Day 1
Self inflatable system
Day 3
An Exploration of the Dichotomy Between Air and a Static Surface An Exploration of the Dichotomy Between Air and a Static Surface An adaptation to the Human Body An Exploration of the Dichotomy Between Air and a Static Surface An adaptation to the Human Body
This proposal explores the versatility of the human body and how it is able to adapt within various forms and interact with distinct surfaces. The play between air and the platform allows for spaces where to seat, lay, kneel and write. This common activities are summarized into 3 simple spaces. The function of these spaces is given by how the user adapts to the constrains of space.
Day 2
In a similar way to the human body, the inflatable structure adapts and interacts with adjacent external elements. The constant play between the forces of the air and the constraints of the static surfaces allows for an exploration of light and section. This technique of relationships allows for the possibility for and urgent response to the necessity of space making.
Gabriela Alban Hidalgo Francisca San Martin Turner Simen Marzano Frey Peer Fredrik Bull-Hansen
This proposal explores the versatility An adaptation to the Human Body
of the human body and how it is able to adapt within various forms and interact with distinct surfaces. The play between air and the platform allows for spaces where to seat, lay, kneel and write. This common activities are summarized into 3 simple spaces. The function of these spaces is given by how the user adapts to the constrains of space. In a similar way to the human body, the inflatable structure adapts and interacts with adjacent external elements. The constant play between the forces of the air and the constraints of the static surfaces allows for an exploration of light and section. This technique of relationships allows for the possibility for and urgent response to the necessity of space making.
Gabriela Alban Hidalgo Francisca San Martin Turner Simen Marzano Frey Peer Fredrik Bull-Hansen
This proposal explores the versatility of the human body and how it is able to adapt within various forms and interact with distinct surfaces. The play between air and the platform allows for spaces where to seat, lay, kneel and write. This common activities are summarized into 3 simple spaces. The function of these spaces is given by how the user adapts to the constrains of space. In a similar way to the human body, the inflatable structure adapts and interacts with adjacent external elements. The constant play between the forces of the air and the constraints of the static surfaces allows for an exploration of light and section. This technique of relationships allows for the possibility for and urgent response to the necessity of space making.
Gabriela Alban Hidalgo Francisca San Martin Turner Simen Marzano Frey Peer Fredrik Bull-Hansen
Day 4
Day 5