hiding massive ducts and manouevred in and out like clouds to add interest to once unattractive low spaces. V(1"U1$1"1K13"+E*1"45"%$1+41"4&1"%53%1<4"56 "+"6*5%@" of 16 ‘birds’ using the same tension structures seen throughout the airport in our high ceilings and back light them with carnival colours at night,” Cupples 1G<*+)312'" V(1" 65932" +3" 13K)$53,134+**:" 6$)132*:" resin material which could be shaped in any form, coloured in any way and filled with any material (we chose capiz shells) to create our backlit bar front and bar screens to remind our customers of our beaches and their island stay.”

But all projects have their challenges to overcome. On the 16 ft high roof space VAC engineers wanted to install surface mounted air conditioning ducts right down the centre of the space where our “birds” would be. Since it was the only truly impressive space the firm had, they offered to place the ducts on either side of the space next to the hefty drop beam instead. Keeping with the swirls and waves and the existing circular windows, they requested that the ducts be circular. “Our budget could not bear the high cost of the quality furniture and bar cabinets we had specified,” said Cupples, “and we did not want to order traditional *55@)3B" 69$3)49$1'" (1" ,+3+B12" 45" $129%1" 4&1" %5.4" hugely by ordering kitchens, bar equipment and 69$3)49$1"6$5,"ZXI# 'g The project took over a year to get approval, but, as a result, the small company did learn a lot about procedures for airport projects.

“Contractors throughout the island, bid higher than normal because of the difficulty of working at the airport, delays on approvals, problematic access and the need to redo work to meet highly stringent codes,” Cupples said. “The consultants had managed to expend several hundreds of thousands of extra dollars on behalf of the government of Barbados and it all came out in the local papers at the same time we were getting approvals for our lounge. Shortly after, the design was approved.

meant the design team had to redesign the floor and find enough porcelain floor tiles of the right colours quickly which would meet the concept they had envisioned. Overall it took six months to complete the space, two months of which was waiting for the AC company to provide equipment to close up the ceiling.

Cupples’ team built the space as they sourced, bought and shipped all the furniture and bar equipment at a third of the price their budget required. At the last minute the terrazzo suppliers could not install the floor after they had bought the materials, which

Architects: Liz Quintyne Inc Contractors: Trinity Homes Ltd Air Condition Consultants: Essco Barbados Ltd P)$2./"Y413.)53".4$9%49$1.^"0)3@"Z3%C"H1U"]5$@ 0&545B$+<&:/">492)5">492)5 Capiz shell screens and bar front, copper bar counter: Eco-Resin Ltd. Furniture and bar cabinets: Ikea USA

“For a small company, it was one of those projects of a lifetime where one could use innovative materials in a fun and unusual way,” said Cupples. “It is not V()4&".5",+3:"+22)4)53+*"2$+U)3B.C"59$"+$%&)41%49$+*" every day we get projects like that but by the end department lost money on the project. However, of it, we knew it was only the start of creating more we were also building the interior and managed adventures with space and structures. The lounge to just break even on the project in spite of the opened in June 2007 to rave reviews by all who used $1.4$)%412"+%%1..C"%5369.)3B")3.4$9%4)53."6$5,"8#Z#O." it and Sotheby’s booked every advertising slot they consultants and boiling working conditions. In spite of could get in the space. So it must have been alright.” the stringent codes we found the overseas contractors had installed huge 6ftx4ft external windows into the revamped shell, of 4” untempered glass, facing the tarmac and leaking like a sieve after a bad night of rain.”


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Rising oil prices, more powerful and frequent hurricanes and other weather anomalies, global warming, depletion of water supplies and forests are at the forefront of most people’s angst in today’s society. As professionals, we should be spear heading design solutions to rectify the environmental issues created in previous generations, and educating others of why these design solutions are imperative to the healthy continuation of our planet. The acronym LEED stands for Leaders in Energy and Environmental Design. The premise of LEED is to “encourage and accelerate global adoption of sustainable green building and development practices”. The goal is to reduce the carbon footprint (def) of the built environment. Buildings are rated in five key design areas: 1) R^" W^" 4) 5)

Sustainable Site Development (+41$"I66)%)13%:J">+K)3B. I31$B:"I66)%)13%:J"#4,5.<&1$1 Material Selection and Resources Indoor Environmental Quality

_IIA" +%%$12)4+4)53" )." ,+3+B12" E:" 4&1" 8$113" P9)*2)3B" ;1$4)6)%+4)53"Z3.4)4941"Y8P;Z^'"_).412"E1*5U"+$1"4&1"*1K1*." of LEED accreditation that can be achieved, depending on a person’s interest and career focus: LEED Green Associate This person has an understanding and support of green design, construction and operations, and has knowledge of good environmental practice. LEED AP (Accredited Professional) 7&)." U+." <$1K)59.*:" %+41B5$)a12" )3" 4U5" B$59<./" H1U" ;53.4$9%4)53"YH;^"+32";5,,1$%)+*"Z341$)5$."Y;Z^'"7&1.1" areas are no longer available. A new, more comprehensive tiered program has been introduced, most available in summer 2009. These are listed as follows: Operations & Maintenance (O &M) – Applies to existing buildings; implementation of sustainable practices Homes – High performance green homes that use less energy and creates less waste. Building Design and Construction (BD &C)– {this replaces New Construction (NC)} – Commercial, Institutional and High Rise Residential buildings. Interior Design & Constitution (ID &C) – {this replaces


