Empowering Natural Living
Check Your Body
Growing Vegetables In A
R a is e d B e d
s s o L y r o m e M
Š 2020 Fox Printing & Creative Publishing, LLC, New Orleans, LA, All rights reserved The information contained in this brochure is intended for educational purposes only. A reader should never substitute information contained in this brochure for the advice of a health care professional. Jumpstart Publishing, LLC and publishers of this brochure, do not endorse or promote any of the products or services described in the pages of this brochure and the publishers do not verify the accuracy of any claims made in the editorial contained in this brochure. Readers should not use the information in this brochure for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Readers should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or have or suspect they have a health problem.
By Ann Bloomquist
So how do we correct our posture and avoid the inevitable pain that comes with it? Thankfully, it’s not all that hard to correct these bad behaviors. Take some time away from those mobile devices 1. Outside of work hours, most Americans spend 3.5 hours or more on their mobile devices. This strains your posture. Cell phone viewing encourages us to lean our heads down, which puts additional stress on the muscles, ligaments and tendons that support our heads. The best way to prevent this is to step away when possible. While mobile usage can be addicting, so too can be a breath of fresh air, or disconnecting for an hour or two each day. However, if you just can’t part ways with that device, there are ways to correct your posture. Start by holding your phone at eye level. Doing this keeps your head up and shoulders back. This is very similar to the position in which you should be sitting at your desk.
Correct how you are sitting at your desk Invest in a sit-stand workstation While Exercising Office workers, pay attention! You might One of the best solutions to improving 2. 3. 4. Leveraging the proper walking and running not think it but it is possible to create a postureposture is a sit-stand desk. Not only will you burn posture will help to strengthen your back and neutral position that will free you of pain and inevitably make you more productive. Aside from taking regular movement breaks, there are a few adjustments that you can make to your work station to make you more comfortable. Make sure that your desk allows for a full range of motion, that your most used items are within arm’s reach, that you have adequate space for your legs and feet and that you are not sitting in a hunched position.
more calories, but your body will be more posture neutral in a standing position. While you are standing, be sure that you also pull your stomach in, push those shoulders back, keep your head up and level and place the majority of your weight on the balls of your feet. Whenever possible, give your arms a break and let them hang at your sides. Finally, keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
alleviate back pain. When walking, your spine should be aligned vertically. When running, keep your eyes focused straight ahead, keep your arms pumping at your sides (not crossing in front of you), and balance your weight forward.
cover story
Wouldn’t you like to be 39 forever? Turning the corner to 40 can be a traumatic journey that has nothing to do with numbers. Sure, you don’t look different and you probably feel like you have the energy of a 25-year-old. But we all know it – or someone has told you, if you’re not there yet – 40 begins the need for reading glasses and turning up the volume. You’re probably the only one to notice it, but there are a few strands of gray in your hair or a wrinkle or two around your eyes. And silently, deep down inside your brain, the intracellular seeds of the Alzheimer’s Disease process, Parkinson’s Disease process, potential memory loss and eventual dementia can be growing particularly in people at risk.
