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Living on Someday-Now
from 012 INSPADES
Letter From the Editor BY JACLYN TRUSS
Living on Someday-Now
You’ve often heard life is not about the destination; it’s about the journey. And when you listen to it, you might say to yourself, “Oh yeah, that’s right, that’s true, life is about the journey”. But then, more often than not, you will speed through your days trying to get somewhere else anyway. Anywhere but where you are now. Anywhere except be in this moment, the moment you could choose to enjoy now. We’re all living on some conditional “someday”. When “this” happens, then I’ll be happy. When “that” happens, then my life will be good. But your life is good now and, if you reached for it, I’m sure you could list out the reasons. So where is the disconnect? You need to understand that you will ALWAYS want something more than you have. Life will always cause you to desire more, to create more, to be more, you cannot help it. You will never get it done, so stop trying to find the finish line. You are here to expand continuously, and you do. But you were not meant to do so unhappily. You did not say to yourself, “I will take on this physical body and suffer as much as I can until I leave this physical body.” No, you are meant to be happy, not someday–now. The key is finding satisfaction where you are now. That doesn’t mean pretending you like or are okay with things you don’t like; it just means you pay a whole lot less attention to those things and turn your attention to the things you do like. So reach satisfaction wherever it lies in your life. Reach for the things that make you feel better. They don’t need to be big and, in truth, the most significant leaps in life often stem from small, unexpected and surprising steps. But that simply satisfaction can turn to joy and excitement and lead you to beautiful places you never thought you’d go when you were busy worrying about all the things you don’t prefer. It’s not about the money, the job, the status, the relationship, the house or the things. You only want those things because you believe you will FEEL better in the having of them. But time and time again, the world has shown us that those things do not make you happy—only deciding to be happy makes you happy. So, since that’s all you really want, to feel better, why don’t you go ahead and decide to feel better anyway, no matter what? Take moments each day and reach for satisfaction—what have you got to lose? Worst case scenario, you’ll feel a little better. :) We will even offer you your first step towards finding some of that good feeling stuff...
— Enjoy this Deluxe Issue of Ispades Magazine!—Queen of Spades