In partnership with
Verrill Dana, LLP, Attorneys at Law
Thank you to our Maine Family Business Awards Sponsors
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FOUNDING SPONSORS We are grateful and continually blessed by these stellar businesses who contribute their time, energy, professional expertise and resources to the enhancement of family enterprise year-after-year. The Institute’s founding sponsors have made a long-term commitment to support the work of the Institute. They have helped to shape the Institute for over 20 years and we are fortunate for their ongoing support and guidance as we forge ahead!
ELITE PARTNERS Elite Partners commit to the Institute through a sponsorship of an affinity group and program series. Exclusivity is guaranteed at the top level “Title level” of sponsorship meaning that another “like” business will not be added to your chosen event or program. Naming rights are yours. Elite Partners are instrumental in the overall success of programming due to their commitment of resources and professional expertise. Elite Partners make an annual commitment to the Institute. We are grateful for the support of our Elite Partners! HR for the Family Business Women’s Leadership Forum Sponsored by:
Women in Family Business Sponsored by:
Next Generation Affinity Group Family Business Spotlight: Business After Hours Series Sponsored by:
Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
HERE’S WHAT’S AHEAD THIS EVENING! Reception Welcome and Dinner Catherine Wygant Fossett, Executive Director Institute for Family-Owned Business
Host Gregg Lagerquist, WGME 13 The Family Element Tom Chappell, founder of Tom’s of Maine, and his daughter, Eliza, will speak about family business and sustainability, about bringing the next generation into the family business. The Chappells will also talk about their efforts to bring clothing manufacturing back to Maine and opening new retail stores through their latest venture, Rambler’s Way. Our Guest Speakers
Tom Chappell, Ramblers Way Founder of Tom’s of Maine
Eliza Chappell Ramblers Way
Meet the Finalists 2016 Award Winners
Host Gregg Lagerquist has been at WGME CBS13 for more than a decade. He is an award-winning journalist, earning state and national awards, including one of the first ever “Walter Cronkite Awards for Excellence in Political Coverage” presented by Mr. Cronkite, himself.
PROGRAM SPONSORS We are delighted to offer over 30 programs this year to our members and future members. These programs are not possible without the support of our Founding Sponsors, Elite Partners and our individual program and event sponsors. We would like to recognize the following sponsors for their contributions to our programs.
Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
Our guest speakers tonight are father and daughter, Tom and Eliza Chappell of Ramblers Way. Tom Chappell is perhaps best known for co-founding the iconic personal care brand, Tom’s of Maine, with wife, Kate, in 1970. Their legacy of a belief that a business can be environmentally sensitive, socially responsible, and profitable lives on with Tom’s of Maine under its new owners, Colgate-Palmolive, Inc. Since the sale in 2006, Colgate has continued to support the practice of these values. Tom’s life-long interest in corporate responsibility to society led him to author two Tom Chappell books on business ethics. The Soul of a Business, 1993, sets a standard for the moral corporation. Managing Upside Down, 1999, defines a set of tools for leaders to manage with both head and heart together, called The Seven Intentions of Values-Centered Leadership. Concerned about environmental and community sustainability, Tom and Kate now own a sheep farm to produce fine wool for their use in recreating a regional supply chain to produce next- to-the-skin fine apparel, shirts, and jackets under the name, Ramblers Way Farm that launched in 2009. Additionally, their home and offices in Kennebunk operate on geothermal energy while preparing to complete a sustainable lifestyle with solar energy as well. They are both active in Maine philanthropy. Eliza Chappell is the Women’s Wear Designer for Ramblers Way Farm and the Creative Director/Manager of the RWF retail stores. Eliza designs the women’s collection and directs the design studio sewing team. She is responsible for opening the first retail company store and is in the process of opening two more stores in Portland ME and Hanover NH. Prior to joining Ramblers Way in 2009, Eliza worked in New Product Development and Sales Eliza Chappell at Tom’s of Maine and had her own hand weaving business from 1997-1999. Eliza’s training began with international fiber artist Ed Johnetta Miller at the Hartford Artisan’s Center as well as studying with master weaver Randall Darwall at Haystack. She has a B.A. in International Studies from Trinity College and post graduate studies in Fashion Design at Parsons School of Design with Victor Soto, a veteran in the field. Designer by training and entrepreneur by experience, Eliza is passionate about creating contemporary designs for the mission of sustainable fashion at RWF. The Chappell family has a rich entrepreneurial heritage. Other family members involved in Ramblers Way Farm include: Kate Chappell, Co-founder. Kate is a full-time artist, maker of book art, watercolors, and printmaking. She is also a published poet. Kate also advises Tom on business life. Nick Armentrout, Supply Chain Leader. Nick manages Rambler’s wool and cotton supply chain from fiber to finished fabrics. This includes maintaining relationships with individual Ranchers, the Manufacturers of yarns, knit and woven fabrics, and the dye houses that color Rambler’s yarn and fabric. Chris Chappell is the head of eCommerce and web design. Chris is a graduate of Trinity College and resides in Pataluma California with his wife and daughter. Chris enjoys music and is part of the band The Incubators.
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Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
Family-Owned Businesses are the foundation of Maine’s economy – past, present and future.
y father convinced me it would be wiser to work with him for three years and go to New York with some experience… I have always been glad that I stuck to Portland.” – Letter from H.M. Verrill regarding his father (and founding father of Verrill Dana), B.D. Verrill.
When Byron D. (B.D.) Verrill began to practice law in 1862, he began a culture of camaraderie that was rooted in familial ties – both his son and grandson later partnered with him at the firm. Multiple generations of Verrills, Danas, Phillbricks and Coburns have provided legal service to clients over the years and B.W.’s legacy lives on today in our commitment to professional collegiality. Family-owned businesses are the foundation of Maine’s economy – past, present and future.
Congratulations to tonight’s finalists.
Keep up with Maine.
t h e m a i n e ma g. co m/s u bs cr ibe
Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
Judges tested by 31 Semi-finalists, 20 Finalists and 7 Awards Judging Facilitator Laura Foye, veteran judge for the MFBA, is regional vice president at TD Bank, responsible for commercial lending activities in Southern Maine. Laura holds a degree in accounting from the University of Southern Maine (USM) and is past Chair of the USM Board of Visitors. She is currently on the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce Board and on the board of CEI and the forprofit subsidiary CEI Capital Management. She enjoys golf at Purpoodock Club near her Cape Elizabeth home.
