International School of Milan_Boarding Handbook_24-25

Page 1


2024 - 2025

04 Section 1: Introduction

Welcome from the Head of Boarding

Important Contact Details

Boarding Staff

Boarding Aim and Principles

12 Section 2: Important Information for New Students

Important Documentation

Visa Requirements

What to Bring

What not to bring

On Arrival

Boarders’ Induction Program


Pocket Money


Study Facilities

Additional Academic Support

20 Section 3: House Domestic Arrangements


Student Visitors

External Visitors

Boarders’ Possessions

Daily Boarding Routine

Prep and Independent Study


Evenings and Weekends

On-campus Activities

On-Campus Facilities

Signing In and Out

Holiday Arrangements

30 Section 4: Boarding Code of Conduct

Clothing and Physical Appearance

Safe and Appropriate Use of Technology

Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs


Room and Student Searches

Sexual Relationships and Behaviour


Off-Site Expectations

Boarders’ Bedrooms and Communal Space

Green Living

Boarding Sanctions

Medical Care in Boarding


and Support

44 Section 6: Safety Procedures

General Safety

Fire Safety

Earthquake Procedures

Lockdown Procedure

Concerns and Complaints

Lost Property


Section 7: Student Voice

Boarding Committee

Student Voice


Welcome from the Head of Boarding

We are delighted to welcome all new and returning boarders to the International School of Milan’s vibrant boarding community. This marks the beginning of a collaborative journey where we shape and develop young minds and lives.

In Greek mythology, Odysseus, the King of Ithaca, went to fight in the Trojan War and left his son, Telemachus, in the care of his faithful companion, Mentor. Mentor acted as a teacher, advisor, role model, challenger, and encourager. This is the origin of the term ‘mentor’ and it embodies our approach as staff members within the boarding house.

We strive to shape students with the same dedication and guidance.

As a boarding team, we are looking forward to help create a positive influence in the lives of those students that we have the privilege of seeing grow and adapt to their home-away-from-home.

Thank you for taking the time to read our handbook to learn more about our boarding program.

Important Contact Details

• Boarding enquiries:

• Boarding mobile: +39 345 8109459.

(Parents and students are encouraged to contact us on WhatsApp.)

• Head of Boarding:

• Admissions Department:

• Grade Coordinator for Grade 10:

• Grade Coordinator for Grade 11:

• Grade Coordinator for Grade 12:

• Grade Coordinator for Grade 13:

• School Psychologist:

• Learning Support Coordinator:

• School Nurse:

Boarding Staff

Mr. Tim Davis, Head of Boarding

Mr. Maxim Bertucci, Deputy Head of Boarding

Mr. Dragan Lezajic, Houseparent

Miss. Nour Moukarzel, Houseparent

Mrs. Kara Davis, Houseparent

The boarding house is staffed 24/7 during term time. Students can contact a staff member during the night in the case of an emergency by calling the boarding phone or by seeking out the live-in staff members.

Boarding Philosophy and Expectations

Staff Philosophy

Through the staff’s own experience and mentorship, which creates a strong boarding team, we have developed a mindset and approach that is what we believe will help create a positive living and learning environment. This philosophy is built on three key principles:

• Known

• Nurtured

• Supported Known

We recognise that each student is unique in their thoughts, expressions, and actions. This individuality extends to their educational and living needs. By integrating Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences with positive education, we shift our focus from asking, ‘Are you intelligent?’ to ‘How are you intelligent?’

This approach acknowledges that every child has the capacity to learn in their own way. By working closely with mentors and students, we tailor our approach to facilitate effective learning during study sessions and beyond.


It is our fundamental responsibility to prepare students for the world they will enter. All boarding staff work together to create a consistently positive living and learning environment for our boarders. This ensures that students feel supported in all aspects of their lives.


In today’s world, the importance of support cannot be overstated. Creating a positive and nurturing environment not only makes students feel safe, but also helps them feel at home. This commitment allows us to assure parents and the wider community that our boarding house is a true homeaway-from-home.


We uphold three core beliefs that guide our students during their time in boarding:

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is to treat others as you would like to be treated. We understand that not all students will always display their best behaviour and that lapses can occur. However, it is important to address these situations with empathy.

Often, actions are not driven by malice, and we encourage students to reflect on their behaviour by asking, ‘If the roles were reversed, would they be upset?’ This reflective process is what leads to personal growth and prepares students to work with others in the wider world beyond school.

A Time and a Place for Everything

One of the challenges young students face is understanding that their actions, while not necessarily wrong, may not be appropriate for certain times. Our goal is to help them feel comfortable being themselves while teaching them the appropriate context for their actions.

