Inspire Coastal Bend Magazine Medical Mar/Apr 2020

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KEEP YOUR MUSCLE AS YOU AGE Do this now, and “future you” will thank you for it! By: LISA G. WRIGHT, CFT, FAS


o you ever see videos online of people their 70s and beyond shooting hoops, bicycling or busting a move on the dance floor and think, I want to be that person when I grow up? I know I do! I didn’t learn to snow ski until I was over 50 and have been going once a year ever since. When I’m on the slopes, I see couples in their 70s and 80s still skiing together, and I want that to be me at that age (or older)! Since I started skiing rather late in life, one of my dreams is to continue to ski somewhere different every year until my very last days! One of the best things you can all do to help ensure you continue to do the things you love for the next 10, 20, 30plus years is to: 1. Start doing those things now (if you aren’t already) 2. Take care of your muscles by keeping them strong and flexible Have you ever heard the saying, “It’s easier to clean a clean house?” It seems like a no-brainer, but the same philosophy works with your fitness and health. It’s so much easier to keep your fitness level (and your muscle) than it is to rebuild it. Important Note: It’s never too late to get into shape and gain muscle. You can do it, disregarding what your age is. It just takes time, consistency and a little patience. Anyway, here’s why it’s so important! When you hit the age of 30, you start losing 3 to 5 percent of your muscle mass each year. Studies even show that over your lifetime, you can lose up to 30 percent of your muscle! Less muscle = less strength = less balance = more risk of falls and fracture. That’s not good! Plus, not only does keeping your muscles healthy improve your strength and quality of life,

I have a couple of openings weekly for Success Session calls. If you want to chat about your goals, let me know ASAP, and we can get some time scheduled! Please visit Lisa G. Wright, CFT, FAS, online at You may also call 361-857-5087 or visit www. Wright’s full “How do We Ensure Functional Longevity” presentation is available to watch online at Alnz1SaXv5M. You may also look for a fertified FAS near you at continued


I N S P I R E C O A S TA L B E N D M A G . C O M

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