Choosing winners is a tough yet gratifying job for those judging the Maine Family Business Awards. It’s truly a treasure hunt with judges sifting through submissions, searching for those special gems that help separate winners from the pack. This year, with a record 180 nominations, 31 semi-finalists, 20 finalists to pick seven winners, the process was especially challenging yet fascinating to learn about all these amazing companies! Judges use many guideposts to evaluate submissions, including: mission statement, values and beliefs, operational summaries, innovation and impact, growth and stability, family involvement, control and ownership, atmosphere and culture, community, external resources, guidelines and rules, employee and customer communications, changes and culture. All this information comes from our nominees’ applications and supplemental information they send to the Institute. Winners are not revealed until the Awards Gala.
Mike Davis, is an owner & president of the IRC Industrial Roofing Companies in Lewiston, winner of the 2012 Customer Service Award. Mike co-founded Solar Roof Systems in 2009. He earned a chemical engineering degree from the University of Maine. In his spare time he enjoys skiing with his kids and “trying to catch lobsters.”
Steve deCastro, is SVP/ Market Manager of KeyBank’s Private Bank group for New England. A graduate of Colby College and Boston University, Steve sits on the boards of directors of Junior Achievement, Piper Shores and Falmouth Youth Soccer, and is involved in fund raising for Maine Medical Center. He lives in Falmouth with his wife and three children.
Frank O’Shea, CPA/ABV, CVA is a tax principal with the accounting and business consulting firm of BerryDunn. Over his 40 year career, Frank has counseled many closely-held and family business clients on the technical and non-technical issues related to income and estate tax planning, as well as business succession and valuation. He and his wife Lynn are now enjoying their new role as grandparents.
Dan Thornton heads People’s United Bank for the state of Maine. He joined People’s United Bank in 2011 as Senior Vice President, Senior Lender for the Maine market. He brings close to three decades of experience in commercial lending to Maine businesses and institutions. He is the past- president of the board of Ronald McDonald House of Portland and currently serves on the IFOB board, the United Way Cabinet of Greater Portland, the Steering Committee for the Maine Audubon and is on the Executive Committee of the Maine Bankers Association. He earned his bachelor’s degree in resource economics from the University of Maine and his M.S. in business from Husson University.
Mary Kate Reny, received a B.A. in Geography and Environmental Studies from U.C. Santa Barbara, and an MA in Community Planning and Development from the Muskie School in Portland, Maine. Mary Kate chairs the Twin Villages Alliance in Damariscotta/Newcastle, is VP of the Retail Association of Maine’s Board and is a newly appointed member of the Topsham Development, Inc. Board. Mary Kate works at Renys (the 2015 Large Business Award recipient). Mary Kate lives in Bremen, ME with her husband Bob.
Drew Taylor is co-owner, director of operations and treasurer at Kingsley Pines Camp and the winner of the 2015 Maddy Corson Small Business Award. Drew, along with his two brothers, took ownership of their family’s residential summer camp business in 2009. He also owns the Raymond Car Wash on Route 302. Drew attended NYA and graduated with his bachelor’s degree in Mass Media Communications from Denison University. In his spare time he enjoys snowboarding, the outdoors and most importantly spending time with his wife and two children.
Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
About the Awards The Renys Large Business Award, won by Renys in 2015, honors an outstanding company with 25 or more full-time employees that demonstrates excellence in all facets of business, including family involvement, succession planning, communication, value of being family owned, and community service. The Maddy Corson Small Business Award recognizes an exceptional company that embodies the ideals associated with its namesake, who continues to inspire, support and connect individuals, organizations and businesses throughout Portland and beyond. Kingsley Pines Camp received the Maddy Corson Small Business Award in 2015. The Shep Lee Community Service Award honors one of the founders of the Institute for Family-Owned Businesses and the ideals he embodied in his respect and concern for customers, employees and the community. Angelrox and Suger received the Shep Lee Community Service Award in 2015. Chalmers Insurance Group Customer Service Award, honors a company of any size that continues to improve customer service and exceed customer expectations. The judges also consider these criteria: innovative practices and systems; personal interactions and choices in how customers receive service and delivery; accessibility to customers and effectiveness in handling customer complaints; systems that reduce costs; and compassion and caring. The Wolak Group presented the Customer Service Award to Volk Packaging Corporation in 2015, People’s United Bank Innovation & Technology Award: Recognizes a company that demonstrates excellence in the development or creation of a new idea, method, or product to solve a problem; original, compelling ideas, innovation or technology; significant benefit to others; fulfillment of a market need or creation of a new market through a service or product; or use of applied science or innovative methods in product development or enhancement. In 2015, Delorme received the Innovation Award and Technology Award. Norton Insurance & Financial Services First Generation Award recognizes a company of any size, with at least one family member serving as an active equity owner and at least one family member active in the business on a regular basis. The business must not have transitioned yet from one generation to the next. The honoree will be chosen based on overall excellence among all the categories above. The Lucy’s Granola received this award in 2015. IRC Industrial Roofing Companies Environmental Leadership Award honors a company that demonstrates exceptional efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, demonstrate environmental stewardship, engage others in conservation efforts, and championing sustainability. TideSmart Global received the Green Environment Award in 2015. You’ll find Awards winners through the years on page 13.
Lee Auto Malls is proud to support the MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS From one family business to another, congratulations to all the Award Finalists and the Institute for Family-Owned Business!
LeeAuto Malls Family owned and operated since 1936.
