Helping Hand Employee Handbook

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Helping Hand Employee Handbook

“Feel at home in your new career at Helping Hand”




Your Induction


About Helping Hand The Helping Hand Way


Our Mission and Objectives


Our Values


Our Service Ethos


Our Qualities


Five Golden Standards


Board of Management










Environmental Sustainability


Working at Helping Hand Code of Conduct


Duty of Care


Client Focus


Gifts from Residents / Clients


Identification Badges


Notification of Absence


Employee Assistance Program


Smoke Free Helping Hand


Privacy and Confidentiality


Performance Management


Continuous Improvement


Services Offered Metropolitan Services


Residential Homes


Home Care


Other Services


Corporate Group



TABLE OF CONTENTS Policies & Procedures Policies




Position Statements


Quality System Framework


Conditions of Employment Agreements and Awards


Payment of Wages




Private Motor Vehicle Use




Salary Sacrificing


Witnessing Legal Documents


Resignation / Retirement


Education, Training and Development


Equity and Diversity


My Learning Program


Police Checks


Registration & License




Health, Safety & Wellness Accident, Injury & Incident Reporting


Emergency Procedures


Fire Procedures


Other Emergency Situations


Hazard Management








Manual Handling


Infection Control


About this Handbook


Employee Acknowledgement


Useful Resources


Feel at home in your new career at Helping Hand



WELCOME TO HELPING HAND You are now a member of a team that has a long history of providing high quality care to older people in South Australia. Helping Hand is a South Australian not-for-profit organisation offering home care services, retirement living and residential care home accommodation to over 7,000 clients in metropolitan and regional South Australia. For over sixty years we have been providing aged care services within the community. Our broad range of care options provide you with the choice of care at home through to full support in our residential care homes. At Helping Hand, we are fortunate to have a dedicated team who are compassionate, caring and highly professional. Our 1,500 staff members and 400 volunteers play an integral role in the health and wellbeing of clients by providing companionship and support, encouraging independence and assisting us with fundraising. We know that maintaining the link between family, friends and the

local community enriches the quality of life of our clients. Our goal is to provide quality care that celebrates a sense of family and community. Our program of growth through the provision of innovative and professional services places Helping Hand at the cutting edge of the aged care industry. On behalf of the Board and Management of Helping Hand, I trust that you will find your new role satisfying and enjoyable.

Chris Stewart Chief Executive Officer Helping Hand



THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR INDUCTION Your induction to the organisation is intended to ensure that you feel able to perform well in your new role and feel comfortable in your environment. Your first few weeks will involve familiarising yourself with your work area and role, colleagues and the wider organisation. The most important thing to remember is to ask for assistance or support if you require it, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

The information in this booklet will answer many of the questions you may have and introduce you to the policies, procedures and work practices that you are required to follow. The Induction Process - Helping Hand's approach to your induction is organised in three main parts: You will receive a link via email to the Helping


Hand onboarding system which will provide all of your employment documents and necessary information to prepare you for commencing work with Helping Hand. The Welcome Workshop will introduce you to our organisation and provide you with further


information about who we are and where you fit in our organisation. You will be invited to a Corporate Induction session within the first week of your employment. This part of your induction will provide you with


information specific to the location at which

you will be based and will include all the necessary information you require based on your specific role at Helping Hand.

Your supervisor or a nominated employee from the location where you will be based will conduct your induction. This will ensure that you are not only provided with the information you need to perform your duties, but also the opportunity to ask any questions or raise any issues you may have.

Employee Handbook

About Helping Hand



HELPING HAND WAY The Helping Hand Way has key components that together describe our purpose (Mission) and approach (Objectives), what we value (Values), the promise we make to our clients (Service Ethos) and the characteristics and strengths of our workforce (Staff Qualities).

The Helping Hand Way program consists of 6 elements which focus on: •

Improving the service experience of our customers Top 5 Meaning for Me

Building on the focus of teams around the customer and working together for the customer Team 10 / Cafe Connect

A recognition program for existing and future staff role models Team Mentor Support Program

How we translate our Values and Service Ethos into exceptional service for our customers – Five Golden Standards

Shared knowledge and wisdom in the workplace – a learning culture Pay it Forward

Training of people managers on change management by Workforce Team Lead and Embed Change

Employee Handbook



OUR MISSION & OBJECTIVES Our mission and objectives clearly describe our purpose, what we are focused on achieving, essentially this is our why:

To provide an innovative and broad range of residential and community-based services to older people, which enable them to have the best feasible quality of life. The wellbeing of our residents is central to everything we do. We strive to provide a higher quality of life with an array of innovative services that assist older people to achieve:

Individualised wellness We believe that wellness is a right and determined by the individual. Dignity of living We believe everyone is entitled to the care and attention they deserve. Quality of life We believe older people have a right to maintain their quality of life, sense of purpose and contribution to the community. Choice We believe that choice is about supporting options, client preference and informed decision making.