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Commercial Interiors (CI)} - High performance work places and tenant upgrades more efficient to operate. Neighbourhood Development (ND) available 2010 – H1)B&E59$&552." 4&+4" ,114" &)B&" *1K1*." 56 " .9.4+)3+E*1" development and environmental responsibility. LEED Fellow This area is still under development. It is geared toward an extraordinary class of leading professionals distinguished by their years of experience and contributions to LEED practices. Becoming LEED Accredited 7&1"%5.4"65$"4&1"1G+,")."kWSS"65$",1,E1$."56 "D>8PZ"+32" $400 for non members. Rating System Handbooks for each specialty area are available for download on the website http://www.usgbc. /06789:;#4<=46">4:;5?@AB=46"C8D'''. The cost of +22)4)53+*".492:",+41$)+*")."+K+)*+E*1"+4"&44</JJ<<)R<+..' %5,J<<)J00Z>&5<l%4r_IIA'" Z4" )." $1%5,,13212" 45" schedule exams 45-60 days in advance to ensure that the testing centre has availability. Testing centres are in the U.S. To find the closest testing %134$1"45":59C"<*1+.1"*5B"5345"0$5,14$)%'%5, Y&44</JJ.1%9$1$1BW'<$5,14$)%'%5,JA).<+4%&'+.<G^" 65$" direct link. The exam is a computer based multiple-choice format and requires 2 hours and 20 minutes to complete. 75" E1%5,1" +" ,1,E1$" 56 " D>8P;" YD'>'" 8$113" P9)*2)3B" Council) all you need to do is go to the website www. , go to join as an individual or organization, select the membership type and create an account, fill out the online registration form for US Caribbean Chapter and pay the required fee.The Caribbean Chapter of the D>8P;"E+.12")3">+3"F9+3C"091$45"d)%5' Common misconceptions of LEED 1) LEED is an association – LEED is a “third party certification program and (internationally) accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings.” 2) LEED is only for persons in the Building Industry – LEED is for anyone concerned about the environment. Architects, Engineers, Lenders and government officials all use LEED to assist in the transformation of the built environment to one of sustainability. As clients get more savvy

and more design conscious, they are requesting that their buildings meet the criteria of LEED W^" 015<*1" +$1" _IIA" #;;dIAZ7IA" +32" P9)*2)3B." are LEED CERTIFIED – As previously mentioned, persons can become LEED accredited in various +$1+.'" 01$.53." %+3" +*.5" +<<*:" 45" &+K1" E9)*2)3B." LEED certified – this is a point system, if the building meets necessary design criteria, a level (certified, silver, gold, platinum) is given to the building. The higher the points, the higher the level of certification given. 4) LEED required highly specialized training and is a challenging course – As listed above, becoming LEED accredited is a simple process that can be achieved by anyone dedicated to environmental consciousness. The importance of LEED Everyone is affected by or comes into contact with the built 13K)$53,134'"(1"-#cI"45"E1",5$1"$1.<53.)E*1")3"&5U"59$" E9)*2)3B." +661%4" 4&1" 3+49$+*" 13K)$53,134'" (1" %+3354" 9.1" ignorance as an excuse any longer; we can see the effects of the damage to the planet almost on a daily basis. For additional information, please see “Recommended P55@."+32"(1E.)41.g"65$"4&1"U1E"+22$1..1."65$"4&1"8$113" P9)*2)3B" ;1$4)6)%+4)53" Z3.4)4941" +32" D'>'" 8$113" P9)*2)3B"

Council – page 92. A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc.


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Kishan Munroe For Kishan Munroe, art is a way of life. There is no other option. But, when no suitable opportunities for work materialized after graduation, he did what anyone would do – he created one. Today Munroe continues what most would consider the journey of a lifetime. His ‘Universal Human Experience’ has taken him through the Caribbean, North America and now South America. And he’s just getting his feet wet. Born and raised in Nassau, Bahamas, Munroe spent his early childhood years tracing on tissue paper, riffling through encyclopedias for inspirational paintings and creating collages. While he is also a skilled musician, he credits his love of art to a nurturing family home. “Both of my parents were good with their hands as well as music and literature,” he said, “but I chose to focus on making things, little gadgets and stuff like model planes and boats, things like that.