Institute forFamily-Owned Family-OwnedBusiness Business presents MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS Institute for presents 20112016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS FINALISTS
15 15
2015 Maine Family Business Awards Winners
Faustine Reny, Adam Reny, Mary Kate Reny and Bob Reny, Renys, winner of the Large Business Award
Carter Coughlan and Drew Taylor, Kingsley Pines Camp, winner of the Maddy Corson Small Business Award
Derek Volk and Doug Volk, Volk Packaging Corporation, winners of The Wolak Group Customer Service Award
Renys (Large Business Award) Kingsley Pines Camp (Maddy Corson Small Business Award) Angelrox and Suger (Shep Lee Community Service Award) Volk Packaging Corporation (The Wolak Group Customer Service Award) Lucy’s Granola (First Generation Award)
Delorme (People’s United Bank Innovation & Technology Award) TideSmart Global (Green Environment Award) Honorable Mention: Cross Insurance (Large Business)
Lamey Wellehan (Agren Large Business Award) Messer Truck Equipment (Maddy Corson Small Business Award) Will’s Shop ‘N Save (Shep Lee Community Service Award) Chalmers Insurance Group (The Wolak Group Customer Service Award)
Chebeague Island Inn (First Generation Award) eco-kids (Technology Award) Meadowmere Resort (Innovation Award)
Agren Appliance (Morong Falmouth Award) D. Cole Jewelers (Maddy Corson Award) The Wolak Group (Shep Lee Award) Central Street Farmhouse (First Generation Award) Hannan’s Electric (Customer Service Award) Close Buy Catalog (Innovation Award)
Hurley Travel Experts (First Generation) Morong Falmouth (Large) S.L. Wadsworth & Son (Small) Industrial Roofing Companies (Customer Service) Dean’s Sweets (Community Service Award) Honorable Mention: D. Cole Jewelers
Roxi Suger and Julian Schlaver, Angelrox and Suger, winner of the Shep Lee Community Service Award
Lucy Benjamin and Clifton Katie and Steve Woods, Page, Lucy’s Granola, winners TideSmart Global, winners of of the First Generation Award the Green Environment Award
AlliedCook Construction (Large) LT’s inc. (Small) Halcyon Yarn (Community Service Award) Honorable Mention: Day’s Jewelers
Marden’s Surplus & Salvage (Large) Sweetser’s Apple Barrel & Orchards (Small) GHM Agency (Community Service Award) Honorable Mention:
Mancini Electric (Large)
Earle W. Noyes & Sons (Large) The Lobster Shack at Two Lights (Small) Lionel Plante Associates (Community Service)
Gifford’s Ice Cream (Large) Saddleback Mountain (Small) Outstanding Community Service Awards:
Maine Machine Products (Large) Couleur Collection (Small) Honorable Mention:
Down East Enterprise (Large) Seaside Vacation Rentals (Small)
Geiger Bros. (Large) Morrison’s Maine Course (Small) Outstanding Community Service Awards:
Maine Machine Products (Large) Saddleback Mountain (Small)
Adrian Smith and Noah Delorme, Delorme, winner of People’s United Bank Innovation and Technology Award
DownEast Energy (Large) Bedard Healthcare Group (Small) Outstanding Community Service Awards:
Oakhurst Dairy (Large) Apollo Salon Spa & Bistro (Small) Honorable Mention: GHM Insurance
Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers (Large) Jordan-Fernald Funeral Homes (Small)
White Rock Distilleries (Large) Paricon, Inc. (Small) Honorable Mention: Direct Mail of Maine
Hussey Seating (Large) Monhegan Boat Line (Small) Honorable Mention: Shelter Institute
Barber Foods (Large) Coffee By Design (Small) Honorable Mention: Winter People
Hancock Lumber (Large) Precision Screw Machine Products (Small)
Sun Journal (Large) Volk Packaging Corporation (Small)
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Institute forFamily-Owned Family-OwnedBusiness Business presents MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS Institute for presents 20112016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS FINALISTS
Congratulations to the 2016 Semi-Finalists!
Boothbay Craft Brewery and Watershed Tavern Lori and Win Mitchell, Owners
Cardente Real Estate Matthew Cardente, Broker/President/Owner
Chase’s Family Restaurant and Hide Away Lounge Steve, Lowell and Terri Chase, Owners
Buoy Sports Bill and Susan Page, Founder & Co-Owner
DennyMike’s Sauces & Rubs DennyMike Sherman, Owner
Grasshopper Shop of Rockland Johanna Strassberg and Sierra Dietz, Owners
Maine Indoor Karting Richard and Lori Snow, Owners
Minuteman Signs, Inc. Kevin McKeen, President Jacki McKeen, VP
Sea-Vu Campgrounds Elaine Talevi, Owner and President
Seaside Vacation Rentals Maureen Regan, President; Jennifer Thibodeau, VP
The Animal House Aubrey and Dan Martin, Owners
17 17
Congratulations to all the 2016 Award Finalists and Semi-Finalists! Maddy
Maddy Corson
Advisory Board member and Past President Institute for Family-Owned Business
The Chase Family,
Congratulates all the 2016 award recipients!
1575 Outer Hammond St. Bangor, ME • 947-0030
Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
Bixby & Co., Rockland
ate McAleer and her family are revolutionizing the candy bar. Their Bixby Bars, named for Kate’s great-grandparents, combine the best of candy and energy bars in one of America’s first organic, all-natural, non-GMO artisancrafted snack bars that are vegan, earth-friendly and, most importantly, delicious. Kate affectionately refers to the award-winning bars as “energy covered in chocolate.” They are chock full of healthy protein, fiber and antioxidants. Kate McAleer The McAleers relocated to Rockland from out of state three years ago for quality of life reasons, and have found many sound business reasons to stay, including access to numerous resources and support to grow their business. They have taken advantage of a number of programs and mentors offered through the Women’s Business Center at Coastal Enterprise, Inc., for example. Recently, a facilitator from the Manufacturing Extension Program helped the team review its manufacturing process, identifying changes that resulted in a 40% improvement in efficiency. This has allowed Bixby to scale up its production using its existing labor, facilities and equipment. Kate’s parents, Donna and Gordon, are also invested in the business. Donna manages financial aspects of the business and Gordon serves as production manager, while Kate is focused on sales, marketing, new product development and strategic growth. Kate says the strength of their family has enabled them to persevere during the inevitable challenges of starting a business and helped them survive the complexities of building a manufacturing facility and processes from scratch. Their hard work is paying off in double-digit growth each year since they started; they currently employ four full-time staff and plan to add new jobs in the future.
