Padworth College - Parent Handbook 2024

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Parent Handbook 2024

Welcome From The Principal

We believe that education is an incredibly powerful gift, and we will nurture you child to ensure they achieve their potential.

I am delighted to welcome you and your child to Padworth College. This is a special community, and whilst your child will be studying at Padworth we want you, as parents / guardians, to feel that you belong to this community as well. We take seriously the privilege that you have entrusted in us to look after your child.

You will hear from your child’s tutor early in the first term. The tutor is your first point of contact and is the person who will support your child academically and pastorally to get the best from themselves.

If you have any questions, please do get in contact with us. We would rather deal with small issues at the outset, before they become more challenging and difficult to deal with. We look forward to working alongside you to get the very best from your child to ensure they achieve their personal excellence.

I look forward to meeting with you and your family on campus soon!


Padworth College is here to develop outstanding people in a community of belonging, achieving personal excellence. We encourage everyone in our community to develop 5 Character Virtues:

To be a Team Player - in a community we need everyone to pull together to support every other person to achieve excellence.

To be Kind - this sits at the heart of a good community. We will treat one another with respect and kindness, supporting others to be the best they can be.

To be Self-Disciplined -this is critical to excellent performance. Being determined to persevere in the face of challenges and doing what needs to be done without always being told what to do.

To be Engaged -showing an interest in what we are doing and wanting to learn and get the most from each experience will help us to get the best from that experience.

To be Reflective - looking back to find the positives as well as the areas for improvement helps us to learn from each experience and helps move a step closer to excellence.

We have embedded these virtues into our rewards and curriculum, so that our students will not only leave us with fantastic grades to take to the next stage of their education, but also leave the College being able to thrive in the future. A Padworth education is so much more than just grades!


Please contact us. Good communication is a two-way process and we place great emphasis on the importance of early contact. Below is a quick guide for the most frequently needed contacts.


First point of contact, updating student details, co-curricular activities, trips, minibus service and administrative matters

Reporting absence (if a child is ill or late)

Boarding or pastoral matters, leave-out requests, boarding activities and boarding trips.

Exam entry, timetables and results


College Office 01189 832644 office@padworthcom

College Office absence@padworthcom

Boarding Office 07885 484941

Exams Office 01189 832644 exams@padworthcom

Subject choices, timetables, reports and progress and English Language Support

University and careers advice, individual careers advice appointments and UCAS support

Sharon Molton (Director of Studies) 01189 832644 sharonmolton@padworthcom

Lewis Hutchinson (Head of Futures) lewishutchinson@padworthcom Medical applications

Joe Mattocks (Head of Medicine Programme)

Financial matters, fees, invoices and refunds

Lisa Collier (Bookkeeper) 01189 832644 bookkeeper@padworthcom

Admissions matters, new applicants, student withdrawals, visa matters, guardianship, scholarships and bursaries

Airport transfers, Term and Half-Term break arrangements and arrivals

Premission fo absence from College, if a student needs to arrive late or leave early during the academic term

Director or proprietor matters.

