April 2016 Sneak Peek

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Supt. Charles T. Anderson & Lady Clare T. Anderson “He came to mend the brokenhearted� Luke 4:18-19 2126 Angier Avenue Durham, NC 27703 Phone: 919-717-6327 Sunday Morning Prayer @9:20 am Sunday School @ 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship @10:30 am Evening Services 2nd & 4th Sundays @6:00 pm Pastoral Teaching 1st & 3rd Sundays @6:00 pm Tuesday Night Bible Study @6:30 pm Wednesday Mid-Week Prayer @ 6:00 to 7:00 pm

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MAGAZINE Everyday Living, Everyday Blessings Issue 2, Volume 1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inspiteofitall Twitter: https://twitter.com/inspiteofitall7 Google+: https://plus.google.com/+GildaMorana7

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A magazine that takes inspiration beyond its pages ...extending our reach beyond to women all over the world In Spite of It All! Magazine is a Journee Multimedia, LLC publication P.O. Box 13384, Durham, NC 27709 Phone: (803) 728-1598 Email: inspiteofitallmag@gmail.com


Aliyeah Cook

APRIL 2016

In Spite of It All, most of us don’t look like what we’ve been through. I look back over the complications of my own life and recognize the unique nature of my struggles. I realize that each struggle was a clue that was going to unfold the destiny of my own future. Because whatever I am going to be, it’s already in a seed form. I believe that silence is a woman’s loudest cry! Have you ever watched a woman wrestling with emotional pain? Maybe a woman writhing in physical pain? Either woman is easily unaware of the other’s struggle. Consider Naomi, here is a woman who must have experienced some type of emotional pain. As losing her husband was not enough, she lost two sons – almost her entire family. On top of that she travelled 30 miles afoot to seek a new life. Ruth chooses to take this journey with Naomi, instead of staying with her own mother. Ruth knew that through all this pain, that there was something special about Naomi’s God and how she trusted Him. Are you willing to trust Him with your pain or are you going to be silent!

GM Gilda Whitted-Morana

"When we move towards love, fear grips our souls. It grips our souls because to love, means to die, to die into each other. And to die into each other, is to awaken to each other as well. And to awaken to each other, is far greater life than

ordinary life." ~TEAL

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Order Must Be Kept in the Home By Tony Bell

The Heart of a Woman By Gilda Whitted-Morana



Check Your STD Symptoms By Jacqueline Goodwin


The Bet By Becky DeWitt

You’re Beautiful to Me By Lawanda Lee Anderson


And So… I’m Watching God By Monique Davis

I Shall Live and Not Die By Jacqueline Goodwin



HELLO, WOMAN OF GOD! A Virtuous Woman By Aliyeah Cook


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Echoes of Depression By Lawanda Lee Anderson

POETRY Dear Life By Deirdre L. Jones




READING CORNER Bella’s Book Reviews By Placedia Nance



One Mo’ Thang By Monique Davis

The Pen of a Ready Writer—CALL By Becky DeWitt



Turn the Page By Becky DeWitt

Impotent By Jacqueline Goodwin



Are Your Eyes on God OR Man? By Donna Faulkner

It Is Written By Becky DeWitt


Body Wash By Jaqueline Goodwin


Hello, Woman of God!


Virtuous Woman By Aliyeah Cook Who is the Women of God? The Virtuous Woman according to God is in Proverbs 31:10-15 : “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. 11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. 12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. 13 She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. 14 She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. 15 She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants.” Our need to experience the real life changing transformation into a whole woman, clarifies the process that is needed in order to truly represent the authentic relatable Woman of God. We must keep in mind that the true Woman of God is the woman who