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“In some ways you can psychologically control and direct people using the visual arts to bring across your message. Some of the most powerful messages are sent visually such as in billboards, movies, commercials, all of that stuff is visual arts.” His versatility shows in his work as well. “I have some piece I have spent two years on and then there are pieces I’ve spent just one day on,” he said. “It varies because I don’t try to stick to one style or one genre. If you look at my portfolio you will see some stuff made out of cut out cardboard, six by10 foot paintings done in oil paint. So it’s a big difference between collage and large format photo realistic painting.” Munroe’s work has been exhibited both in the Caribbean and the United States and is included in many public and private collections. He is the recipient of numerous awards and accolades including: grants from The National Endowment for the Performing Arts (Bahamas), the Governor’s Choice Award (Bahamas), and the Combined Merit Fellowship at the Savannah College of Art and design. In 1998, after graduating from high school, Munroe enrolled in the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Georgia where he was a double-major in Painting and Visual effects. After completing his undergraduate work, he went on to pursue graduate work at his alma mater on a fellowship, concluding his studies in Painting in 2005. Munroe began looking for work after college. His search would be an eye-opening experience. “I went on a couple interviews and I saw the people being hired and it seemed to me like there was some sort of discrimination,” Munroe said. “My work, according to a lot of other people, was a lot more powerful and my resume was a lot more powerful so I just concluded that there is something about a young black man with locks that [companies] just couldn’t deal with.”

“I went on a couple interviews and I saw the people being hired and it seemed to me like there was some sort of discrimination,” Frustrated, he returned home at the end of 2006 and began to write and sketch out his feelings. What began as venting snowballed into a major proposal on the existence and effects of discriminatory tactics used around the world. The result – The Universal Human Experience. “I started writing my analysis of what’s going on,” he explained, “what could be done and what people need to know in order to be enlightened. Very few people actually pay attention and analyze things for themselves. For example when I examine religion, something like voodoo, a lot of people wouldn’t understand voodoo because the first thing in their mouth is oh it is bad, but they don’t know the first thing about it. If you don’t know about something how can you say if it is good or bad? “My job is to basically be a blank slate, go unbiased as much as possible to go and get the true experience of what it is –what is the truth?”

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And so the Universal Human Experience began. According to Munroe, the trip is going great thanks to a lot through networking and the kindness of strangers. “This project initially stared with me and no funding,” he laughed. “Then I started selling my art work and from the sales it picked up and then I got some private sponsors, international and then a few grants and then recently as I started traveling I ran into people who liked the project and were impressed and would say they want to contribute to the project. So they asked me to put a contribute button on my website so they can send funds to me electronically. Once you start traveling

you meet a lot of people who would like to do it or a lot of older people who don’t have children, or are really impressed that you are making an effort to do something like this and not something perceived as selfish. “Right now I’m not focusing on personal gain. It’s more about the work so people feel inspired by that so I try to keep the momentum going. I think there are a lot more good people in the world than bad people and as you travel you begin to see that. If you only watch the news, the news only sells things that can shock you and keep you watching so you would think the whole world has an earthquake or fires or floods. You have to scare them. As I travel, I went through couple natural disasters.” Floods, snowstorms, earthquakes, even volcanic ash, haven’t faltered Munroe’s resolve to continue his journey. Ironically, the one natural disaster he should be accustomed to, hurricanes, is the one he’s never experienced. His one adversary would be the concept of time. “Time, in terms of movement and the pace at which people are going, changes as you cross these boarders,” he said. “What might take me 10 minutes to do in Nassau might take me 10 weeks to do in Haiti. So that is something I had to deal with.” Munroe initially planed to be in each place no longer than three weeks. His arrival to Haiti changed that plan quickly. “Especially when you run into language barriers,” he said, “and then sometimes you find that something financial always pops up. You have to change you plan or alternate it in some way in order


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to keep moving-keep the momentum going. It was supposed to be one year for the whole world but I decided to split that in half because you have to build up trust in these communities. It’s like being a spy. You have to embed yourself in the community, build up trust of the people around you and allow them to express their true feelings. This notion was very evident when he visited Alaska. “There’s a history of people who have come in, intellectuals, who have basically come in and made them look primitive through

these documentaries. So they built up this barrier where you have to be endorsed by one of the elders who they have in high regard. They might know everything about a subject but they will tell you oh you need to speak to an elder. It’s like old school. So when you have to go through something like that you have to spend weeks, probably couple months just in the community talking with people everyday- in the bars, in the churches, on the streets in the restaurants. You have to know people before you even start to snap a picture. If you pull you camera out too quick, it’s just like a weapon. They might see it as a weapon. But if you pull it out at the right time, people might warm-up to it instead of running away from it. That is something I am learning- learning how to communicate and how to feel situations out. “A lot of artists do things because they want to make a big name for themselves or only want to make money. I just did it out of curiosity.”

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But the trip has it’s downsides as well like the tedious journaling. “When you’re documenting everything or trying to document everything every week of your life, after a while you just get tired,” he said. “Sometimes you just don’t have anything to write about so doing that in multiple formats is a big challenge.

“One piece of advice I could give on inspiring artist would be to don’t give up,”

“Most of what I am doing right now is journaling with photos and video. Whether or not I have good Internet access determines how quickly I get my videos up and how much I put up. But I do a sketch and I do a little bit of painting on the road. I don’t do as much because there’s only so much I can carry. Everything I have fits into backpacks. Clothes for a year, video, audio and still cameras.”

is that I know and what it is I can do so an idea might strike me and it might be better off as a sculpture than a painting. There are a lot of people who create unsuccessful pieces because they only used to expressing themselves in one genre.”

