1 minute read

Perú por Luciana, Luisa y Claudio


Luisa Rangel • Luciana Benítez • Claudio González


Characteristic of The Culture


This is the food: Lomo saltado Ceviche Ají de gallina Causa limeña Pachamanca Arroz with chicken Tallarines a la huancanìa Aguadito


The language is Spanish.

Characteristic of The Culture


Woman: the woman’s use a skirt and one beautiful Tshirt it is really colourful and they use a hat in color red. Men: they use a long pants and a colourful shirt whit a winter hoot.


The party of San Juan they celebrate 24 of June. They also celebrate Corpus Christi and it is in all may.

Characteristic of The Culture


The arts are really beautiful they are so colourful and they are from traditional things. The craftsmanship is done in workshops all over the country.


Peru is located in South America.


People put flowers and candles in Christmas.

How Peru Culture Enriches Society

Our team thinks that Peru culture is important because it is beautiful. There is a mountain called 7 colores. There is another place named Machupichu. It is a temple. If we learn about this culture, we can understand and respect diversity.

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