==== ==== Discover How To Easily Build An Attractive And Affordable Greenhouse That Will Grow Anything In Any Conditions... http://tiny.cc/greenhouseplans ==== ==== How To Fertilize Greenhouse Plants A plant newly potted will need some time so that it can grow new roots in order to absorb or take in the fertilizer that you will apply. How you fertilize and what type of fertilizer you use is dependent on what kinds of plants or crop you grow in your greenhouse, because every crop has a particular requirement with regards to nutrients, and this requirement should be met. For house plants, it is usually much easier to fertilize a large group together. Generally, plants need to be fertilized every one or two months while there is rapid growth and all throughout the winter season, twice or once only. Alternatively, you can apply the fertilizer more frequently when using a liquid fertilizer diluted in water; this familiarizes certain plants that otherwise be injured when you use a fertilizer of full. Generally half of the recommended strength or dosage means that you use only half fertilizer in every plant. Annual plants can flourish very rapidly and will require fertilization every two weeks throughout their short season. A few flowering plants such as the Azalea must not be applied fertilizer while in their blooming or flowering stage. Most fertilizers that are generally used have considerable amount of nitrogen (50 percent); they contain the preferred amount of nitrate f and are usually labeled and identified as peat-lite. This type is preferred and recommended for greenhouse hobby use. The N-P-K ratio can be verified by reading the label that is found at the fertilizer bag. Fertilizers are usually applied at the amount or ratio of 200 ppm nitrogen fertilizer like 21-5-20 or 20-10-20. This is completed by continuous liquid application; this ratio is the basis for mostly all pot grown greenhouse plants. The rate may be adjusted downward or upward depending on the plant that is grown. Any pre-mixed or ready mixture of fertilizer for the kind of plants that you grow is acceptable; for most flowering and foliar plants. An N-P-K ratio analysis that is similar to 1-2-1 will supply a balanced growth. Soluble fertilizers can be conveniently applied and deliver faster results compared to solid fertilizers or slow release gravel-like fertilizers. Just apply the solution in a manner like you are watering your plants, however, instead of water, use the fertilizer solution, making certain that the plant soil is slightly moist before application. You should never apply fertilizer solution onto plants