is walking through life trusting Him, with all that she is, knowing that he will not fail her or let her down in the midst of it all. Truly believing he will supply all her needs, deciding to let go and let God have his way in her life, that’s when things truly start happening…doors opening. Her eyes become renewed to different perspectives concerning her love for God. This is the true essence of the Woman of God. There are those who believe the title Woman of God is the woman who is perfect in all her ways. Always representing and acknowledging God in such a top fashion that may seem to be too high of a standard for many average everyday women to meet. Well, I understand the dynamics and the magnitude of such an auspicious title, however there are those of us who are not perfect. We might be caught up in our 6

own mess, yet asking God to cleanse and change our walk on our everyday life, those of us who are crying on the inside for a smooth transition while on the outside portraying a flawless transformation. There is an unknown target that the Woman of God represents in all of her innocence and her sins in a flow of who she is and what she hopes to represent. In transition from the unclean heart of disappointment, broken relationships, raising children and in some cases being both the male and woman figure all in the same strength. Transitions becomes more of a struggle rather than an opportunity to grow and become enlightened in who we are and who we long to evolve into. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in God with all your heart, lean not to your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path” God says he will supply all of our needs, so I say to the Woman of God who is struggling to pay her bills. Stand on his word put God in remembrance of what he promised, I guarantee he will show up and make a way out of no way, truly believe the word and trust God for your needs to be met. I dare you to try God. What appears to be the impossible is Gods chance to make a miracle, keep fighting till your victory is won. My point is, I know what it’s like to love God with all your heart yet have so many mistakes and mess in your life that if anyone really knew the truth of what you are battling and going through would call you anything other than a Woman of

God. Even in your mess, know that you are still counted worthy and useful…remember our mess in the hands of God is a message used for a testimony. Our story is to encourage strengthen and uplift others who may find themselves in similar situations as our own. Praise Him in the middle of it, shout for joy knowing Romans 8:28 “All things are working together for the good of them that is called according of his purpose” Pray for change, because prayer changes things all while enjoying life’s moments while understanding the present is a gift, knowing tomorrow will come with its own set of issues. In Conclusion being a woman of God has nothing to do with that untouchable church outfit that you’re sporting, while all the while on the inside you are rotting away from forgiveness, jealousy and lust. But everything to do with trust and faith in what God says. God is our healer, our provider and our counselor. Thank you Jesus!! Remember Woman of God without faith it is impossible to please him. Our mission is to walk uprightly before the lord worshipping him in spirit and in truth. Give yourself to him in every way and allow him to transform that caterpillar into that butterfly that we will recognize and to be known as a Woman of God. Keep pressing toward the mark of the high calling of our Lord. Aliyeah Cook is a mother of 5 beautiful children; her love for God will always be revealed through her testimony of life experiences. She is an inspirational writer with a voice for God. She is originally from New York and now lives in Columbia, SC.

You’re Beautiful to Me Thus saith the Lord, I love you for who you are, Not for what you’re trying to become. I’m attracted to the pureness of your heart Contrary to the thoughts of some. With me it’s not about money, Materialistic possessions or popularity. These things are all vanities reflecting No essence of spirituality or stability. I understand that Hollywood presents you With a message that is just the opposite: Multi-million dollar cribs, Big butts and big breasts, Little waist and little heels. They’re promoting a combination of walking Barbie dolls and Eurocentric qualities That are unreal. No one’s satisfied with my work, Which is the reason for cosmetic surgeries, Lip suctions, implants, reductions And other alterations. If these methods were legit then Why so many dissatisfactions? Eating disorders, depression, Low-self esteem, self-isolations And other issues perplex females Daily even after their beauty operations. Baby girl, you are beautiful to me. I made every atom, cell, Bone and muscular structure That makes up your anatomy. Before you were even thought of I was thinking about you. Sure, I know that guy told you that 7