OUR VALUES Our core values are reflected in everything we do. They form the foundation on which we work, interact, decide and guide the strategy supporting our mission. These foundations guide all areas of our business including clients, staff, service development and delivery. They guide our behaviour, our decisions and our priorities. Compassion We believe in demonstrating our concern for others and doing everything we can to help.

Respect We believe that everyone has the right to have their feelings, wishes and rights recognised and honoured. Excellence We believe in providing the highest standard that goes above and beyond everything we do. Community We believe in creating relationships that foster a better connection with our clients, our teams, each other and our community. Employee Handbook



OUR SERVICE ETHOS Our Service Ethos is the promise we make to our clients. It guides how we deliver our services and what our clients tell us is important to them. Putting client choice first is at the core of our service ethos. Connected - We believe an active and engaged community of clients, staff and volunteers offers a welcoming community that is built together. Personalised - We believe that excellence in care means we deliver our services to suit the needs of the individual. Considerate - We believe keeping everyone’s feelings in mind and understanding their circumstances, will result in better service. Caring - We believe caring for clients and their choices demonstrates the compassion and respect they deserve.

OUR QUALITIES The personal characteristics and qualities our staff possess

enables us to deliver our service promise and reflects our values. Engaged Our staff listen, are attentive and interested in understanding the needs of our clients. Dedicated Our staff are committed to making a difference through their work and always bring their absolute best every day. Professional The professionalism of our staff is reflected in their skills and knowledge, respectful communication and courteous behaviour. Genuine Our staff’s intentions and actions are sincere and authentic in everything they do.

Employee Handbook



FIVE GOLDEN STANDARDS Customer service is important to our clients, to Helping Hand and to our staff. We developed these standards in consultation with clients and staff, this is how we deliver great customer service. 1.

We always offer choice to our customer –

we ask, listen, provide options and strive to meet their needs. 2.

We engage with our customer – we are welcoming, approachable, genuine and we listen.


We speak to our customer clearly, politely and respectfully.


We deliver on our promises – professionally,

on time and with compassion and care. 5.

We make their day! – we focus on bringing joy and happiness to our customer.

Employee Handbook



BOARD OF MANAGEMENT The Board and CEO provide corporate governance and oversee the achievement of the organisation's strategic direction. They are also responsible for coordinating the quality improvement approach, which includes quality assurance, continuous improvement strategies and preparation for accreditation. The Board has four main sub committees that provide focus for Helping Hand. These are:

Finance and Property Sub Committee Monitor operational performance and capital expenditure and respond to the annual audit report. Consider and recommend to the Board, the annual operational and capital expenditure budgets.

Clinical Governance Sub Committee Maintain an awareness of Commonwealth and State funding and legislative influences and their impact on client care. Contribute to strategic planning for residential and community-based service provision from a client care perspective, by maintaining an awareness of social and demographic trends in relation to ageing and trends of service provision.

Community Relations Sub Committee Initiate and coordinate Helping Hand promotional activities, as well as initiating, encouraging and coordinating fundraising activities.

Remuneration Sub Committee Comprises of the CEO and Board members who consider and make decisions on salary adjustments for non-award employees as recommended by the CEO.

Employee Handbook



FUNDRAISING As a Public Benevolent Institution, we have DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) status. This means that we can receive gifts of money or property and the gift is tax deductible for the donor. Fundraising activities undertaken by the organisation are overseen by the Marketing Department. Fundraising allows us to generate an extra stream of income and therefore provide extra capital resources (developments) and equipment to contribute to providing the real choices and quality of life that Helping Hand is renowned for.

VOLUNTEERS Volunteers make an extremely valuable contribution to Helping Hand, our employees and the lifestyle of residents and clients. The Volunteer Program at Helping Hand is designed to provide a support service to residents/clients with the aim to enhance their quality of life, provide a link between the organisation and the community and reflect the

philosophy of Helping Hand. Volunteer programs are developed in accordance with the assessed needs of residents and clients to complement and support the work of employees.

CHAPLAIN The Chaplain is responsible for the coordination of chaplaincy at all Helping Hand locations. This includes personal visits and pastoral care of residents, their families, employees and volunteers as well as being available for funeral services and religious ceremonies.

NEWSLETTERS Helping Hand recognises the importance of communicating across the organisation with both staff and clients. Three regular newsletters are distributed as follows: First Hand News – Fortnightly bulletin distributed across the sites that is electronically distributed and posted up around the staff spaces at sites. This newsletter gives a quick update on the activity in the organisation. Helping Hand – E-Newsletter distributed to clients, residents, families and community members which is used to promote the activities and programs of Helping Hand. Employee Handbook

ABOUT HELPING HAND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Helping Hand is committed to reducing the impact of our environmental footprint and becoming a more sustainable organisation. We are determined to meet the current needs of our clients, while keeping in mind the impact our actions will have on future generations. To enable us to reduce our environmental footprint and increase our long-term ecological sustainability, Helping Hand has established several areas of interest on which to focus: 1.

Reducing waste sent to landfill and increasing recycling.