Blue Elephant Events and Catering, Saco
rom the moment we met you, we knew we were in the best hands.” Letter after letter from clients testifies to the personal attention and special details that set Blue Elephant Events and Catering, and owners Reuben Bell and Fausto Pifferrer, apart from the rest. The couple was among the first in Maine to bring event planning and catering services together under one umbrella when they founded Blue Elephant in 2007. Their Saco-based company offers competitive pricing, innovative menus, unique Reuben Paul Bell, Fausto Pifferrer décor and staffing for parties and events of all sizes. Their goal is to work with and Sophie each client individually to bring ideas and budgets together, creating special events that will make a lasting impression on all who attend. Blue Elephant has grown steadily, and now employs 66 full- and part-time staff. While their market area ranges from Portsmouth to Belfast, their clients come from all over the U.S. and beyond. Revenue has increased from $80,000 in 2007 to nearly $800,000 in 2015. Reuben and Fausto give their designers, chefs and planners as much independence as possible to demonstrate their creativity while maintaining a strong central team that includes several family members. Reuben’s mother, Jill, serves as receptionist and office manager. Reuben’s sister and brother-in-law, Chloe and Bryan Scott, serve as floor captain and chef, respectively. “Being able to rely on family members is the backbone of our business,” says Reuben. “Even the most dedicated employees do not have the same visceral level of commitment that family members do.”
Amazing things happen when people work together. Congratulations to all of the 2016 award recipients! We thank the Maine Institute for Family-Owned Business for providing the resources and networking opportunities that enable Maine’s business-owning families to achieve their fullest potential.
Harvard Pilgrim is a proud sponsor of the 17th Annual Maine Family Business Awards.
Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
Bow Street Market, Freeport
ow Street Market, a Freeport icon since 1946, has grown and evolved substantially over the years, but it has never forgotten its roots as a neighborhood grocery. John and Karen Nappi, who purchased the store from founder Harold Poulin in 1974, were a young couple trying to succeed as small business owners. Their children, Adam and Amie, worked in the store part-time throughout elementary and high school. After college, Adam returned to Bow Street, adding a liquor distribution company and helping his parents expand retail sales. On October 1, 2002, Adam and his wife Sheila purchased the store from his parents and built on an adjacent lot, tripling the Adam and Sheila Nappi size of the market. The family’s strong, roll-up-your-sleeves work ethic drives its success. Adam and Sheila’s children, Gianna, Maria and John, return during college breaks and holidays to work in the market wherever needed—whether that means cleaning bathrooms, filing or dressing up as the Easter Bunny. John and Karen, now retired, still consult as needed and serve as ambassadors for Bow Street Market. The Nappis say their employees are like family, noting that many have worked there 10 years or more, including one butcher who has been at the market 35 years. Today, the market employs nearly 100 staff, including veterans, senior citizens and people with special needs. A strong training and mentoring program supports employees’ professional development. Bow Street Market is committed to the community, selling a wide array of local products and encourage employees to get involved with non-profit organizations and events each year. In 2014, the market stopped selling tobacco products and on Earth Day 2015, they discontinued the use of plastic bags.
Bowman Constructors, Newport
owman Constructors is built on a foundation of family. Incorporated in 1987, father Phil Bowman and sons Kevin and Brian started the commercial building company with three employees, grossing $250,000 in sales that year. Mother Etheylyn tracked their achievements in scrapbooks. Brother David joined the crew 14 years later, becoming a supervisor. Under the leadership of Kevin as President and Brian as Vice President, Bowman Constructors now averages 30 employees and is consistently grossing $10M a year in sales - building in ALL regions of Maine. The brothers are involved in every project, and their hard-work, hands on ethics are the backbone of Bowman Constructors. Their strong family values also play a large part in making Bowman a great workplace, creating a team atmosphere where their employees know that their own families matter too. Bowman Constructors offers opportunities and encourages advancement; many current employees have worked their way up from the field to supervisory positions. Their commitment to people makes the company one of the region’s most desired employers, and inspires employees to work toward the common goal of growth. The Bowmans are active in their community, serving in leadership positions with industry organizations and chambers of commerce at all levels, as well as sports teams, local schools and civic groups. The brothers all have children they hope will take the reins one day. Bowman Constructors is looking forward to serving Maine businesses and communities as commercial builders for many years to come.
The Institute for Family-Owned Business Congratulations to this year’s award recipients Maine | Massachusetts | New Hampshire For more information contact: Melinda Irish
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Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
Coutts Brothers Incorporated, Randolph
or more than half a century, Coutts Brothers, Inc. has provided electrical construction and maintenance services to utilities, municipalities, cooperatives and the private sector throughout the Northeast. The company, headquartered in Randolph, has a reputation for completing projects safely, on budget, on time and with quality at every turn. Coutts has Receiving a national award been quick to adapt new technology that can improve the safety and efficiency of their operation. For example, they are leading the charge in high voltage asset inspection with Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). They offer an array of services that capture high-resolution aerial photos, thermal readings and video. Three generations of the Coutts family are actively involved in the business. Denis Coutts owns the company but relies on several family members to run important aspects of the operation. Nephew Scott Coutts serves as line superintendent, overseeing more than 25 employees and $8 million in annual revenue. Denis’s son, Dylan, is the earth superintendent, responsible for equipment purchasing and maintenance. Cousin Amanda Wacome, office manager, oversees all bookkeeping, administrative work and nearly $3 million in payroll. The company has a strong commitment to safety, which it demonstrates through weekly safety meetings, regular training sessions and field performance reviews. Coutts’ apprenticeship program is approved by the Department of Veterans Affairs, which allows military veterans to receive GI Bill benefits while working as apprentices at Coutts. The company is proud to note that a dozen of its 40 employees are veterans. The company, which started with two brothers and a tractor, now owns millions of dollars worth of equipment and has increased average employees wages by more than 30 percent over the past eight years while doubling its revenues over the same period.
Eastern Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, Scarborough
hen George Gadbois, owner of Eastern Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning of Scarborough, says he wants to exceed each customer’s expectations on every job, he means it. If a customer is unhappy with any aspect of a job, George is often the one to go back and personally re-do it to their satisfaction. It’s no wonder so many customers have been using the company’s services ever since they opened more than 40 years ago, and referring their friends! George and his wife, Diane, started Eastern Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning in 1971, working out of their home with limited equipment. Today, the company operates out of a four-bay facility that includes a well-equipped in-house cleaning room for area rugs and offices with customer drop-off and pick-up, and they keep six to eight fully equipped cleaning vans on the road five or more days a week. George’s son, Tim, has been in the business with him for more than 16 years. George’s hands-on approach means he meets with employees at the start of each day to review scheduled jobs and attend to any emergencies that might arise. Because he knows his employees well, he recognizes each person’s unique strengths and values what each member of the team brings to the company. Over the years, the company has expanded its expertise to include not just carpets, but also all fabric upholstery, all styles of area rugs and water damage emergency clean up.