Clare McNally (Registrar) 01189 832644 admissions@padworthcom

Alexandra Glanville (Administrator) 01189 832644 travel@padworthcom

Crispin Dawson (Principal) 01189 832644 principal@padworthcom

Charlie Freer (Director of IFEDU) 01189 832644








Elly Drury Head of EAL elliedrury@padworthcom

Jane Dyson Business Studies accountancy@padworthcom

Lewis Hutchinson Maths, Physics, UCAS lewishitchinson@padworthcom

John MacIntyre Accounting and Economics

Joe Mattocks Science

David Newby Maths and Science

Alex Phillips Biology

Jonathan Robinson Head of Maths

Luci Smith

Assistant Principal (Pastoral) lucismith@padworthcom

Marianna Ziffo Art and Design mariannaziffo@padworthcom

Alan Kydd

Assistant Principal (Academic) alankydd@padworthcom

James McNaughton Maths

Suzanne Portch EAL

Maria Chare EAL mariachare@padworthcom









Monday - Friday

7am BoardersWakeUp

7.50am Breakfast 820am PrepareforLessons

8.30-8.45am Registration

845-930am Lesson1

9.30-10.15am Lesson2

1015-11am Lesson3 11-1120am Break

1120am-1205pm Lesson4

1205-1250pm Lesson5

1250-135pm Lunch

135-225pm Lesson6

225-310pm Lesson7

310-355pm Lesson8

3.55-4.35pm EnrichmentActivities

435-6pm PrepTime/FreeTime

6-6.45pm Dinner 645-815pm PrepTime

8.15-9.45pm Activities/FreeTime 945pm BedtimeRoutine

10.30-11pm LightsOutandLockUp

Saturday 8am BoardersWakeUp 9am Breakfast 930-11am PrepTime 11am-1pm Activities/FreeTime 1240-120pm Lunch 120-6pm Activities/FreeTime/ Trips 6-7pm Dinner 7-10pm EveningActivites 10pm BedtimeRoutine 1030-11pm LightsOutandLockUp

10am Breakfast 10am1240pm FreeTime/Activities 12.40-2pm Lunch 2-6pm Activities 6-6.45pm Dinner 645-730pm HouseMeeting 7.30-9.45pm PrepfortheWeek 945pm BedtimeRoutine 10.30-11pm LightsOutandLockUp


Students should look smart, presentable and ready-to-work, or in their case, study! Clothes and shoes must be clean, tidy, in good repair and appropriate for work. All clothes should be machine washable and suitable for tumble drying.

College dress should be worn from Monday to Friday from 8am - 4.35pm, unless the student is participating in sport or it is a mufti day. Outside these hours, students are invited to relax and change in to more comfortable clothes.

The Principal has the final decision regarding the suitability of all items of dress and general appearance.

College Dress

A plain polo shirt with sleeves of appropriate length and a visible collar or a cotton shirt or blouse. Plain, full-length long tailored trousers in a dark colour or plain dark skirt, avoiding extremes of length. Dark socks or dark/opaque plain tights. Leather shoes (maximum heel 4 cm), black or brown monocoloured, not above the ankle or trainer style. Plain dark jumper or cardigan (‘V’ or round neck); no hoods/motifs, zips or pockets. A blazer or suit style jacket may be worn if desired.


You can find our recommended packing list on our website here. Please ensure you read this this thoroughly to ensure you bring everything required.


Our specialist EAL teachers ensure students for whom English is a second language are fully supported to enable them to access subject lessons. In addition, they are equipped with exam strategies for IELTS and academic skills for university.


Our entire team provides personalised learning support designed to support each student with his or her own individual and unique programme of learning. We provide support, which equips students with the skills and strategies necessary to make effective progress, develop a sense of independent learning and achieve their best.

Learning styles are identified by teachers who work closely with individuals to maximise every learning opportunity and achieve successful outcomes. The focus lies on the individual – e.g., they may need to improve time management or organisational skills.


Our enrichment programme is designed to complement our students’ learning experience through specialised activities, as well as to balance academic study with recreational and social activities. We offer a wide range of activities and experiences to motivate our students to try something new and to give them the opportunity to excel in areas of their interest.

There are a variety of activities available throughout the week during or after the academic day. Teaching staff run activities such as Academic Support Clinics known as Collaborations, Tennis, Debating Club, Walking Club, Chess Club, Fundraising Club, as well as recreational sport activities.

Evening activities are organised by the Boarding Staff and typically take place straight after the academic day or after the evening prep session. There is a range of sports clubs and activities on offer, including Football, Basketball, Gym, Table Tennis and Netball. There may be options available to learn how to cook, dance or sing. There is also a fitness suite on site, as well as indoor recreational areas with pool, table tennis and table football


There are a range of activities available to students at weekends.

Friday Night - On a Friday night, students can choose from a number of activities including cinema, bowling, ice-skating and a supermarket trip. These take place off-site. These are charged activities so, if students sign up for them, they are expected to attend.

Saturday - With parental permission, students may go to Reading/Newbury/Basingstoke on Saturday afternoon by train or minibus.

Sunday – Typically each Half Term, a cultural trip is organised for all students to visit a different town or city in the South of England, for example Bath, London or Winchester. There is no charge for these cultural trips.

Other activities, which may be available, include paint balling, attending professional football matches, swimming and amusement parks. Horse riding can also be arranged, should enough students wish to learn. These are typically charged activities.

Sign up for these will all take place in the Student Microsoft Team.


