@RHB, Autumn Term 2022

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Autumn 2022 @

Address Bearwood Rd, Sindlesham, Wokingham RG41 5BG, UK Telephone 01189748300 Email registrar@reddamhouse.org.uk A Word from the Principal 4 GCSE & A Level results ......................................... 6 Early Learning School News 8 Performing Arts .................................................. 10 Junior News 12 Sports News ........................................................ 14 Middle School 16 Combined Cadet Force ....................................... 18 Duke of Edinburgh Awards 19 Senior School 20 Residential Trips .................................................. 22 Boarding 24 Theatre Renaming ............................................... 26 Dance 27 A Word from our Students .................................. 28 Business Studies 29 PFA ...................................................................... 30 Contents

Things to look forward to this term… School InternetWelcomePhotographsEveningSafetyTraining Day Meet the LongridgeHeadsActivity Centre, Year 4 and Year 5 Team Building Trips and Team Building Days, Years 7 to 12 Gold Duke of Edinburgh SilverExpeditionDuke of Edinburgh YearExpedition12Formal Welcome Dinner Year 6 Bushcraft CCF Rifles Cadet Cup National Diversity Week Sky Studios Trip Sixth Form Information Evening BSA Sports Day, Golf European Day of Languages Virtual Parents’ Evenings RAD Adventure Weekend Open Day Black History Month Junior School House Dance World Mental Health Day Explorer TheatretrainDaySchool Performances House Cross Country Drive Safe Stay Alive, Sixth Form WorldFireworksKindness Day Remembrance Service CCF Charity Event and Remembrance Weekend Anti-bullying Week ELS and Reception Show Christmas Production, Year 1 and Year Pantomime,2 Sixth Form Carol Service Ski Trip RHB Autumn Term 2022

around the world. It is generally accepted that there are now tougher races, but it is a significant challenge in varied desert conditions which demands respect and remains a life affirming experience. The race schedule is basically three marathons, followed by a double marathon, then another marathon before a charity stage half marathon. Life is wonderfully simple. You carry all you need for the duration of the race, sleep under a woollen sheet held up by poles, making sure your body and especially your feet are looked after, and of course do lots of running. Sand dunes, desert mountains called Jebels, long dried out plains combine with scorching sun during the day and cold temperatures at night. Every race is different, and this year was known as the windy one because of ferocious sandstorms on day 2 and 3 which led many to drop out. The highlight of the race is the infamous ‘Long Day’, the double marathon, a monster of a challenge which took me 14 hours. Tactically I broke the whole race down into checkpoints; just

education is all about students aiming high, pushing the limits of what they think they can do“.


Over the course of much of the year, I regularly finished the weekly newsletter with a quick round up of my preparations for the Marathon des Sables (MDS), a self-supported multi-stage ultra-marathon in the Sahara Desert. I think here would be a good place to tell you a bit more about it and how it has influenced me and what I want to see for Reddam students.


A word from theRickPrincipal,Cross Introduction”AReddam


Having booked my spot before I joined the school, I kept quiet about it for the first term, determined to make sure I started my time well at Reddam House. Coming back in the new year, I announced my plans to the school, started fundraising and stepped up my training.

elcome to another edition of @RHB, the magazine which gives us the opportunity to reflect and celebrate the tremendous range of opportunities and achievements across the school. Last year, my first as Principal, began with us still very much on a war footing with Covid. By the end we had sat the first set of public exams since 2019, successfully played sport fixtures (winning most), held numerous live performances, renamed our theatre, and taken trips all over the UK and abroad. I hope you enjoy reading all about it.

The MDS is billed as the ‘toughest footrace on earth’. It is one of the oldest events of its type, beginning in 1986, and attracts about 1000 competitors from

So why am I telling you about the MDS? Why is this relevant to our school magazine? I have absolutely loved my time so far at Reddam House and I feel privileged to work in a school which offers such a rich buffet of skills and pursuits for our students to try. Our school values are evident in everything we do; ambition, responsibility, integrity, kindness, respect, and courage. I felt like I was embodying these values throughout my MDS journey and wanted to model my best self. Our school is one of opportunities, of adventure, of giving back. The MDS is one example of what we can do in this wonderful world; there are many more. A Reddam education is all about students aiming high, pushing the limits of what they think they can do. Pull back the curtain of opportunity and fulfil your unique potential.

get to the next one, hydrate, eat something (usually some fruit pastilles) and get moving again. Running by headlamp in the desert night, with a sky full of stars, is a memory I will cherish forever.

