4 minute read
I’m not sure what makes a artist and what is considered art

Rita Nagy-Osz has never had any education in the arts. A biologist by trade, she considers herself a complete novice when it comes to visual arts, having only discovered her passion for it this past year. NagyOsz’s work, novice or not, is striking and fully evoking. In her interview with InSpades Magazine, we got a behind the scenes look at her alluring and captivating artwork.

What is it about the creative process that you find so compelling? I create because I need it. It is a form of therapy. As soon as I had finished my first piece, I knew that this was it! This was the form of creative meditation that I had been looking for, a way to channel emotions and to keep my mind busy, yet still. It became a daily habit, and very quickly, a full blown addiction. Sometimes I’m sitting at a dinner party or in a social circle, and I can’t wait to get home to my lovely dog, put music on, make a coffee and open Photoshop. It’s the daily ritual I look forward to, a very experimental experience.
What is the main driving force behind your creative process? The main driving force of my creativity? Probably the frequent episodic switches of my manic depression. I lack creativity when I’m in a “high” cycle, yet I NEED to create when I’m in a “low” cycle. It’s like I’m brushing myself out of depression. Either way, it’s the one thing I am able to do to get better. This is why I don’t expect anything from it. I know my limitations and capabilities, I don’t need it to be perfect or to please anyone with it. Everything that comes afterwards is just a bonus, building my creative confidence.

What would you say are the main inspirations behind your work? My main inspiration is the universal existential loneliness of mankind, the playground of darkness and light that is in all of us. The glimpses of time when we see light, as a firefly or an explosion, but only temporarily. If I had to write a soundtrack to my images, it would be something eerily similar to Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings. I also love working with Glitch. I am not sure if my pieces can be considered Glitch art or not, but Glitch art has definitely been an inspiration in some of my work.
Your submissions are amazing, at first glance and you can feel this immediate intrigue, an instant infatuation. Can you tell us a bit about them? These pictures are my most recent ones. I remember that the idea for these smoky/cloudy edits began to take shape whilst looking at pictures of colourful smoke bombs. I even edited some of them prior to drawing them up in smoke because I was running out of pictures to work with. Since I’m not a photographer and had limited images to work with, I had to start brushing to maintain my outlet.
You say you are not a photographer, where do you obtain the images you work with? Selecting the pictures I’m going to work with can be very time-taking. An image can be perfect and gorgeous, yet if I don’t feel a connection to it emotionally, the end result will be poor. I mainly use stock images. Not because there aren’t plenty of brilliant photographers on Instagram, but because I’m too shy to ask their permission to use their shots. I see amazing pictures that are great as they are and I feel like it would be almost an insult to say “I want to ruin your awesome shot by covering half of your gorgeous model with my brushes”, but I’m sure there are photographers who would be willing, and I will have to seek them out eventually.
Where can we see more of your incredible artwork? I don’t currently share my art on any other platform other than Instagram, however, I have started an art blog on inspirationclan.com/members/wtch42 and my next step will be to post there as well.
Every creative addiction needs a creative dealer. If you would like to support a healthy addiction by sending your images to Rita Nagy-Osz to be the subjects of her explosive creativity, please feel free to contact her on Instagram: @wtch_42

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