Monitoring and reducing energy usage in

our buildings. 3.

Supporting staff to integrate sustainability in their work day.


Utilising environmentally friendly or fair-trade options when purchasing.


Working at Helping Hand




The Code of Conduct outlines the behaviours

Helping Hand is committed to fulfilling its Duty

and attitude that we expect from our employ-

of Care by ensuring the health, safety and

ees, and how we are all expected to apply

welfare of all employees, volunteers, clients

these values in the workplace. The Code

and visitors to Helping Hand.

reminds us of the part our values play in our

As employees and volunteers, you also have a

everyday life and reflects what our community

legal obligation to ensure you adhere to the

expects about what we do and how we do it.

standards of reasonable care while performing

The Helping Hand Aged Care Code of Conduct

any acts that could foreseeably harm others.

is designed to guide behaviour and decision-

This means you must act in the best interests of

making in all daily activities. The code provides

others, doing only what you have been trained

your “behavioural job description� and are the

for or received instruction on to meet the

minimum standards of behaviour expected

requirements of the job you have been engaged

from all employees, volunteers and contractors

to do.

at all levels within Helping Hand.

At Helping Hand, part of your Duty of Care

Breaches of the Code may result in informal or

requires you to report to your Manager, any

formal action to address the breach which may

forms of observed or suspected abuse of

also include performance counselling or

clients. It is mandatory by law that any alleged

disciplinary action.

assault is reported. Your Duty of Care as an employee or a volunteer at Helping Hand applies to all residents in aged care facilities, clients in the community, visitors, employees, volunteers and anyone entering Helping Hand premises.

Employee Handbook





The continued success of Helping Hand

Helping Hand recognises that residents/clients

depends upon the quality of care and service

may feel a need to express appreciation to

provided to our clients. For this reason, it’s

employees in the form of gifts.

essential that you understand the necessity of

Clients have been advised that it is their right

maintaining good relationships.

to provide gifts but that such gifts should be of

Our focus should always be the client and the

limited monetary value and must not be in the

quality of care and service we provide. To

form of cash. The soliciting of gifts and / or

achieve this, it’s essential that Helping Hand

acceptance of cash by staff is strictly

employees and volunteers work together as a



Services provided by Helping Hand are in the

As a team member, Helping Hand is your place

interest of promoting the quality of life of

of work. However, it is also home to many of

residents/clients and must not be used for

our clients and it is essential you conduct

additional personal gain by employees.

yourself as if you are a guest in another person’s home.

Employee Handbook




Helping Hand provides name badges

If you are absent from work due to sick-

for all employees and you are always

ness, carer's leave, bereavement etc.,

required to wear your badge during

you must notify your supervisor as early

official business related to your employment. Identification badges will be provided on commencement of employment. You must return your badge to your supervisor at the end of

as possible prior to your starting time. You must notify your supervisor of future absence from duty (and how long you will be absent, if known) as soon as

the absence is known and prior to your absence occurring.

your employment with Helping Hand.

EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Helping Hand offers all employees, volunteers and their immediate family members’ free access to an Employee Assistance Program. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides counselling and support to all employees and immediate family members of Helping Hand.

You can feel comfortable using your EAP to discuss any work or personal issues, confidentiality is guaranteed. The EAP provider is completely independent from Helping Hand and no information about you or your family will be disclosed to anyone without your permission.

SMOKE FREE HELPING HAND Helping Hand is a smoke free organisation. Smoking is not permitted on the grounds, in any buildings, vehicles or other environment or areas owned or operated by Helping Hand. Home care

clients who smoke in their own homes are requested to refrain from doing so whilst a Helping Hand employee is in attendance. Smoking by volunteers and employees must be confined to authorised breaks from work, and in designated areas only.

Employee Handbook



PRIVACY & CONFIDENTIALITY The information collected by Helping Hand relating to our residents / clients is subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth Privacy Act, 1988 and the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act, 2000. The Privacy Act applies to personal information. That is, information about an individual who can be identified or whose identity could be reasonably ascertained from the information. You must only use or disclose information about a resident/client to a third party for the provision of the primary purpose, which is the provision of a health service. Discussions of matters concerning team members and clients should be confined to the matter at hand and should only be done in places where privacy will not be compromised.

PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Effective performance management creates a harmonious and productive workplace which is beneficial for both employees and employers.

Helping Hand is committed to providing a workplace where we are always looking for ways to improve our operations to enable us to stay competitive in the aged care industry and to provide our employees opportunities to be the best at what they do and to be performing to a high standard.

CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Action Forms are used in the process of continuous improvement to identify and record issues, ideas, problems and complaints, compliments and comments of employees. Your local induction will include information about accessing action forms in your local area. Employee grievances and complaints that are related to the work or work environment are dealt with confidentially through a structured grievance resolution process.