RHB Autumn Term 2022

were delivered to camp from our supporters, and thanks to my extended Reddam family, I always had about four times more than any of my other tent mates. The Reddam community also helped me raise £6000 for charity, split between Camfed and First Days in Wokingham. Thank you sincerely for your support. When things get tough, you need to know why you are putting yourself through it, and I was determined not to let you down.

In the end, I finished in a respectable 179th position. Preparation was key, as was knowing the Reddam community was willing me on. Every night messages

More importantly, our Year 13 students have largely managed to secure their choice of university course, with the vast majority heading to their first-choice university. Students are going on to study subjects as diverse as Electrical Engineering with Nanotechnology, PPE, Economics, Maths, Graphic Design and Law at some of the most prestigious universities in the world including Durham, Edinburgh, Kings, LSE, Amsterdam and Japan.


GCSE & A Resultslevel Autumn02Term


or many of us the COVID Pandemic seems like a distant memory. However, its impact on education continues to be felt. Students have faced continuous disruption to their studies over the last two years and have had to demonstrate considerable resilience in the face of great uncertainty. Ahead of this year’s results, the Department for Education and Ofqual announced grades would be lower than in 2021, but higher than in 2019, when students last sat summer exams.

Marija Year 13 (A*A*A*A*)

‘I feel immensely happy and proud that I have finished my A levels with such great results, and that I am on my way to an amazing university. These two years have been challenging, but I will forever be thankful for the friendships and knowledge I've gained along the way, as they definitely shaped me and helped me grow as a person. Reddam has really helped me thrive, though committed teachers and the tutor team which made me always feel supported and helped me hone my skills in areas I had never expected to excel in.’

And yet, Reddam House students have achieved outstanding results. The A-level results released last week have further cemented Reddam House’s reputation for academic success, despite only having opened seven years ago. With 19% A*, 50% A*-A and 76% A*-B, these incredible results are significantly higher than the national average, and better than many of our local competitor schools.


RHB Autumn Term 2022

I am over the moon with my results. I have done much better than expected and am looking forward to studying for my A Levels at Reddam!

I am delighted with my results and did much better than expected. I am most pleased with Maths and History. I’m looking forward to studying English, History and Economics for A Level at Reddam.



I am very pleased and amazed. I received ten 9s and one level 8. Which is higher than I expected. Thank you the teachers and Reddam House for supporting me.

Berkshire’s best ever and testament to the hard work of both staff and students, who have shown great determination over the last two years to always aim high and be ambitious. Reddam House continues to be a school on the up, and the future is looking good.

GCSE results were also excellent, with 15% achieving Level 9, 34% achieving 9-8 and 52% achieving 9-7 (equivalent to A*-A in the old system). Again, these results far exceed the national average, almost doubling the national average of grades 9-7. We are so proud of their achievements and delighted to welcome them back to start on their A Level courses.

With the exception of the higher grades awarded during the pandemic, these results are Reddam House





he Early Learning School is a wonderful community where families, children and teachers collaborate to create rich and meaningful experiences.

This sense of community was evident at our Summer Wonderland, when a travelling farm arrived to fill the garden with animals including donkeys, goats, piglets, rabbits and chicks. We also had Farmer Fred and his terrific tractor for the children to have a play ride on. Everyone had a wonderful day with carnival games, a gigantic sandpit fitted with buckets, spades and deckchairs, face painting, cow milking, refreshments and more.

In line with our school motto ‘We shall give back’ all proceeds for this event went to Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice and we were so proud that we raised £1000!


RHB Autumn Term 2022

eddam Theatre Company’s inaugural production of Animal Farm exploded onto the stage with a visually impressive scenic design.