Congratulations to all 2016 Finalists!
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Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
F.M. Abbott Power Equipment, Inc., Waterboro
M. Abbott Power Equipment started out as a part-time chainsaw repair business in founder Forrest Abbott’s garage in 1970. Forrest began growing the business by selling chainsaws and, later, lawn and garden sales. In the decades that followed his son, David, and daughter-in-law, Judy, expanded the business further, adding large diesel tractors, commercial mowers and recreational vehicles to the company’s offerings. Today, David and Judy’s youngest daughter, Melissa Cochran, represents the third generation involved in the business, growing her knowledge and contributions to the company every day. The company’s commitment to customers means servicing what they sell, being actively involved in the community, including the local ATV and snowmobile clubs, and making it easy to do business with them by never promising more than they can deliver, and always giving the customer more than they expect. Based in Waterboro, F.M. Abbott employs 11 full- and part-time workers, to whom they provide excellent benefits, training and little perks like free snacks and coffee that make the working environment enjoyable.
Fish Bones American Grill, Lewiston
aul and Kate Landry believe in the renaissance taking place in Lewiston, and have worked hard to be part of it. Their restaurant, Fish Bones American Grill, was the first business to occupy space in Bates Mill No. 6 when they opened it in 2005. Both Paul and Kate are immersed in the community through Chef Paul Landry numerous civic and charitable organizations, including the Lewiston/Auburn Metropolitan board, AVCOG, Lewiston Education Fund, Special Olympics, YMCA and Androscoggin Bank’s Main Street Foundation. The Landrys are also working to prepare the next generation of hospitality professionals, recognizing the growing need of industry professionals both locally, statewide and on the national level. Along with working closely with our local technical schools “Green Ladle” high school culinary program, they also introduced a hospitality scholarship program to assist both high school and career changing adults to pursue hospitality-oriented professions. The couple, who started Mac’s Grill in Auburn in 1994 with a brother and sister-in-law, have worked together throughout their 26 year marriage, and are both heavily involved in the day to day operation of Fish Bones. Kate manages front of house responsibilities while Paul serves as general manager. Employees often call them Mom and Dad because of their nurturing approach to helping employees realize their dreams. Their efforts continue to pay off; since opening Fish Bones, they have doubled the size of their staff and have seen steady sales growth of 5 – 8 percent annually in a challenging economy.
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Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
King Eider’s Pub, Damariscotta
rising tide lifts all boats” is the philosophy that guides community involvement at King Eider’s Pub, a midcoast eatery and catering business owned and managed by sisters Sarah Maurer and Cynthia Weiss and their husbands, Todd Maurer and Jed Weiss since 2003. Melissa Organ, a third sister, also helps manage the business. The company invests deeply in the community it calls home through extensive donations of time, talent, energy, money and in-kind gifts. The family’s community involvement has included dozens of organizations, events and causes throughout Lincoln County, including: Lincoln Theater, Lincoln Academy, Damariscotta Region Chamber of Commerce, Twin Villages Alliance, Pumpkinfest, Lincoln County Animal Shelter, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, March of Dies, Coastal Kids Preschool, Damariscotta River Association, Waldoboro Public Library, YMCA Camp Fund, and many others. Ten years ago, Todd Maurer partnered with two other local businessmen to start the Community Energy Fund of Lincoln County to provide fuel assistance to neighbors in need. All funds raised by the organization go directly to the local community. Since its inception, the Fund has provided more than $1 million in assistance to over 3,000 local families. Local businesses cover all administrative expenses associated with the effort. For its part in the fund, King Eider’s Pub was recognized with the 2012 Restaurant Neighbor Award by the National Restaurant Association and American Express. Three generations, and operated with the help of three generations of family members. The company employs 35 full-time and 20 part-time staff.
Maine Beer Company, Freeport
rothers David and Daniel Kleban started Maine Beer Company in 2009, brewing beer in their garage. As the business has grown from a home-brewing operation to a full-scale brewery in Freeport that will produce 12,000 barrels of craft beer this year, what hasn’t changed is their mission: to “Do what’s right.” For David and Dan, doing what’s right means making a product they enjoy drinking, giving back to the earth and its inhabitants. The company is part of Brewers for Clean Water, and has signed the Clean Water Pledge. They have made a concerted effort to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels through radiant flooring, LED light bulbs, the purchase of certified e-wind credits, and the installation of solar panels on the brewery in 2015, a move that has reduced energy costs by 50%. The company ships its spent grain and organic liquid waste to local farms, where it is used for feed, compost and fuel. Maine Beer Company donates 1% of total profits each year to environmental non-profits, such as The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, Maine Rivers, The Maine Bicycle Coalition, the Center for Wildlife, Allied Whale Foundation, Rails to Trails, Portland Trails, and more. The company also does the right thing for its 25 employees, offering competitive wages with generous benefits, including full health benefits, an employer paid pension, and annual bonuses. Employees can also access cross training and opportunities for advancement within the company. As a family-owned business, Maine Beer Company recognizes the importance of employees’ families, often hosting company events where families are welcome.
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Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
Monhegan Brewing Company, Monhegan Island
onhegan Brewing Company is a family owned and operated small brewery on Monhegan Island, located 10 miles off the Maine coast. Owners Matt and Mary Weber, a lobsterman and a former school teacher, are residents of the island, and Mary’s father, Danny McGovern, is co-owner and professional brewer with over two decades of experience. Danny oversees brewing while passing on his craft to the Matt, Mary and Danny next generation. Every major step in the brewing process is a family reunion, as Danny travels to the island to supervise the production of big-flavored India Pale Ales and malt-forward stouts. Islands are characteristically family-oriented, and this is felt whether conversing in the taproom where laughter echoes out into the road, or relaxing in the “lobster room,” where Matt’s iconic blue lobster traps create a perimeter around picnic tables outside. The brewery’s location encourages island visitors to travel by foot in a nontraditional direction, allowing them to experience many of the island’s shops, artists’ studios and eateries along the way. The Weber’s work with the Island Farm Project to grow their hops and to take their spent mash right on the island. In 2015 the Company brewed a summer blonde named 15, after Maine’s fifteen year-round island communities. A portion of proceeds from beer sales benefited the Island Institute’s work on Monhegan and other island and remote coastal communities. Monhegan Brewing Company is exemplary of the Island and Coastal Innovation Fund, which supports community-focused entrepreneurs, invests in transformative business models, and purchases and reallocates assets to ensure a diversified economy for the future of Maine’s island and remote coastal communities.