Employee Handbook

Services Offered



METROPOLITAN SERVICES Helping Hand Aged Care owns nine fully accredited residential care homes providing quality aged care, respite and secure dementia specific services. Our residential sites are in metropolitan and rural areas of SA. All sites have been fully accredited for many years and have been certified under the Aged Care Act, 1997. Helping Hand also operate independent retirement living units (1, 2 & 3 bedroom) Residential Care Home

Home Care Services Office

Community Centre

Retirement Living Units

Corporate Office

Respite Services

Employee Handbook










Employee Handbook



HOME CARE At Helping Hand, we believe our clients should have the right of choice, which is why our community services offer a wide range of care options to support clients to remain independent in their own homes. Our programs are tailored to meet the needs of individuals, ensuring the most appropriate and effective care. Services are offered both in-home and within other community settings and are available for older people, including veterans and war widows or those needing short or long-term

help after a hospital stay.

OTHER SERVICES Helping Hand are proud of the large range of diverse services they can provide within the community. This comes down to the experienced and highly qualified health professionals we employ who are passionate about encouraging and assisting clients to enhance their sense of well-being and quality of life. Our focus is on improving health and wellbeing by providing comprehensive multi-disciplinary assessments, reviews and individualised treatment plans.

Employee Handbook



CORPORATE GROUP Helping Hand is managed by an Executive Management Team, who form part of the Corporate Group. They provide the backbone for the organisation by supporting the business operations, organisational strategy, business planning and growth to ensure Helping Hand can provide outstanding service and care to our clients. The Corporate Group comprises the following groups who provide some of the following key services to managers and staff of the organisation. Care Environment & Service Strategy - are responsible for leading the development of a physical

environment and culture which assists clients to achieve the best possible quality of life. Client Safety & Quality - are responsible for the monitoring and improvement of systems of accountability for client care, minimisation of risks to client and improving the quality of care and services. It promotes and supports safe, high quality services for all our clients. Research & Development - seek new and innovative ways of supporting clients and assisting staff in being the best they can be. They coordinate development activities, engage in research that helps to improve what we do for clients, staff and others, and coordinate student placements within the organisation. Administration Services - coordinate and manage a number of organisational-wide activities, as well as Corporate Group division-wide activities such as planning, training and development and customer service initiatives. Property Services - are responsible for providing advice and support with all building and major fixed assets requirements which includes asset

maintenance / renovations, acquisition of land and buildings and upgrades to property, plant and equipment

Employee Handbook



Finance - are responsible for coordinating all administrative, accounting and essential service functions for Helping Hand related to accounts payable and receivable, financial reporting, asset management and budgeting. Procurement - are responsible for coordinating the purchasing and procurement needs through contract development, purchasing and fleet vehicle management. Marketing - provide advice and support to the Board regarding fundraising and public relations matters. They also manage all activity related to marketing and promotion, fundraising, business partnership development, public relations and media advice. Human Resources - coordinate all people related services for Helping Hand through management and advice related to employee relations, safety and wellness, injury management, payroll and training and development Information Systems - provide support and service in relation to all systems, database management and infrastructure requirements across Helping Hand.

Employee Handbook

Policies & Procedures



POLICIES Helping Hand's policies reflect the values, objectives and culture of the organisation. Our policies are statements of intent and reflect broad principles to guide our decision making in relation to our day to day service and activities. It is important that you familiarise yourself with the contents of the policies. Your local level induction will include the opportunity to read these policies and our policies are then supported by a range of procedures. Your Supervisor / Manager will be able to provide you with copies of current policies and

procedures or show you where you can find them online. Key documents which include our strategic plan, procedures and position statements help us to consistently and systematically improve our services and enable us to develop action plans for improvement.

Employee Handbook



PROCEDURES Helping Hand's procedures support our policies and provide practical guidance in relation to day-today tasks undertaken by employees and volunteers. The procedures reflect Helping Hand's mission and philosophy and reflect compliance with relevant laws, regulations, standards and guidelines.

POSITION STATEMENTS Position statements clearly document Helping Hand's approach to emerging issues relevant to our

organisation, industry and the community. Your Supervisor / Manager can provide you with copies of current position statements or you can read them on the Helping Hand website. 

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity

Personal Enrichment

Carers Recognition

Animals at Helping Hand

Helping Hand and the LGBTI Communities

QUALITY SYSTEM FRAMEWORK The Helping Hand Quality System Framework is a strategic overview of the key principles and practices necessary for the effective monitoring, management and improvement of care and service delivery for Helping Hand. The framework is built on a foundation of quality management principles and draws together the elements used within Helping Hand to manage the quality of what we do. The intent is that it is applied to benefit the organisation in improving the safety and quality of care and services for our clients. Helping Hand strongly believes in continuous improvement and utilises the quality system framework to ensure all information obtained from audits, surveys, reports, action forms and from other records is used to maintain and improve the way we do things.

Employee Handbook

Conditions of Employment



AGREEMENTS & AWARDS This section briefly describes the legal framework related to employment with Helping Hand. Please refer to your letter of offer to determine the appropriate legal entitlement relating to your employment contract. An industrial award or Enterprise Bargaining Agreement is a legally binding document that lists the minimum key terms and conditions of your employment. Helping Hand has two Enterprise Bargaining Agreements which can be found on the intranet or from your Manager / Supervisor.