The new narrative allowed the Boy’s actions and movements to have a tangible impact on the animals on the stage from falling snow, to spilled grain wasted due to Mr Jones’ drunken negligence, from red petals falling as the new leaders the pigs took control and slaughtered traitors, right through to the Autumn leaves signalling a new season. Our students physically threw themselves into this energetic performance, showcasing the standard of the work achieved here at Reddam House.

It was the turn of the students in Years 5 and 6 to perform Matilda, which they did with impressive confidence. There were solos and fantastically choreographed routines which thrilled the audience on two successive nights.

RHB Autumn Term


Year 3 and 4 put in a stunning performance in James and the Giant Peach. The peach took them to New York in Roald Dahl’s famous story, and the children had a wonderful time showcasing their talent in an extremely dramatic performance.

Autumn05Term T12

he summer term in the Junior School has been immensely successful and busy, with trips (Reading Museum, PGL, Horseshoe Lake Activity Centre and WB Harry Potter Studio Tour workshop just to name a few), sporting success, exams and wonderful productions. Both the students and the staff have made the most of every second of every day and we really have embodied two of our values of ambition and courage.

The summer brings with it sports days and exciting athletics competitions. In the District Athletics Championships this year – with over 400 students from other schools across the area in attendance – we placed a fantastic second overall with some outstanding first place individual finishes too.

We also performed very well at the annual ISA athletics competition and record after record was broken at this year’s Upper Junior Sports Day. It was wonderful to have parents in attendance at all of these events and to see the team work and enjoyment from each student.

Junior News

RHB Autumn Term 2022

And finally, it wouldn’t be right not to mention our summer examinations in Year 5 and 6, along with the summer term standardised testing across the Juniors,

Reddam House Junior School is a wonderfully vibrant place, with a modern and forward-thinking ethos which allows students to feel valued and to carve out their exciting futures. Respect, kindness and integrity are at the heart of everything we do – come and see for yourself!

all of which highlighted the hard work of students and staff but also the very high quality of our curriculum which allows pupils to exceed expectations and work well above national levels. We are so proud of what our children achieve academically and know that a Reddam House Junior School pupil will achieve their full potential with us.

Matilda the Musical was our Year 5 and 6 production this term and what fantastic performances they were. The quality of acting, singing and choreography was second to none and all those lucky enough to see our Juniors in action, on either the Thursday or Friday, commented on the standard of production including lighting, sound and set. How lucky our students are to have such talented performing arts teachers and such an outstanding facility to use. Being involved in performing arts is not just for those who have a passion for acting, it is for everyone and it brings with it development of public speaking skills and increased confidence – plus lots of fun and lifelong memories!

Mrs Cassie Morris Head of Junior School

We also entered the International Schools’ Golf Association Premiere One Day National event at The Warwickshire Country Club. The boys had a slightly mixed day, but Amy won both the U15 and U18 competitions.

The PGL Netball team finished in third place.


Autumn06Term Sports News


ur talented students enjoyed many wins during the golf season. Amy played in the Ladies Berks, Bucks and Oxford County Championships. She finished second with a fantastic nett 69.

Many congratulations to Francesca in Year 9 competed at the National Artistic Swimming Championships and won for Bronze for her duet. Her team won gold for their combo routine.

RHB Autumn Term 2022

The Field events were of a good standard and included javelin, discus, high jump, long jump and the 1500m. On the track the records tumbled with a total of 12 being broken.

Everyone enjoyed an extremely successful cricket season this year.

n Sports Day, we were blessed with good weather and the students really put on a show.


To this end we hope to instill competencies such as curiosity, critical thinking, collaboration, courage and most importantly, confidence into our middle school students to equip them to face and overcome the challenges and opportunities that they will face.

We are raising a generation facing an ever-changing world and they need to be equipped with 21st century skills that will enable them to not only survive but thrive in the world they will have to engage and grow in.



s I prepare for the upcoming year, I can’t help but get excited for the incredible opportunity that I have been given as Head of Middle School. I am driven by a passion to see the next generation not only educated but inspired to live to their potential.

