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A magazine that takes inspiration beyond its pages ...extending our reach beyond to women all over the world In Spite of It All! Magazine is a Journee Multimedia, LLC publication P.O. Box 13384, Durham, NC 27709 Phone: (803) 728-1598 Email:
Jennifer Hill
Faith simply believes that God is able, and that prayer is the process of allowing your burdens to be given to Him. Wow! How easy is that but do you believe it? I know how life's transition will knock you down and bring an emptiness that causes you to feel stagnant. I have experienced the stubborn pride that will cause an eruption that leads devastation. In the midst of our pain we overlook the presence of God Himself. Instead, we don't turn around to see where He is. And surprising enough, He has never left us. The only thing missing is our attention and focus on Him. Our mission at In Spite of It All Magazine is to provide a venue for women to prosper through methods of resourcefulness and survival by sharing this common thread running through life experiences. In Spite of It All releases all our fears, insecurities, and apprehensions by demonstrating God's transforming grace. Our prayer and vision for the In Spite of It All Magazine is for every woman to experience the works of faith and not be afraid to be herself while expressing her fears, pain and passion through life's transformation.
GM Gilda Morana
It’s Your Turn Lord.. I found my dream and held it tight, And prayed for wings to give me flight,
But yet it stayed earthbound with me, Because I did not set it free. Although I held it to my heart, Somehow it seemed to fall apart, “Oh, Lord,” I cried unhappily. Why did you take my dream from
Contents XX
Men of Valor Article By Tony Bell
The Heart of a Woman By Gilda Morana
Article By Author
Article By Author
A Virtuous Woman By Aliyeah Cooke
You’re Beautiful to Me By Aliyeah Cooke
I SHALL Live and NOT Die By Jacqueline Goodwin
Article By Author
One Mo’ Thang By Monique Davis
Article By Author
Turn the Page By Becky DeWitt
Article By Author
Hello, Woman of God!
Virtuous Woman
that is needed in order to truly represent the authentic relatable Woman of God. We must keep in mind that the true Woman of God is the woman who is walking through life trusting Him, with all that she is, knowing that he will not fail her or let her down in the midst of it all. Truly believing he will supply all her needs, deciding to let go and let God have his way in her life, that’s when things truly start happening‌doors opening. Her eyes become renewed to different perspectives concerning her love for God. This is the true essence of the Woman of God. There are those who believe the title Woman of God is the woman who is perfect in all her ways. Always representing and acknowledging God in such a top fashion that may seem to be too high of a standard for many average everyday women to meet.
By Aliyeah Cooke Who is the Women of God? The Virtuous Woman according to God is in Proverbs 31:10-15 “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. 11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. 12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. 13 She selects wool and flax and works with
eager hands. 14 She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. 15 She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. Our need to experience the real life changing transformation into a whole woman, clarifies the process 6
Well, I understand the dynamics and the magnitude of such an auspicious title, however there are those of us who are not perfect. We might be caught up in our own mess, yet asking God to cleanse and change our walk on our everyday life, those of us who are crying on the inside for a smooth transition while on the outside portraying a flawless transformation. There is an unknown target that the Woman of God represents in all of her innocence and her sins in a flow of who she is and what she hopes to represent. In transition from the unclean heart of disappointment, broken relationships, raising children and in some cases being both the male and woman figure all in the same strength. Transitions becomes more of a struggle rather than an opportunity to grow and
become enlightened in who we are and who we long to evolve into. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in God with all your heart, lean not to your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path” God says he will supply all of our needs, so I say to the Woman of God who is struggling to pay her bills. Stand on his word put God in remembrance of what he promised, I guarantee he will show up and make a way out of no way, truly believe the word and trust God for your needs to be met. I dare you to try God. What appears to be the impossible is Gods chance to make a miracle, keep fighting till your victory is won. My point is, I know what it’s like to love God with all your heart yet have so many mistakes and mess in your life that if anyone really knew the truth of what you are battling and going through would call you anything other than a Woman of God. Even in your mess, know that you are still counted worthy and useful…remember our mess in the hands of God is a message used for a testimony. Our story is to encourage strengthen and uplift others who may find themselves in similar situations as our own. Praise Him in the middle of it, shout for joy knowing Romans 8:28 “All things are working together for the good of them that is called according of his purpose” Pray for change, because prayer changes things all while enjoying life’s moments while understanding the present is a gift, knowing tomorrow will come with its own set of issues. In Conclusion being a woman of God has nothing to do with that untouchable church outfit that you’re sporting, while all the while on the inside you are rotting away from forgiveness, jealousy and lust. But everything to do with trust and faith in what God says. God is our
You’re Beautiful to Me Thus saith the Lord, I love you for who you are, Not for what you’re trying to become. I’m attracted to the pureness of your heart Contrary to the thoughts of some. With me it’s not about money, Materialistic possessions or popularity. These things are all vanities reflecting No essence of spirituality or stability.
I understand that Hollywood presents you With a message that is just the opposite: Multi-million dollar cribs, Big butts and big breasts, Little waist and little heels. They’re promoting a combination of walking Barbie dolls and Eurocentric qualities That are unreal. No one’s satisfied with my work, Which is the reason for cosmetic surgeries, Lip suctions, implants, reductions And other alterations. If these methods were legit then Why so many dissatisfactions? Eating disorders, depression, Low-self esteem, self-isolations And other issues perplex females Daily even after their beauty operations. Baby girl, you are beautiful to me. I made every atom, cell, Bone and muscular structure That makes up your anatomy. Before you were even thought of I was thinking about you. Sure, I know that guy told you that You are always on his mind, 7
By Lawanda Lee Anderson
But you know honestly that’s not true. The thoughts I have of you are More than the particles of dry sand. My thoughts involve giving you Hope, a bright future And an expected end. I made you just the way you are; Some big, some small, Some short, some tall.
So why are you trying to mimic Tyra Bank’s show, “Top Model?” As I aforementioned, those girls will never Be satisfied until their void is filled And they choose me to follow. I want you to know that you Are not a sex object Or a pair of legs that parades Before the eyes of men. Your purpose is greater than Feeding their visual appetites, Or trying to obtain a certain size, height, Or weight to appeal to vain measurements of Becoming beautiful and thin. You are fearfully and wonderfully made Marvelous are my works. I formed your intricate parts and Covered you in your mother’s womb. All flesh was structured Creatively from the dirt. So shake off all insecurities And walk with your head held high. You are my bride to be And the beauty of my eye. Remember, you’re beautiful to me!
I Shall Live and Not Die I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.
I Shall LIVE, and NOT DIE...