The intimidation factor doesn’t help much either.

“One piece of advice I could give on inspiring artist would be to don’t give up,” he said. “Follow your heart and don’t give up. You should discipline yourself. If you get stuck on a piece don’t give up on the piece—follow it through. You have to build up in strength and discipline in order to make it through the hard times whether the hard times might be psychological, financial and not just creative. You have to instill within yourself a sense of discipline and constantly strive to make yourself better because in art that is the only thing that will take you through and people will see that and that’s what people will buy into – strength, courage and talent.”

“What’s funny is that a lot of times people are intimidated by you as well so you just have to build up confidence as you travel,” Munroe said. “A lot of fear is based on ignorance because you don’t know everything. But, if you travel, you learn so much more. The project is about learning as well – doing away with the fear through knowledge, through empowerment. “Knowledge and skills are the two most powerful tools you can have as an artist, I think. I just try to constantly upgrade what it

Though his journey is far from complete, Munroe is determined to see it through.

Sustainability, conservation and “green� design is a priority for developers, designers and home owners of the 21st century. Also, with the economy in its present state, many are looking for ways to save money while still enjoying a pleasant lifestyle. Listed below are 15 ways to save on your every usage that are not only cost effective, but require the minimal amount of effort to achieve: !" d1<*+%1"*)B&4"E9*E."U)4&"%5,<+%4"6*95$1.%134"E9*E. !" 0*9B"+<<*)+3%1.")345"<5U1$".4$)<."+32"49$3"4&1,"566 "U&13"354")3"9.1 !" _)31"2$:"%*54&)3B !" >14"U+41$"&1+41$."45"QRS"21B$11."M+&$13&1)4 !" #2f9.4"+)$=%532)4)53)3B"4&1$,5.4+4"/"jm"21B$11.")3"U)341$C"om"21B$11.")3".9,,1$ !" (&13"<9$%&+.)3B"31U"+<<*)+3%1.C"B14"4&1"I31$B:">4+$",521* !" Z,<$5K1")3.9*+4)53")3":59$"+44)%C"1G41$)5$"U+**."+32"6*55$. !" (1+4&1$)a1"+32".1+*"U)325U.C"255$"+32"+)$"29%4. !"

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!" M)G"+**"U+41$"*1+@. !" (+.&"69**"*5+2."56 "*+932$: !" Z3.4+**"V*5U"6*5Ug"6)G49$1."65$".&5U1$"&1+2.C".)3@."+32"45)*14. !" s1$.%+<)3B"\"*+32.%+<1":59$"<$5<1$4:"U)4&"<*+34."4&+4"+$1"1)4&1$"*5%+*"5$"require little maintenance. Committing to just a few of these suggestions should garner savings in your future energy bills.

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Benefits of the



An unvented attic is a space between the ceiling joists of the top story and the roof rafters where an air impermeable insulation is applied directly to the underside of the structural roof deck and is tied into the insulation located in the walls, such that the roof system becomes part of the insulated building enclosure. This attic space becomes indirectly conditioned space as a result of air leakage, heat transfer and vapor diffusion through the uninsulated attic floor. There are no supply or return vents from the HVAC system located in the unvented attic space. This design practice benefits situations where space limitations require HVAC equipment and duct work to be located in the attic. In this situation, modifying the attic to create a conditioned attic space has generated significant reductions in energy consumption. This paper reviews unvented attic construction, briefly discusses its history and reviews the benefits in terms of energy efficiency in hot humid climates and cold climates. Sections on cathedral ceilings, condensation control and historic buildings are also included.


The US Department of Energy (DOE) promoted the unvented attic assembly in an effort to reduce energy consumption. Research began in 1996 with computer modeling, and soon moved to full-scale testing. As a result of the DOE research work, unvented attic systems have been constructed under special approval for more than 12 years, and a set of design recommendations has been developed for common use. These recommendations refer to the system as a “conditioned attic assembly�, which was adopted by the International Code Council (ICC) in 2004, and is now part of the 2006 International Residential Code (section R806.4).


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To construct an unvented attic, air impermeable insulation is applied in direct contact with the underside of the structural roof deck and gable end walls and soffit areas, such that the roof insulation is tied into the wall insulation. By moving the insulation boundary to the underside of the roof deck, temperature & humidity conditions in the attic can be kept reasonably close to those conditions within the occupied interior of the building. There is neither a vapor retarder nor insulation installed on the attic floor of the unvented attic assembly.

Air-Impermeable Barriers

A fundamental requirement of the unvented attic assembly is the use of an airimpermeable insulation. The use of an airimpermeable barrier at the underside of the roof is an effective means of preventing air infiltration and thereby excluding air borne moisture from the attic, reducing latent air-conditioning loads and providing further reductions in energy consumption. An air barrier material is defined as one having an air permeance, when tested according to the requirements of ASTM E283, less than 0.02 L/s*m2 . Icynene® meets this requirement. ASTM E2178 can also be used to measure the air permeance of building materials. Icynene® has been tested according to the requirements of ASTM E2178 and has a result less than the 0.02 L/s*m2 requirement. Icynene® is an air impermeable insulation material as required by the code.