Sport balances the academic curriculum and supports the overall well-being of every student. We offer a variety of different sports, and our students have free choice to try to pursue anything they like. At Padworth, we believe that sport teaches self-discipline, perseverance and resilience, as well as helping to reflect and refocus. These attributes are necessary life skills for tackling issues and overcoming them – whether it be switching off from an approaching exam or dealing with a more personal issue. Last, but not least, sport creates team spirit and is fun!

All students are required to wear the College Sport kit. The kit will include two Padworth College-branded T-shirts and a branded sweatshirt, along with shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms (students’ own) which students should bring with them to the College. Shorts, leggings and tracksuit bottoms can be of any colour, as per the details in the Student Handbook.

The total cost of the branded T-shirts and sweatshirt is £50. This will be applied to your child’s/student’s College account.

Students will be able to collect the kit when they arrive in September, with a range of sizes from XS to XXL available.


Art at Padworth is as vivid and diverse as our College’s community. In our College’s international culture, art is an exciting journey around the world. In particular, Art helps students to develop creativity and a deep sense of commitment.

Students can explore their talents and develop their skills in many different fields such as fine art, graphic design, photography, 3D work, sculpture and textiles.


Regular prep extends and consolidates lessons, encourages independent learning and helps to develop sound study skills. Study skills are also developed in the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) programme. In addition, subject specific advice and support will be given in lessons. The increasing demands of work from Years 10 and 11 (I/GCSE) upwards means that students will need to devote a considerable number of hours towards private study during the evenings and at weekends.

All students will be set prep through their class Microsoft Team, which they need to organise and keep up to date with. All students are expected to use their study time effectively and parents are asked to support the College in this area.

Students will be trusted to work in their rooms during prep time and they are expected to follow the prep time expectations outlined in the student guideline. During this time, they are expected to complete set homework or revise quietly. Although there is only one and a half hours of set prep time per night, everyone is expected to do out-of-class schoolwork at other times as well, including at weekends.

If a student needs help with their studies and requires additional time to complete work, then the student’s time may be structured with extra study sessions and more support.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to contact their child’s tutor, if they have any concerns about prep or any aspect of academic or pastoral provision.


Beyond the classroom, students are offered the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of day and residential trips. These opportunities support their academic activities as well as help them to develop as individuals.

There are some compulsory curriculum-based workshops, trips and excursions, as well as optional specialist academic trips and excursions. These are not included within the College fees. (For evening and weekend activities for boarding students, see the Weekend Activities section).

Charges for trips and excursions are charged on the student’s account (parents will receive an invoice at the end of each term).


Upon joining the College, all students are put into a House and assigned a tutor. Their tutor is the first ‘port of call’ for all communication regarding their pastoral and academic progress. To support the tutors, we have Boarding House Parents along with the Head of Boarding and the Assistant Principal’s for Academic and Pastoral.

Parents and tutors are encouraged to create positive and regular communication with each to ensure the student is fully supported both at home and in College. This is equal for both boarding and day students.


Being a small school, students and staff have the opportunity to get to know each other really well. Visitors often remark on the unique atmosphere they encounter at Padworth and the relaxed, informal relationships they witness between staff and students.

Each student is treated as an individual and their motivation and well-being is the top priority for our team who are always ready to offer advice and support.

We place great importance on caring for our students and supporting them in all aspects of their lives at the College. Our aim is to create a happy and secure environment with an atmosphere which is relaxed and yet purposeful where the needs of the individual are recognised and respected. Padworth is distinctive in a number of respects.

There is no uniform and rules are kept to the necessary minimum for a school community. Students come to Padworth from the United Kingdom and all over the world and there is a strong expectation that they are here both to achieve their academic potential and to develop into confident, responsible and independent young adults by the time they move on to university.


We provide challenging and in-depth study as preparation for entrance to top universities in the United Kingdom.

In the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13: A Level and NCUK International Foundation Year), care is taken to ensure that all students are guided carefully in their choice of A Level subjects appropriate for their intended field of study and career intentions. This is especially important for those wishing to study subjects where there is high demand for university places, such as Law or Medicine.

Students are helped and supported with their applications to universities through UCAS. Tutors will give guidance to students about the best pathway for them, and our Head of Futures is available to give individual assistance to students. Preparation for entry to Oxford and Cambridge universities is also provided.

We have an excellent track record of placing students in leading universities, especially in the United Kingdom, and are committed to giving every possible assistance to students in our care, and also to former students should they require further assistance. The university destinations of our students can be found on the College’s website.