Punctuality and Cleanliness

To ensure students are prepared for their daily routines, we emphasise the importance of punctuality and personal hygiene. This includes handing in devices on time, being ready for bed, preparing for school, keeping their rooms clean and orderly, showering daily, and general organisation skills.

Boarders Development Program (BDP)

In boarding, we are committed to achieving greatness for our students both inside and outside the classroom. At the start of each term, we will conduct interviews with each student to understand their strengths and areas for improvement. From these insights, we will create a Boarding Development Programme (BDP) that includes long-term goals for the year and 2-3 short-term, term-oriented goals. We will use the SMART goal system to ensure that the goals are:


• Clarity: Specific goals remove ambiguity, making it easier for students to understand exactly what they need to achieve.

• Focus: Students can concentrate their efforts on a defined target, reducing distractions and increasing efficiency.


• Progress Tracking: Measurable goals enable students to track their progress, providing a sense of accomplishment as they meet milestones.

• Motivation: Seeing measurable progress can be motivating and encouraging, reinforcing positive behaviours and efforts.


• Realistic Expectations: Setting achievable goals ensures that students set realistic and attainable objectives, reducing the risk of frustration and discouragement.

• Confidence Building: Accomplishing attainable goals builds self-confidence and encourages students to set and achieve more challenging goals in the future.


• Meaningfulness: Relevant goals are aligned with the students’ interests, values, and long-term objectives, making the goals more meaningful and engaging.

• Prioritization: Focusing on relevant goals helps students prioritize their efforts on what truly matters, maximizing the impact of their actions.


• Deadlines: Time-bound goals come with deadlines, which help students develop time management skills and create a sense of urgency.

• Accountability: Having a timeframe encourages students to stay on track and be accountable for their progress within a specified period.

Responsibilities and Rights of ISM boarders


• To treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and be polite and wellmannered to all.

• To listen to others openly and carefully, and to value their opinion even if they disagree with it.

• To ensure that they do not prevent anyone else from learning and studying with their behaviour.

• To treat everyone fairly and kindly and refrain from any form of bullying behaviour.

• To respect another’s space and belongings, ensuring they always ask permission to use or borrow anything.

• To be honest and truthful, at all times, in their dealings with others.

• To fulfil their duties with care and accept the rules and regulations of boarding life with good grace.


• To be treated with respect and courtesy by everyone.

• To be treated as an individual whose views and opinions are valued.

• To have an environment in which they can learn and study to the best of their ability.

• To live in safety, free from the fear of bullying and others’ wrong behaviour.

• To have their personal space and belongings respected by all.

• To live in a positive environment in which truth, honesty, and trust are valued.

• To have a clean, neat, and pleasant house area in which to live.


Important Information for New Students

Important Documentation

The following documentation is required to be submitted to the admissions department as a part of the enrolment process prior to the new boarders’ arrival at ISM:

• Private medical insurance certificate (for the full academic year) for international students, or tessera sanitaria for Italian students.

• Signed Boarding Handbook Contract

• Filled out and signed Medical Information Form

Visa Requirements

All students joining ISM from any EU or Non-EU country are required to contact their local Italian Embassy to establish the specific visa requirements required. ISM does not provide general visa guidance because requirements vary depending on the country of origin.

When a student has gained the correct immigration consent, they will be able to commence study at ISM. Once a student arrives in Italy and at ISM, they are required to apply for and obtain a Permesso di Soggiorno (Italian resident permit).

ISM has a close working relationship with a Milanese law firm who provide an immigration specialist that guides families through the Permesso process (this comes at an additional fee that is payable directly to the law firm). Should parents or guardians wish to liaise with this law firm, they should contact the Admissions Department.

ISM will provide required documentation (certificated on enrolment and guardianship) to support the residency application.

What to Bring

All students are expected to bring a selection of day clothes suitable for warmer and colder temperatures that are appropriate to wear during the school day, evenings, and weekends. In addition, boarders should bring the following items:


ISM sports kit

Smart outfit for formal occasions

ISM swimming costume and hat

Active wear

2 x pyjamas

Hat, scarf, and gloves





Body soap


1 x 30cm ruler

5 x biros (blue or black)

2 x pencils

1 x rubber

1 x pencil sharpener

1 x scissors

1 x compass

1 x set square and protractor

Personal Items

Mobile phone

Laptop (tablet optional)

Padlock (key, not combination)

Alarm clock

Warm coat

Smart shoes

1 school bag or rucksack



Waterproof jacket


Hairbrush or comb


What Not to Bring

The following items are forbidden on the school campus:

Inappropriate videos or paper material

Laser pens


1 x calculator

1 x notepad

1 x stapler and staples

1 x glue stick

1 x desk tidy

6 x A4 ring binder folders

1 x pad of A4 lined paper

1 x pad of blank paper

Reusable water bottle

Hot drinks flask


Laundry basket

Cooking devices





Cigarettes, vapes, alcohol, and other illegal substances

Sharp objects including knives and blades (except in shaving devices)

On Arrival

On arrival, students will meet with the Boarding Team for an initial welcome meeting during which they are required to present the following information and items:

• Passport or ID Card for Italian residents

• Medication, both prescription and over-the-counter

• Private medical insurance details/tessera sanitaria

• Pocket money

• €300 emergency deposit money

• Mobile phone number

Boarders’ Induction Program

New boarders are expected to arrive before the start of the academic year (1st September) to participate in the induction program. This is designed to explain how

• Move into their room

• Tour the Boarding House

• Attend the Welcome Briefing

• Meet the Boarding Team

• Take part in introductions and icebreakers

• Be made aware of domestic arrangements

ISM operates and allows new boarders to become familiar with the Boarding House routines and procedures. This induction takes two days, during which boarders will:

• Be made aware of the location and operating hours of the school nurse

• Have a detailed tour of the school campus

• Have an orientation tour of the local area and city centre

• Be shown how to access the city centre by public transport

Throughout the first few weeks of term, the Boarding House holds a variety of social events to help new boarders socialise and settle in.


Bedding and Towels

Boarders are provided with one of each of the following:

• Duvet

• Pillow

• Large towel

• Medium sized towel

• Face towel

• Shower mat

All bedding and towels are changed once a week. If boarders require additional bedding or towels, they must provide these themselves.

Clothes Washing Service

• A laundry service is provided for all boarding students at no additional cost.

• Dirty laundry will be collected and returned twice a week.

• Clothing will be washed and returned on the next laundry day.Boarders must place the clothes they wish to be laundered into the clear plastic bag provided and complete the laundry ticket.

• A washing machine, drying rack, and iron is available for students who wish to wash their own clothes.

Pocket Money

The Boarding House promotes moderation with regards to student expenditure and believes that students’ personal development is best served when they don’t have access to large sums of money. It is recommended that parents and guardians provide their child with an appropriate bank account with a debit card that is credited a maximum value of €50 per week. The school does not recommend that students have large sums of cash and if a student has more than €100 in their possession, they should hand it to the Boarding staff for safe keeping.


The student accommodation at ISM is made up of single or double (bunk bed) bedrooms, mostly with shared bathrooms. As part of the admissions process, a decision will be made by enrolling families, between a single or double bedroom.

The single bedroom option carries at an additional cost.

If a double room is chosen, boarders will be paired according to their gender and age.

Each boarder is allocated a bed, desk,

shelf, wardrobe, bedside shelf or table, under-bed storage unit, and bathroom storage cupboard. There is also a desk lamp, wastepaper bin, bathroom bin, coat hangers, and wardrobe organizer. We welcome boarders to personalise their space with appropriate posters, photographs, and other family memorabilia.

We expect each boarder to leave their room as they found it at the start of the year.

Study Facilities

Each bedroom has space for the boarders to work both individually and collaboratively. There are also communal areas for boarders wishing to study outside their individual bedrooms.

The Boarding House has an effective Wi-Fi system so that boarders can go online through the day until bedtime. In addition, students can use the Secondary Library in the evenings or at weekends for further study.

Additional Academic Support

Boarders receive additional academic support depending on their individual needs. Boarding students can ask the duty staff or other students for support with academic issues relating to individual assignments, topic revision or more general academic organisation. Boarders are also encouraged to access their subject teachers out-of-hours, at the end of the school day, for individual one-to-one support.

There are also MYP and DP clinics held throughout the week during the school day. For more details about specific additional academic support, including SEND or EAL support, please contact Admissions directly.

House Domestic Arrangements

The Boarding House is home to the boarders, so it is important that they feel comfortable and know how the domestic arrangements operate. The House closes for all school holidays and boarders are expected to leave for these periods. ISM only requires boarders to fully vacate their bedrooms over the summer holidays, but otherwise, they are free to leave their possessions over half-terms, winter, and spring holiday breaks.


ISM provides several levels of security to ensure the campus and the Boarding House are a safe school and residential location:

• The security team operate 24/7 and closely monitor on- and offcampus movement.

• The Boarding House is locked during the school day and monitored at evenings and weekends so that only boarders, staff, and approved visitors may gain entry.

• There is CCTV in the girls’ and boys’ corridor areas and in the studio.

• All boarders are provided keys to their bedroom doors which lock automatically when closed.