Health Professional Collective Workplace Agreement 2016 Residential and Home Care Staff Enterprise Agreement 2014



Helping Hand staff are paid fortnightly into your

All rostered employees are paid for the hours

nominated account. The fortnightly pay cycle

recorded on their timesheet. You are responsible

finishes on Sunday and pay day is the following

for ensuring your timesheet is completed correct-

Wednesday. However, in the event of a public

ly and verifying the hours worked by signing your

holiday occurring on any day from Monday to

timesheet at the end of each fortnight and

Wednesday, then pay day will be Thursday.

providing it to the Administration staff.

Wages are paid by Electronic Funds Transfer into

The type of timesheets may vary, and this will

nominated accounts. Payment can be made into

depend on the employee location. Your supervi-

any bank, building society or credit union

sor will advise you of your timesheet method.

anywhere in Australia. You can also choose to

Generally, employees not included on a roster

split your wage into multiple accounts.

arrangement are paid as auto pay. This means

Details of how much you will be paid are

that unless payroll is notified of any changes, you

included in your Contract of Employment.

will automatically be paid the same pay each

Payroll deduction services; including union fees,

fortnight. If you work additional or different

insurances, superannuation and direct debit into

hours in a pay fortnight, you may be required to

your bank accounts may be available, please

complete a timesheet. Please check with your

check with the Payroll Department for further

supervisor to find out when this applies to you.


** Both rostered and autopay employees must apply for any leave and have it approved by your supervisor. You can apply for this by completing the HRD004F Application for Leave form. Employee Handbook




Helping Hand has a range of staff and volunteers

You can choose to have your compulsory

who use their own private motor vehicle for

employer contribution of 9% paid monthly into

Helping Hand business. Care Workers delivering

your own complying superannuation fund or you

services within the community are required to

can choose to use HESTA which is Helping

use their own private motor vehicle, as are some

Hand's default fund. In cases where staff have

coordinators, managers and admin staff.

not nominated a preferred super fund, super

There are also volunteers who use their private

contributions will be provided to HESTA on

motor vehicle during their volunteer duties with

behalf of the employee.

Helping Hand.

Employees can make additional payments to

To protect the interests of both staff / volunteers

their super fund - these are called voluntary

and the organisation, it is a requirement that a signed agreement be completed in relation to the

contributions. Conditions associated with voluntary contributions should be discussed

use of a private motor vehicle, before the vehicle

directly with the super fund. Voluntary

is used.

superannuation payments can be paid pre-tax as

Please refer to procedure HRD126F Use of Private Motor Vehicle Agreement

these payments are free from fringe benefits tax. If you would like to know more about voluntary payments, please contact payroll and complete

an Authority to Make Deductions Form

Employee Handbook



SALARY SACRIFICING Salary sacrifice is offered by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to non-for-profit organisations as a means to offer competitive salaries in the general market place. Salary sacrifice benefit enables employees to reduce their pre-tax salary by taking approximately $16,050 as a pre-tax benefit.

Without salary sacrifice an employer is obliged to deduct income tax from your total gross salary. With salary sacrifice the gross is


reduced thereby reducing the tax payable

Employees of Helping Hand must not

and increasing the net pay of the individual.

witness the making of a resident's/client's

Helping Hand out-sources the administration

will. Other documents may be witnessed by

of our salary sacrifice to Community Business

senior employees or Board Members who by

Bureau (CBB) Due to legal restrictions Helping

reason of their profession or appointment as

Hand Aged Care, its agents or employees, can

a Justice of the Peace are specifically

provide advice, however any information

designated or authorised to witness such

received should be confirmed with


independent sources (e.g. accountant or financial advisor) to ensure that you are doing what is best for you and your financial circumstances. Any cost incurred in obtaining financial advice is the employee's responsibility.

RESIGNATION / RETIREMENT As an employee, if you wish to terminate your employment then you are required to provide written notice to your Manager, preferably with a reason for termination. The relevant award, agreement or contract of employment will provide details of the minimum period of notice to be given on termination of employment. Providing advance warning allows time for final payments to be prepared, working schedules to be adjusted and a replacement to be secured.

Employee Handbook



EDUCATION, TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT The development of your knowledge and skills is important for the continued growth of Helping Hand. The commitment to successfully achieving the organisational objectives includes a range of initiatives for assisting all employees to gain greater knowledge and new skills. Helping Hand Aged Care is committed to assisting all employees to develop their skills and expertise. Your performance management discussions will assist to identify training or development needs and where appropriate this training or development will be approved by your supervisor/manager. Range of Initiatives The available initiatives for building greater knowledge and skills are: /

Education sessions that provide employees and volunteers with an opportunity to gain new knowledge for update knowledge required for performance standards. Sessions may include information related to industry, clinical or professional practices.