Middle School

Mr Phil Edmonds Head of Middle School

year with two beginnings; professionally, in my new position as head of middle school, and personally, as my wife Maxine and I have recently had our first baby, our daughter Gabriella was born in the summer holiday. At a time like this I am reminded of a wise African saying “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”.


I am so grateful to be part of an incredible management team who has a wealth of experience that I can draw from. I am privileged to work with some of the most amazing educators and my wife and I are blessed to be part of an incredible community. With all this backing I am looking forward to engaging with the middle school students, parents, and wider community to make the next year, one where we go far together.

As I embark on this new school year, I start the

RHB Autumn Term 2022

Middle School students enjoyed some sunny wellbeing walks around the school campus and through the woods, spotting a bed of bluebells and looking for deer.

Adventure Training is a core component for the CCF. It gives students the chance to face individual and team challenges. To climb, jump, scramble, crawl, float and roll towards success. Positive communication and problem solving are fundamental ingredients as is facing adversity and building resilience. Snowdonia was a perfect location to do all of this and our students were lucky to be based at Capel Curig Training Camp – home to the regular military unit's mountain and adventurous training.

Autumn08Term R18


eddam House Combined Cadet Force, cunningly camouflaged in civilian clothes, invaded the north of Wales as part of Exercise Adventurous Bugle. What followed was five days of gorge walking, caving, mountain biking, high ropes, raft building and mountain walking.

They used all their navigation skills and enjoyed some fantastic team work, as students created and consumed pizza in portable ovens.

Year 12 Gold DofE Practice Expedition on Dartmoor

Two weeks before our students set off on DofE Gold Practice Expedition into the wilds of Dartmoor, the forecast was for glorious sunshine and primary concerns were about dehydration and sunburn. When the time arrived for them to set off, those worries evaporated as the rain poured down and the students’ wet weather gear got a good test.

RHB Autumn Term 2022

Year 9 Bronze Duke of Edinburgh students boldly ventured into the fields and forests of Berkshire. They delved deep into the glorious history of Britain and in particular Roman Britain around Silchester.

They also explored rivers and bridleways near the River Pang, with plenty of sightings of sheep, horses and rabbits before some superstar shaggy highland cows made an appearance.

he Duke of Edinburgh isn’t easy, it requires training and it is demanding, but it is a brilliant experience and the sense of achievement is something the students will always remember.

Autumn09Term Duke of AwardsEdinburgh


Year 9 Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

Autumn10Term Senior School

It was wonderful to see the students fully involving themselves in these opportunities in the summer term, now that things have returned to normality. Whether that be scoring points for their House on Sports day, giving their all within the House Dance competition, scoring runs on the Cricket field, developing their

teamwork and communications skills within CCF or performing on stage in the performance of Animal Farm, the summer term has been jam packed!



aving led the 6th Form for the last three years at Reddam it’s a great privilege to take the lead as the Head of the Senior School. The Senior school offers so many opportunities within the three Reddam pillars; academically, on the sports field and within performing arts, alongside a range of leadership opportunities, such as within our Judiciary, volunteering or within the CCF.

It is always a time of mixed emotions where we say a final farewell to our Year 13 leavers. Given that these were the first set of external exams that students had sat, with GCSEs having been impacted by covid, we are extremely proud of the resilience displayed by the students. It was fantastic to be able to celebrate with them at Prizegiving, the parent and student formal dinner and also at their Leaver’s Prom! We wish them the very best for the future.

Mrs Lyndsey Towse Head of Senior School

RHB Autumn Term 2022

Year 7 had a fabulous time on their cultural trip to France, beginning with the history of chocolate at the Choco-Story Museum in central Paris. They travelled by boat down the Seine and saw Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower. In the second stage of their trip, the thrillseekers showed their bravery on a variety of intense rollercoasters at Disneyland, and finished at the Science Museum where everyone had fun controlling robots.

Year 6 had a wonderful week away at PGL. The weather was somewhat mixed, but spirits were always high as the students threw themselves into a variety of exciting activities.

Residential Trips

Year 7 Cultural Trip to Paris and Disneyland Paris.



Year 8 followed up their trip to Paris by making posters about their visit in French.

Year 9 visited Northern France and the beautiful city of Paris.