Even more moderate conditions can cause moisture issues: the dew point temperature for 100°F air at 40 percent RH is 70°F, well above the temperature of most air-conditioned air. Wrapped and insulated ducts are not immune; pin-holes in the vapor barrier can allow the hot air to leak through mineral fiber insulation and contact the cold ducts, where condensation fills the insulation with water. Duct leakage can also cool adjacent surfaces thereby providing additional condensing surfaces. In conditioned attic assemblies, the attic space generally remains within about 5°F of the directly conditioned living space below, with a relative humidity much lower than ambient, due to the indirect conditioning of the space. The potential for condensation is therefore significantly reduced, along with the potential for mold, mildew, and structural rot.

Energy Efficiency – In Hot Humid Climates

Unvented attic assemblies provide a distinct energy advantage over vented attic systems in hot humid climates. In these climates, slab on grade construction and the natural tendency for cool air to fall make attics the best choice for HVAC equipment and duct work. With vented attic systems, HVAC equipment and ductwork systems are exposed to high outdoor humidity levels and highly elevated daytime temperatures. This will reduce the efficiency of the HVAC system and increase the potential for condensation. The common tendency for ductwork to suffer from leakage causes part of the conditioned airflow to be lost to the outdoors or even for outdoor air to infiltrate into the air conditioning network, and the equipment output must be increased to compensate. By moving the boundary of the conditioned enclosure to the underside of the roof deck, any duct leakage within the attic is therefore into conditioned space. In fact, this type of design reduces somewhat the importance of stringent duct sealing practices; any air-conditioned air that leaks from attic ducts will leak through the ceiling plane into the building, helping to cool the building. By reducing the effect of duct leakage, the unvented attic system can provide a dramatic improvement in energy consumption, without the need for duct sealing. It has been found that where ducts suffered from a 10 percent loss of flow due to leakage, enclosing ducts and equipment inside an unvented attic system was found to generate up to 15 percent reduction in energy consumption. Where ducts suffered from a 15 percent loss, the reduction in energy consumption increased up to 25 percent. Field estimates for duct leakage can range anywhere from 5 percent to well above 35 percent.


Unvented Attic Construction

Condensation Control

One of the benefits of locating HVAC equipment & ductwork inside the conditioned envelope is the reduction in condensation potential. In vented attics, temperatures will typically range from 140°F – 160°F during the heat of the day, with relative humidity (RH) up to 90 percent. Any cool surface in the attic will provide a condensation plane and with moisture comes the potential for mold and mildew. Cool HVAC equipment and ductwork provide condensing surfaces.

Wind Blown Moisture

In hot humid climates, where hurricanes are prevalent, conditioned attic assemblies provide an advantage over the typical vented attic system. By eliminating vents, wind-driven rain can be kept out of the attic.

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Cathedral Ceilings

One benefit that has come from the development of the unvented attic assembly is the improvement in design of cathedral (vaulted) ceilings. In general it has been found that there is a minimal difference in performance between the installation of the interior finish at the floor of the attic and its installation at the underside of the rafters. The details found in section R806.4 (2006 IRC) can be used in the design of cathedral ceilings.

Special Considerations

With any roof system, there should always be a contingency in place to address the possibility of roof leaks, especially with wood roof decks. When employing a conditioned attic assembly, insulation materials


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should be selected that allow rainwater to drain through the material, thereby ensuring that roof leaks can be located and repaired prior to any long-term damage of the roof sheathing. Similarly, the use of vapor permeable materials is preferred, as these materials will not impede the drying of the wood sheathing to the interior, thereby preventing moisture build up and improving the service life of the roof sheathing.


Locating HVAC equipment outside the conditioned envelope causes significant increases in energy consumption. Unvented attic assemblies provide the means to reduce energy consumption by encapsulating attic HVAC equipment within the conditioned boundary. Conditioned attic systems have additional benefits in condensation control, buildings with complex roof geometries, and in high wind areas. Regardless of the application, considering unconditioned attic assembly at the design stage of a project can lead to significant improvements in many projects. Icynene速 Insulation is available in The Bahamas from Bahamas Foam Insulation, with locations in Nassau and Abaco.

Insitu Arch Magazine


Alternatives to wood in the Caribbean:


by the numbers


oday’s consumers demand lower maintenance and sustainable building products that last. Manufacturers have responded to this need by offering non-wood alternatives for doors, siding, decking and more. Exterior trim is the most recent category to experience a major shift from wood to alternative materials.