• All boarders have access to a safe inside their wardrobes which they are encouraged to use to keep valuable items safe.

Student Visitors

Day students may visit the Boarding House if they are invited by a boarder and follow the correct protocol.

• Sign in at the visitors’ book when entering the house.

• Follow the rules listed at the front of the visitors’ book.

• Sign out at the visitors’ book when leaving the House.

External Visitors

External visitors may enter the Boarding House if they:

• Sign in at the main school’s Reception and with the boarding staff.

• Are always accompanied by a member of staff (therefore may be asked to stay at Reception until the student can see them).

Boarders’ Possessions

• We expect boarders to hand in valuable items and documentation upon arrival for safekeeping in the duty office.

• We advise boarders to hand in large sums of money (if, for example, they have been given the whole term’s pocket money as cash) to be kept in the duty office safe until they need to use it.

• Boarders are advised to use a debit card instead of cash.

• Boarders should not bring expensive jewellery or other such valuable items to school.

• The main school lift only provides access to the Boarding House when used with a service key, which is held by the Boarding Team.

• All persons visiting the Boarding House (e.g. visitors, outside delivery, and maintenance personnel) are kept under constant staff supervision to prevent them gaining substantial unsupervised access to boarders or their accommodation.

• Staff will keep a record of when money and valuable items are received and distributed back to students.

• Every boarder has their own personal safe in their room, which they are advised to use if they wish to keep money or valuables in their room.

• The school is not liable for any items that go missing from a boarder’s possession.

Daily Boarding Routine


Prep and Independent Study

Prep (Grade 10 and 11)

• Prep is supervised by the Boarding staff and is designed to provide boarders with silent study time to complete schoolwork.

• Boarders may work in the art room or music practice room on specific projects at this time, but must ask the duty staff’s permission first.

Independent Study (Grade 12 and 13)

• Boarders work quietly in their bedrooms.

• We ask parents and guardians to avoid calling boarders during these times.

• Staff are available to provide support if necessary.

If a boarder has an online tutor or class during this time, the boarder’s parent must send an email to the Boarding House to let us know the details of the arrangement (e.g. how regular, which days, what time etc.) so that we can be sure that it is a valuable use of study time.


The boarding community is provided with the following meals by the school caterers: Weekdays

Breakfast 07:30 – 08:00

Lunch 13:00 – 14:00

Dinner 19:00 – 19:30


Brunch 10:30 – 11:00

Dinner 19:00 – 19:30

The catering team provide a healthy choice of hot and cold food, as well as specific dietary needs such as vegetarian, vegan, halal, and kosher foods. Staff supervise mealtimes to ensure that students are eating a balanced and healthy diet. The menus are published in advance so that boarders know what to expect for each meal. In addition to these meals, snacks including fruit, crackers, cereal, yoghurt, bread, and hot and cold drinks are always available in the Boarding House’s common room.

Boarders can buy food, drinks, or snacks and store them in the fridge or designated cupboards in the common room. In addition to the catering provided, students with the opportunity to buy snacks and drinks throughout the school day at the ISM café.

On weekdays, we expect all boarders to attend all mealtimes. They should eat at one of the tables or outside benches, not in their room. At the weekend, boarders may choose to order takeaway or eat out at a restaurant, but this must be in moderation.

Evenings and Weekends

Evenings and weekends are an opportunity for boarders to study, get some rest, enjoy leisure time, and prepare for the coming week. In addition, it provides boarders with the opportunity to engage in off-site trips, on-campus activities, or signing out with friends.


Trips are arranged every other weekend and typically take place on a Saturday afternoon. Locations include the cinema, bowling alley, trampoline park, rock climbing centre, skiing, and visits to local cultural attractions in and around Milan. We encourage the boarders to suggest further outings that they would like to attend.

On-Campus Activities

These take place on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, as well as in the evenings. Typically, they will include sport, music, games, cooking, and arts and crafts.

On-Campus Facilities

The boarders have access to all on-site facilities during their free time.

• The Boarding House has social areas where boarders can relax, including TV and film streaming facilities, as well as books and magazines, computer games, chess sets, and a variety of other board/card games.

• The swimming pool is available exclusively to boarders for one night per week. There are also additional sessions throughout the week that may also be open to the public and school staff. The pool is staffed by trained lifeguards.

• The sports hall is available for indoor sports such as football, basketball, and badminton. In the warmer months, boarders may choose to use the outdoor football pitch.

• The music practice rooms, dance studio, and art department are also available for use.

Signing In and Out

We expect boarders to fulfil all their commitments to the School and House before signing out.

