==== ==== Discover How To Easily Build An Attractive And Affordable Greenhouse That Will Grow Anything In Any Conditions... http://tiny.cc/greenhouseplans ==== ==== Should Farmers Do Business with Greenhouse Manufacturers? The ancient people of Egypt did farming using a good irrigation system and proper sunlight to make the crops grow. This practice still continues today which has served as the backbone of the agricultural industry. Since the weather, insects and diseases threaten the crops throughout the year; this has prompted scientists and farmers to use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides to sustain crop production. Recent studies have shown that this does more harm than good since the ingredients for these products are hazardous to health. This has changed again the approach used by farmers and scientist who want to go back to organic farming. To control crop production against the weather, greenhouses have been erected. This provides a controlled environment to grow the plants all throughout the year. Greenhouses are usually built using wood and metal while the panels are made of glass. Since this isnt sturdy enough to withstand the weather, termites and rust, manufacturers have come up with many models using different materials. The frames of the greenhouses can now be made of aluminum and plastic which is rust and termite resistant. Frames on the other hand can be made of plastic or film which has been proven to be stronger than glass during heavy snow and hail storms. It is also scratch proof and will not break even if a rock is thrown at it. This has also proven to allow only 70% to 75% of ultraviolet rays from entering the greenhouse which is the right amount of sunlight needed for plants to grow. Each of these depends on the specifications of the farmer and how big the area is. There are freestanding versions and there are those that can be custom made. The person has to assess the area before making the decision of what kind of greenhouse is ideal. Greenhouse manufacturers do not only make the shelter for the plants. It also provides instruments and machines to ensure plant growth. This will all depend on how often it is used, the types of plants and the weather where it will be put up. Farmers who live in cold climates need heaters to keep the plants warm during the autumn and winter months. This can be bought in different sizes that cater to the needs of the individual.