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8PPE QSPEVDUT UFOE UP DVQ BOE XBSQ FTQFDJBMMZ JO UIF MPOHFS MFOHUIT used in trim installations 8PPE QSPEVDUT BCTPSC NPJTUVSF DBVTJOH UIFN UP SPU BOE EFUFSJPSBUF over time, especially if they are not installed and maintained properly "MNPTU BMM DPOUSBDUPST DPNQMBJO UIBU QBJOUJOH JT B QSPCMFN BU TPNF level. Knots bleed through paint, requiring special primers/coatings to treat them. Moisture cycling causes paint to blister and peel. *OTFDUT MPWF XPPE 8PPE DBO CF IFBWZ BOE EJïDVMU UP IBOEMF JO NBOZ FYUFSJPS USJN applications 0OMZ UISFF QFSDFOU PG DPOUSBDUPST JO B SFDFOU TVSWFZ SFQPSUFE IBWJOH no problems with wood trim

It is clear that regular maintenance is required on all wood used in exterior applications to avoid potential problems like weathering and insect infiltration. Even with on-going maintenance the deterioration of wood used in exterior applications is inevitable. Several building product manufacturers have introduced a wide range of alternatives to painted wood for use in exterior trim applications: t t t t


Of these, cellular PVC is often the product of choice with consumers and contractors because it looks like wood, is low maintenance and can be installed with the same tools as wood and by the same people.

Benefits of PVC

Cellular PVC trim does not absorb moisture so it won’t rot and is also highly resistant to insects. It can be applied in direct contact with the ground, masonry or brick. Unlike wood, Cellular PVC will not rot, split, 86

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Traditional wood products used in exterior trim applications experience many problems:

Since cellular PVC is extruded in a continuous process it is available in premium lengths up to 20’, which reduces the number of joints required in long runs, improving the finished appearance. It has a consistent cell structure that grips fasteners securely and is easy to work with using the same tools and techniques as wood without nicking, chipping or cracking. Heat blankets, ovens or other heating appliances can be used to heat cellular PVC to approximately 270°F so it can be heat-formed to create arcs and radiuses in an easy costeffective way. Cellular PVC is so versatile it can be used to created one-of-a-kind decorative pieces to create true homes of distinction. The surface of cellular PVC has a pleasing matte finish that resembles primed wood. It is white throughout its thickness and remains white without protection, even in direct sunlight. It doesn’t require paint for protection, but readily accepts standard 100 percent acrylic latex exterior paint. And, since cellular PVC trim products don’t absorb moisture, they are not subject to the same moisture-cycling problems that wood products experience, so paint last significantly longer on cellular PVC than it does on wood.

Manufacturing Processes

that the two “melt streams” of PVC foam into. This is why the Celuka process is sometimes referred to as an “inward foaming” process. The two “melt streams” that are created by the torpedo are reunited as they exit the die and enter a “calibrator” that is set at the desired thickness. The outside edges of the PVC are cooled very quickly in the calibrator, usually by circulating water, which sets the thickness of the board and creates a hard, smooth outside surface. The inside continues to cool at a different rate from the cooled outside surface, typically resulting in density variations between the surface and core. The final product is a Cellular PVC whose surface is smooth, hard, and glossy, with an inside that is typically rough and contains voids.

The Free Foam Process

The second process used to manufacture cellular PVC is called “Free Foam”. As with the Celuka process, the ingredients are dropped into an extruder and mixed with a blowing agent to create the foaming process. Unlike the Celuka process, however, there is no torpedo and as the foaming PVC exits the die it doesn’t enter a calibrator. Instead, Free- foam PVC is allowed to expand freely after exiting the die. The thickness of the board is controlled by a series of cooling rollers that cool it more slowly than the calibrator does in the Celuka process. This gradual cooling process allows the surface and interior to cool more uniformly, producing a more consistent density and cell structure throughout. It also reduces the surface hardness and shine, creating a matte finish.

There are two ways to manufacture cellular PVC trim and the process selected will determine many of the physical characteristics of the product. This diagram shows the Celuka process of manufacturing cellular PVC:

The Celuka Process

In the Celuka process the ingredients used to make the PVC product are dropped into an extruder and mixed with a blowing agent to foam the PVC. In a process known as extrusion, the foaming PVC is pushed through a die by the screw. As the foamed material is pushed through the die, it is forced around a “torpedo”, creating a low pressure cavity


cup or warp so it can be used in the harshest environments without concern for durability.

Compared to Celuka PVC products, Free Foam PVC products, like KleerLumber™ (distributed in the Caribbean by Universal Provision Group LLC), typically have a more uniform density that is similar to white pine, have a matte finish similar to primed wood, have smooth edges when milled or moulded and can be heat formed to create curves and arches. The characteristics of Free-foam PVC allow installers maximum versatility in creating products at the jobsite. As a result, it has become the preferred manufacturing method and represents the majority of the cellular PVC products available today. Insitu Arch Magazine


Common Building Applications

Cellular PVC works in any non-structural application. It can be used in high-moisture environments like bathrooms and laundries, in the ground, attached to masonry, brickwork, tile or stone. It can be used to wrap posts or columns, to create cornerboards or deck trim, fascia and soffits. It can be used on porch ceilings or to create millwork items such as raised panels and wainscoting. In general, most cellular PVC manufacturers and distributors like Universal Provision Group LLC., have standard product offerings that include trimboards, sheets, beaded products, pre-made corners and mouldings. These products can be used in combination to create unique architectural details that truly differentiate one home from another. Universal Provision Group also provides custom fabricated commercial and residential building components per the client’s desire and the architects design.