Psalm 118:17
I was destined for greatness but had to travel through pain, humiliation, and death to arrive at my ordained place. From the time of my conception the enemy saw a vessel being born that would change the nation, and he devised a plan to kill her but God spoke and said, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). My mother told me that before she found out she was pregnant with me she thought she was constipated and asked my grandfather for some good old fashioned turpentine. After completing a bottle, she felt no different. She then decided to go see her doctor only to discover that she was carrying me. She immediately told her doctor that she was taking turpentine and inquired about the side effects. Her doctor was amazed that the seed she was carrying had survived. The devil had planned to kill me, but my mother, who was an intercessor, covered me under the blood. When God’s hand is on your life there is nothing Satan can do to stop it. Don’t think his attempt stopped there. It was only the beginning of my battle. At the age of three, my mother taught me about fasting and praying, providing me with the tools that would sustain my very life to the age of thirty-five. God always prepares you for your test. I became sick with a cold that I could not get rid of, therefore; I
By Jacqueline Goodwin decided to buy some over-thecounter medicine. I took the medication only to learn that I was not getting better. I decided to go to the doctor. When I arrived at the doctor’s office, I was in a great mood. On the way there I had spent time with God, not knowing what was lying ahead for me. Afterward, I 8
got called back to see the doctor and after his examination he informed me that my diagnosis was HIV. Hallelujah! As I sat there on the table and looked at the door all I could see was Jesus hanging on the cross for me. I politely picked up my pocketbook and told my doctor, “It is well.”
done and he told me I was in denial but I told him no, I had been delivered. Hallelujah! When the results came back it was NEGATIVE! God is Faithful! God is JEHOVAH ROPHE! God gave me a revelation for the diagnosis called AIDS. God said that it stands for Appearing Impossible but Dying to Surrender! I had to die from my flesh and surrender totally to God for my healing.
“NEGATIVE! God is Faithful! God is Jehovah Rophe!” On the way out I stopped to ask my prayer partner, who worked there, to touch and agree with me. There is nothing like a praying woman of God in your corner. She immediately got up from behind her desk and prayed. She told me that all she could hear was God saying, “ Isaiah 43:2: “When thou pass through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” When she got through praying, I began to thank God in advance for my healing. As I drove home, God instructed me to go on a three-day fast. God told me not to talk on the cell phone or house phone, and to have no visitors. And as for my mother, who was a phenomenal prayer warrior, God said just ask her to cover you while you are on this fast. God is faithful. As I went on a shutdown I boldly went to the throne. I told God that surely if you were able to raise
Lazarus from the grave after being dead for four days, HIV is nothing for you to heal. I told God I’m coming like Hezekiah with my face to the wall and I am on death row awaiting my execution but God you are the only one who can take me off of death row. I said, “Lord, I want to see my children’s children’s children grow up.” And God said, “You shall live and not die.” God then revealed to me where the man who had infected me was hiding his medicine, and I told this man that he had allowed the devil to use him to try to take me out but God would never leave his daughter in the dark. I told him what the devil, meant for bad, God was going to work it out for my good and He would get the GLORY! During my fast, I sought God day and night expecting my miracle. I told God if I had to lie on my face 160 days I would because I was not moving until my healing came. Glory Jesus! On the third day of my fast God woke me up and showed me the words: NEGATIVE AND VICTORY! I called my doctor and told him I needed more blood work 9
I encourage you, if you have been diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, or high blood pressure, don’t stop fasting and believing in God. Cry out unto the Lord because he will heal your body. My mother, who was diagnosed with kidney failure, diabetes, and high blood pressure, never gave up on God! She spoke everyday whether at home or at dialysis that she was healed. Her favorite words to me were, “Jackie I am going to trust in the Lord until I die!” At the beginning of 2008 God gave me a prophetic word for my mom. He told me to tell her that year would be the year of her total healing. God began making her eyesight clearer so she could read her Bible again. Next, her blood pressure became regulated. And her last request was for her kidneys to be healed. God kept his promise. On October 17, 2008 my mother was healed totally. She went home to be with the Lord. That night I asked God to show me how she looked in her new body. A slew of white doves covered my room and I felt the anointing of the doves, the holiness, and peace. The only thing I could do was get on my knees and give reverence to God. Community activist Jacqueline Goodwin is an ordained pastor with
a ministry focus on deliverance and healing. She is passionate about and has a heart for the youth. Her book, "Healing In the Vessel," tells of a mother's love and a daughter's journey of faith. Purchase her book today from Twitter: @lenisegoodwin
By Deirdre L. Jones
Dear Life, No, I don't take you for granted; I'm ashamed you even had ask... I cherish EVERY morning I breathe in your essence anew. I'm thankful each morning you gently shake me awake. I feel deeply blessed each day to gaze upon your beauty; And yes, you are beautiful - more beautiful than anything I've ever seen. We don't always agree, but somehow, you're always teaching me something. I would even venture to say you are the GREATEST teacher. Your lessons are the ones I carry with me regardless of where I am or what I'm doing - they make me a BETTER me. So I hope I'm not disappointing you, Because every moment I spend with you is worth more than anything I own; Though sometimes, I admit, in my own self-destructiveness, I try my best to dim your brightness; But I hope, for the most part, I'm reflecting the light you shine on me. Yes, I know we'll eventually part, but that's not what's important. The excitement you offer is contagious, and I thrive on your exuberance; You make me see the bright side of things. So I just wanted you to know... I love you more each moment I'm GIFTED with your presence.
Echos of Depression
By Lawanda Lee Anderson
Satan uses a Spirit of Depression to Imprison and incarcerate our minds. He causes us to feel angry and useless, As if, everyone hates us and Is attempting to compress us into a Triple-edged metal grind.
I wish I were free to go, do and Hang with whomever I desired. Instead of others conjuring up vain Imaginations and false assumptions To build their gossip tree higher.
The voice of Depression echos:
Depression echos:
I can’t please everyone, So why do I even try. I feel like crawling into a cave or Hiding away in a secluded area Surrounded by me, myself and I.
If you don’t want to help me, Just leave me alone, Stop playing with my emotions, Simply hang up the phone.
Some say, I wish you were more exciting. Yet others say, I wish you would slow down. Then there are those Who don’t care a thing about me, For they wish that I would fall into a Deep hole, 50 feet underground. Depression echos: I can’t please everyone, But too often I pattern my life as if I could. Smiles here and laughs there, But my true feelings are misunderstood. I wish backbiters and haters would let me be. Leave me alone, Instead of projecting their jealousies.
