Welcometo HERMAGICSOUL,mayshe inspireyoutogreatnessbydeepeningyour relationshipwithSpirit.
Maywhatyoufindheresupportyoutoliveto greaterdepthsofyourauthenticity. Foritis hereyouwillfindyourpurposeand abundance,butaboveallelseharmony withyourSoul.Andthisismydeepestdesire foryou.
Februarybringsustoexploreour relationshipsasweareguidedto deepenourauthenticityandshowupin thoserelationshipsinnewways.
FromyourrelationshipwithSpirit,your romanticrelationships,friendshipand evenyourrelationshipwithMoney,may HerMagicSoulsupportyoutojourney Februarywithease.
As I began pulling together content for the February issue of HER MAGIC SOUL there came upon me an energy of peace and Soul alignment, and intuitively I knew that this message was not just for me but one that needed to be shared with you.
That energetic shift took place in my heart and Soul which took place as I
chose the cover pic it spoke of balance and coming to the peace you have been working towards these last three to four months
There are times on your Soul journey that right before a major breakthrough what precipitates that is the letting go of old aspects of the Soul. Old behaviours, thoughts, beliefs, people and aspects of the Self that no longer align with who you are now. This is where you have been these last few months
This part of the process is not easy, especially when you are at the end of that chapter of learning This final stage always feels like a crescendo of energy that hits you. It expands your challenges, your level of resistance increases and for a time you feel stuck, caught between all you’ve known and the new way of being.
This is where I have personally been since last October, where I have been challenged with those areas of my life that are out of alignment, namely my finances, career and my relationship. I found my ego behaving like a stubborn mule whenever I have been trying to navigate those challenges with love and the awareness of my Spirit, making any sense of surrendering difficult and fleeting at best Click
Using a Daily Soul Conversation will have your Higher Self respond with it's infinite wisdom whenever you ask
Use daily to access guidance and create a communication channel with your Spirit
Here are two Soul Conversations that will support you this month
Strengthen your Intuition
Manifest your loving relationship
"2017 was the year that saw me take a big leap of faith and venture forth into the world of online dating, something that didn’t exist last time I was single.
I have decided to write and share some of my experience and my thoughts on how you can go about creating a positive and pleasurable experience. I know quite a few of my followers will be or are looking to date or find that special someone and one of the first things I recognized is the fact that is how dating is done now If you are of my vintage, 40+ you will find most of your social circle are happily ensconced in coupledom and with most of my friends being female and married it limits who
is available to go out with. In addition the nightclub scene is not what it used to be either, so I found it was a matter of adjusting to this aspect of society as it is now. This journey began for me back in April when one Sunday I just woke up and intuitively knew it was what I needed to do Consciously it wasn’t something I wanted to do or was comfortable with though until I took that step I was unable to write or do any other intuitive work This ultimately meant that the Soul had spoken and I really had very little choice in the matter
I asked about it to my friends on Facebook and was surprised to find that quite a few long-term couples had all met this way Knowing this supported me in taking the next step to begin researching sites At this point I wasn’t ready to spend money so I opted to join www oasis com which is free to use including messaging.
When you first join the online dating world here are a few things to be mindful of which you find when you click read more.
Through Soul Harmony comes a greater sense of Soul Alignment.
"I invite you to invoke me to work in any specific area of your life Please know though, my ultimate goal is Soul harmony through all areas of your life, otherwise it is not true peace and harmony which must exist on every level for it be felt and experienced"
Through grounded spirituality the Angel of Acquisition will lead you to experience of a loving relationship.
"I heal your heart so you may know the experience of that which you are asking for
I work closely with the bounds of destiny to evoke all that you need for your deepest desires to become real "
Ego has simultaneously created the relationship while at the same time being responsible for letting it go. Yes, there comes a time when one must say goodbye to another, however when relationship is in Spirit form such endings are always pleasant, allowing freedom and never seeking to harm For love is all there is.
I know I have had my fair share of friendships end because of my own ego getting in the way Which does still make me a little sad when I reflect I am learning to do better and I do now know that when I come from love, it can change how things resolve. I’ve seen it.
There are a myriad of complex energy shifts that take place within the Soul when one seeks to up level their Spiritual awareness and therefore their Soul vibration. By far one of the most notable and challenging, affects your relationships with others.
It is common to experience a shifting of relationships that no longer match or equal your changing Soul vibration However, it is sadly also common that this shows itself in conflict, endings and heartache This is a result of the ego unfortunately
If your experience speak more of drama, anger or hurt, then it is worthwhile to question where you may be leading with ego, fear and trepidation
Humble yourself my friend. It is O’k. You are Loved!
It is not O’k however to apportion blame on the spiritual process of ascension and the raising of your vibration when there is hurt caused in the ending of these relationships. This is quite simply a choice you make either consciously or unconsciously