Training programs to provide employees and volunteers with the necessary skills and knowledge required to perform current roles.


Mandatory Training programs will be scheduled for targeted groups where Helping Hand is required to meet legislative, policy and management requirements. You must complete any

mandatory training allocated to you. /

Development Programs are targeted for specific groups and individuals to achieve significant change and improved capability. Examples of development programs include; conferences, seminars, management and leadership, performance management and supervisor development.


The Study Support Program provides individual employees with assistance to undertake further study to develop their current career. You may apply to your manager for assistance to undertake programs to achieve qualifications such as certificate, diploma or degree (undergraduate or post graduate).


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for professional staff who register with AHPRA is available for employees and are supported to achieve a pre-determined number of education points over a year to demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning and competencies specific to their job roles.

Employee Handbook



Agreed Priorities The priorities for education, training and development are identified in the annual plans established for corporate, divisional and local needs. Many priorities will be supported as internal programs and therefore, listed in the Helping Hand corporate, divisional and local calendars. Some initiatives will be external programs available through private providers for the general public. In discussion with your supervisor or manager you will be able to identify your development priorities and how they may be addressed. Recording Attendance

All employees attending education, training and development programs are required to complete the following details. The programs may be conducted as internal programs within Helping Hand or as external programs. /

Internal programs are listed in the corporate, divisional and local calendars. Employees and volunteers will be given written notification of the program with the details of participants, time and location. All attendees are required to record their attendance on the attendance record form available at each session.


External programs may be identified by managers, supervisors or employees. The authorisation to attend must be gained prior to registration utilising the

Application for Elective Training Agreement (HRD022F) form. All attendances will be recorded on the education, training and development database. To obtain further information please contact your Supervisor, Manager or Human Resources.

EQUITY & DIVERSITY Helping Hand is committed to being an inclusive and culturally safe work environment where all staff and clients are valued. We are proud of the diversity of our staff and committed to fostering a diverse, fair and inclusive environment as reflected in our values.

Helping Hand embraces diversity throughout its organisation and practices, including; being inclusive and respectful of all people, regardless of their backgrounds and identification with minority groups. Helping Hand has no tolerance for disrespectful behaviour of any kind with customers or fellow employees.

Employee Handbook




My Learning encourages ongoing learning and

In accordance with the requirements of the Aged

development and complements the

Care Act 1997 (Commonwealth), it is a condition

Performance Review process in supporting

of your employment with Helping Hand that you

ongoing professional development for those

must hold a current National Police Certificate

who maintain professional registrations.

that has been accepted by Helping Hand.

My Learning is a program where employees can

It is also a condition of your employment that

earn points for learning in their role at Helping

you undergo regular Police Checks thereafter as

Hand. Over a 12-month period, you will earn a

required by the Aged Care Act 1997

minimum number of points, which are set

(Commonwealth). Should you not renew your

according to your work role or professional

National Police Certificate in accordance with

qualification. As a guide, managers and health

the requirement of the Aged Care Act 1997

professionals are expected to accrue at least

(Commonwealth). Helping Hand will have no

30 points and most other employees will be

choice but to stand you down without pay until

expected to accrue 20 points annually. There is

you comply with the requirement.

no upper limit to the points that can be accrued.

While you remain an employee of Helping Hand, you must notify Human Resources of any

Points are assigned to a wide range of activities

changes to your personal circumstances that

including: workshops, conferences, staff

may alter the status of your Police record. This

meetings, compulsory education sessions and

includes but is not limited to any charges or

presentation of in-service sessions to

convictions you may have against you at any

colleagues. For example, attendance at Helping

time. Failure to disclose any change to your

Hand mandatory training sessions will earn you

Police record may result in disciplinary action,

2 points; participation at committee meetings

including termination.

will earn you 1 point per hour, and tertiary or TAFE education will earn you 10 points per

REGISTRATION & LICENSE Helping Hand requires all staff, where it is a condition of employment to hold a current license, registration, or certificate to maintain as current and meet any of the associated costs. You will be required to provide copies upon commencement of your employment and upon renewal. You must notify your Manager in writing if your license, registration or certification has lapsed or been revoked for any reason.

Employee Handbook



UNIFORMS The appearance of employees reflects on the image of Helping Hand and has a significant impact on the way we are viewed by our clients, employees and the general public. It provides a consistent corporate image across all sites and services. Helping Hand approved uniforms must be worn by all employees that have direct client care and contact. If you work part time with clients and part time as back of house

support, a uniform is only required to be worn on the days / times when you are working directly with a client. Uniforms must be worn when on duty and should be kept well maintained. When a uniform is worn, it must comply with the uniform guidelines and should not be modified or altered in any way. To order your uniform please visit the Uniforms page on the Helping Hand intranet or ask your supervisor for help. Depending on which Enterprise Agreement you are covered by, you will be entitled to either receive a uniform allowance as part of your

salary/wage or be reimbursed for the cost of the uniform upon presentation of your receipt. Please refer to your relevant Enterprise Agreement for further information. New employees will be allowed a "changeover" period of 3 months, at the end of which you will be expected to conform to the uniform guidelines. If you are not required to wear a uniform, you are expected to maintain a neat, clean and professional standard of dress when representing Helping Hand.