I don’t have time for games So find someone who will. Someone who’ll take the time to Play patty cake and Engage in silly, cheap thrills. Depression echos: I’m tired. I’m frustrated. I just want to be. I wish those people who don’t Belong in my life Would just die off and be thrown into the sea. The echo of Depression attempts to 11
Speak to our minds everyday. Yet, we have to defeat it with the Word of God And refuse to allow it to stay. For in the name of Jesus We have the Victory, Satan is defeated and His demonic spirits and forces must flee. Depression, anger, and suicide must go. Christ rose again with Much power and authority To come against any stronghold. So when the echo of depression attempts to Linger in your mind. Take captive every thought and Vain imagination that you can find. Silence the echo of depression and negativity By reminding Satan that His voice has come to an end. You are already delivered by His stripes. The Good Book scripts a message At the very end That with all due respect The battle is over, You will win.
About the Gullah/Sea Islands Tradition
One Mo’ Thang...
By Monique Davis
Good Mornin’ Dear Fatha,
on its hine legs. I commence ta think I was da Biggess Loosah
no sense. That don’t make no kinna sense.
Now listen, I ma tell ya ‘cause you kno I’m single, an dat Care Package ya sent me, he’s single too, so dey ain’t no shame hear. But, I kno ya saw it…liftin’ up dat belly wid one arm, an usin’ da otha arm ta try, wid All his might ta do whatever he was tryin’ ta do. Da bottom line? It didn’t work. It Did Not Work!
An anotha thang, I’ma stop assin’ em do dey wanna cup a coffee, a glassa juice, some wahdah, or dinnah? ‘Cause dey Always say, “Yeah”, not emum, “Yes”, like dey got some sense. An getta attitude when ya ass em ta wash dey hands befo ya serve em Yo food! I’ma Stop Dat. They don’t bring nothin’ to da table no way, ‘cept dey behines ta sit down. Thank Ya fa givin’ me mannas, an teachin’ me ta be curdius, but…I’ma Stop Dat. Now back ta Sugah lump. O.K., so he gotta little problem. We can work around dat, around dat, an… around dat. Ha-ha, I’m jes messin’ wid cha Lord, but he don’t eben talk. Don’t open his mouf. He jes sit dere, mumblin’,”Oom-hum”, an rockin’ back an foth. “Oom-hum”. Afta while I couldn’t take it , ya kno?
Lemme git ma self sichiated hear Now…Listen, I kno ya busy, an got enuf on yo plate. Folks warrin’ against eachotha, earth lookin’ lak a garbage dump, While dey leavin’ mo’ garbage on da moon. People actin’ crazy ‘cause dey dis-spirited, ain’t got no spirit. Babies cryin’ ‘cause dey hongrey. Lord hab mercy. Um. But listen, I ain’t gonna talk long, I jes wanna kno when is ma time comin’, o is dis it? I mean Really. I’d like somebody ta be ta me, like I am ta dem. Seem like thas very hard ta do. You kno, refleckt eachotha? Now, I thank Ya fo da compny ya been sendin’ me. An I sho don’t mean ta look a gif horse n da mouf, but can’t cha send em ta somebody else? ‘Cause I can’t do Nothin’ wid nobody thas fo’ hundred pounds. He looked lik a Big ole Upside down Triangle, lookin’ lik a Beetle walkin’
I wanted ta tell that man, “Do you kno’ I got betta thangs ta do, steada watchin’ you fumblin’ yo way ta no where? An he knu he was comin’ by fo’ dat ‘Special Little Visit’, why he gotta come wid dried up gravy drippins on his shirt? An about dat chain Lord, what man do you kno… well, you do kno em. But lik I say, memba how dat chain was wrapped ‘roun the sock on his ankle? That thang lok lik the circulation was ‘bout ta be cut off. If dat chain could talk, hab mercy. Only thang we’d hear would be, “Ugh, ugh, ugh”. Fo hundered pounds, wid a chain wrapped ‘roun his leg. One a dem Ankle Let Chains…ova a sock! Squeezin’ da ever lovin’ life outta him. Thas ridiclus. That don’t make 12
I looked at Evarythang there was ta see…in My house. Him rockin’, an me sittin’ dere, lookin’ at shit… S’cuse me, um, um, um. I don’t need Nobody feelin’ sorry fo
me. Sistah Juanita took it pon ha self ta have some young man ring ma phone. Well, You were dere... Assin’ me, “What I look like”? Tellin’ me he gonna come see me an’ if he ain’t “Feelin’ Me”, he’s leavin’ I couldn’t WAIT fa him ta leave. One good eye, da otha one fake, bad teeth, an one a dem dirty, nasty lookin’ ‘Do Rags’ on his head. If he ain’t “Feelin’ Me”, what is dat? I ain’t a hate-a, I’m jes tired Lord. Tired a dease numb skulls. Dey eitha braggin’ ‘bout what dey do have, o mumblin’ ‘bout what dey don’t have. Lord have mercy- Please stop dease fools from callin’ me. Sen em ta somebody das good fo’ dem. Das Perfek fo’ dem. ‘Cause you kno, I’ll tell em n a red hot minute, “Ya’ll don got me confused…it’s Sweet Jesus das patient an fa givin. Who looks pass all da imperfections. I AM NOT DA ONE! I ain’t got no time fa no foolishness. An I ain’t gonna stan fo it. An that crazy man who call me, talkin’ bout, “Fix me some coffee, I’m comin’ ova” In the middle of da night! All yo creatures sleepin’, even da crickets, an this fool talkin’ ‘bout some coffee! If dat ain’t da limit. Memba when I ast him if he was Crazee? I declair dat Fool done loss his mine. Hum, bes he call one ob dem little ole psalm singin’, church goin’ ladies thas gonna get out ha bed, run outside an pluck dem nuts off da trees, pull dem taters out da groun, ring dat chickens’ neck, an hava full course meal n one hour, plus a pot a coffee from Brazil dat she done climbed mountains ta git to, an hav dat mess waitin’ fa hem n record breakin’ time. Yeah, he need ta call
one a dem, ‘cause they be ovajoyed ta hear his raspy voice. All talcummed up an ready ta go! All fa one minute of ecstasee. One Minute! An spend da resta da night quotin’ hem scriptures while he’s sleep, in ha bed! Please Lord, Please. I ain’t goin’ dat route, das why I’m comin’ ta You Dear Lord. Like I said. I kno ya busy, an got Plenney on yo mine, so I’ma leave it in yo hans. I ain’t assin’ fa nothin’ Perfek, ‘cause dey don’t get no mo Perfek than you, jes somebody who’s considerate, can say, ”Thank Ya, an “Please”, an be clean wid dey spirit, they body, an finganails An one mo’ thang please, somebody that ain’t livin’ n a room, wid they stuff in storage, an gotta job. They ain’t gotta have no car, ‘cause I ain’t got no car. But, jes like You my witness…they hafta have bus fare! Thank Ya, I’ma let cha go now. Author’s Bio goes here...