ISM uses a system known as Orah – a secure platform for student engagement that we use to centralise communication with parents and boarding students. It offers an overview of student information, notifications, and efficient workflows for permissions and activities, such as boarding students’ exeat requests. This system reduces the need for back-and-forth communication, saving valuable time for both parents and staff.

Parents and students will be provided with a link to access and create an account.

Leaving Campus

When leaving the campus students must follow the below procedure:

• Have a leave pass requested by parents/sign out on Orah.

• The leave pass must be accepted by Boarding staff.

• Ensure the pass states where they are going, who they are going with, and what time they will be back.

• Take a charged mobile phone and be always contactable.

• Respect their curfew times which vary depending on their grade.

• Students in years 10 and 11 must be in a minimum group of 3.

Staying out Overnight

If students wish to stay overnight with their parents, then their parents should enter an Orah leave request 48 hours before departure, detailing where they will be staying, what time they will leave/be collected, and what time they will return to the Boarding House.

If students wish to stay overnight with a host, they should follow the following procedure:

• Have a leave pass requested by parents via Orah.

• The leave pass must be accepted by Boarding staff.

• Ensure the pass states all required details within the leave form (time of return, where they are going, details of who is taking them, etc.)

• The host parent must assume full responsibility for the boarder for the duration of the exit.

• The host must be a responsible adult over the age of 25.

Holiday Arrangements

• No student can remain in the Boarding House over the school holidays. (Details of the school term dates can be found on the school website.)

• Parents or guardians must inform the Head of Boarding of their child’s arrangements at least one week ahead of every holiday.

• Please respect term dates and book travel arrangements that involve leaving school at the end of term and returning before the start of term.

• At the start of the academic year, boarders will be required to arrive at ISM prior to the start of term to participate in the boarding induction programme (information and exact dates are emailed out to parents and guardians).

Grade 13

When Grade 13 students complete their IB examinations, the expectation is that they will leave the school and Boarding House by the following weekend. However, students will be allowed to remain in the Boarding House if their daytimes are spent on work experience placements. These placements should be arranged (by the students themselves) a minimum of 1 month prior to the end of examinations. Students without their own work experience options can apply for placements within ISM. Standard boarding rules will apply throughout this period.

SECTION 4: Boarding Code of Conduct

The boarding community endeavours to create trust between the students and staff, and make sure that the behaviour of any one individual does not have a negative effect on another. The origin of school sanctions are the levels of respect that students demonstrate for our ISM Boarding Principles, the ISM Core Values, and the IB Learner Profile. These are summarized in three guiding principles, which promote the climate for learning and social interaction at ISM: Respect, Responsibility, and Safety.

Details of the ISM Boarding Principles are in Section 1 of this handbook.

Under no circumstances are the following behaviours tolerated at ISM:

• Bullying

• Theft

• Involvement in smoking, alcohol, and drugs

• Possession of dangerous weapons

• Sexual activity

Students who engage in any of these forbidden activities risk their place at ISM. Each infringement will be considered on its own merits and, if relevant, on the student’s previous record. Any sanctions given are decided by Boarding Team and the Head of Boarding for more serious offences. Sanctions are proportionate to the misbehaviour involved and records of all sanctions are kept for future reference.

Clothing and Physical Appearance

The boarders’ appearance should convey pride in themselves and in our school community. When at school and in the Boarding House, boarders may wear their own clothes providing that they dress in an appropriate manner. Boarders must be appropriately dressed in public areas; this includes common rooms and corridors.

The following items are examples of what we consider inappropriate:

• Military uniforms

• Untidy or damaged clothes

• Cropped or low cut-tops

• Any clothing that reveals underwear

• Clothing that could be potentially offensive

Decoration of the body by piercing is allowed only for earrings, nose studs, and items that are part of the student’s cultural or national identity. Hair colouring is allowed providing the dyes used are part of the range of natural hair colours. Students who come to school dressed inappropriately may be sent back to the Boarding House to change.

Safe and Appropriate Use of Technology

Students are expected to use their devices in a safe, respectful, and responsible manner. Any student who uses devices at inappropriate times or places or in an inappropriate manner may have their devices confiscated for any given period of time according to the severity of the offence. Year 10 and 11 students are required to hand in technological devices prior to lights out on Sundays – Thursdays.

Devices should not be used:

• In lesson time unless directed by a member of staff

• Around the school site during the school day

• During mealtimes and Boarding House meetings

• After lights out (22:30 Sunday – Thursday and 23:00 Friday - Saturday)

If a student is caught using a device during these times without permission, their device will be confiscated until further notice.

All students are encouraged to:

• Be safe: Think about who they speak to and send photos to online.

• Be responsible: Think about how much time they spend online.

• Be respectful: Think about the words/images/clips they use online.

