Her Magic Soul Magazine - Iss #1 Oct 2022

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iMagic nsights for the Month


WelcometothefirstissueofHERMAGICSOUL, maysheinspireyoutogreatnessby deepeningyourrelationshipwithSpirit. Maywhatyoufindheresupportyoutoliveto greaterdepthsofyourauthenticity. Foritis hereyouwillfindyourpurposeand abundance,butaboveallelseharmony withyourSoul.Andthisismydeepestdesire foryou.

Inthisourfirstissue,Activating yourHigherSelfanddeepening therelationshipwiththispartof yourselfisonthismonth's agenda. Itrustyouwillhelpfultools, strategiesandtipstosupport yourdevelopmentinthisarea.

Editor’s Note HERMAGICSOULMAGAZINE Editor-in-Chief
Enjoy! Kerrie Wearing

Soul MagicOctober

K E R R I E W E A R I N G . C O M


Get help to activate your Higher Self with adding these Crystals to your spiritual toolkit for October.

Amethyst everyone's favourite enhances higher states of consciousness and enhances spiritual awareness

Phenacite - connecting personal consciousness to a high frequency

Lapis Lazuli the key to spiritual attainment


Your Higher Self is represented by the Old Man Spirit Guide who is here to support you in access the wisdom and guidance your own Higher Self holds for you

Call him in to take your Higher Self relationship to new depths

Set this intention during your Meditations

Spend time in mindful communication with this Spirit Guide Wisdom card

Invite him close and communicate during an intuitive journaling session

3 pathways to your higher self


Are Essential Oils part of your daily tool kit? These ones will aid in expanding your relationship with your Higher Self.

Frankincense recalls to memory spiritual understanding, gifts, wisdom and knowledge that the Soul brought to the world

Salubelle Oil blend - with Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lavender and more its an oil of Spiritual insight.

Info taken from Emotions & Essential Oil 2017 Edition

Be sure to check health warning notices on your bottles to ensure it is safe for you to use.

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