Turn the Page By Becky DeWitt
Just as seasons change, the chapters and sections of our Book of Life, move to transition change us to become a best seller in the Kingdom of God. Our lives contain numerous short stories with plots, plans, and twists which are all woven together, which one keeps wondering what will happen next. It is your faith that will keep you hooked, looking forward with enthusiasm, to see the manifestation of how awesome is our God. It may be that you find yourself in a season where your faith in God stumbles as the things you have been praying for have not come to pass, even though you have waited for weeks, months, or even a year. What are you going to do? Still believe. Is it His time that is operating, or yours? Over a period of time the enemy has bombarded you to the point of frustration and he is trying to wear you down and out.
“Beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as some strange thing happened to you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partaker of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.” (I Peter 4:12-13). The fiery trial may be hard, the difficulties great, and the encounter with the enemy could have overwhelmed you. But God has a plan for your life and the enemy did not have the power that he thought he had. There is strength in you that you are not even aware of, which has enabled you to keep going and sustained you. This strength comes from your union with Jesus Christ. You are passing on through, not stopping or even stagnant, because there is a divine appointment that has been scheduled. Whatever you are going through is “not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall 14
be revealed” in you. (Romans 8:18). You are a sign that God is with you and He will reveal His glory and power through you. It has already begun and you may not even be aware of it! As the enemy was bombarding you with everything to weigh you down, there was a failure in the communication network. During this season, you were driven to the altar with fasting and prayer like never before. The enemy had to round up his camp to have a board meeting concerning you. The plan that was discussed was to cause you to close your mouth and attack your faith in God, turning you away from His presence. There was much strategic and meticulous planning of several covert activities, which backfired. As you were being bombarded and beaten small, you turned even more to God, reaching for the fire of the altar burning those
things out of you that you were not even aware of. Desperately seeking God for the answers, you decreased to the point that your High Priest, Jesus could finally put you in His hand and take you behind the veil. “And he shall take a censer full of burning coals of fire from off the altar before the Lord and his hands full of sweet incense, beaten small, and bring it within the veil.” (Leviticus 16:12). You were seeking the face of God for deliverance, but in the process you were transformed and transitioned, giving off the sweet smell of perfume. As you continued to seek the face of God, you may have focused on His eyes and ears, as “the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their cry.” (Psalm 34:15). You have even sought His mouth for Him to speak and command a blessing for you, neglecting to consider whether the words of your mouth and the mediation of your heart are even acceptable in His sight. In the midst of all of your seeking, you were becoming a sweet aroma to His nostrils, leaving the stench of flesh on the altar. The enemy did not realize that he was the cause of your anointing while you were being processed through your wilderness for the divine appointment. Little did he know that he was a part of the strategic plan to get you to this point. As you lay on the altar, the fiery coals burning and surrounding, the stages of preparation were set for the greatest season of your life. This is not the end of your story. As you begin to read, there is a divine flow, and you will not be able to put the Book of Life down. Your mind may try to wonder with doubt and unbelief, but you are hooked with the knowledge of the promises of God that have yet to be manifested. If you decide to skip to the back of
the book, you will miss all of the experiences with God that will take you from one dimension of faith to another as you are continually becoming engrafted with His word. Continue reading with expectancy, as your eyes move across each word written, reaching for the last sentence, and then turn the page for the next move of God in your life! Much has been prepared and all of heaven is awaiting your arrival. Then those whose lives honored GOD got together and talked it over. God saw what they were doing and listened in. A book was opened in God’s presence and minutes were taken of the meeting, with the names of the GOD-fearers written down, all the names of those who honored GOD’s name. GOD-of-the-AngelArmies said, “They’re mine, all mine. They’ll get special treatment when I go into action. I treat them with the same consideration and kindness that parents give the child who honors them. Once more you’ll see the difference it makes between being a person who does the right thing and one who doesn’t, between serving God and not serving him.” (Malachi 3:16-18 MSG) “Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all the powders of the merchant?” (Song of Solomon 3:6) Becky DeWitt is an inspiring Christian author who speaks from the experiences and encounters of everyday living. Becky's writings reveal trials and tribulations while edifying the soul. Becky is an ordained evangelist under the leadership of Pastor W. Green of Tree of Life Ministries. beckydewitt 15
When someone says, “I use to go to church, but I don’t go anymore” or “I used to be a Christian,” it breaks my heart, and I know it breaks the heart of our Father God. Use to be a Christian?! We must remember the words of Apostle Paul, “What shall separate us from the love of God”. I like to add or who shall separate us from the love of God.
Are Your
I’m not going to write about church offense because that topic has been well covered. What I want to remind you is that God uses people just like you and I to lead. No matter who they are, our eyes should never be on man, but always on God. I’m in no way giving the offender an excuse for their ungodly behavior. The word of God makes it very plain that we should not offend anyone in word nor deed.
However, we have forgotten that a Holy God has entrusted a flawed mankind with the responsibility to lead and teach others His Word. When you think about it, it makes no sense, but God’s ways are truly not our ways. With this plan in mind, God knew that some leaders would fail. We can read about a few of them right in the Bible including King Saul, King David, and the list goes on and on. We most definitely could list some church leaders of our day who has failed---some right in front of our entire nation. No matter who falls or fail, God is not changing His plan about leadership. God never intended for us to put all of our faith, hope, and trust in man. We are to honor, not worship our leaders, and follow them as they follow Christ. If they stop following Christ then we stop following them. When we get our eyes off God and on man, we are set up to be disappointed every time. There is a level of faith and trust we have in others, but we should never get to the point that if someone lets us
Eyes on God Man?