All students are given access to the school’s own regulated and monitored Wi-Fi network. Any students found to be disregarding school guidance on acceptable internet usage may lose the right to have access to the network in their own time.

‘Cyberbullying’ and inappropriate use of the internet can often become an area of concern. We ask that parents and guardians work with ISM to monitor their sons’ and daughters’ use of sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, and gaming websites.

The use of an electronic device for making, storing, or distributing inappropriate

images (e.g. sexting) is a very serious offence, and a student may have their place at ISM called into question if they are involved in this. Phone and text bullying are considered a serious breach of the Code of Conduct. An electronic device can be confiscated under suspicion that it contains evidence of cyberbullying or sexting.

Alcohol, Smoking, and Drugs

Students are forbidden to drink alcohol at any time whether they be on- or offsite. If it is suspected that a boarder has consumed alcohol, a member of staff may ask the student in question to take an alcohol breath test. Any student found to be bringing alcohol to school or on a school trip or found under the influence of alcohol will receive a serious school sanction. No student is allowed to drink alcohol at school events or at schoolorganized activities.

It is a breach of ISM Code of Conduct for students to smoke, and illegal for any person to smoke on school premises.


This also includes the use of e-cigarettes. Students caught smoking on campus will receive a serious sanction in line with the school behaviour policy.

ISM does not tolerate illegal drug use. The school will expel students who use, possess, or distribute drugs, on or off the school site, during term-time or holidays in line with the school behaviour policy.

The school reserves the right to search a students’ person, belongings, room, or locker if the student is suspected of being in possession of, or under the influence of substances.

We believe in respect of one another and of each other’s property. Theft severely undermines the trust which makes a school community thrive. Students who are found to have stolen the property of others will receive a serious school sanction.

Room and Student Searches

If a member of boarding staff suspects that prohibited or dangerous items are stored in a boarder’s bedroom or carried by a boarder, then an official search will take place. Examples of prohibited items include:

• Cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs

• Inappropriate video or paper material

• Laser pens

• Sharp objects (except in shaving devices)

• Additional devices

Room search protocol:

• The student will always be given the chance to hand in any inappropriate items once they have been informed that a search is about to take place.

• The search will always be carried out by two members of staff in the presence of the boarder.

• The search will include a member of staff that is the same gender as the boarder.

• The boarder will be responsible for emptying all storage areas and turning out their bags and pockets.

• If a boarder is found in possession of a prohibited item, then the ISM Code of Conduct will be followed.

Sexual Relationships and Behaviour

Students found engaging in any form of sexual behaviour on the school site will receive a serious school sanction. There must also be no overt public displays of affection, which may make others feel uncomfortable.

It is strictly forbidden for boys to enter the girls’ corridor and vice versa. Students may only mix in shared spaces. Students of the same sex may enter each other’s bedrooms but only by invitation. The corridors are monitored 24/7 by CCTV with night-time movement alarms.


All boarders are expected to be aware of and adhere to the daily boarding routine as detailed in Section 3 of the Boarding Handbook. They must always be on time for the following registration points:

• Mealtimes

• Leaving for school

• Prep time

• Designated curfew time

Consistent lateness to these points will result in boarding sanctions.

Off-Site Expectations

Boarders are expected to act safely, respectfully, and responsibly when leaving the school site. They must:

• Take a charged mobile phone with the boarding phone number on it.

• Stay with the group of students they leave with.

• Be polite and respectful to others.

• Only take public transport during the daytime, use taxi cabs when it gets dark.

• Not engage in any risky or illegal activity, such as drinking alcohol or taking drugs.

• Wear a helmet if they are using a skateboard, bike, or scooter.

• Keep in touch with the boarding team if their circumstances change. Communication is key.

Students will not be permitted to leave the school grounds after dinner unless a formal leave request has been entered by parents and accepted by staff via Orah.

Boarders’ Bedrooms and Communal Space

It is the boarders’ responsibility to ensure that their bedroom remains in a clean and tidy condition. Room inspections will take place every morning when the boarders are at school.

When leaving their room in the morning, boarders must:

• Keep their rooms presentable.

• Make their bed.

• Open the curtains and window.

• Ensure that lights are switched off.

• Ensure that the shower and taps are off.

• Keep the desk and floor clear.

• Not leave dirty mugs/plates/cutlery in the room.

• Not keep any food in general.

Boarders must not damage the walls, floors, ceilings, or any fixtures or furniture provided by the school in bedrooms or in communal spaces. They must also not attempt to damage safety mechanisms such as the safety latches on the windows. Damages may result in charges.