Helping Hand has registered its uniform with AusIndustry as a ‘Non-compulsory Corporate Uniform’. This means that if you wish to purchase the uniform, but it is not considered compulsory and therefore not covered by the agreements listed below, you may be able to receive tax benefits.

Employee Handbook

Health, Safety & Wellness



The Board and the Executive of Helping Hand Aged Care recognise that people are the organisation’s most valuable resource in achieving its mission and providing safe care to our consumers. Helping Hand provides a safe workplace for you…but you play an important part in keeping yourself, your clients and your work mates safe. We want you to arrive safe, work safe and go home safe and do not want anyone to be injured.

ACCIDENT, INJURY & INCIDENT REPORTING Helping Hand is committed to the provision of a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, contractors and visitors. We maintain records of all hazards, near misses, incidents and injuries for the purposes of minimising risk of injury and ill-health or the recurrence of an incident. Accordingly, all staff are expected to report hazards, near misses and incidents and managers are expected to address these in consultation with staff. What do I do if I have an incident at work? If you require first aid, go immediately to the designated first aid officer, RN or EN on site. The first

aid officer will assess your injury and administer the necessary first aid. Where a person complains of chest pain, the first aid officer will call an ambulance. Where possible, the worker will fill out a Worker (Staff / Other) Incident report Form (HRD033F). You may choose to lodge a worker’s compensation claim. If you choose to do this, you will need to speak with your manager in the first instance. Part of this process involves your Manager and the Safety and Claims Coordinator supporting you to safe at work or work with your treating medical practitioner to return you to safe work at the earliest possible time.

Employee Handbook



EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Helping Hand has established a consistent approach to emergency situations by focusing and communicating to employees the following procedure. R








Remove: If safe to do so, remove yourself and others to an area away from the danger. Alert: Alert the people in the area where the danger is happening. In the case of fire, if there is no direct link to the fire department, RING (0) 000, ask for the Fire Brigade. If the emergency is other than fire, ring (0) 000 to alert the appropriate emergency service. Contain: In case of fire or flood, close doors to prevent fire/water spreading to other areas; leave personal belongings behind. Evacuate: You might have to evacuate the building due to fire, bomb threat, flood, gas leak or another emergency. Your workplace will have Emergency Response Procedures located at designated places:


Know where those procedures are located.


If asked to evacuate, follow the wardens' instructions. Stay calm and do not run.


Do not re-enter the building until the all clear has been given by the Fire Brigade. In the case of fire employees should implement R.A.C.E. However, please note the following guidelines that relate specifically to fire.

Employee Handbook



FIRE PROCEDURES Fires in workplaces do happen and caution must be used to guard against them. Good fire prevention habits go a long way toward preventing fires. Safety for workers and clients is everybody’s responsibility. In the event of fire YOUR first priority is to keep yourself safe, then the safety of your client then the protection of property. /

Ensure you know where the exits are in your work place, so that you can evacuate easily if an emergency should occur.


Keep all designated fire exits clear of equipment.


Smoke is the biggest killer in a fire. When evacuating a smoke-filled room or building, keep low to the floor where the air is more likely to be cooler and contain less toxic gasses.


Close doors behind you as you go to assist in isolating the fire.


Once outside, NEVER re-enter the building for any reason.



There are a number of emergency situations that

What do I do if I find a hazard?

we could encounter in the workplace which we

If any person identifies a hazard (a situation

may need to be prepared for including; medical,

that has the potential to cause harm to a

bomb threat, intruder, earthquake, gas leak,

person, the environment or property)

chemical spillage, electricity failure and interrupted water supply are all possible emergencies. In ALL emergencies:

Take any action to remove, isolate or warn others of the hazard immediately. Report the hazard on a Hazard Report Form (HRD045F).


Remain calm

Your Manager will investigate the hazard,


Implement R.A.C.E.

take action to remove or minimise its impact


Follow Helping Hand emergency

and let you know the outcome.

procedures /

Report the incident to your Manager / Supervisor

Employee Handbook



CHEMICALS There are a number of chemicals used in our work place. Your local induction will discuss the specific chemicals that you may handle as part of your role. The following are brief guidelines applicable to chemical handling: /

Familiarise yourself with the Safety Data Sheet before using any chemicals.


Only use chemicals for their correct purpose.


Follow the instructions for use on the container and wear personal protective equipment

(PPE) as required. /

DO NOT mix chemicals.


Do not use the container if it is unlabeled.


After use, ensure containers are correctly stored (e.g. containers to be tightly capped and stored in a safe place).


Stop using chemicals that cause you a reaction or discomfort. Notify your Supervisor.


