1 minute read
Reddam House Sydney
from Inspired Overview


Re ddamHouse Sydney i s a unique, co-educational, non-denominational s chool for children from Ki ndergarten through to Ye ar 12, founded by the re nowned e ducator, Graeme Cra wford.
La unched in Sydney i n June 2000 this dynamic, contemporary a nd creative s chooling e nvi ronment quickly e stablished itself as a unique approach to i ndependent schooling in Australia.
Re ddam's immediate s uccess i n Sydney was reflected i n the dramatic growth of s tudent numbers. I n Ja nuary 2001 our s chool started with 160 s tudents a nd we have now grown to ove r 1,220 a cross the two campuses. This growth s e e ms set to continue with e normous interest and students being drawn from a complete cross-section of over 40 di ffere nt schools.
Re ddamHouse offers a fre sh and contemporary a pproach to e ducation by re-e va luating traditional te aching methods and curri culums, a nd re creating a more dynamic, re levant and powerful model that is more in keeping with toda y's attitudes.