We believe that a successful education is based on a trusting partnership between teachers, parents and students. Therefore, regular communication with parents is essential.

Termly reports are sent to parents to review progress, as well as half termly grade reports. However, the Academic and Pastoral teams are always available to discuss any concerns.


Full written reports are posted on the Parent Portal at the end of each term. You will get an email telling you they are available. The reports will have comments from teachers on students’ current progress and levels and, more importantly, guidance on how and where to improve. There will also be comments from boarding staff and tutor to give you a rounded picture of your child’s progress as an academic and a person.

Subject teachers regularly assess students’ work and progress, using a variety of different methods, including formative and summative, peer and self-assessment, with the focus always being on progress.

Attitude to Learning (AtL) and Achievement grades are also emailed home at Half Term and students receive certificates in assembly if they have exemplary ATL grades.

Students are encouraged to talk to their form tutors and teachers about their current levels and ask for guidance on how to improve further.


Parents, guardians and educational agents are most welcome to contact us at any time if they wish to discuss a student’s progress – there is no need to wait for specific reporting or parents’ evenings. We recommend in the first instance that they contact their son/daughter’s Tutor.

Parents’ Meetings are organised in the Autumn and Spring Terms. These are online meetings twice during the academic year. The first meeting in the Autumn chance involves a 15-minute discussion with your child’s tutor about how they have settled into the year and their general progress. The tutor may not be able to answer all of your subject specific questions, but they will find the answers. This gives you a good chance to chat to the key person in your child’s development.

In the spring term you will have shorter subject specific meetings with each teacher. This will give you a real sense of how they are developing in their chosen subjects and what they need to do to succeed by the end of the year.

If you have further questions or require any information about the assessment and reporting process or about university and careers advice or if you like to arrange an individual meeting, please contact Sharon Molton, Director of Studies at


If your child is absent from College because of ill health or for family reasons, please send an email to or telephone us on +44 (0)118 983 2644 by 07:30 on the first day of absence.

In appropriate circumstances, work will be set and sent home via Microsoft Teams.

Authorised absence is absence that has been authorised in advance by the Principal. The Principal must receive written notification from parents or guardians requesting permission for absence. Reasons for authorised absence include sickness, visits to the dentist or doctor, university visits and interviews and absence at the discretion of the Principal for family reasons. We are obliged to keep records of all absences.

Unauthorised absences will always be followed up.

International Students

Under UKVI regulations, we are obliged to report any students who have been issued with a Tier 4 Visa under our sponsorship if they do not attend for the first day of the course or if they do not attend their course for more than 10 working days. Please send an email to the Admissions Office ( without delay.



If a day student is unwell during the school day, they should see the boarding team or the College Office. If a boarding student is unwell and not able to attend lessons, they must notify the boarding team.

Every student at the College will have been sent a Medical Questionnaire to complete prior to arrival. If your son or daughter has any medical problems - e.g., asthma or allergies - you should report this to the College as soon as possible. All boarding students are registered with the NHS which provides free health care and prescriptions for under 19 year olds. International students may be subject to an NHS surcharge.

All boarders are registered with a Doctor at the local surgery. The College will make appointments for students where appropriate and accompany them to the surgery.


To ensure safety and to prevent misuse, all medication must be handed to the House Parent with a letter from you as parents stating the reason for taking the medication, the dosage and frequency and an English translation / explanation, as appropriate. This applies to ALL STUDENTS. Only students over 16 years who have been assessed by and who have permission from a medical professional can selfmedicate.

Students must never share their medication with anyone (this includes homeopathic and Chinese medicine).



If a student experiences a problem, where they feel that it would be helpful to talk to an adult, there are people at the College to whom they can go - e.g., Tutors, House Staff or Teachers.

There are also completely independent options in the form of the Independent Person. The College’s Independent Person is always willing to take calls and meet with any students who feel they have a problem. Information can be found on notice boards around the College.

External offsite counselling can be arranged through ‘Time to Talk’ if requested and agreed to by the students.

Healthy Eating

Catering is provided by Chartwells Independent (Compass Group). The chefs take great pride in providing a first-class service with fresh ingredients prepared daily. The on -site team is part of the college family, welcoming any opportunities to support the curriculum by holding relevant theme days, cookery demonstrations and workshops and actively encouraging healthy food choices through nutritional messages in our dining rooms.

