Supporting Practice for Child Health Clinics in the Central Okanagan An Evidence Informed Practice Innovation in Interior Health Tanya Derksen, Karla MacDonald, Eileen Smith, Kathryn Carmichael, Patti Myroniuk, Joey Willis, Roberto Barcelona, Nelly Oelke *, Jan Appleton *University of British Columbia Okanagan
A public health nursing team (PHNs) participating in the EVIP-In Action Research Study (May 2012June 2013) collaboratively identified questions about their practice, engaged in priority setting, and developed an evidence-informed project in response. The selected project focused on exploring models of best practice and client needs for Child Health Clinics (CHCs).
With the support of facilitators and academic mentors, PHNs conducted a literature review; environmental scan; and surveys about families’, PHNs’, and healthcare team members’ perceptions of current practice. Following preliminary analysis, the team used focus groups to engage other PHNs in participatory interpretation of findings.
What did we learn? • Some (but little) literature Literature Review & Environmental Scan
Survey of Families
• No one model emerges as ‘best practice’ • CHCs vary across Canada • Some constants, especially immunization schedules as point-of-entry • Families are generally very satisfied with CHCs • “…the nurse was great about talking to me and making me feel comfortable…”
• Care providers often feel like there is not Survey of Care enough time to cover everything they feel ‘mandated’ to do in CHC Providers • Care providers want client-centred CHCs
The team is developed a discussion brief for presentation to leadership within the health authority, including a series of recommendations for practice transformations towards family-centred approaches. The team identified a need for responsive supports to guide CHC practice, particularly principal-based (versus task-focused) guidelines.
We are using evidence to respond to our own practice questions… learning together…
• Need child HEALTH clinics (not immunization clinics) Integration of Findings (Analysis, Interpretation)
• PHNs need more supports • Principle-based Practice • Guidelines would be helpful • CHCs could be more flexible and responsive to families • We could use technology more effectively
Connect 2013, Health Services Research at Work: Using Evidence to Transform Care? Coast Plaza Hotel & Suites, Vancouver BC; 16 September 2013
supporting PHNs…
…and putting families in the centre of care!