“As you age, your brain wears individually based on multiple factors including a genetic component,” said Towny Robinson, a national expert in the brain biochemistry field and founder of JayMac Pharmaceuticals. “Unfortunately, we don’t usually see the signs of memory loss until we hit the mid-60s and by that time we can have tissue damage in the brain that cannot be patched up with one magic bullet.” “We can tell when our eyes are not working like they used to,” he said. “But we can’t perceive if our individual brain cells are aging poorly and possibly leading to a neurodegenerative disease.” “Knowing your risks and taking recommended preventive measures is the best way to minimize memory loss in the aging process,” added brain health consultant, Diane Pratt. “It’s never too early to implement preventive action.” In an age of advanced clinical research and increased knowledge about the brain, we now know that the Alzheimer’s disease process has multiple intracellular causes over time leading to cell death and poor aging. Science has identified a group of unique natural ingredients that work together and may prevent, arrest, manage and restore the Alzheimer's disease process, memory loss and cognitive dysfunction at the cellular level. The ingredients, which include a patented bioavailable form of curcumin, low dose nutritional lithium orotate and other antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents are contained in the non-prescription FDA regulated medical food called LUMA TC. Robinson developed the medical food formula based on years of study, research, collaboration with integrative medicine specialists and clinical trials. In 2018, the showcase ingredient in JayMac’s LUMA TC Medical Food product, sub-micron TC curcumin 180mg. per day in a divided dose, was studied in a 40-patient, 18-month long, randomized, placebo-controlled human clinical trial at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and published in the prestigious American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. This bioavailable form of
Towny Robinson & Diane Pratt
curcumin found in LUMA TC led to significant memory and attention benefits compared to placebo. Brain scans performed pre- and posttreatment suggested that behavioral and cognitive benefits were associated with decreases in plaque and tangle accumulation in brain regions modulating mood and memory compared to placebo. “The mind is a miraculous creation and a sound mind is essential for the quality of our lives,” Robinson said. “The human brain comprises two percent of the body's weight but it accounts for 22 percent of its metabolic activity. As you age, your brain is worn down by environmental stressors such as toxic exposure, trauma, disease and genetics, just to name a few. Silently in our 40s, the initial stage of Alzheimer's disease can begin to occur due to nerve cell deterioration starting in the part of the
brain that controls memory. Haven’t we all asked ourselves, ‘Where did I put my keys?’ By your 60s, as cell death continues, the symptoms of mild cognitive impairment, memory loss and dementia can appear. This disease process repeats itself in other parts of your brain over time causing a continued decline in cognitive, emotional and motor skill ability leading to Alzheimer's disease.” “The identified medical ingredients in LUMA TC can prevent arrest, manage and restore nerve cellular health,” Robinson said. The brain is comprised of 100 billion nerves with trillions of connections and as LUMA goes to work, its unique combination of ingredients works synergistically in each nerve cell to help prevent, reduce, and arrest inflammation and oxidative stress. As well as beta-amyloid plaque and tau tangle nerve
cell death while stimulating new nerve cell growth, connectivity and brain volume. "Unlike with heart disease and cancer, we don't diagnose and treat Alzheimer's disease until symptoms hit and then we treat the cause, amyloid plaques. We need to stop the amyloid plaques 10 to 20 years before the person shows symptoms,” said Rudolph Tanzi, the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology at Harvard University, and Vice-Chair of Neurology, Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit, and Co-Director of the Henry and Allison McCance Center for Brain Health at Massachusetts General Hospital. With Luma TC, an enormous void in this therapy area is safely addressed.
cover story
“One of the most important aspects of preventing the Alzheimer’s disease process and minimizing brain tissue loss is recognizing family history,” said Pratt, who coordinates DNA testing for JayMac. “If you have a family history of cognitive impairment, memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s or ALS diseases, and other genetic factors such as a positive test result for APOE4 or MTHFR polymorphisms, we recommend a genetic screening as you approach or begin your 40s.” IN ADDITION TO FAMILY HISTORY, RISK FACTORS FOR ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE INCLUDE: • Age 40 or above • Moderate to heavy alcohol or tobacco use • Lack of exercise • Mental state • Cardiovascular issues • Diabetes • Previous head trauma • Genetic factors APOE4 or MTHFR polymorphism
• Toxic and chemical exposure • Homocysteine (an amino acid) levels over 11mm/L The use of Luma TC once per day as part of the breakthrough natural management plan may help in the preventing, arresting, managing and restoring brain function along with following a healthy diet, 8 hours sleep, exercise, stress reduction, staying engaged socially and learning new things. The scientific literature, experts and clinical data certainly suggest this and because of Luma TC’s all-natural ingredients, side effect potential is almost nonexistent.
To learn more, to order LUMA TC, or a genetic testing kit, go to lumaforlife. com or call Direct Value Dispense at 985-629-5742.
Towny Robinson & Diane Pratt
Integrative medicine pioneer in the field of mental health and member of Tufts University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry James M. Greenblatt, MD, is a proponent of the use of nutritional lithium. “Conventional medicine has failed to develop treatments for Alzheimer’s with no drug or proprietary treatment proving effective,” he said. “Nutritional lithium, at a low-dose, has a long and well-documented history of prevention and removal of protein plaques and tau restoring brain and nervous system function at the molecular level.”