Any special dietary requirements in relation to religious belief or any allergy to specific food groups can be met.


Most students are accommodated in single study bedrooms, although there are a few twin study bedrooms which tend to be allocated to younger students. It is our policy to discourage international students from sharing with a speaker of their own language to maximise English speaking opportunities.

The College provides and launders bed linen on a weekly basis. As part of their ongoing independent development, students are required to do their own personal laundry and change their own bed linen.

Washing machines and dryers are provided by the College.

Our cleaning team cleans each room and common rooms on a daily basis.



Start of Academic Year

When you arrive at the College at the beginning of the academic year, please report to the College Office, where you will be greeted by staff. All students must hand in their passports and BRP cards. These will be placed in student folders, signed in and then locked away in a safe in the College’s offices.

Any other important documents, such as travel tickets, can also be signed in and locked away for safe keeping. Large sums of money must not be brought to College. All boarders should make arrangements with parent / guardians to have a UK bank account before their arrival (please see Pocket Money section).

At beginning of each new term students will return directly to their houses to sign in and hand in their documents.

Arrival / Departure details for each student will be requested from parents/guardians each term through a Microsoft form. Any issues should be emailed to This is very important as we MUST have FULL details of every student’s travel plans BEFORE they arrive/depart.

Please ensure you check in advance the dates of all the Travel Days during the Academic Year, as students should not be seeking permission to leave before the end of term, nor should they be late returning at the beginning of term. This is important so that any disruption to their education is kept to a minimum.



All boarding students must leave the College for Term breaks and Half Term breaks (see academic calendar for details). In line with our duty of care to our students and our responsibilities as a UKVI Sponsor for students with a Student Visa, all parents/guardians must complete a form before each term and Half Term indicating their charge’s travel and accommodation arrangements. These details must be sent to

Similarly, any student request for a Leave (during the week or at the weekends) must follow our College’s procedures, with parents or guardians completing the Weekend leave Microsoft Form. This needs to be completed by 12pm on the Wednesday before the weekend for leave or at least 24 hours in advance of midweek leave.

After the break, students are obliged to return to school after 3pm and before 8pm on the day before term starts again and dinner will be provided at 6pm.


Normally, we do not allow students to leave the College during the week (Monday – Thursday) due to the nature of the academic timetable and the activities provided. SHOULD THEY NEED TO LEAVE THE COLLEGE DURING THE WEEK (during lesson times), THEY MUST GET PERMISSION FROM THE PRINCIPAL.



If they wish to leave the College during the weekend, there is a process which must be followed: Parents/guardians to email to gain approval from the principal. Once approved, parents/guardians must complete the Weekend leave Microsoft form giving the details requested.

Unless students have been given permission to go on full weekend leave, they are not encouraged to leave the College on Sundays because school begins the following day. However, all requests will be judged on an individual basis.

All boarders must be back before 6.45pm on Sunday, in time for Boarding Meetings.

Permission for Leave

Students can only request a Leave if: Their room is neat and tidy, and they are on time for registrations.

There are no academic concerns from teaching staff. Parents/Guardians have completed the Weekend Leave Microsoft form correctly.


On the day that students leave, they must: Ensure that their room is cleared of all their belongings and that it is clean and tidy. Any rubbish should be taken outside and placed in the large bins provided. Leave their room and check out with the staff member on duty in the house.

Students are then given their passport and any other relevant documentation and asked to sign out.

Office staff will arrange their transport to the airport, particularly on travel day, if requested through the travel form.

If a student is returning for the next academic year, they may leave one suitcase or a box of belongings in a storage room at the College.

For those who are NOT returning for the next academic year, they must take all of their belongings with them when they leave or ask their guardian to look after them whilst they are out of the country. If none of these are available, then we suggest that they use a storage company, which enables them to store their belongings in the UK for a small fee and will send them to their new address when they return.

Past students have previously used: Big Bag Storage 07747 095646


Flight Tickets

Before a flight is booked, please make sure you have checked all the important dates of the Academic Year and that you are fully aware of the correct days that students are to return and leave the College. Please book the flight early to ensure that you can get a ticket for the right date.

Again, you should not be seeking permission for students to leave before Travel Day at the end of Term, or arrive after Travel Day at the start of Term.