By Lawanda Lee Anderson

You are always on his mind, But you know honestly that’s not true. The thoughts I have of you are More than the particles of dry sand. My thoughts involve giving you Hope, a bright future And an expected end. I made you just the way you are; Some big, some small, Some short, some tall. So why are you trying to mimic Tyra Bank’s show, “Top Model?” As I aforementioned, those girls will never Be satisfied until their void is filled And they choose me to follow. I want you to know that you Are not a sex object Or a pair of legs that parades Before the eyes of men. Your purpose is greater than Feeding their visual appetites, Or trying to obtain a certain size, height, Or weight to appeal to vain measurements of Becoming beautiful and thin. You are fearfully and wonderfully made Marvelous are my works. I formed your intricate parts and Covered you in your mother’s womb. All flesh was structured Creatively from the dirt. So shake off all insecurities And walk with your head held high. You are my bride to be And the beauty of my eye. Remember, you’re beautiful to me!

By Deirdre L. Jones

Dear Life, No, I don't take you for granted; I'm ashamed you even had ask...

Don't think of the things you get after praying;

Think of the countless blessings God gave you wit hout asking...

I cherish EVERY morning I breathe in your essence anew. I'm thankful each morning you gently shake me awake. I feel deeply blessed each day to gaze upon your beauty; And yes, you are beautiful - more beautiful than anything I've ever seen. We don't always agree, but somehow, you're always teaching me something. I would even venture to say you are the GREATEST teacher. Your lessons are the ones I carry with me regardless of where I am or what I'm doing - they make me a BETTER me. So I hope I'm not disappointing you, Because every moment I spend with you is worth more than anything I own; Though sometimes, I admit, in my own self-destructiveness, I try my best to dim your brightness; But I hope, for the most part, I'm reflecting the light you shine on me. Yes, I know we'll eventually part, but that's not what's important. The excitement you offer is contagious, and I thrive on your exuberance; You make me see the bright side of things. So I just wanted you to know... I love you more each moment I'm GIFTED with your presence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deirdre L. Jones is a writer/poet with a passion and zeal for life. You can check out her current project at www.LastStopHealthy.com


The Cover, the Artist... Shavar Foster Shavar D. Foster is a visual artist from the state of South Carolina. Born into an artistic family art was always a daily practice. Shavar studied Fine Arts at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC. Portraits are his specialty and he has worked extensively to master different mediums in art such as oils, pastels, acrylic, and graphite. For Commissions, Shavar can be contacted via Facebook at Shavar Foster (artist) or through email at vdub803@gmail.com


First of all, men we have to understand that God, creator of Heaven and Earth, created the order of the marriage, home, and moral government. The order of the home has been torn down by the devil, because we allow the home to be run by emotions instead of by the word of God. Order has to be restored! As we look at The Book of Isaiah, the Lord told Hezekiah, “Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live”. As we know, in this scripture, Hezekiah becomes sick and was going to die. That’s what has happened to a lot of households of men today. They have stepped back out of their roles of the order that God placed them in. They have allowed the women and children to run the house. In a sense, that particular

man has become sick, then that sickness starts to trickle down to the wife and children. The whole house then becomes chaotic because of one function, the head, has been removed. There’s an old saying; “You kill the head, the body has to die” So therefore, when the man takes his anointed and appointed role given by God, then the whole house will flow in order. It is stated very clearly in I Corinthians 11:3 “But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God” So, we see that there is an order ordained by God, therefore when you go against what the order of God has set forth, you really fight against God. There is never any peace in the 18

home when there is no God given order. I have often heard some men say, “I stay quiet to keep the peace”. Well that sounds to me like bondage, not allowing you to fulfill your role as the head of the household when you can’t tell your wife what to do, or even suggest things. Having peace is not obtained by walking around on eggshells! When children see the woman running the household, the role reversal effects young men to become passive and emotional. And the effect it has on young women is to become aggressive and very manly in their manner. (Describe manly in their manner: dominate, gay? What?) It’s sad that we as men have allowed this to happen and we need to know that it is not too late to change.

