The ICCM Journal | Summer 2020 | V88 No. 2
and last but not least... The ICCM would like to acknowledge and thank the Education Seminar 2020 sponsors and exhibitors, pictured below, who also kindly donated prizes for the quiz: Blue Donnebaer, Blue Audio Visual Ltd Angela Long, Wesley Media; Ben Whitworth, The Mazwell Group; Jackie Bazeley and Keith Welters, Welters Organisation Worldwide; Kodie Mills and Peter Roper, The Columbaria Company.
The ICCM would also like to acknowledge and thank SBS tutors for their hard work and invaluable input: Kate Davidson, Linda Barker, Marc Gisborne, Mat Crawley, Sue Gull Thanks also to ICCM Administration Officer, Julie Callender, and ICCM Chief Executive, Julie Dunk, for arranging the Seminar and dealing with all the details. The Quiz night
Quiz winners Barbara Ward and Matthew Brook with Blue Donnebaer