The trip began at the beaches of the D-Day landings, Pegasus Bridge, Ranville Cemetery, Juno and Gold Beaches and onto the quite stunning Normandy

TheyMemorial.arrived at Disneyland in beautiful sunshine for some fun-filled rides and finished in Paris at the Eiffel Tower, River Seine, Champs Elysees (via the PSG store), the Tulleries for refreshment and finishing at the Louvre.

RHB Autumn Term 2022

he Boarding Community rounded off a fantastic year with some wonderful weekend trips and activities, and it has been fantastic that we have been able to return to almost normality for the whole year, as the COVID restrictions and constant testing have been phased out.



Andy Towse Director of Boarding

The summer term always proves to be the most enjoyable with the warmer and lighter evenings, meaning that the boarders can enjoy more time together outside, although this is always coupled with the exam season for out more senior boarders. It is always very sad to say goodbye to our departing boarders, and this year is no different. We wish them the best of luck in the future and hope that they won’t forget us and their time in the Reddam Community; they will always be very welcome to return to see us!! #onceaboarderalwaysaboarder


RHB Autumn Term 2022

The boarders took part in a colour run, which included two to three kilometres of running, mixed up with sprinting through the ‘gauntlet of paint’. It was nice to see the community embracing the activity by either running or throwing, and everyone really enjoyed themselves, even if they got a bit messy.



We were privileged to welcome Dame Harriet Walter to school for a re-naming ceremony in honour of the Walter family, her ancestors, who funded the Times newspaper and built our beautiful Bearwood Mansion. Dame Harriet is an acclaimed British actress who has performed many of Shakespeare’s leading roles such as Lady Macbeth, King Henry IV and Cleopatra. On screen, she has starred in countless TV and film productions, including Killing Eve, Succession and The Last Duel.



er Majesty the Queen was Patron of The Royal Merchant Navy School and Bearwood College, and she opened our beautiful theatre on 24th April 1991. She had previously visited the school for a Prize Day in 1947, accompanied by Prince Philip.


They also struck a pose for Pride!

he Dancers have been very busy with exams and a dance competition at Queen Anne’s School.

Autumn14Term Dance

They also took their exams, with KDTA for Freestyle, Street and our Tiny Tappers. There were also RSL Jazz exams and Royal Academy Ballet.

RHB Autumn Term 2022

At Queen Anne’s, the dancers’ hard work and supportive attitude to each other paid off because they won first and second places.

Hi, I’m Greg! I’m currently studying Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Ancient History and I’m looking to study Chemistry at Uni. I’ve been at Reddam since Year 6, and I’ve been visible around school, on stage as Theresa in the Panto, blowing things up for science week, and shouting in CCF. I’m

I’m Megan, I’m currently studying Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Spanish, and I plan on studying Biochemistry at University. I’ve been a student at Reddam since Year 7 and have been part of various areas of the school such as Cinderella in the Pantomime or in CCF or in STEM club. I’m organised and a hard-worker, I’ve overcome many personal difficulties and I wish to help and support other students over their own obstacles. I will always be available for the students to come and talk to me whenever and wherever, hope to see you all around school!


e are pleased to introduce the newly elected Senior School Judiciary.

Hi, I’m Josh. I study Maths, Further Maths and Physics at A-Level. I am a very passionate individual and always strive to be the best at what I do. I am planning on studying Mathematics at University. I have made an impression across the whole school through various events such as playing Buttons in the Sixth Form Pantomime and being heavily involved in sports teams including captaining the league winning football team. I am friendly and approachable and have good relationships across the school making me a great member of the judiciary. Feel free to ask me any questions whenever you feel Necessary.


Hiya I’m Clara, and I’ve been at Reddam since Year 7. I’m currently studying Theatre Studies, Ancient History, Spanish and English, which I hope to read at University. In my spare time (when I’m lucky enough to have any) I like reading and being outdoors. It’s been lovely meeting students through musicals, and I’m looking forward to seeing what we can all achieve next year! I promise I’m not as nasty as my Panto character...

