Inspire Health 50 - BS5001

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Empowering Natural Living

Fab Fads


SCREEN FREE FAMILY TIME Technology is here to stay—like it or not! Families must learn to navigate in a world filled with screens and digital distractions. Parents are often warned of the physical, mental, and emotional effects of technology on children and adults alike. How do they best respond to studies and the commonly cited findings? Here are some ideas for moderating technology in your life. Parents should examine their relationship with technology by admitting their own struggle with screen-time limits. They are the first example to their children about moderating screen use. Remembering to put down the devices and interact with family members goes a long way in setting the tone for their children. Families that develop and enforce their rules regarding technology have a better understanding of limits. Limits on time, as well as website and app approval, need to be discussed ahead of time. If children feel that they have a voice in the why and how of their family’s digital ground rules, they are more likely to abide by them. No-Device Mealtimes are one way to ensure family interaction. Interpersonal and communication skills suffer when we are plugged in and relating on social media. Mealtimes free of devices will encourage and develop communication skills which are necessary to succeed, even in a technology-saturated world. Especially during the holiday season, requesting that everyone keep devices away from

family time may be a good start to future meals and gatherings without devices. Cyber-Free Sundays, or even a portion of a day, can provide rest for technology weary brains. Families can brainstorm non-digital ways to spend time together such as outings to the zoo and other local attractions, enjoying nature while picnicking or hiking, or participating in indoor or outdoor games. Again, if children are allowed a voice in generating ideas and making choices about how to spend time as a family, they will be more enthusiastic about those activities. Provide alternatives for children to enjoy on their own. Encourage real life play by setting aside time for screen-free activities, depending on your children’s ages and interests. Activities they enjoy on a screen can be encouraged in real life as well. Cooking games can inspire junior chefs to create snacks and even meals with your help, and cyber architects can be introduced to classics such as Lincoln Logs and Legos. Hobby kits and books that go along with these interests encourage children to stay unplugged a little longer. In today’s world, families cannot avoid technology. While there are drawbacks to technology, if parents are intentional and careful about what they expose themselves and their children to, families can enjoy the benefits it has to offer…all in moderation.


Vegan chocolate avocado pudding is the real "no guilt" pudding. The ripe avocado makes a creamy replacement for milk or heavy cream. The combination of cacao powder, pure maple syrup and Madagascar vanilla turn the creamy avocado into a delightful rich chocolate pudding. Raspberries will help mask the avocado flavor and can be replaced with blueberries or cherries. Taste the pudding as you make it and adjust the ingredients to your liking.

 Ingredients • 1 avocado (ripe) • 2 tbsp cacao powder • 3 tbsp pure maple syrup • 1 tsp Madagascar vanilla • Pinch of salt • 2 tbsp water (or more as needed to blend) • 1/8 cup fresh or frozen raspberries, blueberries or cherries • Cacao nibs and berries for garnish  Directions  Scoop the flesh of the avocado into a food processor or blender.

Add in the cacao powder, maple syrup, vanilla, salt, water and berries. Blend until smooth.  Taste the pudding and add more maple syrup, cacao, vanilla or berries, if needed.  You can serve this right away, or put it in an airtight container in the fridge to chill.  Leftovers can be stored in small jelly jars in the fridge for up to 48 hours. The pudding can sometimes separate, but stirring it should restore the texture.

Getting fit and staying in shape is incredibly important to people of all ages, especially in the 21st century. Even though only approximately 15 percent of Americans belong to an actual gym, more people are getting involved in outdoor fitness activities as well as joining yoga studios and Pilates. Certain fitness fads are incredibly popular and effective for weight-loss, endurance and strength. The first of these major fitness fads is hot yoga. Often called Bikram yoga, hot yoga is taught in a studio with the heat turned up to 90 degrees or more. Hot yoga is helpful for increasing flexibility and cardio. Even though you are engaging in a rather typical yoga routine, it is much harder for your heart rate to maintain a normal level while enduring the heat. One of hot yoga's most desired benefits is the detox your body will receive. All that sweating will help to clean out your system and purify your organs and muscles. Another popular current fitness fad is Zumba by Beto Perez. Zumba is an exciting, calorie burning dance exercise that blares music, typically with a Latin flare. These classes are usually taken in a gym with a certified instructor, but can also be purchased on CD to get a work out in your living room. Typically an hour long, Zumba is great for men and women of all fitness levels who want to sweat while having a blast. The dance styles are a combination of salsa, hip-hop, tango, meringue and more. The choreography is fun and incorporates strength movements to help promote muscular endurance. One of the most highly raved-about fitness programs right now is Insanity created by Shaun T. The Insanity workout is a variety of high impact workouts that shred calories and build cardio endurance fast. Insanity is quite difficult and requires the individual to be able to push past their physical and mental boundaries in order to keep going, even when they feel the need to quit. Plenty of fitness experts find the Insanity program to be fun, addictive and super effective. #inspirehealthmag to show us what inspires you!

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