Airport Transfer Service

The College is a convenient distance from London Heathrow Airport, which is a 40 minute drive. We ask that Arrival and Departure details for each student are provided by parents/guardians each term – these should be emailed to This is very important as we must have full details of every student’s travel plan before they arrive / depart.

Minibus Service

Our minibus service offers a daily student pick-up and dropoff from Aldermaston railway station, trips to towns in our vicinity or shopping centres and weekend excursions. A surcharge may be added to a student’s bill should they require additional services. These will depend on the availability of staff.


We provide Wi-Fi from 8am - 10pm each day throughout the entire College campus. All students are required to read, understand and adhere to the safe use of the College’s Internet Policy for safeguarding purposes. There are also strict filtering controls in place.

Personal Computers, Tablets and other Electronic Devices

Students are required to bring a laptop and may also bring other personal electronic device(s). However, the College may decide to limit a student’s access to their personal electronic device(s) if academic progress and/or behavioural expectations are not being met.


Padworth College is a cash-free school.

Students do not need to access or carry large sums of cash and we strongly advise against this. We strongly discourage students from carrying, or keeping in their rooms, sums of cash. If a student feels he/she needs cash, we suggest a £50 limit. We recommend that students keep their wallets and purses safe in their lockable areas in their rooms.

Students should access their pocket money through their own bank account. Students from outside the United Kingdom are advised to bring with them a Debit Card or Credit Card (MasterCard or Visa) from their own country. In the United Kingdom, Debit or Credit Cards can be used for nearly all purchases. If a student wishes to open a bank account in the United Kingdom, then we can assist as a school.

For students over the age of 16 and under the age 18 we will be able to support in opening a Metro bank account.

For students under the age of 16, they will need support from their guardian as there needs to be an adult attached to the account.


Students must mark all of their property with their name and are advised not to bring expensive items (jewellery or other valuables) to the College. Money and valuable items should never be left unattended in rooms, unlocked lockers or bags. Losing money or property in a small community gives rise to suspicion and upsets both students and the team.

Personal portable electrical appliances must have a 3 pin plug and comply with British Standards for fire safety reasons. Electrical appliances must be PAT tested before being used. To ensure that appliances meet British Safety Standards, we recommend that international students purchase such appliances in the United Kingdom after their arrival.

Students are responsible for the security and safe use of all their personal property including computers, musical instruments, sports equipment and for property lent to them by the College. Parents should make appropriate insurance arrangements to cover personal property.

Items that are found will be taken to the College Office for safekeeping and may be claimed from the team.

All bedrooms have lockable areas.

Insurance - The College is not responsible for lost/stolen cash or personal property and students are advised to make their own insurance arrangements to cover their personal property.


Padworth College is a smoke-free zone, including the use of e-cigarettes, e-liquids and vaping products.

Smoking is NOT permitted at the College. For the sake of a student’s health, if they do smoke we advise that they give up immediately. We can provide help and advice for anyone who wishes to give up smoking.

We appreciate that attitudes towards smoking vary by country. Nevertheless, if a student is found to be smoking, there are sanctions in place. Parents will be informed by the Principal.

It is against the law to smoke inside the student residences. If a student smokes inside the residences, they may be sent home or to their guardian as a sanction (suspension) or even asked to leave the College permanently (expulsion).


For your information all school policies are available upon request. The following policies are available to view on the College website here.

Admissions Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Behaviour Management Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Curriculum Policy

Drugs Policy

English as an Additional Language (EAL) Policy

Fire Prevention Policy

First Aid Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Parents’ Complaints Procedure

Privacy Policy

Risk Assessment Policy

Statement of Aims and Boarding Principles

SEND Policy (including provision for EHC Plans)


Padworth College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and protection of children and young people. All staff at Padworth undergo DBS checks. A full draft of our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be viewed on our website at or by request to the Principal.

The Directors of the school may be contacted in confidence: Charlie Freer Director

+44 (0)118 983 2644


Windows PC


We recommend your child use a Windows PC or laptop. However, Apple Mac computers can be used

Tablet Computers - the use of tablet computers, including iPads and Android, is not recommended

Software Requirements - Microsoft Office is recommended. Microsoft Office apps can perform the majority of tasks needed for school work. A PDF viewer – Adobe Reader is recommended. Internet Browser – Google Chrome is recommended.

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