By Donna Faulkner down; it causes us to walk away from God. If that’s the case, our eyes were never on God in the first place. The Word of God tells us to look to Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith. It also says to love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Keeping everything and everyone in their proper place works out for our good. The Word of God also says that He who has begun a good work in you, 16
and me shall continue that work until we see Jesus face to face. That’s my way of paraphrasing Philippian 1:6. This verse illustrates that God is constantly at work in you and me, and it’s a good work. However, it also lets me know that no one is ever going to be complete or perfect on this side of heaven. Yet, knowing that does not give anyone an excuse to walk in the flesh. On the contrary, it gives us all the more reasons to draw closer to God, and
allow Him to take us through the process of growing our character into the likeness of Christ. There have been times in our lives when we have been let down by someone or we will let someone else down. If this hasn’t happen to you yet, just keep living, and I pray this article will help you pass the test when that day comes. One of my experiences took place in 1997 when I went off to bible school for about 18 months only to come back home and see that a false prophet had deceived my pastors. They had practically given her control of the ministry. The most heartbreaking thing for me was by the time I returned home, half of the members had already left the church. This was my family. We had been together for years and now we were being torn apart. Everyone could see that the enemy sent this false prophet, but our leaders could not. They were bitterly deceived. Many were looking to me for answers when I came home from bible school. My answer was to fast and pray. I was heartbroken, to say the least. However, some of us stayed, prayed, and fasted for our pastor, the church and their marriage until we heard the Lord say, “They will lose the church.” Being a leader and minister in the church, I held out as long as I could before I decided to leave, and although the church is gone, their marriage still stands. Sixteen years has since passed and over that time, God has restored my relationship with my former pastors. I love them just as much today as I did then.
moved off of my throne just because you have been let down, by the people you thought you knew so well. You don’t know who they are anymore. Were you serving them or me? Are you following me or man?” Then the words of Apostle Paul came to me, “Follow me as I follow Christ,” and I came to the conclusion, “If whom you are following is not following Christ, then follow them no longer.” I didn’t skip a beat in following Jesus through that heartbreaking season of my life---because I kept my eyes on Jesus. I know you have been hurt, let down, and disappointed by others, but my question to you is, “Are your eyes on God or man?” You can’t change the fact that God uses imperfect people. That’s His choice. However, you can choose whom you fix your eyes upon. I want to encourage you to fix your eyes on Jesus and not on man. No matter how devastated or disappointed you may be, keep your eyes on God and you will come through the storm on the other side. Donna Faulkner was ordained as a minister of the gospel in 1991. She is a true evangelist who has the fervent desire to see broken people put back together by the love of God. This passion to see people set free and fulfilling their Godordained purpose has provided her opportunities to minister at many churches and conferences.
In the mist of all that chaos, God had to ask me on who was I fixing my eyes---Him or man? I will never forget that day when God said to me, “Donna don’t get me and man mixed up because I never change. I haven’t 17
First of all, men we have to understand that God, creator of Heaven and Earth, created the order of the marriage, home, and moral government. The order of the home has been torn down by the devil, because we allow the home to be run by emotions instead of by the word of God. Order has to be restored! As we look at The Book of Isaiah, the Lord told Hezekiah, “Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live”. As we know, in this scripture, Hezekiah becomes sick and was going to die. That’s what has happened to a lot of households of men today. They have stepped back out of their roles of the order that God placed them in. They have allowed the women and children to run the house. In a sense, that particular
man has become sick, then that sickness starts to trickle down to the wife and children. The whole house then becomes chaotic because of one function, the head, has been removed. There’s an old saying; “You kill the head, the body has to die” So therefore, when the man takes his anointed and appointed role given by God, then the whole house will flow in order. It is stated very clearly in I Corinthians 11:3 “But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God” So, we see that there is an order ordained by God, therefore when you go against what the order of God has set forth, you really fight against God. There is never any peace in the 18
home when there is no God given order. I have often heard some men say, “I stay quiet to keep the peace”. Well that sounds to me like bondage, not allowing you to fulfill your role as the head of the household when you can’t tell your wife what to do, or even suggest things. Having peace is not obtained by walking around on eggshells! When children see the woman running the household, the role reversal effects young men to become passive and emotional. And the effect it has on young women is to become aggressive and very manly in their manner. (Describe manly in their manner: dominate, gay? What?) It’s sad that we as men have allowed this to happen and we need to know that it is not too late to change.
(Example: How can they make this change) Now, to some who believe headship is to be shared, it is not so. Let’s look at Ephesians 5:22-24 “Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church; and he is the savior of the body” Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Now, we have to also understand that man being the head does not mean that you control and dominate the wife or children. It means that you lead by the spirit of God, because this is the way he ordained it to be. I believe that when we as men advance in the role that God has ordained for us, we can understand that we are not intimidated by our wife and children that have talents and gifts in certain areas that we don’t. So, we can’t stand in the way of them operating in their gifts and talents that God has given them. Again, if we as men abide by what the word of God says in 1 Corinthians 14:40, which is “Let all things be done decently and in order.”
The Hi T Society is a non-profit charity event planning organization that specializes in raising money for charitable organization with an elegant twist.
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and theses are contrary the one to the other so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. In other words we have allowed our flesh to contaminate us with STDs.
Check Your STD Symptoms By Jacqueline Goodwin Certain kinds of disease are transferred from one person to another through human contact. STD transmission involves an infection moving from one individual to another during natural and spiritual contact. It is imperative to realize STDs have been around for thousands of years. After becoming aware and acknowledging that you have, indeed, contracted an STD you should be seen by the Spiritual Surgeon, Jesus Christ. He is the only effective, preventative, and absolute antidote for STDs. You will understand that all STDs are treatable and curable. You must learn how to identify your symptoms in order for you to receive your treatment. Why is this, you ask?
Because the STD of which we are speaking is a SINFULLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE. I myself have contracted an STD; how could this happen to me an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Bishop, Teacher, and Deacon? I have been paying my tithes and offerings, preaching, teaching, prophesying, laying hands on the sick and raising the dead. Lord, I have interceded for others, putting myself last, so I do not understand how this could have happened to me? How could I get a SINFULLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE? Well, God explained it is because I cut back on my fasting and praying. He took me to Galatians 5:17: For the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh: 20
God revealed to me that there are two steps to the diagnosis of a Sexually Transmitted Disease: the appearance of the symptoms and the subsequent identification and diagnosis. We must apply this same process to diagnosing a Sinfully Transmitted Disease. We must also look for the contact, the cause of the infection. Well to break it down into simpler terms, one just asks the question “What sin have I committed to contaminate my relationship with God�? Our flesh produces no good thing. Apostle Paul reveals this to us in Romans 7:18: For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. It is here that Apostle Paul identifies the natural contact as our flesh. The flesh desires to engage and transmit STDs by tempting one to indulge in adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envying, murders, drunkenness, reveling. When we do not fast and pray like we did before, these symptoms confirm that we have been infected by Sinfully Transmitted Diseases. Once we have allowed this natural contact to take place it contaminates our spirit and we are no longer being led by the Spirit but by the flesh. Now that our natural and spiritual contacts have been exposed to pleasing the flesh, we fail to realize STDs (Sinfully Transmitted Diseases) are detrimental diseases that can become fatal to us inheriting the kingdom of God. We as leaders are easily taken by STDs
because we allow oneself to become caught up into our titles. STDs are not threatened nor moved by titles, they are only threatened by the Spirit of God. It is difficult for spiritual leaders to acknowledge that they are morally ill, that they are in need of a cure; therefore they seek out home remedies and quick fixes. How do they do this? They go across town or out-of-state for a quick cure, they change one partner for another, looking for new faces. They do everything except treat the infection. There are people who look up to you in your role as Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher or Apostle, who rely upon you for guidance and their own spiritual health, and when you do not deal with your own spiritual health, you pass the infection on to them. You betray their trust and faith in you as teacher and healer. Leaders sleeping with members and preaching in the pulpit; you have just transmitted this ailment onto the member. You should have sought the Spiritual Surgeon, Jesus Christ, who will provide you with the ultimate antidote and an internal sanctification that will allow you to operate effectively and productively in your God given calling. You will no longer have to engage in sin and struggle to preach on Sunday. You will no longer have to practice witchcraft to obtain your blessings illegally. You will no longer have to creep and go across town to meet that man or woman. You will no longer have to participate in homosexual relationships. Allow God to provide you with the cure that will change your life and your eternal destination.