If affected by odours or fumes, open windows and turn on exhaust fans to increase ventilation

CONTRACTORS Helping Hand engages various contractors to construct and maintain buildings, plant and equipment. All contractors must be registered as a Preferred Contractor before commencing work on our behalf. A Helping Hand Contractor's Handbook for Built Assets and associated Permit to Work has been designed to outline Helping Hand's expectations and guidelines for contractors and their employees working at our premises. Employees must ensure that contractors supply a job analysis, are aware of their responsibilities and follow the PTW system as outlined in the Contractor's Handbook before they commence any work on Helping Hand property.

Employee Handbook



ELECTRICAL All employees of Helping Hand will be exposed to electrical equipment and/or outlets. The most frequent electrical hazards are: /

Frayed electrical cords.


Over loaded power points (e.g. double adaptors).


Damaged or faulty equipment.


Electricity near water.


Damaged or incorrectly wired electrical switches.

In the event of an electrical incident it’s important to remember 1. Where there is a power outage to a room, there needs to be immediate investigation prior to resetting the circuit breaker. 2. The potential for serious injury from electrical incidents is acknowledged and any person who reports an electric shock needs to be immediately assessed at site level by the designated First Aid Officer and then by a medical practitioner the same day. 3. The scene of an electrical incident should not be disturbed or altered (other than to isolate any immediate danger) until a thorough safety investigation has been conducted. Please contact your Supervisor / Manager immediately.

MANUAL HANDLING To prevent and/or minimise the risk of injuries to employees undertaking manual handling tasks, Helping Hand Aged Care has implemented a "No Lift - No Injury" policy. Manual Handling is defined as: "Any activity requiring the use of force exerted by a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain any person, animal or thing." This means that ALL employees must; /

Avoid physically lifting persons unless it is a life-threatening situation.


Use equipment provided when conducting manual handling tasks (e.g. lifters, slide sheets & sack trucks).


Attend manual handling training as requested.


Assist in identification, assessment and control of hazardous manual tasks.

Employee Handbook



INFECTION CONTROL To minimise the spread of infection and disease, you are expected to have an understanding of infection control and you are required to be fit for work at all times. Infection control is a critical and evolving specialist field, yet it is essential that all staff implement infection prevention and control into everyday practice, regardless of work roles. An infection is a disease caused by the invasion and multiplication of germs in the body. Infections can occur in any part of the body and can be localised or systemic (spread throughout the body). The germs may be bacteria, viruses, yeast, or fungi. They can cause a fever and other problems,

depending on the site of the infection. When the body's natural defense system is strong, it can often fight the germs and prevent infection. Cancer treatment can weaken the natural defense system. When providing care for people in a variety of clinical situations e.g. residential or the client's home, there is the potential for transmission of infection from a client/resident to a staff member and in the reverse. Standard precautions should always be observed to minimise infection. Prevention and control work practices should be undertaken when caring for every client regardless of the client’s infectious disease status. This includes:


Hand hygiene – Note: Effective Hand Hygiene is the single most important strategy in preventing health care associated infections.


Use of personal protective equipment PPE according to risk of exposure to body fluids


Use of aseptic technique


Appropriate reprocessing of re-useable instruments and equipment


Safe handling and disposal of sharps and potentially infectious material


Environmental controls such as cleaning and spills management (SA Health)

Employee Handbook



ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK We hope that this handbook has provided you with useful information to support you in your new role at Helping Hand Aged Care. This handbook is only a guide to assist you during your employment with Helping Hand and we always recommend that employees should ask questions and learn more about their role, and the organisation through their own experiences and research as well. Every day we witness people making extraordinary contributions to our organisation and the lives of our clients and we genuinely thank you and wish you every success in your role. The employee handbook hand book describes important information about working at Helping Hand. I

understand I should consult my Manager or Human Resources Manager regarding any questions not answered in the hand book.

EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Since the information, policies, and benefits described here are subject to change, I acknowledge that revisions to the handbook may occur. All substantive changes will be communicated through official notices, and I understand that revised information may supersede, modify, or eliminate existing policies. Furthermore, I acknowledge that this handbook is neither a contract of employment nor a legal document. I understand this handbook is available on the Helping Hand website at all times. I understand a printed copy of this handbook can be made available to me through the Human Resources Office at any time. I understand that it is my responsibility to read and comply with the information contained in this handbook and any revisions made to it.

Employee Handbook



USEFUL RESOURCES The following documents and resources will provide additional information and understanding of information which is contained in this handbook. Should you require assistance in locating any of the following information, please speak to your Supervisor / Manager or a Human Resources Representative. /

Contract of Employment


Health Professional Collective Workplace Agreement 2016


Residential and Home Care Staff Enterprise Agreement 2014


Helping Hand Code of Conduct Brochure


Helping Hand Duty of Care Policy


Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)


Work, Health and Safety Regulations, 2012 (SA)


Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act (SA) 1986


Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Regulations (SA) 2012


Helping Hand Aged Care, Work, Health and Safety Policy


Employee Assistance Program Brochure


Helping Hand Intranet - Policies, Procedures and Position Statements

Employee Handbook

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