==== ==== 3 Questions That Turn Her On - Shocking Video! http://tiny.cc/openherbox ==== ====
In times past, have you been repeatedly shot down when you approach girls? Have you tried pickup lines and had no luck? Well, what you really need is a PUA opener to up your game. PUA, or pick-up artist, openers are the words used to initiate a conversation with a lady. Most people turn to the cheesy classic pick-up lines such as: "Are you from Tennessee because you're the only 10 I see" or "How much did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" A PUA opener is much different from a pick-up line because they do not show your interest upfront; instead it leaves your lady of focus guessing as to what your intentions are. At this point she will likely let down her guard a little which will allow you to try and connect with her. A good opener would allow you to start up a conversation with a lady in a way that other guys normally would not. Your opener would help get you past all of the boring small talk that tends to kill a conversation before it begins. If your target lady is within a group then your opener should engage everyone that the woman is talking to as well. When it comes to good openers, there are different kinds each with pros and cons. A direct opener shows her that you are interested right away, but unlike a pick-up line, it differs in the way it's delivered. This shows confidence if it's delivered well, which is difficult if you are lacking in that department. There are also indirect opinion openers where you make a vague statement asking someone's opinion in hopes of starting up a conversation. Indirect openers are no-pressure situations, which are easy for both of you, but if you could lose control if you don't have a follow up. A gimmicky opener uses an outside source to start a conversation such as props or magic. These differentiate you, but you risk looking like a "dancing monkey." The situational opener uses what is going on in your current environment to spark a dialogue. With these you appear more spontaneous, but you could potentially lose the chance to talk to the girl. Once you get these techniques down then you can start learning more so you can get more indepth and have a higher scoring-rate. Another good thing to look into is Vin DiCarlo's Pandora's Box. This program coins the phrase "three questions to turn her on." The theory behind this program is that you can 'read a woman's mind' just by asking her three simple questions. His first question figures out her "time line" which allows you to assess her dating strategies. The second question determines her "sex line" or what her views on sex are and what behaviors she likes. Finally you determine her "relationship line" which helps you to figure out what factors into making a guy relationship material or not. Once you learn to answer these questions, you can easily turn her on in ways that others cannot.