SMILE IS A GIFT WE CAN GIVE TO SOMEONE EVERY DAY. AND WE FEEL MORE CONFIDENT IN READILY SMILING WHEN WE HAVE HEALTHY TEETH AND GUMS. PERIODONTAL DISEASE CAN POSE A THREAT NOT ONLY TO OUR SMILE, BUT OUR OVERALL HEALTH. What is periodontal disease and just how serious is it? According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, periodontal or gum disease is “the most common cause of tooth loss among adults.” Symptoms often include swollen gums, consistent bad breath, painful chewing, sensitivity in the teeth and receding gums. If the condition is left untreated, the disease can progress to bleeding gums, intense pain and eventually tooth loss.
CAUSES, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Blame it on nasty bacteria! Our mouths are full of bacteria which forms a sticky plaque on our teeth. If the plaque is not removed, it hardens and forms tartar. Simple brushing and flossing cannot remove tartar. That’s why the dental hygienist works so diligently cleaning and scraping your teeth to remove tartar. The dentist will examine the gums looking for any signs of inflammation. They will measure pockets around each tooth (the average depth of these pockets ranges from 1 to 3 millimeters). An X-ray may be taken to show any bone loss. If necessary, you may be referred to a periodontist — an expert in treating periodontal disease. Treatment will focus on controlling any infection and preserving the teeth and gums.
Periodontal or gum disease is “the most common cause of tooth loss among adults.”
HERE ARE SOME HELPFUL TIPS TO WIN THE FIGHT AGAINST PERIODONTAL DISEASE: • Brush your teeth twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste. • Do not skip flossing! This is the most effective way to remove plaque from between the teeth and along the gums. • Visit the dentist every six months for a professional cleaning. Be sure to speak up about any changes you have noticed in your gums, including increased sensitivity or bleeding. • Quit smoking. Among adults aged 20 to 64, there is a greater prevalence of periodontal disease among current smokers (14.75 percent) compared to those who have never smoked (5.94 percent). • Snack on a healthy-gums diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods that contain vitamin C (fruit or a glass of orange juice to start the day), omega-3 fats (tuna and walnuts) and zinc (red meat, poultry and nuts). • Add more fresh onions to your diet. They contain powerful compounds that fight harmful bacteria in your mouth that can cause gum disease.
d e B d e s i a R
AISED BED GARDENS ARE ALL THE CRAZE RIGHT NOW. WITH PEOPLE STAYING HOME BECAUSE OF SAFETY, THERE’S MORE TIME TO START A GARDEN. IF YOU ARE LIMITED ON SPACE OR SIMPLY DON’T WANT THE HASSLE OF A LARGE GARDEN, A RAISED GARDEN BED MAY BE YOUR BEST BET. If you are handy with tools, there are several YouTube videos on how to build your bed. One of the most important things to remember is drainage. Your bed should have adequate drainage so that your plants don’t rot.
By Nellie Palmer
It’s easy to grow plants in a raised bed because you get to build a nutrient-filled soil base using compost and other additives. Research the plants you want to grow then use the soil to compost ratio preferred by those plants. Think Salad. Salad plants are actually the easiest to grow in a raised bed. Lettuce, radishes, carrots, beets tomatoes, onions and herbs flourish in raised gardens. Root plants like carrots, beets and radishes thrive with clean soil free from underground obstacles like rocks.
Lettuce and onions can be planted earlier in the year in a raised bed because they like cool weather, warm soil and well-drained roots. Raised gardens warm and drain faster than in-ground beds. Tomatoes and onions need nutrient-dense soil, so add extra compost. Be sure to plant your tomatoes with enough room to branch out and allow for cages or stakes. They will need the extra support in your loose soil. Be careful with herbs unless that’s all you are growing. Some herbs grow like groundcover and will take over your raised bed. Aggressive growers include mint, oregano and thyme. Enjoy your fresh grown salad!