Green Living

We place strong emphasis on environmental issues and believe this is an area which every individual can easily support by simply choosing the most appropriate action. To that end, all boarders are expected to:

• Recycle all plastics, paper, cardboards, and cans by placing them in the bins provided.

• Take a bag when shopping rather than buy a plastic or paper bag from the shops.

• Ensure all lights and electronics are switched off when not needed.

• Be mindful of overuse of the laundry service.

Boarding Sanctions

All boarders will be treated as day students until 15.30 and any disciplinary aspect will be dealt with by the subject teacher and day school sanction procedures. The boarding staff will, however, be informed to ensure the quality of care is consistent and any emerging pattern of behaviour is addressed and discussed with the boarder and the boarder’s family if required.

After 15.30 on weekdays and at weekends sanctions will be issued for bad behaviour.

Example Code of Conduct Breach Typical Sanction*

1. 30-minute boarding detention before school

Leaving the house late in the morning on a school day (after 8:25)

Room found to be untidy (e.g. food in room, clothes on floor)

2. 45-minute boarding detention before school (added to wake-up list if necessary)

3. Community service in the boarding house. Letter home to parents.

1. Not able to sign out until room is deemed to be tidy enough.

2. Letter send home to parents with pictures attached. Supervised organisation/tidy of room.

3. Community service in the boarding house. Letter home to parents.

1. Curfew reduced at the following weekend by one hour.

Returning to the boarding house after curfew.

2. Curfew reduced at the following weekend to 19:00. Review of student’s regular curfew time if necessary.

3. Grounded entirely during the weekend (no signing out at all). Letter home to parents.

Evidence found of students smoking on-site (e.g. strong smell of smoke, cigarette ash, etc.)

Evidence found of students drinking off- or on-site (e.g. strong smell of alcohol, positive Breathalyzer test, bottles found in room, etc.)

1. School code of conduct followed. Internal suspension and letter home to parents.

2. School code of conduct followed. External suspension and letter home to parents. Meeting with principal to discuss future.

1. School code of conduct followed. Internal suspension and letter home to parents.

2. School code of conduct followed. External suspension and letter home to parents. Meeting with principal to discuss future.

*Not exhaustive – may vary depending on the circumstances

Health and Wellbeing

Day Medical Care

ISM has a dedicated nurse with whom all students are registered on arrival. The nurse is the first port of call for students during the school day. The nurse will make an informed assessment of the student’s health. If bedrest is prescribed, students will be able to return to the Boarding House. The school doctor is available for medical appointments on Wednesday mornings. Boarders can also be put in contact with dentists and opticians locally should the need arise.

Boarding Medical Care

Boarders who require medical help should contact the member of staff on duty either in-person or via phone. A member of the Boarding Team will then respond appropriately depending on the symptoms of the illness. Actions may include observing self-administration of non-prescribed medication kept in our medication cabinet, a pharmacy visit, or doctor’s visit. If necessary, a member of the resident staff will accompany the student to the

Emergency Room at the Sacco Hospital on Via Giovanni Battista Grassi, located 1 kilometre from the school.

Parents and guardians will be informed by a member of the Boarding Team that their child is unwell and receive updates from the staff on the situation and their child’s condition.

ISM Medical Form

The ISM Medical Form must be completed before arrival at the school. The form requires parents or guardians to disclose any medications, medical conditions, allergies, or treatments that boarders have experienced in the past or are undergoing

Boarders’ Medication

Boarders are advised not to bring any medication or home remedies for general use, as we keep a stocked medication cabinet in the boarding house. We have painkillers, such as tachipirina and ibuprofen, cough syrup, antihistamines, benagol, etc., as well as a fully stocked first aid kit. Students are able to self-administer these under staff guidance. Staff are trained in the handling and recording of medication.

Boarders must hand over any medication or home remedies (prescribed or not) to a member of the boarding staff team on arrival for safe keeping in the boarding office. Prescribed medications must come with a doctor’s note. If the doctor’s note or the information written on the medication is not in Italian or English, please provide a translation.

currently. The form also gives permission for students to self-administer basic medications (e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen) under the guidance of the Boarding House staff.

The school doctor will assess any medication brought to the boarding house that we do not recognise or understand. The doctor will decide whether or not the medication can be given to the student, or if the medication must be kept in the Boarding House until the student goes back home (e.g. if the dosage is higher than what is deemed to be safe in Italy).

If a boarder is prescribed a course of medication, then it will be stored in the boarding office and distributed by a member of the Boarding Team. If the student is 16 and we are confident that they are able to keep and self-administer the medication in their bedroom, then we can complete a Gillick Competency Assessment. However, this privilege could be taken away at any time if concerns about the student’s ability to safely keep and administer the medication come to light.

