Inspire Health Magazine Issue 9

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What’s Your SECRET RECIPE ? By: Kelli Ewing, M.Ed., NCC, CIT, CCMHC, LPC


VERY WOMAN I MEET HAS A “RECIPE.”THIS RECIPE IS ONE THAT NO OTHER WOMAN HAS AND CANNOT BE DUPLICATED BY ANOTHER. INDEED,THIS SET OF INSTRUCTIONS CAN BE SO COMPLEX THAT THE OWNER HERSELF MAY STRUGGLE TO MAINTAIN THE PRECISE MEASUREMENTS OF THE INGREDIENTS NEEDED TO REPLICATE THE ORIGINAL RECIPE! BEFORE YOU SKIP THE NEXT FEW PARAGRAPHS IN SEARCH OF THE “WORLD’S BEST MEATBALL”,YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THIS RECIPE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FOOD! As females of various ages, we each depend on a unique recipe of hormones that are responsible for all of the critical operations that allow us to function as women. Our special blend of hormones (the main ingredients are estrogen, progesterone and testosterone) mix and mingle every day with neurotransmitters in the brain to promote stability and a sense of well-being. As estrogen and progesterone levels rise and fall throughout a woman’s reproductive life (and throughout each month, for that matter!) so do her serotonin and


dopamine levels. Estrogen provides us with drive and motivation (as do small amounts of testosterone) while progesterone calms and soothes our minds. As you might imagine, too much or too little of either of these can negatively affect neurotransmitter levels in the brain, leaving us feeling either sad and tired or hyper and wired. Hormone levels take major plummets following childbirth and during and after menopausal stages (whereby the ovaries shut down the estrogen factory for good). Thus, hormonal problems and psychiatric

conditions often go hand-in-hand; and in some cases, leave women incorrectly diagnosed for mental health disorders that might be otherwise corrected through the assistance of their OBGYN or Endocrinologist via blood work beforehand. If we are unprepared for these changes, it can most certainly be a recipe for disaster. If you are in your mid-thirties and up (or) are approaching or completing any of the major stages of hormonal change mentioned above, be proactive in protecting your emotional wellbeing. Schedule a visit with someone in your area who specializes in female reproductive health!

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