A Word from our Students

passionate and committed (and pretty loud), and I’m looking to help empower the student voice as a Judiciary member. Aside from school, I love cycling, video games and cats, and anything with an adrenaline rush!


They attended a workshop with Thorpe Park’s marketing department, who delivered an incredible tailored session, and the students finished by presenting their own ideas for new events for Thorpe Park to run alongside their current portfolio. They will now have the opportunity to develop a marketing plan for Thorpe Park’s new ride Exodusm which is yet to be launched.

• How to fly

Topics have included:

• Were you born to succeed?

The students’ talks have been varied and interesting and presented with impressive professionalism.

• The Shape of the Escape

As part of their Business coursework, our Year 12 students conducted market research into areas that Thorpe Park can develop.

edTalks are Reddam Ted Talks where our students get to hear from either guest speakers, teachers or students who have an inspired knowledge or insight in a particular field.

• How to turn yourself into soap

• Can Aging Be Reversed?

Autumn16Term Business Studies

• Building a healthy relationship with screens


• What is anxiety?

RHB Autumn Term 2022

• Metaverse – find out how to be a part of it

Year 12 Business Trip to Thorpe Park.

Supporting families with Gene related disorders.


Charities supported through our events this term include:

We meet monthly to develop an annual program of events for the Reddam community, and we collaborate closely with the staff and students to plan and organise these events.

Me2 Club me2club.org.uk


All proceeds from the sale of ice creams at the Junior School Sports Day (Friday 27th May).

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution rnli.org

Cask Research caskresearch.org

Sebastian’s Action Trust sebastiansactiontrust.org

First Days firstdays.net

Working and campaigning to end child poverty, reducing the long-term effect of poverty on children by equipping them with the essential items they need for their early years and at school. All monies raised through the Summer Fair (Saturday 2nd July).


A local inclusion charity for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities that enables their participation in mainstream leisure activities.

A warm welcome to our wonderful school community from the Parents and Friends’ Association.

The PFA is an active group of parents focused on enriching the experience of students at Reddam and fostering the school community.

Reddam House Parents and Friends Association (PFA)

Providing emotional, social and practical care for life-limited and life-threatened children and their families. All monies raised by the Silent Auction at the Summer Ball (Saturday 25th June).

Whilst fundraising is an important part of the PFA’s activities, supporting both local and national charities, the social events we organise for the children and parents also provide wonderful opportunity for us to come together as the school community. Supporting our events is a fantastic way of getting know other families and staff whilst making a positive contribution to the quality of school life and a meaningful contribution to charity.

The charity that saves lives at sea through lifeboat search and rescue, lifeguards, water safety education and flood rescue.

Funds raised through Bags2School drive (Friday May 13th).

RHB Autumn Term 2022

Fireworks and Funfair

Our first ever Junior Disco in March was so much fun we thought we’d do it again! DJ Ronnie of DNA Kids will keep the beat on the decks and the kids on the dance floor.

Christmas Fair

Friday 2nd December

Jan 2023

Friday 27th January 2023

Junior Disco

Thursday 13th October

Autumn18Term Events still to come in 2022 & 2023

Come and celebrate the life and poetry of Robert Burns at a traditional Burns night. There will a glass of fizz on arrival, followed by a three-course Burns’ Supper and live Ceilidh Band with Piper. So, prepare to get those dancing shoes out!

A playful, joyful and inspiring event for students and their families – get your running shoes on and prepare to get colourful! All in good fun and for a good cause.



Saturday 17th September

Junior Movie Night

Last year’s fireworks were so popular we had to run it for a second night. This year we will have two shows on one day, starting with a 5pm show for families with younger children and then a 7.30pm show for the older children. Come for a bite to eat and a fairground ride and enjoy the show!

This time round it’s just for the children so will take place on a school day, inside. The ice rink is coming again!

Back with a bang in April, the PFA intends to make Movie Night a regular event each term. What a treat to have a big screen experience in our very own school theatre with all your friends… and popcorn!

Saturday 5th November

Reddam Colour Run

Bearwood Rd, Sindlesham, Wokingham RG41 5BG, UK +0118 974 registrar@reddamhouse.org.uk8300reddamhouse.org.uk

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