never want to pass STDs onto our families and congregation. Just as Sexually Transmitted Diseases have the power to take over our lives when untreated by a physician, so too can Sinfully Transmitted Diseases have this power to be deadly. Check your STD Symptoms! Community activist Jacqueline Goodwin is an ordained pastor with a ministry focus on deliverance and healing. She is passionate about and has a heart for the youth. Her book, "Healing In the Vessel," tells of a mother's love and a daughter's journey of faith. Purchase her book today from Twitter: @lenisegoodwin
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For when you visit the Spiritual Surgeon, Jesus, he will provide you with a prescription of redemption, restoration and forgiveness that will remove all Sinfully Transmitted Diseases. We as leaders should
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The Bet By Becky DeWitt
There is a war going on in the heavens and the saints need to be aware of the many strategies of the enemy. He is betting that you will not succeed with the plans of God. But the King has another move.
Have you ever been in a fight? All of us at some point in our lives have had the encounter, whether it was physical, verbal, mental, or spiritual. If you have been redeemed from the hand of the enemy by the precious blood of Jesus, there will always be a fight until the time of His return. The most common fight among the saints is the one within the Body of Christ. This is really sad and the enemy is laughing because we fail to realize that we should touch, and agree to stop the attack of the enemy instead of attacking each other. There is no escape, even for those who are mature, your action and reaction will determine just how mature you are. Just wait awhile. Sister Watermelon, who always has something to say, something NEGATIVE, not positive, is on her way, ready and willing. How does it start? Simply put – words, words,
words. The spoken voice of the issues of the heart, with the current of the enemy rippling through every word which is spoken into the atmosphere is opening doors for the enemy to operate. The irony is that Sister Watermelon is deceived into thinking that she is correct. She has been recruited, enlisted, and given an assignment, wearing the badge of Christian Cop, deputized by the enemy to create havoc with her mouth. “But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” (James 3:8). A word of caution for anyone who has this encounter or sees that it may materialize: this is a heavyweight championship fight. If you get into the ring with Sister Watermelon, you better be ready. She intends to leave you bloody and beaten, even until the last word. This is not a place for the newly born again or for baby Christians. Her very words and actions will cause a loss in the kingdom. If you look you will see her snarling before the first round. Guard your heart with all diligence using the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts. “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” (Proverbs 22
4:23). It is the oil of the anointed word of God which has soaked deep which will put out the flames of the sting of the words. If you are not prepared by wearing the whole armor of God, the words will pierce so deep that you physically feel their entry. (Ephesians 6:10-18). Get ready to rumble. Here we go. Watch this ring action. “I am praying that Brother Wood will return to the house. We could really use his help in the ministry.” “You are praying soulish prayers. That is not of God. Maybe he doesn’t want you to come back. We need God to send in someone new.” Sister Watermelon releases four jabs. “These people do not want to do anything anyway” There’s the extra point. The ring announcer gives 1st round to Sister Watermelon. It was her flurry of jabs. Now, look closely and view the members of the audience. Who are the cheers for? Here we go into round two. “I will not be able to sing in the choir for about two months.” “You are out of order and in disobedience. Well you hardly show up anyway.” Sister Watermelon is constantly keeping up the jabs spitting seeds of discord,
fighting against your destiny. But the reality is, she is your best help. Actually, you need to thank God for her. She is the one that will cause you to go past your knees in prayer and to lie on your face, on the threshing floor, before the Father. She does not even know that with each jab or blow she is pressing you further into His presence for a new anointing. Meanwhile, members of the audience have their betting slips in their hands, looking for the knockout which will cause an eruption of emotion. Check out the big spenders who are just laid back with a serious stance. The stage is set and the arena is full. All of heaven and hell is watching. All eyes are on you. Just in case you did not know, hell has backed Sister Watermelon 100%. Why? Because they already knew that her mouth was well trained to attack. She has been employed and enlisted by the enemy for a very long time. She is seasoned in verbal destruction. As the enemy watched her, she was an easy target because her every word was negative and contrary to the Word of God. Hell noticed that she was double minded, even though she read the Word. Upon noticing how double-minded she was, a dispatch was made to her thoughts injecting the idea of Christian Cop to engage in warfare against the Body of Christ, even though she is supposed to be a member. Back in the ring, you are in the corner preparing for the last round. The best trainer in this world and the next is with you, the Holy Spirit. The angelic hosts are moving back and forth with strategic instruction which will outwit the enemy. You have been praying to build yourself up, to get muscles and strength in the spirit. “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most
holy faith, praying the Holy Spirit.” (Jude 20). Remember that this is a fight and you must “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude 3). You enter into the ring throwing a worship uppercut, moving with a dance like David, and slipping in a praise right hook, Sister Watermelon is stunned and down for the count. The worship created an atmosphere in which the Holy Spirit began to move, hiding you in the thick tangible presence of His glory, providing the mobility of the dance, which was elevated for the praise right hook to paralyze the enemy. There is another fight that Believers are in and it is within us. The constant warfare is the flesh versus the spirit. We have all experienced this. It can come subtlety, in conversation, or even through a simple act of kindness. Your spirit will prompt you to do that which is pleasing and right in the sight of God. Just in case you forgot, God does SEE everything! The flesh, on the other hand, harbors any seed of anger, offense, deception, etc., deeply within, causing a state of movement between action and reaction. Let’s look at Sister Watermelon in the ring against herself. This scene involves cleaning the kitchen after a church function. “I am only washing the dishes that belong to the church.” Her statement is an indication that she has a burial ground containing almost anything. In her haste to leave, Sister Plum leaves one of her platters. Sister Watermelon starts her rant with, “I am not washing it and everyone needs to wash his or her own mess. I am tired of these lazy people,” Mother Jones overhears and kindly suggests, “that it would not hurt just to wash the dish.” Of course, Sister 23