(Example: How can they make this change) Now, to some who believe headship is to be shared, it is not so. Let’s look at Ephesians 5:22-24 “Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church; and he is the savior of the body” Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Now, we have to also understand that man being the head does not mean that you control and dominate the wife or children. It means that you lead by the spirit of God, because this is the way he ordained it to be. I believe that when we as men advance in the role that God has ordained for us, we can understand that we are not intimidated by our wife and children that have talents and gifts in certain areas that we don’t. So, we can’t stand in the way of them operating in their gifts and talents that God has given them. Again, if we as men abide by what the word of God says in 1 Corinthians 14:40, which is “Let all things be done decently and in order.”

“True healing is the willingness to treat yourself and others better than the past ever did.”

Minister Tony Bell serves at Mount Zion Christian Church, located in Durham NC.

~ Matt Kahn


Welcome to Bella's Book reviews! I encourage you to relax and read. All the book reviews are designed to uplift, inspire and draw us closer to God.

How Strong Women Pray by Bonnie St. John How Strong Women Pray is filled with short stories by women. The women in the story share the common theme of prayer. Each short story dispels the myth of the “correct way to pray”. Each woman acknowledges behind every decision, idea, or thought prayer was the solution and foundation. Bonnie St. John also intertwines her story of being sexual abuse, losing a leg, working in the White House and being a motivational speaker and skier. Ms. St. John is the first African-American woman to win medals in the Winter Paralympic competition. How Strong Women Pray confirms prayer is always the solution regardless of the situation.

Hidden Blessings by Kim Cash Tate Successful attorney Kendra Woods is elated. She is living her dreams, engaged to be married to her wonderful finance Derek. Life is good until she receives an unfavorable doctor report. Kendra is diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. Her finance, Derek immediately end their engagement. Kendra decides to quit her job and return home. Kendra fills lonely, hurt and questions God about her prognosis. At home is where healing, forgiveness and new friendship are birthed. This beautiful written story follows a women going through breast cancer, finding hope in God, and knowing God never leaves us nor forsake us.

Seasoned with Grace by Nigeria Lockley Grace is a supermodel, beautiful, poised, arrogant and on probation. Grace’s lawyer decided to assign Grace to the soup kitchen at his church. Grace does not want to assist at the church she would rather be drinking and drowning in her problems. In order to save her career Grace decides to assist the ministry where she meets a diverse group of people. Grace’s ego is challenged in the story. In order to move forward Grace has to recount past hurts, expose lies, and receive healing from God.


The Pen of a Ready Writer - CALL By Becky DeWitt A clarion call for the Believer who is out of position. CALL – to request, to summon, to ask, to invite. I have called you to be by my side, to walk with me, to talk with me. Where are you? You are not in position. I have much to pour into you, but you must be in position. Don’t allow the enemy to take you any further. Stop him NOW! You have allowed him to displace and distract you. Now is the time for you to refocus. Get up and get back where I have placed you. Do not allow anyone or anything to move you. Set your eyes like dove’s eyes on me alone, and then you will see. You want to see something different, keep your eyes on me. Keep your eyes lifted and you will see time open into eternity. You may say ‘what has happened to me?’ Another stage of preparation. Come out of the old and into the new. It is new to you, but prepared before the foundation of everything that you see. Look up and see beyond where you are. My love will cause you to see the greater. Don’t measure or compare what I do with you to anyone else. The cause is for the greater effect, the fruit

that will remain for many that will come to taste, see, and know of my goodness. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty whose power no enemy can withstand.” Psalm 91:1 AMP. “Blessed is the one whom you choose and bring near To dwell in your courts. We will be filled with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple. By awesome and wondrous things You answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation, You who are the trust and hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea;” psalm 65:4-5 AMP. “For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been kept secret, but that it would come to light that is, things are hidden only temporarily, until the appropriate time comes for them to be known.” Mark 4:22 AMP. Becky DeWitt is an inspiring Christian author who speaks from the experiences and encounters of everyday living. 27

Worrying is wasting energy on the things you cannot control. Leave EVERYTHING in God's hands. THINK LESS, PRAY MORE.