Insitu Arch Magazine

The custom trellis structure at the Paradise Island Shopping Centre, in New Providence Bahamas is an excellent example of the versatility and quality of PVC. The trellis was designed by Jackson Burnside Ltd. and installed by Watson Construction, both of Nassau Bahamas. The non-structural box rafters were manufactured using ½” KleerLumber cellular PVC, the structural beams included aluminum “I” beams wrapped in ½” PVC material, and the lattice was fabricated using 1” PVC half-lapped sheet stock. (see picture – previous page).

Versatility as a building material

As discussed earlier, moisture causes wood to swell and, as the wood dries out it often shrinks. Cellular PVC does not shrink and swell like wood because it does not absorb moisture. It does, however, expand and contract with changes in temperature. The Coefficient of Linear Expansion for most cellular PVC products is approximately 3.3 x 10-5, which means that an 18’ piece will expand and contract approximately 3/8” for every 50oF change in temperature if left unrestricted. With the use of proper installation techniques, the expansion and contraction can be reduced to approximately 1/8” for every 18’ of cellular PVC with a 50oF change in temperature. It should be noted, however, that stable temperatures throughout


Examples in the Bahamas

The proper fastening, both type and quantity, is critical to ensuring a good installation. Stainless steel or hot-dip galvanized nails with smooth shanks and round heads, or exterior grade trim-head screws should be used to fasten cellular PVC. The fasteners should be placed no more than two ft. from each end and spaced evenly across the face of the board. Eight ins. or narrower boards require two nails across the face of the board and 10” or wider boards require three nails across the face of the board. Cellular PVC trimboards should be fastened to a flat, continuous solid substrate at least 1-1/2” thick wherever fastened, and the fasteners must penetrate into the substrate at least 1-1/2”. Any premium quality, flexible acrylic or urethane exterior caulk or exterior spackle may be used to fill the nail heads. To accommodate expansion and contraction, it may be necessary to leave expansion spaces. If the cellular PVC is installed at the lower end of the area’s annual temperature range, slightly more than a 1/16” expansion space should be left at each end of the run for every 18’ of material installed. If the cellular PVC is installed at the upper end of the area’s annual temperature range, slightly less than 1/16” expansion space should be left at each end of the run for every 18’ of material installed. The closer the temperature at the time of installation gets to the extremes of the annual range, the greater the change in the space required. the expansion spaces can be filled using any premium quality, flexible acrylic or urethane caulk.

Cellular PVC can be cut using standard wood-cutting saws, like circular saws or chop saws. It can be drilled using standard metal-cutting drill bits and shaped using routers or moulders. Carbide tipped blades or bits are recommended for the best results. Depending on the cellular PVC selected, cut or milled edges may display interior texture. For a cosmetic finish, edges may be machined, sanded, filled with spackle or painted.

When creating long runs with cellular PVC it is often advantageous to glue the butt-ends together to avoid joint separation. When doing so, using #20 plastic biscuits in conjunction with a good quality PVC adhesive will ensure the joint is flush and strong while the adhesive cures. Alternatively, a 30° or 45° scarf cut can be made and glued together. If thicker products are desired, pieces of cellular PVC may be laminated together. For best results, the faces of each piece should be sanded prior to gluing to ensure a solid bond. Remember, cellular PVC does not need to be painted for protection. It can, however, be painted to reduce dirt buildup after installation or simply to better coordinate with other exterior colors. Typically, 100 percent Acrylic Latex Paint may be used to paint cellular PVC. Because none of the paint will be absorbed into the cellular PVC like it normally is in wood, it may take longer for the paint to dry (up to 48 hours). Once fully dried, however, paint typically lasts longer on cellular PVC than it does on wood. The use of darker color paints on cellular PVC may increase the product’s expansion and contraction. The Light Reflective Value scale is helpful in determining if standard Acrylic Latex paint can be used to paint cellular PVC a given color. Most paint manufacturers include the LRV (Light Reflective Value) on their color chips. 100 percent. Acrylic Latex paint should only be used with colors that have an LRV greater than 55 percent. If a color is selected that has an LRV less than 55 percent., a coating that is formulated specifically for use on exterior vinyl products is required. So remember, the application of trim to the exterior of a house serves not only to break up large areas of siding, but also to produce architectural details that differentiate one house from another. For exterior trim applications like rake or fascia boards, window or door surrounds, or even the most elaborate architectural details like brackets, corbels and columns, wood is no longer the best option. Today’s consumers demand lower maintenance products that last a long time. Cellular PVC products from KleerLumber™ offer the same traditional look of wood, but with the added benefit of being truly low maintenance. For exteriors that are meant to be enjoyed, not maintained, cellular PVC products are an excellent alternative.


the year in warmer climates (like the Caribbean) help keep expansion and contraction to a minimum.