Watermelon responds with a definitive “NO, because of what she did last time.” Hell had major bets on her flesh as she was blinded by anger and resentment, evident in her conversation. Where was the love? Can you even imagine the face of the Father and Jesus as they sit in heaven watching? What about the investment of the blood? The great cloud of witnesses are just staring and wondering about the power of the written word, which some did not have. There are some battles that we end up in that are setup by the enemy to make Believer look foolish. Be aware that he is laughing and making a mockery of your salvation. That is why he called the accuser of the brethren. Always remember to fight for your destiny and not against it. There are many tests and trials along the narrow path, which are set up by one who does not like you. Do not let these encounters entice you away from your position in heavenly places. He wants you to move to a low level where he is located. In other words, fight on his territory. Keep the enemy where he belongs under your feet. You are the one with the power to tread upon serpents, scorpions, and over all power of the enemy! “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” (James 1:12) Becky DeWitt is an inspiring Christian author who speaks from the experiences and encounters of everyday living. Becky's writings reveal trials and tribulations while edifying the soul. Becky is an ordained evangelist under the leadership of Pastor W. Green of Tree of Life Ministries. beckydewitt
By Monique Davis On the dawn of a brand new day and only destined by the most high, it is only appropriate to simply---GIVE THANKS. Life within itself and the intangible gifts that we have been equipped with is a blessing! Acceptance of things as they are and knowledge and wisdom to know that only with the gifts of humility and peace, can one BE one with self and most of all –GOD. As I was thinking about blessings and overcoming obstacles in life, I thought about how often we loathe and fraternize over the valleys and blocks that are in our paths that create turmoil, troubles and doubts. But I have learned that during the “valley” time and well of depression, that we are being structured to be the strong character that God truly wants us to be. Of course you can feel on top of the world and powerfilled when things are grand, but it is in your lowest times that you should give thanks even more. I never thought I would be at a place in my life that I was thankful for the bad times, but see; you can’t rejoice in being happy and experience JOY
unless you have experienced bad times. The journey of strength is something SO amazing. The awakening and acknowledgment of the experience is packaged in a cool retreat and vacation. However, once you realize you must retreat yourself and look within, spending more time with “you” and more time with “you and GOD”, you will be astonished at your growth. Maturity comes not only as an individual, but spiritual knowledge of yourself and your very purpose of existing. Brand new days’ architecture, new structures of opportunity, and the never-ending expedition and relationship you must continue to construct with yourself. Have dates with yourself and enjoy your “own” company. Fall in love with you and love that person you see in the mirror every day. Smile at yourself and recite phrases or affirmations like “I AM AWESOME”. “I AM BEAUTIFUL”; “I AM A SURVIVOR.”
Smiling and laughing is free, utilize these tools and you will feel happy and want to share your joy with 24
others. Encourage yourself and others as well. I have found out that when you give of yourself, this forces you productively and willingly to bless others. When you bless others, you please God and saturate your soul with an abundance of “sweet” joy honey. Be thankful for what you have overcome and for the strength you inhabit and for the strength that structures your core. In all things, give thanks! At the welcoming sounds of a brand new day or the dusk of another day’s ending, take a moment to breathe in and breathe out and smell the sweetness of LIFE and watch “GOD.” Listen to the natural soundtrack he orchestrates for us through the choir of birds and the breeze that brushes your shoulders with cool winds and sunshine that warms your cheeks. Author’s Bio goes here...
Welcome to Bella's Book reviews! I encourage you to relax and read. All the book reviews are designed to uplift, inspire and draw us closer to God.
How Strong Women Pray by Bonnie St. John How Strong Women Pray is filled with short stories by women. The women in the story share the common theme of prayer. Each short story dispels the myth of the “correct way to pray”. Each woman acknowledges behind every decision, idea, or thought prayer was the solution and foundation. Bonnie St. John also intertwines her story of being sexual abuse, losing a leg, working in the White House and being a motivational speaker and skier. Ms. St. John is the first African-American woman to win medals in the Winter Paralympic competition. How Strong Women Pray confirms prayer is always the solution regardless of the situation.
Hidden Blessings by Kim Cash Tate Successful attorney Kendra Woods is elated. She is living her dreams, engaged to be married to her wonderful finance Derek. Life is good until she receives an unfavorable doctor report. Kendra is diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. Her finance, Derek immediately end their engagement. Kendra decides to quit her job and return home. Kendra fills lonely, hurt and questions God about her prognosis. At home is where healing, forgiveness and new friendship are birthed. This beautiful written story follows a women going through breast cancer, finding hope in God, and knowing God never leaves us nor forsake us.
Seasoned with Grace by Nigeria Lockley Grace is a supermodel, beautiful, poised, arrogant and on probation. Grace’s lawyer decided to assign Grace to the soup kitchen at his church. Grace does not want to assist at the church she would rather be drinking and drowning in her problems. In order to save her career Grace decides to assist the ministry where she meets a diverse group of people. Grace’s ego is challenged in the story. In order to move forward Grace has to recount past hurts, expose lies, and receive healing from God.
The Cover, the Artist... Shavar Foster Shavar D. Foster is a visual artist from the state of South Carolina. Born into an artistic family art was always a daily practice. Shavar studied Fine Arts at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC. Portraits are his specialty and he has worked extensively to master different mediums in art such as oils, pastels, acrylic, and graphite. For Commissions, Shavar can be contacted via Facebook at Shavar Foster (artist) or through email at
The Pen of a Ready Writer - CALL By Becky DeWitt A clarion call for the Believer who is out of position. CALL – to request, to summon, to ask, to invite. I have called you to be by my side, to walk with me, to talk with me. Where are you? You are not in position. I have much to pour into you, but you must be in position. Don’t allow the enemy to take you any further. Stop him NOW! You have allowed him to displace and distract you. Now is the time for you to refocus. Get up and get back where I have placed you. Do not allow anyone or anything to move you. Set your eyes like dove’s eyes on me alone, and then you will see. You want to see something different, keep your eyes on me. Keep your eyes lifted and you will see time open into eternity. You may say ‘what has happened to me?’ Another stage of preparation. Come out of the old and into the new. It is new to you, but prepared before the foundation of everything that you see. Look up and see beyond where you are. My love will cause you to see the greater. Don’t measure or compare what I do with you to anyone else. The cause is for the greater effect, the fruit that will remain for many that will come to
taste, see, and know of my goodness. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty whose power no enemy can withstand.” Psalm 91:1 AMP. “Blessed is the one whom you choose and bring near To dwell in your courts. We will be filled with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple. By awesome and wondrous things You answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation, You who are the trust and hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea;” psalm 65:4 -5 AMP.