Advice and Support

Individual advice and support is available for students from:

• The Boarding Team

• Their form tutor

• Their grade coordinator

• The school psychologist

• The school nurse or doctor

• The safeguarding team

Health Insurance

• All international boarding students are required to have independent private medical insurance. The certificate must be presented before arrival. Italian students should be already covered by the national health system, but they must have the tessera sanitaria.

• Any accident that requires medical care that takes place on the school site or in a school activity will be initially paid for by the student and subsequently claimed through ISM insurance, at which point the costs will be refunded to the family.

• All boarding students are required to lodge a refundable 300€ deposit with the Head of Boarding upon arrival for emergency medical care.


Safety Procedures

General Safety

The school site is managed by security guards day and night (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). In addition, CCTV is installed in the corridors and monitored by security overnight.

Students should always:

• Report anyone who is not a member of the school community immediately to a member of the Boarding staff.

• Ensure visitors sign-in and sign-out at Reception and in the Boarding House.


• Boarders may not use the lifts during the week, unless they have gained permission from a member of the Boarding staff.

• Permission will only be given when a boarder has a disability or injury which requires them to use the lifts.

Fire Safety

If the Fire Alarm sounds continuously at any time, it is compulsory for everyone within the school site to evacuate via the shortest safe route to the open air and gather outside the main entrance. It is

vital that the boarding community treat such occasions with the utmost seriousness.

In the event of a fire alarm, the following protocol is to be followed:

During Boarding Time

• Evacuate via the nearest emergency exit.

• Do not attempt bring any belongings with you.

• Do not use the lift.

• Go directly to the boarding Fire Assembly Point on the ground floor outside the main entrance.

• Line up silently and await staff instruction.

• Do not re-enter the building until the ‘all clear’ has been given.

During the School Day

• Evacuate via the nearest emergency exit door.

• Do not attempt to bring any belongings with you.

• Do not use the lift.

• Go directly to the whole school Fire Assembly Point at the park behind school.

• Line up silently and await staff instruction.

• Do not re-enter the building until the ‘all clear’ has been given.

Should a student discover a fire, they must shout ‘Fire!’ and activate the nearest fire alarm. Follow the instructions above.

Earthquake Procedures

All staff and students should understand and be prepared for earthquake procedures which are posted around the Boarding House.

These differ significantly from fire procedures. Rather than rapid evacuation, students should take cover underneath tables while the earthquake lasts.

An evacuation will usually be carried out once the tremors end.

The designated Safety Officer will then be responsible for the decision (depending on the seriousness of the incident) to remain outside until the building has been checked or to return inside if there are no indications of structural damage.

Lockdown Procedure

If you hear the Lockdown Alarm, follow the procedure below:

• Remain calm.

• If inside a building, remain inside. If not already in a classroom, walk to the nearest classroom or room with a door that can be closed.

• If outside, make their way calmly to the nearest building and enter a classroom or area with a door which can be closed.

• Lock all doors.

• Lower or close any blinds.

• Turn off the lights.

• Remain against the wall, so that the intruder cannot see them by looking in the door.

• Keep quiet.

• Wait until a senior member of staff, the security team, or a member of the emergency services signals the end of the lockdown. The stopping of the alarm does not indicate this.

Concerns and Complaints

If a boarder, parent, or guardian has concerns regarding a specific interaction with a member of the Boarding Team, then the student, parent, or guardian should speak directly to the Head of Boarding. If the concern is regarding the Head of Boarding, then the boarder, parent, or guardian should speak to a member of the school’s Senior Leadership Team. Boarders can either speak in-person about their concerns or write them down on paper or e-mail. A concern becomes a complaint when it is received in writing.

Lost Property

Please ensure that students name their clothing and other items so that it can be returned if found. Any item that does not have the boarder’s initials and is left unattended for several days will be placed in a lost property box in the Boarding office. For missing items and clothing, boarders should check the lost property box in the Boarding office and at Reception.

SECTION 7: Student Voice

Boarding Committee

The Boarding Committee must set the highest possible standards within the community and act as role models within the Boarding House. Boarders are invited to apply for a Boarding Committee position at the start of the academic year. Students wishing to apply are invited to write a letter of application at the start of the academic year and will have an interview with the Head of Boarding. The role involves helping organise the trips calendar, relaying feedback from boarders, etc.

Student Voice

House Meetings provide boarding students with the opportunity to contribute towards the running of the Boarding Community and will include the following items:

• Routine arrangement

• Choice of optional boarders’ activities

• Food satisfaction

• Suggestions for special boarders’ events

• Aspects of boarding life which can be improved

Alongside the House Meetings, there will be ongoing opportunities for boarders to feedback to the boarding staff.

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