Mosquito Squad of Southern Maine, Scarborough
hen most people think of mosquitoes, all they see are the buzzing pests that spread a variety of diseases—some deadly. Erik Hanson saw opportunity. As a college student in California, Erik was doing a little too Erik Hanson and Tin Hanson much surfing and not enough schoolwork. In the summer of 2012, he returned home and started working for a pest control company as an applicator in New Hampshire Erik, who is currently pursuing a degree in business entrepreneurship, began the company with his dad and every year takes on more responsibility. This year he has responsibility for sales and operations; eventually he will manage all aspects of the business, which offers residential and commercial pest management throughout Maine, focusing on mosquitoes and ticks. The Mosquito Squad, based in Scarborough, employs 15 full- and part-time staff and is adding four to five new part-time staff each summer as the company grows. Sales have steadily increased growing on average 70 to 80% per year. In addition to reducing mosquitoes and ticks by as much as 90% through its all natural treatments and proprietary, safe barrier spray, the company works to educate its customers on how to avoid the disease and sickness spread by these insects.
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Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
Oak Hill and Dunstan Ace Hardware, Scarborough
hile Dan and Anne Johnson have only owned Oak Hill and Dunstan Ace Hardware since 2014, the stores have been part of their family story much longer. Dan worked at the stores starting as a teenager, learning every aspect of the business over the years as he worked his way up to general manager. Anne worked there, too, and the couple’s children, Rebecca and Nate, considered the hardware stores their second home when they were growing up. Both children have worked in the business in various capacities since high school. Rebecca Dan and Anne Johnson now serves as marketing manager and Nate is operations manager. As the business continues to grow, Rebecca and her husband, Tyler, who manages the Oak Hill store, hope to get even more involved behind the scenes and take on a bigger role. The Johnsons credit Pat and Harry Hughes, the original owners, for setting a positive tone for what it means to be a family business. These stores have been serving Scarborough residents since the 1970s and ‘80s, respectively—the only family-owned, independent local stores have withstood the arrival of big box retailers and become an integral part of the communities they serve. The Johnson family’s commitment to its customers is something they take very seriously, from selling products at a fair price to providing the personal service that keeps them coming back for all their hardware and home improvement needs. They value the time they spend as a family outside work, and recognize the importance of getting the job done right the first time so their customers can get home to their families, too. The Johnsons note that many of the stores’ employees are hired based on customers’ recommendations, including high school students for whom this is their first job. They even employ several long-time customers.
OceanView at Falmouth
stablished in 1982 by John Wasileski, OceanView at Falmouth is an awardwinning retirement living community that puts a focus on sustainable living. In fact, residents choose OceanView in large part because of a shared commitment John Wasileski to sustainable living, making it an amenity as important as any other consideration. By prioritizing sustainable living, the community has become a large consumer of Maine’s clean tech economy and local resources. The results are remarkable and include the realization of a net zero school; dozens of kW of grid tied solar electric; a 360-tube solar hot water collector; 18,000 gallons of displaced propane; elimination of more than 223,000 lbs. of CO2 emissions; and over $1 million invested in renewable energy. These efforts continue with rooftop solar arrays being installed on new residences, each saving 4,000 to 5,000 lbs of CO2 per year. OceanView also has a robust food waste and recycling program to further reduce its environmental impact. Recycled fryer oil is collected by Maine Standard for use in biodiesel and soaps. Produce and seafood are locally sourced, and all disposable products purchased are made from recycled or compostable material. Food waste is composted—in 2015, the Legacy Memory Care facility alone composted more than seven tons of organic material. Recent construction projects at OceanView recycled 95% of all waste and surplus materials, and the company has pledged to contribute 95% of future hardwood harvests to the Cumberland Wood Bank for home heating assistance. John and son, Chris, are both involved in the day-to-day operations of OceanView. They are justifiably proud of the ways in which their commitment to sustainability is improving the quality of life and economic development of the region while setting a positive example for younger generations.
Congratulations to the 2016 Maine Family Business Awards Finalists, big and small. Thinking globally. Acting locally. Since 1997.
Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
On Target Utility Services, Gardiner
efore any construction or excavation project can begin, location of underground utilities, including gas, water and power lines, is essential to protecting people and property. Accuracy and attention to detail are crucial to everyone’s safety. On Target Utility Services, a family business started in Gardiner in 1994, has established its place as the provider of choice and the largest private locating company in New England, thanks to its commitment to accuracy, safety and responsive customer service. John Fallona is president and co-owner, having bought into the business in 2004 after serving as president under the previous ownership. His son, Michael, is vice president and came to the business with the transition of the ownership in 2004. In 2011, Michael and his sisters, Catherine Fallona and Karen Barry joined the ownership group. The company handles more than 1.8 million requests across the region each year. To handle this volume requires industry-best training in service, technology, and risk management, which the company provides to all employees. On Target also requires that all locations be video recorded; the videos are subsequently used for employee training and to provide quality assurance to clients in the event of a damage incident. On several occasions, On Target’s use of video technology has benefited clients in damage disputes, saving tens of thousands of dollars. In addition to its utility location service, On Target also has a construction business that deals with transmission and distribution work, storm restoration, telecommunications, pole setting and other utility construction needs. The Fallonas note that being a family business means they value customer relationships for the long-term, unlike other providers who move in and out of New England. They are delivering on their promise to provide accurate, safe, responsive service; the data speaks for itself. In 2015, On Target achieved a remarkable 99.7% accuracy rate and a microscopic .0004% incident rate—NASA-like standards of precision. Line workers in buckets
Planet Dog, Portland
ounder Alex Fisher and his four-legged best friend, Seeger, found inspiration in values-based, socially responsible companies like Ben & Jerry’s, Patagonia and Tom’s of Maine but noticed there was no such company in the pet industry. In 1997 that all changed when Planet Dog was founded. Today, this family business is an industry leader that is changing the way dogs and their people have fun and support each other. The company’s mission is “to amuse, explore, support, innovate, create, educate, Colleen McCracken and Alex Fisher celebrate and philanthropate…all the name of the dog.” They “romp the romp” by providing financial resources to those in need, educating consumers about canine-related issues, and creating safe, sustainable products. At the heart of their work is the Planet Dog Foundation, which has contributed more than $1.2 million in cash and products over the last decade to nonprofit organizations that train, place and support working dogs who enhance and save human lives. Several family members are actively engaged in Planet Dog’s operations. Stephie Volo, who is not related by blood but is considered part of the Fisher family, worked with Alex to found Planet Dog back in 1997; she currently serves as Chief Retail Officer as well as vice president of the Planet Dog Foundation. Alex is lead designer and president of the Planet Dog Foundation and works hand-in-hand with Colleen McCracken CEO. His wife, Brianne, is the Foundation’s Ambassador and is involved in strategy for both Planet Dog and the Foundation. Emily, his mother, is a board member and is integral to the company’s strategy and mission. Alex’s 9 year-old daughter, Emily ‘Hudson’ Fisher— attends company events and collaborates with her dad on design projects. Alex is confident that Hudson will be ready to lead the second generation of Planet Dog.