“For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been kept secret, but that it would come to light that is, things are hidden only temporarily, until the appropriate time comes for them to be known.” Mark 4:22 AMP.
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Body Wash By Jacqueline Goodwin Every day we provide our bodies with a wash, but how often do we provide our hearts and souls with a spiritual wash? Washing beyond the flesh and reaching deep down beyond what our natural eyes see, to the very contents of our soul? The hot water poured down my body, washing away the dirt from my long day. As I stood in the shower I continued to performed my usual routine of lathering the body wash onto my wash cloth, however there was something different about this body wash. I began to feel a ceremonial washing of my body, my vessel, for the purpose of purification. Oh! This body wash had nothing to do with washing my body, my vessel, for sanitary or hygienic purposes. It was pure water washing away my evil conscience from within my heart.
This was beyond my outward body; I was infused with my Savior’s fragrance when He shed His blood on the cross. Jesus was extracting
all my hidden sins, brokenness, and pain. As I felt the pressure of the hot water flowing upon the outward appearance of my body, I felt the presence of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ digging deeper than this man made body wash could cleanse. This body wash showered me with an invigorating cleansing that went beyond my typical shower experience. I was no longer preoccupied with ritual purification for this was a purification of the inside of my heart and spirit. I began to exalt Jesus for He loved me so much to wash me from my sins in His own blood. What was I experiencing? Absolution. It was a dipping into my Savior’s blood to wash everything that had contaminated and defiled my heart. Not only was I clean on the outside, Jesus had gone to the core of my soul and washed the moral filth that could not be washed away with synthetic body wash. 28
As I laid prostrate in the shower, reflecting upon every transgression that I had committed, I was energized with a spiritual cleansing that drew me nearer to my God with a true heart. Absolution! You see, my peccadilloes were forgiven and forgotten in the blood of the Lamb. This body wash created in me a clean heart and renewed my spirit with a passion to never betray my Savior again. I grasped on to the Lamb that provided me with a different body wash and refused to let this experience go. With tears in my eyes and a touch of His glory resting upon my face, I came out of this shower anew. You see, the soil from my common life kept me from approaching the altar, but this body wash took what life transferred on me and carried it away never to be spoken of or thought of again. For my past had accumulated “stuff” that would not allow me to enter into the presence of the King and my “Body Wash” reconciled our relationship. So the next time you are in the shower lather up with God’s spiritual body wash, soak in His presence. Jesus encouraged the Pharisees to “cleanse the inside of the cup and dish” - in other words He exhorted them to cleanse their hearts and spirits. Often we shower just the outside of our bodies but Jesus is inviting you to allow Him to give you a spiritual body wash. You see only Jesus can purify or absolved you from the guilt of your sins and your past. I encourage you to step in the shower and allow Jesus to give you a body wash that will liberate you from standing behind the shadow of your past! Author’s Bio goes here...
It Is Written By Becky DeWitt
Your life is by design, written by the Creator of all things. The blueprint was in existence before you were. Every sentence in every paragraph of each chapter of you book of life contains the secrets, mysteries, and revelations of His plan for you. So there is nothing about you or nothing that happens to you that surprises God! You may be surprised about those things that have manifested and yet to be revealed. Just remember who wrote your book. “You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit. How I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all stages of my life were spread out before you. The days of my life were all prepared before I lived one day.” (Psalm 139:16-The Message). Sometimes in the midst of adversity
we must speak that which is written about us. The enemy makes an attempt deceive and confuse through overwhelming situations. The attack may be fierce, but we have mighty weapons of warfare in our arsenal. In Matthew 4:4-11, this passage of scripture is commonly referred to at the Temptation of Christ. Jesus gives a strategy against the enemy. For every attack that the enemy uses, the first three words that Jesus speaks is ‘It Is Written.’ Then He speaks what is written before His physical birth into the earth realm. They are Old Testament, but yet applicable to the situation that is presented by the enemy. Even though is it Old Testament, one must note that Jesus read this as a part of His cultural upbringing. In Luke 4:17-19, he stood, decreed the word, and then closed the book. He knows what is written because all scripture is 29
written through divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit. (2 Timothy 3:16). Men may have used a pen for a writing instrument, but men themselves were only tools as the author is God. This temptation of Satan was an attempt to exert lordship over Jesus, as He was God in a physical body. In other words, Jesus was in his territory that was stolen for Adam, the flesh. After Jesus said ‘It Is Written’, He decreed the Word of God that was written. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4). Jesus was speaking His own word, but the physical jumpsuit that He was wearing was a part of the strategy that enemy missed. For if the enemy had any idea who he was dealing with and what was to come, he would have never crucified Him. (1 Corinthian 2:7-8).
By the third time Jesus decreed ‘It is Written,’ He informed Satan that “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” (Matthew (4:10), At this point the enemy had to flee from this rebuke. He may have wanted Jesus to worship him, but the Word was the final blow to seal the authority. Make no mistake he knows the word also and will attempt to distort it to wear you out. Take note that Jesus was speaking spiritually and the enemy was speaking physically. “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” (John 6:63). Your muscle and will power will not make anything happen. Put the word to work and see what happens. There are some things written about you that you have no clue about and the enemy certainly does not have one. That is why they are called secrets and mysteries. “But eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God have prepared (made ready and kept ready) for them that love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). The revelation comes only by the Spirit.
with ‘It Is Written.’ “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the Word of God shall stand forever.” (Isaiah 40:8). Everything that is in the natural that is opposing will fail. Nothing stands against the Word of God. You are a completed work. God has already completed everything concerning you. Do not let the enemy use your mouth to give voice to that which contradicts the Word of God. Get the revelation. It is Written. It is finished. “Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are enrolled in heaven.” (Luke 10: 19-20 Amplified) Author’s Bio goes here...
As you continue to read and meditate on the Word of God, you will receive more revelation of what is written about you. It is in the written scripture, but when you think on it, much more will be revealed because your mind is on God and His way of doing things from the Kingdom aspect. Check out your atmospheric conditions, the cause and affect of your words. It is the voice of His Word coming through His vessel that not only produces results, but also nullifies the attempt of the enemy. Counterattack the attack 30