Please visit for more information. KleerLumber is distributed in the Caribbean by Universal Provision Group LLC. Please contact Universal Provision Group LLC. by; =E/F"$%%-GHI-G*I(.(H%345$%-GHI+'+I,'GG%/0%"J49#$%

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U.S. Green Building Council D'>'8'P';'")."+"353=<$56)4"%5,,93)4:"56 "*1+21$."4&+4"+$1"93)412")3"<$5K)2)3B"VB$113g"E9)*2)3B."65$"6949$1" generations. They are at the forefront of providing information and tips the general public and professionals to creating a built environment that exists in better harmony with the natural one. Incorporates links to many different website related to the green built environment, including weekly webcasts for members, 129%+4)53+*"+U+$2."+32"8$113P9)*2IG<5'"P1%5,1"+",1,E1$"56 "4&1";+$)EE1+3"%&+<41$"452+:q


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Revit – by Autodesk (SOFTWARE) This is an absolute must have program for many young professionals in architecture. As part of the BIM (building information modeling) family, Revit allows 3D design from design conception to create a more efficient working product for all team members. Since the entire building is modeled, schedules, elevations, etc are created with minima errors while designers and builders can easily manipulate materials, and quantities as well as studying environmental and site impacts. 92

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Caribbean Wild Plants and their Uses 0131*5<1"H'"-531:;&9$%& Z>PH=QS/"SWWWiSTQQj"


As most persons with a Caribbean background know, the flora and fauna that surrounds us is not only beautiful, but many of them have uses far beyond just looking great in a vase. This book explores various types of wild plants and their uses for medicinal cures and as preventative medicines for natural healing tonic passed from the slaves of Africa to the first inhabitants of the Caribbean Islands – the Caribs. From A to Z, this book gives a wealth of information with hand drawn illustrations.

Traditional Construction Patterns

Stephen A. Mouzon (with Susan M. Henderson, forward by Andres Duany) Z>PH=QS/"SSoQiQjWRW"



A prequel to “A Living Tradition” (recommended in Oct 2008 issue), this book begins the dialogue of the language of Architecture – from the Universal to the Local – and where we are now. Using very poignant ideas, the basic principles of massing, proportions and site arrangement are explored. Also presented are do’s and don’ts, looking to past of what master builders did, and what worked. A great addition to your expanded architectural library

Dinner for Architects a collection of napkin sketches I2)412"E:"()3)6$12"H1$2)3B1$C"65$U+$2"E:"0&)*)<"X'"-5U+$2' Z>PH=QS/"SWTWoWQeie" "


How many of you architects love to just sketch on onion skin, trash paper (or yes, even the closest napkin fantastic partis of structures that would be the dream project to build, or perhaps just to convey an idea to a colleague or pass the time. This delightful book is full of whimsical, insightful and fascination pencil and colour sketches from the likes of Toyo Ito and Robert Venturi as well as a few choice quotes from Alvar Aalto and Lois Khan. Almost guaranteed to be a conversation

starter among fellow designers from all genres.

Building Construction Illustrated Francis D.K. Ching




This is considered another “bible” in architecture and construction. Having countless details in wood, concrete and steel construction, this book in invaluable to those new in the field and can be used as a ready reference for those more experienced. Suggestions on thermal and moisture protection, R-values, structural integrity and how different materials integrate 45B14&1$"45",+@1"65$"+".1+,*1.."+32"13K)$53,134+**:".5932"13K1*5<1'"(1**"U5$4&")4."U1)B&4" in gold.

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Coral Windows



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Architecture/Engineering Firm

Seeking: Intern trained in Archicad and Photoshop. Experience: Minimum 2 years experience with references.

Development/Project Management Firm Seeking: Experienced CAD tech to work contractually. Experience: Minimum 2 years experience with references.

Interior Design Intern Age: Education: Experience: Skill sets: Seeking:

18-20 years old Bachelor’s Degree in Interior Design Three years experience (one in US, two in Bahamas) Interior Design Incentive laid salaried position or contractual agreements with architectural or development firms.

Intern Architect Age: Education: Experience: Skill sets: Seeking:

25-30 years old B. Arch Three years experience (one in US, two in Bahamas) CD’s, spec writing, 3-D modeling, design, LEED trained, presentation specialist, contract preparation, interior design, construction administration. Intern position with stable firm with structured culture.

Intern Architect Age: Education: Experience: Skill Sets:

20-25 years old Associate Degree (In progress 50% complete) Years drafting within a firm and freelance.(Bahamas) CD’s, construction administration, client relations

CAD Technician Age: Education: Experience: Skill sets: Seeking:

18-25 years old Sophomore Two years experience (two Bahamas) CD’s, construction administration. Position to maximize skill sets in a firm environment; Architecture, engineering, construction or related field.

CAD Technician

Age: age: 18-25 years old Education: Assoc. Science in Architectural Drafting & Design Experience: One year experience in a Bahamas architectural firm and another drafting with an electrical engineering company. Skill sets: CD’s, BIM, Visualization, Microsoft Office trained. Seeking: Position to maximize skill sets in a firm environment; Architecture, engineering, construction or related field.

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