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From our family to yours, thanks for the nomination, and congrats to all the other finalists!
Three cheers for three awesome clients! Congratulations Cardente Real Estate, Maine Beer Company, and OceanView at Falmouth, along with all the Maine Family Business Award finalists!
Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
Pratt Abbott, Westbrook
aundry isn’t something most people spend a lot of time thinking about. Fortunately, the family behind Pratt Abbott Cleaners does—and since taking ownership of the company in 1991, the Machesneys have added a number of convenient, innovative services that have benefitted thousands of customers and community organizations throughout southern Maine. Jim Machesney and his son, David, have grown the business from six to fourteen stores and added two divisions—uniform and linen rentals and weddings—that serve customers across New David Machesney England. The family has also added convenient home delivery option that currently serves 3,000 customers in 15 communities and is growing every day. In 2015, Pratt Abbott converted its operations to the GreenEarth Cleaning process, making substantial investments in technology that have helped the VOC-free company become the greenest dry cleaning company in Maine. The company also sustains its communities through significant charitable and civic partnerships, including support of Camp Susan Curtis, the Coats for Kids program in partnership with WCSH-6, and Junior Achievement. They are also the cleaner of choice for the area’s three premier theater companies—Portland Stage, Lyric Theater, and Portland Players—who entrust their elaborate and often expensive costumes to Pratt Abbott all season long. The company currently employs 150 people, including many top managers who got their start in entry-level positions at Pratt Abbott. Employees are supported through continuous training, benefits including a 401(k), and company events throughout the year. David’s children have been involved in the company in various capacities as well. The surest proof that they’re doing things the right way? The Abbott family, founding owners of the company, still use Pratt Abbott for their garment care needs.
Rising Tide Brewing Company, Portland
hile it would be easy to rest their laurels on the tasty array of craft beers Rising Tide Brewery produces each year, the husband and wife team behind the company says their proudest achievement is the role they played in reviving one of Portland’s least desirable neighborhoods into a tourist destination. Nathan and Heather Sanborn started Rising Tide in 2010 as a tiny-scale operation with a single, crudely constructed 50-gallon brewing system. As their beer gained a following, Rising Tide moved to Portland’s East Bayside neighborhood in 2012. When Rising Tide signed its lease in January 2012, there was virtually no reason for tourists or locals to ever venture into the warren of low slung, largely Nathan and Heather Sanborn vacant old warehouses. Four years later, the area is one of the most desirable commercial neighborhoods in Portland and the sidewalks are teeming with visitors every weekend. In late 2015, Rising Tide completed an expansion of its tasting room that will help accommodate even more guests as beer tourism continues to grow. As the neighborhood has grown, so has the brewery, producing more than 3500 barrels in 2015 and increasing its workforce from one person in 2010 to more than 15 in 2015, with plans to grow to 20 in 2016. Rising Tide has also been very involved in advocating for the success of Maine’s craft beer industry as a whole. Heather serves as president of the Maine Brewers’ Guild, and Nathan serves on the Advisory Board of the new public-private partnership at the Beer Quality Assurance Laboratory at the University of Southern Maine. Nathan has also given presentations on beer quality assurance techniques at both local and national conferences.
Thank You
I extend to All of the Family Business Owners present, a hearty THANK YOU for your great efforts In persevering and in creating so many thousands of jobs. The Family Business Owner is a major part of the engine that drives America. Your perseverance, tenacity, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit are essential to economic stability for this Nation, and for the hard working families employed. Your hard work, mental toughness, long work weeks, and ability to meet the many pressures of ownership and leadership doesn’t go unnoticed, as we are all familiar with the family ownership role, and applaud your efforts. I extend to you my best wishes for continued success. Eddie Woodin, President/Owner
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Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
The Bankery, LLC Custom Cakes and Pastries, Skowhegan
ocated in a converted 1864 bank building in downtown Skowhegan, The Bankery is a village bakery that has been creating breads, cakes, pastries and savory dinner Matthew DuBois, Michael Hunt and Michael DuBois items from scratch. In the time since the business opened in 2008, it has grown in every dimension. An adjacent florist and formalwear business was purchased, providing additional space and services to complement the bakery’s wedding cake business. Staffing has increased from one employee to 18. Sales have grown from $70,000 to over $800,000, and the Bankery has incorporated many Maine-made products into its baked goods and retail sales. The family element is a crucial ingredient in The Bankery’s success. Matt DuBois, who was interning at a bakery in Bangor, met and worked under cake artist, Michael Hunt. Eventually the two decided to open a bakery in their hometown of Skowhegan. Matt’s brother, Mike, joined the ownership team. Matt and Mike’s mother, Theresa, and Mike’s wife, Desiree, are also actively involved in the business, with (mother) serving as retail customer service and inventory manager and (wife) serving as cake design artist and cake department manager. Customers love The Bankery not only for their tempting baked goods but for the exceptional service they provide that goes above and beyond expectations—such as delivering a wedding cake from Skowhegan to Sunday River for a nervous bride or opening on their day off because a customer forgot to pick up an order before closing time. The family recognizes the community’s vital role in their success, and they strive to give back by serving on the Maine Grain Alliance and Main Street Skowhegan boards; as corporators of Franklin Savings Bank and Maine Community Foundation; and as founders of the Skills USA Maine State Wedding Cake Challenge for high school culinary students.
