1 minute read

Saskia’s Interview

J – What disabilities do you have?

S - So I am completely deaf in my left ear, but I have full hearing in my right. It’s believed it as a result of Psycho Cyclomedia virus that I was diagnosed with at birth. I also have complex regional pain syndrome in the entirety of my right leg and part of my right hand side of my back And I also have had a total hip replacement.


– Why did you want to be a part of this project?

S - I wanted to be a part of this project because it’s really important to me as a disabled woman. I have basically been disabled since birth one way or another, and there’s not always positive photo shoots or films or shows that highlight the beauty within being disabled. It’s often showing what people think are lack of something or disadvantages of it and I think there is a real beauty in being disabled and being different. It’s important to show that.

J - Have you ever experienced a difficulty with your disability being challenged by someone who didn’t realise your needs?

S - Yes, every day of my life. Yeah, there are a lot of examples I could tell you, but we’d be here for hours because unfortunately It is something that I think every disabled person will be able to relate to, that it is an everyday struggle Being a disabled person in an able bodied world, I mean I have had times where people didn’t realize I couldn’t go up a flight of stairs without help or not opening the doors for me , you know, to help me out or even at university not having the kind of adequate support that I actually need.

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