Body Wash By Jacqueline Goodwin Every day we provide our bodies with a wash, but how often do we provide our hearts and souls with a spiritual wash? Washing beyond the flesh and reaching deep down beyond what our natural eyes see, to the very contents of our soul? The hot water poured down my body, washing away the dirt from my long day. As I stood in the shower I continued to performed my usual routine of lathering the body wash onto my wash cloth, however there was something different about this body wash. I began to feel a ceremonial washing of my body, my vessel, for the purpose of purification. Oh! This body wash had nothing to do with washing my body, my vessel, for sanitary or hygienic purposes. It was pure water washing away my evil conscience from within my heart. This was beyond my outward body; I was infused with my Savior’s fragrance when He shed His blood on the cross. Jesus was extracting all my hidden sins, brokenness, and pain. As I felt the pressure of the hot water flowing

upon the outward appearance of my body, I felt the presence of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ digging deeper than this man made body wash could cleanse. This body wash showered me with an invigorating cleansing that went beyond my typical shower experience. I was no longer preoccupied with ritual purification for this was a purification of the inside of my heart and spirit. I began to exalt Jesus for He loved me so much to wash me from my sins in His own blood.

spiritual cleansing that drew me nearer to my God with a true heart. Absolution! You see, my peccadilloes were forgiven and forgotten in the blood of the Lamb. This body wash created in me a clean heart and renewed my spirit with a passion to never betray my Savior again. I grasped on to the Lamb that provided me with a different body wash and refused to let this experience go. With tears in my eyes and a touch of His glory resting upon my face, I came out of this shower anew. You see, the soil from my common life kept me from approaching the altar, but this body wash took what life transferred on me and carried it away never to be spoken of or thought of again. For my past had accumulated “stuff” that would not allow me to enter into the presence of the King and my “Body Wash” reconciled our relationship.

What was I experiencing? Absolution. It was a dipping into my Savior’s blood to wash everything that had contaminated and defiled my heart. Not only was I clean on the outside, Jesus had gone to the core of my soul and washed the moral filth that could not be washed away with synthetic body wash.

So the next time you are in the shower lather up with God’s spiritual body wash, soak in His presence. Jesus encouraged the Pharisees to “cleanse the inside of the cup and dish” - in other words He exhorted them to cleanse their hearts and spirits. Often we shower just the outside of our bodies but Jesus is inviting you to allow Him to give you a spiritual body wash. You see only Jesus can purify or absolved you from the guilt of your sins and your past. I encourage you to step in the shower and allow Jesus to give you a body wash that will liberate you from standing behind the shadow of your past!

As I laid prostrate in the shower, reflecting upon every transgression that I had committed, I was energized with a

Jacqueline Goodwin is an ordained pastor. Check out her book “Healing in the Vessel” on Amazon.com today.


Authors’ Corner

Lawanda Lee Anderson is the founder & president of Words of Essence, LLC, as well as a motivational speaker, poet and the author of two inspiring books of poetry entitled, "Words of Essence" and "The Voices of Many." She will be hosting her 11th Annual "Gospel Showcase & Talent Show" for individuals who desire to display their gifts and talents for God on 9/30/2016 at 7:30 pm at the Downtown Civic Center in Durham, NC. Her greatest passion is influencing others to pursue their dreams while allowing Christ to use her to impact the lives of those she encounters.


Clarann Thomas Anderson

She is a singer, teacher, preacher, counselor, prophet, play writer, mother, grandmother and Co-Pastor of Healing and Peace Tabernacle COGIC. She is an aerobics instructor at the YMCA and an advocate for healthy eating and living. Her main passion is helping lost souls and people in need. She is the author of You Are Worth It, a 30 minutes of sittercise workout

pamphlet, and Tea Time with the Lord.

God has a reason for allowing things to happen.

We may never understand his wisdom, but we simply have to trust his will.


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