Woodin & Company Store Fixtures, Inc., South Portland
n the fall of 1992, Eddie Woodin took a chance and started his company with a little cash and a handful of credit cards. “I’m a spiritual man—I was called by God to do this,” says Eddie. Six months later, his son, Andrew, joined the company initially on a part-time basis but was soon involved full-time alongside his father. The company, located in South Portland, designs steel, millwork and accessory displays and fixtures for companies across the US and around the world. Initially focused on supermarkets and hardware/home centers, the company has expanded into other retail, partnering with such noted brands as Barnes and Eddie Woodin Noble and POLO Ralph Lauren. The company is a “virtual manufacturer,” meaning it commissions the production of the displays to its exacting specifications. Woodin & Company also operates with a flat, linear structure in which every employee is empowered to quote, sell, buy and invoice for their own projects. This approach enables Woodin & Company to be responsive and nimble, which allows them to compete successfully with larger national companies for major accounts. Over the years, sales have increased from $1 million to an average of $4 - $5 million annually. Andrew still works alongside Eddie, serving as CFO of the company. Eddie’s son, Nate, serves on the company’s board of directors. The company currently employs 8 people and supports over 200 additional jobs through its manufacturing partners.
Kingsley Pines Camp is proud to be the Winner of the
Institute for Family-Owned Business presents 2016 MAINE FAMILY BUSINESS AWARDS
A glimpse back: the Awards and Institute programs
Family Business Spotlight with Capozza Tile & Floor Covering Center
Women in Family Business with Visibility Next Gen Mentors & Protégés Dean Bingham and Janet Cole Cross
Family Business Spotlight with Gifford’s Ice Cream
Women in Family Business Golf Clinic
Maine Family Business Awards 2015 with Brooke Libby and Frank O’Shea
Family Business Spotlight with Opus Consulting Group
39 39
Together, we’re making Maine a better place to live and work.
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Strengthening our Communities. One hundred and six years ago, Dead River Company established its roots in Maine, and today continues to be guided by our familyowned principles of caring for the community. We believe that giving back means taking an active role in helping to enhance the quality of life in the places we serve. Dead River Company congratulates all of the semi-finalists for the Maine Family Business Awards and recognizes that through your leadership communities are being strengthened.
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Congratulations to all of the 2016 Maine Family Business Award honorees and recipients!
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At Bangor Savings Bank, we know what hard work and dedication looks like. We would like to congratulate the Maine Family Business Award winners and all of the other 2016 nominees. Bangor Savings Bank is proud to share in your commitment to helping make all of our communities so strong.
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At Bath Savings we invest in what matters most — the people, places and businesses that make Maine the place we’re proud to call home. Congratulations to John Wasileski and OceanView at Falmouth for being a 2016 Maine Family Business Awards finalist. We are proud to support your vision of vibrant communities that help Maine families enjoy retirement to the fullest.
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Members of IFOB & Chambers: Complimentary Future Members: $10 Catherine Wygant Fossett 798-2667
Congratulations to all semi-finalists and award winners. Bar Harbor Bank & Trust supports family-owned, Maine based businesses of all sizes. Recognizing the special challenges family business owners face, we offer our expertise to help with your growth strategies. Thank you for keeping our local communities strong through innovation, employment, service and leadership. • 888-853-7100
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Congratulations to all the finalists from Maine’s business news source. Inform. Engage. Connect.
Succession planning in the 21st Century: A bridge to Successful Transitions Join the IFOB for our 3-part series on succession planning!
Success and succession are from the same word.
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Succession of your business, whether it stays in the family, is put up for sale, transitions to an ESOP or Coop, depends on what you’ve done to plan for success as well as succession. It depends not only on professionalizing the business but must include professionalizing the family. The series consists of three workshops all at Husson University, Southern Campus in Westbrook.
2. Family Wealth Management Partners
Succession Planning 101: An Integrated Planning Model for the Family Business presented by Jane Hilburt-Davis, president of Key Resources, LLC Wednesday, July 20; 8-10:30 a.m. Awareness, Communication & Conflict Resolution in Succession Planning: The Game of Ten Played presented by Steve Barton, president of Barton Associates and Elizabeth Reuthe, president of Elizabeth Reuthe Associates both graduates of Gestalt International Study Center Wednesday, August 24; 8-10:30 a.m. Succession Strategies Panel Discussion: Estate Plans including Family Transition / Coop / ESOP Ownership with panelists: Steve Tenney, Senior Vice President, Family Wealth Management Partners, UBS with a representative from Sun Media Group in Lewiston; Rob Brown, Director, Business Ownership Solutions from the Cooperative Development Institute with Susanne Ward, founder and owner of Rock City Roasters and Rock City Café in Rockland and Jeannine Pendergast, Vice President, Senior ESOP Client Advisor, Spinnaker Trust with Moody’s Collision Centers in Portland. Seth Webber, Principal Valuation & Forensic Services Group, BerryDunn will facilitate this discussion on how to successfully transition a family business within your family, to a Coop or to an ESOP versus an outside sale. Thursday, September 29; 8-10:30 a.m. Bottom line: a company that’s not organized for success is also not ready for succession, so working on both together is critical.
Cost: Members - Complimentary Future Members - $25 in person Remotely - $15 (Continental breakfast included at Husson University location)
For more information contact:
Register & RSVP at:
P. O. Box 3364 Portland, Maine 04104 207-798-2667
The Maine Family Business Awards thanks these fine people and businesses who have contributed their time and energies, making tonight a success. Connectworking: Kim Kalicky, RM Davis; Catherine Wygant Fossett, IFOB; Susan Dench, Success & Co; Susan Morris, The NewHeight Group; Melinda Irish, Baker Newman Noyes
Catherine Duranceau Laura Foye Mike Davis Steve deCastro Frank O’Shea Dan Thornton Mary Kate Reny Drew Taylor Gregg Lagerquist PROGRAM
For news and events!
Editorial: Angie Helton and Catherine Wygant Fossett Design: Patty Johnson Printing: DMM, Inc. Coordinator: Keith L. Citrine
Complete our Awards Night Survey.
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